
earpnet 2003-08-30 11:11:43
General SQL error.
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yujohny 2003-08-30
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变形金刚人物图片档案集——博派.exe擎天柱 火车模式 爵士 爵士pretender 千斤顶 铁皮 救护车 警车 蓝霹雳 探长 开路先锋 幻影 飞毛腿 横炮 红色警报 轮胎 烟幕 消防车 吊车 滑车 刹车 飞过山 大黄蜂 大黄蜂pretender 大汉 鲁莽 变速箱 充电器 巨浪 浪花 滑翔机 战戟 宇宙飞碟 录音机 磁带发条 磁带喷射 磁带钢钳 磁带犀牛 钢锁 恐龙模式 淤泥 铁渣 嚎叫 飞标 感知器 天火 大力金刚 基地模式 空袭 俯冲 弹弓 飞火 银箭 大无畏 急救员 车辙 大街 刀刃 热点 守护神 钛师父 补天士 热破 热破target 通天晓 通天晓2 杯子 杯子target 啰嗦 啰嗦target 阿尔茜(女汽车人) 弹簧 沙暴 排炮 营救车 转轮 的士 腹地 管子 背离 挡板 金飞虫 探照灯 追捕 高速路 路障 宽载 天猫 钻探机 光速 烙铁 钢鞭 机关炮 计算王 猛大帅 基地模式 猛大帅附属部队 巨无霸福特 基地模式 战斗堡垒 电脑怪杰郭文 老顽固费特 小诸葛黎恩 电子斗士海隆 进攻 (反击) 浪子 腾云 布兰卡 煞特 克罗斯 威震天 手枪模式 威震天赛博特恩时期 震荡波 手枪模式 红蜘蛛 红蜘蛛pretender 惊天雷 闹翻天 喷气机 挽歌 推进器 声波 磁带轰隆隆 磁带迷乱 磁带机器狗 磁带激光鸟 磁带锯齿鸟 磁带机器蝙蝠 磁带机器暴龙 磁带机器剑龙 照相机分光镜 照相机聚光镜 照相机反光镜 炸弹 反冲 弹片 铲土机 搅拌机 清扫机 推土机 拖斗 吊钩 大力神 莽撞 打击 封锁 抢劫 汽车大师 飞天虎 吵闹 诈骗 旋风 爆炸 袭击 混天豹 惊破天 加农炮模式 狂飙 狂飙target 瘟疫 瘟疫target 闪电 大火车 毒气弹 铁甲龙 游民 流浪汉 野牛 铁头 大鹏 猛虎 利爪 冲云霄 杀手鹰 无赖兽 碎尸鲨 血污熊 暴力龙 求雨鬼 萨克巨人 萨克巨人基地模式 六面兽 六面兽变形模式 人狼 鳄龙 蝙蝠魔 狂龙 猿猴 火炭 吊索 扳机 突击 飞翔 五面怪 鲨鱼精 宇宙大帝 宇宙大帝2 赛博恩特星球 欠 敌无双 4个女汽车人
【下载说明】这里提供给大家的是《Extreme Programming Refactored: The Case Against XP》(重构极限编程——XP的实践与反思)一书的CHM格式英文版电子书下载。【作者简介】Matt Stephens has been a software developer for over ten years (or twenty+ years if you count his first experience with programming at the age of 11). Much of his commercial work has involved Systems Integration, enterprise architecture, and team leading. Matt lives in Southwest London, England and is currently working as a technical architect and agile process mentor in Central London. He is also the editor of (and regular contributor to) a satirical website for software developers and managers.Doug Rosenberg of ICONIX Software Engineering, Inc. has been providing system development tools and training for nearly two decades, with particular emphasis on object-oriented methods. He developed a Unified Booch/Rumbaugh/Jacobson design method in 1993 that preceded Rational’s UML by several years. He has produced more than a dozen multimedia tutorials on object technology, including COMPREHENSIVE COM and COMPLETE CORBA, and is the author of Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML and Applying Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML.【内容提要】+ 打破极限编程(XP)的神话并展示其另一面+ 对XP实践作彻底、系统的分析,区分敏捷性和脆弱性+ 提出适用范围更广、可实现XP敏捷目标的更好方法Extreme Programming Refactored: The Case Against XP is meant to provide an independent look at Extreme Programming. It is meant to cut through the marketing hype of Extreme Programming and expose a number of weaknesses with this approach to software development. It tries to draw a distinction between true "agility" in a software process and "fragility" inherent in techniques such as oral documentation. Extreme Programming (XP) is a consummate mix of good goals, some good advice, and lots of bad advice. The goals and the good advice draw people in; the bad advice can potentially cause projects to fail. The XPers' theory is that when applied together, this mixture of rules will somehow magically be safe. XP therefore



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