
charles_zo 2002-04-02 05:50:10
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16 条回复
zyn01 2002-04-05
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qsqwmy 2002-04-04
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pigherd 2002-04-04
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jiazhij 2002-04-03
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whoknow 2002-04-03
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charles_zo 2002-04-03
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各位高手,我知道DBerror 的用法,但是他是在同后台数据库交互时触发的,如果不经过同数据库交互,而直接在itemchange中屏蔽系统错误信息,应该怎么做?
samchung 2002-04-02
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CASE -194

Beep (1)

MessageBox("Database Error: Related Info Not on File", &
"Problem: " +&
"One of your column values is a key that " +&
"refers to a related row in another table. " +&
"But there's not a row in the other table " +&
"with that key value. " +&
"~n~r~n~r" +&
"Solution: " +&
"Please check your column values for accuracy " +&
"and make any needed corrections. " +&
"~n~r~n~r" +&
"Details: " +&
String(al_errorcode) + " " + as_errortext, &

CASE -195

Beep (1)

MessageBox("Database Error: Missing Column Value(s)", &
"Problem: " +&
"You left one or more required columns empty. " +&
"~n~r~n~r" +&
"Solution: " +&
"Please fill in all of the required columns. " +&
"~n~r~n~r" +&
"Details: " +&
String(al_errorcode) + " " + as_errortext, &

// Trigger the user event uevent_dberr_reqmissing to do any
// additional processing that is needed for this particular
// error. This user event takes 2 arguments:
// * adwb_buffer (the DataWindow buffer, which is available
// in the adwb_buffer argument of the
// uevent_dberr_message event)
// * al_row (the error row, which is available in the
// al_row argument of the uevent_dberr_message
// event)
// We'll leave the script for this user event empty in the
// ancestor DW user object. That way, if a descendent needs
// to do some specialized processing for the error, we can
// easily code this in the descendent's version of the user
// event script.

this.EVENT uevent_dberr_reqmissing(adwb_buffer,al_row)

CASE -198

Beep (1)

MessageBox("Database Error: Trouble with Related Info", &
"Problem: " +&
"One or more other tables refer to the row " +&
"that you're processing. That means you can't " +&
"delete this row or change its key value. " +&
"~n~r~n~r" +&
"Solution: " +&
"If appropriate, delete the related rows in those " +&
"other tables first (or modify them so that they " +&
"don't refer to your target row). " +&
"~n~r~n~r" +&
"Details: " +&
String(al_errorcode) + " " + as_errortext, &

CASE -209

Beep (1)

MessageBox("Database Error: Invalid Column Value(s)", &
"Problem: " +&
"One or more of your columns have values that " +&
"are not allowed. " +&
"~n~r~n~r" +&
"Solution: " +&
"Please check your column values for accuracy " +&
"and make any needed corrections. " +&
"~n~r~n~r" +&
"Details: " +&
String(al_errorcode) + " " + as_errortext, &


// For all other errors, display this generic messagebox with
// a user-friendly message as well as the DBMS error code and
// message text.

Beep (1)

MessageBox("Database Processing Error", &
"A database problem occurred while your " +&
"request was being processed. " +&
"Here are the details: " +&
"~n~r~n~r" +&
String(al_errorcode) + " " + as_errortext +&
"~n~r~n~r" +&
"Please call the Anchor Bay support team. ", &


end event

event dberror;/* Event profile

Name: DBError
Applies to: u_dwstandard
Kind: System
Processing: See below


// /
// Overview -- /
// /
// When a database error occurs in the DataWindow control /
// (resulting from a Retrieve function or an Update function), /
// then get the error code and message that the DBMS returned /
// and display them nicely to the user. /
// /
// Also, suppress the default error messagebox that the /
// DBError event normally displays. /
// /

// /
// Initial processing -- /
// /
// First, trigger a user event that descendents of this /
// ancestor DW user object can use if necessary to perform /
// any initial error processing. (The script for this user /
// event is empty in this ancestor DW user object.) /
// /
samchung 2002-04-02
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$PBExportComments$User-defined standard DataWindow control with built-in error processing
global type u_dwstandard from datawindow
end type
end forward

global type u_dwstandard from datawindow
int Width=2098
int Height=684
int TabOrder=1
BorderStyle BorderStyle=StyleLowered!
boolean LiveScroll=true
event uevent_dberr_reqmissing ( dwbuffer adwb_buffer, long al_row )
event uevent_dberr_initial ( )
event uevent_dberr_message ( long al_errorcode, string as_errortext, long al_row, dwbuffer adwb_buffer )
end type
global u_dwstandard u_dwstandard

event uevent_dberr_reqmissing;/* Event profile

Name: uevent_dberr_reqmissing
Applies to: u_dwstandard
Kind: User
Processing: See below


