
肥多罗 2013-01-09 06:59:05

但是如果发送RTP包的时候,瞬间发送,不做任何延迟,用wireshark回放该流的话就会出现停顿、断断续续的声音,filtered Jitter也非常大;这时再回放流的使用勾上那个Use Rtp timestamp的话就能听到正常的声音。

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肥多罗 2013-03-13
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目录(Table of Contents) 1. 引言 (Introduction) 1 1 术语(Terminology) 2 RTP使用场景(RTP Use Scenarios) 2 1 简单多播音频会议( Simple Multicast Audio Conference) 2 2 音频和视频会议(Audio and Video Conference) 2 3 混频器和转换器(Mixers and Translators) 2 4 分层编码(Layered Encodings) 3 定义(Definitions) 4 字节序,校正和时间格式(Byte Order, Alignment, and Time Format) 5 RTP数据传输协议(RTP Data Transfer Protocol) 5 1 RTP固定头域(RTP Fixed Header Fields) 5 2 多路复用RTP会话(Multiplexing RTP Sessions) 5 3 RTP头的配置文件详细变更(Profile-Specific Modifications to the RTP Header) 5 3 1 RTP报头扩展(RTP Header Extension) 6 RTP控制协议(RTP Control Protocol) -- RTCP 6 1 RTCP包格式(RTCP Packet Format) 6 2 RTCP传输间隔(RTCP Transmission Interval) 6 2 1 维护会话成员数目(Maintaining the number of session members) 6 3 RTCP包的发送与接收规则(RTCP Packet Send and Receive Rules) 6 3 1 计算RTCP传输间隔(Computing the RTCP Transmission Interval) 6 3 2 初始化(Initialization) 6 3 3 接收RTP或RTCP(非BYE)包(Receiving an RTP or Non-BYE RTCP Packet) 6 3 4 接收RTCP(BYE)包(Receiving an RTCP BYE Packet) 6 3 5 SSRC计时失效(Timing Out an SSRC) 6 3 6 关于传输计时器的到期(Expiration of Transmission Timer) 6 3 7 传输一个 BYE 包(Transmitting a BYE Packet) 6 3 8 更新we_sent(Updating we_sent) 6 3 9 分配源描述带宽(Allocation of Source Description Bandwidth) 6 4 发送方和接收方报告(Sender and Receiver Reports) 6 4 1 SR:发送方报告的RTCP包(SR: Sender report RTCP packet) 6 4 2 RR:接收方报告的RTCP包(RR: Receiver Report RTCP Packet) 6 4 3 扩展发送方和接收方报告(Extending the Sender and Receiver Reports ) 6 4 4 分析发送方和接收方报告(Analyzing Sender and Receiver Reports ) 6 5 SDES:源描述RTCP包(SDES: Source description RTCP packet) 6 5 1 CNAME:规范终端标识符的SDES数据项(CNAME: Canonical End-Point Identifier SDES Item) 6 5 2 NAME:用户名的SDES数据项(NAME: User name SDES item) 6 5 3 EMAIL:电子邮件地址的SDES数据项(EMAIL: Electronic Mail Address SDES Item) 6 5 4 PHONE:电话号码的SDES数据项(PHONE: Phone Number SDES Item) 6 5 5 LOC:地理用户地址的SDES数据项(LOC: Geographic User Location SDES Item) 6 5 6 TOOL:应用程序或工具名字的SDES数据项(TOOL: Application or Tool Name SDES Item) 6 5 7 NOTE:通知/状态的SDES数据项(NOTE: Notice/Status SDES Item) 6 5 8 PRIV:私有扩展的SDES数据项(PRIV: Private Extensions SDES Item) 6 6 BYE:Goodbye RTCP包(BYE: Goodbye RTCP packet) 6 7 APP:定义应用程序的RTCP包(APP: Application-Defined RTCP Packet) 7 RTP转换器和混频器(RTP Translators and Mixers) 7 1 概述(General Description ) 7 2 在转换器中的RTCP数据处理(RTCP Processing in Translators) 7 3 在混频器中的RTCP数据处理(RTCP Processing in Mixers ) 7 4 级联混频器(Cascaded Mixers) 8 SSRC标识符的分配和使用(SSRC Identifier Allocation and Use) 8 1 冲突概率(Probability