请问各位“51598+398146 bytes symbol space free”的具体意思是什么?

bsnhk 2004-10-18 12:16:25
我编了一个汇编语言源程序tt.asm,然后用masm 5.0进行汇编,提示信息如下:
c:\>masm tt.asm
Microsoft (r) macro assembler version 5.00
copyright (c) microsoft corp 1981-1985,1987. all rights reserved.

object filename [tt.obj]:
source listing [nul.lst]:
cross-reference [nul.crf]:
51598+398146 bytes symbol space free
0 warning errors
0 severe errors

1、“51598+398146 bytes symbol space free”中那两个数字分别是什么意思?它们加起来又是指什么的大小?
2、“n bytes symbol space free”这句话是什么意思?

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67 条回复
clumsy 2004-11-11
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不是 Intel 的人吧, 应该是 ms 的才对
xjp6688 2004-11-11
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bsnhk 2004-11-10
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masm5占用的空间 masm5废弃的堆栈(减号部分是第一个数字50.38k)

bsnhk 2004-11-10
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masm5占用的空间 masm5废弃的堆栈(减号部分是第一个数字50.38k)

xjp6688 2004-11-09
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notno 2004-11-09
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bsnhk 2004-11-07
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bsnhk 2004-11-07
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to qingjin(qingjin):
qingjin 2004-11-07
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masm5占用的空间 废弃的堆栈(减号部分是第一个数字)





kokblack 2004-11-07
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每天都来看看, bsnhk 兄弟,问题越论越明了,从中也学到不少东西。哈哈PF
bsnhk 2004-11-07
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to qingjin(qingjin):

memory type total used free
conventional 640k 97k 543k

51672+372008 Bytes symbol space free.

543k-413.75k=129.25k (这129.25k空间是什么呢?)

memory type total used free
conventional 640k 97k 543k

memory type total used free
conventional 640k 127k 514k


51672+341544 Bytes symbol space free.




bsnhk 2004-11-07
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|------------------| (masm5占有的空间)
|---------| (堆栈剩余空间)
|---------| (前一个数字表示的空间)

请注意“后一个数字表示的空间”中既包含了masm5占用的空间也包含了不被任何程序占用的剩余基本内存。而这显然跟“space free”提示不符。
“堆栈剩余大小”是space free的,这可以理解;但将masm5中代码跟数据所实际占用的空间加上其他基本内存剩余空间也说是space free的,这很难接受。

qingjin 2004-11-06
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可用基本内存=available memory也就是说剩余内存大小。


bsnhk 2004-11-06
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to qingjin(qingjin) :
“n Bytes symbol space free”很明显是说什么空余空间的大小。
masm5实际占用的基本内存大小|=====================| (这不是什么剩余空间)
masm5执行后自身堆栈剩余大小|-----|***************| (*号部分表示已用的,-号部分表示堆栈剩余大小)
后一个数字表示的内存大小 |===============| (这也不是什么剩余空间)
两个数字之和是masm5实际占用|=====================| (这更不是什么剩余空间)

而“n Bytes symbol space free”很明显是说什么空余空间的大小,如果按你的说法那只有前一个数字是“空余空间大小”,后一个数字不是。

kokblack 2004-11-06
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qingjin 2004-11-06
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bsnhk 2004-11-06
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汇编语句和机器码的关系是一一对应关系,你是否以为因为这样所以汇编语句就可以简单的一条一条的变换成对应的机器码了?你说的“MASM 5 是使用Microsoft C 4.0 编写的”我还是第一次听见这种说法。
qingjin 2004-11-06
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To bsnhk:

bsnhk 2004-11-06
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dseg segment

dseg ends

cseg segment
assume ds:dseg,cs:cseg
push ds
sub ax,ax
push ax
mov ax,dseg
mov ds,ax
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
cseg ends
end start
bsnhk 2004-11-06
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dseg segment
tt db 65000 dup (0) ;定义65000字节的数据空间
dseg ends

sseg segment
db 65000 dup (0) ;开辟65000字节堆栈空间
sseg ends

cseg segment
assume cs:cseg,ds:dseg,ss:sseg
push ds
sub ax,ax
push ax
mov ax,dseg
mov ds,ax
mov ax,sseg
mov ss,ax
mov ah,4ch
mov cx,32000 ;压栈32000次,让堆栈空间被尽量地占用。
push ax
loop s
int 21h
cseg ends
end start
C:\>masm ts.asm
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 5.00
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981-1985, 1987. All rights reserved.

Object filename [ts.OBJ]:
Source listing [NUL.LST]:
Cross-reference [NUL.CRF]:

