如何使右键弹出菜单项(PopUp Menu)某一项变灰。

zjjjjz 2000-03-06 04:44:00
在ListControl 中,
nRtn = pSubMenu->EnableMenuItem(IDM_COPY,MF_GRAYED and MF_BYCOMMAND);
void CDialogExplorer::OnUpdateCopy(CCmdUI* pCmdUI)
if (m_nSeletedCount == 0)
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Jackzhu 2000-03-06
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在IE5.5+中开始支持的Popup窗口有很多很特别的特性: Popup窗口可以超出浏览器窗口区域; 可以不用担心被下拉框、flash、Iframe等这些东西遮挡; 一个Popup窗口打开后,当在它的区域以外点击或者另一个Popup窗口被打开时都会自动关闭; Popup窗口是没有焦点的; 用户不能改变Popup窗口大小; Popup窗口中的内容是不能被选择的; ...... 因为这些特征,Popup窗口制作的菜单比起传统的div(层)实现的菜单有着得天独厚的优势,不仅效果会非常好,而且代码也会是非常少的,只是对于实现起来却有几个需要解决的棘手问题:多个Popup共存的问题、如何递归生成菜单、如何控制Popup的显示隐藏…… 要用Popup制作菜单一个最重要的问题就是要解决多个Popup共存的问题,Msdn上的描述是:“一个Popup窗口打开后,当另一个Popup窗口被打开时就会自动关闭”。我本来一直以为Popup窗口是不可以多个共存的,不过偶然从51js上知道:父Popup窗口可以创建子Popup窗口,子Popup窗口又可以创建子Popup窗口,这样就可以同时存在一个Popup窗口家族,当父Popup窗口关闭,所有的子孙窗口都会关闭。这点恰好可以运用在菜单中——父菜单关闭子菜单一起关闭,省去很多繁琐的判断。 最开始,我写了一个简单的两层的Popup右键菜单,为此专门写了一个根据级数生成Popup窗口家族的递归方法: var pops = new Array(); // 用来存储Popup窗口家族的数组 function CreatePopup(degree) { if (degree < 0) // 层数不能小于0 return null; if (pops[degree] != null) //如果已经存在则不需创建 return pops[degree]; if (degree == 0) pops[0] = window.createPopup(); //创建最顶层Popup窗口 else{ if (pops[degree - 1] == null) pops[degree - 1] = CreatePopup(degree - 1) //递归回溯一层一层开始创建 pops[degree] = pops[degree - 1].document.parentWindow.createPopup(); //从父Popup窗口创建子Popup窗口 } pops[degree].document.body.setAttribute("degree", degree); return pops[degree]; } CreatePopup(1); //创建一个2层的Popup家族 这个方法可以解决多个Popup共存的问题,只是如果要使用这个方法来实现无限级菜单代码恐怕就比较繁琐了。这个例子,只是为我验证了无限级Popup窗口共存的可能,并没有继续走下去,因为我有了更好的思路。 Xml真是好东西,在Web控件中,可以得到灵活的运用(在我的上篇随笔《xml+xsl+htc,web控件开发的理想组合》中,已经简单提到了xml+xsl+htc的理想组合),在这里也不例外,先用Xml来定义好菜单的数据menu.xml: <Menu> <MenuItem Text="菜单1"> <MenuItem Text="菜单1子菜单"/> MenuItem> <MenuItem Text="菜单2"/> Menu> 通过Xml,可以很方便直观的定义菜单数据。 菜单数据已经定义好了,现在问题就是如何来把这些xml数据变成Popup菜单?!在传统的用div(层)来实现的菜单,一般都是一次性将所有级菜单数据生成HTML,放在各个层中,然后动态在制定位置显示隐藏这些层来实现模拟菜单的效果,在这里当然也可以这么做。回想一下菜单的特征:每次显示一级菜单,如果该级菜单中某菜单项中有子菜单,当鼠标经过或者点击该菜单项弹出下级子菜单,这是一个递归的过程。如果我们可以:每次显示一级xml的内容,如果该级xml中某节点有子节点,当鼠标经过该节点时读取下级xml的内容,这也是一个递归的过程,而且恰好和菜单的显示过程是一一对应的。 既然大胆假设了一把,那么就来小心求证一下:首先,用xsl来实现解析一级xml很容易搞定,使用xsl:for-each遍历生成子菜单,并且,如果子菜单中还有子xml数据,将这些子xml数据存在子菜单对应的数据岛中,以备后面处理鼠标经过或点击菜单项时用到。下面是Menu.xsl用来生成子菜单的部分: 现在就是解决鼠标经过菜单项时,如果有子菜单则解析子菜单数据,并使用子Popup窗口显示子菜单数据,刚才我们存的数据岛这时候就可以派上用场了。在xsl中,需要用到一些客户端脚本来辅助完成了 // 创建当前窗体(可以是IE窗体也可以是Popup窗体)的Popup对象 // 这个Popup对象就是用来存储子菜单数据的 var oPopup = document.parentWindow.createPopup(); // 装载xsl var stylesheet = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); stylesheet.async = false; stylesheet.load( "menu.xsl" ); // 鼠标经过菜单项 function ItemOver(obj) { // 隐藏已经打开的菜单项 if (preObj != null) { if (preObj == obj) return; oPopup.hide(); // 要清空原Popup中的数据——document.write()方法是接着原来的内容往里面写,所以如果不清空会出现重复数据 oPopup = document.parentWindow.createPopup(); // 恢复前一个菜单项的状态 ItemNormal(preObj); preObj = null; } obj.className='PopMenuItemOver'; if (obj.cells(2).children.length > 0) //有子菜单 { obj.cells(2).children(0).src = "images/ArrowRHighlight.gif"; // 获取子菜单xml数据 var subMenuData = obj.all.tags("xml")(0).XMLDocument; // 根据子菜单xml数据和当前xsl文档生成HTML var sHtml = subMenuData.transformNode(stylesheet); // 将解析出来的HTML全部输出到Popup中,在Popup中,又可以利用这些脚本再Popup…… oPopup.document.write(sHtml); // 计算popup内容的实际宽度高度 oPopup.show(0, 0, 1, 1, obj); var width = oPopup.document.body.scrollWidth; var height = oPopup.document.body.scrollHeight; oPopup.hide(); // 显示菜单 oPopup.show(obj.offsetWidth, 0, width, height, obj); preObj = obj; } } // 鼠标移出菜单项 function ItemOut(obj) { if (oPopup.isOpen && preObj == obj) // 如果子菜单被打开则跳过 return; ItemNormal(obj); } // 恢复到菜单项的默认状态 function ItemNormal(obj) { obj.className='PopMenuItem'; if (obj.cells(2).children.length > 0) { obj.cells(2).children(0).src = "images/ArrowR.gif"; } } 这样:使用menu.xsl解析一级xml的内容生成一级菜单,如果该级xml中某节点有子节点,当鼠标经过该节点时,创建当前窗口/Popup窗口的子Popup窗口,使用menu.xsl解析子节点中xml的内容并输出显示到子Popup中,递归,即可通过Popup显示所有子菜单。 作为一个菜单来讲,这个例子还有很多要完善的地方(当我再结合htc时它绝对是一个非常棒的菜单控件),但是这个例子已经完整地实现了一个xml结合xsl递归生成无限Popup菜单的例子,这个简洁的代码再次印证了xml+xsl+htc的理想组合。
