error C2275:'FILE'illegal use of this type as an expression

saintmar 2009-04-14 07:39:39
error C2275: 'FILE' : illegal use of this type as an expression

code:FILE *file = _wfopen(szName, TEXT("rb"));

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23 条回复
ShouldBeDifferent 2012-07-25
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dranuc07 2012-05-28
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[Quote=引用 16 楼 的回复:]

forlesugar 2012-01-10
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lw1957625 2011-05-28
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刚刚也碰到这个问题 太雷人啦~~竟然要放到程序段头定义~~
wenfh2020 2010-12-05
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[Quote=引用 16 楼 no1_david 的回复:]


VS 2008 真恶搞~ 搞半天我还以为哪里出问题了呢。
jiangest 2009-05-29
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在此 也感谢16楼的兄弟!
jiangest 2009-05-29
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no1_david 2009-05-03
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goodname 2009-04-15
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#define FILE xxx
saintmar 2009-04-15
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[Quote=引用 12 楼 goodname 的回复:]

_wfopen(szName, TEXT("rb"));


Jinhao 2009-04-14
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FILE *file = _wfopen(szName, TEXT("rb"));// <--------------报错的恶心地方

你检查一下.正代码之前,有没有少写了什么,比如) ; #endif 这些之类的.报这个错的原因就是 FILE * file 这句编译器没有把它当作声明一个file,而是 FILE 乘 file.
goodname 2009-04-14
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_wfopen(szName, TEXT("rb"));

机智的呆呆 2009-04-14
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FILE file = _wfopen(szName, TEXT("rb")); //这样试试
saintmar 2009-04-14
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zhangzhao123 2009-04-14
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saintmar 2009-04-14
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goodname 2009-04-14
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zgjxwl 2009-04-14
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saintmar 2009-04-14
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Jinhao 大哥,加了头文件了,问题不在这块。
luojc714 2009-04-14
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JSP Simple Examples Index 1. Creating a String In jsp we create a string as we does in a java. In jsp we can declare it inside the declaration directive or a scriptlet directive. String Length In java, Strings are objects that belong to class java.lang.String. A string is a sequence of simple characters. We can get the length of the string by using the method length() of java.lang.String. Declaring string array in java An array is the collection of same data type. Suppose if we have a declare an array of type String, then it will store only the String value not any other data type. When we have a closely related data of the same type and scope, it is better to declare it in an array. Multidimensional array java A two dimensional array can be thought as a grid of rows and columns. The first array will reflect to a row and the second one is column. int array Array is a collection of same data type. Suppose if we have declared an array of type int then the array will take only the int values and not any other data types. We can find find out the length of the variable by using the variable length . JSP string array String array cannot hold numbers or vice- versa. Arrays can only store the type of data specified at the time of declaring the array variable. Custom exceptions Custom Exception inherits the properties from the Exception class. Whenever we have declare our own exceptions then we call it custom exceptions. Throwing an exception All methods use the throw statement to throw an exception. The throw statement requires a single argument a throwable object. Here is an example of a throw statement. Arrayindexoutofboundsexception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException is thrown when we have to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index. printStackTrace in jsp printStackTrace is a method of the Throwable class. By using this method we can get more information about the error process if we print a stack trace from the exception. Runtime Errors Errors are arised when there is any logic problem with the logic of the program. Try catch in jsp In try block we write those code which can throw exception while code execution and when the exception is thrown it is caught inside the catch block. Multiple try catch We can have more than one try/catch block. The most specific exception which can be thrown is written on the top in the catch block following by the