// /
// This user event is triggered by the uevent_dberr_message /
// event script when SQL Anywhere database error -195 occurs /
// (required column values are missing). It takes 2 arguments: /
// /
// * adwb_buffer (the DataWindow buffer) /
// * al_row (the error row) /
// /
// If you want to perform any specialized processing in your /
// descendent DW control in this situation, code it here. /
// /

end event

event uevent_dberr_initial;/* Event profile

Name: uevent_dberr_initial
Applies to: u_dwstandard
Kind: User
Processing: See below


// /
// This user event is triggered by the DBError event script /
// at the very beginning of that script. /
// /
// If you want to perform any specialized initial error /
// processing in your descendent DW control, code it here. /
// /

end event

event uevent_dberr_message;/* Event profile

Name: uevent_dberr_message
Applies to: u_dwstandard
Kind: User
Processing: See below


// /
// Overview -- /
// /
// This user event is posted by the DBError event script to /
// display an appropriate messagebox describing the database /
// error that has occurred. It takes 4 arguments: /
// /
// * al_errorcode (the database error code) /
// * as_errortext (the database error text) /
// * al_row (the error row) /
// * adwb_buffer (the DataWindow buffer) /
// /
// The technique of deferring message displays to this posted /
// user event enables the DBError event to finish quickly, so /
// that the application can proceed to finish the transaction /
// (by doing a rollback or commit). /
// /

// /
// Handling particular errors -- /
// /
// Trap some of the more common errors and provide special /
// messages (and maybe even further processing) for them. /
// For any other errors, display a more generic messagebox. /
// /
// /
// About DBMS error codes -- /
// /
// Since this application currently uses a SQL Anywhere /
// database, the codes tested below are specific to the /
// SQL Anywhere DBMS. If accessing a different DBMS, /
// substitute its own codes. /
// /

CHOOSE CASE al_errorcode

CASE -193

Beep (1)

MessageBox("Database Error: Trouble with Key", &
"Problem: " +&
"Your key value is already used by an existing row. " +&
"~n~r~n~r" +&
"Solution: " +&
"Please specify a unique key value. "+&
"~n~r~n~r" +&
"Details: " +&
String(al_errorcode) + " " + as_errortext, &
samchung 2002-04-02
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/* Event profile

Name: DBError
Applies to: u_dwstandard
Kind: System
Processing: See below


// /
// Overview -- /
// /
// When a database error occurs in the DataWindow control /
// (resulting from a Retrieve function or an Update function), /
// then get the error code and message that the DBMS returned /
// and display them nicely to the user. /
// /
// Also, suppress the default error messagebox that the /
// DBError event normally displays. /
// /

// /
// Initial processing -- /
// /
// First, trigger a user event that descendents of this /
// ancestor DW user object can use if necessary to perform /
// any initial error processing. (The script for this user /
// event is empty in this ancestor DW user object.) /
// /

this.EVENT uevent_dberr_initial()

// /
// Displaying an error message -- /
// /
// Next, tell the user what went wrong by displaying a /
// messagebox with the database error information. We do /
// that by posting a user event (uevent_dberr_message). /
// Read the following discussion to learn the reason for /
// this approach. /
// /
// /
// Avoiding stalled transactions -- /
// /
// When the DBError event executes, your current /
// transaction is still open, meaning that portions of /
// the database are locked. If accessing a single-user /
// database (such as this application's SQL Anywhere /
// database ANCHRBAY.DB) that isn't a concern. But in a /
// multi-user environment, it can affect performance /
// dramatically. /
// /
// To avoid performance bottlenecks in the multi-user /
// environment, follow these guidelines when coding your /
// DBError event: /
// /
// * End the transaction as quickly as possible once the /
// DBError event executes. Don't code DBError to do /
// any non-critical processing while the transaction /
// remains open. /
// /
// * In particular, don't code DBError to display a /
// messagebox before you have performed a rollback or /
// commit. That would potentially stall the transaction /
// if the user didn't respond immediately. /
// /
// * Some approaches you might use include: /
// /
// > Executing your rollback/commit logic at the /
// start of the DBError event script /
// /
// > Posting an event or function from within the /
// DBError event script to display messages or /
// perform non-critical work (as shown in this /
// example) /
// /

// Post the user event uevent_dberr_message to display the
// appropriate error message. This user event takes 4
// arguments:
// * al_errorcode (the DBMS error code, which is available
// in the sqldbcode argument of the DBError
// event)
// * as_errortext (the DBMS error text, which is available
// in the sqlerrtext argument of the DBError
// event)
// * al_row (the error row, which is available in the
// row argument of the DBError event)
// * adwb_buffer (the DataWindow buffer, which is available
// in the buffer argument of the DBError event)

this.POST EVENT uevent_dberr_message &

// /
// Suppressing the default messagebox -- /
// /
// Finally, return the value 1 from the DBError event to /
// suppress its default error messagebox. /
// /

young_boy 2002-04-02
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在dberror中return 1屏蔽datawindow的错误信息
return 0显示datawindow的错误信息
programbcb 2002-04-02
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dberror中return 1
qsqwmy 2002-04-02
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zhanwei 2002-04-02
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charles_zo 2002-04-02
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charles_zo 2002-04-02
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charles_zo 2002-04-02
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