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white 2000-06-15
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希望对研究者有所帮助。如有人有了新成果,恳请公布出来。This is an unofficial document of ICQ written by a CS student at Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. Repost here to see if anyone is interested.


Version 0.91
Last update 12 April 1998
(Minor update 11 May 1998)
Created by Magnus Ihse (d95-mih@nada.kth.se)
Copyright ) 1998

The home page of this specification is

Writing an ICQ clone
Since the public release of this document, at least two different ICQ clones
have been created. They are at the time of writing very much under
development, but are at least partly functioning. :-) More information can
be found on my web page, or through the icq-devel mailing list.
(For web page URL or subscription information, see top of this document.)

What needs to be done
The worst deficiency of this document is the lack of information about
version 3 and version 4 of the protocol. These versions are used by ICQ98
(older beta versions of ICQ98 seems to have used only version 3, the latest
version as of today seems to use both version 3 and version 4). This document
only describes version 2 of the protocol, which was used by versions up to
but not including ICQ98 (I think v1.113 was the latest version of ICQ using
version 2 of the protocol). Note that the ICQ version numbers refer to the
Windows 95/NT version of ICQ. I think that the Mac and Java version still
uses version 2, but I haven't checked this (please correct me if I'm wrong!).

So, what's the difference between version 2 and 3/4? As far as I can tell,
the major difference is that all packets in version 3/4 has some sort of
unique code attached to it. I think it is part of an anti-spoof scheme, but
I am not sure. I have not been able to figure out how this code is generated,
and I definitely need help on this. There are also minor changes in the
packet format. The basic structure still seems intact, however.

That this document doesn't cover version 3 and 4 doesn't mean that it can't
be used for building an ICQ clone, however. Mirabilis servers still supports
version 2 clients (or at least they did when I last checked). There is
reason to suspect that this might change some day, since the version 1
clients have been phased out, and are not useable any more.

Furthermore are there some fields in the packets which I just couldn't figure
out. You will find these marked "Unknown", and some typical value in the
Content column.

Many packet types are missing from this description for sure. If Mirabilis
have used all multiples of 10 for their codes, there seem to be a lot of
them missing. :-)

There is much about the peer-to-peer communication that still is not
clear to me. (This protocol seems not to have changed in ICQ98, however.)

And finally, some of the features of ICQ have not even been addressed in this
document. This includes file transfer and chat, but also some of the new
features of ICQ98.

If you can help in filling any of these gaps, or correct the information
given here, please do not hesitate to contact me! I'd prefer if you
send an e-mail to d95-mih@nada.kth.se with subject "ICQ Update".
(Please note! Sending an empty mail with the subject "ICQ Update" does
NOT mean that I'll mail you a copy of the spec when it's updated! If
you are interested in keeping up to date with the ICQ specification, please
join the mailing list instead.)

Communication with persons online is done through a direct TCP connection
to that person. All other communication is done through UDP packets sent to
the ICQ server. All UDP packets must be acknowledged by the receiver.
Retransmission will occur in 10 seconds if a acknowledgement is not
received. After 6 unsuccessfull transmissions, a B_MESSAGE_ACK message will
be sent. The whole procedure is repeated 2 times. If there is still no
reply, the ICQ client will assume the user to be disconneced.

Before any communication between users can take place, the client must
register at the server by logging in. During the login process, the client
sends information about itself to the server, including its IP address, the
TCP port reserved for ICQ, the user's password and the user's contact list.
>From now on, the client will assume itself to be 'connected', and will every
now and then send a 'keep alive' message to the server. This keep alive
message performs two functions: it makes the client sure that it still has
access to the server, and it makes the server sure that the user is still
online. By default, the client will 'connect' to the server on UDP port 4000.