less specific least. Nested try catch We can declare multiple try blocks inside the try block. The most specific exception which can be thrown is written on the top in the catch block following by the less specific least. kilometers per liter to miles per gallon Kilometers per liter : The distance traveled by a vehicle which is running on gasoline or diesel fuel in a kilometer. Miles per Gallon: The distance traveled by a vehicle which is running on gasoline or diesel fuel in a mile. Ascii values table ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. Computers can only understand numbers, so an ASCII code is the numerical representation of a character such as @, #, $, and so on. ASCII was developed when non- printing characters were rarely used. life cycle of a jsp page Life of the the jsp page is just same as the servlet life cycle. After get translated the jsp file is just like a servlet. Page directive attributes A directive is a way to give special instructions to the container at page translation time. The page directive is written on the top of the jsp page. Html tags in jsp In this example we have used the html tag inside the println() method of the out implicit object which is used to write the content on the browser. Password Controls In this program we are going to know how the server determines whether the password entered by the user is correct or not. This whole process is controlled on the server side. Multiple forms in jsp The form tag creates a form for user input. A form can contain checkboxes, textfields, radio- buttons and many more. Forms are used to pass user- data to a specified URL which is specified in the action attribute of the form tag. Interface in jsp In interface none of its methods are implemented. All the methods are abstract. There is no code associated with an interface. In an interface all the instance methods are public and abstract. Interfaces are always implemented in the class. They add extra behaviors to the class. Inheritance in java with example Inheritance is one of the concept of the Object- Oriented programming. It allows you to define a general class, and later more specialized classes by simply adding some new details. Constructor inheritance Constructors are used to create objects from the class. Constructor declaration are just like method declaration, except that they do not have any return type and they use the name of the class. The compiler provides us with a default constructor to the class having no arguments. Abstract classes We does not make a object of the abstract class. This class must be inherited. Unlike interface the abstract class may implement some of the methods defined in the class, but in this class at least one method should be abstract. Using Super class Variables With Sub-classed Objects One of the strong features of java is that it is follows a OOPs concept, and one of the feature of OOP in java is that, we can assign a subclass object or variable to the variable of the superclass type. Log files Log files keeps a records of internet protocol addresses (IP), Http status, date, time, bytes sent, bytes recieved, number of clicks etc. Calculate a factorial by using while loop In this example we are going to find out the factorial of 12 by using the while loop. In while loop the loop will run until the condition we have given gets true. Calculating factorial After going through this example you will be understand how you can calculate the factorial by using recursion in jsp. To make a program on factorial, firstly it must be clear what is recursion. Celsius Fahrenheit Celsius is a unit to measure temperature scale on which water freezes at 0 degree and boiling point is 100 degree. This unit is discovered by Celsius in 1742, a Swedish astronomer and physicist, he has invented the centigrade, or Celsius thermometer divided between the freezing and boiling points of water into 100 parts. comment in jsp In a jsp we should always try to use jsp- style comments unless you want the comments to appear in the HTML. Jsp comments are converted by the jsp engine into java comments in the source code of the servlet that implements the Jsp page. Html tag inside out implicit object In this program we are going to use a html tag inside a out object. out object is used to display the content on the browser. To make this program run use out object inside which define some html code along with the content you want to display on the browser Jsp methods In this example we are going to show you how we can declare a method and how we can used it. In this example we are making a method named as addNum(int