
ok-go 2016-09-03 04:23:36
请问Xamarin.Forms和Xamarin.Android/IOS不一样吗? 好像开发方式有些区别呢,Xamarin的资料还是那么少
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mongelly 2016-09-09
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Xamarin.Forms主要是把iOS和Android上的常用控件和操作做了一个通用集合进行封装,能够使用一套代码在2个平台上运行,而且各自还能够按照各自平台的特点进行适配。 优点是如果做简单的UI,Xamarin.Forms能够快速完成2个平台的开发。缺点是如果对UI要求比较高,或者有很多需要自定义的话,Forms就不合适了。 Xamarin.Android/IOS的话则是各自完全按照自己的平台,对原生SDK的还原度很高,基本能够满足90%的需求。 不过不管国内还是国外,用Xamarin的都不多,一方面是会的人少,而且相比学习大一平台,如果采用Xamarin一般都要求2个平台都需要熟悉,外加还需要比较扎实的C#基础,学习难度比较大。 第二点就是Xamarin的第三方库支持太少,现在开发APP除了标准的SDK,一般都会引入很多的第三方框架,有些还需要接入比如支付、用户行为统计之类的第三方SDK,这点上Xamarin虽然能够支持SDK的Binding Library,但是过程很麻烦,也经常出问题。 最后就是真的要用好Xamarin,其实对APP需要进行比较严格分层架构设计,这样才能像Xamarin官方描述的那样做到业务逻辑层代码共享,只有UI层需要分别定制。但是一般公司不会对APP有这样的要求,毕竟只是一个前端应用,不像后端要求那么严格。 所以Xamarin比较适合以前是做C#,现在转做APP的人,或者有很强C#基因的公司。 不过不管怎么说,相比其他的跨平台方案,比如基于HTML的一大堆解决方案,或者是基于C++的QT,Xamarin还是非常好的解决方案,至于和原生相比,那就看具体情况了。
Use the solutions provided in this book to handle common challenges in Xamarin.Forms that are encountered on a daily basis. Working examples and techniques are presented that you can modify and drop directly into your own projects. You will be able to deliver working code faster than ever. Examples are made available through GitHub, maximizing the convenience and value this book provides to Xamarin.Forms developers. Solutions in the book are organized broadly into problem domains such as user interface for applications, data and security, connectivity and external services, and more. Within each domain the book presents specific solutions addressing challenges that are commonly faced. Under data and security, for example, you'll find specific solutions around storing login credentials, local data caching, and sending authorization tokens in HTTP requests. Not only do the solutions in the book solve specific problems, they also present best practices that can inform and improve the quality of the code that you write. Xamarin.Forms Solutions is chock full of practical advice and code examples that no Xamarin.Forms programmer will want to be without. The basics of Xamarin.Forms are provided for beginning developers. What You'll Learn Know the in-depth basics of Xamarin.Forms and the inner workings Create custom renderers and dependency services Manage the appearance of user interfaces through styling and theming, layout options, rotation, and animation Build sophisticated user interfaces using a variety of controls that allow for PDF viewing, barcode interpretation, searching and finding, and other controls Secure your applications, and communicate securely with services via HTTP requests Sign and deploy your apps and optimize the binary file size Who This Book Is For Those building mobile applications on the Xamarin platform for iOS and Android. By mixing together the solutions and a thorough explanation of the basics of Xamarin.Forms, the book spans the needs of beginning through intermediate Xamarin.Forms developers. Even experts will find a few gems to improve the quality and speed of their application development work.
