如何让以前的ExChange Server 5.5在2000中安装?

airfly 2000-07-25 02:15:00
如何让以前的ExChange Server 5.5在2000中安装?我手头没有2000版的Exchange Server!
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maorui 2000-07-27
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照常安装即可,装完了打上Exchange sp3,不要用OWA。
Introduction 3 the CAS role and the Hub Transport role, two updated roles to Exchange Server 2010 that are critical to the Exchange Server 2010 organizational environment. .Part VI: Exchange Server 2010 Administration and Management—In this part, five chapters focus on the administration and management of an Exchange Server 2010 environment. The administration and management of mailboxes, distri- bution lists, sites, and administration have been greatly enhanced in Exchange Server 2010. Although you can continue to perform many of the tasks the way you did in the past, because of significant changes in replication, background transac- tion processing, secured communications, integrated mobile communications, and changes in Windows Server 2003 Active Directory, there are better ways to work with Exchange Server 2010. These chapters drill down into specialty areas helpful to administrators of varying levels of responsibility. .Part VII: Unified Communications in an Exchange Server 2010 Environment—This section has been completely updated for Exchange Server 2010 with the revised Unified Messaging role, new mobility functionality, and tight inte- gration with SharePoint 2007/2010. As previously mentioned in this introduction, Exchange Server 2010 not only improves voice mail to Exchange Server, but also the addition of voice integration takes Exchange Server 2010 far beyond just an email and calendaring solution. This addition takes Exchange Server into an area where communication is conducted on personal computers, mobile handheld devices, and from remote kiosks and terminal systems. The chapters in this part of the book highlight all the enhanced technologies andintegration capabilities that make Exchange Server 2010 the core foundation to the future of an organization’s communications infrastructure. .Part VIII: Client Access to Exchange Server 2010—This part of the book focuses on the enhancements to the Outlook Web App client, various Outlook client capabilities, and Outlook for non-Windows systems. Outlook Web App is no longer just a simple browser client, but one that can effectively be a full primary user client to Exchange Server, including access to network file shares, an entry point to SharePoint shares, and a remote voice mail collection point. In addition, Outlook Web App now has full functionality for non-Windows users, such as users who access Exchange Outlook Web App from an Apple Mac computer. Being that Exchange Server 2010 nowincludes voice and mobile communications as a major component of the Exchange Server environment, client access as well as the distrib- ution, management, and support of the client becomes even more important. .Part IX: Data Protection and Disaster Recovery of Exchange Server 2010— As organizations implement Exchange Server 2010 and make it their central store for email, calendars, contacts, voice and fax communications, and mobile commu- nications, it is no longer an option to set up and support an environment where downtime is even a possibility. This part of the book covers the new continuous backup technologies built in to Exchange Server 2010 intended to keep Exchange Server 2010 operating in a nonstop environment. Additional chapters in this part address backing up and restoring Exchange Server data, along with the recovery of an Exchange Server 2010 environment in the event of a disaster. From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unleashed 4 .Part X: Optimizing Exchange Server 2010 Environments—This last part of the book addresses optimization in terms of server and Exchange Server 2010 organiza- tional environment optimization, optimization of the new Database Availability Group (DAG) storage and replication system, and system optimization that goes far beyond the basics. Rather than simply tuning an Exchange server with the appropri- ate amount of RAM and disk space, Exchange Server 2010 takes on a whole new area of load balancing data storage across distributed storage subsystems in which information is managed and replicated as an integral part of Exchange Server 2010. The real-world experience we have had in working with Exchange Server 2010 and our commitment to writing this book based on years of field experience in early adopter Exchange Server 2010 environments enable us to relay to you information that we hope will be valuable in your successful planning, implementation, and migration to an Exchange Server 2010 environment. In the past 15 years, we have written a book on every version of Exchange Server since its inception built on at least two years of early adopter beta experience. This book, Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unleashed, is the latest of our efforts. However, because Exchange Server 2010 is effectively based on Exchange Server 2007 and could potentially be considered a major service pack update to the product, there are enough differences in the new release that it required complete rethinking of the way we wrote this book. Rather than being just an email and calendaring product, Microsoft added a handful of new server roles to Exchange Server 2007 to improve security and reliability that Microsoft further enhanced in Exchange Server 2010. In addition, Exchange Server 2010 greatly expands on Microsoft’s offering in the areas of unified messaging that it entered into the marketplace with Exchange Server 2007. Exchange Server 2010 has