自动生成VBA窗体菜单 '*************************** '* 菜单类 * '*************************** Option Explicit Private WithEvents MenuBar_MenuItem As MSForms.Label '菜单项 Private WithEvents WorkForm As MSForms.UserForm '工作窗口 Private WithEvents MenuBar As MSForms.Image '菜单栏 Private BackMenu_BackGroud As MSForms.Image '菜单背景图片 Private BackMenu_Caption As MSForms.Label '菜单标题标签 Private Const DISTANCE As Integer = 5 '菜单与左边框距离 Private Const MENUTOP As Integer = 2 '菜单项顶点Y轴位置 Private Const MENUHEIGHT As Integer = 14 '菜单项高度 Private intIndex As Integer '索引变量 Private sAction As String '宏名称变量 Private Property Let Index(N As Byte) '指定索引属性 intIndex = N End Property Private Property Get Index() As Byte '获得陇望蜀索引属性 Index = intIndex End Property Private Property Let OnAction(sAct As String) '行为属性 sAction = sAct End Property Private Property Get OnAction() As String OnAction = sAction End Property Public Sub AddMenu(wform As MSForms.UserForm, sCaption As String, sAction As String, Optional Acc As String = vbNullString) Dim MenuLeft As Single, MenuWidth As Single '由两个标签和一个图形控件组成一个主菜单项 MenuCount = MenuCount + 1 '主菜单项总数加1 Index = MenuCount '设置索引 Set WorkForm = wform With WorkForm Set MenuBar = .FormMenuBar Set BackMenu_Caption = .Controls.Add("forms.label.1") '添加一个标签,显示菜单标题 With BackMenu_Caption .Accelerator = Acc .AutoSize = True .BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent .Caption = sCaption .Font = "宋体" .Font.Size = 9 .Name = "BackMenu_Caption" & MenuCount .TextAlign = fmTextAlignCenter .Top = MENUTOP + 3 .WordWrap = False .Visible = True End With If MenuCount = 1 Then MenuLeft = DISTANCE Else With .Controls("BackMenu_Caption" & MenuCount - 1) MenuLeft = .Left + .Width End With End If MenuWidth = BackMenu_Caption.Width + 10 Set BackMenu_BackGroud = .Controls.Add("forms.image.1") '添加一个image,作为背景图片 With BackMenu_BackGroud .Name = "BackMenu_BackGroud" & MenuCount .BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleNone .Move MenuLeft, MENUTOP, MenuWidth, MENUHEIGHT .BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent .PictureSizeMode = fmPictureSizeModeStretch BackMenu_Caption.AutoSize = False BackMenu_Caption.Left = .Left BackMenu_Caption.Width = .Width End With BackMenu_Caption.ZOrder '将标签置前 Set MenuBar_MenuItem = .Controls.Add("forms.label.1") '添加一个Label,用于触发事件 With MenuBar_MenuItem .Name = "MenuBar_MenuItem" & MenuCount .BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleNone .BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent With BackMenu_BackGroud MenuBar_MenuItem.Move .Left, .Top, .Width, .Height End With End With End With OnAction = sAction End Sub Private Sub MenuBar_MenuItem_MouseDown(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) If Button = 1 Then bMenuSelected = True: Menu_Select End Sub Private Sub MenuBar_Click() UnSelectLastMenu bMenuSelected = False End Sub Private Sub MenuBar_MenuItem_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) UnSelectLastMenu Call Menu_Select End Sub Private Sub MenuBar_MouseMove1(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) If Not bMenuSelected Then UnSelectLastMenu End Sub Private Sub WorkForm_Click() '窗体单击时 UnSelectLastMenu bMenuSelected = False End Sub Private Sub WorkForm_MouseMove(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) If Not bMenuSelected Then UnSelectLastMenu '窗体 End Sub Private Sub Menu_Select() '选择菜单 On Error Resume Next Dim Pt_Menu_RightBottom As POINTAPI, Pt_Menu_LeftTop As POINTAPI With WorkForm UnSelectLastMenu Set LastSelect_Menu = BackMenu_BackGroud With BackMenu_BackGroud .BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleSingle .BorderColor = RGB(0, 0, 128) .BackStyle = fmBackStyleOpaque If bMenuSelected = False Then WorkForm.Controls("BackMenu_BackGroud" & Index).BackColor = &HFFC0C0 Else WorkForm.Controls("BackMenu_BackGroud" & Index).BackColor = &HE0E0E0 pt.X = MenuBar_MenuItem.Left * 1.33 pt.Y = (MenuBar_MenuItem.Top + MenuBar_MenuItem.Height) * 1.33 + 3 ClientToScreen hForm, pt If OnAction "" Then Application.Run OnAction End If End If End With End With End Sub Private Sub UnSelectLastMenu() '取消上次选择 If Not LastSelect_Menu Is Nothing Then With LastSelect_Menu .Picture = LoadPicture() .BackStyle = fmBackStyleTransparent .BorderStyle = fmBorderStyleNone End With End If End Sub '********本模块结束********** '*************************** '* 菜单执行模块 * '*************************** Public Type POINTAPI X As Long Y As Long End Type Public Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32.dll" Alias"FindWindowA"(ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Public Declare Function ClientToScreen Lib"user32"(ByVal hwnd As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long Public Popup_Menu As CommandBar '指定弹出式菜单 Public LastSelect_Menu As MSForms.Image '最后选择的菜单 Public MenuCount As Integer '子菜单数量 Public hForm As Long '窗口句柄 Public