of Collision ) 8 2 冲突解决和循环检测(Collision Resolution and Loop Detection) 8 3 在分层编码中使用(Use with Layered Encodings) 9 安全(Security ) 9 1 机密性(Confidentiality) 9 2 身份验证和消息完整性(Authentication and Message Integrity) 10 拥塞控制(Congestion Control) 11 网络和传输协议之上的RTPRTP over Network and Transport Protocols) 12 协议常量摘要(Summary of Protocol Constants) 12 1 RTCP 包类型(RTCP Packet Types) 12 2 SDES 类型(SDES Types) 13 RTP概况和负载格式详细说明     (RTP Profiles and Payload Format Specifications) 14 安全考虑(Security Considerations) 15 IANA考虑(IANA Considerations) 16 知识产权声明(Intellectual Property Rights Statement) 17 鸣谢(Acknowledgments) 附录 A 算法(Algorithms) 附录 A 1 RTP数据头有效性检查(RTP Data Header Validity Checks ) 附录 A 2 RTCP数据头有效性检查(RTCP Header Validity Checks) 附录 A 3 确定RTP包预期数目和丢失数目(Determining Number of Packets Expected and Lost) 附录 A 4 生成SDES RTCP包(Generating RTCP SDES Packets) 附录 A 5 解析RTCP SDES包(Parsing RTCP SDES Packets) 附录 A 6 生成32位随机标识符(Generating a Random 32-bit Identifier
本文描述RTP (real-time transport protocol),实时传输协议。RTP 在多点传送(多播) 或单点传送(单播)的网络服务上,提供端对端的网络传输功能,适合应用程序传输实时数据, 如:音频,视频或者仿真数据。RTP 没有为实时服务提供资源预留的功能,也不能保证QoS (服 务质量)。数据传输功能由一个控制协议(RTCP)来扩展,通过扩展,可以用一种方式对数据 传输进行监测控制,该协议(RTCP)可以升级到大型的多点传送(多播)网络,并提供最小限 度的控制和鉴别功能。RTP 和RTCP 被设计成和下面的传输层和网络层无关。协议支持RTP 标 准的转换器和混合器的使用。 本文的大多数内容和旧版的RFC1889 相同。在线路里传输的数据包格式没有改变,唯一的改变 是使用协议的规则和控制算法。为了最小化传输,发送RTCP 数据包时超过了设定的速率,而 在这时,很多的参与者同时加入了一个会话,在这样的情况下,一个新加入到(用于计算的可升 级的)计时器算法中的元素是最大的改变。 目录(Table of Contents) 1. 引言 (Introduction) 1 1 术语(Terminology) 2 RTP使用场景(RTP Use Scenarios) 2 1 简单多播音频会议( Simple Multicast Audio Conference) 2 2 音频和视频会议(Audio and Video Conference) 2 3 混频器和转换器(Mixers and Translators) 2 4 分层编码(Layered Encodings) 3 定义(Definitions) 4 字节序,校正和时间格式(Byte Order, Alignment, and Time Format) 5 RTP数据传输协议(RTP Data Transfer Protocol) 5 1 RTP 固定头域(RTP Fixed Header Fields) 5 2 多路复用RTP 会话(Multiplexing RTP Sessions) 5 3 RTP 头的配置文件详细变更(Profile-Specific Modifications to the RTP Header) 5 3 1 RTP 报头扩展(RTP Header Extension) 6 RTP控制协议(RTP Control Protocol)-- RTCP 6 1 RTCP包格式(RTCP Packet Format) 6 2 RTCP传输间隔(RTCP Transmission Interval) 6 2 1 维护会话成员数目(Maintaining the number of session members) 6 3 RTCP包的发送与接收规则(RTCP Packet Send and Receive Rules) 6 3 1 计算RTCP 传输间隔(Computing the RTCP Transmission Interval ) 6 3 2 初始化(Initialization) 6 3 3 接收RTP 或RTCP (非BYE)包(Receiving an RTP or Non-BYE RTCP Packet) 6 3 4 接收RTCP (BYE)包(Receiving an RTCP BYE Packet) 6 3 5 SSRC 计时失效(Timing Out an SSRC ) 6 3 6 关于传输计时器的到期(Expiration of Transmission Timer) 6 3 7 传输一个 BYE 包(Transmitting a BYE Packet) 6 3 8 更新we_sent (Updating we_sent) 6 3 9 分配源描述带宽(Allocation of Source Description Bandwidth ) 6 4 发送方和接收方报告(Sender and Receiver Reports) 6 4 1 