
long408 2000-04-06 12:31:00
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MFC类目录及头文件 类 描述 头文件 CAnimateCtrl 自动化通用控件 afxcmn.h CArchive afx.h CArchiveException afx.h CArray afxtempl.h CAsyncMonikerFile 在ActiveX控件提供对异步标记的支持 afxole.h CAsyncScoket 封装Windows Sockets API,参看CSocket afxsock.h CBitmap afxwin.h CBitmapButton afxext.h CBrush afxwin.h CButton 按钮控件对象 afxwin.h CByteArray afxcoll.h CCachedDataPathProperty 允许一个ActiveX控件异步传输属性数据和缓冲内存的数据,参考CDataPathProperty afxctl.h CCheckListBox afxwin.h CClientDC afxwin.h CCmdTarget 所有能够接收和响应消息的对象的基类 afxwin.h CCmdUI afxwin.h CColorDialog 颜色选择的通用对话框,提供为显示系统定义的颜色列表 afxdlgs.h CComboBox 组合框对象 afxwin.h CComboBoxEx CComboBox类的派生类,用于支持在组合框控件的图像列表 afxcmn.h CCommandLineInfo afxwin.h CCommonDialog afxdlgs.h CConnectionPoint afxdisp.h CControlBar afxext.h CCreateContext afxext.h CCriticalSection afxmt.h CCtrlView afxwin.h CDaoDatabase afxdao.h CDaoException afxdao.h CDaoFieldExchange afxdao.h CDaoQueryDef afxdao.h CDaoRecordset 代表选自数据源的记录集。CDaoRecordset对象可用于三种格式:表类型记录集,动态集类型记录集和快照类型记录集 afxdao.h CDaoRecordView 提供表单视图,以在控件显示数据库记录。表单视图是CDaoRecordset对象的一部分。参考CFormView和CRecordView afxdao.h CDaoTableDef afxdao.h CDaoWorkspace afxdao.h CDatabase afxdb.h CDataExchange afxwin.h CDataPathProperty 实现一个ActiveX控件属性,它能够异步加载其数据。这个类允许ActiveX控件在后台下载属性数据时被激活 afxctl.h CDateTimeCtrl 封装新的日期/时间选取器控件 afxdtctl.h CDBException afxdb.h CDBVariant afxdb.h CDC afxwin.h CDialog 用于包含控件窗口的对话框对象 afxwin.h CDialogBar afxext.h CDocItem afxole.h CDockState afxadv.h CDocObjectServer afxdocob.h CDocObjectServerItem afxdocob.h CDocTemplate afxwin.h CDocument 用于管理程序的数据的类 afxwin.h CDragListBox Windows列表框,允许用户把其的项拖放到不同的位置 afxcmn.h CDumpContext afx.h CDWordArray afxcoll.h CEdit 用于文本输入的子窗口控件 afxwin.h CEditView 提供Windows编缉控件的功能。因为CEditView派生于Cedit,该对象可同文件和文件模板一同使用 afxext.h CEvent afxmt.h CException afx.h CFieldExchange afxdb.h CFile afx.h CFileDialog 通用文件对话框,提供Open和Save As对话框的功能 afxdlgs.h CFileException afx.h CFileFind afx.h CFindReplaceDialog afxdlgs.h CFont afxwin.h CFontDialog 通用字体对话框,用于显示当前已装入系统的字体列表 afxdlgs.h CFontHolder afxctl.h CFormView 包含对话框控件的窗口 afxext.h CFrameWnd SDI(单窗口界面)框架窗口 afxwin.h CFtpConnection afxinet.h CFtpFileFind afxinet.h CGdiObject afxwin.h CGopherConnection afxinet.h CGopherFile afxinet.h CGopherFileFind afxinet.h CGopherLocator afxinet.h CHeaderCtrl 标题通用控件 afxcmn.h CHotKeyCtrl 热键通用控件 afxcmn.h CHtmlStream afxisapi.h CHtmlView 实现Web Browser控件的视图类,能够访问当地或Web上的HTML文件。 afxhtml.h CHttpConnection afxinet.h CHttpFile afxinet.h CHttpFilter 创建并处理超文传输协议过滤器对象,该对象用于过滤用于HTTP请求的服务器通知 afxisapi.h CHttpFilterContext afxisapi.h CHttpServer Internet Server API(ISAPI)的包装类 afxisapi.h CHttpServerContext afxisapi.h CImageList afxcmn.h CInternetConnection afxinet.h CInternetException afxinet.h CInternetFile afxinet.h CInternetSession afxinet.h CIPAddressCtrl IP地址控件。类似于编缉框,该控件接收Internet 协议格式的地址 afxcmn.h CList afxtempl.h CListBox 列表框对象 afxwin.h CListCtrl 列表视通用控件 afxcmn.h ClistView 简化CListCtrl的使用,添加了对文件和视图的支持 afxcview.h CLongBinary afxdb_.h CMap afxtempl.h CMapPtrToPtr afxcoll.h CMapPtrToWord afxcoll.h CMapStringToOb afxcoll.h CMapStringToPtr afxcoll.h CMapStringToString afxcoll.h CMapWordToOb afxcoll.h CMapWordToPtr afxcoll.h CMDIChildWnd MDI(多文档界面)子框架窗口 afxwin.h CMDIFrameWnd afxwin.h CMemFile afx.h CMemoryException afx.h CMemoryState CMenu afxwin.h CMetaFileDC afxext.h CMiniFrameWnd 半高的框架窗口,主要用于浮动工具栏。