i, int b) which will take two numbers as its parameters and return integer value. Multiple methods Jsp is used mainly for presentation logic. In the jsp we can declare methods just like as we declare methods in java classes. Methods can be declared in either declaration directive or we can declare it in scriptlet. If we declare method inside declaration directive, then the method is applicable in the whole page. Passing Array method Array is a collection of similar data type. It is one of the simplest data structures. Arrays holds equally sized data elements generally of the similar data type. Two index In this example we will show how we can use two indexes in a for loop. We can solve this problem by using for loop defined inside the scriptlet directive. Date in JSP To print a Date in JSP firstly we are importing a class named java.util.Date of the package java.util. This package is imported in the jsp page so that the Date class and its properties can accessed in the JSP page. If- Else Ladder A ladder means a vertical set of steps. It is a computer generated list of pairings used in eliminations. Nested If We use the if condition to check if the particular condition is true then it should perform a certain task, and if a particular condition is not true then it should do some other tasks. Quintessential JSP Quintessential means representing the perfect example of a class or quality. It is pure and concentrated essence of a substance. Include File JSP using directive and include action <%@ include file = " "%>: - This is include directive. This directive has only one attribute named as file, which is used to include a file in the jsp page at the translation time. :- This is known as the include standard action. This standard action is used to include a file at run time. This standard action is evaluated at the run time. Snoop in JSP It mostly contains the request information, ServletContext initialization parameters, ServetContext attributes, request headers, response headers etc. sendRedirect In JSP sendRedirect() method is a method of HttpServletResponse interface. In sendRedirect() the object of request will be generated again with the location of page which will perform the request of the client. Request Header in JSP Whenever an http client sends a request, it sends the request in the form of get or post method or any other HttpRequest methhods. It can also sends the headers with it. Specific request headers in JSP Whenever an http client sends a request, it can also sends the headers with it. All the headers are optional except Content-length, which is required only for POST request. Java class in JSP To use the class inside the jsp page we need to create an object of the class by using the new operator. At last use the instance of the class to access the methods of the java file. Setting Colors in JSP In Jsp also we can set the background color which we want, the font color can be changed. The table can be coloured . By using the colors code we can give colors according to our wish. Sine Table in JSP Mathematically, the sine of an angle is the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the length of the hypotenuse of an imaginary right triangle having that angle in it. Applet In Jsp Applets are small programs or applications written in java. These applets are those small programs that runs on web browsers, usually written in java. We can use the applets in jee also. In jee it runs on the context of web application on a client computer. Creating a Local Variable in JSP Consider a situation where we have to declare a variable as local, then we should declare the methods and variables in tag except the declaration directive. Method in Declaration Tag Anything which will be declared inside declaration tag will be applicable within the whole application. We call this tag a Declaration Tag. The syntax of this tag is <%! --------- %>. Forward a JSP Page The request object goes to the controller then the controller decides by which jsp or servlet this request will be processed, then the request object is passed to that jsp or servlet and the output is displayed to the browser by the response object. Random in JSP Random numbers are the numbers that are determined entirely by chance. User does not have any control over the working of random numbers. random() is a method of Math class which extends java.lang package. JSP include directive By using the include tag the file will be included in the jsp page at the translation time. In this example we have created a jsp file which has to be included in the other jsp file by using the tag <%@ include file = " "%>. Literals in JSP Literals are the values, such as a number or a text string, that are written literally as part of a program code. A literal is a expression of a value, including a number or a text string. Passing Parameter using Request parameters can be passed by using . This tag contains two attributes: 1) name 2) value. Tag Handler Custom tags are usually distributed in the form of a tag library, which defines a set of related custom tags and contains the objects that implement the tags. Custom tag libraries allow the java programmer to write code that provides data access and other services, and they make those features available to the jsp author in a simple to use XML- like fashion. UseBean Syntax: useBean id= "nameOfInstance" scope= "page | request | session | application" class= "package.class" type= "package.class > useBean>. Expression Language In JSP EL means the expression language , it is a simple language for accessing data, it makes it possible to easily access application data stored in JavaBeans components. EL Basic Arithmetic Addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/ or div), and modulus (% or mod) are all supported in Expression Language. Error conditions, like division by zero are handled easily by the expression language.
****************************** * 编 译 错 误 信 息 * ******************************* '''';'''' not allowed before ''''ELSE'''' ElSE前不允许有“;” '''''''' clause not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段不允许“”子句 '''''''' is not a type identifier 不是类型标识符 '''''''' not previously declared as a PROPERTY 前面没有说明PROPERTY ''''GOTO '''' leads into or out of TRY statement GOTO 进入或超出TRY语句的范围 clause expected, but found 要求子句,但出现 16-Bit fixup encountered in object file '''''''' 在对象文件遇到16位修复 486/487 instructions not enabled 不能用486/487指令 Abstract methods must be virtual or dynamic 抽象方法必须为虚拟的或动态的 Array type required 需要数组类型 Assignment to FOR-Loop variable '''''''' 给FOR循环变量赋值 Bad argument type in variable type array constructor 在变量类型数组结构中不正确的参数类型 Bad file format '''''''' 错误的文件格式 Bad file format: 错误的文件格式 Bad global symbol definition: '''''''' in object file '''''''' 对象文件''''''''中错误的全局符号定义'''''''' Bad unit format: 错误的单元格式 BREAK or CONTINUE outside of loop BREAK或CONTINUE超出循环 Cannot add or subtract relocatable symbols 不能增加或减少可重置的符号 Cannot assign to a read-only property 不能指定只读属性 Cannot BREAK, CONTINUE or EXIT out of a FINALLY clause 超出FINALLY子句的范围,不能使用BREAK,CONTINUE或EXIT语句 Cannot initialize local variables 不能初始化局部变量 Cannot initialize multiple variables 不能初始化多个变量 Cannot initialize thread local variables 不能初始化线程局部变量 Cannot override a static method 不能覆盖静态方法 Cannot read a write-only property 不能读取只写属性 Case label outside of range of case expression CASE标号超出了CASE表达式的范围 Circular unit reference to 对单元循环引用 Class already has a default property 类已具有默认的属性 Class does not have a default property 类没有默认的属性 Class or object types only allowed in type section 在类型区段只允许有类或对象类型 Class type required 需要类类型 Close error on 文件关闭错误 Compile terminated by user 用户中止编译 Constant expected 要求常量 Constant expression expected 要求常量表达式 Constant expression violates subrange bounds 常量表达式超出子界范围 Constant object cannot be passed as var parameter 常量对象不能作为变量参数传递 Constant or type identifier expected 要求常量或类型标识符 Constants cannot be used as open array arguments 常量不能用作打开数组参数 Constructing instance of '''''''' containing abstract methods 构造的实体包含抽象的方法 Could not compile used unit '''''''' 不能用单元编译 Could not create output file 不能建立输出文件 Could not load RLINK32.DLL 不能加载RLINK32.DLL Data type too large: exceeds 2 GB 数据类型太大:超过2GB Declaration of differs from previous declaration 的说明与先前的说明不同 Default property must be an array property 默认的属性必须为数组属性 Default values must be of ordinal, pointer or small set type 默认的值必须为序数、指针或小集类型 Destination cannot be assigned to 目标不能指定 Destination is inaccessible 目标不能存取 Dispid '''''''' already used by '''''''' DISPID标识号已被使用 Dispid clause only allowed in OLE automation section DISPID子句只能在OLE自动区段中使用 Division by zero 除数为零 Duplicate case label CASE标号重复 Duplicate tag value 重复的标志值 Dynamic method or message handler not allowed here 这里不允许有动态方法或信息处理程序 Dynamic methods and message handlers not allowed in OLE automation section在OLE自动区段不允许有动态方法或消息处理程序 Element 0 inaccessible - use ''''Length'''' or ''''SetLength'''' 元素0不能存取-使用LENGTH或SETLENGTH Error in numeric constant 数值常量错误 EXCEPT or FINALLY expected 要求EXCEPT或FINALLY EXPORTS allowed only at global scope EXPORTS只允许在全局范围使用 Expression has no value 表达式没有值 Expression too complicated 表达式太复杂 Field definition not allowed in OLE automation section 在OLE自动区段中不允许域定义 Field definition not allowed after methods or