Functions such as sending messages to offline users, getting information
about a user, searching for users in the ICQ Global Directory and changing
password is done by sending UDP packets to the ICQ server. These packets do
all follow a simple template, including the senders UIN, a special code
indicating which function the server should perform, and optional

When a user sends a message/URL/etc to another user that is currently
connected, the ICQ client will establish a TCP connection directly to that
user, and send the message using a format similar (but not identical) to the
format used by the UDP packet messaging. After the message has been sent,
the TCP connection is not closed, but instead kept open and used for future
messages to that user. The connection is closed when either of the two users
disconnect from their ICQ connection.

Please note that throughout this document, all numbers are in hexadecimal
unless stated otherwise. Integers consisting of more than one byte is stored
with the least significant byte first, and the most significant byte last
(as is usual on the PC/Intel architecture). All text strings etc are
preceded by a two byte long LENGTH field, indicating the length of the
string. All strings are also NULL terminated, i.e. followed by the byte with
the value 00. When reading packets, either information may be used to
determine the length of the string, but when sending both must be present.
All strings are coded as usual MS Windows texts, i.e. in ISO Latin-1
charset, and lines terminated by CR/LF. (Not all strings may contain line
breaks. This should be clear from context.)


The UDP packet sent from the client to the server has the following general

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes 02 00 VERSION Identifies the packet as an IC
Q packet
2 bytes xx xx COMMAND Code for service the server sh
ould provide
2 bytes xx xx SEQ_NUM Sequence number
4 bytes xx xx xx xx UIN The senders UIN
variable PARAMETERS 0 or more parameters (dependin

The UDP packet sent from the server to the client has the following general

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes 02 00 VERSION Identifies the packet as an IC
Q packet
2 bytes xx xx COMMAND Code for service the server sh
ould provide
2 bytes xx xx SEQ_NUM Sequence number
variable PARAMETERS 0 or more parameters (dependin

The VERSION field is present on all ICQ packets, and identifies the packet
as a ICQ message. The SEQ_NUM contains a sequence number for the packet. All
packets must have a unique sequence number (unless it is a retransmission).
This is used to avoid confusion if a UDP packet is lost or duplicated (as
may happen). Normally, the SEQ_NUM of the current packet is the previous packet> + 1. Note that the server and the client has separate
numbering, so that SEQ_NUM = 3 of a packet sent from the server is different
from SEQ_NUM = 3 of a packet sent from the client. Note also that the server
start counting on 00 00, and the client start counting on 01 00.

The following commands are available for the client to send to the server:

Code Name Description
---- ---- -----------
0A 00 ACK Acknowledgement
0E 01 SEND_MESSAGE Send message through server (to offline user)
E8 03 LOGIN Login on server
06 04 CONTACT_LIST Inform the server of my contact list
1A 04 SEARCH_UIN Search for user using his/her UIN
24 04 SEARCH_USER Search for user using his/her name or e-mail
2E 04 KEEP_ALIVE Sent to indicate connection is still up
38 04 SEND_TEXT_CODE Send special message to server as text
4C 04 LOGIN_1 Sent during login
60 04 INFO_REQ Request basic information about a user
6A 04 EXT_INFO_REQ Request extended information about a user
9C 04 CHANGE_PASSWORD Change the user's password
D8 04 STATUS_CHANGE User has changed online status (Away etc)
28 05 LOGIN_2 Sent during login

Not yet described in detail (v0.1 of this document)
0A 05 UPDATE_INFO Update my basic information
B0 04 UPDATE_EXT_INFO Update my extended information
3C 05 ADD_TO_LIST Add user to my contact list
56 04 REQ_ADD_TO_LIST Request authorization to add to contact list
BA 04 QUERY_SERVERS Query the server about address to other servers
C4 04 QUERY_ADDONS Query the server about globally defined add-ons
EC 04 NEW_USER_1 Ask for permission to add a new user
FC 03 NEW_USER_REG Register a new user
A6 04 NEW_USER_INFO Send basic information about a new user
42 04 CMD_X1 *Unknown
56 04 MSG_TO_NEW_USER Send a message to a user not on my contact list
(this one is also used to request permission to add someone with 'authorize'
status to your contact list)

The following commands can be sent from the server to the client, either as
a response to a client command, or to notify the client of some event.