一个小框架窗口没有最小化和最大化按钮,但其他都类似于正常的框架窗口 afxwin.h CMonikerFile afxole.h CMonthCalCtrl 月历控件,用于显示一个用户可选择日期的日历 afxdtctl.h CMultiDocTemplate afxwin.h CMultiLock afxmt.h CMutex afxmt.h CNotSupportedException afx.h CObArray afxcoll.h CObject afx.h CObList afxcoll.h COleBusyDialog afxodlgs.h COleChangeIconDialog afxodlgs.h COleChangeSourceDialog afxodlgs.h COleClientItem afxole.h COleCmdUI afxdocob.h COleControl afxctl.h COleControlModule afxctl.h COleConvertDialog afxodlgs.h COleCurrency afxdisp.h COleDataObject afxole.h COleDataSource afxole.h COleDateTime afxdisp.h COleDateTimeSpan afxdisp.h COleDBRecordView afxoledb.h COleDialog afxodlgs.h COleDispatchDriver afxdisp.h COleDispatchException afxdisp.h COleDocObjectItem afxole.h COleDocument 把一个文件看作为CDocItem对象的一个集合。包容器和服务器都需要这个结构,因为它们的文件必须能够包含OLE项 afxole.h COleDropSource afxole.h COleDropTarget afxole.h COleException afxdisp.h COleInsertDialog afxodlgs.h COleIPFrameWnd afxole.h COleLinkingDoc OLE包容器文件的基类,这些文件支持对它们所包含项的链接 afxole.h COleLinksDialog afxodlgs.h COleMessageFilter afxole.h COleObjectFactory afxdisp.h COlePasteSpecialDialog afxodlgs.h COlePropertiesDialog afxodlgs.h COlePropertyPage afxctl.h COleResizeBar afxole.h COleSafeArray afxdisp.h COleServerDoc OLE服务器文件的基类 afxole.h COleServerItem 为OLE项提供一个服务器界面 afxole.h COleStreamFile afxole.h COleTemplateServer afxdisp.h COleUpdateDialog afxodlgs.h COleVariant afxdisp.h CPageSetupDialog afxdlgs.h CPaintDC afxwin.h CPalette afxwin.h CPen afxwin.h CPictureHolder afxctl.h CPoint atltypes.h CPrintDialog 通用打印对话框,提供Print和Print Setup对话框的功能 afxdlgs.h CPrintInfo CProgressCtrl 通用进程指示器控件 afxcmn.h CPropertyPage 代表属性表单的一页 afxdlgs.h CPropertyPageEx CPropertySheet 属性表,也叫做多选项卡对话框。一个属性表由一个CPropertySheet对象和几个CPropertyPage对象组成 afxdlgs.h CPropertySheetEx CPropExchange afxctl.h CPtrArray afxcoll.h CPtrList afxcoll.h CReBar afxext.h CReBarCtrl afxcmn.h CRecentFileList afxadv.h CRecordset 用于访问数据库表或查询的类 afxdb.h CRecordView 包含对话框控件的窗口 afxdb.h CRect atltypes.h CRectTracker afxext.h CResourceException afxwin.h CRgn afxwin.h CRichEditCntrItem afxrich.h CRichEditCtrl 用户能够输入和编缉文本的窗口,提供字符和程序段格式,以及对嵌入OLE项的支持 afxcmn.h CRichEditDoc afxrich.h CRichEditView afxrich.h CRuntimeClass CScrollBar 滚动条对象 afxwin.h CScrollView 可滚动的窗口,派生于CView afxwin.h CSemaphore afxmt.h CSharedFile afxadv.h CSingleDocTemplate afxwin.h CSingleLock afxmt.h CSize atltypes.h CSliderCtrl 提供包含一个滑块和可选的刻度线的窗口 afxcmn.h CSocket Windows Socket API的包装类 afxsock.h CSocketFile afxsock.h CSpinButtonCtrl 提供箭头按钮,用户可单击它,以增加或减少某个控件的一个值 afxcmn.h CSplitterWnd afxext.h CStatic 用于标识另一个控件或给用户提供消息的简单文本框 afxwin.h CStatusBar afxext.h CStatusBarCtrl 提供一个层次窗口,通常放于父窗口的底部,用于显示关于应用程序的状态信息 afxcmn.h CStdioFile afx.h CString afx.h CStringArray afxcoll.h CStringList afxcoll.h CSyncObject afxmt.h CTabCtrl 允许应用程序在一个窗口或对话框的同一区域显示多个页面 afxcmn.h CTime afx.h CTimeSpan afx.h CToolBar afxext.h CToolBarCtrl 工具栏通用控件 afxcmn.h CToolTipCtrl 提供工具提示控件的功能,它以一个小弹出窗口的样子显示,包含描述某个工具用途的一行文本 afxcmn.h CTreeCtrl 显示项的分层结构列表 afxcmn.h CTreeView 简化CTreeCtrl的用法 afxcview.h CTypedPtrArray afxtempl.h CTypedPtrList afxtempl.h CTypedPtrMap afxtempl.h CUIntArray afxcoll.h CUserException afxwin.h CView 用于显示程序数据的类 afxwin.h CWaitCursor afxwin.h CWinApp afxwin.h CWindowDC afxwin.h CWinThread 代表一个应用程序的一个线程 afxwin.h CWnd afxwin.h CWordArray afxcoll.h ......
