
luo1105 2003-10-18 04:14:33
282 15 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
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weion 2003-10-18
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yongtang 2003-10-18
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ravenkatte 2003-10-18
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kbkingbird 2003-10-18
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kbkingbird 2003-10-18
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Sample of Net Statistics command

Z:USERSAdministrator>net statistics workstation
Workstation Statistics for \TITANIUM
Statistics since 12/1/00 6:27 AM
Bytes received 4885909
Server Message Blocks (SMBs) received 51520
Bytes transmitted 6101020
Server Message Blocks (SMBs) transmitted 51523
Read operations 23
Write operations 1199
Raw reads denied 0
Raw writes denied 0
Network errors 0
Connections made 2433
Reconnections made 1
Server disconnects 6
Sessions started 2824
Hung sessions 0
Failed sessions 0
Failed operations 3
Use count 3212
Failed use count 285
The command completed successfully.

Net Stop
This command is the opposite of Net Start. As you can probably guess, it stops services from running on your server.

Net Time
One of the commands I've found very useful is the Net Time command. The Net Time command is used to synchronize the time on a workstation with the time on a server. Here's the syntax for the Net Time command:
net time [\computer | /WORKGROUP:wgname] [/SET] [/YES]
-computer—Specifies the name of the computer (time server)whose time you want to check or synchronize your computer's clock with
-/WORKGROUP—Specifies that you want to use the clock on a computer (time server) in another workgroup
-wgname—Specifies the name of the workgroup containing a computer whose clock you want to check or synchronize your computer's clock with; if there are multiple time servers in that workgroup, Net Time uses the first one it finds
-/SET—Synchronizes your computer's clock with the clock on the computer or workgroup you specify
-/YES—Carries out the Net Time command without first prompting you to provide information or confirm actions

Net Use
Without a doubt, the most powerful Net command in any version of Windows is the Net Use command. This command lets you attach to resources such as network shares or printers. For example, to map the Q: drive to a share called Articles on a server called Tazmania, you could enter the following command:
net use Q: \TazmaniaArticles

Likewise, you could map LPT1 to a network printer that's attached to a server called Scooby and shared as HP by entering the following command:
net use LPT1: \ScoobyHP

The Net Use command also provides mechanisms for removing connections that you've made and for entering passwords.

To list all of your connections, type Net Use without options. To see this information one screen at a time, type the following at the command prompt:
net use /? | MORE

net help use | MORE

Here's a full summary of the Net Use syntax.

Summary of Net Use syntax

C:WINDOWS>net use /?
Connects or disconnects your computer from a shared
resource or displays information about your connections.
NET USE [drive: | *] [\computerdirectory [password | ?]]
NET USE [port:] [\computerprinter [password | ?]]
NET USE drive: | \computerdirectory /DELETE [/YES]
NET USE port: | \computerprinter /DELETE [/YES]
NET USE drive: | * /HOME
drive Specifies the drive letter you assign to a
shared directory.
* Specifies the next available drive letter.
If used with /DELETE, specifies to
disconnect all of your connections.
port Specifies the parallel (LPT) port name you
assign to a shared printer.
computer Specifies the name of the computer sharing
the resource.
directory Specifies the name of the shared directory.
printer Specifies the name of the shared printer.
password Specifies the password for the shared
resource, if any.
? Specifies that you want to be prompted for the
password of the shared resource. You don't
need to use this option unless the password is
/SAVEPW:NO Specifies that the password you type
should not be saved in your password-list
file. You need to retype the password the
next time you connect to this resource.
/YES Carries out the NET USE command without
first prompting you to provide information or
confirm actions.
/DELETE Breaks the specified connection to a shared
/NO Carries out the NET USE command, responding
with NO automatically when you are prompted
to confirm actions.
/HOME Makes a connection to your HOME directory if
one is specified in your LAN Manager or
Windows NT user account.

Net User
Another use for the Net command is viewing all of the user accounts that exist on a given machine. To do so, simply enter the Net User command, as shown here Sample of Net User command

Z:USERSAdministrator>net userUser accounts for \TITANIUM
Admin Administrator Billy_Brown
Brien Brien_Posey Guest
Jeremy_Broyles Kendall_Hensley Migrate
Normal Rep Shamir
Shamir_Dasgupta Talainia_Posey Taz
The command completed successfully.