properties 在方法或属性后不允许域定义 Field or method identifier expected 要求域或方法标识符 File not found: 文件没有找到 File type not allowed here 这儿不允许文件类型 For loop control variable must be simple local variable FOR循环控制变量必须为简单局部变量 For loop control variable must have ordinal type FOR循环控制变量必须为序数类型 FOR or WHILE loop executes zero times - deleted FOR或WHILE循环执行零次-删除 FOR-Loop variable '''''''' cannot be passed as var parameter FOR循环变量不能作为参数传递 FOR-Loop variable '''''''' may be undefined after loop 在循环后的FOR循环变量是不确定的 Function needs result type 函数需要结果类型 Identifier redeclared: '''''''' 标识符重复说明 Illegal character in input file: '''''''' ($) 在输入文件中的非法字符'''''''' Illegal message method index 非法的消息方法指针 Illegal reference to symbol '''''''' in object file '''''''' 在对象文件中对符号的非法引用 Illegal type in OLE automation section: '''''''' 在OLE自动区段中的非法类型 Illegal type in Read/Readln statement 在Read/Readln语句中的非法类型 Illegal type in Write/Writeln statement 在Write/Writeln语句中的非法类型 Inaccessible value 不可存取的值 Incompatible types: '''''''' and '''''''' 不兼容的类型和 Incompatible types: 不兼容的类型 Inline assembler stack overflow 内联汇编溢出 Inline assembler syntax error 内联汇编语法错误 Instance variable '''''''' inaccessible here 实体变量在这里不能存取
Delphi 7.1 Update Release Notes=======================================================This file contains important supplemental and late-breakinginformation that may not appear in the main productdocumentation, and supersedes information contained in otherdocuments, including previously installed release notes.Borland recommends that you read this file in its entirety.NOTE: If you are updating a localized version of Delphi 7, visit the Borland Registered User web site to obtain a localized readme file that may contain important late- breaking information not included in this readme file.IMPORTANT: Delphi must be closed before installing this update. =====================================================CONTENTS * INSTALLING THIS UPDATE * UPDATING LOCALIZED VERSIONS OF DELPHI 7 * KNOWN ISSUES * ISSUES ADDRESSED BY THIS UPDATE - IDE - CORE DATABASE - DATASNAP - DBGO (ADO COMPONENTS) - dbExpress - dbExpress COMPONENTS AND DB VCL - dbExpress CORE DRIVER AND METADATA - dbExpress VENDOR ISSUES - dbExpress CERTIFICATION - WEB SNAP - ACTIVEX - COMPILER - RTL - VCL - THIRD PARTY - BOLD FOR DELPHI * VERIFYING THAT THE UPDATE WAS SUCCESSFUL * FILES INSTALLED BY THIS UPDATE =======================================================INSTALLING THIS UPDATE* This update can not be applied to Delphi 7 Architect Trial version. * This update can not be removed after it is installed.* You will need the original Delphi 7 installation CD available to install this update.* To install this update from the CD, insert the CD, and launch the d7_ent_upd1.exe file appropriate for your locale.* To install this update from the Web, double-click the self-executing installation file and follow the prompts. * The Delphi 7 documentation PDF files are available on the update CD.========================================================UPDATING LOCALIZED VERSIONS OF DELPHI 7* This update can be applied only to the English version of Delphi 7. There are separate updates for the German, French and Japanese ver
Ambiguous operators need parentheses -----------不明确的运算需要用括号括起 Ambiguous symbol ''xxx'' ----------------不明确的符号 Argument list syntax error ----------------参数表语法错误 Array bounds missing ------------------丢失数组界限符 Array size toolarge -----------------数组尺寸太大 Bad character in paramenters ------------------参数中有不适当的字符 Bad file name format in include directive --------------------包含命令中文件名格式不正确 Bad ifdef directive synatax ------------------------------编译预处理ifdef有语法错 Bad undef directive syntax ---------------------------编译预处理undef有语法错 Bit field too large ----------------位字段太长 Call of non-function -----------------调用未定义的函数 Call to function with no prototype ---------------调用函数时没有函数的说明 Cannot modify a const object ---------------不允许修改常量对象 Case outside of switch ----------------漏掉了case 语句 Case syntax error ------------------ Case 语法错误 Code has no effect -----------------代码不可述不可能执行到 Compound statement missing{ --------------------分程序漏掉"{" Conflicting type modifiers ------------------不明确的类型说明符 Constant expression required ----------------要求常量表达式 Constant out of range in comparison -----------------在比较中常量超出范围 Conversion may lose significant digits -----------------转换时会丢失意义的数字 Conversion of near pointer not allowed -----------------不允许转换近指针 Could not find file ''xxx'' -----------------------找不到XXX文件 Declaration missing ; ----------------说明缺少";" houjiuming Declaration syntax error -----------------说明中出现语法错误 Default outside of switch ------------------ Default 