Code Name Description
---- ---- -----------
0A 00 ACK Acknowledgement
5A 00 LOGIN_REPLY Login reply
6E 00 USER_ONLINE User on contact list is online/has changed online
78 00 USER_OFFLINE User on contact list has gone offline
8C 00 USER_FOUND User record found matching search criteria
DC 00 RECEIVE_MESSAGE Message sent while offline/through server
A0 00 END_OF_SEARCH No more USER_FOUND will be sent
18 01 INFO_REPLY Return basic information about a user
22 01 EXT_INFO_REPLY Return extended information about a user
A4 01 STATUS_UPDATE User on contact list has changed online status (A
way etc)

Not yet described in detail (v0.1 of this document)
1C 02 REPLY_X1 *Unknown (returned during login)
E6 00 REPLY_X2 *Unknown (confirm my UIN?)
E0 01 UPDATE_REPLY Confirmation of basic information update
C8 00 UPDATE_EXT_REPLY Confirmation of extended information update
46 00 NEW_USER_UIN Confirmation of creation of new user and newly as
signed UIN
B4 00 NEW_USER_REPLY Confirmation of new user basic information
C2 01 SYSTEM_MESSAGE System message with URL'ed button

The UDP messages will now be examined in closer detail.


ACK (0A 00) Acknowledgement

Parameters: None

NOTE! Unlike all other commands, in ACK the field SEQ_NUM contains the
sequence number of the *server's* packet the client wishes to acknowledge.
Note further that an ACK should *not* be acknowledged!

SEND_MESSAGE (0E 01) Send message through server (to offline user)

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
4 bytes xx xx xx xx RECEIVER_UIN UIN of the user the message is
sent to
2 bytes (see below) MESSAGE_TYPE Type of message being sent
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of MESSAGE including NU
variable MESSAGE The message, ended by a NULL (

MESSAGE_TYPE can be one of the following:
01 00 - the message is a normal message
04 00 - the message is an URL, and actually consists of two parts,
separated by the code FE.
The first part is the description of the URL, and the second part is the
actual URL.

LOGIN (E8 03) Login on server

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
4 bytes xx xx xx xx PORT The TCP port to use for incomi
ng connections
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of PASSWORD including N
variable PASSWORD The user's password + NULL (ma
x 8 chars)
4 bytes 78 00 00 00 X1 *Unknown
4 bytes xx xx xx xx USER_IP The user's IP address
1 byte 04 X2 *Unknown
4 bytes xx xx xx xx STATUS Users online status (normally
00 00 00 00)
4 bytes 02 00 00 00 X3 *Unknown
2 bytes xx xx LOGIN_SEQ_NUM Login sequence number
4 bytes 00 00 00 00 X4 *Unknown
4 bytes 08 00 78 00 X5 *Unknown

CONTACT_LIST (06 04) Inform the server of my contact list

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes xx xx NUM_CONTACTS Number of contacts following
{4 bytes xx xx xx xx UIN UIN of user on contact list }
The last field is repeated for as many users as NUM_CONTACTS indicate.

The server will send online/offline notification to client only of users
registered using CONTACT_LIST.

SEARCH_UIN (1A 04) Search for user using his/her UIN

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes xx xx SEARCH_SEQ_NUM Search sequence number
4 bytes xx xx xx xx SEARCHED_UIN The UIN to search for

The SEARCH_SEQ_NUM should be a unique number, to distinguish from other
searches. The reply from the server will contain the SEARCH_SEQ_NUM of the
search, to facitilate matching query and answer.

