
netsong 2002-06-10 04:57:43
Rational Apex
Rational ClearCase
Rational ClearDDTS
Rational ClearQuest
Rational preVue
Rational PureCoverage
Rational PurifyPlus
Rational Purify
Rational Quantify
Rational RequisitePro
Rational Robot
Rational Rose
Rational Rose RealTime
Rational SiteLoad
Rational SoDa
Rational Suite
Rational Suite AnalystStudio
Rational Suite ContentStudio
Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio
Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio Real Time
Rational Suite Enterprise
Rational Suite TestStudio
Rational TeamTest
Rational Test RealTime
Rational TestManager
Rational Unified Process
Rational XDE Professional

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12 条回复
netsong 2002-06-14
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GRACEWORLD 2002-06-12
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就是,就是,如果实在不好,大家贡献一个有用的rose suite 2002 License Crack也好呀
gfzhx 2002-06-12
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shzwz 2002-06-12
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loveisbug 2002-06-12
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netsong 2002-06-11
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呵呵,可能我太粗心了,没找到Rational Suite Enterprise的内容
scgqq 2002-06-11
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netsong 2002-06-11
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谁有rational suite enterprise的全套crk???
3nt 2002-06-10
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Rose2000 2002-06-10
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netsong 2002-06-10
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如Rational Suite Enterprise包含了rose,requisitepro等
yihua_cai 2002-06-10
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Rational Apex--包括ada和duo,前者支持ada 95/ada 83,后者支持C/C++ and Ada 95/Ada 83 ;还支持嵌入式开发

Rational ClearCase--offers tools and processes you can implement today and tailor as you grow。

Rational ClearDDTS--is a change request management product for UNIX specifically designed to track and manage product defects and enhancement requests uncovered during product development and quality assurance testing. It can be tightly integrated with software configuration management products, such as Rational ClearCase, to help users effectively manage change throughout the software development lifecycle。

Rational ClearQuest--缺陷管理

Rational preVue--are enterprise-wide testing solutions that reduce risk, lower costs, and increase user satisfaction when deploying applications for X Window and terminal-based applications

Rational PureCoverage--The Rational® PureCoverage® for UNIX tool is a powerful code coverage analysis tool designed to be used by developers and testers during daily unit tests. The Rational® PureCoverage® for Windows tool helps you to identify untested code quickly, so you can be sure you've checked your entire application for potential problems, not just part of it.

Rational PurifyPlus--Rational PurifyPlus for Windows is a complete set of automated runtime analysis tools for improving application reliability and performance. It is designed for software developers who need to build and deploy resilient, reliable software applications in Java, VC/C++, C#, VB.NET and VB on Windows platforms.

Rational Purify --Purify helps you get to the root of your runtime problems so you can quickly fix the error and have more time to do what you do best--develop code.

Rational Quantify --The Rational® Quantify® for Windows tool is an advanced performance profiling tool that automatically pinpoints application performance bottlenecks quickly, taking the difficulty and guesswork out of performance tuning. Quantify also delivers repeatable timing data for all parts of an application, including components, not just the parts for which you have the source code.

Rational RequisitePro--需求管理

Rational Robot--Rational Robot is an object-oriented tool that allows you to create, modify, and run automated functional, regression, and smoke tests for e-applications built using a wide variety of independent development environments.

Rational Rose--UML可视化建模工具

Rational Rose RealTime--Rational Rose® RealTime Professional Edition provides a comprehensive visual development environment that delivers a powerful combination of notation, processes, and tools to meet these types of software development challenges.

Rational SiteLoad --不知

Rational SoDa --Rational® SoDA® software overcomes these issues by automating the creation and maintenance of comprehensive project documentation and reports.

Rational Suite
Rational Suite AnalystStudio--Rational Suite® AnalystStudio® helps you solve the right problem and define the right solution by integrating a powerful combination of tools for business, application and data modeling, requirements and use case management, defect and change request tracking, and best-practice process guidelines.

Rational Suite ContentStudio --Rational Suite ContentStudio enables Web and IT teams to manage today's increasingly complex sites.
Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio--The Rational Suite® DevelopmentStudio Version 2002 package brings together Rational's award-winning development and diagnostic tools into one very powerful package. The studio integrates individual tools tailored for project managers, software architects, and developers, giving your team the advantage of highly focused collaboration.

Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio Real Time--Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio RealTime Edition provides a full lifecycle solution for meeting these types of software development challenges.
Rational Suite Enterprise--Rational Suite Enterprise is designed for software development project managers and software development teams that are faced with the challenge of completing complex projects in shorter periods of time.
Rational Suite TestStudio --Rational Suite TestStudio automates functional, performance and reliability testing of complex applications and architectures. It provides testers with built-in process guidance and mentoring; integrated defect management; runtime analysis; a centralized test manager; and ensures that the entire team works with the same data and metrics. Learn more.

Rational TeamTest--Rational TestManager, the tester's working desktop, is used to plan, design, implement, execute, and evaluate all functional and performance testing. Testers also use Rational TestManager to coordinate changes tracked in Rational ClearQuest with testing.

Rational Test RealTime --Rational Test RealTime is the only product on the market that provides a complete testing and run-time analysis toolset for every part of your embedded project, from the simplest of functions to complete distributed systems - all executed on your target and all initiated from a single, integrated GUI available on a wide range of development platforms.
Rational TestManager --The Rational® TestManager product handles scheduling, execution, and collection of results for every test that gets run under its command - functional, load, manual, integration, unit, etc. - including running third-party test tools and collating those results.

Rational Unified Process--软件统一开发过程。

Rational XDE Professional--Rational XDE Professional integrates developers, analysts, architects, and database designers into a single environment and language for visual design and development. Rational XDE Professional allows the business, application, and data models to be mapped, tracking changes across models from requirements to implementation.
关于本教程 欢迎使用Rational Rose教程Rational Rose是一套可视化建模工具,用于在C/S,分布式企业环境下开发健壮的,有效的解决方案以满足真正的业务需求。本教程通过指导你一步步地进行一个复杂的业务问题的真正实现解决,教给你如何使用Rose。 估计完成时间:完成整个教程需要花大约10小时。当然可以从任何部分开始和结束,剩下的部分以后再看。每一部分还有完成该部分所需时间,例如前言部分需要大约5分钟。 示例模型:在本教程中,你将为一个叫做Classics的虚构的公司开发一套POS系统。Classics公司是一家快速成长的连锁店,经营经典的音乐、电影、图书。该公司的POS系统已经过时,现在必须作一套新的定单处理和实现系统(OPFS)。随着本教程的不断深入,你将开发OPFS系统以帮助Classics公司更好的管理其商店和存货。 该教程适合我吗?如果你有一点或没有Rational Rose知识,都可以使用本教程。当然你得对Windows (NT/95/98)操作系统、面向对象分析&设计(OOAD)概念、UML语言有一些基本了解。 本教程是如何组织的?本教程是按照在业务和应用软件建模中的行为步骤来进行的,每一部分是建立在前一部分提出的知识的基础上的。但是每一部分都是独立的单元。这就意味着你可以从任何一部分开始,而跳过其他部分。例如,如果你懂业务建模,就可以跳过第3部分直接进行第4部分。 我可以按照各部分的顺序吗?按照各部分的顺序,你可以模拟一个真实世界的开发环境。看完了第1和第2部分的介绍材料,就自然地进入第3部分的OPFS的工作。在第3部分中你将开始Classic公司的业务建模。接下来进行建模应用需求以及实现。在最后部分里将产生代码以及正逆向模型和代码 每一部分里面有什么?每个部分包含:  (一个解释你要干什么以及为什么干的)介绍  (一个完成该部分所需时间的)估计  (一个完成部分开发的)样例模型  (一个在该部分引入的特性的详细指导)‘试一试’部分  一个已完成的模型  (一个在该部分所学的Rose的特性的)概要 使用样本模型 本教程采用手把手的方式教你如何学习Rational Rose。在每一部分的开始,你要装载一个针对该部分的半成品模型。随着在该部分的一步步执行指令,模型被细化并进入下一个开发阶段。如果你选择跳过某个部分,你仍然可以使用后面的模型,只要装载适当的样本模型



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