
败落 2017-08-28 02:52:40


编译出来的exe服务,用/service命令 CoResumeClassObjects函数执行正常。


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8 条回复
赵4老师 2017-09-05
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败落 2017-09-05
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引用 6 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:
在64位Windows下: 64位exe和dll在目录c:\windows\system32目录下; 32位exe和dll在目录c:\windows\syswow64目录下; 所以要注意: 在win64位系统下注册32位ocx或dll需要将32位ocx或dll拷贝到c:\windows\syswow64\目录下。 且注册要用c:\windows\syswow64\regsvr32 xxxxxxx.ocx或dll 在win64位系统下设置32位程序使用的数据库别名要用c:\windows\syswow64\cliconfg.exe 在win64位系统下设置32位程序使用的系统DSN要用c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe 64 位 Windows 平台注意点之文件系统重定向 http://www.cnblogs.com/jiake/p/4981555.html 64 位 Windows 平台注意点之注册表重定向 http://www.cnblogs.com/jiake/p/4956218.html
赵4老师 2017-09-05
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在64位Windows下: 64位exe和dll在目录c:\windows\system32目录下; 32位exe和dll在目录c:\windows\syswow64目录下; 所以要注意: 在win64位系统下注册32位ocx或dll需要将32位ocx或dll拷贝到c:\windows\syswow64\目录下。 且注册要用c:\windows\syswow64\regsvr32 xxxxxxx.ocx或dll 在win64位系统下设置32位程序使用的数据库别名要用c:\windows\syswow64\cliconfg.exe 在win64位系统下设置32位程序使用的系统DSN要用c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe 64 位 Windows 平台注意点之文件系统重定向 http://www.cnblogs.com/jiake/p/4981555.html 64 位 Windows 平台注意点之注册表重定向 http://www.cnblogs.com/jiake/p/4956218.html
败落 2017-09-04
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引用 4 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:
赵4老师 2017-09-02
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败落 2017-09-01
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引用 1 楼 zhao4zhong1 的回复:
搜“Session0穿透”? 用调试器(OD,WINDBG等)调试服务程序 To debug the initialization code of a service application, the debugger must be attached when the service is started. This is accomplished by creating a registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\ProgramName The ProgramName is the image file for the service application you are debugging. Do not specify a path. For example, the ProgramName might look like MyService.exe. Under this key create a string data value called Debugger. The value of this string should be set to the full path of the debugger that will be used. For example, c:\Debuggers\windbg.exe In addition to setting this registry key, the service application must be marked as "interactive". This allows your service to interact with the desktop, and allows the debugger window to appear on your desktop. This again requires modifying a registry key: you must bitwise-or the type entry for your service with 0x100 (this is the value for SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS according to Winnt.h). The exact location and name of this registry entry varies. For example: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MyServiceKey Finally, you need to adjust the service application timeout. Otherwise, the service application will kill the debugger within 20 seconds after starting. Adjusting the timeout involves setting an entry in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control Under this key, create a DWORD data value called ServicesPipeTimeout. Set this entry to the amount of time in milliseconds that you want the service to wait before timing out. For example, 60,000 is one minute, while 86,400,000 is 24 hours. 设置ServicesPipeTimeout后需要重启系统才生效 Now, when the service is started, the debugger will also start. When the debugger starts, it will stop at the initial process breakpoint, before the service has begun running. This allows you to set breakpoints or otherwise configure your debugging session to let you monitor the startup of your service. Another option is to place calls to the DebugBreak function in your service from the point at which you would like to break into the debugger. (For more information, see DebugBreak in the Platform SDK documentation.) If your service is running with other services in a Service Host Process, you may need to isolate the service into its own Service Host Process.
败落 2017-09-01
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我重新描述下问题,我的服务是用atl写的,exe服务,编译之后用sc命令或者/service命令可以正常启动,用inf文件安装服务之后启动 CoResumeClassObjects函数返回错误0x80004015,我想知道是否可以用inf文件单独安装服务,以及服务是否可以作为com用inf文件来安装,看起来这个错误好像是和权限有关系,注册com对象已经成功,声明com对象可用可用却失败了,如果不调这个函数,服务可以正常启动,但是我的服务需要作为一个com来被另一个服务使用,所以必须要调用。
赵4老师 2017-08-29
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搜“Session0穿透”? 用调试器(OD,WINDBG等)调试服务程序 To debug the initialization code of a service application, the debugger must be attached when the service is started. This is accomplished by creating a registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\ProgramName The ProgramName is the image file for the service application you are debugging. Do not specify a path. For example, the ProgramName might look like MyService.exe. Under this key create a string data value called Debugger. The value of this string should be set to the full path of the debugger that will be used. For example, c:\Debuggers\windbg.exe In addition to setting this registry key, the service application must be marked as "interactive". This allows your service to interact with the desktop, and allows the debugger window to appear on your desktop. This again requires modifying a registry key: you must bitwise-or the type entry for your service with 0x100 (this is the value for SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS according to Winnt.h). The exact location and name of this registry entry varies. For example: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MyServiceKey Finally, you need to adjust the service application timeout. Otherwise, the service application will kill the debugger within 20 seconds after starting. Adjusting the timeout involves setting an entry in the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control Under this key, create a DWORD data value called ServicesPipeTimeout. Set this entry to the amount of time in milliseconds that you want the service to wait before timing out. For example, 60,000 is one minute, while 86,400,000 is 24 hours. 设置ServicesPipeTimeout后需要重启系统才生效 Now, when the service is started, the debugger will also start. When the debugger starts, it will stop at the initial process breakpoint, before the service has begun running. This allows you to set breakpoints or otherwise configure your debugging session to let you monitor the startup of your service. Another option is to place calls to the DebugBreak function in your service from the point at which you would like to break into the debugger. (For more information, see DebugBreak in the Platform SDK documentation.) If your service is running with other services in a Service Host Process, you may need to isolate the service into its own Service Host Process.



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