
hellen_99010 2014-12-18 02:41:34
1 学习C++的整个知识体系有那些(最好能按循序渐进给我们说下)
2 自己学习C++的语法,做一些小程序练习还好。使用集成工具后不知到怎样编译和引入第三方的库(不太像java中使用IDE来打成
3 项目的构建,管理
4 集成工具的选择VS2010/2012,vc6.0,code::blocks
5 UI库的选择 : 先前看了MFC,学起来很是吃力。很不好用。界面也很是粗糙,不美观。最近查了下wxWidget/QT。你们都是怎么
做和用什么来做的 ?
6 项目是如何打包发布的。
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37 条回复
draculamx 2014-12-25
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你学过JAVA,转C++,应该很容易的,最起码面向对象这块是通用的,而且在具体实现部分,C++的语法和JAVA几乎相同,起始最重要的还是面向对象的思想。 MFC到底要不要学,答案是肯定要学,即便你不用它做什么成品出来,它的运行机制,封装方法(就算封装得不太好),直接关系到你对Windows内部机制的理解,这个才是必须要吃透的东西。 关于界面,还是要看客户需求的,如果是像迅雷,QQ那样的界面,你用MFC,如果没有现成的第三方库给你用,你会花很长时间才能做出来,这个就要看你自己的具体情况了。如果没那么多时间和精力,如果客户的界面需求不那么高,你只需要去找个第三方库,给MFC的默认界面换个皮肤就好,一般情况下足够了。。。 ,如果你又想快速做出绚丽的界面,又想使用C++为开发语言,同时还可以把程序直接搬到 安卓,IOS上跑一跑,你可以去试试最新的 C++ Builder XE7 最后,我是隔壁 C++ Builder板块跑来打广告的
hellen_99010 2014-12-25
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引用 38 楼 draculamx 的回复:
你学过JAVA,转C++,应该很容易的,最起码面向对象这块是通用的,而且在具体实现部分,C++的语法和JAVA几乎相同,起始最重要的还是面向对象的思想。 MFC到底要不要学,答案是肯定要学,即便你不用它做什么成品出来,它的运行机制,封装方法(就算封装得不太好),直接关系到你对Windows内部机制的理解,这个才是必须要吃透的东西。 关于界面,还是要看客户需求的,如果是像迅雷,QQ那样的界面,你用MFC,如果没有现成的第三方库给你用,你会花很长时间才能做出来,这个就要看你自己的具体情况了。如果没那么多时间和精力,如果客户的界面需求不那么高,你只需要去找个第三方库,给MFC的默认界面换个皮肤就好,一般情况下足够了。。。 ,如果你又想快速做出绚丽的界面,又想使用C++为开发语言,同时还可以把程序直接搬到 安卓,IOS上跑一跑,你可以去试试最新的 C++ Builder XE7 最后,我是隔壁 C++ Builder板块跑来打广告的
hellen_99010 2014-12-24
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赵4老师 2014-12-24
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引用 15 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:
ypzhong 2014-12-24
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引用 33 楼 hellen_99010 的回复:
[quote=引用 28 楼 luciferisnotsatan 的回复:] [quote=引用 27 楼 hellen_99010 的回复:] [quote=引用 25 楼 bug1190 的回复:] 好多菜,,,哥五年MFC 的过来给你扔点货吧,你得挺过来,不然就跟上面那群人一样,最终搞的会人脸识别,会OCR,也会音频检索算法,,却TMD的连完整做一个像样的EXE都拿不出手,原因是常规通用开发能力都不球懂啊,当然这类人可能工资还不少,弄的好的还可以在某公司当项目经理啊什么的,叫他自已整个程序,项多给你点DEMO,,,剩下自已搞切,呵呵垃圾, 打包用NSI,开源,免费,强大,快速,VS自带的功能不够强,不推荐用, 开发用MFC,水很深,就看你能不能挺的过去,挺过来你就是神,挺不过来,你混的可能跟上面那群B一样,走跟他们一样的路
看来MFC还是最基础的~[/quote] 最基础的是用WIN32 api,MFC是个做的不太好的封装。微软放弃MFC多年了,而且本来实现的也不算太灵活,你想要做比较炫的界面,都要自己实现控件(继承MFC的,自己重写绘图函数)。这样的话,必须了解那些win32api,不然你都不知道怎么扩展。[/quote] 这个方向对我很明确~高手在民间呀~[/quote] 我也只能呵呵了,钻到MFC里狭隘的思想表现。
hellen_99010 2014-12-23
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引用 28 楼 luciferisnotsatan 的回复:
[quote=引用 27 楼 hellen_99010 的回复:] [quote=引用 25 楼 bug1190 的回复:] 好多菜,,,哥五年MFC 的过来给你扔点货吧,你得挺过来,不然就跟上面那群人一样,最终搞的会人脸识别,会OCR,也会音频检索算法,,却TMD的连完整做一个像样的EXE都拿不出手,原因是常规通用开发能力都不球懂啊,当然这类人可能工资还不少,弄的好的还可以在某公司当项目经理啊什么的,叫他自已整个程序,项多给你点DEMO,,,剩下自已搞切,呵呵垃圾, 打包用NSI,开源,免费,强大,快速,VS自带的功能不够强,不推荐用, 开发用MFC,水很深,就看你能不能挺的过去,挺过来你就是神,挺不过来,你混的可能跟上面那群B一样,走跟他们一样的路
看来MFC还是最基础的~[/quote] 最基础的是用WIN32 api,MFC是个做的不太好的封装。微软放弃MFC多年了,而且本来实现的也不算太灵活,你想要做比较炫的界面,都要自己实现控件(继承MFC的,自己重写绘图函数)。这样的话,必须了解那些win32api,不然你都不知道怎么扩展。[/quote] 这个方向对我很明确~高手在民间呀~
hellen_99010 2014-12-23
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引用 31 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:
Alphabetical List of MFC Samples Sample Illustrations ACDUAL Demonstrates how to add dual interface support to an MFC-based Automation server. AUTOCLIK Tutorial example illustrating Automation features in Visual C++ Tutorials. AUTODRIV A simple Automation client application that drives the AUTOCLIK tutorial sample application. BINDENRL Databound controls in a dialog-based application with property pages. BINDSCRB Illustration of the use of new COM interfaces to components currently supported by the Microsoft Office suite of products. CALCDRIV Automation client. CATALOG Illustration of direct calls