
QQKiKi 2002-05-05 10:43:48
微软在欺骗大众! 改注册表可使WinXP 提价5倍
"最近问世的一个小工具又唤起了人们对一个老话题的争论:Workstation和Sever版本到底有什么不同?NTSwitch,这个由匈牙利3am Labs发明的工具据说可以允许不同版本的Microsoft Workstation操作系统转换成Sever版本,也可以将Sever转换成Workstation版。
  由于考虑到合法问题,3am提供免费下载的NTSwitch工具已经被拿下。但是关于这个软件的说明仍在3am的网站上。这个工具被描述为"一个快速和肮脏的Hack."它可以备份系统的注册表,编辑和恢复。根据Readme文件所说,这个软件的目的是为了演示Windows Workstation和Sever系统实际上是共同使用同样的代码,而
  有不少人已经用NTSwitch将.Net Sever转换成了WinXP Professional,但是产生了一个内存漏洞。
  "我在.Net Sever上尝试了那个工具,并成功地将Build 3615转换成了Windows XP Professional。使用这个叫NTSwitch的软件后,.Net认为自己是一个工作站OS,也就是Windows XP Pro。.Net中所有XP屏蔽的功能,诸如用户快速切换,欢迎屏幕,DirectX都可以完美地工作。这个程序仅仅是改变了系统注册表,就可以让.Net认为自己是一个工作站OS...另外.Net包括很多Patch和bug修正,而这些只有在SP1出来时才能在XP上看见。这里没有什么问题,每个XP的功能都在,在.Net Sever无法运行的一些程序通过这个工具转换后,也可以运行了。例如,Norton Antivirus 2002无法在3615 .Net Sever上运行,但是在运行这个程序后,Norton可以正常地在我的系统上安装。"
  而据ADTW网站表示这个工具还可以将Win2K Pro变成Win2K Sever!
  呕,MS吹嘘良久的.Net和WinXP Pro的唯一区别在注册表里?如果是真的话,那MS就太....因为我们可想而知,Sever版和Workstation版本OS之间,两者的价格有天壤之别..因为Windows.Net还处于Beta阶段,我们只能拿Win2K Workstation和Sever的价格进行比较,Win2k Pro建议零售价1999,Win2K Sever价格为10722!


What is NTSwitch?

NTSwitch is a small freeware program that allows you to turn an existing NT Workstation or Windows 2000 Professional installation into an NT Server or a Windows 2000 Server environment.

How does it work?

It's well-known that Workstation and Server environments are virtually identical. The operating system decides which "flavor" to run in based on two registry values:

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions - ProductType [REG_SZ]
HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup - SystemPrefix [REG_BINARY 8 bytes]

ProductType is "ServerNT" or "LanmanNT" for servers, and "WinNT" for workstations. The third bit in the last byte of the SystemPrefix value is set for servers, and cleared for workstations.

Since the release of NT4, Microsoft has taken measures to keep the user from changing these registry values. The operating system has two watcher threads that revert any changes made to these two registry settings, as well as warn the user about "tampering".

The good guys at SYSInternals have supposedly created an application called NTTune. They did not release it to the public, but only to the press - their intent was to demonstrate the fact that there's really no difference between Server and Workstation. However, they did not make their utility publicly available. The application disabled the system threads thus letting the user change the aforementioned registry values.

The public is curious - people came up with a way of changing these settings without NTTune. Details are here. It involves hacking the NTOSKRNL.EXE executable so that the watchdogs are looking at some other registry setting. While this works, it's definitely not for the faint at heart.

Our utility, NTSwitch, is not as slick as NTTune - it does not disable the system threads. It's not as horrible as the NTOSKRNL.EXE hack either.

Our approach is the following:

Backup the SYSTEM hive of the registry using the registry API.
Edit the inFORMation contained in the backup file.
Restore the registry from the backup.
Reboot the computer so that the changes can take effect.

How do I get it?

A quick-and-dirty hack. It works, and it's at least as safe as the two previous solutions. We're giving it away for free. Go here to download it. The readme.txt contained in the zip file might have some late-breaking inFORMation, be sure to read it.

Also, the usual "freeware as is" clause applies: It's free. You use it on your own risk. We do not take responsibility for anything that might happen as a consequence of running the software.
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