1,01.zipMFC Extension LibraryMFC扩展界面库, 使用Visual C++ 6.0(15KB)2,02.zipVisual Studio style UIVisual Studio风格的界面效果(15KB)3,03.zipInternet Explorer 4 style UIIE4.0风格的界面效果(29KB)4,04.zipOutlook Style UIOutlook风格的界面效果(16KB)5,05.zipDynamic child window repositioning动态改变对话框的大小, 对话框的控件相应改变(15KB)6,06.zipEnhanced list control增强的List控件(43KB)7,07.zipCDialog using animated control在CDialog使用动画(12KB)8,08.zipOpen Dialog with Bitmap Preview位图预览的打开文件对话框(43KB)9,09.zipStandard file open dialog with preview标准位图预览的打开文件对话框(24KB)10,10.zipBitmap Dialog Class位图对话框类(13KB)11,11.zipClass for Browsing shell namespace with your own dialog显示目录的树型结构, 可用于目录的选择(31KB)12,12.zipUsing ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI with dialogs在对话框使用ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(13KB)13,13.zipUsing ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI with dialogs (2)使用ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI(11KB)14,14.zipModeless child dialog in a Main Dialog with corrected tab order非模式对话框在主对话框的TAB顺序(21KB)15,15.zipCostumizing CFileDialog定制的CFileDialog(22KB)16,16.zipAttaching Elements to Borders一个可以在对话框改变按纽位置、大小的容器(26KB)17,17.zipScrolling credits dialog滚动信用对话框(12KB)18,18.zipColor Dialog with Persistent Custom Colors对话框继承了上一次的颜色风格(12KB)19,19.zipA Base Dialog Class for Modal/Modeless Dialog with Custom Background Color自定义背景的对话框(13KB)20,20.zipParse IP addresses解析IP地址(12KB)21,21.zipParse phone fields解析电话区域(11KB)22,22.zipChanging the default file open/save dialogs in an MFC doc/view application初始化对话框和支持动态数据交换(DDX)(15KB)23,23.zipDialog with Splash Screen Example Code...Splash对话框的例子(18KB)24,24.zipClass to select directory选择目录的类(13KB)25,25.zipClass to select directory (Enhancements)增强的选择目录的类(12KB)26,26.zipDirectory Picker Dialog目录采集对话框(42KB)27,27.zipSimple way to change dialog's background and text colors改变对话框背景颜色和文字颜色的简单途径(11KB)28,28.zipA Simple Dialog Layout Manager一个简单的对话框设计管理器(19KB)29,29.zipUsing Buttons on a Dialog Bar with CCmdUI通过CCmdUI在对话框条使用按纽(19KB)30,30.zipDisplay help for dialog controls on the status bar在状态条显示对话框控件的帮助信息(12KB)31,31.zipDragging a dialog by clicking anywhere on it点击任何地方拖动对话框(11KB)32,32.zipSplash screen with text on it that uses its own thread通过自己的线程在Splash对话框显示文字(136KB)33,33.zipCreating an expanding dialog创建一个可扩展的对话框(15KB)34,34.zipExpanding/Contracting Dialog Box扩展/缩小对话框(24KB)35,35.zipCFileDialog class that only displays folders让CFileDialog只显示目录(很有用)(2KB)36,36.zipFolder Browsing Dialog目录浏览对话框(3KB)37,37.zipFont dialog with custom text preview & color字体对话框增加字体和颜色的预览(12KB)38,38.zipEmbedding an HTML Help window into a dialog嵌入一个超文本(HTML)的帮助窗口到对话框(22KB)39,39.zipDialog which can be used as MDI child window使用MDI子窗口的对话框(13KB)40,40.zipConvert modal dialogs to modeless将模式对话框转换成非模式对话框(12KB)41,41.zipNetscape 4.x Preferences Dialog类似Netscape 4.x参数选择的对话框(7KB)42,42.zipHandling OnUpdate() processing