出现在switch语句之外 Define directive needs an identifier ------------------定义编译预处理需要标识符 Division by zero ------------------用零作除数 Do statement must have while ------------------ Do-while语句中缺少while部分 Enum syntax error ---------------------枚举类型语法错误 Enumeration constant syntax error -----------------枚举常数语法错误 Error directive :xxx ------------------------错误的编译预处理命令 Error writing output file ---------------------写输出文件错误 Expression syntax error -----------------------表达式语法错误 Extra parameter in call ------------------------调用时出现多余错误 File name too long ----------------文件名太长 Function call missing -----------------函数调用缺少右括号 Fuction definition out of place ------------------函数定义位置错误 Fuction should return a value ------------------函数必需返回一个值 Goto statement missing label ------------------ Goto语句没有标号 Hexadecimal or octal constant too large ------------------16进制或8进制常数太大 Illegal character ''x'' ------------------非法字符x Illegal initialization ------------------非法的初始化 Illegal octal digit ------------------非法的8进制数字 houjiuming Illegal pointer subtraction ------------------非法的指针相减 Illegal structure operation ------------------非法的结构体操作 Illegal use of floating point -----------------非法的浮点运算 Illegal use of pointer --------------------指针使用非法 Improper use of a typedefsymbol ----------------类型定义符号使用不恰当 In-line assembly not allowed -----------------不允许使用行间汇编 Incompatible storage class -----------------存储类别不相容 Incompatible type conversion --------------------不相容的类型转换 Incorrect number format -----------------------错误的数据格式 Incorrect use of default --------------------- Default使用不当 Invalid indirection ---------------------无效的间接运算 Invalid pointer addition ------------------指针相加无效 Irreducible expression tree -----------------------无法执行的表达式运算 Lvalue required ---------------------------需要逻辑值0或非0值 Macro argument syntax error -------------------宏参数语法错误 Macro expansion too long ----------------------宏的扩展以后太长 Mismatched number of parameters in definition ---------------------定义中参数个数不匹配 Misplaced break ---------------------此处不应出现break语句 Misplaced continue ------------------------此处不应出现continue语句 Misplaced decimal point --------------------此处不应出现小数点 Misplaced elif directive --------------------不应编译预处理elif Misplaced else ----------------------此处不应出现else houjiuming Misplaced else directive ------------------此处不应出现编译预处理else Misplaced endif directive -------------------此处不应出现编译预处理endif Must be addressable ----------------------必须是可以编址的 Must take address of memory location ------------------必须存储定位的地址 No declaration for function ''xxx'' -------------------没有函数xxx的说明 No stack ---------------缺少堆栈 No type information ------------------没有类型信息 Non-portable pointer assignment --------------------不可移动的指针(地址常数)赋值 Non-portable pointer comparison --------------------不可移动的指针(地址常数)比较 Non-portable pointer conversion ----------------------不可移动的指针(地址常数)转换 Not a valid expression format type ---------------------不合法的表达式格式 Not an allowed type ---------------------不允许使用的类型 Numeric constant too large -------------------数值常太大 Out of memory -------------------内存不够用 houjiuming Parameter ''xxx'' is never used ------------------能数xxx没有用到 Pointer required on left side of -> -----------------------符号->的左边必须是指针 Possible use of ''xxx'' before definition -------------------在定义之前就使用了xxx(警告) Possibly incorrect assignment ----------------赋值可能不正确 Redeclaration of ''xxx'' -------------------重复定义了xxx Redefinition of ''xxx'' is not identical ------------------- xxx的两次定义不一致 Register allocation failure ------------------寄存器定址失败 Repeat count needs an lvalue ------------------重复计数需要逻辑值 Size of structure or array not known ------------------结构体或数给大小不确定 Statement missing ; ------------------语句后缺少";" Structure or union syntax error --------------结构体或联合体语法错误 Structure size too large ----------------结构体尺寸太大 Sub scripting missing ] ----------------下标缺少右方括号 Superfluous & with function or array ------------------函数或数组中有多余的"&" Suspicious pointer conversion ---------------------可疑的指针转换 Symbol limit exceeded ---------------符号超限 Too few parameters in call -----------------函数调用时的实参少于函数的参数不 Too many default cases ------------------- Default太多(switch语句中一个) Too many error or warning messages --------------------错误或警告信息太多 Too many type in declaration -----------------说明中类型太多 houjiuming Too much auto memory in function -----------------函数用到的局部存储太多 Too much global data defined in file ------------------文件中全局数据太多 Two consecutive dots -----------------两个连续的句点 Type mismatch in parameter xxx ----------------参数xxx类型不匹配 Type mismatch in redeclaration of ''xxx'' ---------------- xxx重定义的类型不匹配 Unable to create output file ''xxx'' ----------------无法建立输出文件xxx Unable to open