extended combo box

weixin_40464977 2017-12-06 05:51:16
extended combo box 怎么添加内容?和combo box是不是不一样,用AddString时不行,他的变量类型后面多一个EX
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schlafenhamster 2017-12-06
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CComboBoxEx *pCBE=(CComboBoxEx *) GetComBo(); COMBOBOXEXITEM cbei; // delete all in list pCBE->ResetContent(); cbei.mask=CBEIF_IMAGE|CBEIF_TEXT| CBEIF_SELECTEDIMAGE|CBEIF_INDENT; cbei.iItem=0;// "Control 802D"; cbei.pszText="Control 802D"; cbei.cchTextMax=MAX_PATH; int iImage=i802D; cbei.iImage=iImage; cbei.iSelectedImage=iImage; cbei.iIndent=0; pCBE->InsertItem(&cbei);
oyljerry 2017-12-06
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Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Getting Started Hello World in GTK Compiling Hello World Theory of Signals and Callbacks Events Stepping Through Hello World 3. Moving On Data Types More on Signal Handlers An Upgraded Hello World 4. Packing Widgets Theory of Packing Boxes Details of Boxes Packing Demonstration Program Packing Using Tables Table Packing Example 5. Widget Overview Casting Widget Hierarchy Widgets Without Windows 6. The Button Widget Normal Buttons Toggle Buttons Check Buttons Radio Buttons 7. Adjustments Creating an Adjustment Using Adjustments the Easy Way Adjustment Internals 8. Range Widgets Scrollbar Widgets Scale Widgets Creating a Scale Widget Functions and Signals (well, functions, at least) Common Range Functions Setting the Update Policy Getting and Setting Adjustments Key and Mouse bindings Vertical Range Widgets Horizontal Range Widgets Example 9. Miscellaneous Widgets Labels Arrows The Tooltips Object Progress Bars Dialogs Pixmaps Rulers Statusbars Text Entries Spin Buttons Combo Box Calendar Color Selection File Selections 10. Container Widgets The EventBox The Alignment widget Fixed Container Layout Container Frames Aspect Frames Paned Window Widgets Viewports Scrolled Windows Button Boxes Toolbar Notebooks 11. CList Widget Creating a CList widget Modes of operation Working with titles Manipulating the list itself Adding rows to the list Setting text and pixmaps in the cells Storing data pointers Working with selections The signals that bring it together A CList example 12. CTree Widget Creating a CTree Adding and Removing nodes Setting CTree Attributes Utilizing row data 13. Tree Widget Creating a Tree Adding a Subtree Handling the Selection List Tree Widget Internals Signals Functions and Macros Tree Item Widget Signals Functions and Macros Tree Example 14. Menu Widget Manual Menu Creation Manual Menu Example Using ItemFactory Item Factory Example 15. Text Widget Creating and Configuring a Text box Text Manipulation Keyboard Shortcuts Motion Shortcuts Editing Shortcuts Selection Shortcuts A GtkText Example 16. Undocumented Widgets CTree Curves Drawing Area Font Selection Dialog Gamma Curve Image Packer Plugs and Sockets Preview 17. Setting Widget Attributes 18. Timeouts, IO and Idle Functions Timeouts Monitoring IO Idle Functions 19. Advanced Event and Signal Handling Signal Functions Connecting and Disconnecting Signal Handlers Blocking and Unblocking Signal Handlers Emitting and Stopping Signals Signal Emission and Propagation 20. Managing Selections Overview Retrieving the selection Supplying the selection 21. GLib Definitions Doubly Linked Lists Singly Linked Lists Memory Management Timers String Handling Utility and Error Functions 22. GTK's rc Files Functions For rc Files GTK's rc File Format Example rc file 23. Writing Your Own Widgets Overview The Anatomy Of A Widget Creating a Composite widget Introduction Choosing a parent class The header file The _get_type() function The _class_init() function The _init() function And the rest... Creating a widget from scratch Introduction Displaying a widget on the screen The origins of the Dial Widget The Basics gtk_dial_realize() Size negotiation gtk_dial_expose() Event handling Possible Enhancements Learning More 24. Scribble, A Simple Example Drawing Program Overview Event Handling The DrawingArea Widget, And Drawing Adding XInput support Enabling extended device information Using extended device information Finding out more about a device Further sophistications 25. Tips For Writing GTK Applications 26. Contributing 27. Credits 28. Tutorial Copyright and Permissions Notice A. GTK Signals GtkObject GtkWidget GtkData GtkContainer GtkCalendar GtkEditable GtkTipsQuery GtkCList GtkNotebook GtkList GtkMenuShell GtkToolbar GtkTree GtkButton GtkItem GtkWindow GtkHandleBox GtkToggleButton GtkMenuItem GtkListItem GtkTreeItem GtkCheckMenuItem GtkInputDialog GtkColorSelection GtkStatusBar GtkCTree GtkCurve GtkAdjustment B. GDK Event Types C. Code Examples Tictactoe tictactoe.h tictactoe.c ttt_test.c GtkDial gtkdial.h gtkdial.c dial_test.c Scribble scribble-simple.c scribble-xinput.c D. List Widget Signals Functions Example List Item Widget Signals Functions Example
1,animate.zipThis ActiveX DLL (Source Included) shows how to create animated dialogs in VB5. 2,MetricConversionDLL.zip34 Metric conversion routines in a VB5 DLL. Callible directly or just call the nice front end.3,ControlP.zipWith help of this OCX you can call 39 control panels in windows!4,RemBuilderplus.zipActiveX that allows the ability to add comment blocks with ease.5,VertMenu.zipThis is a free active ocx with full source code for a vertical menu with the look and feel of Outlook 97. 6,dm10e.zipDevMailer adds SMTP email sending abilities to your VB, ASP, VBA, Delphi, or Perl program in just seconds! Features 7,HideAway.zipAn alignable tool bar which can be hidden. Also includes smooth scrolling for hiding/unhiding.8,tlsGUI.zipTILISOFT GUI ActiveX Controls - ImageLabel, ScrollPanel, SplitPanel, Brief9,recordsetEng.zipThis application shows how a DLLActiveX queries a Database and returns the recordset to the Standard EXE application.10,THtml.ZipShow Page Title for file selected with ".HTM" or ".ASP" extension11,Fancy_Button.zipFancy Button12,TransFX.zipTransitionFX is an ActiveX control that allows you to make professional quality slide shows, picture presentations or screen savers13,Roman.zipThis activeX control convert Decimal numbers to Roman numerals and back 14,pgBar.zipCarrick Progress Bar 1.0 - replacement for standard progress bar with customizable colors and styles15,JPGMaker.zipJPGMaker is an ActiveX control designed to compress bitmap images and save them in JPG format16,pictuner.zipPicTuner is an ActiveX control designed to adjust contrast, brightness and color balance of bitmap images. It supports the following file formats: *.jpg, *.bmp, *.dib. 17,Hyperlink.zipHyperlink ActiveX control allows you to include hypertext links on your forms18,shortcut.zipShortcut is an ActiveX control designed to create shortcuts to programs and documents and place them on windows desktop.19,PicOpener.zipPicOpener is an ActiveX control that allows you to read image files in over 50 formats and convert them to BMP bitmaps20,PicConverter.zipRead over 50 and write 15 image file formats.21,labelblink.zipBlinks The Caption In A Label Box22,UnZipper.zipActiveX control designed to easily manipulate ZIP archives from within your application. 23,gurhancoolbuttonocx.zipGurhanCoolButton is a free ActiveX Control that Acts as a Flat Button. Background Pictures and Icons can be added with ease24,pktextline.zipTextbox with modern design25,DirScanner.zipDirScanner is a free ActiveX control designed to scan directory/drive and save results to a file26,activeEjecutor.zipThis control launches a program and waits until it has finished or27,REGASP.zipDLL which provides access to the Windows 2000 registry through Active Server Pages (ASP) code. 28,ColorProgressBar.zipReplaces the standard progress bar with one that is on the order of O(n^2) times faster, with color options, and directional options.29,MDITaskBarDemo.zipThis zip file contains all the code and procedures necessary to create and implement an MDI TaskBar control. 