
duankuanjun 2002-07-19 10:31:03
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tommyhan 2002-10-21
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programmer200x 2002-10-19
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afc 2002-10-19
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static unsigned long SP5[64] = {
0x00000100L, 0x02080100L, 0x02080000L, 0x42000100L,
0x00080000L, 0x00000100L, 0x40000000L, 0x02080000L,
0x40080100L, 0x00080000L, 0x02000100L, 0x40080100L,
0x42000100L, 0x42080000L, 0x00080100L, 0x40000000L,
0x02000000L, 0x40080000L, 0x40080000L, 0x00000000L,
0x40000100L, 0x42080100L, 0x42080100L, 0x02000100L,
0x42080000L, 0x40000100L, 0x00000000L, 0x42000000L,
0x02080100L, 0x02000000L, 0x42000000L, 0x00080100L,
0x00080000L, 0x42000100L, 0x00000100L, 0x02000000L,
0x40000000L, 0x02080000L, 0x42000100L, 0x40080100L,
0x02000100L, 0x40000000L, 0x42080000L, 0x02080100L,
0x40080100L, 0x00000100L, 0x02000000L, 0x42080000L,
0x42080100L, 0x00080100L, 0x42000000L, 0x42080100L,
0x02080000L, 0x00000000L, 0x40080000L, 0x42000000L,
0x00080100L, 0x02000100L, 0x40000100L, 0x00080000L,
0x00000000L, 0x40080000L, 0x02080100L, 0x40000100L };

static unsigned long SP6[64] = {
0x20000010L, 0x20400000L, 0x00004000L, 0x20404010L,
0x20400000L, 0x00000010L, 0x20404010L, 0x00400000L,
0x20004000L, 0x00404010L, 0x00400000L, 0x20000010L,
0x00400010L, 0x20004000L, 0x20000000L, 0x00004010L,
0x00000000L, 0x00400010L, 0x20004010L, 0x00004000L,
0x00404000L, 0x20004010L, 0x00000010L, 0x20400010L,
0x20400010L, 0x00000000L, 0x00404010L, 0x20404000L,
0x00004010L, 0x00404000L, 0x20404000L, 0x20000000L,
0x20004000L, 0x00000010L, 0x20400010L, 0x00404000L,
0x20404010L, 0x00400000L, 0x00004010L, 0x20000010L,
0x00400000L, 0x20004000L, 0x20000000L, 0x00004010L,
0x20000010L, 0x20404010L, 0x00404000L, 0x20400000L,
0x00404010L, 0x20404000L, 0x00000000L, 0x20400010L,
0x00000010L, 0x00004000L, 0x20400000L, 0x00404010L,
0x00004000L, 0x00400010L, 0x20004010L, 0x00000000L,
0x20404000L, 0x20000000L, 0x00400010L, 0x20004010L };

static unsigned long SP7[64] = {
0x00200000L, 0x04200002L, 0x04000802L, 0x00000000L,
0x00000800L, 0x04000802L, 0x00200802L, 0x04200800L,
0x04200802L, 0x00200000L, 0x00000000L, 0x04000002L,
0x00000002L, 0x04000000L, 0x04200002L, 0x00000802L,
0x04000800L, 0x00200802L, 0x00200002L, 0x04000800L,
0x04000002L, 0x04200000L, 0x04200800L, 0x00200002L,
0x04200000L, 0x00000800L, 0x00000802L, 0x04200802L,
0x00200800L, 0x00000002L, 0x04000000L, 0x00200800L,
0x04000000L, 0x00200800L, 0x00200000L, 0x04000802L,
0x04000802L, 0x04200002L, 0x04200002L, 0x00000002L,
0x00200002L, 0x04000000L, 0x04000800L, 0x00200000L,
0x04200800L, 0x00000802L, 0x00200802L, 0x04200800L,
0x00000802L, 0x04000002L, 0x04200802L, 0x04200000L,
0x00200800L, 0x00000000L, 0x00000002L, 0x04200802L,
0x00000000L, 0x00200802L, 0x04200000L, 0x00000800L,
0x04000002L, 0x04000800L, 0x00000800L, 0x00200002L };