Learn the bare essentials needed to begin developing cross-platform, mobile apps using Xamarin.Forms. Apps can be easily deployed to Google Play or to the Apple App Store. You will gain insight on architecture and how to arrange your app's design, where to begin developing, what pitfalls exist, and how to avoid them. Also covered are expected new features in Xamarin.Forms 3.0, so you may be prepared ahead of time for what the next release brings. Xamarin.Forms Essentials provides a brief history of Xamarin as a company, including how their product has become one of the most-used, cross-platform technologies for enterprise applications and app development across the world. Examples in the book are built around a real-life example that is an actual app in Google Play and in the Apple App Store, and has thousands of downloads between iOS and Android. You will learn how an application is set up from scratch, and you will benefit from the author's hard-won experience and tips in addressing various development challenges. What You'll Learn Create cross-platform user interfaces from one code base for both iOS and Android See how a commercial application is built and then deployed for sale in the app stores Integrate your Xamarin.Forms applications with third-party, RESTful APIs Arrange application architecture to avoid pitfalls and optimize your design Get a heads-up on new features released as part of Xamarin.Forms 3.0 Choose appropriately between Xamarin.Forms and traditional Xamarin, depending upon your application needs and its goals Who This Book Is For Mobile app developers who are producing software for multiple platforms, including Google Android and Apple iOS. Readers should be familiar with Visual Studio either on Mac OS X or Windows, and have a working knowledge of C#. Table of Contents Part I: What Is Xamarin.Forms? Chapter 1: A Brief History of Xamarin Chapter 2: Introducing Xamarin.Forms Chapter 3: Xamarin.Forms Contents Chapter 4: Xamarin.Forms vs. Trad
Create a fully operating application and deploy it to major mobile platforms using Xamarin.Forms About This Book Create standard user interfaces on Windows Mobile, Android, and iOS and then make those interfaces look good with ease Design a full-blown application in very little time with just about the entire code being shared Learn how to access platform-specific features and still have the same core code with this handy guide Who This Book Is For This book is intended for mobile software developers who are fed up with having three different code sets for the same application. If you want to put your code on all mobile platforms with minimum fuss, and just want to develop but haven't got the time to be digging too far into a particular platform, this is the book for you. Basic knowledge of C# is assumed. What You Will Learn Create a responsive UI, modified to suit the target platform Understand the basics of designing an application, and the considerations needed for target platforms Construct a complete app using a single codebase Develop attractive user interfaces Bind information to the code behind to generate a reactive application Design an effective portable class library (PCL) Include a Windows Mobile application within your standard Xamarin.Forms application Extend your applications using the Xamarin.Forms Labs library In Detail Xamarin is an IDE used for the development of native iOS, Android, and Windows, and cross-platform mobile applications in C#. For the mobile developer, that means learning three different languages to create the same application. Even if you use the Xamarin toolchain, you still need to work with three different user interface construction sets. Xamarin is essentially a container in which developers can write any application in C# and use the Xamarin compiler to package and deploy on Android, iOS, or Windows platforms. To top this, Xamarin.Forms plays the role of a single codebase for mobile applications. This book will show you, with fully-coded examples, how to use both the Xamarin toolchain and the Xamarin.Forms library to code once for the three platforms. It goes from the concept and design of a mobile messenger application to its execution. You will be introduced to Messenger―the messaging app―which includes key features such as push notifications, UI, maps, databases, and web services. Next, you will learn to plan the UI using Xamarin.Forms for cross-mobile platform development, and move on to creating custom buttons, extending the UI, and connecting to social sites such as Facebook and Twitter. You will also learn about the limitations of PCL libraries and how they make coding easier. This will be followed by the creation of a SQLite database and a database manager, and the SQLite database's reflection within the database manager. You will then be taken through the use of hardware features with ample coverage of iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile. Finally, the book will conclude by introducing common strategies that allow you to create applications that “just work” without having to reinvent the wheel each time. Style and approach A fun and informal approach to creating a mobile application using the most up-to-date cross-platform approach. Each coding chapter includes fully working code examples available for download from the Packt Publishing website. Table of Contents Chapter 1: In the Beginning… Chapter 2: Let's Get the Party Started Chapter 3: Making It Look Pretty and Logging In Chapter 4: Making Your Application Portable Chapter 5: Data, Generics, and Making Sense of Information Chapter 6: A View to a Kill Chapter 7: Connect Me to Your Other Services Chapter 8: What a Bind! Chapter 9: Addressing the Issue Chapter 10: This is the World Calling… Chapter 11: A Portable Settings Class Chapter 12: Xamarin Forms Labs Chapter 13: Social Media into the Mix Chapter 14: Bringing It All Together



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