51594 + 398150 Bytes symbol space free

0 Warning Errors
0 Severe Errors

第一章 汇编语言程序设计的实验环境及实验步骤 知识提要: 本章主要进行汇编语言实验环境及实验步骤,涉及到的知识点包括: 1、汇编语言源程序编写好以后, 必须经过下列几个步骤才能在机器上运行: (1) 编辑源程序(生成.ASM文件) (2) 汇编源程序(.ASM → .OBJ) (3) 连接目标程序(.OBJ → .EXE ) (4) 调试可执行程序(使用调试程序Debug调试生成的.EXE文件) (5) 运行程序输出结果。 2、 Windows环境下的汇编语言集成编程环境的使用 实验一 DOS环境下的汇编语言编程环境使用(基础与验证型) 一、实验要求和目的 1、掌握汇编语言程序设计的基本方法和技能; 2、熟练掌握使用全屏幕编辑程序EDIT编辑汇编语言源程序; 3、熟练掌握宏汇编程序MASM的使用; 4、熟练掌握连接程序LINK的使用。 二、软硬件环境 1、硬件环境:微机CPU 486以上,500MB以上硬盘,32M以上内存; 2、软件环境:装有MASM 5.0、DEBUG、LINK、EDIT、CREF.EXE和EXR2BIN.EXE等应用程序。 三、实验涉及的主要知识单元 1、汇编语言源程序的汇编过程 汇编语言源程序的汇编过程是是利用汇编程序(MASM)对已编辑好的源程序文件(.ASM)进行汇编,将源程序文件中以ASCII码表示的助记符指令逐条翻译成机器码指令,并完成源程序中的伪指令所指出的各种操作,最后可以建立3个文件:扩展名为 .OBJ的目标文件、扩展名为 .LST 的列表文件和扩展名为 .CRF 的交叉索引文件。目标文件是必须建立的,它包含了程序中所有的机器码指令和伪指令指出的各种有关信息,但该文件中的操作数地址还不是内存的绝对地址,只是一个可浮动的相对地址。列表文件(.LST)中包含了源程序的全部信息(包括注释)和汇编后的目标程序,列表文件可以打印输出,可供调试检查用。交叉索引文件(.CRF)是用来了解源程序中各符号的定义和引用情况的。.LST和.CRF两个文件不是必须建立的,可有有无,可以通过汇编时的命令加以选择。 在对源程序文件(ASM文件)汇编时,汇编程序将对ASM文件进行两遍扫描,若程序文件中有语法错误,则结束汇编,汇编程序将指出源程序中存在的错误,这时应返回编辑环境修改源程序中的错误,再经过汇编,直到最后得到无错误的目标程序,即OBJ文件。因此,汇编程序的主要功能可以概括为以下三点: (1) 检查源程序中的语法错误,并给出错误信息;(2) 产生目标程序文件(OBJ文件),并可给出列表文件(.LST文件);(3) 展开宏指令。 汇编程序是系统提供的用于汇编的系统软件,目前常用的汇编程序有Microsoft公司推出的宏汇编程MASM(MACRO ASSEMBLER)和BORLAND公司推出的TASM(TURBO ASSEMBLER)两种。Microsoft公司推出有宏汇编程序MASM和小汇编程序ASM两种,二者的区别在于:MASM有宏处理功能,而ASM没有宏处理功能,因此,MASM比ASM的功能强大,但MASM需要占据较大的内存空间,当内存空间较小时(如64 KB),只能使用ASM。 2、目标程序的连接过程 汇编后产生的目标程序(OBJ文件)并不是可执行程序文件(EXE文件),还不能直接运行,它必须通过连接程序(LINK)连接成一个可执行程序后才能运行。连接程序进行连接时,其输入有两个部分:一是目标文件(.OBJ),目标文件可以是一个也可以是多个,可以是汇编语言经汇编后产生的目标文件,也可以是高级语言(例如C语言)经编译后产生的目标文件;另一是库文件(.LIB),库文件是系统中已经建立的,主要是为高级语言提供的。连接后输出两个文件,一是扩展名为 .EXE的可执行文件,另一个是扩展名为 .MAP 的内存分配文件,它是连接程序的列表文件,又称为连接映像(Link Map),它给出每个段在存储器中的分配情况,该文件可有可无。连接程序给出的“无堆栈段的警告性错误”并不影响程序的运行。所以,到此为止,连接过程已经结束,可以在操作系统下执行该.EXE程序了。 3、汇编语言和DOS操作系统的接口 编写的汇编语言源程序是在DOS环境下运行时,必须了解汇编语言是如何同DOS操作系统接口的。 用编辑程序把源程序输入到机器中,用汇编程序把它转换为目标程序,用连接程序对其进行连接和定位时,操作系统为每一个用户程序建立了一个程序段前缀区PSP,其长度为256个字节,主要用于存放所要执行程序的有关信息,同时也提供了程序和操作系统的接口。操作系统在程序段前缀的开始处(偏移地址0000H)安排了一条INT 20H软中断指令。INT 20H中断服务程序由DOS提供,执行该服务程序后,控制就转移到DOS,即返回到DOS管理的状态。因此,用户在组织程序时,必须使程序执行完后能去执行存放于PSP开始处的INT 20H指令,这样便返回到DOS,否则就无法继续键入命令和程序。 DOS在建立了程序段前缀区PSP之后,将要执行的程序从磁盘装入内存。在定位程序时,DOS将代码段置于PSP下方,代码段之后是数据段,最后放置堆栈段。内存分配好之后,DOS就设置段寄存器DS和ES的值,以使它们指向PSP的开始处,即INT 20H的存放地址,同时将CS设置为PSP后面代码段的段地址,IP设置为指向代码段中第一条要执行的指令位置,把SS设置为指向堆栈的段地址,让SP指向堆栈段的栈底,然后系统开始执行用户程序。为了保证用户程序执行完后能返回到DOS状态,可使用如下两种方法。 (一)标准方法 首先将用户程序的主程序定义成一个FAR过程,其最后一条指令为RET。然后在代码段的主程序(即FAR过程)的开始部分用如下三条指令将PSP中INT 20H 指令的段地址及偏移地址压入堆栈: PUSH DS ;保护PSP段地址 MOV AX,0 ;保护偏移地址0 PUSH AX 这样,当程序执行到主程序的最后一条指令RET时,由于该过程具有FAR属性,故存在堆栈内的两个字就分别弹出到CS和IP,从而执行INT 20H指令,使控制返回到DOS状态。返回DOS的标志就是程序运行完后出现一个DOS的标识符,如C:\>。 (二)非标准方法 也可在用户的程序中不定义过程段,只在代码段结束之前(即CODE ENDS之前)增加两条语句: MOV AH,4CH INT 21H 则程序执行完后也会自动返回DOS状态。 此外,由于开始执行用户程序时,DS并不设置在用户的数据段的起始处,ES同样也不设置在用户的附加段起始处,因而在程序开始处使用以下方法重新装填DS和ES的值使其指向用户的数据段: MOV AX,段名 MOV 段寄存器名,AX ;段寄存器名可以是DS、ES、SS之一 四、实验内容与步骤 1、实验内容 编写程序,判断一个年份是否是闰年。 2、实验步骤 汇编语言程序设计上机过程如图1.1所示。 图1.1 汇编语言程序上机过程 (一)用编辑程序EDIT建立汇编语言源程序文件(ASM文件) 例如,编写程序,判断一个年份是否是闰年的汇编语言源程序,可以在DOS模式下用编辑程序EDIT.EXE建立汇编语言源程序文件ABC.ASM,注意文件名的扩展名必须是.ASM。也可以在Windows 2000或者在Windows XP环境下鼠标单击“开始”→“运行”,在“运行”中输入“CMD”进入DOS模式,运行EDIT软件,例如: C> EDIT ABC.ASM 进入EDIT的程序编辑画面时,输入汇编语言源程序如下: DATA SEGMENT INFON DB 0DH,0AH,'Please input a year: $' Y DB 0DH,0AH,'This is a leap year! $' N DB 0DH,0AH,'This is not a leap year! $' W DW 0 BUF DB 8 DB ? DB 8 DUP(?) DATA ENDS STACK SEGMENT 'stack' DB 200 DUP(0) STACK ENDS CODE SEGMENT ASSUME DS:DATA,SS:STACK,CS:CODE START: MOV AX,DATA MOV DS,AX LEA DX,INFON MOV AH,9 INT 21H LEA DX,BUF MOV AH,10 INT 21H MOV CL, [BUF+1] LEA DI,BUF+2 CALL DATACATE CALL IFYEARS JC A1 LEA DX,N MOV AH,9 INT 21H JMP EXIT A1: LEA DX,Y MOV AH,9 INT 21H EXIT: MOV AH,4CH INT 21H DATACATE PROC NEAR LEA SI,BUF+2 MOV BX,0 X3: MOV AL ,[SI] SUB AL ,30H MOV AH,0 XCHG AX,BX MOV DX,10D MUL DX XCHG AX,BX ADD BX,AX INC SI LOOP X3 MOV W,BX RET DATACATE ENDP IFYEARS PROC NEAR PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH DX MOV AX,W MOV CX,AX MOV DX,0 MOV BX,4 DIV BX CMP DX,0 JNZ LAB1 MOV AX,CX MOV BX,100 DIV BX CMP DX,0 JNZ LAB2 MOV AX,CX MOV BX,400 DIV BX CMP DX,0 JZ LAB2 LAB1: CLC JMP LAB3 LAB2: STC LAB3: POP DX POP CX POP BX RET IFYEARS ENDP CODE ENDS END START (二)用汇编程序MASM将ASM文件汇编成目标程序文件(OBJ文件) 当源程序建立以后,仍以ABC.ASM程序为例,我们用汇编程序MASM对ABC.ASM源程序文件进行汇编,以便产生机器码的目标程序文件ABC.OBJ,其操作步骤如下: C>MASM ABC Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler Version 5.00 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1981–1985,1987. All rights reserved. Object filename [ABC.OBJ]: Source listing [NUL.LST]:ABC Cross-reference [NUL.CRF]:ABC 50674 + 450574 Bytes symbol space free 0 Warning Errors 0 Severe Errors 由此可知,汇编程序调入后,首先显示版本号,然后出现三个提示行。 第一个提示行为:Object filename [ABC.OBJ]: 这是询问目标程序文件名,方括号内为机器规定的默认的文件名,通常直接按回车键,表示采用默认的文件名(如上所示),这是我们汇编的主要目的。 第二个提示行为: Source listing [NUL.LST]:
KGB Archiver console version ?005-2006 Tomasz Pawlak, tomekp17@gmail.com, mod by Slawek (poczta-sn@gazeta.pl) based on PAQ6 by Matt Mahoney PAQ6v2 - File archiver and compressor. (C) 2004, Matt Mahoney, mmahoney@cs.fit.edu This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed without any warranty. USAGE To compress: PAQ6 -3 archive file file... (1 or more file names), or or (MSDOS): dir/b | PAQ6 -3 archive (read file names from input) or (UNIX): ls | PAQ6 -3 archive To decompress: PAQ6 archive (no option) To list contents: more < archive Compression: The files listed are compressed and stored in the archive, which is created. The archive must not already exist. File names may specify a path, which is stored. If there are no file names on the command line, then PAQ6 prompts for them, reading until the first blank line or end of file. The -3 is optional, and is used to trade off compression vs. speed and memory. Valid options are -0 to -9. Higher numbers compress better but run slower and use more memory. -3 is the default, and gives a reasonable tradeoff. Recommended options are: -0 to -2 for fast (2X over -3) but poor compression, uses 2-6 MB memory -3 for reasonably fast and good compression, uses 18 MB (default) -4 better compression but 3.5X slower, uses 64 MB -5 slightly better compression, 6X slower than -3, uses 154 MB -6 about like -5, uses 202 MB memory -7 to -9 use 404 MB, 808 MB, 1616 MB, about the same speed as -5 Decompression: No file names are specified. The archive must exist. If a path is stored, the file is extracted to the appropriate directory, which must exist. PAQ6 does not create directories. If the file to be extracted already exists, it is not replaced; rather it is compared with the archived file, and the offset of the first difference is reported. The decompressor requires as much memory as was used to compress. There is no option. It is not possible to add, remove, or update files in an existing archive. If you want to do this, extract the files, delete the archive, and create a new archive with just the files you want. TO COMPILE gxx -O PAQ6.cpp DJGPP 2.95.2 bcc32 -O2 PAQ6.cpp Borland 5.5.1 sc -o PAQ6.cpp Digital Mars 8.35n g++ -O produces the fastest executable among free compilers, followed by Borland and Mars. However Intel 8 will produce the fastest and smallest Windows executable overall, followed by Microsoft VC++ .net 7.1 /O2 /G7 PAQ6 DESCRIPTION 1. OVERVIEW A PAQ6 archive has a header, listing the names and lengths of the files it contains in human-readable format, followed by the compressed data. The first line of the header is "PAQ6 -m" where -m is the memory option. The data is compressed as if all the files were concatenated into one long string. PAQ6 uses predictive arithmetic coding. The string, y, is compressed by representing it as a base 256 number, x, such that: P(s < y) <= x < P(s <= y) (1) where s is chosen randomly from the probability distribution P, and x has the minimum number of digits (bytes) needed to satisfy (1). Such coding is within 1 byte of the Shannon limit, log 1/P(y), so compression depends almost entirely on the goodness of the model, P, i.e. how well it estimates the probability distribution of strings that might be input to the compressor. Coding and decoding are illustrated in Fig. 1. An encoder, given P and y, outputs x. A decoder, given P and x, outputs y. Note that given P in equation (1), that you can find either x from y or y from x. Note also that both computations can be done incrementally. As the leading characters of y are known, the range of possible x narrows, so the leading digits can be output as they become known. For decompression, as the digits of x are read, the set of possible y satisfying (1) is restricted to an increasingly narrow lexicographical range containing y. All of the strings in this range will share a growing prefix. Each time the prefix grows, we can