SR:发送方报告的RTCP包(SR: Sender report RTCP packet) 6 4 2 RR:接收方报告的RTCP 包(RR: Receiver Report RTCP Packet) 6 4 3 扩展发送方和接收方报告(Extending the Sender and Receiver Reports ) 6 4 4 分析发送方和接收方报告(Analyzing Sender and Receiver Reports ) 6 5 SDES:源描述RTCP包(SDES: Source description RTCP packet) 6 5 1 CNAME:规范终端标识符的SDES 数据项(CNAME: Canonical End-Point Identifier SDES Item) 6 5 2 NAME:用户名的SDES 数据项(NAME: User name SDES item) 6 5 3 EMAIL:电子邮件地址的SDES 数据项(EMAIL: Electronic Mail Address SDES Item) 6 5 4 PHONE:电话号码的SDES 数据项(PHONE: Phone Number SDES Item) 6 5 5 LOC:地理用户地址的SDES 数据项(LOC: Geographic User Location SDES Item) 6 5 6 TOOL:应用程序或工具名字的SDES 数据项(TOOL: Application or Tool Name SDES Item) 6 5 7 NOTE:通知/状态的SDES 数据项(NOTE: Notice/Status SDES Item) 6 5 8 PRIV:私有扩展的SDES 数据项(PRIV: Private Extensions SDES Item) 6 6 BYE:Goodbye RTCP 包(BYE: Goodbye RTCP packet) 6 7 APP:定义应用程序的RTCP 包(APP: Application-Defined RTCP Packet) 7 RTP转换器和混频器(RTP Translators and Mixers) 7 1 概述(General Description ) 7 2 在转换器中的RTCP 数据处理(RTCP Processing in Translators) 7 3 在混频器中的RTCP 数据处理(RTCP Processing in Mixers ) 7 4 级联混频器(Cascaded Mixers) 8 SSRC 标识符的分配和使用(SSRC Identifier Allocation and Use) 8 1 冲突概率(Probability of Collision ) 8 2 冲突解决和循环检测(Collision Resolution and Loop Detection) 8 3 在分层编码中使用(Use with Layered Encodings) 9 安全(Security ) 9 1 机密性(Confidentiality) 9 2 身份验证和消息完整性(Authentication and Message Integrity ) 10 拥塞控制(Congestion Control) 11 网络和传输协议之上的RTPRTP over Network and Transport Protocols) 12 协议常量摘要(Summary of Protocol Constants) 12 1 RTCP 包类型(RTCP Packet Types) 12 2 SDES 类型(SDES Types) 13 RTP 概况和负载格式详细说明 (RTP Profiles and Payload Format Specifications) 14 安全考虑(Security Considerations) 15 IANA 考虑(IANA Considerations) 16 知识产权声明(Intellectual Property Rights Statement) 17 鸣谢(Acknowledgments) 附录A 算法(Algorithms) 附录A 1 RTP 数据头有效性检查(RTP Data Header Validity Checks ) 附录A 2 RTCP 数据头有效性检查(RTCP Header Validity Checks) 附录A 3 确定RTP包预期数目和丢失数目(Determining Number of Packets Expected and Lost) 附录A 4 生成SDES RTCP包(Generating RTCP SDES Packets) 附录A 5 解析RTCP SDES 包(Parsing RTCP SDES Packets) 附录A 6 生成32位随机标识符(Generating a Random 32-bit Identifier 附录A 7 计算RTCP 传输间隔(Computing the RTCP Transmission Interval) 附录A 8 估测两次到达间隔的抖动(Estimating the Interarrival Jitter) 附录B 与RFC1889 不同之外(Changes from RFC 1889) 参考书目(References) 标准化引用(Normative References ) 资料性引用(Informative References) 作者地址 完整的版权声明
