oracle 3张300万数据表连表查询,不想建分区表,已经建了索引,查询时间太长,如何优化。

lyric520123 2018-01-30 03:48:35
select decc,objtype,objname,objid,usrid,timesheetid,timetypename,hour1,houradd1,flag1,aflag1,hour2,houradd2,flag2,aflag2,hour3,houradd3,flag3,aflag3,hour4,houradd4,flag4,
from (select '1' decc,
0 objtype,
'开发一部' objname,
pb.type objid,
0 usrid,
0 timesheetid,
'' timetypename,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 1 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour1,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 1 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd1,
0 flag1,
0 aflag1,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 2 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour2,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 2 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd2,
0 flag2,
0 aflag2,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 3 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour3,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 3 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd3,
0 flag3,
0 aflag3,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 4 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour4,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 4 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd4,
0 flag4,
0 aflag4,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 5 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour5,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 5 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd5,
0 flag5,
0 aflag5,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 6 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour6,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 6 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd6,
0 flag6,
0 aflag6,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 7 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour7,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 7 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd7,
0 flag7,
0 aflag7,
sum(wtd.manhour) hour0,
sum(wtd.manovertime) houradd0
from wk_timesheet wt
left outer join wk_timesheetdetail wtd
on wt.timesheetid = wtd.timesheetid
and (manhour > 0 or manovertime > 0)
left outer join org_userinfo ou
on wt.userid = ou.userid
left outer join pj_baseinfo pb
on wt.projectid = pb.projectid
where pb.type = 0
and (wtd.submitstate = 1 or wtd.submitstate = 2)
and wt.userid in (select u.userid from org_userinfo u left outer join dpt_departmentaccess d on u.attachdepartmentid=d.departmentid left outer join org_role a on a.roleid=d.roleid where a.roletypeid = 5 and a.principal = 1)
and wt.timestartdate = to_date('2018-01-15', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
group by pb.type
union all
select '11' decc,
0 objtype,
ou.username objname,
pb.type objid,
wt.userid usrid,
0 timesheetid,
'' timetypename,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 1 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour1,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 1 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd1,
0 flag1,
0 aflag1,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 2 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour2,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 2 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd2,
0 flag2,
0 aflag2,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 3 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour3,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 3 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd3,
0 flag3,
0 aflag3,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 4 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour4,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 4 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd4,
0 flag4,
0 aflag4,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 5 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour5,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 5 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd5,
0 flag5,
0 aflag5,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 6 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour6,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 6 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd6,
0 flag6,
0 aflag6,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 7 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour7,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 7 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd7,
0 flag7,
0 aflag7,
sum(wtd.manhour) hour0,
sum(wtd.manovertime) houradd0
from wk_timesheet wt
left outer join wk_timesheetdetail wtd
on wt.timesheetid = wtd.timesheetid
and (manhour > 0 or manovertime > 0)
left outer join org_userinfo ou
on wt.userid = ou.userid
left outer join pj_baseinfo pb
on wt.projectid = pb.projectid
where pb.type = 0
and (wtd.submitstate = 1 or wtd.submitstate = 2)
and wt.userid in(select u.userid from org_userinfo u left outer join dpt_departmentaccess d on u.attachdepartmentid=d.departmentid left outer join org_role a on a.roleid=d.roleid where a.roletypeid = 5 and a.principal = 1)
and wt.timestartdate = to_date('2018-01-15', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
group by pb.type, ou.username, wt.userid
union all
select '111' decc,
0 objtype,
tb.taskname objname,
pb.type objid,
wt.userid usrid,
cd.paraname timetypename,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 1 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour1,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 1 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd1,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 1 then wtd.submitstate else 0 end) flag1,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 1 then wtd.approvalstate else 0 end) aflag1,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 2 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour2,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 2 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd2,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 2 then wtd.submitstate else 0 end) flag2,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 2 then wtd.approvalstate else 0 end) aflag2,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 3 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour3,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 3 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd3,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 3 then wtd.submitstate else 0 end) flag3,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 3 then wtd.approvalstate else 0 end) aflag3,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 4 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour4,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 4 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd4,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 4 then wtd.submitstate else 0 end) flag4,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 4 then wtd.approvalstate else 0 end) aflag4,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 5 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour5,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 5 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd5,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 5 then wtd.submitstate else 0 end) flag5,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 5 then wtd.approvalstate else 0 end) aflag5,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 6 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour6,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 6 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd6,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 6 then wtd.submitstate else 0 end) flag6,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 6 then wtd.approvalstate else 0 end) aflag6,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 7 then wtd.manhour else 0 end) hour7,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 7 then wtd.manovertime else 0 end) houradd7,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 7 then wtd.submitstate else 0 end) flag7,
sum(case when timesheetdetailid = 7 then wtd.approvalstate else 0 end) aflag7,
sum(wtd.manhour) hour0,
sum(wtd.manovertime) houradd0
from wk_timesheet wt
left outer join wk_timesheetdetail wtd
on wt.timesheetid = wtd.timesheetid
and (manhour > 0 or manovertime > 0)
left outer join tk_baseinfo tb
on wt.taskid = tb.taskid
left outer join org_userinfo ou
on wt.userid = ou.userid
left outer join cfg_dictionarypara cd
on cd.paratypename = 'TK_TASKTYPE'
and cd.delflag = 0
and wt.tasktype = cd.paravalue
left outer join pj_baseinfo pb
on wt.projectid = pb.projectid
where pb.type = 0
and (wtd.submitstate = 1 or wtd.submitstate = 2)
and wt.userid in (select u.userid from org_userinfo u left outer join dpt_departmentaccess d on u.attachdepartmentid=d.departmentid left outer join org_role a on a.roleid=d.roleid where a.roletypeid = 5 and a.principal = 1)
and wt.timestartdate = to_date('2018-01-15', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
group by tb.taskname,
wt.tasktype) obj
order by objid desc, usrid, timesheetid;
合计工时,wk_timesheet ,wk_timesheetdetail,tk_baseinfo这三张张表都是300万以上的数据 ,查询耗时30s左右,大家有没有方法优化 一下 ,不建表分区情况下。
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5 条回复
桃花岛黄岛主 2018-05-17
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这和SQL的写法关系不大,建不建分区关系也不大,最有效的办法 就是用建一个聚簇,用三个表聚簇吧
zcs_zzh 2018-01-31
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从SQL写法上看,大查询(三个UNION ALL合并的SQL,不是子查询)有外关联和没有外关联的查询结果是相同的,因此不需要外关联,你也可以验证下。
lyric520123 2018-01-31
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1、三个SQL用UNION ALL合并起来,每个SQL分别优化,检查性能; 2、外关联要去掉,没有用处; 3、wk_timesheet表上要有索引,timestartdate列应该是索引的第一列; 第1,3都弄了,第2条外关联要去掉是外关联改成内联接?
zcs_zzh 2018-01-30
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1、三个SQL用UNION ALL合并起来,每个SQL分别优化,检查性能; 2、外关联要去掉,没有用处; 3、wk_timesheet表上要有索引,timestartdate列应该是索引的第一列;
liu志坚 2018-01-30
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这么长的sql.... 做个10046事件,分析耗时主要在哪,然后针对性分析吧。



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