output a character. y +--------------------------+ Uncomp- | V ressed | +---------+ p +----------+ x Compressed Data --+--->| Model |----->| Encoder |----+ Data +---------+ +----------+ | | +----------+ V y +---------+ p +----------+ y Uncompressed +--->| Model |----->| Decoder |----+---> Data | +---------+ +----------+ | | | +-------------------------------------+ Fig. 1. Predictive arithmetic compression and decompression Note that the model, which estimates P, is identical for compression and decompression. Modeling can be expressed incrementally by the chain rule: P(y) = P(y_1) P(y_2|y_1) P(y_3|y_1 y_2) ... P(y_n|y_1 y_2 ... y_n-1) (2) where y_i means the i'th character of the string y. The output of the model is a distribution over the next character, y_i, given the context of characters seen so far, y_1 ... y_i-1. To simplify coding, PAQ6 uses a binary string alphabet. Thus, the output of a model is an estimate of P(y_i = 1 | context) (henceforth p), where y_i is the i'th bit, and the context is the previous i - 1 bits of uncompressed data. 2. PAQ6 MODEL The PAQ6 model consists of a weighted mix of independent submodels which make predictions based on different contexts. The submodels are weighted adaptively to favor those making the best predictions. The output of two independent mixers (which use sets of weights selected by different contexts) are averaged. This estimate is then adjusted by secondary symbol estimation (SSE), which maps the probability to a new probability based on previous experience and the current context. This final estimate is then fed to the encoder as illustrated in Fig. 2. Uncompressed input -----+--------------------+-------------+-------------+ | | | | V V | | +---------+ n0, n1 +----------+ | | | Model 1 |--------->| Mixer 1 |\ p | | +---------+ \ / | | \ V V \ / +----------+ \ +-----+ +------------+ +---------+ \ / \| | p | | Comp- | Model 2 | \/ + | SSE |--->| Arithmetic |--> ressed +---------+ /\ | | | Encoder | output ... / \ /| | | | / \ +----------+ / +-----+ +------------+ +---------+ / \ | Mixer 2 | / | Model N |--------->| |/ p +---------+ +----------+ Fig. 2. PAQ6 Model details for compression. The model is identical for decompression, but the encoder is replaced with a decoder. In Sections 2-6, the description applies to the default memory option (-5, or MEM = 5). For smaller values of MEM, some components are omitted and the number of contexts is less. 3. MIXER The mixers compute a probability by a weighted summation of the N models. Each model outputs two numbers, n0 and n1 represeting the relative probability of a 0 or 1, respectively. These are combined using weighted summations to estimate the probability p that the next bit will be a 1: SUM_i=1..N w_i n1_i (3) p = -------------------, n_i = n0_i + n1_i SUM_i=1..N w_i n_i The weights w_i are adjusted after each bit of uncompressed data becomes known in order to reduce the cost (code length) of that bit. The cost of a 1 bit is -log(p), and the cost of a 0 is -log(1-p). We find the gradient of the weight space by taking the partial derivatives of the cost with respect to w_i, then adjusting w_i in the direction of the gradient to reduce the cost. This adjustment is: w_i := w_i + e[ny_i/(SUM_j (w_j+wo) ny_j) - n_i/(SUM_j (w_j+wo) n_j)] where e and wo are small constants, and ny_i means n0_i if the actual bit is a 0, or n1_i if the bit is a 1. The weight offset wo prevents the gradient from going to infinity as the weights go to 0. e is set to around .004, trading off between faster adaptation (larger e) and less noise for better compression of stationary data (smaller e). There are two mixers, whose outputs are averaged together before being input to the SSE stage. Each mixer maintains a set of weights which is selected by a context. Mixer 1 maintains 16 weight vectors, selected by the 3 high order bits of the previous byte and on whether the data is text or binary. Mixer 2 maintains 16 weight vectors, selected by the 2 high order bits of each of the previous 2 bytes. To distinguish text from binary data, we use the heuristic that space characters are more common in text than NUL bytes, while NULs are more common in binary data. We compare the position of the 4th from last space with the position of the 4th from last 0 byte. 4. CONTEXT MODELS Individual submodels output a prediction in the form of two numbers, n0 and n1, representing relative probabilities of 0 and 1. Generally this is done by storing a pair of counters (c0,c1) in a hash table indexed by context. When a 0 or 1 is encountered in a context, the appropriate count is increased by 1. Also, in order to favor newer data over old, the opposite count is decreased by the following heuristic: If the count > 25 then replace with sqrt(count) + 6 (rounding down) Else if the count > 1 then replace with count / 2 (rounding down) The outputs are derived from the counts in a way that favors highly predictive contexts, i.e. those where one count is large and the other is small. For the case of c1 >= c0 the following heuristic is used. If c0 = 0 then n0 = 0, n1 = 4 c0 Else n0 = 1, n1 = c1 / c0 For the case of c1 < c0 we use the same heuristic swapping 0 and 1. In the following example, we encounter a long string of zeros followed by a string of ones and show the model output. Note how n0 and n1 predict the relative outcome of 0 and 1 respectively, favoring the most recent data, with weight n = n0 + n1 Input c0 c1 n0 n1 ----- -- -- -- -- 0000000000 10 0 40 0 00000000001 5 1 5 1 000000000011 2 2 1 1 0000000000111 1 3 1 3 00000000001111 1 4 1 4 Table 1. Example of counter state (c0,c1) and outputs (n0,n1) In order to represent (c0,c1) as an 8-bit state, counts are restricted to the values 0-40, 44, 48, 56, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, 224, or 255. Large counts are incremented probabilistically. For example, if c0 = 40 and a 0 is encountered, then c0 is set to 44 with probability 1/4. Decreases in counter values are deterministic, and are rounded down to the nearest representable state. Counters are stored in a hash table indexed by contexts starting on byte boundaries and ending on nibble (4-bit) boundaries. Each hash element contains 15 counter states, representing the 15 possible values for the 0-3 remaining bits of the context after the last nibble boundary. Hash collisions are detected by storing an 8-bit checksum of the context. Each bucket contains 4 elements in a move-to-front queue. When a new element is to be inserted, the priority of the two least recently accessed elements are compared by using n (n0+n1) of the initial counter as the priority, and the lower priority element is discarded. Hash buckets are aligned on 64 byte addresses to minimize cache misses. 5. RUN LENGTH MODELS A second type of model is used to efficiently represent runs of up to 255 identical bytes within a context. For example, given the sequence "abc...abc...abc..." then a run length model would map "ab" -> ("c", 3) using a hash table indexed by "ab". If a new value is seen, e.g. "abd", then the state is updated to the new character and a count of 1, i.e. "ab" -> ("d", 1). A run length context is accessed 8 times, once for each bit. If the bits seen so far are consistent with the modeled character, then the output of a run length model is (n0,n1) = (0,n) if the next bit is a 1, or (n,0) if the next bit is a 0, where n is the count (1 to 255). If the bits seen so far are not consistent with the predicted byte, then the output is (0,0). These counts are added to the counter state counts to produce the model output. Run lengths are stored in a hash table without collision detection, so an element occupies 2 bytes. Generally, most models store one run length for every 8 counter pairs, so 20% of the memory is allocated to them. Run lengths are used only for memory option (-MEM) of 5 or higher. 