
newnazi 2013-02-20 11:43:54
冒泡 选择 插入 快速 堆 希尔 归并 基数 外部 位图 拓补

最近 台湾来了个不懂技术的主管,不知怎么的最近经常说我;今天给我安排了一个
工作 用VB写排序,我还没问就把电话挂了所以我想把所有的排序都写了吧。

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14 条回复
newnazi 2013-03-14
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引用 12 楼 bcrun 的回复:
引用 11 楼 newnazi 的回复:已 经 搞 定 了 恭喜楼主,可以介绍一下经验,这坛子里肯定还有给台湾老板打工的.
newnazi 2013-02-24
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代码我贴 出来,用VB6写的 '''新建bas文件 Attribute VB_Name = "Module1" Option Explicit Global Const ZERO = 0 Global Const ASCENDING_ORDER = 0 Global Const DESCENDING_ORDER = 1 Global gIterations Sub BubbleSort(MyArray(), ByVal nOrder As Integer) Dim Index Dim TEMP Dim NextElement NextElement = ZERO Do While (NextElement < UBound(MyArray)) Index = UBound(MyArray) Do While (Index > NextElement) If nOrder = ASCENDING_ORDER Then If MyArray(Index) < MyArray(Index - 1) Then TEMP = MyArray(Index) MyArray(Index) = MyArray(Index - 1) MyArray(Index - 1) = TEMP End If ElseIf nOrder = DESCENDING_ORDER Then If MyArray(Index) >= MyArray(Index - 1) Then TEMP = MyArray(Index) MyArray(Index) = MyArray(Index - 1) MyArray(Index - 1) = TEMP End If End If Index = Index - 1 gIterations = gIterations + 1 Loop NextElement = NextElement + 1 gIterations = gIterations + 1 Loop End Sub Sub Bucket(MyArray(), ByVal nOrder As Integer) Dim Index Dim NextElement Dim TheBucket NextElement = LBound(MyArray) + 1 While (NextElement <= UBound(MyArray)) TheBucket = MyArray(NextElement) Index = NextElement Do If Index > LBound(MyArray) Then If nOrder = ASCENDING_ORDER Then If TheBucket < MyArray(Index - 1) Then MyArray(Index) = MyArray(Index - 1) Index = Index - 1 Else Exit Do End If ElseIf nOrder = DESCENDING_ORDER Then If TheBucket >= MyArray(Index - 1) Then MyArray(Index) = MyArray(Index - 1) Index = Index - 1 Else Exit Do End If End If Else Exit Do End If gIterations = gIterations + 1 Loop MyArray(Index) = TheBucket NextElement = NextElement + 1 gIterations = gIterations + 1 Wend End Sub ''堆排序 Sub Heap(MyArray()) Dim Index Dim Size Dim TEMP Size = UBound(MyArray) Index = 1 While (Index <= Size) Call HeapSiftup(MyArray(), Index) Index = Index + 1 gIterations = gIterations + 1 Wend Index = Size While (Index > 0) TEMP = MyArray(0) MyArray(0) = MyArray(Index) MyArray(Index) = TEMP Call HeapSiftdown(MyArray(), Index - 1) Index = Index - 1 gIterations = gIterations + 1 Wend End Sub Sub HeapSiftdown(MyArray(), M) Dim Index Dim Parent Dim TEMP Index = 0 Parent = 2 * Index Do While (Parent <= M) If (Parent < M And MyArray(Parent) < MyArray(Parent + 1)) Then Parent = Parent + 1 End If If MyArray(Index) >= MyArray(Parent) Then Exit Do End If TEMP = MyArray(Index) MyArray(Index) = MyArray(Parent) MyArray(Parent) = TEMP Index = Parent Parent = 2 * Index gIterations = gIterations + 1 Loop End Sub Sub HeapSiftup(MyArray(), M) Dim Index Dim Parent Dim TEMP Index = M Do While (Index > 0) Parent = Int(Index / 2) If MyArray(Parent) >= MyArray(Index) Then Exit Do End If TEMP = MyArray(Index) MyArray(Index) = MyArray(Parent) MyArray(Parent) = TEMP Index = Parent gIterations = gIterations + 1 Loop End Sub Sub Insertion(MyArray(), ByVal nOrder As Integer) Dim Index Dim TEMP Dim NextElement NextElement = LBound(MyArray) + 1 While (NextElement <= UBound(MyArray)) Index = NextElement Do If Index > LBound(MyArray) Then If nOrder = ASCENDING_ORDER Then If MyArray(Index) < MyArray(Index - 1) Then TEMP = MyArray(Index) MyArray(Index) = MyArray(Index - 1) MyArray(Index - 1) = TEMP