
Thread 2000-07-13 04:08:00
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Wingsun 2000-07-21
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jilimi 2000-07-13
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thinking_man 2000-07-13
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目录: 1 Uppas40.htm Delphi 4增訂的Object Pascal 19K 2 Api_printer.htm Api函数列表-与打印有关 30K 3 Autocreate.htm 在Delphi3程序中自动检测、建立数据库别名 7K 4 Autoxize.htm DELPHI中自适应表单的实现 3K 5 Bat.htm 在Delphi中利用Tbatch组件完成数据批处理 5K 6 Bde.htm 如何在注册表中注册BDE 2K 7 Bjjlb.htm Delphi编辑俱乐部 4K 8 Cgi_1.htm CGI技术及其开发 11K 9 Cgi_2.htm CGI技术及其开发(二) 12K 10 Chang_backmap.htm 用Delphi实现壁纸更换 3K 11 Change_ip_dns.htm 任何动态改变/添加网络设置中的 TCP/IP 的 DNS 地址 1K 12 Colorcour.htm 让彩色光标出现在Delphi程序中 2K 13 Compon_mk.htm 面向组件的系统开发方法 2K 14 Comtech.htm COM/DCOM如何传递数组 2K 15 Comvsdcom.htm COM/DCOM的区别与联系 2K 16 Cookite.htm Delphi 3中Cookie的建立使用 6K 17 Copy_screen.htm 一个实用的Delphi屏幕拷贝程序的设计 11K 18 Create_oracle7.htm 开发基于ORACLE7数据库的管理信息系统 9K 19 Cs_fast.htm 提高客户机/服务器应用系统性能的一些方法 8K 20 Def_color_dlg.htm 用Delphi实现自定义颜色对话框及其构件 12K 21 Def_preview.htm 自定义快速报表的打印预览窗口 6K 22 Delete.htm 如何把文件删除到回收站中 1K 23 Delphi_c.htm 在Delphi与C++之间实现函数与对象共享 7K 24 Delphi_err.htm Delphi编译错误中文手册 34K 25 Delphi_net1.htm DELPHI与INTERNET 34K 26 Delphi_net2.htm DELPHI与INTERNET 46K 27 Delphi_quick_develop.htm Delphi之快速设计(程序设计篇) 8K 28 Delphi_quick_develop2.htm Delphi之快速设计(界面篇) 3K 29 Delphi23_io.htm 在DELPHI2.0/3.0中直接操作端口 3K 30 Delphivspb.htm 开发AS/400应用系统PB5与Delphi3的比较 9K 31 Device_isok.htm 检查驱动器是否就绪 1K 32 Dtccw03.htm 资源文件DELPHI中的使用 10K 33 Dttray.htm 如何创建任务栏的应用程序 11K 34 Edit_sysmenu.htm 控制系统菜单 3K 35 Fix_sybase.htm 如何恢复Sybase SQL Anywhere的数据库 4K 36 Fixsysbase_in.htm 解决sybase用户数据库不能进入故障的一种方法 5K 37 From_move.htm 用Delphi实现无边界窗体的移动 3K 38 Function.htm 部分函数、命令、属性中文说明 13K 39 Get_form.htm Win95/98下监控运行的其他程序 2K 40 Get_info.htm 使用Delphi获取系列信息 3K 41 Get_net_friend.htm 如何在程序中动态取得Win95/98的网络邻居中的工作组及计算机名 12K 42 H_sort.htm 在DELPHI中用线程排序 4K 43 Happymouse.htm 用Delphi编制趣味动画鼠标 3K 44 Hint.htm 改造HINT的输出方式 5K 45 Howto_chinese_delphi.htm "Delphi之完全汉语"终结版 6K 46 If.htm Delphi数据集过滤技巧 4K 47 Img.htm Delphi下汉字输入法的编程及使用 5K 48 Index_notf.htm 怎样解决打开一个DBF表时的"Index not found.."错误 3K 49 Install.htm 如何制作Delphi程序安装盘 7K 50 Ip
Overview The Apollo Embedded VCL components are native data-aware Delphi components for building Win32 applications using Delphi and C++Builder. Key Features ◦Create Win32 applications using Delphi and C++Builder (Borland, Embarcadero, CodeGear) ◦Create, update and manage CA-Clipper and FoxPro DBF/Xbase database files from code ◦BDE not required ◦Over 30x smaller than the BDE (500KB vs 20MB) ◦Includes Delphi VCL source code to components ◦Compatible with VCL data aware components including TDataset and 3rd party components ◦Samples with full source code ◦Easily scalable from embedded to client/server configuration with little code changes ◦Royalty free unlimited distribution Supported Embarcadero, Borland and CodeGear IDEs ◦RAD Studio XE6, XE5, XE4, XE3, XE2, XE, 2010, 2009, 2007 ◦Delphi XE6, XE5, XE4, XE3, XE2, XE, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005, 7, 6, 5 ◦C++Builder XE6, XE5, XE4, XE3, XE2, XE, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006, 6, 5 Supported Languages ◦Delphi/Object Pascal ◦C++Builder/C++ Supported Platforms ◦Win32 Borland BDE Replacement The BDE is an awkward collection of database technologies that performs various unrelated functions including third party database connectivity and native database management of legacy dBASE and Paradox database files. This collection of unrelated functionality adds needless overhead to your applications and is the source of many configuration, deployment and BDE versioning issues -- all of which can be avoided by replacing the BDE with Apollo. Among other reasons to avoid developing applications that use the BDE is the fact that Borland has deprecated the BDE and has not issued updates to the BDE since 1999. In summary, there is no future in using the BDE. TDataset Compatible Apollo VCL components are fully compatible with Borland's TDataset architecture, which means Apollo is fully compatible with all data aware components including TDBGrid, TDBEdit etc. Apollo is also compatible



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