6. SUBMODEL DETAILS Submodels differ mainly in their contexts. These are as follows: a. DefaultModel. (n0,n1) = (1,1) regardless of context. b. CharModel (N-gram model). A context consists of the last 0 to N whole bytes, plus the 0 to 7 bits of the partially read current byte. The maximum N depends on the -MEM option as shown in the table below. The order 0 and 1 contexts use a counter state lookup table rather than a hash table. Order Counters Run lengths ----- -------- ----------- 0 2^8 1 2^16 2 2^(MEM+15) 2^(MEM+12), MEM >= 5 3 2^(MEM+17) 2^(MEM+14), MEM >= 5 4 2^(MEM+18) 2^(MEM+15), MEM >= 5 5 2^(MEM+18), MEM >= 1 2^(MEM+15), MEM >= 5 6 2^(MEM+18), MEM >= 3 2^(MEM+15), MEM >= 5 7 2^(MEM+18), MEM >= 3 2^(MEM+15), MEM >= 5 8 2^20, MEM = 5 2^17, MEM = 5 2^(MEM+14), MEM >= 6 2^(MEM+14), MEM >= 6 9 2^20, MEM = 5 2^17, MEM = 5 2^(MEM+14), MEM >= 6 2^(MEM+14), MEM >= 6 Table 2. Number of modeled contexts of length 0-9 c. MatchModel (long context). A context is the last n whole bytes (plus extra bits) where n >=8. Up to 4 matching contexts are found by indexing into a rotating input buffer whose size depends on MEM. The index is a hash table of 32-bit pointers with 1/4 as many elements as the buffer (and therefore occupying an equal amount of memory). The table is indexed by a hashes of 8 byte contexts. No collision detection is used. In order to detect very long matches at a long distance (for example, versions of a file compressed together), 1/16 of the pointers (chosen randomly) are indexed by a hash of a 32 byte context. For each match found, the output is (n0,n1) = (w,0) or (0,w) (depending on the next bit) with a weight of w = length^2 / 4 (maximum 511), depending on the length of the context in bytes. The four outputs are added together. d. RecordModel. This models data with fixed length records, such as tables. The model attempts to find the record length by searching for characters that repeat in the pattern x..x..x..x where the interval between 4 successive occurrences is identical and at least 2. Because of uncertainty in this method, the two most recent values (which must be different) are used. The following 5 contexts are modeled; 1. The two bytes above the current bit for each repeat length. 2. The byte above and the previous byte (to the left) for each repeat length. 3. The byte above and the current position modulo the repeat length, for the longer of the two lengths only. e. SparseModel. This models contexts with gaps. It considers the following contexts, where x denotes the bytes considered and ? denotes the bit being predicted (plus preceding bits, which are included in the context). x.x? (first and third byte back) x..x? x...x? x....x? xx.? x.x.? xx..? c ... c?, gap length c ... xc?, gap length Table 3. Sparse model contexts The last two examples model variable gap lengths between the last byte and its previous occurrence. The length of the gap (up to 255) is part of the context. e. AnalogModel. This is intended to model 16-bit audio (mono or stereo), 24-bit color images, 8-bit data (such as grayscale images). Contexts drop the low order bits, and include the position within the file modulo 2, 3, or 4. There are 8 models, combined into 4 by addition before mixing. An x represents those bits which are part of the context. 16 bit audio: xxxxxx.. ........ xxxxxx.. ........ ? (position mod 2) xxxx.... ........ xxxxxx.. ........ ? (position mod 2) xxxxxx.. ........ ........ ........ xxxxxx.. ........ xxxxxx.. ........ ? (position mod 4 for stereo audio) 24 bit color: xxxx.... ........ ........ xxxxxxxx ........ ........ ? (position mod 3) xxxxxx.. xxxx.... xxxx.... ? (position mod 3) 8 bit data: xxx..... xxxxx... xxxxxxx. ? CCITT images (1 bit per pixel, 216 bytes wide, e.g. calgary/pic) xxxxxxxx (skip 215 bytes...) xxxxxxxx (skip 215 bytes...) ? Table 4. Analog models. f. WordModel. This is intended to model text files. There are 3 contexts: 1. The current word 2. The previous and current words 3. The second to last and current words (skipping a word) A word is defined in two different ways, resulting in a total of 6 different contexts: 1. Any sequence of characters with ASCII code > 32 (not white space). Upper case characters are converted to lower case. 2. Any sequence of A-Z and a-z (case sensitive). g. ExeModel. This models 32-bit Intel .exe and .dll files by changing relative 32-bit CALL addresses to absolute. These instructions have the form (in hex) "E8 xx yy zz 00" or "E8 xx yy zz FF" where the 32-bit operand is stored least significant byte first. These are converted to absolute addresses by adding the position of the E8 byte, and then stored in a 256 element table indexed by the low order byte (xx) along with an 8-bit count. If another E8 xx ... 00/FF with the same value of xx is encountered, then the old value is replaced and the count set back to 1. During modeling, when "E8 xx" is encountered, the bytes yy, zz, and 00/FF are predicted by adjusting xx to absolute address, then looking up the address in the table indexed by xx. If the context matches the table entry up to the current bit, then the next bit from the table is predicted with weight n for yy, 4n for zz, and 16n for 00/FF, where n is the count. 7. SSE The purpose of the SSE stage is to further adjust the probability output from the mixers to agree with actual experience. Ideally this should not be necessary, but in reality this can improve compression. For example, when "compressing" random data, the output probability should be 0.5 regardless of what the models say. SSE will learn this by mapping all input probabilities to 0.5. | Output __ | p / | / | __/ | / | / | | | / |/ Input p +------------- Fig. 3. Example of an SSE mapping. SSE maps the probability p back to p using a piecewise linear function with 32 segments. Each vertex is represented by a pair of 8-bit counters (n0, n1) except that now the counters use a stationary model. When the input is p and a 0 or 1 is observed, then the corresponding count (n0 or n1) of the two vertices on either side of p are incremented. When a count exceeds the maximum of 255, both counts are halved. The output probability is a linear interpolation of n1/n between the vertices on either side. The vertices are scaled to be longer in the middle of the graph and short near the ends. The intial counts are set so that p maps to itself. SSE is context sensitive. There are 2048 separately maintained SSE functions, selected by the 0-7 bits of the current (partial) byte and the 2 high order bits of the previous byte, and on whether the data is text or binary, using the same heuristic as for selecting the mixer context. The final output to the encoder is a weighted average of the SSE input and output, with the output receiving 3/4 of the weight: p := (3 SSE(p) + p) / 4. (4) 8. MEMORY USAGE The -m option (MEM = 0 through 9) controls model and memory usage. Smaller numbers compress faster and use less memory, while higher numbers compress better. For MEM < 5, only one mixer is used. For MEM < 4, bit counts are stored in nonstationary counters, but no run length is stored (decreasing memory by 20%). For MEM < 1, SSE is not used. For MEM < 5, the record, sparse, and analog models are not used. For MEM < 4, the word model is not used. The order of the char model ranges from 4 to 9 depending on MEM for MEM as shown in Table 6. Run Memory used by........................ Total MEM Mixers Len Order Char Match Record Sparse Analog Word SSE Memory (MB) --- ------ --- ----- ---- ----- ------ ------ ------ ---- --- ----------- 0 1 no 4 .5 1 1.5 1 1 no 5 1 2 .12 3 2 1 no 5 2 4 .12 6 3 1 no 7 10 8 .12 18 4 1 no 7 20 16 6 6 1 15 .12 64 5 2 yes 9 66 32 13 11 2 30 .12 154 6 2 yes 9 112 32 13 11 4 30 .12 202 7 2 yes 9 224 64 25 22 9 60 .12 404 8 2 yes 9 448 128 50 45 18 120 .12 808 9 2 yes 9 992 256 100 90 36 240 .12 1616 Table 5. Memory usage depending on MEM (-0 to -9 option). 9. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Results on the Calgary corpos are shown below for some top data compressors as of Dec. 30, 2003. Options are set for maximum compression. When possible, the files are all compressed into a single archive. Run times are on a 705 MHz Duron with 256 MB memory, and include 3 seconds to run WRT when applicable. PAQ6 was compiled with DJGPP (g++) 2.95.2 -O. Original size Options 3,141,622 Time Author ------------- ------- --------- ---- ------ gzip 1.2.4 -9 1,017,624 2 Jean Loup Gailly epm r9 c 668,115 49 Serge Osnach rkc a -M80m -td+ 661,102 91 Malcolm Taylor slim 20 a 659,213 159 Serge Voskoboynikov compressia 1.0 beta 650,398 66 Yaakov Gringeler durilca v.03a (as in README) 647,028 30 Dmitry Shkarin PAQ5 661,811 361 Matt Mahoney WRT11 + PAQ5 638,635 258 Przemyslaw Skibinski + PAQ6 -0 858,954 52 -1 750,031 66 -2 725,798 76 -3 709,806 97 -4 655,694 354 -5 648,951 625 -6 648,892 636 WRT11 + PAQ6 -6 626,395 446 WRT20 + PAQ6 -6 617,734 439 Table 6. Compressed size of the Calgary corpus. WRT11 is a word reducing transform written by Przemyslaw Skibinski. It uses an external English dictionary to replace words with 1-3 byte symbols to improve compression. rkc, compressia, and durilca use a similar approach. WRT20 is a newer version of WRT11. 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to Serge Osnach for introducing me to SSE (in PAQ1SSE/PAQ2) and the sparse models (PAQ3N). Also, credit to Eugene Shelwein, Dmitry Shkarin for suggestions on using multiple character SSE contexts. Credit to Eugene, Serge, and Jason Schmidt for developing faster and smaller executables of previous versions. Credit to Werner Bergmans and Berto Destasio for testing and evaluating them, including modifications that improve compression at the cost of more memory. Credit to Alexander Ratushnyak who found a bug in PAQ4 decompression, and also in PAQ6 decompression for very small files (both fixed). Thanks to Berto for writing PAQ5-EMILCONT-DEUTERIUM from which this program is derived (which he derived from PAQ5). His improvements to PAQ5 include a new Counter state table and additional contexts for CharModel and SparseModel. I refined the state table by adding more representable states and modified the return counts to give greater weight when there is a large difference between the two counts. I expect there will be better versions in the future. If you make any changes, please change the name of the program (e.g. PAQ7), including the string in the archive header by redefining PROGNAME below. This will prevent any confusion about versions or archive compatibility. Also, give yourself credit in the help message.