intLevel As Integer '级别标识,用于设置Radio菜单(游戏菜单中:初级,中级,高级) Public bAbortEnabled As Boolean '标识放弃菜单项是否可用 Public bItemCheck As Boolean '标识音效菜单是否CheckOn Public bMenuSelected As Boolean '标识菜单是否点击 Public pt As POINTAPI '定义点 Public faceid As Integer '图标ID Public faceidselect As Integer '选择的图标 Public fistid As Integer '第一个图标号 Public lastid As Integer '最后一个图标号 Public selectrow,selectcol as integer Public Mcro(50) AS String SUB 文件() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "打开 ", "", False, True,33,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "新建 ", "BB", False, True,18,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("另存为 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("另存为 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "OFFICE 97-2003文件 ", "DD", False, True, 3, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("另存为 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup4 cmb, "OFFICE 2007工作表 " Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("另存为 ").Controls("OFFICE 2007工作表 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "office 2007启用宏的工作表 ", "FF", False, True, 0, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("另存为 ").Controls("OFFICE 2007工作表 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "OFFICE 2007工作表 ", "GG", False, True, 253, "" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB 公式() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "文本 ", "WB", False, True,7,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("名称 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("名称 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "定义 ", "DY", False, True, 0, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("名称 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup4 cmb, "单元格 " Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("名称 ").Controls("单元格 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "合并 ", "HB", False, True, 592, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("名称 ").Controls("单元格 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "从属 ", "CS", False, True, 564, "" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB 开发工具() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "插入 ", "CR", False, True,548,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "模式 ", "MS", False, True,590,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("宏 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("宏 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "录制宏 ", "LZH", False, True, 205, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("宏 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "安全性 ", "AQX", False, True, 279, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("宏 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "查看代码 ", "CKDM", False, True, 289, "" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB 窗口() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "并列比较 ", "BLBJ", False, True,250,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "冻结 ", "DJ", False, True,288,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "隐藏 ", "YC", False, True,237,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "拆分 ", "CF", False, True,292,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "取消冻结 ", "QXDJ", False, True,232,"" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB 工具() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "拼写检查 ", "PXJC", False, True,246,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("保护 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("保护 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "保护工作表 ", "BHGZB", False, True, 277, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("保护 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "保护工作薄 ", "BHGZBB", False, True, 312, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("保护 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "工作表菜单栏 ", "gzbcdl", False, True, 142, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("保护 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "图表菜单栏 ", "tbgjl", False, True, 164, "" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB 常用() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "格式 ", "gs", False, True,108,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "数据透视表 ", "sjtsb", False, True,125,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "图表 ", "tb", False, True,127,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "审阅 ", "sy", False, True,124,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "窗体 ", "ct", False, True,128,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "停止录制 ", "tzlz", False, True,185,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("外部数据 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "公式审核 ", "gssh", False, True, 129, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "全屏显示 ", "qpxs", False, True, 130, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "循环引用 ", "xhye", False, True, 132, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup4 cmb, "VisualBasic " Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ").Controls("VisualBasic ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "Web ", "web", False, True, 173, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ").Controls("VisualBasic ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "控件工具箱 ", "kjgjx", False, True, 174, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ").Controls("VisualBasic ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "退出设计模式 ", "tcsjms", False, True, 162, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ").Controls("VisualBasic ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "刷新 ", "sx", False, True, 165, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ").Controls("VisualBasic ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "监视窗口 ", "jsck", False, True, 168, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ").Controls("VisualBasic ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "数据透视表字段列表 ", "sjtsbzdb", False, True, 170, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ").Controls("VisualBasic ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "边框 ", "bk", False, True, 178, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ").Controls("VisualBasic ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "保护 ", "bh", False, True, 160, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("外部数据 ").Controls("VisualBasic ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "文本到语音 ", "wbdyy", False, True, 164, "" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB 列表() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "并排比较 ", "bpbj1", False, True,180,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "绘图 ", "bpbj2", False, True,182,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "数据透视图菜单 ", "bpbj3", False, True,184,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("工作簿标签 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("单元格 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "列 ", "bpbj6", False, True, 190, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "行 ", "bpbj7", False, True, 192, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "单元格 ", "bpbj8", False, True, 194, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "柱形图 ", "bpbj9", False, True, 196, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "行 ", "bpbj10", False, True, 198, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup4 cmb, "工作表 " Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ").Controls("工作表 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "XLM 单元格 ", "bpbj12", False, True, 202, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ").Controls("工作表 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "文档 ", "bpbj13", False, True, 204, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ").Controls("工作表 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "桌面 ", "bpbj14", False, True, 206, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ").Controls("工作表 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "非默认拖放 ", "bpbj15", False, True, 208, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ").Controls("工作表 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "自动填充 ", "bpbj16", False, True, 210, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ").Controls("工作表 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "按钮 ", "bpbj17", False, True, 212, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("单元格 ").Controls("工作表 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "对话框 ", "bpbj18", False, True, 214, "" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB 序列() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "图形区 ", "bpbj20", False, True,218,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "基底和墙纸 ", "bpbj21", False, True,220,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "趋势线 ", "bpbj22", False, True,222,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "图表 ", "bpbj23", False, True,224,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "设置数据系列格式 ", "bpbj24", False, True,226,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("设置数据轴格式 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("设置数据轴格式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "设置图例项格式 ", "bpbj26", False, True, 230, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("设置数据轴格式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "编辑栏 ", "bpbj27", False, True, 232, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("设置数据轴格式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "数据透视表上下文菜单 ", "bpbj28", False, True, 234, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("设置数据轴格式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "查询 ", "bpbj29", False, True, 236, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("设置数据轴格式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "查询布局 ", "bpbj30", False, True, 238, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("设置数据轴格式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup4 cmb, "自动计算 " Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("设置数据轴格式 ").Controls("自动计算 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "对象/图形区 ", "bpbj32", False, True, 242, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("设置数据轴格式 ").Controls("自动计算 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "标题栏(图表) ", "bpbj33", False, True, 244, "" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB 框架() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "数据透视图快捷菜单 ", "bpbj35", False, True,248,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "拼音信息 ", "bpbj36", False, True,250,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "自动合计 ", "bpbj37", False, True,252,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "选择性粘贴下拉框 ", "bpbj38", False, True,254,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("查找格式 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("查找格式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "替换格式 ", "bpbj40", False, True, 258, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("查找格式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "列表区域快捷菜单 ", "bpbj41", False, True, 260, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("查找格式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "列表区域布局快捷菜单 ", "bpbj42", False, True, 262, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("查找格式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "XML 区域快捷菜单 ", "bpbj43", False, True, 264, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("查找格式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "列表区域布局快捷菜单 ", "bpbj44", False, True, 266, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("查找格式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "艺术字 ", "bpbj45", False, True, 268, "" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("图片 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("图片 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "阴影设置 ", "bpbj47", False, True, 272, "" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("三维设置 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("三维设置 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "绘图画布 ", "bpbj49", False, True, 276, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("三维设置 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "组织结构图 ", "bpbj50", False, True, 278, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("三维设置 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "图示 ", "bpbj51", False, True, 280, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("三维设置 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "墨迹绘图与书写 ", "bpbj52", False, True, 282, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("三维设置 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "墨迹注释 ", "bpbj53", False, True, 284, "" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("边框 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("边框 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "边框 ", "bpbj55", False, True, 288, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("边框 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup4 cmb, "绘图边框 " Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("边框 ").Controls("绘图边框 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "图表类型 ", "bpbj57", False, True, 292, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("边框 ").Controls("绘图边框 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "图案 ", "bpbj58", False, True, 294, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("边框 ").Controls("绘图边框 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "字体颜色 ", "bpbj59", False, True, 296, "" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB 填充颜色() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "线条颜色 ", "bpbj61", False, True,300,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("绘图与书写笔 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("绘图与书写笔 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "批注笔 ", "bpbj63", False, True, 304, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("绘图与书写笔 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "绘图和书写笔 ", "bpbj64", False, True, 306, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("绘图与书写笔 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "注释笔 ", "bpbj65", False, True, 308, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("绘图与书写笔 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "叠放次序 ", "bpbj66", False, True, 310, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("绘图与书写笔 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "微移 ", "bpbj67", False, True, 312, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("绘图与书写笔 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "对齐或分布 ", "bpbj68", False, True, 314, "" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("旋转或翻转 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("旋转或翻转 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "直线 ", "bpbj70", False, True, 318, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("旋转或翻转 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup4 cmb, "连接符 " Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("旋转或翻转 ").Controls("连接符 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "自选图形 ", "bpbj72", False, True, 322, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("旋转或翻转 ").Controls("连接符 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "标注 ", "bpbj73", False, True, 324, "" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB 流程图() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "箭头总汇 ", "bpbj75", False, True,328,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "星与旗帜 ", "bpbj76", False, True,330,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "基本形状 ", "bpbj77", False, True,332,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "插入形状 ", "bpbj78", False, True,334,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("形状 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("形状 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "非活动图表 ", "bpbj80", False, True, 338, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("形状 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "Excel 控件 ", "bpbj81", False, True, 340, "" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "曲线 ", "bpbj82", False, True,342,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "曲线结点 ", "bpbj83", False, True,344,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "曲线段 ", "bpbj84", False, True,346,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "图片上下文菜单 ", "bpbj85", False, True,348,"" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB OLE对象() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "ActiveX 控件 ", "bpbj87", False, True,352,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "艺术字上下文菜单 ", "bpbj88", False, True,354,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "旋转方式 ", "bpbj89", False, True,356,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "连接符 ", "bpbj90", False, True,358,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "脚本标记快捷菜单 ", "bpbj91", False, True,360,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "Canvas Popup ", "bpbj92", False, True,362,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "Organization Chart Popup ", "bpbj93", False, True,364,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 ("图表 ") Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("图表 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "选择 ", "bpbj95", False, True, 368, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("图表 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup4 cmb, "版式 " Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("图表 ").Controls("版式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "符号栏 ", "bpbj97", False, True, 372, "" Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls("图表 ").Controls("版式 ") AddCustomCommandBarPopup3 cmb, "任务窗格 ", "bpbj98", False, True, 374, "" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB 添加命令() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "内置菜单 ", "bpbj100", False, True,378,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "剪贴板 ", "bpbj101", False, True,380,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "信封 ", "bpbj102", False, True,382,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "联机会议 ", "bpbj103", False, True,384,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "SnagIt ", "bpbj104", False, True,386,"" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB SUB 关于() Clear_menu '清除弹出菜单上菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "我的VBA ", "WDVBA", False, True,400,"" AddCustomCommandBarPopup1 "帮助 ", "BZ", False, True,402,"" Popup_Menu.ShowPopup pt.X, pt.Y END SUB Public Sub ClearBar() '清除Cell弹出式菜单中菜单项 Dim ctr As CommandBarControl With Popup_Menu .Enabled = True For Each ctr In .Controls ctr.Delete Next End With End Sub Sub RemoveCustomMenu() '恢复系统菜单的各弹出菜单 Application.CommandBars("CELL").Reset End Sub Sub clear_menu() Dim cmb As Object For Each cmb In Application.CommandBars("cell").Controls Application.CommandBars("cell").Controls(cmb.Caption).Delete Next End Sub Sub AddCustomCommandBarPopup1(Caption As String, Macro As String, NewGroup As Boolean, Enable As Boolean, FId As Integer, ShortT As String) '添加一级菜单选项 Dim cbb As CommandBarButton Set cbb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls.Add(msoControlButton) cbb.Caption = Caption If FId > 0 Then cbb.faceid = FId If ShortT "" Then cbb.ShortcutText = ShortT cbb.OnAction = Macro cbb.BeginGroup = NewGroup cbb.Enabled = Enable End Sub Function AddCustomCommandBarPopup2(Caption As String) As CommandBarControl '添加子菜单项 Dim cmb As CommandBarControl Set cmb = Application.CommandBars("CELL").Controls.Add(msoControlPopup) cmb.Caption = Caption cmb.Visible = True Set AddCustomCommandBarPopup2 = cmb End Function Sub AddCustomCommandBarPopup3(cmb As Object, Caption As String, Macro As String, NewGroup As Boolean, Enable As Boolean, FId As Integer, ShortT As String) '添加一级菜单选项 Dim cbc As CommandBarButton Set cbc = cmb.Controls.Add(msoControlButton) cbc.Caption = Caption If FId > 0 Then cbc.faceid = FId If ShortT "" Then cbc.ShortcutText = ShortT cbc.OnAction = Macro cbc.BeginGroup = NewGroup cbc.Enabled = Enable End Sub Function AddCustomCommandBarPopup4(cmd As CommandBarControl, Caption As String) As CommandBarControl '添加子菜单项 Dim cme As CommandBarControl Set cme = cmd.Controls.Add(msoControlPopup) cme.Caption = Caption cme.Visible = True Set AddCustomCommandBarPopup4 = cme End Function '********本模块结束********** '*************************** '* 窗口模块 * '*************************** Private menu(1 To 50) As New Menu_Class '定义50个cMenu菜单类型 Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() hForm = FindWindow(vbNullString, Me.Caption) '程序中需要用到窗口句柄,先获得它 MenuCount = 0 Set Popup_Menu = Application.CommandBars("Cell") '程序中需指定一个弹出式菜单,我们指定为单元格右键菜单,您可另外指定一个弹出式菜单,请注意,是弹出式菜单 Dim bar As Control Set bar = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.image.1", "IM1", Visible) With bar .Visible = True .Left = -100 .Top = 0 .Height = 20 .Width = 20 .BackColor = &HFFC0C0 .BorderStyle = 0 End With '*************** Set bar = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.image.1", "IM2", Visible) With bar .Visible = True .Left = -100 .Top = 0 .Height = 20 .Width = 20 .BackColor = &HFFC0C0 .BorderStyle = 0 End With '*************** Set bar = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.image.1", "FormMenuBar", Visible) With bar .Visible = True .Left = -1 .Top = -1 .Height = 20 .Width = 2000 .BackColor = &HFFC0C0 .BorderStyle = 0 End With menu(1).AddMenu Me,"文件","文件","" menu(2).AddMenu Me,"公式","公式","" menu(3).AddMenu Me,"开发工具","开发工具","" menu(4).AddMenu Me,"窗口","窗口","" menu(5).AddMenu Me,"工具","工具","" menu(6).AddMenu Me,"常用","常用","" menu(7).AddMenu Me,"列表","列表","" menu(8).AddMenu Me,"序列","序列","" menu(9).AddMenu Me,"框架","框架","" menu(10).AddMenu Me,"填充颜色","填充颜色","" menu(11).AddMenu Me,"流程图","流程图","" menu(12).AddMenu Me,"OLE对象","OLE对象","" menu(13).AddMenu Me,"添加命令","添加命令","" menu(14).AddMenu Me,"关于","关于","" end sub Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, CloseMode As Integer) Dim i As Integer For i = LBound(menu) To UBound(menu) Set menu(i) = Nothing Next Popup_Menu.Enabled = True Popup_Menu.Reset end sub '********本模块结束**********