Index = Index - 1 Else Exit Do End If ElseIf nOrder = DESCENDING_ORDER Then If MyArray(Index) >= MyArray(Index - 1) Then TEMP = MyArray(Index) MyArray(Index) = MyArray(Index - 1) MyArray(Index - 1) = TEMP Index = Index - 1 Else Exit Do End If End If Else Exit Do End If gIterations = gIterations + 1 Loop NextElement = NextElement + 1 gIterations = gIterations + 1 Wend End Sub Sub QuickSort(MyArray(), L, R) Dim I, J, X, Y I = L J = R X = MyArray((L + R) / 2) While (I <= J) While (MyArray(I) < X And I < R) I = I + 1 Wend While (X < MyArray(J) And J > L) J = J - 1 Wend If (I <= J) Then Y = MyArray(I) MyArray(I) = MyArray(J) MyArray(J) = Y I = I + 1 J = J - 1 End If gIterations = gIterations + 1 Wend If (L < J) Then Call QuickSort(MyArray(), L, J) If (I < R) Then Call QuickSort(MyArray(), I, R) End Sub Sub Selection(MyArray(), ByVal nOrder As Integer) Dim Index Dim Min Dim NextElement Dim TEMP NextElement = 0 While (NextElement < UBound(MyArray)) Min = UBound(MyArray) Index = Min - 1 While (Index >= NextElement) If nOrder = ASCENDING_ORDER Then If MyArray(Index) < MyArray(Min) Then Min = Index End If ElseIf nOrder = DESCENDING_ORDER Then If MyArray(Index) >= MyArray(Min) Then Min = Index End If End If Index = Index - 1 gIterations = gIterations + 1 Wend TEMP = MyArray(Min) MyArray(Min) = MyArray(NextElement) MyArray(NextElement) = TEMP NextElement = NextElement + 1 gIterations = gIterations - 1 Wend End Sub Sub ShellSort(MyArray(), ByVal nOrder As Integer) Dim Distance Dim Size Dim Index Dim NextElement Dim TEMP Size = UBound(MyArray) - LBound(MyArray) + 1 Distance = 1 While (Distance <= Size) Distance = 2 * Distance Wend Distance = (Distance / 2) - 1 While (Distance > 0) NextElement = LBound(MyArray) + Distance While (NextElement <= UBound(MyArray)) Index = NextElement Do If Index >= (LBound(MyArray) + Distance) Then If nOrder = ASCENDING_ORDER Then If MyArray(Index) < MyArray(Index - Distance) Then TEMP = MyArray(Index) MyArray(Index) = MyArray(Index - Distance) MyArray(Index - Distance) = TEMP Index = Index - Distance gIterations = gIterations + 1 Else Exit Do End If ElseIf nOrder = DESCENDING_ORDER Then If MyArray(Index) >= MyArray(Index - Distance) Then TEMP = MyArray(Index) MyArray(Index) = MyArray(Index - Distance) MyArray(Index - Distance) = TEMP Index = Index - Distance gIterations = gIterations + 1 Else Exit Do End If End If Else Exit Do End If Loop NextElement = NextElement + 1 gIterations = gIterations + 1 Wend Distance = (Distance - 1) / 2 gIterations = gIterations + 1 Wend End Sub
bcrun 2013-02-23
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引用 11 楼 newnazi 的回复:
已 经 搞 定 了
lliai 2013-02-22
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newnazi 2013-02-22
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已 经 搞 定 了
橘子皮... 2013-02-22
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threenewbee 2013-02-21
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引用 7 楼 newnazi 的回复:
二叉排序的谁能给个例子 代码?
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还是打电话问清楚吧,这样糊里糊涂的做了 到时要是不对,你浪费的时间只能得到一句:不清楚当时怎么不问???
newnazi 2013-02-21
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二叉排序的谁能给个例子 代码?
bcrun 2013-02-21
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newnazi 2013-02-21
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引用 5 楼 caozhy 的回复:
threenewbee 2013-02-21
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threenewbee 2013-02-21
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