SEARCH_USER (24 04) Search for user using his/her name or e-mail

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes xx xx SEARCH_SEQ_NUM Search sequence number
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of NICK_NAME including
variable NICK_NAME Nick name to search for, NULL
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of FIRST_NAME including
variable FIRST_NAME First name to search for, NULL
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of LAST_NAME including
variable LAST_NAME Nick name to search for, NULL
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of E_MAIL including NUL
variable E_MAIL E-mail to search for, NULL ter

Note that search fields (NICK_NAME, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME, E_MAIL) may be
empty, but not all at the same time, i.e. at least one field must contain
data. Note also that you may only search either on E_MAIL (in which the
other fields must be empty), or on name (in which E_MAIL must be empty, and
one or more of the other fields must contain data).

KEEP_ALIVE (2E 04) Sent to indicate connection is still up

Parameters: None

This command should be sent at regular intervals (normally every 2 minutes,
or 120 seconds) from the client to the server.

SEND_TEXT_CODE (38 04) Send special message to server as text

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of TEXT_CODE including
variable TEXT_CODE Message to send to server, NUL
L terminated
2 bytes xx xx X1 *Unknown (code, usually 04 00
or 05 00)

The TEXT_CODE can contain for instance:
"B_USER_DISCONNECTED" (in which case the X1 field should containt 05 00) if
the user has disconnected.
"B_MESSAGE_ACK" (in which case the X1 field should containt 05 00) if the
client has problem connecting to the server. This is a request for the
server to answer immediately to the client.

LOGIN_1 (4C 04) Sent during login

Parameters: None

This is sent during login. The exact purpose of this command is *Unknown.

INFO_REQ (60 04) Request basic information about a user

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes xx xx INFO_SEQ_NUM Information sequential number
4 bytes xx xx xx xx QUERY_UIN UIN of user to request informa
tion about

The server will respond with a INFO_REPLY, with the same INFO_SEQ_NUM.

EXT_INFO_REQ (6A 04) Request extended information about a user

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes xx xx INFO_SEQ_NUM Information sequential number
4 bytes xx xx xx xx QUERY_UIN UIN of user to request informa
tion about

The server will respond with a EXT_INFO_REPLY, with the same INFO_SEQ_NUM.

CHANGE_PASSWORD (9C 04) Change the user's password

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes xx xx PASSWORD_SEQ_NUM Password changing sequential n
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of NEW_PASSWORD includi
variable NEW_PASSWORD The new password, NULL termina
ted (max 8 chars)

STATUS_CHANGE (D8 04) User has changed online status (Away etc)

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
4 bytes (see below) STATUS User's online status (Away etc

The STATUS may take four different values:
00 00 00 00 = Online/connected
01 00 00 00 = Away
11 00 00 00 = Do Not Disturb (DND)
00 01 00 00 = Invisible

LOGIN_2 (28 05) Sent during login

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
1 byte 00 X1 *Unknown


ACK (0A 00) Acknowledgement

Parameters: None

NOTE! Unlike all other commands, in ACK the field SEQ_NUM contains the
sequence number of the *client's* packet the server acknowledges. Note
further that an ACK should *not* be acknowledged!

LOGIN_REPLY (5A 00) Login reply

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
4 bytes xx xx xx xx USER_UIN The user's UIN
4 bytes xx xx xx xx USER_IP The user's IP address
2 bytes xx xx LOGIN_SEQ_NUM Login sequence number
4 bytes 01 00 01 00 X1 *Unknown
4 bytes xx 00 16 00 X2 *Unknown (xx=19 or 18)
4 bytes 8C 00 00 00 X3 *Unknown
4 bytes 78 00 05 00 X4 *Unknown
6 bytes 0A 00 05 00 01 00 X5 *Unknown

This is sent from the server upon receipt of a LOGIN. The LOGIN_SEQ_NUM is
the same as in the corresponding LOGIN.