30,AnimatedAgent.zipTwo VBScripts which allow the users to INSTANTLY create MS Agent EMAIL and MS AGENT Web pages or add MS Agent to web pages31,label3d.zipThis ActiveX Control creates a 3D Label. 32,Shcmbbox1.zipShComboBox ActiveX Control v1.0 behaves exactly like the Combo box in Windows Explorer showing all the folders and even files in the Shell's namespace33,fldrvw21.zipFolderView ActiveX Control 2.1 allows you to add a Windows Explorer-like treeview in your application.34,controlcenterlefttrans.zipControl that centers text right, left or in the middle.35,BetaDBToolBar.zipDBToolBar (Database ToolBar) for Add, Edit, Delete, etc...36,CodeDll.zipMiniCalculator DLL that allows input keys/Calculation results directly into a TextBox, ComboBox, etc.37,hyperlink082800.zipThis Hyperlink ActiveX Control will allow you to insert an Hyperlink which will be very useful if you want to give a link to your website from your program. 38,DropdownCalculator.zipNice Drop-Down ActiveX Control Calculator. It is like a combo box, but it will drop down a calculator, which you can use for calculation39,ColorPicker1.zipIt is a color picker control, which is almost similar to those you find in MS Office 2000 applications.40,PowerPrint.zipEasiest way to print. This Will Print Left Align, Right Align, Center Align. OCX. Full demonstration easy to use.41,fb.zipFolder Browser lets you select the directories the easy and elegant way.42,TimeLed.zipThis simple ActiveX control shows a graphic clock with led simulation43,MouseHook.zipThis control provides a nice, elegant way of reacting to the movement of the mouse wheel and other mouse functionality44,rscomm.zipSerial Comm control that provides the ability to send and receive 5 bit baudot with its built in ASCII to baudo and baudo to ASCII converter. Also can tx and rx any baudrate 45 to 115k!45,Mouse.zipVery useful mouse events, such as MouseMove, MousePosition, ClickRightButton, ClickLeftButton and etc.46,cdwriter.zipThis is a relatively simple cd writer code, comes with a freeware ocx. 47,converter.zipThis example project shows you how to use my binary.ocx. 48,autoreg.zipAuto easy, fast super Register/Unregister ocx/dll files at the same time!49,EasterEgg.zipthis is an EasterEgg OCX that you can drop on to your about form. 50,imgedit.zipImgEdit is an image-processing tool. It allows you to adjust brightness, contrast and saturation. 51,xshow.zipA control to create screensavers and/or slideshows. Choose from more than 120 transition effects between bitmap images.52,mp3enc.zipMP3 encoder. Source code for OCX not included.53,opendialog.zipAn extended Dialog Box like VB dialog style, with New, open, Recent files and preview. 54,SJIni.zipShareware OCX for manipulating INI files. Fast, easy, effective way to manipulate INI files.55,SoundSource.zipBrainFusion Presents The Dancer.Ocx Which is capable of reading The Sound Peak Form Sound Card When Mp3 or Wav File Is Played 56,SysUSATimeZONE.zipGet's Time From Anywhere In USA. Just By Typing In The State Abbreviation. 57,adbevel.zipVisual Basic now has a bevel control like Delphi. 58,RebootPlus.zipHere Is Another OCX File That Logs Off, Shutdown, Restart, Displays Device Manage, And Display Properties.59,RetCal10.zipThis Activex control creates retail calendars on the fly. very useful if you are in the retail, accounting, merchandising industries. Very cool check it out60,SysErrorOCX.zipOCX file that handles Database Errors. Contents Of This File Include.SysError.OCX 61,Appearence.zipSystem OCX allows you to change certain system display settings. 62,textbox1.zipSyntax highlighting text editor ... not based on the RTF box... supports drawing of external graphics on the text area...useful for html editors etc63,Player.zipA multimedia ocx to replace mediaplayer ocx64,Audio.zipThis ActiveX Control will play all kinds of MPEG-Layer3(MP3) files with ease of use. 65,HLiteDemo.zipHlite.Ocx When Placed On A Form And Called From A Textbox When It Has Focus It Will Highlight The Text Very Usefull In Data Entry Application66,SysBacUpDemo.zipThis Is A Demo Application Using A Ocx File To Backup Files. 67,OCXButton1.zipAn ActiveX control (OCX) for creating Buttons with attributes unavailable in the intrinsic CommandButton control of VB68,transferTV.zipTransfers values from one treeview to another recursively.69,createctrl.zipA float button control70,SysPCase.zipThis Is An OCX File That Will Allow a user to start typing and when textbox loses focus the OCX will make all text that user typed in into Proper Text Format71,SysErrorLogWriter.zipHere is an OCX file that will log all errors when placed under an event On Error Goto72,Pbar.zipThis is an OCX that has the nice Progress Bar that has the Percent in the middle It's nice and easy to use73,metawizardv101.zipMeta Wizard a small Meta Tag creation tool that takes advantage of the system toolbar and ontop properties. With this tool you can easily create Meta Tags74,Counter.zipFormatted number, long number counter, Thousand seperator75,barcode128.zipDBToolBar (Database ToolBar), to Add, Edit, Delete, etc...76,SwitchOCX.zipActiveX control.77,djmeter.zipA control (with VB Source) that is an implementation of a progress bar78,BtnGraphic.zipAn OCX someone made that allows you to easily create command buttons on forms, that act like an IE coolbar 79,HSoft11.zipThis is an OCX someone wrote that acts and looks almost identical to the IE3 toolbar80,MsgScroll.zipThis is a control (VB5 with source) that scrolls text81,mtymse.zipThis is a control (VB5 with source) that controls every aspect of the mouse82,progbar.zipUses a picture box to emulate a progress bar83,axcool.zipA toolbar control someone wrote84,axgrid.zipA Grid control someone wrote85,axpanel.zipA Panel, 3D Fram, Progress meter control someone wrote.86,browsef.zipA text box type control, that allows you to select a folder.87,browsfil.zipA text box type control, that allows you to select a file..88,colbrwse.zipA colour select control.89,colorsel.zipA drop down colour select control.90,FileOps.zipA VB5/6 control that allows you to easily copy, rename, put in trash, move files on your computer91,formmenu.zipA VB5/6 control that allows you to add menus to any place on a form you like92,hlitactx2.zipA VB5/6 control that shows you how to do code to see if the mouse is over a control on the screen. This one will highlight itself when the mouse id over it93,progbar2.zipA VB5/6 control that is a progress bar. Very good, allows lots of 94,spinedit.zipA spin control95,tilepuz.zipA control that simulates the tiled puzzle game96,urllabel2.zipA label control, but when you click on it, it starts up the default browser to a specified URL97,crdsrc.zipA whole deck of cards in a control, usfull for using in your own program98,ode.zipA control that spins numbers around99,TaskBar_v0_5.zipA control that creates a task bar, onto which you can add other controls100,vbalilsc.zipA pure VB control, that is a replacment for the image list control101,DBControl.zipA control that has many usefull database functions within it, like add field, add column, compact, restore, create primary key etc..102,OvalButton.zipA control that is an oval command button103,VBocx002.zipDas Scroll Wheel kann als Scrollbar oder einfach nur zur graphischen Versch?nerung verwendet werden 104,VBocx003o.zipDiese