Help me!!! 在ASP使用ActiveX的问题。

weiwenbing 2000-05-12 09:25:00
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haoliangli 2001-09-06
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qxm 2000-05-23
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small_wolf 2000-05-14
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1 , vb5dialog.zipThis demonstrates how to subclass the Common Dialog Dialogs and manipulate a specific Dialog.2 , cpnl.zipForm_Taskbar is a control for Visual Basic which, once placed onto a form, makes the form act like the Taskbar (minus the Start Menu).3 , vbo_progbar.zipImplement a common control progress bar with added features that are not accessable using COMCTL32.OCX! 4 , vbo_infolabel.zipThis control adds a great user-friendly interface with and icon and "Hover" ability. Based on a control seen in ICQ. 5 , vbo_checkcombo.zipAdd a checkbox to a combo box and use it to enabled/disable the combo! or whatever you would like to do with it! 6 , vbo_controlframe.zipCreate your own system button such as a Maximize, Minimize, Close, and many others with ease! 7 , vbo_ctextbox.zipThis class makes using the Textbox or Edit class API simple. Easily set properties and access many features not available directly from VB. 8 , taskbar.zipForm_Taskbar is a control for Visual Basic which, once placed onto a form, makes the form act like the Taskbar (minus the Start Menu).9 , NT_Service.zipThis is an OCX that allows you to create an NT service application...add the control to your project and register it as a service!!10 , Scroller.zipThis is a Control Container, it's like a frame control but it lets you scroll the content up and down...11 , TrayArea.zipThis control lets you add your icon to the System Tray Area and handle some events such as MouseMove, MouseDown, MouseUp and DblClick.12 , Resizer.zipThis is a very useful control: It's a container control, you can insert two controls inside and then you'll have a vertical (or horizontal) resizer bar (like the Windows File Explorer). A resizer can contain another resizer... an so on. (you can divide you form in as many sizable sections as you want...).13 , Label3D.zipTh
Agent技术的应用 ---- Microsoft Agent是微软公司于1997年9月发布的一项代理软件开发技术, 而后被集成到Internet Explorer 4.0 Plus及更高版本中,目前版本为2.0,支持简体中文。 作为一种软件代理工具,Agent以其强大的交互功能、鲜明的人性特点、优美的操作界面和 简便统一的编程方法,对由菜单、按钮、提示框等组成的传统人机交互方式产生了很大影响, 在多媒体创作、Web应用、教育软件、软件帮助系统和辅助工具制作等方面,具有广阔的应用前景。 一、 Microsoft Agent技术简介 ---- Agent一词的中文意思是“代理”,故名思意,这类代理软件的主要作用是提供一种 易于理解和使用的操作界面,接受用户的指令、代替用户完成某些复杂繁琐的工作、或为用户 提供帮助。科学研究表明:从人机工程的角度考虑,赋予电脑或程序更多人性化色彩,如支持 语音合成输出信息、语音识别输入指令、智能提示、动画等,能够充分提高人机交互的有效性 和易用性。 ---- 我们知道,在Office 97帮助系统中有一种叫作Office助手的代理软件,其中幽默风趣的 动画人物,如“大眼夹”,能够根据用户的操作步骤“智能化”地提出一些建议或帮助信息。 与Office助手相比,Agent功能更加丰富强大,表现在: Office助手沿用传统的不透明矩形窗口,窗口后面的背景被完全挡住;Agent动画人物本身是 一个“AlwaysOnTop”窗口,只有人物身体部分挡住背景,其余部分透明。 Office助手只允许Office 97的各个组件调用,Agent动画人物可由任何Windows程序调用; Agent支持文字气球和输入提示条,在输出语音的同时把文字输出至一个卡通式文字气球中。 如果电脑系统中安装有Agent语音识别引擎,当用户按住输入键,如Scroll Lock键,在Agent 人物下方出现一个输入命令窗口,表示它正在“聆听”用户的语音命令。 Agent提供Genie、Merlin、Bobby和Peedy等动画人物,不仅具有优美诙谐的动作,而且可以 通过声卡、麦克风与用户交谈。 二、 Microsoft Agent安装方法 ---- Agent是一种ActiveX控件,其服务器程序(C:WINDOWSMSAGENTAgentsvr.exe)运行 在Win95/98/NT操作平台上,为其它调用Agent的客户程序提供服务。客户程序可以是利用VB、 C++、Delphi、VFP、PB等开发的应用软件,也可以是HTML文件中的Visual Script、Java Script 脚本语言代码。 安装Agent核心组件Msagent.exe。 安装Lernout & Hauspie TruVoice Text-to-Speech Engine(完成从文字合成语音的工作, 目前版本只支持英语)Cgram.exe。 安装Microsoft Command and Control Speech Engine(提供语音识别功能,目前版本只支持 英语)Actcnc.exe。 Agent动画人物人物数据文件。Agent支持单结构角色文件(.acs,角色数据与动画数据存于同一个文件), 也支持分离结构角色文件(.acf,角色数据存于.acf中,动画数据存于.aca中)。基于本地硬盘和网络的 应用程序可采用.acs文件,基于Web页面的HTML文件在浏览器中访问时会自动调用,习惯上多使用.acs文件。 ---- 上述文件可从下载。 三、 Microsoft Agent编程要点 ---- 1、 在Delphi中添加Agent控件 ---- 在Delphi IDE中选择菜单Component,Import ActiveX Control??在Import ActiveX 下的列表框中选择Microsoft Agent Control 2.0(Version 2.0),点击按钮Install??在 Install对话框中点击按钮OK??在Confirm对话框中点击按钮Yes??在对话框中点击按钮OK。 至此,Agent控件被添加到Delphi组件板ActiveX页上。 ---- 2、 在Delphi中调用Agent控件 ---- ⑴、在Delphi IDE 中新建Project1(包含Form1),在Form1上放置Agent1 (Name属性为MyAgent)、Button1。 ---- ⑵、定义变量。 Var Peedy: IagentCtlCharacterEx; Request1,Request2: IagentCtlRequest; ---- ⑶Agent主要属性、方法、事件。 ---- ①Characters属性与Load、Unload方法:初始化Agent,加载动画数据,卸载动画人物 ---- Request1 := MyAgent.Characters.Load( Peedy , C:WindowsSystemPeedy.acs ); ---- Peedy := MyAgent.Characters.Character( Peedy ); ---- MyAgent.Characters.Unload( Peedy ); ---- ②Show与Hide方法:显示、隐藏Agent动画人物。参数Fast表示动画人物显示、隐藏的 速度。Fast为0表示Agent飞入、飞出,Fast为1表示Agent直接出现、消失,没有动画过程。 ---- Peedy.Show(0); ---- Peedy.Hide(1); ---- ③StopAll、Stop方法:停止所有动作。 ---- Peedy.StopAll( ); ---- Peedy.Stop(Request); ---- ④Connected属性:Agent是否与Microsoft Agent服务器连接。 ---- MyAgent.Connected := True; ---- ⑤Get_Height、Get_Width、Set_Height、Set_Width方法:获得、设置Agent动画人物的高度、宽度。 AgentHight := Peedy.Get_Height; AgentWidth := Peedy.Get_Width; Peedy.Set_Height( round(AgentHeight / 2 )); Peedy.Set_Width( round( AgentWidth / 2 )); ---- ⑥MoveTo方法:参数x,y表示Agent动画人物移动到的坐标,参数Speed表示移动的速度。 ---- Peedy.MoveTo( (Screen.Width-Peedy.Get_Width) Div 2, (Screen.Height-Peedy.Get_Height) Div 2, 2 ); ---- ⑦Interrupt方法:中断指定角色的动画。在几十种动画动作中,有一类后缀名为“ing” 的动作 比较特殊,如“processing”、“searching”、“reading”、“writing”,一旦执行就必须通过调用 另外一个动画人物的Interrupt方法才能中断 。角色不能中断自身的动作,否则会导致异常。 Request1 := Robby.Play( reading ); Peedy.Interrupt(Request1); ---- ⑧Wait方法:在多个不同动画人物之间协调动画动作,如等待sRobby的当前动作执行完毕后, Peedy做另外一个动作。 Request1 := Robby.Play( read ); Peedy.Wait(Request1); Peedy.Play( search ) ---- ⑨Play方法:执行指定的动画动作,参数Animation为一常量,表示动画类型。 Agent提供了几十种预定义动作,开发软件时只需直接调用这些常量即可。下面简要 介绍其中常用的一些常量仅供编程参考。 ---- 动作类型 中文含意 动作类型 中文含意 动作类型 中文含意 Acknowledge 承认 LookDown 向下看 Sad 悲伤 Alert 警告 LookDownBlink 向下看眨眼 Search 寻找 Announce 声明 LookUp 向上看 StartListening 开始聆听 Blink 眨眼 LookUpBlink 向下看眨眼 StopListening 停止聆听 Confused 迷惑 LookLeft 向左看 Suggest 建议 Congratulate 祝贺 LookLeftBlink 向左看眨眼 Surprised 吃惊 Decline 拒绝 LookRight 向右看 Think 思考 DontRecognize 不承认 LookRightBlink 向右看眨眼 Wave 挥动 Explain 解释 MoveDown 向下移动 Write 书写 GestureDown 向下姿势 MoveUp向上移动 Processing 计算…… GestureUp 向上姿势 MoveRight 向右移动 Reading 阅读…… GestureLeft 向左姿势 MoveLeft 向左移动 Searching 寻找…… GestureRight 向右姿势 Pleased 高兴 Writing 书写…… GetAttention 获得注意 Read 阅读 Greet 问候 RestPose 恢复初始状态 Request := peedy.Play( search ); ---- ⑩Speak方法:Agent通过调用语音合成引擎,支持英语的语音合成输出功能,只需 输入英文字符串,Agent就能通过声卡、音箱“说话”。Agent的当前版本尚不具备支持 中文语音合成功能,所以只能以.wav文件的形式播放中文。使用时可以将想要说的中文 句子预先录好,以.wav形式存储,在程序中调用即可。参数Text表示文字气球中显示的 文字,参数url表示.wav文件的路径。 ---- Peedy.speak( 嗨,朋友们,你们好,现在由我为您提供帮助! , C:新建文件夹Help.wav ); ---- Peedy.Speak( Do you like my help? If so, Please send me an email! Thank you! , ); ---- ⑾Commands.Add方法:在Button1Click事件中为Agent添加自定义语音识别命令,参数 const Name表示语音命令的标识,参数Caption表示该命令在输入命令窗口中的显示标题, 参数Voice表示该命令对应的语句。当用户通过麦克风向动画人物发出语音命令时,触发 Agent的Command事件,因此我们可以另外编写一个过程完成语音识别功能。 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Peedy.Commands.Add( Delphi , Run Delphi , Delphi ,True,True); Peedy.Commands.Add( Visual Basic , Run VB , VB ,True,True); Peedy.Show(0); Peedy.Speak( What can I do for you, sir? , ); end; ---- ⑷、按F9运行程序。以上程序在Delphi3.0/4.0、Windows95/98/NT简体中文版环境下调试通过。 话题672376的标题是: 天缘,把MS Agent在网页中调用的所有动作的中文说明贴出来吧!我给你200分 (200分) 分类:前沿技术 神.NET (2001-10-14 17:54:00) skylove,把MS Agent在网页中调用的所有动作的中文说明贴出来吧!我给你200分 还有如果不介意的话,请告诉我你的电子邮件地址和你的QQ号码 YB_unique (2001-10-14 22:33:00) 这就是他所说的VRGirl。 VRGirl GUID: {30FDBBE2-A424-11D4-AEB3-00E0295F8599} 59 Animations: Acknowledge Alert Announce Blink Confused Congratulate Decline DoMagic1 DoMagic2 DontRecognize Explain GestureDown GestureLeft GestureRight GestureUp GetAttention GetAttentionContinued GetAttentionReturn Greet Hearing_1 Hearing_2 Hide Idle1_1 Idle1_2 Idle2_1 Idle2_2 Idle3_1 Idle3_2 LookDown LookLeft LookRight LookUp MoveDown MoveLeft MoveRight MoveUp Pleased Process Processing Read ReadContinued Reading ReadReturn RestPose Sad Search Searching Show StartListening StopListening Suggest Surprised Think Uncertain Wave Write WriteContinued WriteReturn Writing skylove (2001-10-16 0:48:00) 使用play方式来完成的动作如下:在vb中用 "xxx"的方式,js中用"xxx");的方式 Acknowledge //点头表示答谢(可用) Alert //警惕(可用) Announce //宣布(可用) Blink //眨眼睛,一般用在说完话以后. (可用) Confused //抓头,用在无法解答的时候,表示烦恼。 (可用) Congratulate //表示成功,并传递值yes (可用) Decline //摇着头,表示不知道的时候用。(可用) DoMagic1 //施放魔法动作1 (可用) DoMagic2 //施放魔法动作2 (单独可用,也可1,2连用) DontRecognize //抓耳朵,当精灵不懂用户的意思的时候 Explain //双手探开,耸肩,表示无可解释 GestureDown //向下的手势,表示等你回应什么事情时 GestureLeft //精灵用左手做手势,手指向右方(因为其面朝我们),表示右方有事物时 GestureRight //精灵用右手做手势,手指向左方,表示左方有事物时 GestureUp //向上的手势 GetAttention //表示要人注意的姿势 Greet //问候,在刚开始的时候使用 Hearing_1 //倾听1 (可用)向上听 Hearing_2 //倾听2 (可用)头向屏幕右偏听 Hearing_3 //倾听3 (可用)向屏幕左听 Hearing_4 //倾听4 (可用)向屏幕右听 (一听就是连续状态,必须要用解除命令) Note: This animation loops to some intermediate frame that occurs after the character moves to an appropriate position. Idle1_1 //空闲状态1-1(可用),升起一点 Idle1_2 //空闲状态1-2(可用),朝屏幕左边看 Idle2_1 //空闲状态1-2(可用),身躯左右扭一下 Idle2_2 //空闲状态2-2(可用),拿本书出来看 Idle3_1 //空闲状态3-1(可用),打呵欠 Idle3_2 //空闲状态3-2(可用),闭目养神,打呼 Note: This animation loops to some intermediate frame that occurs after the character moves to an appropriate position. LookDown //往下看(可用) LookLeft //往左看(可用) LookRight //往右看(可用) LookUp //往上看(可用) MoveDown //要向下移动的准备(可用),后面一个动作可跟moveto方法来确实移动 MoveLeft //要向左移动的准备(可用) MoveRight //要向右移动的准备(可用) MoveUp //要向上移动的准备(可用) Pleased //邀请的动作,面带微笑(可用) Process //类似于表演的动作,可以看看。如转圈等等 Processing //跟上面的动作一样,不过是一直持续不停 (连续状态,必须要用解除命令) Read //拿本书出来看,眼睛看着使用者 (可用) ReadContinued //继续读,眼睛看着使用者 (可用,可接上一个用) ReadReturn //当完成了上面两个动作时候用,可回到标准状态 (接上两个中的一个用) Reading //一直认真地读,连续状态 (可用) Note: This animation loops to some intermediate frame(s) that occurs after the character moves to an appropriate position. RestPose //休息状态,身体放松,但是依旧专心。 (可用) Sad //当精灵对读者的选择失望的时候的表情 (可用) Search //找寻东西的样子 (可用) Searching //找东西,持续不停(可用) Note: This animation loops to some intermediate frame(s) that occurs after the character moves to an appropriate position. Show //精灵出现(可用) Hide //精灵隐藏 (可用) StartListening //右手搭在右耳上,倾听屏幕左边的声音(可用,非持续) StopListening //捂住耳朵不听的状态(可用,非持续) Suggest //提出一些tips给你,表示建议的时候用(可用) Surprised //对使用者的行为表示惊讶,睁大眼睛,张开嘴巴(可用) Think //表示思考,精灵用手支撑着自己的头向上望着 (可用) Uncertain //对你的回答表示试探性的确认,如同“are you sure”吗(可用) Wave //离开系统的时候,精灵挥手告别(可用) Write //取出纸和笔来,写下一行(可用) WriteContinued //继续根据使用者的意见写,写完后,看着使用者(可用) WriteReturn //上一行为完成后,使用此,返回标准状态(可用) Writing //一直写(可用,连续状态) Note: This animation loops. 下面这些是常用的method方法 show //显示,是method Hide //隐藏,是method Think //思考,是method stop方法,stopall方法 moveto x,y,s//表示移动到何处去之后跟 横坐标,纵坐标,移动速度,都是数字变量 绝对是我自己辛苦翻译的也,记得给分!!! 神.NET (2001-10-22 9:51:00) 接受答案了. 神.NET (2001-10-22 9:53:00) 谢谢两位。 skylove的回答最终被接受。