for menu itemsOnUpdate()处理菜单项(5KB)43,43.zipOptions Tree Dialog树状的配置对话框(25KB)44,44.zipCustomizing the font dialog定制的字体对话框(4KB)45,45.zipSizable dialogs at its easiest轻松改变对话框的大小(5KB)46,46.zipA Snap Size Dialog Class一个捕获对话框大小的类(5KB)47,47.zipCSplitterWnd in a Dialog based Application一个基于对话框的应用(6KB)48,48.zipSplash Screen with 256 color support支持256色的Splash对话框(7KB)49,49.zipSubselection Dialog 子项选择的对话框(5KB)50,50.zipSwitching dialog boxes in a dialog-based application在基于对话框应用切换对话框(5KB)51,51.zipBetter Tip of the Day dialog典型的Did you konw...对话框(26KB)52,52.zipToolbars and Statusbars on Dialogs在对话框增加工具条和状态条(7KB)53,53.zipTooltips in modal dialog boxes在模式对话框实现工具提示(6KB)54,54.zipTooltips for dialog controls实现对话框控件的工具提示(4KB)55,55.zipTransparent Dialog透明的对话框(5KB)56,56.zipViewing Dialog Template Resources at Runtime运行时看对话框模板资源(5KB)57,57.zipAlternative Wizard Dialog一个Wizard对话框, 在安装程序也有用(5KB)58,58.zipAVLTree实现AVL(Addison-Velski and Landis)树结构(5KB)59,59.zipTemplate class to manipulate bits of undefined type一个操作未知类型的模板库(5KB)60,60.zipBlowfish EncryptionBlowfish加密算法加密(4KB)61,61.zipBlowfish encryption classBlowfish加密类(5KB)62,62.zipExpression Evaluation数学公式识别类(5KB)63,63.zipA Y2.038K-Safe Replacement for CTimeCTime的替换类(5KB)64,64.zipIterating through List Containers关于List容器的话题(5KB)65,65.zipLexical Analyser词汇分析(8KB)66,66.zipLocales and Facets in Visual C++VC++的许多细节话题(10KB)67,67.zipA Generalized Parsing Class for MFC一个普通的MFC解析类(5KB)68,69.zipCreating Singleton Objects using Visual C++使用VC++创建一个单独的对象(9KB)69,69.zipSmart Pointers and other Pointer classes指针类(5KB)70,70.zipSortable CObArray class对CObArray类排序(5KB)71,71.zipSortable CObList class对CObList类排序(6KB)72,72.zipExtension to the STL find_if and for_each扩充STL库(5KB)73,73.zipChange from child window to popup window (and back) 将一个子窗口改成弹出式窗口(5KB)74,74.zipRestoring Window Position With Multiple Monitors在多层监视器恢复窗口的位置(5KB)75,75.zipTransparent Window透明的窗口(6KB)76,CenterMDIWnd_demo.zipCenter CMDIChildWnds in the client area of the main frame window(151KB)77,TabbedMDI.zipA variation on the MDI that indicates the open child windows in a tab control. (400KB)78,AdvancedPrev.zipA simple class that helps provide faster Print Preview within MFC Doc/View applications(38KB)79,mditab.zipA dockable bar containing a tabbed list of open windows(91KB)80,CloseUnusedDocs_src.zipClosing unused MDI documents with 1 line of code(2KB)81,graphfx_demo.zipA Doc/View framework for displaying graphical data(192KB)82,WindowsManager.zipImplementing "Windows..." dialog(39KB)83,MultiMRUList_src.zipThis article describes how to maintain the separate MRU list for each document type that is needed in some applications(26KB)84,MultiTop.zipAllows an application to have multiple top-level windows. (22KB)85,PersistFrames.zipA collection of classes that allows MFC SDI and MDI applications to remember the positions and sizes of their main frame and child frame windows. (71KB)86,step0.zipA series of articles that resulted from experimenting with adding Drag and Drop features to my existing application. (16KB)87,undo.zipEasily add Undo/Redo to your CDocument/CView Based Applciation(2KB)88,PropertyView.zipA "Property Sheet"-like view class for MFC (108KB)89,DocViewWTL.zipA library that provides the easiest way to get loosely coupled components. (156KB)90,Dialog2.zipA step by step tutorial showing how to create your first windows program using MFC(112KB)91,MyMDIApp.zipA brief step-by-step tutorial that demonstrates creating an SDI and MDI based applications using the MFC Doc/View architecture.