to ODBC functions in general, and the ODBC functions SQLTables and SQLColumns in particular. CATALOG2 Illustration of direct calls to ODBC functions in general using Windows Common Controls. CHATSRVR Discussion server application for CHATTER. CHATTER Client application that uses Windows Sockets. CHKBOOK Record-based (nonserialized) document. CIRC Tutorial sample that teaches you how to create a simple ActiveX control called Circle. CMNCTRL1 Demonstrates how to create and change the styles of Windows Common Controls using MFC classes (Part 1). CMNCTRL2 Demonstrates how to create and change the styles of Windows Common Controls using MFC classes (Part 2). COLLECT MFC C++ template-based collection classes, and standard prebuilt collection classes. CONTAINER Tutorial example illustrating ActiveX Visual Editing container features in Visual C++ Tutorials. COUNTER Using an ISAPI DLL to send image data (rather than HTML data) back to a Web browser. CTRLBARS Custom toolbar and status bar, dialog bar, and floating palette. CTRLTEST Owner-draw list box and menu, custom control, bitmap button, spin control. CUBE OpenGL application using MFC device contexts along with OpenGL's resource contexts. DAOCTL DAO database class functionality and ActiveX controls let you examine a database. DAOENROL Based on ENROLL, but migrated to the DAO database classes. Also serves as Step 4 of the DaoEnrol tutorial. DAOTABLE Creates a Microsoft Access database (.mdb file) and its tables, fields, queries, and indexes using MFC DAO database classes. DAOVIEW DAO database classes and Windows Common Controls let you view the schema of a database. DBFETCH Demonstrates the use of bulk row fetching in the ODBC database classes. DBVList Demonstrates the virtual list view functionality available for the list view common control. DIBLOOK Device-independent bitmap and color palette. DLGCBR32 Adding a toolbar and a status bar to a dialog-based application. DLGTEMPL Shows how to create dialog templates dynamically. DLLHUSK Sharing the DLL version of the Foundation class library with an application and custom DLL. DLLTRACE Statically linking the MFC library to a custom DLL. DOCKTOOL Dragging and floating toolbars that are "dockable". DRAWCLI Full-featured object-oriented drawing application that is also an ActiveX Visual Editing container. DRAWPIC Getting a Windows handle to a bitmap or icon from an LPPICTUREDISP. DYNABIND Dynamic binding of database columns to a recordset. DYNAMENU Dynamically modifying list of items in menus; handling commands not known at compile time; and updating the status bar command prompt for such commands. ENROLL Tutorial example illustrating database features in Visual C++ Tutorials. EXTBIND Shows how to bind data-aware controls across a dialog box boundary. FIRE Dialog-based application that demonstrates five Windows Common Controls. FTPTREE Displays the contents of an FTP site in a tree control. GUIDGEN A dialog-based MFC application used to generate globally unique identifiers, or GUIDs, which identify OLE classes, objects, and interfaces. HELLO Simple application with frame window but no document or view. HELLOAPP Minimal "Hello World" application. HIERSVR ActiveX Visual Editing server application with drag and drop. HTTPSVR Uses MFC Windows Socket classes to implement an Internet HTTP server. IMAGE Demonstrates an ActiveX control that is capable of downloading data asynchronously. INPROC An in-process Automation server that can be loaded as a DLL in the client's address space. IPDRIVE A simple Automation client application that