Table of Contents | Index Programming Excel with VBA and .NET Preface Part I: Learning VBA Chapter 1. Becoming an Excel Programmer Section 1.1. Why Program? Section 1.2. Record and Read Code Section 1.3. Change Recorded Code Section 1.4. Fix Misteakes Section 1.5. Start and Stop Section 1.6. View Results Section 1.7. Where's My Code? Section 1.8. Macros and Security Section 1.9. Write Bug-Free Code Section 1.10. Navigate Samples and Help Section 1.11. What You've Learned Chapter 2. Knowing the Basics Section 2.1. Parts of a Program Section 2.2. Classes and Modules Section 2.3. Procedures Section 2.4. Variables Section 2.5. Conditional Statements Section 2.6. Loops Section 2.7. Expressions Section 2.8. Exceptions Section 2.9. What You've Learned Chapter 3. Tasks in Visual Basic Section 3.1. Types of Tasks Section 3.2. Interact with Users Section 3.3. Do Math Section 3.4. Work with Text Section 3.5. Get Dates and Times Section 3.6. Read and Write Files Section 3.7. Check Results Section 3.8. Find Truth Section 3.9. Compare Bits Section 3.10. Run Other Applications Section 3.11. Control the Compiler Section 3.12. Not Covered Here Section 3.13. What You've Learned Chapter 4. Using Excel Objects Section 4.1. Objects and Their Members Section 4.2. Get Excel Objects Section 4.3. Get Objects from Collections Section 4.4. About Me and the Active Object Section 4.5. Find the Right Object Section 4.6. Common Members Section 4.7. Respond to Events in Excel Section 4.8. The Global Object Section 4.9. The WorksheetFunction Object Section 4.10. What You've Learned Chapter 5. Creating Your Own Objects Section 5.1. Modules Versus Classes Section 5.2. Add Methods Section 5.3. Create Properties Section 5.4. Define Enumerations Section 5.5. Raise Events Section 5.6. Collect Objects Section 5.7. Expose Objects Section 5.8. Destroy Objects Section 5.9. Things You Can't Do Section 5.10. What You've Learned Chapter 6. Writing Code for Use by Others Section 6.1. Types of Applications Section 6.2. The Development Process Section 6.3. Determine Requirements Section 6.4. Design Section 6.5. Implement and Test Section 6.6. Integrate Section 6.7. Test Platforms Section 6.8. Document Section 6.9. Deploy Section 6.10. What You've Learned Section 6.11. Resources Part II: Excel Objects Chapter 7. Controlling Excel Section 7.1. Perform Tasks Section 7.2. Control Excel Options Section 7.3. Get References Section 7.4. Application Members Section 7.5. AutoCorrect Members Section 7.6. AutoRecover Members Section 7.7. ErrorChecking Members Section 7.8. SpellingOptions Members Section 7.9. Window and Windows Members Section 7.10. Pane and Panes Members Chapter 8. Opening, Saving, and Sharing Workbooks Section 8.1. Add, Open, Save, and Close Section 8.2. Share Workbooks Section 8.3. Program with Shared Workbooks Section 8.4. Program with Shared Workspaces Section 8.5. Respond to Actions Section 8.6. Workbook and Workbooks Members Section 8.7. RecentFile and RecentFiles Members Chapter 9. Working with Worksheets and Ranges Section 9.1. Work with Worksheet Objects Section 9.2. Worksheets and Worksheet Members Section 9.3. Sheets Members Section 9.4. Work with Outlines Section 9.5. Outline Members Section 9.6. Work with Ranges Section 9.7. Range Members Section 9.8. Work with Scenario Objects Section 9.9. Scenario and Scenarios Members Section 9.10. Resources Chapter 10. Linking and Embedding Section 10.1. Add Comments Section 10.2. Use Hyperlinks Section 10.3. Link and Embed Objects Section 10.4. Speak Section 10.5. Comment and Comments Members Section 10.6. Hyperlink and Hyperlinks Members Section 10.7. OleObject and OleObjects Members Section 10.8. OLEFormat Members Section 10.9. Speech Members Section 10.10. UsedObjects Members Chapter 11. Printing and Publishing Section 11.1. Print and Preview Section 11.2. Control Paging Section 11.3. Change Printer Settings Section 11.4. Filter Ranges Section 11.5. Save and Display Views Section 11.6. Publish to the Web Section 11.7. AutoFilter Members Section 11.8. Filter and Filters Members Section 11.9. CustomView and CustomViews Members Section 11.10. HPageBreak, HPageBreaks, VPageBreak, VPageBreaks Members Section 11.11. PageSetup