资源发布:Unzip DLL(source)

CSDN 2000-07-29 12:04:00
Zip压缩C语言源代码(For VC 4.0)
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终于见到了oracle官方的托管驱动,发布只需一个6M多的dll,支持EF 支持分布式事务 附: Download ODP.NET, Managed Driver .zip file to a directory for staging the install. Unzip the download to expand its contents into the target directory. Run configure.bat to GAC and configure machine.config for ODP.NET, Managed Driver. Create a new Visual Studio 2010 console application project for C#. Add Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll as a reference to the project. Replace the contents of Program.cs with the following C# code. Notice that the namespace of ODP.NET, Managed Driver (Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.*) is different from the namespace of ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver (Oracle.DataAccess.*). “ODP.NET Managed”发布已经有一段时间了,近期正好有一个新项目,想尝试用一下,参考园子里的文章:《.NET Oracle Developer的福音——ODP.NET Managed正式推出》 到Oracle官网 下载 ODP.NET_Managed121010.zip 大约1.9M,解压后目录结构如下: 核心的dll,就是common目录下的Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll,不象ODP.NET以前的版本,这次终于不用区分x86/x64版本了,不管是32位还是64位,都是同一个dll。. 我测试发现:c、Easy Connect Naming Method:PROTOCOL等一些选项好像就没地方配置了 "user id=scott;password=tiger;data source=//sales-server:1521/sales.us.acme.com" 这种连接方式可用 不需要客户端了。和SQL Server一样,直接一套dll访问
Program: DelforExp, Delphi Formatter Version: 2.4.1 for Delphi 2-7 Note DelForEx7.dll might not work, please notify me if you have problems Category: Programmers tool Description: DelforExp is a customizable source code formatter. It can improve the indentation, spacing, capitalization and the use of blank lines of Delphi 5.0 source code. In the default settings, the style of the Borland source code is followed closely. It is an expert that is integrated in the Delphi IDE. Status: The program is released as FREEWARE to improve the productivity of Delphi. You may distribute the files freely as long as you don't make money by it. The use of the program is at own risk. (see also license.txt) The source code is partly included, to make it possible to customize the user interface and upgrade to future Delphi versions. Only the engine of the formatter is included as compiled dll file. Files: DelForEx5.dll Delphi 5 version DelForDll.dll The engine of the parser/formatter DelFor.hlp On-line help SetupEx.dpr Install/deinstall Readme.txt this file License.txt license notes Preview.pas Example pascal file for preview window Problems.pas Nonsense Pascal with solved (and some known) problems in DelFor Source.zip Zipped file with source of the interface parts of DelForEx2.dpr (Delphi 2 version) DelForEx3.dpr (Delphi 3 version) DelForEx4.dpr (Delphi 4 version) DelForEx5.dpr (Delphi 5 version) DelForEx6.dpr (Delphi 6 version) DelForEx7.dpr (Delphi 7 version) DelFor.dpr (Stand-alone version (needs the freeware opensource component mwEdit) SetupEx.dpr (the setup utility) Install: Copy all files to any directory. [If necessary unzip source.zip and build the required version in Delphi.] Close Delphi Run the program SetupEx. Restart Delphi. The second item of the "Tools" menu should be "Source Formatter..." To install/remove manually: set or delete the following registry keys D7: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\7.0\Experts\DelForEx6=[Path]\DelForEx7.dll D6: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\6.0\Experts\DelForEx6=[Path]\DelForEx6.dll D5: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\5.0\Experts\DelForEx5=[Path]\DelForEx5.dll D4: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\4.0\Experts\DelForEx4=[Path]\DelForEx4.dll D3: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\3.0\Experts\DelForExp=[Path]\DelForEx3.dll D2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Borland\Delphi\2.0\Experts\DelForEx=[Path]\DelForEx2.dll Compile instructions The version of the DFM files is Delphi 5. Therefore you will get errormessages in earlier versions. Please open all dialog boxes and ignore all errors before compiling DelForEx2.dpr and DelForEx3.dpr. DeInstall: Rerun the program SetupEx. Delete all files.