目录(Table of Contents) 1. 引言 (Introduction) 1 1 术语(Terminology) 2 RTP使用场景(RTP Use Scenarios) 2 1 简单多播音频会议( Simple Multicast Audio Conference) 2 2 音频和视频会议(Audio and Video Conference) 2 3 混频器和转换器(Mixers and Translators) 2 4 分层编码(Layered Encodings) 3 定义(Definitions) 4 字节序,校正和时间格式(Byte Order, Alignment, and Time Format) 5 RTP数据传输协议(RTP Data Transfer Protocol) 5 1 RTP固定头域(RTP Fixed Header Fields) 5 2 多路复用RTP会话(Multiplexing RTP Sessions) 5 3 RTP头的配置文件详细变更(Profile-Specific Modifications to the RTP Header) 5 3 1 RTP报头扩展(RTP Header Extension) 6 RTP控制协议(RTP Control Protocol) -- RTCP 6 1 RTCP包格式(RTCP Packet Format) 6 2 RTCP传输间隔(RTCP Transmission Interval) 6 2 1 维护会话成员数目(Maintaining the number of session members) 6 3 RTCP包的发送与接收规则(RTCP Packet Send and Receive Rules) 6 3 1 计算RTCP传输间隔(Computing the RTCP Transmission Interval) 6 3 2 初始化(Initialization) 6 3 3 接收RTP或RTCP(非BYE)包(Receiving an RTP or Non-BYE RTCP Packet) 6 3 4 接收RTCP(BYE)包(Receiving an RTCP BYE Packet) 6 3 5 SSRC计时失效(Timing Out an SSRC) 6 3 6 关于传输计时器的到期(Expiration of Transmission Timer) 6 3 7 传输一个 BYE 包(Transmitting a BYE Packet) 6 3 8 更新we_sent(Updating we_sent) 6 3 9 分配源描述带宽(Allocation of Source Description Bandwidth) 6 4 发送方和接收方报告(Sender and Receiver Reports) 6 4 1 SR:发送方报告的RTCP包(SR: Sender report RTCP packet) 6 4 2 RR:接收方报告的RTCP包(RR: Receiver Report RTCP Packet) 6 4 3 扩展发送方和接收方报告(Extending the Sender and Receiver Reports ) 6 4 4 分析发送方和接收方报告(Analyzing Sender and Receiver Reports ) 6 5 SDES:源描述RTCP包(SDES: Source description RTCP packet) 6 5 1 CNAME:规范终端标识符的SDES数据项(CNAME: Canonical End-Point Identifier SDES Item) 6 5 2 NAME:用户名的SDES数据项(NAME: User name SDES item) 6 5 3 EMAIL:电子邮件地址的SDES数据项(EMAIL: Electronic Mail Address SDES Item) 6 5 4 PHONE:电话号码的SDES数据项(PHONE: Phone Number SDES Item) 6 5 5 LOC:地理用户地址的SDES数据项(LOC: Geographic User Location SDES Item) 6 5 6 TOOL:应用程序或工具名字的SDES数据项(TOOL: Application or Tool Name SDES Item) 6 5 7 NOTE:通知/状态的SDES数据项(NOTE: Notice/Status SDES Item) 6 5 8 PRIV:私有扩展的SDES数据项(PRIV: Private Extensions SDES Item) 6 6 BYE:Goodbye RTCP包(BYE: Goodbye RTCP packet) 6 7 APP:定义应用程序的RTCP包(APP: Application-Defined RTCP Packet) 7 RTP转换器和混频器(RTP Translators and Mixers) 7 1 概述(General Description ) 7 2 在转换器中的RTCP数据处理(RTCP Processing in Translators) 7 3 在混频器中的RTCP数据处理(RTCP Processing in Mixers ) 7 4 级联混频器(Cascaded Mixers) 8 SSRC标识符的分配和使用(SSRC Identifier Allocation and Use) 8 1 冲突概率(Probability of Collision ) 8 2 冲突解决和循环检测(Collision Resolution and Loop Detection) 8 3 在分层编码中使用(Use with Layered Encodings) 9 安全(Security ) 9 1 机密性(Confidentiality) 9 2 身份验证和消息完整性(Authentication and Message Integrity) 10 拥塞控制(Congestion Control) 11 网络和传输协议之上的RTPRTP over Network and Transport Protocols) 12 协议常量摘要(Summary of Protocol Constants) 12 1 RTCP 包类型(RTCP Packet Types) 12 2 SDES 类型(SDES Types) 13 RTP概况和负载格式详细说明     (RTP Profiles and Payload Format Specifications) 14 安全考虑(Security Considerations) 15 IANA考虑(IANA Considerations) 16 知识产权声明(Intellectual Property Rights