drives the INPROC sample application. LISTHDR Demonstrates the List View and Header Common Controls. MAKEHM Command line utility for associating resources with Help contexts. MDI MDI application that does not use documents and views. MDIBIND Demonstrates data binding in CWnd-derived windows, but only at run time. MDIDOCVW New version of the MDI sample that uses the document/view architecture. MFCBIND Shows how to create an ActiveX document (formerly known as a DocObject) container using the ActiveX document container support classes. MFCCALC An Automation server that implements a simple calculator. MFCIE Uses MFC's CHtmlView and CreBar classes to implement a subset of the functionality provided by Microsoft Internet Explorer. MFCRows Shows how to useCOleDBRecordView to scroll through a table in a database. Also how to use multiple accessors so you can update an Access table that contains an AutoNumber field to be retrieved. MFCUCASE Demonstrates MFC support for Internet Server filter DLLs. MODELESS Demonstrates the use of an MFC CDialog object as a modeless dialog. MTGDI Multithread illustration, where GDI resources are converted to MFC objects and back. MTMDI Multithread illustration, where user-interface events are processed in a separate user-interface thread. MTRECALC Multithread illustration, where recalculations are done in a worker thread. MULTIPAD Simple MDI text editor using the CeditView class. MUTEXES Demonstrates the use of the Cmutex class for multithreading. NPP Editor demonstrating toolbars, status bars, and other controls. OCLIENT ActiveX Visual Editing container application, with drag and drop. ODBCINFO Shows how to determine various ODBC driver capabilities at run time. OLDBARS Provides support for applications that rely on the old implementations of CToolBar and CStatusBar by providing the source code for these classes. OLEVIEW Implementing an OLE object browser through custom OLE interfaces. PINBALL An Internet Server Extension DLL that provides graphics and also redirects users to a Web site for further research. PROPDLG Property sheets (dialogs). ROWLIST Illustrates full row selection in a list-view common control. SAVER Screen saver written with MFC. SCRIBBLE Main tutorial example in Visual C++ Tutorials. SMILEY Modifying properties, calling methods, and handling events from the SMILE control in the SMILEY container. SNAPVW Shows how to use property pages in a MDI child frame window. SPEAKN Multimedia sound using user-defined resources. StockTicker An MFC and ATL application that retrieves stock quotes from the Web and displays them in an ATL control. The user can set the display's properties, including rate of data refresh. STDREG Tool for populating the Student Registration database (used by the Enroll database tutorial) in any format supported by an ODBC driver. Illustrates SQL table creation. SUPERPAD ActiveX Visual Editing server that edits text using CEditView. TEAR MFC console application that uses the Wininet.dll. TEMPLDEF Command line tool that expands source files similar to C++ templates. TSTCON Implements an ActiveX control container using MFC's support for OLE embedding. You can use TSTCON to test ActiveX controls, change their properties, and invoke their methods. TESTHELP An ActiveX control that has its own help file and tooltips. TRACER Tool that sets the Foundation class application trace flags kept in AFX.INI. TRACKER Illustration of the various CRectTracker styles and options. VCTERM Simple terminal emulation program illustrating the use of the Mscomm32.ocx ActiveX control. VIEWEX