USER_ONLINE (6E 00) User on contact list is online/has changed online status

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
4 bytes xx xx xx xx REMOTE_UIN The UIN of the user who has lo
gged in
4 bytes xx xx xx xx REMOTE_IP The IP address of the user
4 bytes xx xx xx xx REMOTE_PORT The TCP port of the user
4 bytes xx xx xx xx REMOTE_REAL_IP The actual IP address of the u
1 byte 04 X1 *Unknown
4 bytes xx xx xx xx STATUS New status of the user
4 bytes 02 00 00 00 X2 *Unkown

The REMOTE_IP is the "outer" IP address of the remote user, the
REMOTE_REAL_IP is the "inner" IP address. These two will be identical unless
the remote user is behind a firewall. The REMOTE_IP is the "official" IP
address, as shown e.g. by the Info box in the client. The REMOTE_PORT is the
TCP port number to use when the client wishes to open a direct connection
to the remote user.

USER_OFFLINE (78 00) User on contact list has gone offline

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
4 bytes xx xx xx xx REMOTE_UIN The UIN of the user who has lo
gged out

USER_FOUND (8C 00) User record found matching search criteria

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes xx xx SEARCH_SEQ_NUM Search sequence number
4 bytes xx xx xx xx FOUND_UIN Found user's UIN
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of NICK_NAME including
variable NICK_NAME Found user's nick name, NULL t
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of FIRST_NAME including
variable FIRST_NAME Found user's first name, NULL
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of LAST_NAME including
variable LAST_NAME Found user's last name, NULL t
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of E_MAIL including NUL
variable E_MAIL Found user's e-mail, NULL term
1 byte xx AUTHORIZE User's authorization status

For each user found matching the criterion, a USER_FOUND will be returned.
When all USER_FOUND's have been sent, the server will send an END_OF_SEARCH.
If no users where found matching the criterion, an END_OF_SEARCH will be
sent immediately, and no USER_FOUND will be sent. The AUTHORIZE determine
wether the user allow anyone to include him/her on their contact list, or
wether the user must accept first. Possible values of AUTHORIZE:
00 = The user must authorize the client to include him/her on the client's
contact list
01 = The user allows anyone to include him/her on their contact list

RECEIVE_MESSAGE (DC 00) Message sent while offline/through server

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
4 bytes xx xx xx xx REMOTE_UIN The sending user's UIN
2 bytes xx xx YEAR The year the message was sent
1 byte xx MONTH The month the message was sent
1 byte xx DAY The day of the month the messa
ge was sent
1 byte xx HOUR The hour the message was sent
in GMT
1 byte xx MINUTE The minute the message was sen
2 bytes xx xx TYPE The type of message (message,
URL, etc)
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of MESSAGE including NU
variable MESSAGE The message sent, NULL termina

Note that the HOUR contains the local time - 1 (unless GMT is involved
somehow?). The TYPE identifies the type of message this is:
01 00 = Normal message
04 00 = URL (MESSAGE contains first the description, then a FE, and then
the actual URL)
0C 00 = 'You were added' message. (MESSAGE contains: FE name> FE FE FE . The authorize> is '1' (31) if the user allows anyone to add him/her to their
contact list, and '0' (30) otherwise.)

END_OF_SEARCH (A0 00) No more USER_FOUND will be sent

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes xx xx SEARCH_SEQ_NUM Search sequence number
1 byte xx MORE_FOUND More users found but not displ

If MORE_FOUND is 00, then the returned USER_FOUND's contain information
about all matching users. If MORE_FOUND is 01 however, then the server has
found more users matching, but will not display more matches. The limit is
drawn by 40 users. If a search request results in more than 40 matches,
only the 40 first will be sent to the client, and MORE_FOUND will be set to

INFO_REPLY (18 01) Return basic information about a user

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes xx xx INFO_SEQ_NUM Information sequence number
4 bytes xx xx xx xx REMOTE_UIN The remote user's UIN
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Lenght of NICK_NAME including
variable NICK_NAME The remote user's nick name
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Lenght of FIRST_NAME including
variable FIRST_NAME The remote user's first name
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Lenght of LAST_NAME including
variable LAST_NAME The remote user's last name
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Lenght of E_MAIL including NUL
variable E_MAIL The remote user's e-mail
1 byte xx AUTHORIZE User's authorization status

Note that the parameters are identical to command USER_FOUND (8C 00). For
more information about the fields, see USER_FOUND.