FastReport.v4.15 for.Delphi.BCB.Full.Source企业版含ClientServer中文修正版支持Delphi 4-XE5 and C++Builder 6-XE5. D2010以上版本(D14_D19)安装必读 delphi2010以上版本(D14_D19)使用者安装时,请将res\frccD14_D19.exe更名名为frcc.exe frccD14_D19.exe是专门的delphi2010以上版本(D14_D19)编码器。其他低delphi版本,请使用frcc.exe FastReport® VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the tools necessary for developing reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in Embarcadero (ex Borland and CodeGear) Delphi 4-XE5 and C++Builder 6-XE5. version 4.15 --------------- + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE5 support + Added Internal components for FireDac database engine + fixed bug with images in PDF export for OSX viewers + Added ability to set font charset to default in Style Editor - fixed duplex problem when printing several copies of the report - fixed problem with PNG images - fixed problem with TfrxPictureView transparent version 4.14 --------------- + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4 support - [Lazarus] fixed bug with text output - [Lazarus] fixed bug with some visual controls in designer - [Lazarus] improved interface of the report preview and designer - [Lazarus] fixed bug with boolean propertyes in script code and expressions - fixed bug with endless loop in TfrxRichView - fixed bug with Unicode in TfrxMemoView appeared in previous release - improved MAPI interface in TfrxExportMail export - fixed some problems with allpication styles XE2/XE3 - improved compatibility with Fast Report FMX version 4.13 --------------- + Added Lazarus Beta support starts from Fast Report Professionnal edition. Current version allows preview, print and design report template under Windows and Linux platform (qt). + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3 support - fixed compatibility with Fast Report FMX installed in the same IDE. This version can co exist with Fast Report FMX version at the same time. + published "Quality" property of TfrxPDFExport object + published "UseMAPI" property of TfrxExportMail object + published "PictureType" property to ODF export - fixed bug with expressions in RichEdit - fixed bug in multi-column reports - fixed exception in the report designer - fixed bug with URLs in Open Document Text and Open Document Spreadsheet exports - fixed format string in XLS OLE export - fixed format string in XLS BIFF8 export - fixed output of the check boxes on the highlighted lines in PDF export - fixed bug with PDF anchors - fixed bug when using two or more macroses in memo version 4.12 --------------- + added support of Embarcadero Rad Studio EX2 (x32/x64) + added export of Excel formulas in the BIFF export + added export of external URLs in the PDF export + added converter from Rave Reports ConverterRR2FR.pas + added Cross.KeepRowsTogether property + optimised merging cells in the BIFF export + added property DataOnly to exports + pictures format in all exports switched to PNG + improved number formats processing in the BIFF export + added property DataOnly to exports + added property TfrxODFExport.SingleSheet + added property TfrxSimpleTextExport.DeleteEmptyColumns + added property TfrxBIFFExport.DeleteEmptyRows + added progress bar to the BIFF export - fixed bug with frame for some barcode types - fixed wrong metafiles size in the EMF export - fixed processing of negative numbers in the OLE export - fixed bug in handling exceptions in the OLE export - fixed bug in creation of the progress bar (applicable to many exports) - fixed bug in the ODF export in strings processing - fixed bug in the OLE export in numbers formatting - fixed bug in the PDF export in rotating texts 90, 180 and 270 degrees - fixed bug in the ODF export in processing of headers and footers - fixed bug in the Text export in computing object bounds - fixed bug in the ODF export in UTF8 encoding - fixed hiding gridlines around nonempty cells in the BIFF export - fixed images bluring when exporting - fixed word wrapping in the Excel XML export version 4.11 --------------- + added BIFF8 XLS export filter + added to ODF export the Language property + [enterprise] added "scripts" folder for additional units ("uses" directive in report script) + [enterprise] added logs for scheduler (add info in scheduler.log) + [enterprise] added property "Reports" - "Scripts" in server configuration - set the path for "uses" directive in report script + [enterprise] added property "Http" - "MaxSessions" in server configuration - set the limit of maximum session threads, set 0 for unlimit + [enterprise] added property "Reports" - "MaxReports" in server configuration - set the limit of maximum report threads, set 0 for unlimit + [enterprise] added property "Logs" - "SchedulerLog" in server configuration - set the scheduler log file name + [enterprise] added property "Scheduler" - "Active" in server configuration - enable of scheduler + [enterprise] added property "Scheduler" - "Debug" in server configuration - enable writing of debug info in scheduler log + [enterprise] added property "Scheduler" - "StudioPath" in server configuration - set the path to FastReport Studio, leave blank for default - [enterprise] fixed bug with MIME types in http header (content-type) - [enterprise] fixed bug with default configuration (with missed config.xml) - [enterprise] fixed bug with error pages - fixed bug in XML export with the ShowProgress property - fixed bug in RTF export with font size in empty cells - fixed bug in ODF export with UTF8 encoding of the Creator field - fixed bug in XML export with processing special characters in strings - fixed bug in ODF export with properties table:number-columns-spanned, table:number-rows-spanned - fixed bug in ODF export with the background clNone color - fixed bug in ODF export with a style of table:covered-table-cell - fixed bug in ODF export with table:covered-table-cell duplicates - fixed bug in ODF export with excessive text:p inside table:covered-table-cell - fixed bug in ODF export with language styles - fixed bug in ODF export with spaces and tab symbols - fixed bug in ODF export with styles of number cells - fixed bug in ODF export with the background picture - fixed bug in ODF export with charspacing - fixed bug in ODF export with number formatting - fixed bug in ODF export with table-row tag - fixed bug in XLS(OLE) export with numbers formatting - fixed bug in RTF export with processing RTF fields - fixed bug with processing special symbols in HTML Export - fixed bug with UTF8 encoding in ODF export - fixed bug in PDF export with underlined, struck-out and rotated texts version 4.10 --------------- + added support of Embarcadero Rad Studio XE (Delphi EX/C++Builder EX) + added support of TeeChart 2010 packages (new series type aren't support in this release) + added a property TruncateLongTexts to the XLS OLE export that allows to disable truncating texts longer than a specified limit + added option EmbedProt which allows to disable embedding fonts into an encrypted PDF file + added TfrxDateEditControl.WeekNumbers property - fixed bug in XML and PDF exports with Korean charmap - fixed bug in the XLS XML export about striked-out texts - fixed bug about exporting an empty page via the XLS OLE export - fixed bug in the PDF export about coloring the background of pages - fixed bug in embedded designer when using break point in script - fixed bug with lost of focus in font size combo-box in designer - fixed bug with truncate of font size combo-box in Windows Vista/7 in designer (lost of vertical scroll bar) - fixed bug when lost file name in inherited report - fixed bug in multi-page report with EndlessHeight/EndlessWidth - fixed bug wit TfrxHeader.ReprintOnNewpage and KeepTogether - fixed