static unsigned long SP8[64] = {
0x10001040L, 0x00001000L, 0x00040000L, 0x10041040L,
0x10000000L, 0x10001040L, 0x00000040L, 0x10000000L,
0x00040040L, 0x10040000L, 0x10041040L, 0x00041000L,
0x10041000L, 0x00041040L, 0x00001000L, 0x00000040L,
0x10040000L, 0x10000040L, 0x10001000L, 0x00001040L,
0x00041000L, 0x00040040L, 0x10040040L, 0x10041000L,
0x00001040L, 0x00000000L, 0x00000000L, 0x10040040L,
0x10000040L, 0x10001000L, 0x00041040L, 0x00040000L,
0x00041040L, 0x00040000L, 0x10041000L, 0x00001000L,
0x00000040L, 0x10040040L, 0x00001000L, 0x00041040L,
0x10001000L, 0x00000040L, 0x10000040L, 0x10040000L,
0x10040040L, 0x10000000L, 0x00040000L, 0x10001040L,
0x00000000L, 0x10041040L, 0x00040040L, 0x10000040L,
0x10040000L, 0x10001000L, 0x10001040L, 0x00000000L,
0x10041040L, 0x00041000L, 0x00041000L, 0x00001040L,
0x00001040L, 0x00040040L, 0x10000000L, 0x10041000L };
afc 2002-10-19
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void cpkey(unsigned long *into) {
register unsigned long *from, *endp;

from = KnL, endp = &KnL[32];
while( from < endp ) *into++ = *from++;

void usekey(unsigned long *from) {
register unsigned long *to, *endp;

to = KnL, endp = &KnL[32];
while( to < endp ) *to++ = *from++;

#if 0
void des(unsigned char *inblock, unsigned char *outblock) {
unsigned long work[2];

scrunch(inblock, work);
desfunc(work, KnL);
unscrun(work, outblock);

static void scrunch(unsigned char *outof, unsigned long *into) {
*into = (*outof++ & 0xffL) << 24;
*into |= (*outof++ & 0xffL) << 16;
*into |= (*outof++ & 0xffL) << 8;
*into++ |= (*outof++ & 0xffL);
*into = (*outof++ & 0xffL) << 24;
*into |= (*outof++ & 0xffL) << 16;
*into |= (*outof++ & 0xffL) << 8;
*into |= (*outof & 0xffL);

static void unscrun(unsigned long *outof, unsigned char *into) {
*into++ = (*outof >> 24) & 0xffL;
*into++ = (*outof >> 16) & 0xffL;
*into++ = (*outof >> 8) & 0xffL;
*into++ = *outof++ & 0xffL;
*into++ = (*outof >> 24) & 0xffL;
*into++ = (*outof >> 16) & 0xffL;
*into++ = (*outof >> 8) & 0xffL;
*into = *outof & 0xffL;

static unsigned long SP1[64] = {
0x01010400L, 0x00000000L, 0x00010000L, 0x01010404L,
0x01010004L, 0x00010404L, 0x00000004L, 0x00010000L,
0x00000400L, 0x01010400L, 0x01010404L, 0x00000400L,
0x01000404L, 0x01010004L, 0x01000000L, 0x00000004L,
0x00000404L, 0x01000400L, 0x01000400L, 0x00010400L,
0x00010400L, 0x01010000L, 0x01010000L, 0x01000404L,
0x00010004L, 0x01000004L, 0x01000004L, 0x00010004L,
0x00000000L, 0x00000404L, 0x00010404L, 0x01000000L,
0x00010000L, 0x01010404L, 0x00000004L, 0x01010000L,
0x01010400L, 0x01000000L, 0x01000000L, 0x00000400L,
0x01010004L, 0x00010000L, 0x00010400L, 0x01000004L,
0x00000400L, 0x00000004L, 0x01000404L, 0x00010404L,
0x01010404L, 0x00010004L, 0x01010000L, 0x01000404L,
0x01000004L, 0x00000404L, 0x00010404L, 0x01010400L,
0x00000404L, 0x01000400L, 0x01000400L, 0x00000000L,
0x00010004L, 0x00010400L, 0x00000000L, 0x01010004L };