not enhanced the Unified Messaging server role, but Exchange Server is now clearly the backbone of an entire unified communications strategy that Microsoft has built over the past several years. Beyond just email and calendaring, ExchangeServer 2010 is now the foundation for voice and mobile communications. Just a decade and a half ago, email was just one of a number of different ways people communicated. Early implementations of Exchange Server (v4.0, v5.0) had organizations tolerant if a server was down for a day or two. Today, email has become an extremely important, if not primary, method of communication for organizations. Downtime on an Exchange server can bring an entire organization to its knees. With Exchange Server 2010 adding voice mail and mobile communications into the messaging environment, an Exchange Server 2010 server and environment can no longer tolerate failures caused by viruses and spam, nor systemdowntime caused by server crashes or database corruption. You will find that the improvements Microsoft has made to Exchange Server 2010 are not only evolutionary improvements, but highly critical if not absolutely essential to Microsoft’s responsibility to help organizations maintain a safe, secure, and reliable communications infrastructure. This book covers all the aspects of Exchange Server 2010 from introducing the technologies, to properly planning and designing Exchange Server, to the implementation, management, and support of an Exchange Server 2010 environ- ment built on tips, tricks, and best practices from more than two years of early adopter implementations in the field. This book is organized into 10 parts, each part focusing on core Exchange Server 2010 areas, with several chapters making up each part: .Part I: Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Overview—This part provides an intro- duction to Exchange Server 2010, not only from the perspective of a general tech- nology overview, but also to note what is truly new in Exchange Server 2010 that made it compelling enough for organizations to implement the technology in beta From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff 2 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Unleashed in a production environment. This part also covers best practices of planning, proto- type testing, and migration techniques. .Part II: Planning and Designing an Exchange Server 2010 Environment— This part covers the design of an underlying Windows Server 2003/2008 and Active Directory environment in addition to the Exchange Server 2010 unified communi- cations environment. Because organizations of varying sizes have different needs and requirements, as appropriate, this part addresses core Exchange Server 2010 design plans and concepts appropriate for most organizations, and specific attention is given to enterprise-level design and planning considerations for some of the largest Exchange Server implementations in the world. This part also covers the integration of Exchange 2010 in a non-Windows environment as well as tips, tricks, and best practices for getting a Windows Server2003/2008 Active Directory, DNS, and domain structure properly planned and architected. .Part III: Implementing Exchange Server 2010 Services—This part covers the core implementation of Exchange Server 2010 as well as the new Edge Services role that has been added to the Exchange Server organizational structure to provide protection against viruses and spam. In addition, this section has a chapter on the Exchange Management Script based on PowerShell, the Microsoft scripting solution that is the basis of the configuration, administration, and operations of Exchange Server 2010. .Part IV: Securing an Exchange Server 2010 Environment—Security is on everyone’s mind these days, and it was absolutely critical to have several chapters that covered security. The chapters in this part of the book include client-level, server-level, and transport-level security that is at the backbone of security for a network environment. A dedicated chapter on email encryption was necessary to cover the use of certificate-based encryption technologies to enable an organization the ability to provide person-to-person encrypted message communications. In addi- tion, chapters on Microsoft ISA Server 2006 enhancing security at the edge and a chapter on enterprise policy environment addressing regulatory compliance security enhancements added to ExchangeServer 2010 round out this extensive part on security. .Part V: Migrations and Coexistence with Exchange Server 2010—This part is dedicated to migrations, client access servers (CASs), and Hub Transport servers. This part provides a chapter specifically on migrating from Windows 2003 Server to Windows Server 2008 for organizations that want to migrate to a base Windows 2008 environment during their migration to Exchange Server 2010. And, of course, this part includes a chapter on migrating from Exchange Server 2003 and Exchange Server 2007 to the new Exchange Server 2010 unified communications environ- ment. Because Microsoft does not provide migrations from Exchange Server 5.5 or Exchange Server 2000 to Exchange Server 2010, nor does it provide in-place upgradesto Exchange Server 2010, there are fewer options to choose from, which means that the method you are left with needs to be planned, tested, and executed with the utmost care to minimize, if not eliminate, any interruption to users. This part of the book includes a chapter that covers the planning and implementation of From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff
GFI MailEssentials 用于 Exchange 服务器和其他电子邮件服务器的基于服务器的反垃圾邮件软件。 包括反网络钓鱼和广泛的垃圾邮件过滤器功能,如贝叶斯(Bayesian)过滤。