EXT_INFO_REPLY (22 01) Return extended information about a user

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes xx xx INFO_SEQ_NUM Information sequence number
4 bytes xx xx xx xx REMOTE_UIN The remote user's UIN
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Lenght of CITY including NULL
variable CITY The remote user's city
2 bytes xx xx COUNTRY_CODE The remote user's country code
1 byte xx COUNTRY_STATUS Indicates if COUNTRY_CODE is e
ntered or not
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Lenght of STATE including NULL
variable STATE The remote user's state (USA o
2 bytes xx xx AGE The remote user's age
1 byte xx SEX The remote user's sex
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Lenght of PHONE including NULL
variable PHONE The remote user's city
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Lenght of HOME_PAGE including
variable HOME_PAGE The remote user's city
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Lenght of ABOUT including NULL
variable ABOUT The remote user's city

The code used in COUNTRY_CODE is the international telephone prefix, e.g.
01 00 (1) for the USA, 2C 00 (44) for the UK, 2E 00 (46) for Sweden, etc.
COUNTRY_STATUS is normally FE, unless the remote user has not entered a
country, in which casse COUNTRY_CODE will be FF FF, and COUNTRY_STATUS will
be 9C. The field AGE has the value FF FF if the user has not entered his/her
age. The field SEX has three (!) possible values:
00 = Not specified
01 = Female
02 = Male
The ABOUT field is an optional free form field that allows the user to make
a personal presentation of himself/herself.

STATUS_UPDATE (A4 01) User on contact list has changed online status (Away etc

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
4 bytes xx xx xx xx REMOTE_UIN UIN of the user whos status ha
s changed
4 bytes xx xx xx xx STATUS The new online status of the u

The online status in STATUS is the same as used in STATUS_CHANGE (D8 04).
See STATUS_CHANGE for details.


When a user wishes to send a message, an URL etc, to another user (called
the "remote" user as opposite to the "local" user), the local user first
checks to see if a TCP connection already is established to that user. If
so is the case, then that connection will be used. If not, the user checks
the remote users IP address and port number (information sent to the user
from the server when the remote user logged in), and makes a connection to
that address. Typical port numbers are in the range 1200-1300 (decimal).
When a new connection is formed, a CHANNEL_INIT message must be sent. From
there on, however, every time the user wishes to send a message, a
CHANNEL_MESSAGE is sent. All messages sent must be acknowledged by the other
side, using CHANNEL_ACK. Furthermore, all messages is replied to by another
message from the receiver - which most often is empty, unless the user has
posted a Away/DND message, in case this will be sent as a reply.

The TCP communication is similar to the UDP communication, in that all
communication is done trough separate packets (often, but now always
associated with individual TCP packets). Each packet must contain the
packet's length (excluding the length count) as the first two bytes. Most
messages contains the senders UIN as the next field.

CHANNEL_INIT Initiate inter-user communication using TCP

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes 1A 00 LENGTH Length of this packet
1 byte FF INIT_IDENT Identifies this packet as an i
4 bytes 02 00 00 00 X1 *Unknown
4 bytes 00 00 00 00 X2 *Unknown
4 bytes xx xx xx xx MY_UIN The local user's UIN
4 bytes xx xx xx xx MY_IP The user's IP address
4 bytes xx xx xx xx MY_IP_REAL The user's actual IP address
1 byte 04 X3 *Unknown
4 bytes xx xx xx xx MY_PORT The user's TCP port for incomi
ng messages

Note that the port used for the "outgoing" connection is different from
MY_PORT, the port other clients use to connect to this client. For the
difference between MY_IP and MY_IP_REAL, see USER_ONLINE.