Multiple views, scroll view, splitter windows. WIZARD97 Demonstrates implementing a wizard that supports background bitmaps and wide header titles and images. This wizard design is supported for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0; you must be using Windows 98 or Windows NT 5.0 for this sample to work properly. WORDPAD Uses MFC's support for rich edit controls to create a basic word processor. WWWQUOTE Retrieves information from a database and provides it to the user via an HTTP connection to the server. See Also Microsoft Foundation Class Library Samples Index
WizardtoH 2014-12-22
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一起学习 自己在看C++ Primer,有JAVA基础应该不难吧 IDE用VS就很好啊 界面最近看上了Duilib,不过貌似作者不维护了,Qt做界面也挺好。
huanglin03 2014-12-22
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引用 28 楼 luciferisnotsatan 的回复:
[quote=引用 27 楼 hellen_99010 的回复:] [quote=引用 25 楼 bug1190 的回复:] 好多菜,,,哥五年MFC 的过来给你扔点货吧,你得挺过来,不然就跟上面那群人一样,最终搞的会人脸识别,会OCR,也会音频检索算法,,却TMD的连完整做一个像样的EXE都拿不出手,原因是常规通用开发能力都不球懂啊,当然这类人可能工资还不少,弄的好的还可以在某公司当项目经理啊什么的,叫他自已整个程序,项多给你点DEMO,,,剩下自已搞切,呵呵垃圾, 打包用NSI,开源,免费,强大,快速,VS自带的功能不够强,不推荐用, 开发用MFC,水很深,就看你能不能挺的过去,挺过来你就是神,挺不过来,你混的可能跟上面那群B一样,走跟他们一样的路
看来MFC还是最基础的~[/quote] 最基础的是用WIN32 api,MFC是个做的不太好的封装。微软放弃MFC多年了,而且本来实现的也不算太灵活,你想要做比较炫的界面,都要自己实现控件(继承MFC的,自己重写绘图函数)。这样的话,必须了解那些win32api,不然你都不知道怎么扩展。[/quote] 真不知道你们说的放弃MFC是在哪里找的P话,反正你在VS2010当中还能见到MFC最新的更新类库,自己眼瞎,别说人家没更新
luciferisnotsatan 2014-12-22
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引用 27 楼 hellen_99010 的回复:
[quote=引用 25 楼 bug1190 的回复:] 好多菜,,,哥五年MFC 的过来给你扔点货吧,你得挺过来,不然就跟上面那群人一样,最终搞的会人脸识别,会OCR,也会音频检索算法,,却TMD的连完整做一个像样的EXE都拿不出手,原因是常规通用开发能力都不球懂啊,当然这类人可能工资还不少,弄的好的还可以在某公司当项目经理啊什么的,叫他自已整个程序,项多给你点DEMO,,,剩下自已搞切,呵呵垃圾, 打包用NSI,开源,免费,强大,快速,VS自带的功能不够强,不推荐用, 开发用MFC,水很深,就看你能不能挺的过去,挺过来你就是神,挺不过来,你混的可能跟上面那群B一样,走跟他们一样的路
看来MFC还是最基础的~[/quote] 最基础的是用WIN32 api,MFC是个做的不太好的封装。微软放弃MFC多年了,而且本来实现的也不算太灵活,你想要做比较炫的界面,都要自己实现控件(继承MFC的,自己重写绘图函数)。这样的话,必须了解那些win32api,不然你都不知道怎么扩展。
赵4老师 2014-12-22
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Alphabetical List of MFC Samples Sample Illustrations ACDUAL Demonstrates how to add dual interface support to an MFC-based Automation server. AUTOCLIK Tutorial example illustrating Automation features in Visual C++ Tutorials. AUTODRIV A simple Automation client application that drives the AUTOCLIK tutorial sample application. BINDENRL Databound controls in a dialog-based application with property pages. BINDSCRB Illustration of the use of new COM interfaces to components currently supported by the Microsoft Office suite of products. CALCDRIV Automation client. CATALOG Illustration of direct calls to ODBC functions in general, and the ODBC functions SQLTables and SQLColumns in particular. CATALOG2 Illustration of direct calls to ODBC functions in general using Windows Common Controls. CHATSRVR Discussion server application for CHATTER. CHATTER Client application that uses Windows Sockets. CHKBOOK Record-based (nonserialized) document. CIRC Tutorial sample that teaches you how to create a simple ActiveX control called Circle. CMNCTRL1 Demonstrates how to create and change the styles of Windows Common Controls using MFC classes (Part 1). CMNCTRL2 Demonstrates how to create and change the styles of Windows Common Controls using MFC classes (Part 2). COLLECT MFC C++ template-based collection classes, and standard prebuilt collection classes. CONTAINER Tutorial example illustrating ActiveX Visual Editing container features in Visual C++ Tutorials. COUNTER Using an ISAPI DLL to send image data (rather than HTML data) back to a Web browser. CTRLBARS