(54KB)92,sditutorial_demo.zipA brief step-by-step tutorial that demonstrates creating an SDI based application that does not use the MFC Doc/View architecture.(15KB)93,QuickWin.zipRedirect stdin, stdout and stderr into a window(125KB)94,GradientTitleBar.zipThis article shows you how to give your Win95/NT4 modeless dialogs a Win98/W2K like gradient title bar.(42KB)95,MsgBoxDemo.zipThe system Message Box that is closed atuomatically after some time(21KB)96,step1.zipSimple step by step article explaining how to create a modeless dialog box as child window.(21KB)97,step2.zipSimple step by step article explaining how to create a modeless dialog box as sibling of the app's main window.(22KB)98,ResizableDialog.zipA CDialog derived class to implement resizable dialogs with MFC (98KB)99,CenterAnywhere_demo.zipThis is a good replacement for CWnd::CenterWindow() that works. (43KB)100,CardDialog.zipA auto-sizing dialog used to store and display smaller child dialogs(22KB)101,scrolling_credits.zipA Scrolling Credits Dialog(209KB)102,snapdialog.zipDialog class that implement a snap-to-screen-border feature like Winamp(16KB)103,messagebox.zipA class which encapsulates MessageBoxIndirect.(18KB)104,rfldlg.zipThis article demonstrates how to add a recent file list to a dialog based application(25KB)105,dialogspl_demo.zipSplash screens are not only for Doc/View based applications(142KB)106,CClockCtrl_src.zipA Freeware MFC class to display an analog clock.(17KB)107,ChildDlg.zipChild Dialog (Sub Forms)(29KB)108,CIconDialog_src.zipA Freeware MFC dialog class to select an icon.(12KB)109,CPushPinFrame_src.zipA Freeware MFC PushPin property page dialog class.(19KB)110,showhide.zipA neat way to show/hide groups of related controls(13KB)111,ResizeCtrl.zipA resize control to implement resizable dialogs with MFC(38KB)112,DDXFile_src.zipA Freeware DDX routine for selecting a filename.(29KB)113,DynWindow_src.zipDescribes a method to implement resizable child windows.(108KB)114,DynamicDialog.zipCreate dialogs dynamically, and easily, without the need for a dialog resource script.(40KB)115,DlgExpand.zipThis article shows gives you the ability to make your dialogs expand or contract, depending on how much information the user wishes to view(15KB)116,TipDemo.zipImproved Tip-of-the-Day Dialog(149KB)117,layoutmgr.zipA framework to provide automatic layout control for dialogs and forms(101KB)118,MainWndPlacement.zipSave/restore the main window size at application exit/startup with a single function call in MDI, SDI and dialog based applications.(29KB)119,sizer_demo.zipAn article on extendable layout management classes(27KB)120,Splasher_src.zipAn improved splash screen component for MFC.