Leuchtdiode l?sst sich rund oder viereckig anzeigen, und erzeugt dadurch einen grafisch aufmachenderen Eindruck!!!105,VBocx004o.zipBlendet einen Text von wei? nach schwarz ein!106,VBocx005o.zipWie hier sichtbar, zeigt diese OCX-Datei nur Ziffern an. Der Counter oben besteht aus 2, die Uhrzeit unten aus 6 LED-Ziffern. Bei der Uhr werden desweiteren 2 Labels als Trennung verwendet.107,VBocx006o.zipEine Progressbar, der einfach anzusteuernd die Farbe und den Text ausgibt.108,vbocx008o.zipEinfach zu bedienen, sieht gut aus, und lockert das Bild der Benutzeroberfl?che etwas auf! 109,VBocx007o.zipEin einfach zu bedienendes OCX, um dateien von Servern hoch oder runterzuladen!110,VBocx001.zipVerschlüsseler werden meist zum Schutz von Daten angewandt.111,SuperPack.zipSuper Fill is an OCX designed to extend VB Fill Style property. You can create user patterns andprocess the scan-lines coordinate returned from the control. This is a shareware control by Fabio Guerrazzi.112,supDraw.zipAnother control by Fabio Guerrazzi. Shareware.113,LEDBULB.zipThis OCX will represent strings in the form of led bulbs. By H.M.IMTHIAZ RAFIQ.114,delaunay.zipPerforms constrained triangulation, curve level and 3d mesh.115,Wolf.zipAnother ocx make example.116,OCXRegCode.zipThis will register your ocx.Comes with the complete source. Made by Neil Cuttriss.117,DDCalc.zipThis OCX Control is simple enough not to describe its use.118,Flash3D.zipThis shows you how to use the macromedia flash/shockwave ocx. Also demonstrates 3D animation in a vector based environment with Flash119,EnhPrint.zipOCX which creates a EMF-metafile dc class, which can be used by the vb programmer to create, print and/or preview a metafile120,hoverbutton.zipThis is an enhancement of the standard command button.121,scbox10.zipThis ActiveX control lets you add a shadow that falls behind a control.122,getfile.zipControl consisting of a text box and a button. User clicks the button, dialog shown 123,ftpActiveX.zipThis control shows how to use the Inet control for downloading files, uploading files, listing directories, renaming files, deleting files, creating directories and more!!124,TextBoxControl.zipThis text box control allows you to limit input based on datatype or numeric range. Validation occurs within the lost focus event.125,systray.zipAdd icons to the system tray with ease. The caption and icon can be set. 126,asRuler.zipThis is a basic Custom Contrl, which displayes a ruler.127,playing_card.zipSimple to use playing card activeX control with additional container with auto arrange function. 128,XPlayer.zipThis control functions much like windows media player and supports the following file formats: Dat, Avi, Mp3, Wav, Mpg & Wma files.129,DBImage.zipThis one is component that allows you to populate image data from a ADO field to the component just like you would populate a text field with text data from a text field.130,ellipctl.zipMake an elliptical ActiveX picture control
ESBPCS(TM) for VCL v6.2.0 Released: 29 April 2013 ESB Professional Computation Suite for Embarcadero (formerly CodeGear/Borland) Delphi & C++ Builder. For use in VCL Applications Developed by ESB Consultancy mailto:support@esbconsult.com Copyright (c)1999-2013 ESB Consultancy PO Box 2259 Boulder WA 6432 AUSTRALIA http://www.esbconsult.com/ ESBPCS for VCL Web Page: http://www.esbconsult.com/esbpcs Support mailto:support@esbconsult.com NewsServer: news://esb.newsgrouphosting.com Online Forums: http://esb.newsgrouphosting.com Secure Online Registration at http://www.esbconsult.com/esbpcs/purchase.htm ESBPCS now on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/esbpcs Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/esbglenn Install: ======== WARNING - It is always wise to have current Backups. Run Setup.exe. Includes Uninstaller. Setup will also run the ESBPCS Installer. If you wish to do things manually then exit out of it. If you have problems, try removing all trace of ESBPCS, especially previous versions and trials, and running Setup.exe again. Requires about 30MB of Disk Space. See WhatsNew.Txt in the Source directory for new features. For Installing with Turbo Delphi Professional or Turbo C++ Professional, you need to grab the DCC32.EXE (command line compiler) that is available for free download from the Registered User Area at Borland. Note: Running ESBPCS Installer as Administrator or Supervisor may be required. Possible Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8 Install Problem ======================================== Windows Vista introduces new security that if your have UAC on and install ESBPCS under your "Program Files" then it won't let the ESBPCS Installer work properly. Personally when I was using Vista, I always turned UAC off as I found too many of my development tools wouldn't work properly including older versions of Delphi. The following may be useful: http://www.tweak-uac.com/home/ By default with ESBPCS 6 and later, the setup.exe chooses c:\ESBPCS6 as the install directory to try and get around the 搒ecurity improvements?of Vista and above, where the UAC prevents things editing in Program Files, though this is overriden if you have a previous install. So you may want to run the setup again and try install to say c:\ESBPCS6 and see if that works? Purpose: ======== Making Data Entry and Manipulation Easier for Developers and their Customers. ESB Professional Computation Suite (ESBPCS) is a collection of over 6000 routines/methods and over 235 classes/components in over 140 units for Embarcadero (formerly CodeGear / Borland) Delphi 7, 2005/Win32, 2006/Win32, 2007, 2009, and 2010 and C++ Builder 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010, Borland Turbo Delphi Professional for Win32 and Borland Turbo C++ for Win32, CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 (Win32 Personalities), CodeGear RAD Studio 2009, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010, Embarcadero Delphi XE, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE, Embarcadero Delphi XE2, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE2, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2, Embarcadero Delphi XE3, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE3, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3, Embarcadero Delphi XE4, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE4, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4 which are aimed at making "data entry and manipulation easier" for Developers and their Customers. Components included cover Integer Edits, Float Edits, Hex Edits, IP Address Edits, Percentage Edits, Date Edits, Time Edits, Date/Time Edits, Month Edits, Time Edits, Complex Edits, Fraction Edits, Currency Edits, Calculator Edits, Calendar Edits, Button Edits, Comboboxes, Month Comboboxes, Day of Week Comboboxes, Time Zone Comboboxes, Country Comboboxes, Duration Comboboxes, SpinEdits, Month SpinEdit, DOW SpinEdits, Duration SpinEdits, Currency SpinEdits, Vector Edits, Matrix Edits, Calculators, Calendars, Statistical Analysis, Labels, URL Labels, Math Labels, CheckBoxes, RadioGroups, CheckGroups, Memos, RichEdits and much more. As well, there are Data Aware versions of most of them. Routines included cover Mathematics, Probability, Statistics, Complex Numbers, Fractions, Physics, Geometry, Astronomy, Longitude/Latitude, Unit Conversions, Strings, File IO, Registry, Financials, Country Lists, Holidays, Time Zones, Dates and Times, and much more. Unfortunately, people with Standard/Personal Versions of Delphi 7 cannot use the Data Aware Components but they can use everything else! Note: Trial Versions of Borland IDE may not work