Custom toolbar and status bar, dialog bar, and floating palette. CTRLTEST Owner-draw list box and menu, custom control, bitmap button, spin control. CUBE OpenGL application using MFC device contexts along with OpenGL's resource contexts. DAOCTL DAO database class functionality and ActiveX controls let you examine a database. DAOENROL Based on ENROLL, but migrated to the DAO database classes. Also serves as Step 4 of the DaoEnrol tutorial. DAOTABLE Creates a Microsoft Access database (.mdb file) and its tables, fields, queries, and indexes using MFC DAO database classes. DAOVIEW DAO database classes and Windows Common Controls let you view the schema of a database. DBFETCH Demonstrates the use of bulk row fetching in the ODBC database classes. DBVList Demonstrates the virtual list view functionality available for the list view common control. DIBLOOK Device-independent bitmap and color palette. DLGCBR32 Adding a toolbar and a status bar to a dialog-based application. DLGTEMPL Shows how to create dialog templates dynamically. DLLHUSK Sharing the DLL version of the Foundation class library with an application and custom DLL. DLLTRACE Statically linking the MFC library to a custom DLL. DOCKTOOL Dragging and floating toolbars that are "dockable". DRAWCLI Full-featured object-oriented drawing application that is also an ActiveX Visual Editing container. DRAWPIC Getting a Windows handle to a bitmap or icon from an LPPICTUREDISP. DYNABIND Dynamic binding of database columns to a recordset. DYNAMENU Dynamically modifying list of items in menus; handling commands not known at compile time; and updating the status bar command prompt for such commands. ENROLL Tutorial example illustrating database features in Visual C++ Tutorials. EXTBIND Shows how to bind data-aware controls across a dialog box boundary. FIRE Dialog-based application that demonstrates five Windows Common Controls. FTPTREE Displays the contents of an FTP site in a tree control. GUIDGEN A dialog-based MFC application used to generate globally unique identifiers, or GUIDs, which identify OLE classes, objects, and interfaces. HELLO Simple application with frame window but no document or view. HELLOAPP Minimal "Hello World" application. HIERSVR ActiveX Visual Editing server application with drag and drop. HTTPSVR Uses MFC Windows Socket classes to implement an Internet HTTP server. IMAGE Demonstrates an ActiveX control that is capable of downloading data asynchronously. INPROC An in-process Automation server that can be loaded as a DLL in the client's address space. IPDRIVE A simple Automation client application that drives the INPROC sample application. LISTHDR Demonstrates the List View and Header Common Controls. MAKEHM Command line utility for associating resources with Help contexts. MDI MDI application that does not use documents and views. MDIBIND Demonstrates data binding in CWnd-derived windows, but only at run time. MDIDOCVW New version of the MDI sample that uses the document/view architecture. MFCBIND Shows how to create an ActiveX document (formerly known as a DocObject) container using the ActiveX document container support classes. MFCCALC An Automation server that implements a simple calculator. MFCIE Uses MFC's CHtmlView and CreBar classes to implement a subset of the functionality provided by Microsoft Internet Explorer. MFCRows Shows how to useCOleDBRecordView to scroll through a table in a database. Also how to use multiple accessors so you can update an Access table that contains an AutoNumber field to be retrieved. MFCUCASE Demonstrates