Computer Network Security[2005,544p].pdf下载

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计算机视觉(Computer Vision)又称为机器视觉(Machine Vision),顾名思义是一门“教”会计算机如何去“看”世界的学科。在机器学习大热的前景之下,计算机视觉与自然语言处理(Natural Language Process, NLP)及语音识别(Speech Recognition)并列为机器学习方向的三大热点方向。在如今互联网时代,人工智能发展迅速,计算机视觉领域应用非常广泛,对人才的需求也是非常大,计算机视觉在IT领域的工资水平非常高,初级就能达到一个很好的薪资水平,学好计算机视觉,势在必得,增加自己的竞争力以及给自己一个好的薪水。 以下是计算机视觉部分应用场景,可以看到它的需求非常大:1.Google, MS, Facebook, Apple,华为,阿里,腾讯,百度等世界科技公司,无一没有建立自己的AI实验室,AI里面,计算机视觉或图像处理是非常重要的一块,当然它们研究方向就多了,几乎会涵盖所有方向。2.世界各大汽车公司,如特斯拉,宝马。汽车公司开始发力自动驾驶,而自动驾驶里面最核心的技术就是“教”汽车里的电脑如何通过摄像头实时产生的图片和视频自动驾驶。因此视觉和图像处理便是核心技术所在,如行人探测,道路识别,模式识别。3.Adobe,美图秀秀等照片、winrar、real player等视频处理、压缩软件。这个不多说,直观的应用,比如降噪,图像分割、图像压缩、视频压缩。4.AR(增强现实)最近由于Pockman GO的风靡全球又被推到第一线,而Google Class或者三星Gear眼镜等等,也无不和图像处理、计算机视觉的科研有关。预测这将是未来几年主推的东西。5.迪士尼等各大电影制片公司。3-D电影,以及各种炫酷的电影特效,当然里面不光有图像处理,还有计算机图形学的东西在里面。6.地平线,大疆无人机等机器人公司。和自动驾驶一个道理,机器人要通过摄像头“判断”并躲开前方障碍物,核心技术都在视觉和图像处理。7.医疗器械设备公司。医学图像处理,核磁共振,断层扫描等等,众所周知医疗行业都是暴利阿。8.工业级摄像头;包括高速路上的摄像头,机场火车站安检摄像头,工业流水线上的摄像头,嵌入了人脸或次品识别的芯片,智能地识别罪犯、次品,等等。 基于SpringBoot+Python多语言文档扫描处理和OCR识别系统,将以基础知识为根基,带大家完成一个强大的文档扫描处理和OCR识别系统,该系统将包含算法部分,算法服务,算法商业化api部分等。应用场景可以为:爬虫图片文字识别、文档图片自动整理和输出文字、实时扫描输出系统、PDF文档转换系统等等,算法可以商业化,系统同时实现了商业化api功能,商业价值非常高,大家可以基于课程项目的基础上进一步完善,做到商用,学到知识的同时,给自己额外增加收入。 本课程包含的技术: 开发工具为:IDEA、WebStorm、PyCharmPythonAnconaOpencvDjangoSpringBootSpringCouldVue+ElementUI+NODEJS等等 课程亮点: 1.与企业接轨、真实工业界产品2.强大的计算机视觉库OPENCV3.从基础到案例,逐层深入,学完即用4.市场主流的前后端分离架构和人工智能应用结合开发5.多语言结合开发,满足多元化的需求6.商业化算法api实现7.多Python环境切换8.微服务SpringBoot9.集成SpringCloud实现统一整合方案 10.全程代码实操,提供全部代码和资料 11.提供答疑和提供企业技术方案咨询
Preface In today’s world, where computer viruses and security threats are common themes in anything from Hollywood movies and TV advertisements to political discussions, it seems unthinkable to ignore security considerations in the design and implementation of any network. However, it is only in the past 4–5 years that talkative security experts have been invited to the design table from the start. The common thinking only 5 years ago was either: this is somebody else’s problem or let us design the major functionalities first, then bring in a cryptographer to secure it! This treatment of security as an add-on feature typically led either to design delays, overheads and extra costs when the “feature” had to be included, or to ignored security provisioning when the “feature” was not a must. The problem, of course, stemmed from the fact that security “features” have rarely been revenue-makers. As we all know, many political, social and economic events in the last half decade have forced the designers, regulators and businessmen to adjust their attitudes towards security consider- ations. People realized that although security measures are not revenue-makers, their lack is indeed a deal breaker, to say the least, or has catastrophic aftermaths, at worst. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has also played an important role in estab- lishing the aforementioned trend by making a few bold moves. The rejection of some very high profile specifications due to the lack of proper security considerations was a message to the industry that security is not to be taken lightly. This was done in a era where the Internet and its applications seemed to have no boundaries and security provisioning seemed to be only a barrier rather than an enabler. As a result of this trend, the field of network security gained a lot of attention. A profession that seemed to belong only to a few mathematically blessed brains opened up to a community of practitioners dealing with a variety of networking and computing applications. Many stan- dards, such as 802.1X, IPsec and TLS, were developed to apply cryptographic concepts and algorithms to networking problems. Many books were written on the topics of security and cryptography, bringing the dark and difficult secrets of fields such as public key crypto- graphy to a public that typically was far less mathematically savvy than the original inventors. Many protocols and procedures were designed to realize infrastructures such as PKIs to bring these difficult concepts to life. Still, cryptographic algorithms or security protocols such as IPsec are not enough alone to operate a network that needs to generate services and revenues or to protect its constituency. Access to the network needs to be controlled. Users and devices need to be authorized for a variety of services and functions and often must pay for their usage. This is where the AAA protocols came in. In its simpler form a AAA protocol such as Page xvii Wednesday, August 3, 2005 8:03 PM xviii Preface a base RADIUS protocol only provides authentication-based access control. A few service types are also included in the authorization signaling. RADIUS was later augmented with accounting procedures. Diameter as a newer protocol was only standardized less than 2 years ago. Both RADIUS and Diameter are still evolving at the time of writing. This evolution is to enable AAA mechanisms and protocols to provide powerful functions to manage many complicated tasks ranging from what is described above to managing resources and mobility functions based on a variety of policies. In the near future the networks need to allow the user through a variety of interfaces, devices and technologies to gain access to the network. The user will require to be mobile and yet connected. The provision of the connection may at times have to be aided by third parties. The interaction between AAA and security proce- dures with entities providing mobility and roaming capabilities is a very complicated one and is still not completely understood. Despite this complexity, there seem to be very few books on the market that discuss more than a single topic (either security, or mobility or wireless technology). The topic of