Members Section 11.12. Graphic Members Section 11.13. PublishObject and PublishObjects Members Section 11.14. WebOptions and DefaultWebOptions Members Chapter 12. Loading and Manipulating Data Section 12.1. Working with QueryTable Objects Section 12.2. QueryTable and QueryTables Members Section 12.3. Working with Parameter Objects Section 12.4. Parameter Members Section 12.5. Working with ADO and DAO Section 12.6. ADO Objects and Members Section 12.7. DAO Objects and Members Section 12.8. DAO.Database and DAO.Databases Members Section 12.9. DAO.Document and DAO.Documents Members Section 12.10. DAO.QueryDef and DAO.QueryDefs Members Section 12.11. DAO.Recordset and DAO.Recordsets Members Chapter 13. Analyzing Data with Pivot Tables Section 13.1. Quick Guide to Pivot Tables Section 13.2. Program Pivot Tables Section 13.3. PivotTable and PivotTables Members Section 13.4. PivotCache and PivotCaches Members Section 13.5. PivotField and PivotFields Members Section 13.6. CalculatedFields Members Section 13.7. CalculatedItems Members Section 13.8. PivotCell Members Section 13.9. PivotFormula and PivotFormulas Members Section 13.10. PivotItem and PivotItems Members Section 13.11. PivotItemList Members Section 13.12. PivotLayout Members Section 13.13. CubeField and CubeFields Members Section 13.14. CalculatedMember and CalculatedMembers Members Chapter 14. Sharing Data Using Lists Section 14.1. Use Lists Section 14.2. ListObject and ListObjects Members Section 14.3. ListRow and ListRows Members Section 14.4. ListColumn and ListColumns Members Section 14.5. ListDataFormat Members Section 14.6. Use the Lists Web Service Section 14.7. Lists Web Service Members Section 14.8. Resources Chapter 15. Working with XML Section 15.1. Understand XML Section 15.2. Save Workbooks as XML Section 15.3. Use XML Maps Section 15.4. Program with XML Maps Section 15.5. XmlMap and XmlMaps Members Section 15.6. XmlDataBinding Members Section 15.7. XmlNamespace and XmlNamespaces Members Section 15.8. XmlSchema and XmlSchemas Members Section 15.9. Get an XML Map from a List or Range Section 15.10. XPath Members Section 15.11. Resources Chapter 16. Charting Section 16.1. Navigate Chart Objects Section 16.2. Create Charts Quickly Section 16.3. Embed Charts Section 16.4. Create More Complex Charts Section 16.5. Choose Chart Type Section 16.6. Create Combo Charts Section 16.7. Add Titles and Labels Section 16.8. Plot a Series Section 16.9. Respond to Chart Events Section 16.10. Chart and Charts Members Section 16.11. ChartObject and ChartObjects Members Section 16.12. ChartGroup and ChartGroups Members Section 16.13. SeriesLines Members Section 16.14. Axes and Axis Members Section 16.15. DataTable Members Section 16.16. Series and SeriesCollection Members Section 16.17. Point and Points Members Chapter 17. Formatting Charts Section 17.1. Format Titles and Labels Section 17.2. Change Backgrounds and Fonts Section 17.3. Add Trendlines Section 17.4. Add Series Lines and Bars Section 17.5. ChartTitle, AxisTitle, and DisplayUnitLabel Members Section 17.6. DataLabel and DataLabels Members Section 17.7. LeaderLines Members Section 17.8. ChartArea Members Section 17.9. ChartFillFormat Members Section 17.10. ChartColorFormat Members Section 17.11. DropLines and HiLoLines Members Section 17.12. DownBars and UpBars Members Section 17.13. ErrorBars Members Section 17.14. Legend Members Section 17.15. LegendEntry and LegendEntries Members Section 17.16. LegendKey Members Section 17.17. Gridlines Members Section 17.18. TickLabels Members Section 17.19. Trendline and Trendlines Members Section 17.20. PlotArea Members Section 17.21. Floor Members Section 17.22. Walls Members Section 17.23. Corners Members Chapter 18. Drawing Graphics Section 18.1. Draw in Excel Section 18.2. Create Diagrams Section 18.3. Program with Drawing Objects Section 18.4. Program Diagrams Section 18.5. Shape, ShapeRange, and Shapes Members Section 18.6. Adjustments Members Section 18.7. CalloutFormat Members Section 18.8. ColorFormat Members Section 18.9. ConnectorFormat Members Section 18.10. ControlFormat Members Section 18.11. FillFormat Members Section 18.12. FreeFormBuilder Section 18.13. GroupShapes Members Section 18.14. LineFormat Members Section 18.15. LinkFormat Members Section 18.16. PictureFormat Members Section 18.17. ShadowFormat Section 18.18. ShapeNode and ShapeNodes Members Section 18.19. TextFrame Section 18.20. TextEffectFormat Section 18.21. ThreeDFormat Chapter 19. Adding Menus and Toolbars Section 19.1. About Excel Menus Section 19.2. Build a Top-Level Menu Section 19.3. Create a Menu in Code Section 19.4. Build Context Menus Section 19.5. Build a Toolbar Section 19.6. Create Toolbars in Code Section 19.7. CommandBar and CommandBars Members Section 19.8. CommandBarControl and CommandBarControls Members Section 19.9. CommandBarButton Members