Re: 《文件备份与压缩命令》 ---------------------------------------内容提要: 1/6)tar   命令:打包备份/解压打包(将文件或目录的压缩或不解压查看查看)2/6)gzip  命令:压缩或解压文件3/6)zip   命令:打包和压缩文件4/6)unzip 命令:解压zip文件5/6)scp   命令:远程文件复制(全量备份)6/6)rsync 命令:文件同步工具(增量备份)  本人在教学和实战过程中发现,即便是有一定运维经验的人,可能已经能够搭建一定复杂度的Linux架构,但是在来来回回的具体操作中,还是体现出CLI(命令界面)功底不够扎实,甚至操作的非常‘拙’、处处露‘怯’。 对一个士兵来说,枪就是他的武器,对于一个程序员来说,各种library(工具库)就是他的武器;而对于Linux运维人员来说,无疑命令行工具CLI(命令界面)就是他们的武器;高手和小白之间的差距往往就体现在对于这些“武器”的掌握和熟练程度上。有时候一个参数就能够解决的事情,小白们可能要写一个复杂的Shell脚本才能搞定,这就是对CLI(命令界面)没有理解参悟透彻导致。 研磨每一个命令就是擦拭手中的作战武器,平时不保养不理解,等到作战的时候,一定不能够将手中的武器发挥到最好,所以我们要平心、静气和专注,甘坐冷板凳一段时间,才能练就一身非凡的内功! 本教程从实战出发,结合当下流行或最新的Linux(v6/7/8 版本)同时演示,将命令行结合到解决企业实战问题中来,体现出教学注重实战的务实精神,希望从事或未来从事运维的同学,能够认真仔细的学完Linux核心命令的整套课程。 本课程系列将逐步推出,看看我教学的进度和您学习的步伐,孰占鳌头! 注:关于教学环境搭建,可以参考本人其它课程系列,本教学中就不再赘述! 《参透 VMware 桌面级虚拟化》 《在虚拟机中安装模版机(包括应用软件等)》 《SecureCRT 连接 GNS3/Linux 的安全精密工具》
由于文件大小超过csdn限制的70M. Delphi-OpenCV OpenCV version - 2.4.13 Development environment - Delphi 2010-10.1 Contributors: Laentir Valetov (email: laex@bk.ru) Mikhail Grigorev (email: sleuthhound@gmail.com) Requirements: Visual C++ redistributable for Visual Studio 2013 Files: msvcp120.dll, msvcr120.dll, msvcp120d.dll, msvcr120d.dll (1) 32-bit in the "Delphi-OpenCV\redist\VC2013x86\" (2) 64-bit in the "Delphi-OpenCV\redist\VC2013x64\" Shared library FFMPEG 3.2 for Windows can be downloaded from here (3) FFmpeg 32-bit Shared (4) FFmpeg 64-bit Shared Dynamic library OpenCV need to download here Files: _2413.dll and _2413d.dll After installing OpenCV: (5) 32-bit in the C:\OpenCV\build\x86\vc12\bin\ (6) 64-bit in the C:\OpenCV\build\x64\vc12\bin\ Some examples (FFMPEG) required SDL 2.0 and SDL 1.2 (7) SDL.dll and SDL2.dll Copy files OS Windows 64-bit Target platform 64-bit: (2),(4),(6) -> "C:\Windows\System32\" Target platform 32-bit: (1),(3),(5),(7) -> "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\" OS Windows 32-bit Target platform 32-bit: (1),(3),(5),(7) -> "C:\Windows\System32\" How to install: Download the archive. Unzip it to a convenient directory, thus get the following directory structure - Directory, for example, "C:\Delphi\OpenCV\" source> <source> Add the search path for the modules of the project in Delphi IDE (Tools-Options-Delphi Options-Library-Library path) \source \source\utils \source\component \source\sdl \source\opengl \source\ffmpeg \resource\facedetectxml where directory, which was unzipped project. To install the components, open and install \source\component\DelphiXX\OpenCVXXX.dpk \source\component\DelphiXX\dclCommonOpenCVXXX.dpk \source\component\DelphiXX\dclVCLOpenCVXXX.dpk \source\component\DelphiXX\dclFMXOpenCVXXX.dpk Open in Delphi IDE and compile: Examples of the use of certain functions and procedures \samples\LibDemo\LibDemo.groupproj Examples of the use of video processing algorithms \samples\MultiDemo\MultiDemo.groupproj Examples of the use of video processing algorithms using VCL.Forms \samples\VCLDemo\VCLDemo.groupproj Examples of using FFMPEG library header files are in the \samples\FFMpeg\FFMPEG.groupproj Examples of use of components \samples\Components\ComponentsDemo.groupproj Donate (PayPal USD) Donate (PayPal EUR) Donate (PayPal RUB) Yandex Money: 410012802258318
100%原生的DELPHI编写的ZIP/UNZIP 全功能开发包,包含全部源代码. Delphi 4, 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009 compatible C++ Builder 4, 5 6, 2007, and 2009 compatible The VCLZip Delphi component allows you to add ZIP and UNZIP capabilites to your application. This component is different from most other "ZIP" development libraries in that it is written in 100% Delphi Object Pascal code and is full featured. There are no DLL's to tote around. This component links right into your application's executable. It is very easy to use. Just SOME of the features include: Create zip files fully compatable with PKZip Completely native Delphi VCL (NO DLLS) Create Disk Spanning and Blocked zip files Delphi 4, 5, 6, 7, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2009 compatible C++ Builder 4, 5 6, 2007, and 2009 compatible Zip directly from streams to zip files Unzip directly to streams from zip files Stream to Stream zipping and unzipping Unzip directly to memory buffers Zip directoy from memory buffers Create and read Zip and File Comments Create Self Extracting Zip Files (16 bit and 32 bit distributable Windows sfx stubs included (source included for these too) or use your own stubs) Complete support for encrypted files (encrypts as it zips) Save Relative Path information Unzip using Relative Paths (even if zip file wasn't created with relative path info) Use enhanced wildcards Exclude List (tell VCLZip which files not to include (use wildcards too)) NoCompress (STORE) List (tell VCLZip which files to just store (use wildcards too) Set your own temp directory Plenty of events Long filenames, even the 16 bit VCLZip/VCLUnZip Includes comprehensive Zip Utility with source as demo Includes a small stream zipping demo Includes a context sensitive help file Use Unicode filenames, archive names, and pathnames (except for Delphi/BCB 4 and5) . No Royalties! AES Strong Encryption Zip64 capabilities, properties, methods and events: Uncompressed, Compressed, and Archive file sizes can be up to 2^63-1 bytes in length. You can compress up to 2147483647 files into an archive. This is compatible with PKZip's Zip64 format. If a file does not extend beyond any of the original limitations (filesizes of 4 gig or 65535 files) then no Zip64 format information is included in the archive. property isZip64 - tells you when you are working with a zip file that is using Zip64 format. Faster processing due to linking to Zlib 1.2.3 object files for compression and decompression routines. Blocked Zip Files (spanned zip archives split onto hard drive) Compatible with PKZip and WinZip split archives file naming format. For backwards compatability you can tell VCLZip to use the old VCLZip filenaming format by using the BlockMode property



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