with the ESBPCS Installer. Note: When doing 64-bit Development Extended = Double, so there is loss of "decimal places" and "exponent range". If these are important to you stick with Win32 development. Note: FireMonkey support is under development, however this will be a new product - ESBPCS for FireMonkey - with the components and many of the routines done from scratch to better take advantage of the new approach. Requirements: ============= This package was designed for use with EEmbarcadero (formerly CodeGear / Borland) Delphi 7, 2005/Win32, 2006/Win32, 2007, 2009, and 2010 and C++ Builder 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010, Borland Turbo Delphi Professional for Win32 and Borland Turbo C++ for Win32, CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 (Win32 Personalities), CodeGear RAD Studio 2009, Embarcadero RAD Studio 2010, Embarcadero Delphi XE, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE, Embarcadero Delphi XE2, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE2, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2, Embarcadero Delphi XE3, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE3, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3 Embarcadero Delphi XE4, Embarcadero C++ Builder XE4, Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4 and has been tested on Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2003, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsof Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows 8. The Data Aware Components require Professional or higher Editions of Delphi and C++ Builder. Support: ======== Send Email to support@esbconsult.com Please let us know of any problems and especially let us know of things you would like to see added. Trial Version: ============== Trial Version differs from the registered version in several ways: a) When running Applications compiled with the Trial Version and the D7/BDS2005/BDS2006/CRS2007/CRS2009/CRS2010/RSXE/RSXE2 IDE is not running, you will get an "Error Msg". b) No Source included with Trial Version. c) Enhanced Installer for re-building the Packages and installing them as well as the Help files comes with Registered version. d) No Source to Utilities with Trial Version. Plus on registering you also get: Benefits of Registering ======================= 1. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee 2. Full Delphi Source. No DLLs or OCXs. 3. More comprehensive Help Files. 4. Full Royalty Free rights to include ESBPCS in your Applications (see License.txt for more info) 5. More Frequent Updates - not all minor versions are released as Trial Versions, but updated source is always available to registered users. 7. Access to Registered Users only site. You will be supplied a password to access the Registered Users Site. 8. Notification of Bugs & Fixes - even before we release an update we will notify registered users via the Mailing List of any verified bug, and the fix when available. 9. Discounts on related Products from ESB and from other Developers. We will also endeavour to see if we can develop relationships with other companies to offer cross-discounting, i.e. Registered Users of ESBPCS will get the other companies products at a discount, and similarly we will give their users a discount. 10. Pre-release versions. If you wish to test out new features before they become available - Registered Users get not only "inside information" but an opportunity to be involved in shaping the product. (Note: Beta versions are not made available to "LITE" owners). Version History: See WHATSNEW.TXT For more info see ESBPCSOverview.exe To get a printed version of the above, use ESBPCSOverview.pdf OTHER PRODUCTS ============== See esbproducts.pdf - list of Freeware & Shareware available from ESB Consultancy. You may need the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader: http://get.adobe.com/reader/ Follow our blog at http://www.esbdevlib.com/wordpress/ mailto:support@esbconsult.com http://www.esbconsult.com/
S7A驱动,7.20版本, Version history S7A OPC server and FIX driver for Siemens S7/S5 communication via Ethernet TCP/IP, MPI or Profibus Version 7.20 Date: 26.02.2007 Version history ================================================================================================================== Build 224 New Functions: Solved problems: - The setup program created a wrong e-doc link in Windows start menu. Now the proper link to S7A.CHM will be installed - From the S7A power tool it wasn't possible to open the online help file. Now it can be opened and also the context-sensitive help works properly. - When the signal conditioning function "S&M" was used for a byte value, the driver wrote wrong values to the PLC. Build 223 : New Functions: - The number of supported NetLinks has been increased from 4 to 64 - Communication error messages will be now displayed in the alarm history of iFIX. This helps to detect, trace and solve communication issues. - Support for MATRIX licence key added. This key does not require a special key driver. It simply needs a PC and a windows version which supports USB ports. - When using the driver in conjunction with NetLink adapter, the licensing now can take place by a license code in the NetLink. In this case a separate licence key (dongle) is not needed. Note: If the connection to the NetLink is disturbed, the driver starts in demo mode, because it can't read out the licence code. If afterwards the connection to the Netlink can be established, the driver automatically changes from demo mode to the licenced mode as long as the demo time has not yet expired. - Support for S7-200 with CP 243-1 was added. Solved problems: - Passing of invalid OPC Item IDs caused a memory leak of the driver's global memory. After the global memory was exhausted, the driver crashed. - Writing of string values failed when using hardware options NULLTERM or SPACEFILL - Wrong OPC timestamp occured when driver was running in NIO Simulation Mode - The driver could crash when the driver was stopped (either by hand or when the demo time was expired) and in the same moment the NetLink connection was disturbed. - Improvements on the seamless switching between primary and backup devices and vice versa. - The passing of invalid OPC Item IDs caused a memory leak in the driver's global memory. After the global memory was exhausted, the driver crashed. - The writing of strings failed when using the hardware options NULLTERM or SPACEFILL Build 222 : New Functions: - The driver can now be registered as a service with the local system account as the log-on account. For more information see the document "S7A_as_Service.PDF" on the installation CD . - The driver now switches "seamless" between primary and backup device and vice versa. Solved problems: - The field "Default Gateway" has been added to the NetLink's configuration property page - The string write from the OPC Server sometimes failed . This bug has been fixed - After driver uninstall, not all of the S7A-related registry entries were deleted. Now the registry will be completely cleaned from S7A registry entries after uninstall. - The Netlink module generated trace messages to debug window. These trace outputs has been removed. Build 221 : New Functions: - The information field "Runtime Mode" has been added to the system statistic display. This shows whether the driver is running in the demo mode or in the licenced mode (with a valid key). - New control tag: "!RuntimeMode:S7A". A digital (i.e. DI) or analog (i.e. AI) block with the I/O address "!RuntimeMode:S7A" delivers the value 0 (in the F_CV property), when the driver is running