DesertRing 2003-10-18 01:57:48
请问有没有人下载了J2EESDK1.4_Beta2,我在用它的DEPLOY TOOL发布Hello1.war这个例子的时候总是出现以下提示:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:Premature end of file
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ysharp 2003-10-18
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anson2003 2003-10-18
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LuZhou 2003-10-18
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grgh2000 2003-10-18
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Packages javax.activation javax.annotation javax.annotation.security javax.annotation.sql javax.decorator javax.ejb javax.ejb.embeddable javax.ejb.spi javax.el javax.enterprise.context javax.enterprise.context.spi javax.enterprise.deploy.model javax.enterprise.deploy.model.exceptions javax.enterprise.deploy.shared javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.factories javax.enterprise.deploy.spi javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.factories javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status javax.enterprise.event javax.enterprise.inject javax.enterprise.inject.spi javax.enterprise.util javax.faces javax.faces.application javax.faces.bean javax.faces.component javax.faces.component.behavior javax.faces.component.html javax.faces.component.visit javax.faces.context javax.faces.convert javax.faces.el javax.faces.event javax.faces.lifecycle javax.faces.model javax.faces.render javax.faces.validator javax.faces.view javax.faces.view.facelets javax.faces.webapp javax.inject javax.interceptor javax.jms javax.jws javax.jws.soap javax.mail javax.mail.event javax.mail.internet javax.mail.search javax.mail.util javax.management.j2ee javax.management.j2ee.statistics javax.persistence javax.persistence.criteria javax.persistence.metamodel javax.persistence.spi javax.resource javax.resource.cci javax.resource.spi javax.resource.spi.endpoint javax.resource.spi.security javax.resource.spi.work javax.security.auth.message javax.security.auth.message.callback javax.security.auth.message.config javax.security.auth.message.module javax.security.jacc javax.servlet javax.servlet.annotation javax.servlet.descriptor javax.servlet.http javax.servlet.jsp javax.servlet.jsp.el javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.core javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.tlv javax.servlet.jsp.tagext javax.transaction javax.transaction.xa javax.validation javax.validation.bootstrap javax.validation.constraints javax.validation.groups javax.validation.metadata javax.validation.spi javax.ws.rs javax.ws.rs.core javax.ws.rs.ext javax.xml.bind javax.xml.bind.annotation javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters javax.xml.bind.attachment javax.xml.bind.helpers javax.xml.bind.util javax.xml.registry javax.xml.registry.infomodel javax.xml.rpc javax.xml.rpc.encoding javax.xml.rpc.handler javax.xml.rpc.handler.soap javax.xml.rpc.holders javax.xml.rpc.server javax.xml.rpc.soap javax.xml.soap javax.xml.stream javax.xml.stream.events javax.xml.stream.util javax.xml.ws javax.xml.ws.handler javax.xml.ws.handler.soap javax.xml.ws.http javax.xml.ws.soap javax.xml.ws.spi javax.xml.ws.spi.http javax.xml.ws.wsaddressing
Java EE 5 Platform Packages javax.activation The JavaBeans(TM) Activation Framework is used by the JavaMail(TM) API to manage MIME data. javax.annotation javax.annotation.security javax.ejb The javax.ejb package contains the Enterprise JavaBeans classes and interfaces that define the contracts between the enterprise bean and its clients and between the enterprise bean and the EJB container. javax.ejb.spi The javax.ejb.spi package defines interfaces that are implemented by the EJB container. javax.el Provides the API for the Unified Expression Language shared by the JSP 2.1 and JSF 1.2 technologies. javax.enterprise.deploy.model Provides Tool Vendor implementation classes. javax.enterprise.deploy.model.exceptions Provides Tool Vendor exception implementation classes. javax.enterprise.deploy.shared Provides shared objects for Tool Vendor and Product Vendor implementation classes. javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.factories Provides shared factory manager object for Tool Vendor and Product Vendor implementation classes. javax.enterprise.deploy.spi Provides J2EE Product Vendor implementation classes. javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.exceptions Provides J2EE Product Vendor deployment exception implementation classes. javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.factories Provides J2EE Product Vendor deployment factory implementation classes. javax.enterprise.deploy.spi.status Provides J2EE Product Vendor deployment status implementation classes. javax.faces Top level classes for the JavaServer(tm) Faces API. javax.faces.application APIs that are used to link an application's business logic objects to JavaServer Faces, as well as convenient pluggable mechanisms to manage the execution of an application that is based on JavaServer Faces. javax.faces.component Fundamental APIs for user interface components. javax.faces.component.html Specialized user interface component classes for HTML. javax.faces.context Classes and interfaces defining per-request state information. javax.faces.convert Contains classes and interfaces defining converters. javax.faces.el DEPRECATED Classes and interfaces for evaluating and processing reference expressions. javax.faces.event Interfaces describing events and event listeners, and concrete event implementation classes. javax.faces.lifecycle Classes and interfaces defining lifecycle management for the JavaServer Faces implementation. javax.faces.model Standard model data beans for JavaServer Faces. javax.faces.render Classes and interfaces defining the rendering model. javax.faces.validator Interface defining the validator model, and concrete validator implementation classes. javax.faces.webapp Classes required for integration of JavaServer Faces into web applications, including a standard servlet, base classes for JSP custom component tags, and concrete tag implementations for core tags. javax.interceptor The javax.interceptor package contains classes and interfaces for use with EJB interceptors. javax.jms The Java Message Service (JMS) API provides a common way for Java programs to create, send, receive and read an enterprise messaging system's messages. javax.jws javax.jws.soap javax.mail The JavaMailTM API provides classes that model a mail system. javax.mail.event Listeners and events for the JavaMail API. javax.mail.internet Classes specific to Internet mail systems. javax.mail.search Message search terms for the JavaMail API. javax.mail.util Utility classes. javax.management.j2ee Provides the J2EE Management Enterprise Bean component (MEJB) interfaces. javax.management.j2ee.statistics Provides the standard interfaces for accessing performance data from J2EE managed objects Package Specification JSR 77, J2EE Management Related Documentation For overviews, tutorials, examples, guides, and tool documentation, please see: J2EE Tools javax.persistence The javax.persistence package contains the classes and interfaces that define the contracts between a persistence provider and the managed classes and the clients of the Java Persistence API. javax.persistence.spi The javax.persistence.spi package defines the classes and interfaces that are implemented by the persistence provider and the Java EE container for use by the container, provider, and/or Persistence bootstrap class in deployment and bootstrapping.



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