(62KB)121,StackDialog.zipCreating a stacked dialog such as Netscape's 'Preferences' dialog(22KB)122,bitmappreviewdialog_src.zipThis article describes a completely object oriented standard file open dialog with preview.(12KB)123,subselect_dialog.zipSubselection Dialog(123KB)124,TabDialog.zipA docking dialog that auto-expands when the mouse passes over it(35KB)125,TcxMsgBox.zipTCX Message Box (derived from CWnd)(35KB)126,ToolTips.zipA demonstration of how to show tooltips in modal dialog bozes(23KB)127,UpdateModalDlg_demo.zipHow to update a modal dialog contents using a callback function(17KB)128,WinampWnd_demo.zipAn article discussing a Plugin for Nullsoft Winamp which looks and behaves like the Winamp UI.(43KB)129,Skins.zipA mini library to build Bitmap based skinnable apps.(174KB)130,FaderWnd_demo.zipAn MFC class to fade any window with only one line of code.(28KB)131,Win2kFileDlg.zipEver wanted to use the new Office 2000 file dialogs on Win 95/98/NT/Me, including the file previewing? Well now you can.(76KB)132,win2000fd.zipHow to show the new Common File Dialog in MFC Apps in Windows 2000(36KB)133,Wizard2000.zipCreate Windows 2000 style Wizards with white backgrounds(109KB)134,FileExportDialog.zipAdding filters to the Open File dialog(24KB)135,customize_dialog.zipCustomizing the Windows Common File Open Dialog(15KB)136,SelectFolder.zipThe windows 'Select Folder' dialog with some extra functionality(41KB)137,animate_dlg.zipAnimated Icon on Titlebar of a Dialog based Application(34KB)138,BmpDlg.zipBitmap Dialog Class(52KB)139,namespace.zipClass for Browsing shell namespace with your own dialog(78KB)140,OnUpdate_demo.zipHandling OnUpdate() processing for menu items(10KB)141,DialogUpdates.zipUsing ON_UPDATE_COMMAND_UI with all controls in a Dialog(18KB)142,override.zipCustomizing the font dialog(4KB)143,cmdlg.zipCostumizing CFileDialog(31KB)144,custom_open.zipCustom Open File or Save as Dialog(25KB)145,ColorFormView.zipCFormView Class with Custom Background Color(33KB)146,Banner.zipAnimated Background Banner(88KB)147,MDIClient.zipA Custom MDI Client Class(42KB)148,html_help_view.zipHTML Help In CView Window(5KB)149,MDIPreview_demo.zipPrint Preview in MDI Frame(20KB)150,zoom_scale.zipAdd Zoom and Scale Capabilities to CScrollView(338KB)151,autopan.zipAuto-Panning Windows(44KB)152,autopan2.zipMicrosoft Internet Explorer like Intellimouse AutoScroll(42KB)153,intellipan.zipIntellimouse panning (improved Auto-Panning Windows)(5KB)154,intellipan2.zipIntellimouse panning 2 (A universal Auto-Panning solution)(12KB)155,bigscroll.zipBreaking the CScrollView 32768 size limitation with CBigScrollView(90KB)156,variable_splitter.zipVariable splitter views(58KB)157,TabbedViews_src.zipTabbed Views(78KB)158,animate_icon_src.zipAnimated Icon on Titlebar of a window(48KB)159,msdi1632.zipMultiSingle (MSDI) Document interface(77KB)160,msdidao.zipMultiSingle (MSDI) Document interface with DAO doc(508KB)161,ScreenSwitch_demo.zipMultiple Views Using SDI(26KB)162,multiview.zipMultiple views for a single document (MDI) 3(86KB)163,WinMenu_demo.zipHome made MDI windows list in Window menu(21KB)164,SdiMulti.zipSDI Interface with Multi-Views and Multi-Splitters(88KB)165,DocViewInDll_demo.zipSeparating the