bug in multi-column report with child bands - improved split mechanism (added TfrxStretcheable.HasNextDataPart for complicated data like RTF tables) - improved crosstab speed when using repeat band with crosstab object version 4.9 --------------- + added outline to PDF export + added anchors to PDF export - fixed bug with embedded TTC fonts in PDF export + added an ability to create multiimage TIFF files + added export headers/footers in ODF export + added ability to print/export transparent pictures (properties TfrxPictureView.Transparent and TfrxPictureView.TransparentColor) (PDF export isn't supported) + added new "split to sheet" modes for TfrxXMLExport + added support of /PAGE tag in TfrxRichView, engine automatically break report pages when find /PAGE tag + added ability to hide Null values in TfrxChartView (TfrxChartView.IgnoreNulls = True) + added ability to set any custom page order for printing (i.e. 3,2,1,5,4 ) + [enterprise] added variables "AUTHLOGIN" and "AUTHGROUP" inside the any report + [enterprise] now any report file can be matched with any (one and more) group, these reports are accessible only in matched groups + [enterprise] now you can set-up cache delays for each report file (reports.xml) + [enterprise] added new properties editor for reports in Configuration utility (see Reports tab) + [enterprise] added property "Xml" - "SplitType" in server configuration - allow to select split on pages type between none/pages/printonprev/rowscount + [enterprise] added property "Xml" - "SplitRowsCount" in server configuration - sets the count of rows for "rowscount" split type + [enterprise] added property "Xml" - "Extension" in server configuration - allow select between ".xml" and ".xls" extension for output file + [enterprise] added property "Html" - "URLTarget" in server configuration - allow select the target attribute for report URLs + [enterprise] added property "ReportsFile" - path to file with reports to groups associations and cache delays + [enterprise] added property "ReportsListRenewTimeout" in server configuration + [enterprise] added property "ConfigRenewTimeout" in server configuration + [enterprise] added property "MimeType" for each output format in server configuration + [enterprise] added property "BrowserPrint" in server configuration - allow printing by browser, added new template nav_print_browser.html + [enterprise] added dynamic file name generation of resulting formats (report_name_date_time) * [enterprise] SERVER_REPORTS_LIST and SERVER_REPORTS_HTML variables (list of available reports) depend from user group (for internal authentification) + added drawing shapes in PDF export (not bitmap) + added rotated text in PDF export (not bitmap) + added EngineOptions.IgnoreDevByZero property allow to ignore division by zero exception in expressions + added properties TfrxDBLookupComboBox.DropDownWidth, TfrxDBLookupComboBox.DropDownRows + added event TfrxCustomExportFilter.OnBeginExport + added ability to decrease font size in barcode object + added ability to inseret FNC1 to "code 128" barcode + added event TfrxPreview.OnMouseDown + added support of new unicode-PDF export in D4-D6 and BCB4-BCB6 * improved AddFrom method - anchor coping - fixed bug with WordWrap in PDF export - fixed bug with underlines in PDF export - fixed bug with rounded rectangles in PDF export - fixed CSV export to fit to the RFC 4180 specification - fixed bug with strikeout text in PDF export - fixed bug with incorrect export of TfrxRichView object in RTF format (wrong line spacing) - [enterprise] added critical section in TfrxServerLog.Write - fixed bug with setting up of the Protection Flags in the PDF export dialog window - fixed bug in PDF export (file structure) - fixed bug with pictures in Open Office Writer (odt) export - [enterprise] fixed bug with TfrxReportServer component in Delphi 2010 - fixed minor errors in Embarcedero RAD Studio 2010 - fixed bug with endless loop with using vertical bands together with page header and header with ReprintOnNewPage - fixed bug when using "Keeping" and Cross tables (incorrect cross transfer) - fixed bug with [CopyName#] macros when use "Join small pages" print mode - fixed bug when try to split page with endless height to several pages (NewPage, StartNewPage) - fixed bug with empty line TfrxRichView when adding text via expression - fixed bug when Footer prints even if main band is invisible (FooterAfterEach = True) - fixed resetting of Page variable in double-pass report with TfrxCrossView - fixed bug with loosing of aligning when split TfrxRichView - fixed buzz in reports with TfrxRichView when using RTF 4.1 version 4.8 --------------- + added support of Embarcadero Rad Studio 2010 (Delphi/C++Builder) + added TfrxDBDataset.BCDToCurrency property + added TfrxReportOptions.HiddenPassword property to set password silently from code + added TfrxADOConnection.OnAfterDisconnect event + added TfrxDesigner.MemoParentFont property + added new TfrxDesignerRestriction: drDontEditReportScript and drDontEditInternalDatasets + adedd checksum calculating for 2 5 interleaved barcode + added TfrxGroupHeader.ShowChildIfDrillDown property + added TfrxMailExport.OnSendMail event + added RTF 4.1 support for TfrxRichText object + [enterprise] added Windows Authentification mode + added confirmation reading for TfrxMailExport + added TimeOut field to TfrxMailExport form + added ability to use keeping(KeepTogether/KeepChild/KeepHeader) in multi-column report + added ability to split big bands(biggest than page height) by default * [enterprise] improved CGI for IIS/Apache server * changed PDF export (D7 and upper): added full unicode support, improved performance, decreased memory requirements old PDF export engine saved in file frxExportPDF_old.pas - changed inheritance mechanism, correct inherits of linked objects (fixups) - fixed bug with Mirror Mrgins in RTF, HTML, XLS, XML, OpenOffice exports - fixed bug when cross tab cut the text in corner, when corner height greater than column height - [fs] improved script compilation - improved WatchForm TListBox changet to TCheckListBox - improved AddFrom method - copy outline - Improved functional of vertical bands, shows memos placed on H-band which doesn't across VBand, also calculate expression inside it and call events (like in FR2) - Improved unsorted mode in crosstab(join same columns correctly) - Improved converter from Report Builder - Improved TfrxDesigner.OnInsertObject, should call when drag&drop field from data tree - improved DrillDownd mechanism, should work correct with master-detail-subtetail nesting - fixed bug with DownThenAcross in Cross Tab - fixed several bugs under CodeGear RAD Studio (Delphi/C++Builder) 2009 - fixed bug with emf in ODT export - fixed bug with outline when build several composite reports in double pass mode - fixed bug when group doesn't fit on the whole page - fixed "Page" and "Line" variables inside vertical bands - fixed bug with using KeepHeader in some cases - fixed bug with displacement of subreport when use PrintOnParent property in some cases - fixed small memory leak in subreports - fixed problem with PageFooter and ReportSymmary when use PrintOnPreviousPage property - fixed bug when designer shows commented functions in object inspector - fixed bug when designer place function in commented text block - fixed bug when Engine try to split non-stretcheable view and gone to endless loop - fixed bug with HTML tags in memo when use shot text and WordWrap - [enterprise] fixed bug with variables lost on refresh/export - fixed bug whih PDF,ODT export in Delphi4 and CBuilder4 - fixed bug with some codepage which use two bytes for special symbols (Japanese ans Chinese codepages) - fixed bug when engine delete first space from text in split Memo - fixed bug in multi-column page when band overlap stretched PageHeader - fixed bug with using ReprintOnNewPage version 4.7 --------------- + CodeGear RAD Studio (Delphi/C++Builder) 2009 support + [enterprise] enchanced error description in logs + added properties TfrxHTMLExport.HTMLDocumentBegin: TStrings, TfrxHTMLExport.HTMLDocumentBody: TStrings, TfrxHTMLExport.HTMLDocumentEnd: TStrings + improved RTF export (with line spacing, vertical gap etc) + added support of Enhanced Metafile (EMF) images in Rich Text (RTF), Open Office (ODS), Excel (XLS) exports + added OnAfterScriptCompile event + added onLoadRecentFile Event + added C++ Builder demos + added hot-key Ctrl + mouseWheel - Change scale in designer + added TfrxMemoView.AnsiText property - fixed bug in RTF export with EMF pictures in OpenOffice Writer - fixed some multi-thread isuues in engine, PDF, ODF exports - [enterprise] fixed integrated template of report navigator - [enterprise] fixed bug with export in Internet Explorer browser - fixed bug with font size of dot-matix reports in Excel and XML exports - fixed bug in e-mail export with many addresses - fixed bug in XLS export (with fast export unchecked and image object is null) - [enterprise] fixed bug in TfrxReportServer.OnGetVariables event - fixed bug in Calcl function - fixed memory leak in Cross editor - fixed progress bar and find dialog bug in DualView - fixed bug in PostNET and ean13 barcodes - fixed bug with TruncOutboundText in Dot Matrix report - fixed bugs with break points in syntaxis memo - improved BeforeConnect event in ADO - fixed bug in inhehited report with internal dataset - fixed bug in TfrxPanelControl with background color(Delphi 2005 and above) version 4.6 --------------- + added & , < , > to XML reader + added tag, the text concluded in tag is not broken by WordWrap, it move entirely + added ability to move band without objects (Alt + Move) + added ability to output pages in the preview from right to left ("many pages" mode), for RTL languages(PreviewOptions.RTLPreview) + added ability to storing picture cache in "temp" file (PreviewOptions.PictureCacheInFile) + added EngineOptions.UseGlobalDataSetList (added for multi-thread applications) - set it to False if you don't want use Global DataSet list(use Report.EnabledDataSet.Add() to add dataset in local list) + added new property Hint for all printed objects, hints at the dialog objects now shows in StatusBar + added new property TfrxDBLookupComboBox.AutoOpenDataSet (automatically opens the attached dataset after onActivate event) + added new property TfrxReportPage.PageCount like TfrxDataBand.RowCount + added new property WordWrap for dialog buttons (Delphi 7 and above). + added sort by name to data tree + added TfrxDesigner.TemplatesExt property + added TfrxStyles class in script rtti + changes in the Chart editor: ability to change the name of the series, ability to move created series, other small changes + [enterprise] added configurations values refresh in run-time + [enterprise] added new demo \Demos\ClientServer\ISAPI + [enterprise] added output to server printers from user browser (see config.xml "AllowPrint", set to "no" by default), note: experimental feature + [enterprise] added reports list refresh in run-time + [enterprise] added templates feature + [enterprise] improved speed and stability + [fs] added TfsScript.IncludePath property + [fs] added TfsScript.UseClassLateBinding property + [fs] fixed type casting from variant(string) to integer/float - changes in report inherit: FR get relative path from current loaded report(old reports based on application path works too) - corrected module for converting reports from Report Builder - fixed bug in CrossTab when set charset different from DEFAULT_CHARSET - fixed bug in RTF export with some TfrxRichView objects - fixed bug when print on landscape orientation with custom paper size - fixed bug when use network path for parent report - fixed bug with Band.Allowslit = True and ColumnFooter - fixed bug with drawing subreport on stretched band - fixed bug with embedded fonts in PDF export - fixed bug with long ReportTitle + Header + MaterData.KeepHeader = true - fixed bug with minimizing of Modal designer in BDS2005 and above - fixed bug with paths in HTML export - fixed bug with RTL in PDF export - fixed bug with SubReport in multi column page - fixed bug with Subreport.PrintOnParent = true in inherited report - fixed bug with SYMBOL_CHARSET in PDF export - fixed bug with the addition of datasets by inheritance report - fixed bug with width calculation when use HTML tags in memo - fixed compatibility with WideStrings module in BDS2006/2007 - fixed flicking in preview when use OnClickObject event - fixed free space calculation when use PrintOnPreviousPage - fixed preview bug with winXP themes and in last update - fixed subreports inherit - Thumbnail and Outline shows at right side for RTL languages - [fs] fixed bug with late binding version 4.5 --------------- + added ConverterRB2FR.pas unit for converting reports from Report Builder to Fast Report + added ConverterQR2FR.pas unit for converting reports from QuickReport to FastReport + added support of multiple attachments in e-mail export (html with images as example) + added support of unicode (UTF-8) in e-mail export + added ability to change templates path in designer + added OnReportPrint script event + added PNG support in all version (start from Basic) + added TfrxDMPMemoView.TruncOutboundText property - truncate outbound text in matrix report when WordWrap=false + added new frames styles fsAltDot and fsSquare + added new event OnPreviewDblClick in all TfrxView components + added ability to call dialogs event after report run when set DestroyForms = false + added ability to change AllowExpressions and HideZeros properties in cross Cells (default=false) + added IgnoreDupParams property to DB components + added auto open dataset in TfrxDBLookupComboBox + added new property TfrxADOQuery.LockType + added define DB_CAT (frx.inc) for grouping DB components + added TfrxPictureView.HightQuality property(draw picture in preview with hight quality, but slow down drawing procedure) + [FRViewer] added comandline options "/print filename" and "/silent_print filename" + added unicode input support in RichEditor + added new define HOOK_WNDPROC_FOR_UNICODE (frx.inc) - set hook on GetMessage function for unicode input support in D4-D7/BCB4-BCB6 + added ability chose path to FIB packages in "Recompile Wizard" + added new function TfrxPreview.GetTopPosition, return a position on current preview page + added new hot-keys to Code Editor - Ctrl+Del delete the word before cursor, Ctrl+BackSpace delete the word after cursor(as in Delhi IDE) + added "MDI Designer" example - all language resources moved to UTF8, XML - fixed bug with html tags [sup] and [sub] - fixed width calculation in TfrxMemoView when use HTML tags - fixed bug with suppressRepeated in Vertical bands - fixed bug when designer not restore scrollbars position after undo/redo - fixed visual bug in toolbars when use Windows Vista + XPManifest + Delphi 2006 - fixed bug in CalcHeight when use negative LineSpace - fixed bug in frx2xto30 when import query/table components, added import for TfrDBLookupControl component - fixed bug with Cross and TfrxHeader.ReprintOnNewPage = true - fixed converting from unicode in TfrxMemoView when use non default charset - [fs] fixed bug with "in" operator - fixed bug with aggregate function SUM - fixed bug when use unicode string with [TotalPages#] in TfrxMemoView - fixed bug with TSQLTimeStampField field type - fixed designer dock-panels("Object Inspector", "Report Tree", "Data Tree") when use designer as MDI or use several non-modal designer windows - fixed bug with hide/show dock-panels("Object Inspector", "Report Tree", "Data Tree"), now it restore size after hiding - fixed bug in XML/XLS export - wrong encode numbers in memo after CR/LF - fiexd bug in RTF export - fixed bug with undo/redo commands in previewPages designer - fixed bug with SuppressRepeated when use KeepTogether in group - fixed bug with SuppressRepeated on new page all events fired twice(use Engine.SecondScriptcall to determinate it) version 4.4 --------------- + added support for CodeGear RAD Studio 2007 + improved speed of PDF, HTML, RTF, XML, ODS, ODT exports + added TfrxReportPage.BackPictureVisible, BackPicturePrintable properties + added rtti for the TfrxCrossView.CellFunctions property + added properties TfrxPDFExport.Keywords, TfrxPDFExport.Producer, TfrxPDFExport.HideToolbar, TfrxPDFExport.HideMenubar, TfrxPDFExport.HideWindowUI, TfrxPDFExport.FitWindow, TfrxPDFExport.CenterWindow, TfrxPDFExport.PrintScaling + added ability recompile frxFIB packages in "recompile wizard" + added ability to set color property for all teechart series which support it + added, setting frame style for each frame line in style editor + added TfrxPreview.Locked property and TfrxPreview.DblClick event + added 'invalid password' exception when load report without crypt + added new parameter to InheritFromTemplate (by default = imDefault) imDefault - show Error dialog, imDelete - delete duplicates, imRename - rename duplicates + added property TfrxRTFExport.AutoSize (default is "False") for set vertical autosize in table cells * redesigned dialog window of PDF export * improved WYSIWYG in PDF export - fixed bug, the PageFooter band overlap the ReportSummary band when use EndlessHeight - fixed bug with lage paper height in preview - fixed bug with outline and encryption in PDF export - fixed bug with solid arrows in PDF export - fixed bug when print TfrxHeader on a new page