Patch 8174835、 Patch 8188896补丁的下载和使用

wswzh0329 2017-08-02 04:29:19
该问题属于Weblogic 在该版本已知bug,官方文档
java.sql.SQLException: Connection has been administratively disabled. Try later. (文档 ID 1211143.1) 对问题进行了详细的描述
(2)Weblogic bug导致
针对Cause2、Cause3建议为该版本Weblogic打Patch 8174835、 Patch 8188896补丁。

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fengyq17290 2017-11-26
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qq_25366567 2017-08-03
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In my opinion, these two patches are about the problem "java.sql.SQLException: Connection has been administ administially supported. Try later." However, fundamentally speaking, your problem does not come from this. If you really sure your problem is derived from the database, then I suggest you can go to the official website to download the latest version of the database, or upgrade your database for the latest version. Official website: https: // Cat = otn & Ntk = S3 & Ntt = patch Of course, there are some patches for bug fixes in this URL. Hope my advice is useful to you!
qq_25366567 2017-08-03
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There are three possible causes for this SQLException: Cause 1. If your DBMS becomes and remains unavailable, the data source will test and try to replace dead connections while trying to satisfy connection requests. This behavior is beneficial because it enables the data source to react immediately when the database becomes available. However, testing a dead database connection can take as long as the network timeout, and can cause a long delay for clients. To minimize this delay, the WLS data sources include logic that disables the data source after 2 consecutive failures to replace a dead connection. When an application requests a connection from a disabled data source, WebLogic Server throws a PoolDisabledSQLException immediately to notify the client that a connection is not available. Cause 2. There is a known issue addressed by unpublished defect 8174835. When an application retrieves a connection from the JDBC pool, the implementation will check if it thinks that the connections are hanging. The check is based on pending tests that takes more time than is 'typical.' And typical means the max time for the last 10 successful tests. The problem is that a test can either be a local java call that returns immediately or it can query the database. So the worst case is when a system has a burst of connection requests, but the last 10 successful tests are local calls that we can assume takes less than 1 ms. In this case we wait about 20 ms (a loop of 20 iterations is performed) before we assume that the connection is hanging. And at high loads it is not uncommon that the DB query takes more than that time. Cause 3. There is another known issue addressed by Bug 8188896. The JVM will occasionally, for a brief period during GC, halt all threads, including our connection tests, which may have been taking 1-2 milliseconds consistently for hours, but for this brief period may have to wait multiple seconds before getting their successful response. Our pool code, which is designed to protect against DBMS partition and network hangs that can last for minutes, was relying on tests to always take about as long, and they don't, so this code was disabling a pool that would be fine within 5-10 seconds.The new code will allow for a test to take up to 10 seconds maximum now, by default, and this can either be extended, or made essentially unlimited by a command-line option added to the line that starts java for the server:
Transformer在许多NLP(自然语言处理)任务中取得了最先进的成果。 Swin Transformer是在ViT基础上发展而来,是Transformer应用于CV(计算机视觉)领域又一里程碑式的工作。它可以作为通用的骨干网络,用于图片分类的CV任务,以及下游的CV任务,如目标检测、实例分割、语义分割等,并取得了SOTA的成果。Swin Transformer获得了ICCV 2021的最佳论文奖。本课程对Swin Transformer的原理与PyTorch实现代码进行精讲,来帮助大家掌握其详细原理和具体实现;并且使用Swin Transformer对17个类别花朵数据集进行图片分类的项目实战。  Ÿ   原理精讲部分包括:Transformer的架构概述、Transformer的Encoder 、Transformer的Decoder、Swin Transformer的网络架构、Patch Merging、SW-MSA、Relative Position Bias、MSA与W-MSA计算量分析、实验结果及性能。 Ÿ   项目实战部分包括:安装软件环境和PyTorch、安装Swin-Transformer、数据集自动划分、修改配置文件、训练数据集、测试训练出的网络模型。Ÿ   代码精讲部分使用PyCharm对Swin Transformer的PyTorch代码进行逐行解读,包括:PatchEmbed、SwinTransformerBlock、PatchMerging、推理过程和训练过程实现代码解读。 相关课程:Transformer原理与代码精讲(PyTorch)原理与代码精讲(TensorFlow) Transformer)原理与代码精讲原理与代码精讲 Transformer实战目标检测:训练自己的数据集 Transformer实战实例分割:训练自己的数据集 



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