views of an MDI application into different DLLs(60KB)166,MultiFrame_demo.zipMultiple frame windows in SDI application(76KB)167,mrcext.zipResizable Docking Window(862KB)168,sizing.zipSizing TabControlBar(46KB)169,devstudio.zipAnother DevStudio-alike DialogBar(43KB)170,docking.zipResizable Docking Window 2(98KB)171,simple_splitter.zipGeneral Purpose Splitter Class(43KB)172,cxysplitter.zipA pair of splitter classes used in dialogbox(21KB)173,dynamic_splitter.zipSplitter Window - "True" dynamic splitter window(52KB)174,outlook_style.zipOutook Style Splitter Bar(59KB)175,minsplit.zipMinimum size splitter(36KB)176,scrbsplt.zipRemoving and reapplying splitter windows on-the-fly in Scribble with a custom splitter window class(157KB)177,switchviews_in_splitter.zipSwitching views in splitter panes (SDI)(44KB)178,rulers_src.zipImplementing Rulers inside of Splitter Panes(5KB)179,dynamic1.zipDifferent Views In Dynamic Splitter(202KB)180,dialogstartupanimation.zipThis sample shows you how to create dialog startup animation like that of Window 98'menu(18KB)181,yqeditgridcontrol.zipa grid control that enable keyboard input. That is to say, you can write data in it. (31KB)182,switchmdiviews.zipThis sample shows you how to switch from one view to the other in a MDI splitter window application(31KB) 183,yqmdireplaceview.zipThis sample shows you how to replace different views in a MDI splitter window application(36KB) 184,switchview.zipThis sample shows you how to switch from one MDI window to another by using the "Ctrl Tab" key.(29KB) 185,filterreturnkey.zipThis sample shows you how to trap, filter the ENTER and ESCAPE key of a dialog box (17KB)186,filterkey.zipThis sample shows you how to filter a certain key and mask that key(18KB)187,editenter.zipThis sample shows you how to use RETURN key to switch among edit controls of a dialog box(18KB)188,dialoghook.zipThis sample shows you how to set keyboard hook function of a dialog box to trap RETURN ,ESCAPE key.(17KB) 189,contexthelp.zipThis sample shows you how to create context sensitive help of a control of a dialog box(26KB) 190,traparrokey.zipThis sample describes how to trap arrow keys in an control of a dialog box (18KB)191,yqadvancedbtn.zipOwner draw hot button support both bitmap and icon, with flat, gripper property. (108KB)192,drawlistbo.zipOwner draw CTabCtrl with flat gripper property (40KB)193,startupanimation.zipCreate Window startup animation, including several kind of animation style, very interesting(23KB) 194,flatlistbox.zipusing a unique way to implement flat attribute( other than those published on the codegurn), as well as hot ,gripper attribute.(21KB) 195,yqhoteditctrl.zipCreate edit control with Hot , flat, gripper. separator attributes (21KB)196,3dmdishadow.zipCreate 3D shadow of a MDI frame windows(32KB) 197,3dsdishadow.zipCreate 3D shadow of a SDI frame windows(29KB)198,getfile.zipA DDX routine for MFC to retrieve filenames(29KB)199,splasher.zipAn improved splash screen component for MFC(62KB)200,pushpin.zipA pushpin button MFC class(12KB)201,getfolder.zipA DDX routine for MFC to retrieve folders(30KB)202,ntray.zipAn MFC class to manipulate