一个c# OO题 要做一个类 然后做筛选和添加 求大神帮我做

baidu_34846362 2016-04-30 11:00:58
这是要求Create a new class ‘DiscreteStock’ with the following features:
 Inherits from the Stock class;
 A private integer attribute named ‘_StoredStock’;
 A private integer attribute named ‘_ShelfStock’;
 A private double attribute named ‘_WeightPerItem’;
 Public read-only properties encapsulating the above attributes;
 A public custom constructor which accepts parameters for line (Line) and
weightPerItem (double) that passes the line parameter to the base class’ constructor
and initialises the above attributes (initialise both stored and shelf stock to zero);
 Implements/overrides the AdjustStock() method:
o If the quantity is a discrete quantity, add the specified quantity to stored stock;
o If the quantity is not a discrete quantity, it is ignored.
 Implements/overrides the Purchase() method:
o Determine the number of items to be purchased:
 If the quantity is a discrete quantity, the number of items to be
purchased will be the quantity specified;
 If no quantity is specified (null value) or the quantity specified is not a
discrete quantity, the number of items to be purchased will be a single
item (one item);
 If the number of items to be purchased exceeds the number of items on
the shelf (the shelf stock), then the number of items to be purchased is
reduced to be equal to the shelf stock, i.e., if you wanted to buy five items
but there was only three on the shelf, you could only buy three items;
o If the number of items to be purchased is zero, the item output parameter is set
to null and a value of false is returned;
o Otherwise the shelf stock is reduced by the number of items to be purchased
and the items output parameter is assigned an Item object created with
quantity set to the amount purchased, the line’s description, the weight set to
the total weight of those items (number of items * weight per item), and a value
of true is returned;
 Implements/overrides the Restock() method, where any stored stock is added
to/moved to the shelf stock;
 Overrides the ToString() method to return a string:
shelf stock
or if there is also stored stock:
shelf stock (stored stock in storage)

1. using System;

namespace project1
class VolumeStockQuantity:StockQuantity
public VolumeStockQuantity(double Quantity)
Quantity = _quantity;
private double _quantity;
public double quantity
get { return _quantity; }
set { _quantity = value; }

2.using System;

namespace project1
abstract class StockQuantity

3.using System;

namespace project1
class DiscreteStockQuantity: StockQuantity
public DiscreteStockQuantity(int Quantity)
_quantity = Quantity;
private int _quantity;
public int quantity
get { return _quantity; }
set { _quantity = value; }

4.using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace project1
abstract class Stock
private Line _lines;
public Line lines
get { return _lines; }

set { _lines = value; }
public abstract void AdjustStock(StockQuantity quantity);
public abstract bool Purchase(StockQuantity quantity, out Item item);
public abstract void Restock();


using System;

namespace project1
class DiscreteStock : Stock

public DiscreteStock(int StoredStock, int ShelfStock, double WeightPerItem)
_StoredStock = StoredStock;
_ShelfStock = ShelfStock;
_WeightPerItem = WeightPerItem;
private double _WeightPerItem;
public double WeightPerItem
get { return _WeightPerItem; }

private int _ShelfStock;
public int ShelfStock
get { return _ShelfStock; }


private int _StoredStock;
public int StoredStock
get { return _StoredStock; }
set { _StoredStock = value; }

private Line _Lines;
public DiscreteStock(Double WeightPerItem, Line _lines) {
public override void AdjustStock(StockQuantity quantity)
foreach (DiscreteStock ds in _StoredStock)
if (ds is DiscreteStockQuantity)
StoredStock += Convert.ToInt32(DiscreteStockQuantity._quantity);


public override bool Purchase(StockQuantity quantity, out Item item)
return false;
public override void Restock()


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