how to use array in C#

winlinux 2002-03-29 07:05:59
how to save the data in the array and print it out?
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csharp__ 2002-03-29
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int[,] arr1;
arr1 = new int[5, 6];
int[][] arr2;
arr2[] = new int[5];
arr2[5][] = new int[6];
jiangqi 2002-03-29
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string[] strCon=new String[6];
incsdn 2002-03-29
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我想说的是这类书不多,所以必定是好书。哇靠,大家支持啊。虽然很多人有这本书但是就是不分享啊。 Features •Emphasizes the latest state-of-the-art object-oriented methods wherever possible •Covers a large spectrum of computational tools, including sorting algorithms and Monte Carlo methods •Contains working C# code and numerous practical examples that illustrate how to apply the computational tools •Provides the C# source code online Summary Comprehensive Coverage of the New, Easy-to-Learn C# Although C, C++, Java, and Fortran are well-established programming languages, the relatively new C# is much easier to use for solving complex scientific and engineering problems. Numerical Methods, Algorithms and Tools in C# presents a broad collection of practical, ready-to-use mathematical routines employing the exciting, easy-to-learn C# programming language from Microsoft. The book focuses on standard numerical methods, novel object-oriented techniques, and the latest Microsoft .NET programming environment. It covers complex number functions, data sorting and searching algorithms, bit manipulation, interpolation methods, numerical manipulation of linear algebraic equations, and numerical methods for calculating approximate solutions of non-linear equations. The author discusses alternative ways to obtain computer-generated pseudo-random numbers and real random numbers generated by naturally occurring physical phenomena. He also describes various methods for approximating integrals and special functions, routines for performing statistical analyses of data, and least squares and numerical curve fitting methods for analyzing experimental data, along with numerical methods for solving ordinary and partial differential equations. The final chapter offers optimization methods for the minimization or maximization of functions. Exploiting the useful features of C#, this book shows how to write efficient, mathematically intense object-oriented computer programs. The vast array of practical examples presented can be easily customized and implemented to solve complex engineering and scientific problems typically found in real-world computer applications.
Take your data access skills to the next level with Entity Framework About This Book Learn how to create, retrieve, update, and delete the data in a relational database using .NET Choose from an array of examples in C# and VB.NET that showcase the key concepts of Entity Framework This is a fast-paced, practical guide based on the code-first approach for the Entity object-relational mapper Who This Book Is For This book is intended for software developers with some prior experience with the Microsoft .NET framework who want to learn how to use Entity Framework. This book will get you up and running quickly, providing many examples that illustrate all the key concepts of Entity Framework. In Detail Entity Framework Code-First enables developers to read and write data in a relational database system using C# or VB.NET. It is Microsoft's answer to demand for an ORM from .NET developers. This book will help you acquire the necessary skills to program your applications using Entity Framework. You will start with database configuration and learn how to write classes that define the database structure. You will see how LINQ can be used with Entity Framework to give you access to stored data. You will then learn how to use Entity Framework to persist information in a Relational Database Management System. You will also see how you can benefit from writing ORM-based .NET code. Finally, you will learn how Entity Framework can help you to solve database deployment problems using migrations. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introducing Entity Framework Chapter 2: Your First Entity Framework Application Chapter 3: Defining the Database Structure Chapter 4: Querying, Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data Chapter 5: Advanced Modeling and Querying Techniques Chapter 6: Working with Views, Stored Procedures, the Asynchronous API and Concurrency Chapter 7: Database Migrations and Additional Features Appendix: Answers to self-test questions



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