Net View
This command displays the other computers that are visible on the network. You can see a sample of Net View's output here

Sample of Net View command

Z:USERSAdministrator>net view
Server Name Remark
The command completed successfully.

kbkingbird 2003-10-18
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Net Print
I can't count the number of times I've needed to add printing capabilities to a batch file. In older versions of Windows, network printing from a batch file usually meant using the Net Use command to capture a printer port and then printing to the captured port. Unfortunately, this technique can cause confusion for end users the next time they try to print because they may have already been using the printer port that the batch file reassigned. If your users are working in a Windows 98, Me, or NT environment, the Net Print command is a good alternative to traditional batch-file printing. The Net Print command allows you to send print jobs to a network printer without capturing an LPT port.

Syntax for Net Print command

Z:USERSAdministrator>net print
The syntax of this command is:
NET PRINT \computernamesharename
[\computername] job# [/HOLD | /RELEASE | /DELETE]

Net Send
You can use the Net Send command to send a pop-up message to network users. Just enter the username and the message. The command also offers the capability to send messages to users in another domain.

Sample of Net Send command

Z:USERSAdministrator>net send
The syntax of this command is:
NET SEND {name | * | /DOMAIN[:name] | /USERS} message
Z:USERSAdministrator>net send Administrator This is a test
The message was successfully sent to ADMINISTRATOR.

Net Session
The Net command can even be used to see which computers are attached to your computer. Simply enter the Net Session command, and you'll see a summary, similar to this one.

Sample of Net Session command

Z:USERSAdministrator>net session
Computer User name Client Type Opens Idle time
\TAZMANIA Windows 2000 21951 01D 10H 46M
\TITANIUM Windows NT 1381 0 11D 00H 42M
\TITANIUM Administrator Windows NT 1381 2 00:00:00
The command completed successfully.

Net Share
If you'd like to see which shares exist on a PC, you can do so by using the Net Share command. Sample of Net Share command

Share name Resource Remark
C$ C: Default share
ADMIN$ C:WINNT Remote Admin
REPL$ C:WINNTSystem32ReplExport
IPC$ Remote IPC
H$ H: Default share
F$ F: Default share
print$ C:WINNTSystem32spoolDRIVERS Printer Drivers
dfs F:dfs
home_server F:home_server
Microsoft UAM Volume
F:Microsoft UAM Volume
NETLOGON C:WINNTSystem32ReplImportS Logon server share
titanium F: itanium
4SIMX LPT1: Spooled Marketing
4SIMX2 LPT1: Spooled Management
4SIMX3 LPT1: Spooled Finance
The command completed successfully.

Net Start
This command starts any of the various services that are running. You can use the Net Pause or Net Continue command to pause or resume services.

Net Statistics
Perhaps one of the most useful Net commands is Net Statistics. The Net Statistics command provides some hard-core statistics on how a server or workstation is communicating across the network. This command merely requires you to follow the Net Statistics command with the word Server or Workstation, as shown below:

luo1105 2003-10-18
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ravenkatte 2003-10-18
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roys 2003-10-18
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kbkingbird 2003-10-18
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icuc88 2003-10-18
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PS: 网络方面的命令有:ipconfig, nbtstat, netstat, arp.....
显示进程:tlist, 中止kill.....