include file ''xxx'' ---------------无法打开被包含的文件xxx Unable to open input file ''xxx'' ----------------无法打开输入文件xxx Undefined label ''xxx'' -------------------没有定义的标号xxx Undefined structure ''xxx'' -----------------没有定义的结构xxx Undefined symbol ''xxx'' -----------------没有定义的符号xxx Unexpected end of file in comment started on line xxx ----------从xxx行开始的注解尚未结束文件不能结束 Unexpected end of file in conditional started on line xxx ----从xxx 开始的条件语句尚未结束文件不能结束 Unknown assemble instruction ----------------未知的汇编结构 houjiuming Unknown option ---------------未知的操作 Unknown preprocessor directive: ''xxx'' -----------------不认识的预处理命令xxx Unreachable code ------------------无路可达的代码 Unterminated string or character constant -----------------字符串缺少引号 User break ----------------用户强行中断了程序 Void functions may not return a value ----------------- Void类型的函数不应有返回值 Wrong number of arguments -----------------调用函数的参数数目错 ''xxx'' not an argument ----------------- xxx不是参数 ''xxx'' not part of structure -------------------- xxx不是结构体的一部分 xxx statement missing ( -------------------- xxx语句缺少左括号 xxx statement missing ) ------------------ xxx语句缺少右括号 xxx statement missing ; -------------------- xxx缺少分号 houjiuming xxx'' declared but never used -------------------说明了xxx但没有使用 xxx'' is assigned a value which is never used ----------------------给xxx赋了值但未用过 Zero length structure ------------------结构体的长度为零
Performance and stability improvements Export to XLSX did remove leading and trailing spaces from data Find and Replace would keep incrementing number on status line when nothing was replaced When using date/time selector in the SQL result grid, PL/SQL Developer would lose focus The file format encoding preference "Always as UTF8" did not work for the Program Window Crash recovery saved per InstanceName parameter value Shortcut key assigned to object functions could insert a character in editor SQL Window "totals" comment directive did not use "sum" as the default function Ctrl-C did not work in HTML viewers when "Use Internal HTML viewer" preference was not set Code Assistant Multi-Select now also available for a table alias in a select list Crash recovery could lead to a filename error when using a multi monitor setup Double-clicking on a packaged function or procedure could lead to a "Function not valid" error message Logging off a session did not update the transaction status in the Window List Creating new scheduler objects with timestamps could lead to "Could not convert variant" error message Command Window addition for batch locking/unlocking of report files: REPORT LOCKFORALL [R] REPORT LOCKFOROTHERS [R] REPORT UNLOCK [R] REPORT LIST [R] For the path you can use wildcards or directories. Add the R parameter for recursive directory scans. Report Window option "Locked for other users" always asked for password PL/SQL Parser did not process double quoted identifiers with quotes and comments correctly Code Assistant did not work for aliases for table names in double quotes Right-click on a quoted "OWNER"."OBJECT" would not show the object functions in the popup menu Object popup menu item "Browse" will now display the Object Browser if necessary Tnsnames.ora file with alias list on multiple lines was not parsed correctly Editor with long lines and highlight edit line enabled would not draw text correctly Using Alt-Down to get a list in the SQL Window result grid could insert a character Connection indicator added to the Object Browser for main connection Object Browser filter text now also works for user-defined query-based folders Viewing job classes on Oracle12c could lead to "ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number" PL/SQL Beautifier did not format FORALL/MERGE loop correctly Test Window now processes trailing slash of a PL/SQL Block Fixed visual scaling issues on high DPI screens on Windows 8 and Windows 10 Comments are now preverved when using QBE in the SQL Window Undo/Redo did not work correctly after using QBE in the SQL Window Changing a Program Window connection would not always apply compiler preferences Test Manager window title would be cleared when logging off Compare Table Data tool now ignores virtual columns You can now use comma's in substitution variable lists and checkboxes by specifying 2 comma's: & Substitution variable checkbox unchecked value now defaults to empty when 1 value is given DDL for indexes on virtual columns would specify the column expression instead of the column name Fixed Session > Set Main Connection menu icon transparency issue Using the Search Next function in a macro not always work correctly



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