CHANNEL_MESSAGE Send message to online user

Length Content (if fixed) Name Description
------ ------------------ ---- -----------
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of this packet
4 bytes xx xx xx xx UIN The local user's UIN
2 bytes 02 00 VERSION Identifies this as a ICQ packe
2 bytes EE 07 MSG_COMMAND The message type for CHANNEL_M
2 bytes 00 00 X1 *Unknown
4 bytes xx xx xx xx UIN_2 The local user's UIN
2 bytes xx xx TYPE Message type
2 bytes xx xx LENGTH Length of MESSAGE including NU
variable MESSAGE The message to be sent, NULL t
4 bytes xx xx xx xx MY_IP_REAL The user's actual IP address
4 bytes xx xx xx xx MY_IP The user's IP address
4 bytes xx xx xx xx PORT The user's TCP port for incomi
ng messages
1 byte 04 X2 *Unknown
2 bytes 00 00 X3 *Unknown
2 bytes xx xx CMD_TYPE Identifies message as new mess
age or reply
4 bytes xx xx xx xx X4 *Unknown (checksum? sequence n

The TYPE is the same as described in RECEIVE_MESSAGE. The difference between
MY_IP and MY_IP_REAL is described in USER_ONLINE. The CMD_TYPE can have two
possible values:
10 00 = This is a new ('real', user initiated) message
00 00 = This is an auto reply
The auto reply is sent as an acknowledgement to all 'real' messages. They
usually contains an empty message, but if the remote user is 'Away' or in
DND mode, the reply will contain the Away/DND message. The X4 field is a
bit tricky. It is always between 00 FF FF FF and FF FF FF FF, but the exact
function of the field is unknown.