tray icons(17KB)203,hlinkctrl.zipAn MFC class to support hyperlinks on windows and dialogs(16KB)204,icondialog.zipAn icon selection dialog class for MFC(12KB)205,pushpinframe.zipAn MFC class to provide property dialogs ala Developer Studio(16KB)206,mappin.zipAn MFC class to implement map pins(286KB)207,iconcombobox.zip2 MFC classes to implement icon selection combo boxes(19KB)208,menuex_demo.zipImplementing an Ownerdrawn menu (35KB)209,bcmenu261.zipCool Owner Drawn Menus with BitmapsVersion 2.61(70KB)210,dynmenu.zipSome handy functions for adding and deleting submenus and menuitems in runtime (16KB)211,gradientmenu.zipCreate Popup menus in MFC with a gradient and text on the left side (89KB)212,menuicon_demo.zipGive your apps a unique look by adding a logo to your menu(48KB)213,bcgbappwizard.zipBCGControlBar library version 4.6(2121KB)214,mpcstatusbar.zipAn enhanced CStatusBar to easily and dynamically add/remove controls on a status bar (48KB)215,textonlystatusbar.zipAn easy to use and implement Text Only Status Bar with Tool tip text extracted from the status bar panes. (39KB)216,progressbar.zipShowing progress bar in a status bar pane(33KB)217,sizecbar_src.zipDevStudio-like docking window (64KB)218,sizing_tabct1_demo.zipCreates a dockable and resizable control bar. (46KB)219,dockview.zipA fairly simple way to incoporate views into sizing control bars(69KB)220,spin_slide_toolbar.zipHow to create toolbars with spinners and/or sliders(48KB)221,tearoffrebars_prj.zipThis article Implements the functionality similar to the Office 2000 toolbars(26KB)222,flatbar.zipA flat toolbar implementation that does not require the updated common controls library from Internet Explorer. (197KB)223,toolbar_droparrow_demo.zipDemonstrates how to use the new toolbar styles to add dropdown arrows to toolbar buttons (28KB)224,dynamictb.zipA simple tutorial that shows how to dynamically replace toolbars at runtime (35KB)225,toolbar_docking_demo.zipDemonstrates how to dock toolbars side-by-side (29KB)226,tapetoolbar.zipA spectacular variation on toolbars (35KB)227,chevions.zipAn introduction to using the cool new toolbar chevrons (18KB)228,toolgroupmanager.zipA reusable template class for managing multiple toolbars, only one of which is displayed at a time(30KB)229,toolbar_hotbuttons_demo.zipDemonstrates how to add rollover buttons to your toolbar(30KB)230,toolbar.zipWTL Tool Bar Drop-Down Extension(64KB)231,win95asm.zipIntroduction to Menus(113KB)232,outbar.zipCGfxOutBarCtrl, an Outlook98 bar-like control(163KB)233,tabstatus.zipAdvanced UI - MDI list in the status bar (and a custom Window List dialog)(62KB)234,gfxlist.zipList Control - Enhanced list control(1544KB)235,maillook.zipInternet Mail Look(42KB)236,cdxcdynamic.zipDynamic child window repositioning for dialogs, property sheets, form views and any other CWnd derived classes. (227KB)237,voicecmd.zipVoice Command Enabling Your Software (27KB)238,cj60lib.zipMFC Extension Library - CJ60 Version 6.07(1100KB)239,infobar.zipInformation Bar (62KB)240,switcher.zipA Switcher Control (like the Windows Task Bar) (40KB)



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