Section 19.10. CommandBarComboBox Members Section 19.11. CommandBarPopup Members Chapter 20. Building Dialog Boxes Section 20.1. Types of Dialogs Section 20.2. Create Data-Entry Forms Section 20.3. Design Your Own Forms Section 20.4. Use Controls on Worksheets Section 20.5. UserForm and Frame Members Section 20.6. Control and Controls Members Section 20.7. Font Members Section 20.8. CheckBox, OptionButton, ToggleButton Members Section 20.9. ComboBox Members Section 20.10. CommandButton Members Section 20.11. Image Members Section 20.12. Label Members Section 20.13. ListBox Members Section 20.14. MultiPage Members Section 20.15. Page Members Section 20.16. ScrollBar and SpinButton Members Section 20.17. TabStrip Members Section 20.18. TextBox and RefEdit Members Chapter 21. Sending and Receiving Workbooks Section 21.1. Send Mail Section 21.2. Work with Mail Items Section 21.3. Collect Review Comments Section 21.4. Route Workbooks Section 21.5. Read Mail Section 21.6. MsoEnvelope Members Section 21.7. MailItem Members Section 21.8. RoutingSlip Members Part III: Extending Excel Chapter 22. Building Add-ins Section 22.1. Types of Add-ins Section 22.2. Code-Only Add-ins Section 22.3. Visual Add-ins Section 22.4. Set Add-in Properties Section 22.5. Sign the Add-in Section 22.6. Distribute the Add-in Section 22.7. Work with Add-ins in Code Section 22.8. AddIn and AddIns Members Chapter 23. Integrating DLLs and COM Section 23.1. Use DLLs Section 23.2. Use COM Applications Chapter 24. Getting Data from the Web Section 24.1. Perform Web Queries Section 24.2. QueryTable and QueryTables Web Query Members Section 24.3. Use Web Services Section 24.4. Resources Chapter 25. Programming Excel with .NET Section 25.1. Approaches to Working with .NET Section 25.2. Create .NET Components for Excel Section 25.3. Use .NET Components in Excel Section 25.4. Use Excel as a Component in .NET Section 25.5. Create Excel Applications in .NET Section 25.6. Resources Chapter 26. Exploring Security in Depth Section 26.1. Security Layers Section 26.2. Understand Windows Security Section 26.3. Password-Protect and Encrypt Workbooks Section 26.4. Program with Passwords and Encryption Section 26.5. Workbook Password and Encryption Members Section 26.6. Excel Password Security Section 26.7. Protect Items in a Workbook Section 26.8. Program with Protection Section 26.9. Workbook Protection Members Section 26.10. Worksheet Protection Members Section 26.11. Chart Protection Members Section 26.12. Protection Members Section 26.13. AllowEditRange and AllowEditRanges Members Section 26.14. UserAccess and UserAccessList Members Section 26.15. Set Workbook Permissions Section 26.16. Program with Permissions Section 26.17. Permission and UserPermission Members Section 26.18. Add Digital Signatures Section 26.19. Set Macro Security Section 26.20. Set ActiveX Control Security Section 26.21. Distribute Security Settings Section 26.22. Using the Anti-Virus API Section 26.23. Common Tasks Section 26.24. Resources Part IV: Appendixes Appendix A. Reference Tables Section A.1. Dialogs Collection Constants Section A.2. Common Programmatic IDs Appendix B. Version Compatibility Section B.1. Summary of Version Changes Section B.2. Macintosh Compatibility About the Author Colophon Index
1 ,"Form_Taskbar is a control for Visual Basic which, once placed onto a form, makes the form act like the Taskbar (minus the Start Menu)." -- David Newcum2 ,"Rem Builder will auto load on startup to use Rem Builder; start your Visual Basic program with your project code showing, right click and you should see "Rem Builder".3 , syntax.zipThis is an excellent example of how to highlight HTML code in a rich textbox. I encourage everyone to check it out.4 , status.zipThis example demonstrates how to display text about each control the mouse is currently above.5 , dm10e.zipThis COM object allows you to send SMTP mail from many of the most used applications, including:Active Server Pages (Microsoft IIS or Chili!ASP extensions) Microsoft Visual Basic 4.x/5.x/6.x Microsoft Word, Access, Excel 95/97 (VBA) Windows Scripting Host (cscript / wscript) Perl 5.x for Win32 Inprise Delphi 4 Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x/5.x/6.x Microsoft Visual J++ 1.x/6.0 (Java) 6 ,"This is a quick example I made to show you how to use Events and properties in a OCX."7 , news.exeThis control aids as a complete Newsgroup control. It can post messages and recieve messages through the internet.8 , optiondemo.zipThis example demonstrates how to create realistic Option Buttons in Visual Basic.9 , mencrypt.zipThis ocx allows you to encrypt strings while utilizing a password shift method.10 , listtxt.zipThis shows how to retrieve the text from the current selection in a listbox.11 , list_index.zipThis example tells you if the inputted List Index is selected or not.12 , fade.zipThis