in the demo mode, or the value 1, when the driver has found a valid key, and therefore is licenced. This function is also available via the OPC server interface. The same item-ID address format has to be used as with the tag-I/O address, thus "!RuntimeMode:S7A" - The information field "Device in use" has been added to the device statistic display. This shows which device (primary or backup-device) is currently active. This state can also be requested via the "!switch" control tag. A digital (i.e. DI) or analog (i.e. AI) block with the I/O address "!switch: delivers the value 0, when the primary device is active and the value 1 when the backup device is active. For the place holder in the I/O address the logical name of the driver device, which is requested, must be entered . Example: "!switch:D11" delivers the state of the driver device with the name "D11". This function is also available via the OPC server interface. The same address format has to be used for the tag-I/O address as for the item-ID, thus "!switch:" - At the channel parameter dialog for the communicatiomn way "S7 TCP/IP" and "MPI/PB CIF", the combo box "Conn.Type" has been added, which now enables the selection of the connection types "PG", "OP" and "other". Until now, a PG connection was used. - In the device dialog of the communication way "MPI/PB CIF", the input fields "Rack:" and "slot no. of CPU" have been added. This extension now allows the connection to "external" Profibus- CPs (CP 342/443-5 or 343/443-5). The Profibus station address of the Profibus CP is stated in the MPI/PB address field. The rack and slot number of the S7-CPU must be stated in the corresponding fields. Please make sure that slot number of the CPU is entered and not of the Profibus-CP!! - The driver now supports the different date and time data types of the S7 PLC. See Topic "Hardware Options for OPC String and TX-Blocks to support S7 date and time data types" in the S7A online help for detailed information. Build 220 : Solved problems: - The own address of CIF50 MPI/PB communication way was limited to 31. Now the limit is 126. - Bug-fix in PG-PC Interface (CP5611) communication way. Device could be disabled from polling, after CP5611 sent a specific sequence of communication errors. Build 219 : Solved problems: Improvements and new functions: - New Parameter "Max Gap (Bytes)" on Setup parameter property page "Advanced". This parameter defines the maximum address gap between an existing and a new block at which the driver automatically appends the new block to the existing. If the address gap is greater, then the driver creates a new data block. This functionality is active, when the data block auto create option is set on. - New Radio Button selection "Show Window" on Setup parameter property page "Advanced" The driver automatically opens its window which shows trace log messages useful for trouble shooting, when the "Yes" Radio button is on. - New HTML Help Build 218 : Solved problems: - Problems with datablocks which have a length between 180 and 200 bytes. - Unsufficient exception handling in S7AMemory.Dll caused blocking of driver and all other clients (WSACTASK, Workspace, etc.) which reads data from the driver. - Error in MIX Read function could cause blocking of data blocks Build 217 : Solved problems: - In configurations with data blocks which have a primary rate of zero (as fast as possible), it sometimes happened that write requests were "stuck" in the write queue. - Sporadic locks of data blocks after the driver was switched from the primary device to the backup device Improvements and new functions: - Improved error and timeout handling on communication faults. The reply timeout on the device configuration page can no longer be configured. Instead it will be derived from the TCP/IP timeout value, configured on the channel configuration page. The value (in seconds) of reply timeout always is 1 second higher than the TCP/IP timeout. This ensures, that the logical read/write request (time-limited by reply timeout value) will not be cancelled (by timeout) before the physical request (time-limited by TCP/IP timeout value) is finished regulary or through the timeout. - The NIO Simulation mode has been expanded. If it is set "ON" the polling of data blocks will be disabled, due to which no communication errors will arise, as long as a PLC hardware is not connected to the driver. In this mode the iFix data base blocks reads the value of zero or respectively, the last value written to the driver`s output data area. - "!SyncPoll" and "!SyncSend" have been added to allow e.g. an EDA application to read/write a data block synchronously Build 216 : Solved problems: (06.06.05) - Reset of statistic counters failed Build 215 : Solved problems: (31.05.05) - An error in the OLE interface methods ReadValue ()and WriteValue() was corrected. These functions can now be used for example,within the Excel program, to access data block values. - Datablocks stopped polling after an 'unknown error' was returned by CP5611 Build 214 : Solved problems: - Syncronous reads/writes from concurrent OPC clients now work properly New function: - Performance has been improved, especially in configuration with a lot of short data blocks. - system, channel, driver and data block static display has been extended Build 213 : Solved problems: - No reconnect after the MPI/Profibus connection between CP5611 and the PLC was aborted. - S7ADRV.EXE could crash on Multi Processor Systems or Systems with Hyperthreading when error messages (e.g. "Unable to connect to MPI station") were put to driver's log window from different threads concurrently. Build 212 : Solved problems: - The AGLink error code -1268 (Unknown error message of the PLC) caused a blocking of the device. Now the device will be closed and re-opened to recover the error. - under very seldom conditions a AGLink error caused a crash of S7ADRV.EXE Build 211 : Solved problems: - Setup of TCP/IP parameters failed with error -510. Problem has been solved. - Problems in configurations with more than 8 devices within a channel have been solved - Import of CSV file from S7A Version 7.16 failed - Failed to read the AG State - Configuration of a backup IP address caused a driver crash when it tried to switch from primary to backup device Build 210 : New functions: - Communication way MPI/Profibus using Siemens CPs (CP5611, 5613) added - Communication way MPI/Profibus using Hilscher CIF50 PB added - Communication to "old" S5 series via TCP/IP added - The old Sentinel Keys will not supported any longer - Check Box "Disable comm alarming" in datablock configuration allows to suppress the COMM alarms of Tags which addresses a driver datablock which is in communication error state. - Now the OPC server is OPC DA 2.05 complient Build 210 : Solved problems: - Under Windows XP the driver crashed when the network cable was not connected to ethernet card and the driver started. - A communication error on a single device caused comm errors on all other devices of the channel Build 201 : Solved problems: - CSV Import/export works now even for the new communication ways. Build 200 : Solved problems: - Handle leakage when using asynchron read mode of OPC server. This problem was fixed by migration to OPC server toolkit version 7.20 New functions: - The driver now supports additional communication ways (serial adapter, NetLink adapter and Siemens CPs (eg. CP5611). It's no longer a pure TCP/IP driver but a general driver for Siemens S7 which allows to connect via TCP/IP, MPI bus or Profibus using different interface hardware (CPs). Build 128 : Solved problems: - In big configurations