if ReprintOnNewPage = true and KeepFooter = True - fixed bug when used AllowSplit and TfrxGroupHeader.KeepTogether - fixed page numbers when print dotMatrix report without dialog - fixed bug with EndlessHeight in multi-columns report - fixed font dialog in rich editor - [fs] fixed bug when create TWideStrings in script code - fixed bug with dialog form when set TfrxButtonControl.Default property to True - fixed twice duplicate name error in PreviewPages designer when copy - past object - fixed bug with Preview.Clear and ZmWholePage mode - fixed bug with using "outline" together "embedded fonts" options in PDF export - fixed multi-thread bug in PDF export - fixed bug with solid fill of transparent rectangle shape in PDF export - fixed bug with export OEM_CODEPAGE in RTF, Excel exports - fixed bug with vertical size of single page in RTF export - fixed bug with vertical arrows in PDF export - fixed memory leak with inherited reports version 4.3 --------------- + added support for C++Builder 2007 + added encryption in PDF export + added TeeChart Pro 8 support + added support of OEM code page in PDF export + added TfrxReport.CaseSensitiveExpressions property + added "OverwritePrompt" property in all export components + improved RTF export (WYSIWYG) + added support of thai and vietnamese charsets in PDF export + added support of arrows in PDF export * at inheritance of the report the script from the report of an ancestor is added to the current report (as comments) * some changes in PDF export core - fixed bug with number formats in Open Document Spreadsheet export - fixed bug when input text in number property(Object Inspector) and close Designer(without apply changes) - fixed bug in TfrxDBDataset with reCurrent - fixed bug with memory leak in export of empty outline in PDF format - line# fix (bug with subreports) - fixed bug with edit prepared report with rich object - fixed bug with shadows in PDF export - fixed bug with arrows in designer - fixed bug with margins in HTML, RTF, XLS, XML exports - fixed bug with arrows in exports - fixed bug with printers enumeration in designer (list index of bound) - fixed papersize bug in inherited reports version 4.2 --------------- + added support for CodeGear Delphi 2007 + added export of html tags in RTF format + improved split of the rich object + improved split of the memo object + added TfrxReportPage.ResetPageNumbers property + added support of underlines property in PDF export * export of the memos formatted as fkNumeric to float in ODS export - fixed bug keeptogether with aggregates - fixed bug with double-line draw in RTF export - fix multi-thread problem in PDF export - fixed bug with the shading of the paragraph in RTF export when external rich-text was inserted - fixed bug with unicode in xml/xls export - fixed bug in the crop of page in BMP, TIFF, Jpeg, Gif - "scale" printmode fixed - group & userdataset bugfix - fixed cross-tab pagination error - fixed bug with round brackets in PDF export - fixed bug with gray to black colors in RTF export - fixed outline with page.endlessheight - fixed SuppressRepeated & new page - fixed bug with long time export in text format - fixed bug with page range and outline in PDF export - fixed undo in code window - fixed error when call DesignReport twice - fixed unicode in the cross object - fixed designreportinpanel with dialog forms - fixed paste of DMPCommand object - fixed bug with the export of null images - fixed code completion bug - fixed column footer & report summary problem version 4.1 --------------- + added ability to show designer inside panel (TfrxReport.DesignReportInPanel method). See new demo Demos\EmbedDesigner + added TeeChart7 Std support + [server] added "User" parameter in TfrxReportServer.OnGetReport, TfrxReportServer.OnGetVariables and TfrxReportServer.OnAfterBuildReport events + added Cross.KeepTogether property + added TfrxReport.PreviewOptions.PagesInCache property - barcode fix (export w/o preview bug) - fixed bug in preview (AV with zoommode = zmWholePage) - fixed bug with outline + drilldown - fixed datasets in inherited report - [install] fixed bug with library path set up in BDS/Turbo C++ Builder installation - fixed pagefooter position if page.EndlessWidth is true - fixed shift bug - fixed design-time inheritance (folder issues) - fixed chm help file path - fixed embedded fonts in PDF - fixed preview buttons - fixed bug with syntax highlight - fixed bug with print scale mode - fixed bug with control.Hint - fixed edit preview page - fixed memory leak in cross-tab version 4.0 initial release --------------------- Report Designer: - new XP-style interface - the "Data" tab with all report datasets - ability to draw diagrams in the "Data" tab - code completion (Ctrl+Space) - breakpoints - watches - report templates - local guidelines (appears when you move or resize an object) - ability to work in non-modal mode, mdi child mode Report Preview: - thumbnails Print: - split a big page to several small pages - print several small pages on one big - print a page on a specified sheet (with scale) - duplex handling from print dialogue - print copy name on each printed copy (for example, "First copy", "Second copy") Report Core: - "endless page" mode - images handling, increased speed - the "Reset page numbers" mode for groups - reports crypting (Rijndael algorithm) - report inheritance (both file-based and dfm-based) - drill-down groups - frxGlobalVariables object - "cross-tab" object enhancements: - improved cells appearance - cross elements visible in the designer - fill corner (ShowCorner property) - side-by-side crosstabs (NextCross property) - join cells with the same value (JoinEqualCells property) - join the same string values in a cell (AllowDuplicates property) - ability to put an external object inside cross-tab - AddWidth, AddHeight properties to increase width&height of the cell - AutoSize property, ability to resize cells manually - line object can have arrows - added TfrxPictureView.FileLink property (can contain variable or a file name) - separate settings for each frame line (properties Frame.LeftLine, TopLine, RightLine, BottomLine can be set in the object inspector) - PNG images support (uncomment {$DEFINE PNG} in the frx.inc file) - Open Document Format for Office Applications (OASIS) exports, spreadsheet (ods) and text (odt) Enterprise components: - Users/Groups security support (see a demo application Demos\ClientServer\UserManager) - Templates support - Dynamically refresh of configuration, users/groups D2010以上版本(D14_D19)安装必读 delphi2010以上版本(D14_D19)使用者安装时,请将res\frccD14_D19.exe更名名为frcc.exe frccD14_D19.exe是专门的delphi2010以上版本(D14_D19)编码器。其他低delphi版本,请使用frcc.exe
myasm51,小型的51单片机汇编器源码。 基于Linux环境下编写的小型的51单片机汇编器,源码开放,采用lex和yacc两个扫描和分析工具创建,代码小巧,易于研读和分析。对汇编源程序2遍扫描完成汇编,可以生成列表文件,Intel的Hex格式的文件及.bin格式的映像文件,后两种文件可以直接下载到单片机上运行。源码程序包内包含若干示例汇编源程序(.asm),proteus的格式的数字种的仿真文件,用以测试编译结果,另有编译后的dos下的可执行文件myasm51.exe,可以在windows的命令窗口下运行。另外提供一个简明的用户手册以供参考。以下为程序包的README: What is Myasm51 =============== Myasm51 is an open source mini-assembler for the Intel MCS-51 family of microcontrollers or the compatible ones, distributed under the GPL license. By scanning the source file in two pass, Myasm51 translates a symbolic code in text file (assembly language source) into a machine executable object file. During the first pass, the assembler builds a symbol table from the symbols and labels used in the source file. In the second pass, the assembler maps the source file into machine code and generates the listing file through what it receives in the first pass. Myasm51 is an absolute assembler and only generates absolute object files in the plain binary file (with .bin extension) or the Intel Hex file (with .Hex extension) which can be read by any ROM programmer to burn the object code into the ROM space of microcontrollers. How to make =========== We assume that the UNIX utilities yacc and lex have been installed in you system, and following these steps to build Myasm51 by the super user 'root' in the Linux or the UNIX cloned system. # tar zxf myasm51-gk-20151208_121306.tar.gz # cd myasm51 # make # cp myasm51 /usr/local/bin done. How to use ========== [root@rh9 myasm51]# cd examples [root@rh9 examples]# myasm51 Myasm51 Assembler. Ver 0.01 Release 1, (20151231_165818) Snallie@tom.com, Wed Sep 30 17:28:09 CST 2015 built: Dec 31 2015 - 17:04:44 Usage: myasm51 [-o] [-F] [-C] [-d] in.asm where -ob to output binary file 'in.bin' -oh to output hex file 'in.hx' (default format) -oH to output Intel Hex file 'in.Hex' -F to fill free bit with 0 or 1, (default 0) -C to t



汇编语言(Assembly Language)是任何一种用于电子计算机、微处理器、微控制器或其他可编程器件的低级语言,亦称为符号语言。
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