DataBind 2000-06-15
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Thank you .
DataBind 2000-06-15
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change 2000-04-07
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INDOWS XP 优化方案全面整理 动手前的准备   动手之前,首先要确保以管理员的身份登录操作系统,因为普通用户身份下好些选项是无权使用的。登录系统以后请按下WIN+e启动“资源管理器”,然后打开菜单“工具”--文件夹选项--去掉“隐藏受保护的操作系统文件”和“隐藏已知文件类型的扩展名”的两个小勾。最后单击“确定”退出。 接下来请激活清晰字体(ClearType),ClearType能使桌面的文字看起来更加清晰易读——这对于手电脑或液晶显示器用户尤其重要。要激活ClearType,请打开控制面板的显示属性,点击“Appearances(外观)”选项卡,然后点击“Effects...(...效果)”按钮, 勾上“Use the following method to smooth edges of screen fonts...(用下列方法圆滑屏幕字体边缘)”并在下拉菜单中选择“ClearType(清晰字体)”,然后点击OK(确定),Apply(应用)按钮。   效果好多了吧?下面大朋再说说其它方面的优化: 1。利用MsConfig优化起动组。   MsConfig是一个系统内置的Windows设置工具。点击开始菜单,选择“运行”,然后在录入框中敲入“msconfig”回车。我们要动手脚的是“Startup(启动)”选项卡,点击它,选项卡中显示了Windows启动时运行的所有程序。这里没有一个程序对Windows来说是生死悠关的,所以放心大胆地把不要的去掉。图中可以看到,笔者把NDetect(ICQ的启动程序)和WinAmpa(就是MP3播放器Winamp了)。把部分勾勾去掉之后,Windows启动会快些,同时空闲的系统资源也会多出一些。当然如果有上网的朋友还要保留病毒防火墙。 2。启动优化。   做完前面的优化,让我们进一步深入其它启动项。再次点击开始——>运行,在录入框中敲入 “services.msc”,回车将会看到一个窗口。这是Windows启动过程的更详细列表,凡是在名字右边标着“Automatic(自动)”的项目都是Windows启动时运行的软件。鼠标单击选中其中一条,就会显示出一些文字,说明它有什么作用。中果决定不需要某种服务,只要右键点击它,把属性中的“Automatic(自动)”改为“Manual(手动)”就得了。
网管教程 从入门到精通软件篇 ★一。★详细的xp修复控制台命令和用法!!! 放入xp(2000)的光盘,安装时候选R,修复! Windows XP(包括 Windows 2000)的控制台命令是在系统出现一些意外情况下的一种非常有效的诊断和测试以及恢复系统功能的工具。小编的确一直都想把这方面的命令做个总结,这次辛苦老范给我们整理了这份实用的秘笈。   Bootcfg   bootcfg 命令启动配置和故障恢复(对于大多数计算机,即 boot.ini 文件)。   含有下列参数的 bootcfg 命令仅在使用故障恢复控制台时才可用。可在命令示符下使用带有不同参数的 bootcfg 命令。   用法:   bootcfg /default  设置默认引导项。   bootcfg /add    向引导列表中添加 Windows 安装。   bootcfg /rebuild  重复全部 Windows 安装过程并允许用户选择要添加的内容。   注意:使用 bootcfg /rebuild 之前,应先通过 bootcfg /copy 命令备份 boot.ini 文件。   bootcfg /scan    扫描用于 Windows 安装的所有磁盘并显示结果。   注意:这些结果被静态存储,并用于本次会话。如果在本次会话期间磁盘配置发生变化,为获得更新的扫描,必须先重新启动计算机,然后再次扫描磁盘。   bootcfg /list   列出引导列表中已有的条目。   bootcfg /disableredirect 在启动引导程序中禁用重定向。   bootcfg /redirect [ PortBaudRrate] |[ useBiosSettings]   在启动引导程序中通过指定配置启用重定向。   范例: bootcfg /redirect com1 115200 bootcfg /redirect useBiosSettings   hkdsk   创建并显示磁盘的状态报告。Chkdsk 命令还可列出并纠正磁盘上的错误。   含有下列参数的 chkdsk 命令仅在使用故障恢复控制台时才可用。可在命令示符下使用带有不同参数的 chkdsk 命令。   vol [drive:] [ chkdsk [drive:] [/p] [/r]   参数  无   如果不带任何参数,chkdsk 将显示当前驱动器中的磁盘状态。 drive: 指定要 chkdsk 检查的驱动器。 /p   即使驱动器不在 chkdsk 的检查范围内,也执行彻底检查。该参数不对驱动器做任何更改。 /r   找到坏扇区并恢复可读取的信息。隐含着 /p 参数。   注意 Chkdsk 命令需要 Autochk.exe 文件。如果不能在启动目录(默认为 %systemroot%System32)中找到该文件,将试着在 Windows 安装 CD 中找到它。如果有多引导系统的计算机,必须保证是在包含 Windows 的驱动器上使用该命令。 Diskpart   创建和删除硬盘驱动器上的分区。diskpart 命令仅在使用故障恢复控制台时才可用。   diskpart [ /add |/delete] [device_name |drive_name |partition_name] [size]   参数 无   如果不带任何参数,diskpart 命令将启动 diskpart 的 Windows 字符模式版本。   /add   创建新的分区。   /delete   删除现有分区。   device_name   要创建或删除分区的设备。设备名称可从 map 命令的输出获得。例如,设备名称:   DeviceHardDisk0   drive_name   以驱动器号表示的待删除分区。仅与 /delete 同时使用。以下是驱动器名称的范例:   D:   partition_name   以分区名称表示的待删除分区。可代替 drive_name 使用。仅与 /delete 同时使用。以下是分区名称的范例:   DeviceHardDisk0Partition1    大小   要创建的分区大小,以兆字节 (MB)表示。仅与 /add 同时使用。   范例   下例将删除分区: diskpart /delete Device HardDisk0 Partition3 diskpart /delete F:   下例将在硬盘上添加一个 20 MB 的分区:   diskpart /add Device HardDisk0 20   Fixboot



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