MFC support for Internet Server filter DLLs. MODELESS Demonstrates the use of an MFC CDialog object as a modeless dialog. MTGDI Multithread illustration, where GDI resources are converted to MFC objects and back. MTMDI Multithread illustration, where user-interface events are processed in a separate user-interface thread. MTRECALC Multithread illustration, where recalculations are done in a worker thread. MULTIPAD Simple MDI text editor using the CeditView class. MUTEXES Demonstrates the use of the Cmutex class for multithreading. NPP Editor demonstrating toolbars, status bars, and other controls. OCLIENT ActiveX Visual Editing container application, with drag and drop. ODBCINFO Shows how to determine various ODBC driver capabilities at run time. OLDBARS Provides support for applications that rely on the old implementations of CToolBar and CStatusBar by providing the source code for these classes. OLEVIEW Implementing an OLE object browser through custom OLE interfaces. PINBALL An Internet Server Extension DLL that provides graphics and also redirects users to a Web site for further research. PROPDLG Property sheets (dialogs). ROWLIST Illustrates full row selection in a list-view common control. SAVER Screen saver written with MFC. SCRIBBLE Main tutorial example in Visual C++ Tutorials. SMILEY Modifying properties, calling methods, and handling events from the SMILE control in the SMILEY container. SNAPVW Shows how to use property pages in a MDI child frame window. SPEAKN Multimedia sound using user-defined resources. StockTicker An MFC and ATL application that retrieves stock quotes from the Web and displays them in an ATL control. The user can set the display's properties, including rate of data refresh. STDREG Tool for populating the Student Registration database (used by the Enroll database tutorial) in any format supported by an ODBC driver. Illustrates SQL table creation. SUPERPAD ActiveX Visual Editing server that edits text using CEditView. TEAR MFC console application that uses the Wininet.dll. TEMPLDEF Command line tool that expands source files similar to C++ templates. TSTCON Implements an ActiveX control container using MFC's support for OLE embedding. You can use TSTCON to test ActiveX controls, change their properties, and invoke their methods. TESTHELP An ActiveX control that has its own help file and tooltips. TRACER Tool that sets the Foundation class application trace flags kept in AFX.INI. TRACKER Illustration of the various CRectTracker styles and options. VCTERM Simple terminal emulation program illustrating the use of the Mscomm32.ocx ActiveX control. VIEWEX Multiple views, scroll view, splitter windows. WIZARD97 Demonstrates implementing a wizard that supports background bitmaps and wide header titles and images. This wizard design is supported for Windows 98 and Windows NT 5.0; you must be using Windows 98 or Windows NT 5.0 for this sample to work properly. WORDPAD Uses MFC's support for rich edit controls to create a basic word processor. WWWQUOTE Retrieves information from a database and provides it to the user via an HTTP connection to the server. See Also Microsoft Foundation Class Library Samples Index
hlx_beat 2014-12-21
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引用 25 楼 bug1190 的回复:
好多菜,,,哥五年MFC 的过来给你扔点货吧,你得挺过来,不然就跟上面那群人一样,最终搞的会人脸识别,会OCR,也会音频检索算法,,却TMD的连完整做一个像样的EXE都拿不出手,原因是常规通用开发能力都不球懂啊,当然这类人可能工资还不少,弄的好的还可以在某公司当项目经理啊什么的,叫他自已整个程序,项多给你点DEMO,,,剩下自已搞切,呵呵垃圾, 打包用NSI,开源,免费,强大,快速,VS自带的功能不够强,不推荐用, 开发用MFC,水很深,就看你能不能挺的过去,挺过来你就是神,挺不过来,你混的可能跟上面那群B一样,走跟他们一样的路
什么年代了 还MFC 微软都抛弃了 打包不是自己做的?
