推荐一本好书《Effective Java Programming Language Guide》

GAC 2002-03-06 08:21:40
这本书的作者是Java类库体系结构设计师Joshua Bloch,他设计、实现和维护了许多类库。

如果看过Scott Meyers的《Effective C++》,就会发现二者的风格和定位是类似的,它不是面向初学者,而是将重点放在了编写代码的习惯和高效用法。本书虽然才200多页,但非常超值。在Amazon获得了5星级评价。



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seze 2002-03-06
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For anyone who writes scripts in the awk family of languages, the third edition of Effective awk Programming provides an in-depth guide to processing text files with plenty of working sample code. Whether you are starting out with awk or are an experienced developer, this book will help you extend the reach of your awk scripts., This tutorial covers the entire spectrum of awk script development: From the basics of opening, searching, and transforming text files, to a comprehensive tutorial for regular expressions, to more advanced features like internetworking. The focus is on the practical side of creating and running awk scripts, and there's plenty of hands-on advice for installing and running today's awk (and gawk)., The book begins with the fundamentals of awk for opening and transforming text flat files. The coverage of regular expressions, from simple rules for matching text to more advanced options, is particularly solid. You learn how to add variables and expressions for more intelligent awk scripts, plus how to parse data into records and fields. You'll also find out how to redirect output from awk scripts to other programs, a useful technique that can cause awk to get a lot more done in real applications., Later, you learn several valuable sample awk scripts that mimic existing Unix utilities (like grep, id, and split), plus samples for counting words in documents and printing mailing labels, and even a stream editor. This grab bag of sample code lets you try out the techniques presented earlier in the book. Other sections look at support for networking in today's gawk; for example, how gawk can read and write to URLs on the network almost just as easily as local files. Full sample code will teach the beginner or expert how to get productive with networks and awk. Final appendices trace the evolution of the awk language and show you how to download and install gawk., Suitable for beginner and experienced awk developers, Effective awk Programming, Third Edi
A technical interview can be a harrowing experience. You only have a short time to convince someone that you're worth hiring, so you can't afford to go to a job interview unprepared. Unfortunately, memorizing the answers to interview questions just doesn't cut it. You need to understand the underlying concepts. This book is a comprehensive guide that will prepare you for a Java interview. I've conducted over 100 interviews at Fortune 500 companies and meticulously collected the most effective questions with simple, straightforward explanations. This book will teach you object-oriented concepts, data structures, design patterns, and algorithms in interview-sized chunks with over 150 corresponding questions. I promise that if you read it thoroughly, you will boost your confidence and your negotiating power. A technical interview is a rare opportunity to show potential employers what you're worth. You owe it to yourself to read this guide and make the most of it! Table of Contents Introduction? The Java Programming Language? Object-Oriented Concepts? Object-Oriented Programming (Part?I)? Object-Oriented Programming (Part?II)? The Object Superclass? Composition & Inheritance? Abstract Classes & Interfaces? Exceptions? Generics? Concurrency? Memory Management? Java Database Connectivity? Web Applications? Web Services? Algorithms? Java Collections Framework? Important Interfaces? Creational Design Patterns? Structural Design Patterns? Behavioral Design Patterns? Reflection? Dependency Injection? Aspect-Oriented Programming? Unit Testing? Programming Problems? Interview Preparation? Interview Questions? About the Author?
Introduction First, let me thank you for taking the time to purchase and read my guide, “Mastering Java: An Effective Project-Based Approach including Web Development, Data Structures, GUI Programming and Object Oriented Programming.” My intention with this guide is to teach you all about the Java computer programming language. To that end, I have sectioned the guide into 6 separate sections, each one dealing with a separate element of Java programming. You will learn: Chapter 1: Java Basics – you will learn the basic programming elements of the Java language, including how to set up your programming environment, using a text editor and how to write a program. We look at comments, how to structure your code, and what data types and variables are. We also look at how to receive and read Java data, the different types of statement, loops and arrays before moving on to functions and methods. By the end of this section you will have a firm understanding of how to program in Java. Chapter 2: Java Data Structures and Algorithms – in this section we will examine a part of Java programming that is very important to computer science. You will learn exactly what a data structure is, how they are classified and the design of them, before moving on to algorithms. We learn how to write an algorithm, what asymptotic analysis and notation are and the definition of a greedy algorithm. We learn how data structures and algorithms mesh together, the different methods of sorting and traversing algorithms to gain information before moving onto trees and finishing with recursion. Chapter 3: Java Web Development – this section will walk you through all the elements of developing a web app using Java. We look at JSP and servlets and how they are used in building web apps, before looking at some of the best practices in web development using Java EE (Enterprise Edition). This is an involved chapter with plenty of technical information and a hands-on guide that you can easily follow. Chapter 4: Java GUI Programming – GUI programming is a complex part of Java programming and, in this section we look at using NetBeans and Swing to build a Java GUI. We discuss native packaging, followed by a tutorial that you can follow along with, covering how to design a GUI using the NetBeans IDE. We talk about how to handle images, design forms, gap editing and debugging, followed by a discussion on bean and data binding and using Hibernate in your application. Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming – this section covers object-oriented programming in Java; what it is, the benefits of the approach, the principles of Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and understanding the basic concepts. Chapter 6: Java Interview Questions – lastly, I have provided you with a comprehensive list of questions that you could be asked in an interview for a Java programming job. I also provide the answers with the intention being that you study them and learn them; not just what the answers are but the why and how too. Java is not a new programming language by any means; it has been around since 1991 and, to date, has proved to be the most popular, especially where web development is concerned. It is one of the simplest languages to learn, and it is object-oriented, which makes it even easier to learn. Work your way through this guide and, by the end of it, you will know more than many people do about the Java programming language and all its uses. I would make one suggestion – if you choose to join in and input the code yourself, do type it in rather than copying and pasting. It’s a great way of getting the feel for programming and how things work. Thank you once again for choosing my guide.



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