with a lot of data blocks when a data block has been written it took too long until this data block was read back. Thus between the write and the read the clients (OPC or FIX) read the old data. Now after a write the driver reads the data block priorized. Build 127 : Solved problems: - The addressing range for PLC's input area and output area has been extended from 0..255 bytes to 0..4095 bytes. Build 126 : Solved problems: - Errors in manual and automatic block write functions has been fixed Build 125 : Solved problems: - Very fast consecutive analog writes to the same data block caused a crash of the S7ADRV.EXE process. This problem has been solved. Build 124 : Solved problems: - Different communication problems has been solved. - Design of message passing to driver window has changed to prevent the driver dead locks which occored under a very seldom conditions. Build 123 : Solved problems: - Changing of the IP-Address while the driver was running had no effect. This problem has been solved. Build 122 : New functions: - Now the devices within a channel processing in parallel mode - Added "Bytes per Second" to device and channel statistics - Logging of read/write requests/responses into a log file is now configurable for individual data blocks. File logging can basically be switched on/off at register page "advanced" in power tool's setup screen. - This version is already prepared to support the S7T loadable database block which will allow to work with the S7 TIME and TIME_OF_DAY data types in iFIX database. - Shared memory management has been changed to fix problems with large configurations and multi processor systems. Solved problems: - In previous versions the S7 rack number had no effect. Now it will be mapped into the right bit positions of the "called TSAP" field when opening the ISO connection within the TCP connection. - An error in output simulations mode was fixed. - An error in auto creation of data blocks was fixed. Build 121 : Solved problems: - When the slot and rack number in the device setings has been changed, the new values wasn't used when the connection has been re-established. Now the change of these parameters take place immediately. Fixed wrong display of Transmitted and Received counters of mission control's driver statistics Build 120 : Solved problems: - The OPC Server now supports read/write of Control-Tags (eg. !Send or !PollRate). Address syntax is equal to Tag I/O Address within FIX-Database. - Driver doesn't work when a channel with 8 devices was configured Build 119 : Solved problems: - Timeout value of channel template was not stored, thus it had no effect when a new channel was added. - IP-Address of device template was not stored, thus it had no effect when a new device was added. - To avoid duplicate Connection Numbers in Driver Device config, now these Connection Numbers are assigned automatically. The "Connection No" Field in Powertool's device configuration dialog is no longer enabled for input but for displaying the assigned Connection Number. - The driver devices are now limited to 8 per channel. - When running S7A driver on W2K without hardlock key (Sentinel or HASP) the Power Tool displayed an exception message box and the driver didn't start in demo mode. This problem has been solved. Build 118 : New function: - Additionaly to the Rainbow Sentinel Key the driver now supports new Aladdin HASP Key. It detects either Sentinel or HASP Key. Solved problems: - The OPC Server now supports String addresses Build 117 : Solved problems: - Now the Input Data Area of S7 can be read. That was not possible in build version 115 and 116. - The I/O address in data base builder now accepts inputs of adresses without blank between data area identifier and adress index (e.g. D11:Q1.7 or D11:I10.0). - Under a certain condidtion the S7ADrv process runs into a deadlock situation This problem has been solved. Build 116 : Solved problems: - Now the switching between primary and backup device can be configured and used. If the communication to the primary device fails, the driver automatically switches to the device configured as backup device. If the connection to the backup device fails, it switches back to the primary device. The switching even can be done by "hand" using a DI Block with I/O address "!switch:. A F_CV value of 0 means primary device is active, F_CV value 1 means backup device is active. To change the active device just assign the corresponding value to blocks F_CV property. Build 115 : Solved problems: none New functions: - To make troubleshooting easier, the driver now allowes to log messages to a log file. To enable file logging, set the following registry key value to 1: "HKLM\Software\Intellution\Drivers\S7A\DriverDefaults\WriteLogToFile" By default this value is set to 0 which disables the file logging. The log file is named S7ADrv.log and located in the drivers default config file path. All messages dispatched to the driver server window will be logged in the file as well. Caution: The log file will "not" be deleted and re-created when driver starts. It's in the users responsibility to watch the size of the log file. If you enable the dispatching of debug level 1 to 3 messages, the log file can become a huge size in a short time!! Build 114 : Solved problems: - If SAC writes faster to the driver's image table than the driver can write to the PLC, after a while the write queue filled up to 100%. This version of the driver no longer queues write requests to PLC addresses which already in the queue, but uses the already queued request by just replacing the old write value by the new value. - In configurations with more than 1 channel, the driver sometimes crashed since This problem has been solved. - The Send and Receive counts in mission control was swapped. New functions: - Driver now runs with dongle RN-4BDNBH-B (S7A) and RN-4CKEBH-B (S7A+S7B) Build 113 : Solved problems: - Error in S7AMemory.dll caused problem in applications with very large configurations (where the shared memory "S7A_InputArea" exceeded 64k). The data type information stored in the Input Area was overwritten to WORD. Thus the SAC Task interpreted the block values always as an integer no matter what data type was set for the data block in power tool. New functions: - none Build 112 : Solved problems: - CSV File import now works fine - When choosed S7M 1.x compatible address syntax, the data type combo box was been set to a data type other that saved before. New functions: - The S7-TIME format now is supported. Use a TX-blocks and the data type identifier 'T' in the Tag's I/O address to address a double word which contains a value in S7-TIME format (e.g. D11.DB100.DBT 10). Write is also possible. Build 111 : Solved problems: - Sometimes the CPU load raised to 100% when writing values. - Read/write of the last byte of a data block failed. - Block write in manaul or auto mode failed - In data block statistics sreen sometimes "stats error windows" occured because some error codes could not be found in AGLink_Error.txt file. New functions: - none Build 110 : Solved problems: - none New functions: - Added hardware options NULLTERM and SPACEFILL to control string write. Build 109 : Solved problems: - Sometimes driver hangs after communication failed. Occured when a lot of data blocks with a very short poll time has been configured and processed. New functions: - none