Statement) 17 鸣谢(Acknowledgments) 附录 A 算法(Algorithms) 附录 A 1 RTP数据头有效性检查(RTP Data Header Validity Checks ) 附录 A 2 RTCP数据头有效性检查(RTCP Header Validity Checks) 附录 A 3 确定RTP包预期数目和丢失数目(Determining Number of Packets Expected and Lost) 附录 A 4 生成SDES RTCP包(Generating RTCP SDES Packets) 附录 A 5 解析RTCP SDES包(Parsing RTCP SDES Packets) 附录 A 6 生成32位随机标识符(Generating a Random 32-bit Identifier 附录 A 7 计算RTCP传输间隔(Computing the RTCP Transmission Interval) 附录 A 8 估测两次到达间隔的抖动(Estimating the Interarrival Jitter) 附录 B 与RFC1889不同之外(Changes from RFC 1889) 参考书目(References) 标准化引用(Normative References ) 资料性引用(Informative References) 作者地址 完整的版权声明
目录(Table of Contents) 1. 引言 (Introduction) 1 1 术语(Terminology) 2 RTP使用场景(RTP Use Scenarios) 2 1 简单多播音频会议( Simple Multicast Audio Conference) 2 2 音频和视频会议(Audio and Video Conference) 2 3 混频器和转换器(Mixers and Translators) 2 4 分层编码(Layered Encodings) 3 定义(Definitions) 4 字节序,校正和时间格式(Byte Order, Alignment, and Time Format) 5 RTP数据传输协议(RTP Data Transfer Protocol) 5 1 RTP固定头域(RTP Fixed Header Fields) 5 2 多路复用RTP会话(Multiplexing RTP Sessions) 5 3 RTP头的配置文件详细变更(Profile-Specific Modifications to the RTP Header) 5 3 1 RTP报头扩展(RTP Header Extension) 6 RTP控制协议(RTP Control Protocol) -- RTCP 6 1 RTCP包格式(RTCP Packet Format) 6 2 RTCP传输间隔(RTCP Transmission Interval) 6 2 1 维护会话成员数目(Maintaining the number of session members) 6 3 RTCP包的发送与接收规则(RTCP Packet Send and Receive Rules) 6 3 1 计算RTCP传输间隔(Computing the RTCP Transmission Interval) 6 3 2 初始化(Initialization) 6 3 3 接收RTP或RTCP(非BYE)包(Receiving an RTP or Non-BYE RTCP Packet) 6 3 4 接收RTCP(BYE)包(Receiving an RTCP BYE Packet) 6 3 5 SSRC计时失效(Timing Out an SSRC) 6 3 6 关于传输计时器的到期(Expiration of Transmission Timer) 6 3 7 传输一个 BYE 包(Transmitting a BYE Packet) 6 3 8 更新we_sent(Updating we_sent) 6 3 9 分配源描述带宽(Allocation of Source Description Bandwidth) 6 4 发送方和接收方报告(Sender and Receiver Reports) 6 4 1 SR:发送方报告的RTCP包(SR: Sender report RTCP packet) 6 4 2 RR:接收方报告的RTCP包(RR: Receiver Report RTCP Packet) 6 4 3 扩展发送方和接收方报告(Extending the Sender and Receiver Reports ) 6 4 4 分析发送方和接收方报告(Analyzing Sender and Receiver Reports ) 6 5 SDES:源描述RTCP包(SDES: Source description RTCP packet) 6 5 1 CNAME:规范终端标识符的SDES数据项(CNAME: Canonical End-Point Identifier SDES Item)
这是英文版rfc3550文档的翻译,这个比英文版看着爽多了,对RTP及RTCP的理解大有帮助。 目录(Table of Contents) 1. 