more & more..
kbkingbird 2003-10-18
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如果对该行进行了任何编辑,并再次按下控制字符,保存的相符路径的列表会被丢弃,新的会被生成。如果在文件和目录名完成之间命令选项,会发生同样现象。两个控制字符之间的唯一区别是文件完成字符符合文件和目录名,而目录完成字符只符合目录名。如果文件完成被用于内置式目录命令(CD, MD 或 RD),就会使用目录完成。将引号将相符路径括起来,完成代码可以正确处理含有空格或其它特殊字符的文件名。同时,如果备份,然后从行内调用文件完成,完成被调用是位于光标右方的文字会被丢弃。
 COLOR [attr]
attr :指定控制台输出的颜色属性。颜色属性由两个十六进制数字指定 -- 第一个为背景,第二个则为
 前景。每个数字可以为以下任何值之一:
 0 = 黑色 8 = 灰色 1 = 蓝色 9 = 淡蓝色 2 = 绿色 A = 淡绿色
 3 = 浅绿色 B = 淡浅绿色 4 = 红色 C = 淡红色 5 = 紫色 D = 淡紫色
 6 = 黄色 E = 淡黄色 7 = 白色 F = 亮白色
如果没有给定任何参数,该命令会将颜色还原到CMD.EXE启动时的颜色。这个值来自当前控制台窗口、/T 命令行命令选项或DefaultColor 注册表值。
例如: "COLOR fc" 在亮白色上产生亮红色
 PUSHD [path │ ..] :
 保存当前目录以供 POPD 命令使用,然后改到指定的目录。
 path 指定要成为当前目录的目录。
如果命令扩展名被启用,除了一般驱动器号和路径,PUSHD命令还接受网络路径。如果指定了网络路径,PUSHD 将创建一个指向指定网络资源的临时驱动器号,然后再用刚定义的驱动器号改变当前的驱动器和目录。可以从 Z: 往下分配临时驱动器号,使用找到的第一个没有用过的驱动器号。
 POPD:
命令选项到保存在 PUSHD 命令里的目录。如果命令扩展名被启用,从推目录堆栈POPD驱动器时,POPD命令会删除 PUSHD 创建的临时驱动器号。
开始批处理文件中环境改动的本地化操作。在执行 SETLOCAL 之后所做的环境改动只限于批处理文件。要还原原先的设置,必须执行 ENDLOCAL。 达到批处理文件结尾时,对于该批处理文件的每个尚未执行的 SETLOCAL 命令,都会有一个隐含的 ENDLOCAL 被执行。如果命令扩展名被启用,SETLOCAL 会如下改变:
 SETLOCAL 批命令现在可以接受可选参数:
 启动或停用延缓环境变量/扩展名。详细信息,请参阅 SET /? 。
 无论在 SETLOCAL 命令之前它们的设置是什么,这些修改会一直保留到匹配的 ENDLOCAL 命令。
 如果有一个参数,SETLOCAL 命令将设置 ERRORLEVEL 的值。
 如果有两个有效参数中的一个,该值则为零。用下列技巧,您可以在批脚本中使用这个来决定扩展名是否可用:
 IF ERRORLEVEL 1 echo Unable to enable extensions
 这个方法之所以有效,是因为在 CMD.EXE 的旧版本上,SETLOCAL不设置 ERRORLEVEL 值。具有不正确参数的 VERIFY 命令将ERRORLEVEL 值初始化成非零值。
结束批处理文件中环境改动的本地化操作。在执行ENDLOCAL 之后所做的环境改动不再仅限于批处理文件。批处理文件结束后,原先的设置无法还原。如果命令扩展名被启用,ENDLOCAL 会如下改变:
DISABLEEXTENSIONS 选项启用或停用了命令扩展名,那么,在ENDLOCAL 之后,命令扩展名的启用/停用状态会还原到执行相应的 SETLOCAL 命令前的状态。
 ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]]:
 显示或修改文件扩展名关联
 .ext 指定跟文件类型关联的文件扩展名
 fileType 指定跟文件扩展名关联的文件类型
键入 ASSOC 而不带参数,显示当前文件关联。如果只用文件扩展名调用 ASSOC,则显示那个文件扩展名的当前文件关联。如果不为文件类型指定任何参数,命令会删除文件扩展名的关联。
 FTYPE [fileType[=[openCommandString]]]:
 显示或修改用在文件扩展名关联中的文件类型
 fileType 指定要检查或改变的文件类型
 openCommandString 指定调用这类文件时要使用的开放式命令。键入 FTYPE 而不带参数来显示当前有定义的开放式命令字符串的文件类型。 FTYPE 仅用一个文件类型启用时,它显示那个文件类型目前的开放式命令字符串。如果不为开放式命令字符串指定,FTYPE 命令将删除那个文件类型的开放式命令字符串。在一个开放式命令字符串之内,命令字符串 %0 或 %1 被通过关联调用的文件名所代替。%* 得到所有的参数,%2 得到第一个参数,%3 得到第二个,等等。%~n 得到其余所有以 nth 参数打头的参数;n 可以是从 2 到 9 的数字。例如:
 ASSOC .pl=PerlScript
 FTYPE PerlScript=perl.exe %1 %* 允许您启用以下 Perl 脚本:
 script.pl 1 2 3
 如果不想键入扩展名,则键入以下字符串:
 set PATHEXT=.pl;%PATHEXT%
 被启动的脚本如下:
 script 1 2 3
由于这个新的命令行解释器和原来的dos下的command有继承关系,所以,原有的dos命令仍然有效.例如格式化命令format ,尽管里面没有明说,但直接就可以使用.如果想退出命令行窗口,可以使用exit命令.
kbkingbird 2003-10-18
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 CMD [/A│/U][/Q][/D][/E:ON│/E:OFF][/F:ON│/F:OFF][/V:ON│/V:OFF][[/S][/C│/K]string]
 各个参数的含义:
 CMD:是命令名称,这可省略.以下是命令所用的参数或开关.
 /C 执行字符串指定的命令然后终断
 /K 执行字符串指定的命令但保留