is a bas to fade a pictuerbox. Can be used to make a progressbar13 , subcls32.zipThis demonstrates hoe to write a subclassing control. And it has many examples as to how to use the control (included.)14 , djmeter.zipThis is the source for a Progress Bar control. Also includes a helpful example.15 , progress.zipThis is an example on how to use the Progress Bar included with Microsoft's Visual Basic.16 ,"This is a sample of the Slider control that is part of the Microsoft Windows Common Controls(COMCTL32.OCX). "17 ,"This is a sample of the StatusBar control that is part of the Microsoft Windows Common Controls(COMCTL32.OCX). "18 ,"This is a sample of the TabStrip control that is part of the Microsoft Windows Common Controls(COMCTL32.OCX). "19 , uncommondialog.zipThis is an alternative to Microsoft's (tm) Common Dialog control by Nick Mancini.20 , ucmdex.zipThis is the example to go with Uncommon Dialog OCX.21 , scroll.zipThis demonstrates how to create an auto-scrolling textbox.22 , splitter.zipThis demonstrates how to "split" controls. This is an excellent example, and I reccomend this file for everyone. 23 ,"This project is a fully working ActiveX control, with code, that allows you to control almost every aspect of the mouse. You can move the mouse, click the buttons and adjust the click time from your application."24 , ucmdsrc.zipThis is the source to my OCX. This demontrates how to create a basic OCX. This will aid anyone who wants to create an OCX.25 , avb-systray.zipThis is a good example to add your programs' icon to the Systray. This Zip also includes a helpful example.26 , cmdex.zipThis is an example of how to use the Common Dialog. This demonstrates most of the event procedures of the CM Dialog control.27 , campbell-reg.zipThis demonstrates how to write and retrieve information from the registry.28 , basChangeCursor.zipThis module demonstrates how to animate your cursor through Visual Basic, and Win32.29 , hdcat.zipThis will grab every file on your hard drive and add its path to a listbox.30 , vbo_bump.zipThis DLL allows programmers to easily draw 3D grippers and lines on Device Contexts (DC). 31 , vbo_user32_bas.zipThis BAS file contains many functions to ease the process of using the USER32 DLL. 32 , vbo_gdi32_bas.zipThis BAS File conatains many functions to ease the process of using the GDI32 DLL. 33 , vbo_button_bas.zipThis bas contains functions to manipulate Button class objects34 , LPT_Port.zipRead/write to LPT parallel port35 , DancingBaby.zipA Dancing Baby Screen Saver Which Dance on A Famous Song Macarena ( With Sound ) A Very Cute Screen Saver ,with source code, If you want more avi files then please mail me.36 , superwriter.zipA complete Wordprocessor, with source code. You can save, open files, print them out, copy, cut, paste, well you know the concept!37 , LogOff.zipThis conveniently placed program allows you to log off from your system tray.38 , ChPass.zipChanges NT Domain Passord. This program has two compenants... a server and a a client. The Server must run on a Domain Controller.39 , Reboot.zipThis conveniently placed program allows you to restart your computer more easily, from your system tray. 40 , analogclock.zipThis is a very good demo OCX for an analog clock. Although quite big in size, this is due to the very good background to the clock face. The analog click itself is very accurate and looks very impressive.41 , edge.zipThis program uses a few API calls/functions to set 3D, sunken and etched effects to an image inside an image control. It also has an example of how to change a label control to a 3D command button.42 , splitpanel2.zipA re-written version of the SplitPanel that David originally put onto this site about a year ago. It basically is a control that you place on a form and you can put other controls on the form and by dragging the splitpanel bar around, it does the resizing for you. 43 , avcontrol.zipThis control takes care of many audio and visual functions needed for game and graphical programmers. You can easily retrieve or change the screen resolution and color depth, play audio CDs and standard wave files 44 , fsocontrol.zipThis demonstration version of this control is a wrapper around the FileSystemObject - and makes using the FSO much easier.45 , slidingtoolbar.zipThis project shows how to implement a sliding toolbar in an application using one quick Kernel32 API function "Sleep". The application is fairly simple and easy to implement. 