static unsigned long SP2[64] = {
0x80108020L, 0x80008000L, 0x00008000L, 0x00108020L,
0x00100000L, 0x00000020L, 0x80100020L, 0x80008020L,
0x80000020L, 0x80108020L, 0x80108000L, 0x80000000L,
0x80008000L, 0x00100000L, 0x00000020L, 0x80100020L,
0x00108000L, 0x00100020L, 0x80008020L, 0x00000000L,
0x80000000L, 0x00008000L, 0x00108020L, 0x80100000L,
0x00100020L, 0x80000020L, 0x00000000L, 0x00108000L,
0x00008020L, 0x80108000L, 0x80100000L, 0x00008020L,
0x00000000L, 0x00108020L, 0x80100020L, 0x00100000L,
0x80008020L, 0x80100000L, 0x80108000L, 0x00008000L,
0x80100000L, 0x80008000L, 0x00000020L, 0x80108020L,
0x00108020L, 0x00000020L, 0x00008000L, 0x80000000L,
0x00008020L, 0x80108000L, 0x00100000L, 0x80000020L,
0x00100020L, 0x80008020L, 0x80000020L, 0x00100020L,
0x00108000L, 0x00000000L, 0x80008000L, 0x00008020L,
0x80000000L, 0x80100020L, 0x80108020L, 0x00108000L };

static unsigned long SP3[64] = {
0x00000208L, 0x08020200L, 0x00000000L, 0x08020008L,
0x08000200L, 0x00000000L, 0x00020208L, 0x08000200L,
0x00020008L, 0x08000008L, 0x08000008L, 0x00020000L,
0x08020208L, 0x00020008L, 0x08020000L, 0x00000208L,
0x08000000L, 0x00000008L, 0x08020200L, 0x00000200L,
0x00020200L, 0x08020000L, 0x08020008L, 0x00020208L,
0x08000208L, 0x00020200L, 0x00020000L, 0x08000208L,
0x00000008L, 0x08020208L, 0x00000200L, 0x08000000L,
0x08020200L, 0x08000000L, 0x00020008L, 0x00000208L,
0x00020000L, 0x08020200L, 0x08000200L, 0x00000000L,
0x00000200L, 0x00020008L, 0x08020208L, 0x08000200L,
0x08000008L, 0x00000200L, 0x00000000L, 0x08020008L,
0x08000208L, 0x00020000L, 0x08000000L, 0x08020208L,
0x00000008L, 0x00020208L, 0x00020200L, 0x08000008L,
0x08020000L, 0x08000208L, 0x00000208L, 0x08020000L,
0x00020208L, 0x00000008L, 0x08020008L, 0x00020200L };

static unsigned long SP4[64] = {
0x00802001L, 0x00002081L, 0x00002081L, 0x00000080L,
0x00802080L, 0x00800081L, 0x00800001L, 0x00002001L,
0x00000000L, 0x00802000L, 0x00802000L, 0x00802081L,
0x00000081L, 0x00000000L, 0x00800080L, 0x00800001L,
0x00000001L, 0x00002000L, 0x00800000L, 0x00802001L,
0x00000080L, 0x00800000L, 0x00002001L, 0x00002080L,
0x00800081L, 0x00000001L, 0x00002080L, 0x00800080L,
0x00002000L, 0x00802080L, 0x00802081L, 0x00000081L,
0x00800080L, 0x00800001L, 0x00802000L, 0x00802081L,
0x00000081L, 0x00000000L, 0x00000000L, 0x00802000L,
0x00002080L, 0x00800080L, 0x00800081L, 0x00000001L,
0x00802001L, 0x00002081L, 0x00002081L, 0x00000080L,
0x00802081L, 0x00000081L, 0x00000001L, 0x00002000L,
0x00800001L, 0x00002001L, 0x00802080L, 0x00800081L,
0x00002001L, 0x00002080L, 0x00800000L, 0x00802001L,
0x00000080L, 0x00800000L, 0x00002000L, 0x00802080L };
afc 2002-10-19
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DES.C: DES Algorithm Program from the Book Appliced Cryptography, Bruce Schneier

#define EN0 0 /* MODE == encrypt */
#define DE1 1 /* MODE == decrypt */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <reg51.h>

typedef struct {
unsigned long ek[32];
unsigned long dk[32];
} des_ctx;

extern void deskey(unsigned char *, short);
/* hexkey[8] MODE
* Sets the internal key register according to the hexadecimal
* key contained in the 8 bytes of hexkey, according to the DES,
* for encryption or decryption according to MODE.

extern void usekey(unsigned long *);
/* cookedkey[32]
* Loads the internal key register with the data in cookedkey.

extern void cpkey(unsigned long *);
/* cookedkey[32]
* Copies the contents of the internal key register into the storage
* located at &cookedkey[0].