 /S 在 /C 或 /K 后修改字符串处理(见下)
 /Q 关闭回应
 /D 从注册表中停用执行 AutoRun 命令(见下)
 /A 使向内部管道或文件命令的输出成为 ANSI
 /U 使向内部管道或文件命令的输出成为 Unicode
 /T:fg 设置前景/背景颜色(详细信息,请见 COLOR /?)
 /E:ON 启用命令扩展(见下)
 /E:OFF 停用命令扩展(见下)
 /F:ON 启用文件和目录名称完成字符 (见下)
 /F:OFF 停用文件和目录名称完成字符(见下)
 /V:ON 将 c 作为定界符启动延缓环境变量扩展。如: /V:ON 会
 允许 !var! 在执行时允许 !var! 扩展变量 var。var 语法
 在输入时扩展变量,这与在一个 FOR 循环内不同。
 /V:OFF 停用延缓的环境扩展。
请注意,如果字符串有引号,可以接受用命令分隔符 '&&' 隔开的多个命令。并且,由于兼容原因,/X 与 /E:ON 相同,/Y与/E:OFF 相同,并且 /R 与 /C 相同。忽略任何其它命令选项。
如果指定了 /C 或 /K,命令选项后的命令行其余部分将作为命令行处理;在这种情况下,会使用下列逻辑处理引号字符("):
1. 如果符合下列所有条件,那么在命令行上的引号字符将被保留:
 - 不带 /S 命令选项
 - 整整两个引号字符
 - 在两个引号字符之间没有特殊字符,特殊字符为下列中的
 一个: <>()@^│
 - 在两个引号字符之间有至少一个空白字符
 - 在两个引号字符之间有至少一个可执行文件的名称。
2. 否则,老办法是,看第一个字符是否是一个引号字符,如果是,舍去开头的字符并删除命令行上的最后一个引号字符,保留最后一个引号字符之后的文字。如果 /D 未在命令行上被指定,当 CMD.EXE 开始时,它会寻找以下 REG_SZ/REG_EXPAND_SZ 注册表变量。如果其中一个或两个都存在,这两个变量会先被执行。
 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftCommand ProcessorAutoRun
 和/或
 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftCommand ProcessorAutoRun
命令扩展是按默认值启用的。您也可以使用 /E:OFF,为某一特定调用而停用扩展。您可以在机器上和/或用户登录会话上启用或停用 CMD.EXE 所有调用的扩展,这要通过设置使用REGEDT32.EXE 的注册表中的一个或两个 REG_DWORD 值:
 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftCommand ProcessorEnableExtensions
 和/或
 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftCommand ProcessorEnableExtensions
 到 0x1 或 0x0。
 SET
 IF
 FOR
 START (同时包括对外部命令调用所做的更改)
有关详细信息,请键入 HELP 命令名。
延迟变量环境扩展不按默认值启用。您可以用/V:ON或 /V:OFF命令选项,为 CMD.EXE 的某个调用而启用或停用延迟环境变量扩充。您可以在机器上和/或用户登录会话上启用或停用 CMD.EXE 所有调用的完成,这要通过设置使用 REGEDT32.EXE 的注册表中的一个或两个 REG_DWORD 值:
 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftCommand ProcessorDelayedExpansion
 和/或
 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftCommand ProcessorDelayedExpansion
 到 0x1 或 0x0。
如果延迟环境变量扩充被启用,惊叹号字符可在执行时间,被用来代替一个环境变量的数值。文件和目录名完成不按默认值启用。您可以用 /F:ON 或 /F:OFF命令选项,为 CMD.EXE 的某个调用而启用或停用文件名完成。您可以在机器上和/或用户登录会话上启用或停用 CMD.EXE 所有调用的完成,这要通过设置使用 REGEDT32.EXE 的注册表中的一个或两个REG_DWORD 值:
 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftCommand ProcessorCompletionChar
 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftCommand ProcessorPathCompletionChar
 和/或
 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftCommand ProcessorCompletionChar
 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftCommand ProcessorPathCompletionChar
由一个控制字符的十六进制值作为一个特定参数(例如,0x4 是Ctrl-D,0x6 是 Ctrl-F)。
如果完成是用 /F:ON 命令选项启用的,两个要使用的控制符是: 目录名字完成用 Ctrl-D, 文件名完成用 Ctrl-F。 要停用注册表中的某个字符,请用空格 (0x20) 的数值,因为此字符不是控制字符。如果键入两个控制字符中的一个,完成会被调用。完成功能将路径字符长带到光标的左边,如果没有通配符,将通配符附加到左边,并建立相符的路径列表。然后,显示第一个相符的路径。如果没有相符的路径,则发出嘟嘟声,不影响显示。之后,重复按同一个控制字符会循环显示相符路径的列表。将 Shift 键跟控制字符同时按下,会倒着显示列表。
icuc88 2003-10-18
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对于每个命令你可以再命令后面跟 /?