引言 (Introduction) 1 1 术语(Terminology) 2 RTP使用场景(RTP Use Scenarios) 2 1 简单多播音频会议( Simple Multicast Audio Conference) 2 2 音频和视频会议(Audio and Video Conference) 2 3 混频器和转换器(Mixers and Translators) 2 4 分层编码(Layered Encodings) 3 定义(Definitions) 4 字节序,校正和时间格式(Byte Order, Alignment, and Time Format) 5 RTP数据传输协议(RTP Data Transfer Protocol) 5 1 RTP固定头域(RTP Fixed Header Fields) 5 2 多路复用RTP会话(Multiplexing RTP Sessions) 5 3 RTP头的配置文件详细变更(Profile-Specific Modifications to the RTP Header) 5 3 1 RTP报头扩展(RTP Header Extension) 6 RTP控制协议(RTP Control Protocol) -- RTCP 6 1 RTCP包格式(RTCP Packet Format) 6 2 RTCP传输间隔(RTCP Transmission Interval) 6 2 1 维护会话成员数目(Maintaining the number of session members) 6 3 RTCP包的发送与接收规则(RTCP Packet Send and Receive Rules) 6 3 1 计算RTCP传输间隔(Computing the RTCP Transmission Interval) 6 3 2 初始化(Initialization) 6 3 3 接收RTP或RTCP(非BYE)包(Receiving an RTP or Non-BYE RTCP Packet) 6 3 4 接收RTCP(BYE)包(Receiving an RTCP BYE Packet) 6 3 5 SSRC计时失效(Timing Out an SSRC) 6 3 6 关于传输计时器的到期(Expiration of Transmission Timer) 6 3 7 传输一个 BYE 包(Transmitting a BYE Packet) 6 3 8 更新we_sent(Updating we_sent) 6 3 9 分配源描述带宽(Allocation of Source Description Bandwidth) 6 4 发送方和接收方报告(Sender and Receiver Reports) 6 4 1 SR:发送方报告的RTCP包(SR: Sender report RTCP packet) 6 4 2 RR:接收方报告的RTCP包(RR: Receiver Report RTCP Packet) 6 4 3 扩展发送方和接收方报告(Extending the Sender and Receiver Reports ) 6 4 4 分析发送方和接收方报告(Analyzing Sender and Receiver Reports ) 6 5 SDES:源描述RTCP包(SDES: Source description RTCP packet) 6 5 1 CNAME:规范终端标识符的SDES数据项(CNAME: Canonical End-Point Identifier SDES Item) 6 5 2 NAME:用户名的SDES数据项(NAME: User name SDES item) 6 5 3 EMAIL:电子邮件地址的SDES数据项(EMAIL: Electronic Mail Address SDES Item) 6 5 4 PHONE:电话号码的SDES数据项(PHONE: Phone Number SDES Item) 6 5 5 LOC:地理用户地址的SDES数据项(LOC: Geographic User Location SDES Item) 6 5 6 TOOL:应用程序或工具名字的SDES数据项(TOOL: Application or Tool Name SDES Item) 6 5 7 NOTE:通知/状态的SDES数据项(NOTE: Notice/Status SDES Item) 6 5 8 PRIV:私有扩展的SDES数据项(PRIV: Private Extensions SDES Item) 6 6 BYE:Goodbye RTCP包(BYE: Goodbye RTCP packet) 6 7 APP:定义应用程序的RTCP包(APP: Application-Defined RTCP Packet) 7 RTP转换器和混频器(RTP Translators and Mixers) 7 1 概述(General Description ) 7 2 在转换器中的RTCP数据处理(RTCP Processing in Translators) 7 3 在混频器中的RTCP数据处理(RTCP Processing in Mixers ) 7 4 级联混频器(Cascaded Mixers) 8 SSRC标识符的分配和使用(SSRC Identifier Allocation and Use) 8 1 冲突概率(Probability of Collision ) 8 2 冲突解决和循环检测(Collision Resolution and Loop Detection) 8 3 在分层编码中使用(Use with Layered Encodings) 9 安全(Security ) 9 1 机密性(Confidentiality) 9 2 身份验证和消息完整性(Authentication and Message Integrity) 10 拥塞控制(Congestion Control) 11 网络和传输协议之上的RTPRTP over Network and Transport Protocols) 12 协议常量摘要(Summary of Protocol Constants) 12 1 RTCP 包类型(RTCP Packet Types) 12 2 SDES 类型(SDES Types) 13 RTP概况和负载格式详细说明     (RTP Profiles and Payload Format Specifications) 14 安全考虑(Security Considerations) 15 IANA考虑(IANA Considerations) 16 知识产权声明(Intellectual Property Rights Statement) 17 鸣谢(Acknowledgments)



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