使用方法: 1、解压至C:\Program Files目录下(密码:xiaoqing); 2、双击导入注册表C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\bcgcontrolbarpro.12.00.reg; 3、运行向导C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBProIntegrationWizard.exe。 与其它不同之处: 1、包含完整的源代码、帮助文件; 2、已经对 BCGPAppWizard2005 中的向导进行汉化,在 Visual Studio 2008(2010) 中可使用中文向导 BCGPAppWizard (参考 Visual Studio 2008 原有的中文向导,如果您想学习汉化向导,参考目录是:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\VCWizards\AppWiz\MFC\Application\templates\2052) 关于静态链接: 1、首先必须在运行向导BCGCBProIntegrationWizard.exe时已经编译静态库; 2、在 Visual Studio 建立项目向导时,选择静态链接即可。 关于使用 Office2007、2010 风格: 如果您使用了这些新风格,必须在项目中包括这些资源,否则 debug 版本启动时会报错(缺少资源,release版本不会提示,但显示不正常),具体有二种方法: 1、直接在“解决方案资源管理器”-“资源文件”中点右键,“添加”-“现有项”,把C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles中所有扩展名为 .rc 的资源包括进来即可。 2、直接在“资源视图”-“您的项目”上点右键,选择“资源包括”,在“资源包括”中的“编译时指令”中的#include "BCGCBPro.rc"后面添加以下代码: #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2007Aqua.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2007Luna.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2007Obsidian.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2007Silver.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2010White.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyleCarbon.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyleScenic.rc" 3、如果使用动态库链接,请手工编译C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\Office2007_styles.sln或者build_all.dsp 仅为学习使用,下载后24小时内删除,请支持 BCGSoft 购买正版,本人不提供技术支持,不对任何负责。 尊重他人劳动成果,欢迎与大家分享成果。 官方更新说明: http://www.bcgsoft.com/bcgcontrolbarpro-versions.htm Version 12.0. Released 01/20/2010 New features CBCGPVisualManager2010 implements Microsoft Office 2010 Beta 1 color themes: Blue theme (see screenshot) Black theme (see screenshot) Silver theme (see screenshot) Just activate CBCGPVisualManager2010 to use these new themes in your application: CBCGPVisualManager::SetDefaultManager (RUNTIME_CLASS (CBCGPVisualManager2010)); Please run BCGPMSOffice2007Demo, DrawCli or BCGPOrganizer to see this feature in action. Added Microsoft Office 2010-style Ribbon Backstage View (see screenshot). The following new methods were added to CBCGPRibbonBar class: SetBackstageMode: enables/disables Backstage View mode. IsBackstageMode: returns TRUE if Backstage View mode is enabled. AddBackstageCategory: creates Backstage View category. GetBackstageCategory: returns Backstage View category. IsBackstageViewActive: returns TRUE if Backstage View is currently active. By default, the Ribbon Application button will be displayed with the default (blue) color, but developers can customize its appearance by calling visual manager's new method 'SetMainButtonColor' (see screenshot). CBCGPRibbonBar::AddBackstageCategory returns a pointer to the new class object - CBCGPRibbonBackstageViewPanel. Usually, you'll need to call the following class methods to create your backstage view: AddCommand: add a single command button such as "Save", "Save As" or "Exit". AddView: add a button with attached right-side form ("Print", "Recent Files" and so on). There are 2 new classes that should be used for implementing right-side views: CBCGPRibbonBackstageViewItemForm: a single page dialog CBCGPRibbonBackstageViewItemPropertySheet: multi-page Please note that our Application Wizards were updated and now, when you're creating a new, Ribbon-based application, you can choose "Backstage view" option (see screenshot) and initial backstage view code will be automatically generated for your pleasure!. The Ribbon bar Application ("main") Button can display a text label instead of icon in the "scenic" mode (usually "File" in English language UI). The following new methods were added to the CBCGPRibbonMainButton class: SetScenicText GetScenicText Implemented ability to add Ribbon Galleries to the dialogs (see screenshot). The new class CBCGPRibbonGalleryCtrl may be used for this purpose. Please take a look at BCGPMSOffice2007Demo example (Backstage view pages) to see this new control in action. Implemented Resizable Dialogs support (see screenshot1 and screenshot2): Added 2 new classes: CBCGPControlsLayout: implements the base class for all layout managers. CBCGPStaticLayout: implements "static" layout management based on anchors. To enable layout support, you've to call EnableLayout/GetLayout methods in the following classes: CBCGPDialog CBCGPDialogBar CBCGPropertyPage CBCGPFormView Please run ResizableForm new sample to see this feature in action. In addition, you can see this feature in the following examples and samples: BCGPMSOffice2007Demo: "Clipboard" Pane and Backstage view. BCGPOrganizer: resizable dialog bar. RibbonGadgets: backstage view. ToolBoxDemo: resizable form Significantly improved CBCGPVisualManagerVS2010 (see screenshot): The color scheme is identical to Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. Added a new Smart Docking style (BCGP_SDT_VS2010). You can run BCGPVisualStudioGUIDemo example to examine this look. Added content scrolling support to CBCGPDockingControlBar-derived classes (see screenshot). By default, the scrolling is implemented in CBCGPDialogBar class only, but you can easily add this support to any CBCGPDockingControlBar-derived class (please take a look at BCGPGridExample example, COutputBar class). CBCGPDockingBarScrollButton class implements docking pane scroll button (vertical and horizontal) and its look depends on the currently activated visual manager. Calculator control has been significantly improved: All calculator buttons are drawn using built-in bitmaps and use visual manager appearance (see screenshot). Implemented extended commands. Using a new method CBCGPCalculator::SetExtendedCommands developers can add a lot of build-in calculator commands such as idCommandAdvSin, idCommandAdvCos, idCommandAdvTan and others. CBCGPRibbonComboBox allows to display a popup calculator window. Just call CBCGPRibbonComboBox::EnableCalculator method to assign a calculator to the ribbon combobox. Override a new 'OnCalculatorUserCommand' method to implement your calculator commands. Please take a look at BCGPControls example and RibbonGadgets/SkinnedDialog samples to see these new features in action. The following new methods were added to CBCGPVisualManager class: OnDrawDockingBarScrollButton OnDrawCaptionBarCloseButton GetHeaderCtrlTextColor OnFillPropSheetHeaderArea OnDrawDateTimeDropButton GetCalculatorButtonTextColor GetEditCtrlSelectionBkColor GetEditCtrlSelectionTextColor OnDrawDlgSizeBox OnFillRibbonBackstageForm OnDrawRibbonMinimizeButtonImage GetRibbonMinimizeButtonImageSize GetRibbonButtonsGroupHorzMargin IsDrawRibbonGroupSeparator OnDrawRibbonGroupSeparator GetRibbonBackstageTopLineHeight OnDrawRibbonBackstageTopLine SetMainButtonColor GetMainButtonColor IsOwnerDrawDlgSeparator OnDrawDlgSeparator CBCGPPropertySheet has a new mode: PropSheetLook_AeroWizard (see screenshot). In general, this mode has been designed and implemented for Vista/Windows 7 Aero, but you can use it in any OSs/modes (see screenshot). The glass (aero) area can be combined with a page header - we've added a new optional parameter 'bDrawHeaderOnAeroCaption' to EnablePageHeader method. Please take a look at PropSheetDemo sample to see this mode. Added support for the Internet Explorer-like new tab in CBCGPTabWnd class (see screenshot). Call EnableNewTab method to enable this feature. Please take a look BCGPIE7Demo example to see this feature in action. Grid and Report controls changes: Added option to select items by clicks on grid header: New header flag BCGP_GRID_HEADER_SELECT. Implemented color themes for the new visual managers such as CBCGPVisualManager2010 (Office 2010-like) and CBCGPVisualManagerVS2010 (Visual Studio 2010-like) (see screenshot). Improved grid printing support. The following new classes were added: CBCGPGridPage class: this class is used by the grid control to store print pages. A print page