46 , dcsize.zipWhen this control is put onto a form, it ensures that all other controls retain the correct aspect-ratio from the design time view. Basically, it resize all controls on a form when the form resizes. This code is 100% free.47 , colorchooseocx.zipThis great OCX allows you to have a drop down list of colors to allow your user to choose from. The control itself has all the events and properties that you need.48 , xgraphmeter.zipThis is XGraphMeter, a bargraph/meter control good for displaying constantly changing values such as CPU usage or DUN throughput.49 , dynlistmnu.zipWhile trying to come up with a Dynamic menu in VB, I decided that VBs menu object was just too much of a pain to work with This project contains a form to mimic the functionality that I was looking for.. Part of my design criteria was that the menu form 50 , runtime.zipSupposedly, what this code does cannot be done... But it works. Basically, its a demonstration of how you can change control properties at run-time. If you try it in VB, you will get a runtime error, but this code shows you how to do it. Gilbert says51 , ledbulb.zipThis is a first for this author. Its an OCX which represents a characters in the form of led bulbs.52 , textapiroutines.basContained here is a small set of routines can be used with a Rich Text box (RTF) control. It can be used for other controls as well with minor modifications. You are welcome to change, use and distribute the code as you see fit.53 , xflatbutton.zipFlatButton is an owner-drawn flat button that pops up when the mouse passes over it. This version is text-only, but has flexible color support.54 , urllabel.zipWith the development of the internet and intranet applications, this control could could in more and more useful. Its a hyperlink label which will change color or underline when the mouse goes over it 55 , progbar.zipThis is a great replacement for the standard VB progress bar. Its smooth, totally free (all the source code is here), and more versitile than the one that comes with VB.56 , splitpanel.zipThis little control with full source code is remarkably compact but does a lot of fancy things. It allows you to be able to split panels and handles all the resizing behind it. We couldn't think of how to describe it properly, but 下载 it and try it57,basicreg.zipBasic Save and Retrieve Functions58,proguse.zipKeep Track of a Programs Usage59,millisec.zipCount Time in Milliseconds 60,getday.zipGet the Day of Week that a Day Falls On61,shellend.zipNotify the User when a Shelled Process Ends 62,varlist.zipGet a List of Windows Variables 63,detdisp.zipDetermine Display Colors 64,ctrlntwk.zipControl Panel - Network65,ctrluser.zipControl Panel - User Properties66,ctrltwui.zipControl Panel - TweakUI67,ctrlthm.zipControl Panel - Themes68,ctrltele.zipControl Panel - Telephony69,ctrlsys.zipControl Panel - System Properties70,ctrlscrn.zipControl Panel - Screen Savers71,ctrlreg.zipControl Panel - Regional Settings72,ctrlprnt.zipControl Panel - Printers73,ctrlpwr.zipControl Panel - Power Management74,ctrlpw.zipControl Panel - Passwords75,ctrlodbc.zipControl Panel - ODBC3276,ctrlmm.zipControl Panel - Multimedia77,ctrlmdm.zipControl Panel - Modem78,ctrlkbd.zipControl Panel - Keyboard79,ctrlmous.zipControl Panel - Mouse80,ctrlpoa.zipControl Panel - Post Office Admin81,ctrlotlk.zipControl Panel - Outlook82,ctrljoy.zipControl Panel - Joystick83,ctrlie4.zipControl Panel - Internet Explorer 84,ctrlgame.zipControl Panel - Game Controllers85,ctrlfont.zipControl Panel - Fonts86, Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs87,ctrlanh.zipControl Panel - Add New Hardware88,ctrlanp.zipControl Panel - Add New Printer89,ctrlaccs.zipControl Panel - Accessibility90,ctrlbrf.zipControl Panel - Create Briefcase91,ctrlcdsk.zipControl Panel - Copy Disk92,ctrlcns.zipControl Panel - Create New Shortcut93,ctrldun.zipControl Panel - Dial-Up Networking94,ctrldisp.zipControl Panel - Display Properties95,RegControl.zipFree Registry ActiveX Control. Read/Write String/Binary/DWord values, Check if key/value exists, CreateKey, Delete key/value and enumerate keys/values!96,MouseEvent.zipThis is a Mouse Event procedure that is pretty cool. It can be used for Web designing. Check it out!97,ShellTrayIcon.zipThe CShellTrayIcon class allows your VB application to set, change and delete icons in the system's tray 98,Reboot2.zipReboot remotely. I wrote this to reboot selected PC's during off hours. It is a standalone application that will display a 10 second countdown. Any open data will try to be saved prior to the shutdown process.99,S-Secure.zipThis is S-Secure.....a security program I've coded for Windows. It has 4 modules each in a separate VB project. 100,DriveSpace.zipThis Program finds and displays the Drive's Space.101,Disable_X.zipThis user control allows you to disable the windows close "X" button. Example program included.102,SetParnt.zipShows how to assign controls to different forms at run time. 103,phone.zipA Cellular Phone Application Uses MSCOMM, Modem and normal telephone lines to make calls. You can use this application to make local as well as International calls. 104,Timer01.zipSimple program demonstrating how to create a stop watch using the Timer control. 