hellen_99010 2014-12-21
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引用 25 楼 bug1190 的回复:
好多菜,,,哥五年MFC 的过来给你扔点货吧,你得挺过来,不然就跟上面那群人一样,最终搞的会人脸识别,会OCR,也会音频检索算法,,却TMD的连完整做一个像样的EXE都拿不出手,原因是常规通用开发能力都不球懂啊,当然这类人可能工资还不少,弄的好的还可以在某公司当项目经理啊什么的,叫他自已整个程序,项多给你点DEMO,,,剩下自已搞切,呵呵垃圾, 打包用NSI,开源,免费,强大,快速,VS自带的功能不够强,不推荐用, 开发用MFC,水很深,就看你能不能挺的过去,挺过来你就是神,挺不过来,你混的可能跟上面那群B一样,走跟他们一样的路
hlx_beat 2014-12-20
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鄙人在用Duilib 挺不错的 Duilib不是很完善


hlx_beat 2014-12-20
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基础学: C++ primer 界面 : 学习MFC,大概能做一些基本界面就行,懂消息映射。用API实现MFC的原理。 如果你觉得原生态的界面不好看就用UI库吧。UI库也就是包装了API。。。。 切记不要太依赖MFC,不需要就尽量别用他,MFC很呕心
huanglin03 2014-12-20
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好多菜,,,哥五年MFC 的过来给你扔点货吧,你得挺过来,不然就跟上面那群人一样,最终搞的会人脸识别,会OCR,也会音频检索算法,,却TMD的连完整做一个像样的EXE都拿不出手,原因是常规通用开发能力都不球懂啊,当然这类人可能工资还不少,弄的好的还可以在某公司当项目经理啊什么的,叫他自已整个程序,项多给你点DEMO,,,剩下自已搞切,呵呵垃圾, 打包用NSI,开源,免费,强大,快速,VS自带的功能不够强,不推荐用, 开发用MFC,水很深,就看你能不能挺的过去,挺过来你就是神,挺不过来,你混的可能跟上面那群B一样,走跟他们一样的路
赵4老师 2014-12-20
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引用 18 楼 wenpinglaoyao 的回复:
[quote=引用 15 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:] 查MSDN是Windows程序员必须掌握的技能之一。
赵老师,我的visual6.0无法查找msdn,the msdn collection does not exist,please reinstall msdn 请问以上英文是什么意思?[/quote] 搜索下载安装msdn98
hellen_99010 2014-12-20
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引用 20 楼 hlx_beat 的回复:
基础学: C++ primer 界面 : 学习MFC,大概能做一些基本界面就行,懂消息映射。用API实现MFC的原理。 如果你觉得原生态的界面不好看就用UI库吧。UI库也就是包装了API。。。。 切记不要太依赖MFC,不需要就尽量别用他,MFC很呕心
hellen_99010 2014-12-20
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引用 19 楼 adusuccessfully 的回复:
LZ都开发了几年的java,学习C++应该很快会上手的…… 我是一个初学着,几乎没有开发经验,我看过的比较好的书有《C++大学教程》第七版,挺不错的。买了《c++编程思想》还没看…… 向楼主请教我应该怎么提高??
我就看了些C++的语法,还好都是面向对象的东西。可能自己做太久java了,都是想按做java的思路来。 学习C++现在唯一的障碍就是遇到问题不好解决,查资料解决起来很花时间 我的学习过程主要是了解了语法,自己试着去做些东西。这样才能发现问题 如:我自己昨天去试着连mysql,去查了它的官方文档,后来编译发现它的驱动依赖于boost库,又得去查.总之都是需要自己动手做了.我想坚持一段时间后会有收获的
principl 2014-12-19
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引用 10 楼 hellen_99010 的回复:
... 我现在目前只需要做些通讯交互的应用就可以



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