Dreamweaver 插件文件名 Dreamweaver 插件简介 persistent_layers 不管滚动条如何拉动,这个层在窗口中的位置始终固定不变 P7_PowerToys_18 可以让你方便的插入代码,用开始和结束标签加入既存的代码等 justsoalt 用于在你的图片上加入alt标记,它可以利用模板一次为多张图片加入alt说明 calendarPopup 一个弹出日历表格,用以确保输入的日历是按照特定的格式进行输入的,主要特色包括:日历链接,按照需要的方式设定日历的格式,按照需要可以在日期项目间增加分隔符等等功能 MX95982_shortcutIconOB_v1 插入.icon图标效果 addToFavoritesBH 制作加入收藏夹的链接 Anchors 建立扩展的命令锚点 BustFrames 让其他网页无法将你的主页加载入框架页中 Calendar 为指定月份建立日历 ClosePopupWindow 制作关闭弹出的窗口 CloseWindowOb 建立关闭当前窗口的链接 mm_flabutton_styles 为DW4增加几款新的Flash按钮样式 mx142100_mmflabuttonstyles 13款Flash Button,并带有.fla的源文件 mx196756_turkeyscounties 80多个国家的一个下拉菜单 FlashImage 响应鼠标事件的图片渐显渐隐效果 real_networks 在页面中插入流式播放的Real视频和音频文件 MX131662_pdreloadxtension 从新加载Dreamweaver的各项插件,不用重复的启动关闭Dreamweaver了 DateStamp 插入一个日期,或者网页的最后更新日期 Email 插入一个Email的连接,可以自己指定标题、BB、BBC、以及message! ie55_scroll 自定义浏览器滚动条的特效CSS Marquee 插入滚动文字效果 scrubber 去除点击超级链接时的虚线显示 chromeless_win_wind 制作弹出无边浏览小窗口,现在网上最为流行的 scrollablearea 使用层制作IE中可控制上下滚动的看板 right_click_menu_builder 右键菜单扩展功能 flashtext 制作仿Flash的文字效果 typewriter 让一段文字以打字的效果出现 gradient_text 在网页里生成一段色彩渐变的文字 footnote 增加一个弹出的注释,就像image 的alt=…… ie_favicon 你只需要一个漂亮的ico格式图片,您的地址栏IE图标将与众不同 favorite_menu 为DW增加一个Favorites 菜单,类似IE收藏夹 layer_transitions 层的多种转换特效 dhtml_tooltips 为页面或链接增加一个dHTML的脚注(即注释) insert_greeting 根据不同的时段插入不同的问候语 script_editor 让你更方便的编辑脚本,包括外部脚本 popup_menu_builder 帮助您轻松创建一个跨浏览器的弹出菜单 TableLines 文章文字各行间都有横线分离 alternate_table_rows 使表格中行与行之间的背景色交替变换 print 支持三种打印页面连接,文字连接、图片连接 preloaddisplay 预先加载页面,如果你的网站下载的速度比较慢,用这个比较好。 swftext 将Drm和Flash结合起来了,选择文本,执行该Command,swf动画就轻易的生成了 SliderMenu 设计导航菜单的绝佳助手,可以用于导航菜单的设计,特别是导航项很多的场合 disable_view_source 让网页源代码无法观看 vmkp_flash_buttons Flash按钮 iframe 内帖窗口(页中页效果) open_picture_window 打开一个与缩略图一样大小的窗口 MX128577_ultimatewindows 建立一个可自定义属性的弹出窗口,亦可建立一个居中的窗口 WordCount 字数统计 PreviousPage 建立返回前一页的超链接 PageTransitions 进入、退出页面的过渡转场效果,比如从中间打开、溶解...... Meta_Generator 网页 Meta 管理器,可以详细设置Meta Fix_Null_Links 把所有的“#”替换成“javascript”来避免一点击它,网页马上就翻到了顶部 advopenwindow 弹出窗口(窗口居中、总在最前面、自动关闭、全屏、无边框窗口) averagedistribute 单元格平均分布 Quick_Title 建立文字型的Title说明 Open_Browser_Window+ 操作弹出式窗口升级版 StyleApplier 表格的鼠标触发效果 checkform 表单验证插件 Realplayer 嵌入网页Real播放器插件 BannerImageBuilder 创建多图片随机显示 CloseCW 方便的插入一个关闭当前页面的按钮,可以选择按钮、图片、或者文字3种方式 tooltips 制作注释 UI_components Flash UIComponent
persistent_layers 不管滚动条如何拉动,这个层在窗口中的位置始终固定不变 P7_PowerToys_18 可以让你方便的插入代码,用开始和结束标签加入既存的代码等 justsoalt 用于在你的图片上加入alt标记,它可以利用模板一次为多张图片加入alt说明 calendarPopup 一个弹出日历表格,用以确保输入的日历是按照特定的格式进行输入的,主要特色包括:日历链接,按照需要的方式设定日历的格式,按照需要可以在日期项目间增加分隔符等等功能 MX95982_shortcutIconOB_v1 插入.icon图标效果 addToFavoritesBH 制作加入收藏夹的链接 Anchors 建立扩展的命令锚点 BustFrames 让其他网页无法将你的主页加载入框架页中 Calendar 为指定月份建立日历 ClosePopupWindow 制作关闭弹出的窗口 CloseWindowOb 建立关闭当前窗口的链接 mm_flabutton_styles 为DW4增加几款新的Flash按钮样式 mx142100_mmflabuttonstyles 13款Flash Button,并带有.fla的源文件 mx196756_turkeyscounties 80多个国家的一个下拉菜单 FlashImage 响应鼠标事件的图片渐显渐隐效果 real_networks 在页面中插入流式播放的Real视频和音频文件 MX131662_pdreloadxtension 从新加载Dreamweaver的各项插件,不用重复的启动关闭Dreamweaver了 DateStamp 插入一个日期,或者网页的最后更新日期 Email 插入一个Email的连接,可以自己指定标题、BB、BBC、以及message! ie55_scroll 自定义浏览器滚动条的特效CSS Marquee 插入滚动文字效果 scrubber 去除点击超级链接时的虚线显示 chromeless_win_wind 制作弹出无边浏览小窗口,现在网上最为流行的 scrollablearea 使用层制作IE中可控制上下滚动的看板 right_click_menu_builder 右键菜单扩展功能 flashtext 制作仿Flash的文字效果 typewriter 让一段文字以打字的效果出现 gradient_text 在网页里生成一段色彩渐变的文字 footnote 增加一个弹出的注释,就像image 的alt=…… ie_favicon 你只需要一个漂亮的ico格式图片,您的地址栏IE图标将与众不同 favorite_menu 为DW增加一个Favorites 菜单,类似IE收藏夹 layer_transitions 层的多种转换特效 dhtml_tooltips 为页面或链接增加一个dHTML的脚注(即注释) insert_greeting 根据不同的时段插入不同的问候语 script_editor 让你更方便的编辑脚本,包括外部脚本 popup_menu_builder 帮助您轻松创建一个跨浏览器的弹出菜单 TableLines 文章文字各行间都有横线分离 alternate_table_rows 使表格中行与行之间的背景色交替变换 print 支持三种打印页面连接,文字连接、图片连接 preloaddisplay 预先加载页面,如果你的网站下载的速度比较慢,用这个比较好。 swftext 将Drm和Flash结合起来了,选择文本,执行该Command,swf动画就轻易的生成了 SliderMenu 设计导航菜单的绝佳助手,可以用于导航菜单的设计,特别是导航项很多的场合 disable_view_source 让网页源代码无法观看 vmkp_flash_buttons Flash按钮 iframe 内帖窗口(页中页效果) open_picture_window 打开一个与缩略图一样大小的窗口 MX128577_ultimatewindows 建立一个可自定义属性的弹出窗口,亦可建立一个居中的窗口 WordCount 字数统计 PreviousPage 建立返回前一页的超链接 PageTransitions 进入、退出页面的过渡转场效果,比如从中间打开、溶解...... Meta_Generator 网页 Meta 管理器,可以详细设置Meta Fix_Null_Links 把所有的“#”替换成“javascript”来避免一点击它,网页马上就翻到了顶部 advopenwindow 弹出窗口(窗口居中、总在最前面、自动关闭、全屏、无边框窗口) averagedistribute 单元格平均分布 Quick_Title 建立文字型的Title说明 Open_Brows



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