specifies which area of the grid is printed at the specified page. The grid counts in items in vertical direction. The grid counts in pixels in horizontal direction. CBCGPGridPageInfo class: This class is used by the grid control to store information about the printing range and the currently printing page. It is stored in CBCGPGridCtrl::m_PrintParams::m_pageInfo member and in CPrintInfo::m_lpUserData member of the CPrintInfo object used while printing at the current print session. Added an option to deselect items. To deselect an item please use SetCurSel with SM_INVERT_SEL flag. New functions were added: CBCGPGridCtrl::EnableInvertSelOnCtrl CBCGPGridCtrl::IsInvertSelOnCtrlEnabled Changes in header click events: New BCGM_GRID_COLUMN_CLICK message. Added CBCGPGridCtrl::OnHeaderColumnRClick. Modified CBCGPGridCtrl::OnHeaderColumnClick. Items align support: New CBCGPGridItem::GetAlign function. Item's alignment is specified by CBCGPGridCtrl::SetColumnAlign. Grid horizontal pagination support. Added CBCGPGridPage::m_nWidth - page width, CBCGPGridPageInfo::m_nPageWidth - width of currently printed page. See CBCGPGridPage class, CBCGPGridPageInfo class. Drag-and-Drop support (see new "Drag and Drop" tab in BCGPGridExample sample): New message BCGM_GRID_BEGINDRAG. Added methods EnableDragSelection, IsDragSelectionEnabled, EnableDragSelectionBorder, IsDragSelectionBorderEnabled, StartDragItems and HitTestSelectionBorder. Extended in-place edit customization support (see new "Easy Input" tab in BCGPGridExample sample): New messages BCGM_GRID_ITEM_BEGININPLACEEDIT, BCGM_GRID_ITEM_ENDINPLACEEDIT. New functions OnBeginInplaceEdit, OnEndInplaceEdit, CanBeginInplaceEditOnChar, CanEndInplaceEditOnChar, OnInplaceEditKeyDown, OnInplaceEditSetSel. New BCGPGRID_ITEM_INFO::dwResultCode member. See BCGPGRID_ITEM_INFO struct. New method SetClearInplaceEditOnEnter. Call SetClearInplaceEditOnEnter (FALSE) to disable grid from clearing content of the item on Enter. Added CBCGPGridCtrl::GoToNextItem method. CBCGPGridCtrl::EnsureVisible is now virtual. Added navigation by TAB (Shift+TAB) key. Added "Ctrl+Z" (Undo) handler for in-place edit of the grid item. Changes in CBCGPGridCtrl::SetCurSel for SM_SET_ACTIVE_ITEM style. Grid item with combo-box now supports F4 to open drop-down list. Added a new parameter CBCGPMDITabParams::m_bReuseRemovedTabGroups. If this flag is TRUE MDI tab groups which were marked as removed will be used for new groups. This reduces memory consumption for applications that frequently create and remove groups. Added OpenType font support for font combo boxes. Added keyboard and MS Active Accessibility support to CBCGPTasksPane class. CBCGPEditCtrl::ExportBuffer has a new optional parameter 'BOOL bForceAnsi'. Setting it to TRUE forces exporting editor's text in ANSI format. CBCGPRibbonStatusBarPane constructor and SetAnimationList method have a new optional parameter 'BOOL bDontScaleInHighDPIMode'. Set it to TRUE if you don't need to scale pane image in the High DPI mode. When user clicks on the glass area of CBCGPExplorerToolBar window, the application window is moved now. Added CBCGPCalendarBar::GetState method - returns the calendar style flags specified in SetState method. CBCGPRibbonEdit displays a drop-down window upon pressing F4 key. Added CBCGPShellManager::IsControlPanel method. Added new font 'fontCaption' to BCGPGLOBAL_DATA. This font will be useful for displaying caption texts. CBCGPStatic has a new member: m_clrText. You can set this member to colorize text labels (see SkinnedDialog sample). New method CBCGPDockManager::ShowFloatingBars shows/hides floating panes. CBCGPListBox control can work with left-side icons and item group headers now. The following new methods were added: SetImageList: set items image list SetItemImage: associate item with a specific icon AddCaption: add a group caption Changes in examples and samples: BCGPControls: "Calculator" page demonstrates new calculator features BCGPGridExample: added new visual managers and new 2 tabs: "Drag and Drop" and "Easy Input" BCGPIE7Demo: the tab control was fully redesigned and derived from the library MDI Tab control. BCGPMSOffice2007Demo: added MS Office 2010 Backstage view. "Clipboard" pane demonstrates a new layout manager. BCGPVisualStudioGUIDemo: Start Page view can be converted to docking control bar. DrawCli: added MS Office 2010 Backstage view and new visual managers. PropSheetDemo: added Aero Wizard demonstration. ResizableForm: new sample, demonstrates how to use a new layout manager along with dialogs, dialog bars, property sheets and form views. RibbonGadgets: added MS Office 2010 Backstage view and edit boxes with calculator. SkinnedDialog: added edit box with calculator and text labels with a custom colors. Changes in the Ribbon Designer: Added "Calculator" element. Support for three new styles introduced in Microsoft Office 2010 (blue, silver, black) Ribbon elements can be edited by double click. Image lists can be loaded from files. Implemented icon editing for Palette (Gallery) Buttons. Fixes: FireChangingActiveTab is called from CBCGPOutlookWnd::SetActiveTab now. Fixed resource leak in CBCGPUserTool::DrawToolIcon Fixed problem with a slider's thumb location in CBCGPRibbonSlider::SetThumbRect in the High DPI mode. Improved appearance of the calendar drop-down button in CBCGPDateTimeCtrl. Fixed problem with setting editbox auto-complete mode in Windows 9x/NT4 CBCGP***FrameWnd::WinHelp dwData parameter has DWORD_PTR type now. This fixes 64-bit compatibility issue with this virtual method. Fixed memory leak in CBCGPPngImage::LoadFromBuffer (VS.NET 2003 or higher, BCGP_EXCLUDE_GDI_PLUS is defined). CBCGPGroup is properly handles WM_SETTEXT message now. CBCGPCalendar always closes dropped-down month picker when the calendar is being destroyed. CBCGPRibbonEdit::OnDraw correctly draws edit box label in case of center/right-side control alignment. Fixed appearance of CBCGPExCheckList items in the high DPI mode (under VC++ 6.0). Fixed problem with displaying disabled check boxes (CBCGPButton class) when some visual managers are activated. Fixed problem with CBCGPHeaderCtrl items text color when some visual managers are activated. Fixed problem with vertical scrolling of elements in CBCGPRibbonPanel::OnKey. CBCGPEdit correctly draws a browse button image and text when control is located on the glass (aero) area. CBCGPEdit uses visual manager color them when control has ES_READONLY style. CBCGPStatic doesn't perform the custom drawing if it has a style like icon, rectangle or frame. CBCGPPropertySheet: fixed some problems with repositioning and redrawing navigation buttons. Fixed some visual problems in owner-draw frame/dialog captions. Ribbon Main Button scenic icon is correctly painted in high DPI mode now. Fixed problem with text alignment in grid columns. CBCGPGridCtrl::SetColumnAlign is working properly now. Fixed bug with using different horizontal color and vertical color for the grid lines. The m_clrVertLine setting did not work when m_bGridItemBorders flag was switched on. Fixed problem with clicking on CBCGPGridURLItem in read-write mode. Fixed a bug with automatic sizing of grid columns. The bug appeared when auto-sizing was enabled with EnableColumnAutoSize(TRUE). Fixed bug with "Ctrl+A" for in-place editing of grid items. "Ctrl+A" selects all text inside in-place editor during in-place editing, instead of the entire grid as before. Fixed memory leak in CBCGPGridCtrl::CopyHtmlToClipboardInternal. Ribbon Designer supports Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 projects.



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