或在CSDN,查找 GFI MailEssentials 12 for Exchange/SMTP_part1 和 part3,以下载完整文件。

• Windows 2000/2003 - Pro, Server 或 Advanced Server 或Windows XP Professional.
• IIS5 SMTP 服务安装后作为继的SMTP向你的邮件服务器
• Microsoft Exchange server 2000, 2003, 4, 5或5.5, Lotus Notes 4.5以上, 或SMTP/POP3 邮件服务器
• 对于目录服务器起用, 用户必须安装Microsoft Message Queueing Services

GFI MailEssentials for Exchange/SMTP 提供服务器级别的垃圾邮件和网络钓鱼保护以及邮件管理功能。 GFI MailEssentials 使用贝叶斯分析和其他方式提供快速设置和较高的垃圾邮件检测率,无需进行配置,使用自动白名单具有极低的误报率,并且可以自动适应邮件环境以便不断调整和 改善垃圾邮件的检测。 GFI MailEssentials 还为邮件服务器增添了邮件管理工具: 免责声明、邮件归档和监控、Internet 邮件报告、列表服务器、基于服务器的自动应答和 POP3 下载。

GFI MailEssentials用于 Exchange/SMTP 服务器的反垃圾邮件软件
随着公司每天收到大量的欺诈、非法和攻击性邮件,反垃圾邮件软件 成为网络安全策略至关重要的组件。 垃圾邮件不仅浪费了网络用户的时间和网络资源,而且非常危险。 GFI MailEssentials 为 Exchange 服务器和其他邮件服务器提供反垃圾邮件服务,避免了在每台桌面上安装和更新反垃圾邮件软件。

GFI MailEssentials 使用贝叶斯过滤和其他方式提供快速设置和较高的垃圾邮件检测率,无需进行配置,使用自动白名单具有极低的误报率,并且可以自动适应邮件环境以便不断调整和 改善垃圾邮件的检测。 GFI MailEssentials 将排除网络 98% 以上的垃圾邮件! GFI MailEssentials 还能通过统一资源标志符(Uniform Resource Identifier,URI)系统和关键字检查以检测并阻止钓鱼邮件。 除了反垃圾邮件过滤和反网络钓鱼检测,GFI MailEssentials 还为邮件服务器添加了邮件管理工具: 免责声明、邮件监控、Internet 邮件报告、列表服务器、基于服务器的自动应答和 POP3 下载。

为什么选择 GFI MailEssentials 用于反垃圾邮件?
> 贝叶斯过滤技术提供了最高的垃圾邮件检测率(98%)
> 正待批准专利的自动白名单功能提供最低的误报率
> 基于服务器的安装,无需客户端软件
> 允许用户从垃圾邮件文件夹检查标记为垃圾邮件的邮件
> 最好的服务器反垃圾邮件解决方案,拥有无与伦比的优惠价格 – 安装超过 60,000 次!
GFI MailEssentials用于 Exchange 服务器和其他电子邮件服务器的基于服务器的反垃圾邮件软件。 包括反网络钓鱼和广泛的垃圾邮件过滤器功能,如贝叶斯(Bayesian)过滤。


或在CSDN,查找 GFI MailEssentials 12 for Exchange/SMTP_part1 和 part2,以下载完整文件。

• Windows 2000/2003 - Pro, Server 或 Advanced Server 或Windows XP Professional.
• IIS5 SMTP 服务安装后作为继的SMTP向你的邮件服务器
• Microsoft Exchange server 2000, 2003, 4, 5或5.5, Lotus Notes 4.5以上, 或SMTP/POP3 邮件服务器
• 对于目录服务器起用, 用户必须安装Microsoft Message Queueing Services