extern void des(unsigned char *, unsigned char *);
/* from[8] to[8]
* Encrypts/Decrypts (according to the key currently loaded in the
* internal key register) one block of eight bytes at address 'from'
* into the block at address 'to'. They can be the same.

static void scrunch(unsigned char *, unsigned long *);
static void unscrun(unsigned long *, unsigned char *);
static void desfunc(unsigned long *, unsigned long *);
static void cookey(unsigned long *);

static unsigned long KnL[32] = { 0L };
static unsigned long KnR[32] = { 0L };
static unsigned long Kn3[32] = { 0L };
static unsigned char Df_Key[24] = {
0x89,0xab,0xcd,0xef,0x01,0x23,0x45,0x67 };

static unsigned short bytebit[8] = {
0200, 0100, 040, 020, 010, 04, 02, 01 };

static unsigned long bigbyte[24] = {
0x800000L, 0x400000L, 0x200000L, 0x100000L,
0x80000L, 0x40000L, 0x20000L, 0x10000L,
0x8000L, 0x4000L, 0x2000L, 0x1000L,
0x800L, 0x400L, 0x200L, 0x100L,
0x80L, 0x40L, 0x20L, 0x10L,
0x8L, 0x4L, 0x2L, 0x1L };

/* Use the key schedule specified in the Standard (ANSI X3.92-1981). */

static unsigned char pc1[56] = {
56, 48, 40, 32, 24, 16, 8, 0, 57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17,
9, 1, 58, 50, 42, 34, 26, 18, 10, 2, 59, 51, 43, 35,
62, 54, 46, 38, 30, 22, 14, 6, 61, 53, 45, 37, 29, 21,
13, 5, 60, 52, 44, 36, 28, 20, 12, 4, 27, 19, 11, 3 };

static unsigned char totrot[16] = {
1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,15,17,19,21,23,25,27,28 };

static unsigned char pc2[48] = {
13, 16, 10, 23, 0, 4, 2, 27, 14, 5, 20, 9,
22, 18, 11, 3, 25, 7, 15, 6, 26, 19, 12, 1,
40, 51, 30, 36, 46, 54, 29, 39, 50, 44, 32, 47,
43, 48, 38, 55, 33, 52, 45, 41, 49, 35, 28, 31 };

void deskey(unsigned char *key, short edf) {
/* Thanks to James Gillogly & Phil Karn! */
register int i, j, l, m, n;
unsigned char pc1m[56], pcr[56];
unsigned long kn[32];

for ( j = 0; j < 56; j++ ) {
l = pc1[j];
m = l & 07;
pc1m[j] = (key[l >> 3] & bytebit[m]) ? 1 : 0;
for( i = 0; i < 16; i++ ) {
if( edf == DE1 ) m = (15 - i) << 1;
else m = i << 1;
n = m + 1;
kn[m] = kn[n] = 0L;
for( j = 0; j < 28; j++ ) {
l = j + totrot[i];
if( l < 28 ) pcr[j] = pc1m[l];
else pcr[j] = pc1m[l - 28];
for( j = 28; j < 56; j++ ) {
l = j + totrot[i];
if( l < 56 ) pcr[j] = pc1m[l];
else pcr[j] = pc1m[l - 28];
for( j = 0; j < 24; j++ ) {
if( pcr[pc2[j]] ) kn[m] |= bigbyte[j];
if( pcr[pc2[j+24]] ) kn[n] |= bigbyte[j];

static void cookey(unsigned long *raw1) {
register unsigned long *cook, *raw0;
unsigned long dough[32];
register int i;

cook = dough;
for( i = 0; i < 16; i++, raw1++ ) {
raw0 = raw1++;
*cook = (*raw0 & 0x00fc0000L) << 6;
*cook |= (*raw0 & 0x00000fc0L) << 10;
*cook |= (*raw1 & 0x00fc0000L) >> 10;
*cook++|= (*raw1 & 0x00000fc0L) >> 6;
*cook = (*raw0 & 0x0003f000L) << 12;
*cook |= (*raw0 & 0x0000003fL) << 16;
*cook |= (*raw1 & 0x0003f000L) >> 4;
*cook++ |= (*raw1 & 0x0000003fL);
anothervip 2002-10-18
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用户 昵称 2002-10-18
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用户 昵称 2002-10-18
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lalhy 2002-10-18
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coppermine 2002-10-17
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big_chen 2002-10-12
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