AAA is largely untouched. Very little text in the way of published literature is available on AAA protocols, let alone describing the interaction of these protocols with security, mobility and key management protocols. The idea for writing this book started from an innocent joke by the IETF operation and management area director during an IETF lunch break a few years ago. When we asked about the relations between the use of EAP for authentication and Mobile IP-AAA signaling, the answer was “Maybe you should write a book about the subject”. Even though this was considered a joke at a time, as we started to work on deploying AAA infrastructure for Mobile IP and EAP support, the need for easy-to-understand overview material was felt so strongly that the joke now sounded like black humor. We had to write a book on AAA as a community service! The book is geared towards people who have a basic understanding of Internet Protocol (IP) and TCP/IP stack layering concepts. Except for the above, most of the other IP-related concepts are explained in the text. Thus, the book is suitable for managers, engineers, researchers and students who are interested in the topic of network security and AAA but do not possess in-depth IP routing and security knowledge. We aimed at providing an overview of IP mobility (Mobile IP) and security (IPsec) to help the reader who is not familiar with these concepts so that the rest of the material in the book can be understood. However, the reader may feel that the material quickly jumps from a simple overview of Mobile IP or IPsec to sophisticated topics such as bootstrapping for IP mobility or key exchange for IP security. Our reasoning here was that we felt that there are a number of excellently written books on the topics of Mobile IP and IPsec, to which the reader may refer, so it would not be fair to fill this book with redundant information. Instead, the book provides just enough material on those topics to quickly guide the reader into the topics that are more relevant to the rest of the material in this book. The book may also serve as a reference or introduction depending on the reader’s need and background, but it is not intended as a complete implementation reference book. The tables listing the protocol attributes are intentionally not exhaustive to avoid distractions. Most of the time, only subsets that pertain to the discussions within the related text are provided to enable the reader to understand the principles behind the design of these attributes. At the same time, references to full standards specifications are provided for readers interested in implementation of the complete feature sets. Chapter 1 of this book provides an overview of what AAA is and stands for. It provides thorough descriptions of both authorization and accounting mechanisms. Unfortunately the field and standardization on authorization mechanisms is in the infancy stage at this point and Page xviii Wednesday, August 3, 2005 8:03 PM Preface xix accounting, compared to authentication, has received far less attention in the research and standards community due to its operator-specific nature. Due to the enormous amount of research done on authentication, we devote Chapter 2 entirely to authentication concepts and mechanisms and also provide a rather unique classification (from IAB) of authentication mechanisms in that chapter. We will come back to the topic of authentication and describe more sophisticated EAP-based authentications in Chapter 10, but after Chapter 2, we go through the concepts of key management in Chapter 3 to lay the groundwork for most of the security and key management discussions in Chapter 4 and the rest of the book. Chapter 4 discusses IPsec and TLS briefly, but provides a thorough discussion on IKE as an important example of a key management and security association negotiation protocol. As mentioned earlier, the aim of that chapter is not to describe IPsec or TLS thoroughly. Both these proto- cols are provided for completeness and to provide the background for the later discussion of security topics. Chapter 5 discusses mobility protocols for IP networks. It describes basic Mobile IP procedures and quickly goes through the latest complementary work in IETF, such as bootstrapping. This chapter also describes two IETF seamless mobility protocols, context transfer and candidate access router discovery, which may be required to achieve seamless handovers. This chapter also describes the security procedures for Mobile IPv4 and lays the groundwork for Mobile IP-AAA discussions in Chapter 8. Chapters 6 and 7 describe the two most important AAA protocols, namely RADIUS and Diameter and their applications for authentication and accounting. Many of the specifications that are considered work in progress in IETF are covered here. Chapter 8 finally covers the topic discussed in the IETF joke we mentioned earlier: Mobile IP-AAA signaling to provide authentication and key management for Mobile IP signaling. Chapter 9 goes on to provide a description of public key infrastructures (PKI) and the issues and concerns with management of PKIs, certificates and their revocation. Chapter 10 describes the EAP authentication framework, EAP signaling transport and the structure for a generic EAP-XXX mechanism. It also provides overviews of a variety of EAP authentication methods, such as EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS, EAP-SIM, and so on. Finally, Chapter 11 makes a humble attempt at describing the overall problem of AAA and identity management in a multi-operator environment and discusses various architectural models to tackle the problem. This chapter also provides an overview of the Liberty Alliance. We wish the readers a joyful read.



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