C:\>assoc /?
Displays or modifies file extension associations

ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]]

.ext Specifies the file extension to associate the file type with
fileType Specifies the file type to associate with the file extension

Type ASSOC without parameters to display the current file associations.
If ASSOC is invoked with just a file extension, it displays the current
file association for that file extension. Specify nothing for the file
type and the command will delete the association for the file extension.

icuc88 2003-10-18
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For more information on a specific command, type HELP command-name
ASSOC Displays or modifies file extension associations.
AT Schedules commands and programs to run on a computer.
ATTRIB Displays or changes file attributes.
BREAK Sets or clears extended CTRL+C checking.
CACLS Displays or modifies access control lists (ACLs) of files.
CALL Calls one batch program from another.
CD Displays the name of or changes the current directory.
CHCP Displays or sets the active code page number.
CHDIR Displays the name of or changes the current directory.
CHKDSK Checks a disk and displays a status report.
CHKNTFS Displays or modifies the checking of disk at boot time.
CLS Clears the screen.
CMD Starts a new instance of the Windows command interpreter.
COLOR Sets the default console foreground and background colors.
COMP Compares the contents of two files or sets of files.
COMPACT Displays or alters the compression of files on NTFS partitions.
CONVERT Converts FAT volumes to NTFS. You cannot convert the
current drive.
COPY Copies one or more files to another location.
DATE Displays or sets the date.
DEL Deletes one or more files.
DIR Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.
DISKCOMP Compares the contents of two floppy disks.
DISKCOPY Copies the contents of one floppy disk to another.
DOSKEY Edits command lines, recalls Windows commands, and creates macros.
ECHO Displays messages, or turns command echoing on or off.
ENDLOCAL Ends localization of environment changes in a batch file.
ERASE Deletes one or more files.
EXIT Quits the CMD.EXE program (command interpreter).
FC Compares two files or sets of files, and displays the differences
between them.
FIND Searches for a text string in a file or files.
FINDSTR Searches for strings in files.
FOR Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files.
FORMAT Formats a disk for use with Windows.
FTYPE Displays or modifies file types used in file extension associations.
GOTO Directs the Windows command interpreter to a labeled line in a
batch program.
GRAFTABL Enables Windows to display an extended character set in graphics
HELP Provides Help information for Windows commands.
IF Performs conditional processing in batch programs.
LABEL Creates, changes, or deletes the volume label of a disk.
MD Creates a directory.
MKDIR Creates a directory.
MODE Configures a system device.
MORE Displays output one screen at a time.
MOVE Moves one or more files from one directory to another directory.
PATH Displays or sets a search path for executable files.
PAUSE Suspends processing of a batch file and displays a message.
POPD Restores the previous value of the current directory saved by PUSHD.
PRINT Prints a text file.
PROMPT Changes the Windows command prompt.
PUSHD Saves the current directory then changes it.
RD Removes a directory.
RECOVER Recovers readable information from a bad or defective disk.
REM Records comments (remarks) in batch files or CONFIG.SYS.
REN Renames a file or files.
RENAME Renames a file or files.
REPLACE Replaces files.
RMDIR Removes a directory.
SET Displays, sets, or removes Windows environment variables.
SETLOCAL Begins localization of environment changes in a batch file.
SHIFT Shifts the position of replaceable parameters in batch files.
SORT Sorts input.
START Starts a separate window to run a specified program or command.
SUBST Associates a path with a drive letter.
TIME Displays or sets the system time.
TITLE Sets the window title for a CMD.EXE session.
TREE Graphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path.
TYPE Displays the contents of a text file.
VER Displays the Windows version.
VERIFY Tells Windows whether to verify that your files are written
correctly to a disk.
VOL Displays a disk volume label and serial number.
XCOPY Copies files and directory trees.




Windows 2016/2012/2008/2003/2000/NT
  • Windows Server社区
  • qishine
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