105,Bubblesort.zipA simple Bubble Sort code that shows how the program works within a VB program. 106,systray.zipJust another Systray Utility, but worse than the others !!! static, flashing and animated Tray-Icons 107,FolderFiles.zipDemonstrates usage of progress bar and list box controls. Its purpose is to get all the files from a specified folder while showing the progress completed. 108,MultipleDataSets.zipThis is a simple, (1) form VB 6.0 program which demonstrates how to plot multiple sets of data on the same graph using the MSChart Control 6.0 (OLEDB). 109,MthVwPrj.zipMonthView control. Lets users view and set date information via a calendar-like interface. 110,calculator4.zipI know this is wierd but I made a calculator control. Just add it to your control bar, double click, and you can use the calculator when your project is at run-time. Source included.111,GradientButton.zipThis button was created to be an enhanced replacement for Visual Basic's standard command button by adding 2 more Border appearance schemes, 2 more button styles, and hover effects. 112,MSChart.zipMSChart. You can view MSChart in Line graph,Pie , Area, etc.. also you can update data provided in the Grid.. Very interesting must see it... 113,printing_tut.zipI made this for a freind to help him out with some basic Printing, i got the idea from a printing tut i found on the net, so the code is not mine. 114,treeview.zipThis code can as many child nodes to a tree view control and can save the data and structure of the treeview control in a text file. Later the data and structure can be retrieved from the text file and filled in the tree view control by clicking the load button. 115,alarm_clock.zipIt simulates an alarm clock. 116,DesktopByAlexDrankus.zipThis program hides/shows desktop, hides/shows taskbar, hides it self from the ctrl+alt+delete, uses pictures to create the forms (pretty cool forms) and many other functions just place this program and all components in a sub-folder 117,Label3D.zipLabel3D lets you change the Label Face Color Shadow Color ON/OFF Shadow. 118, Custom Control which acts like a text box, except the developer can specify hot links in the control which act like web page links allowing users to click them, while allowing the developer full control over the result of the click. 119,custbutt.zipThis application shows how to create non rectangular buttons. 120,grid.zipComplete grid coded in vb. supports : locked rows/columns , fg/bg colors , text alignment , cell-edge styles , different selectionstyles . texbox/dropdown cells , cell icons and lots more... 121,analogmeter.zipCreate your own analog meters using MSPaint. These .bmp or .gif files become your meter face. Use the (analogmeter) subroutine to automatically draw the meter needle over the meter face 122,wheel.zipSpinWheel control to be used in place of either the UpDown control or the ScrollBar control.123,ArielBrowseFolder.zipA browse folder control resembling a combobox. When the dropdown button is clicked, browse through a folder treeview to select a directory. Uses the SHBrowseForFolder function, amongst other APIs. A call back procedure is implemented showing the currently selected folder in the browse for folder dialog. 124,pp_prj.zipThis program shows you how to create a sample project that adds print preview capabilities to your Visual Basic program by using a generic object and the Printer object. 125,popup.zipPopUp buttons with only 4 lines of code. 126,adbevel.zipThe bevel control in Delphi is now available in VB. 127,rainbow.zipCool! Have a ProgressBar like in InstallShield!With free selectable fore- and backcolor and the percent value displayed in the middle!Check it out.128,gb12.zipWell folks. Another version of Gold Button is here. I've added a few things. Here they are: Property descriptions, MaskColor, UseMask, Base Address in OCX, picture will now automatically align with text and when you are in desing mode and OnUp property is bsNone, a Dash-Dot-Dot box is drawn over the button, so you can see th button's area. 129,gb11.zipA new version of Gold Button is here dudes.New version has Picture Property and Skin Support. 130,BIGDOGMEDIA.zipMEDIA PLAYER THAT SUPPORTS FORMATS LIKE MP3,AVI,MPEG,WAV ECT.EXAMPLE OF USING ANIMATION WHEN PLAYER IS LAUNCHED. 131,HTML.zipAn HTML editor with complete VB source code. 132,PrintPreview1.zipPrint Setup, and Print Priview application. 133,RTFEditor.zipRTF text editor, HTML text editor, web browser, and more...Try it. Note, make sure your printer is turned on before running the application. 134,VBExplorer-II.zipVBExplorer file utility application. This application uses the Visual Basic TreeView and ListView controls to create a file management application similar to Windows Explorer.135,resizepic.zipShows how to resize a picture box control on a form at run time.



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