GFI MailEssentials for Exchange/SMTP 提供服务器级别的垃圾邮件和网络钓鱼保护以及邮件管理功能。 GFI MailEssentials 使用贝叶斯分析和其他方式提供快速设置和较高的垃圾邮件检测率,无需进行配置,使用自动白名单具有极低的误报率,并且可以自动适应邮件环境以便不断调整和 改善垃圾邮件的检测。 GFI MailEssentials 还为邮件服务器增添了邮件管理工具: 免责声明、邮件归档和监控、Internet 邮件报告、列表服务器、基于服务器的自动应答和 POP3 下载。

GFI MailEssentials用于 Exchange/SMTP 服务器的反垃圾邮件软件
随着公司每天收到大量的欺诈、非法和攻击性邮件,反垃圾邮件软件 成为网络安全策略至关重要的组件。 垃圾邮件不仅浪费了网络用户的时间和网络资源,而且非常危险。 GFI MailEssentials 为 Exchange 服务器和其他邮件服务器提供反垃圾邮件服务,避免了在每台桌面上安装和更新反垃圾邮件软件。

GFI MailEssentials 使用贝叶斯过滤和其他方式提供快速设置和较高的垃圾邮件检测率,无需进行配置,使用自动白名单具有极低的误报率,并且可以自动适应邮件环境以便不断调整和 改善垃圾邮件的检测。 GFI MailEssentials 将排除网络 98% 以上的垃圾邮件! GFI MailEssentials 还能通过统一资源标志符(Uniform Resource Identifier,URI)系统和关键字检查以检测并阻止钓鱼邮件。 除了反垃圾邮件过滤和反网络钓鱼检测,GFI MailEssentials 还为邮件服务器添加了邮件管理工具: 免责声明、邮件监控、Internet 邮件报告、列表服务器、基于服务器的自动应答和 POP3 下载。

为什么选择 GFI MailEssentials 用于反垃圾邮件?
> 正待批准专利的自动白名单功能提供最低的误报率
> 基于服务器的安装,无需客户端软件
> 允许用户从垃圾邮件文件夹检查标记为垃圾邮件的邮件
> 最好的服务器反垃圾邮件解决方案,拥有无与伦比的优惠价格 – 安装超过 60,000 次!
GFI MailEssentials用于 Exchange 服务器和其他电子邮件服务器的基于服务器的反垃圾邮件软件。 包括反网络钓鱼和广泛的垃圾邮件过滤器功能,如贝叶斯(Bayesian)过滤。


或在CSDN,查找 GFI MailEssentials 12 for Exchange/SMTP_part2 和 part3,以下载完整文件。

• Windows 2000/2003 - Pro, Server 或 Advanced Server 或Windows XP Professional.
• IIS5 SMTP 服务安装后作为继的SMTP向你的邮件服务器
• Microsoft Exchange server 2000, 2003, 4, 5或5.5, Lotus Notes 4.5以上, 或SMTP/POP3 邮件服务器
• 对于目录服务器起用, 用户必须安装Microsoft Message Queueing Services

GFI MailEssentials for Exchange/SMTP 提供服务器级别的垃圾邮件和网络钓鱼保护以及邮件管理功能。 GFI MailEssentials 使用贝叶斯分析和其他方式提供快速设置和较高的垃圾邮件检测率,无需进行配置,使用自动白名单具有极低的误报率,并且可以自动适应邮件环境以便不断调整和 改善垃圾邮件的检测。 GFI MailEssentials 还为邮件服务器增添了邮件管理工具: 免责声明、邮件归档和监控、Internet 邮件报告、列表服务器、基于服务器的自动应答和 POP3 下载。

GFI MailEssentials用于 Exchange/SMTP 服务器的反垃圾邮件软件
随着公司每天收到大量的欺诈、非法和攻击性邮件,反垃圾邮件软件 成为网络安全策略至关重要的组件。 垃圾邮件不仅浪费了网络用户的时间和网络资源,而且非常危险。 GFI MailEssentials 为 Exchange 服务器和其他邮件服务器提供反垃圾邮件服务,避免了在每台桌面上安装和更新反垃圾邮件软件。

GFI MailEssentials 使用贝叶斯过滤和其他方式提供快速设置和较高的垃圾邮件检测率,无需进行配置,使用自动白名单具有极低的误报率,并且可以自动适应邮件环境以便不断调整和 改善垃圾邮件的检测。 GFI MailEssentials 将排除网络 98% 以上的垃圾邮件! GFI MailEssentials 还能通过统一资源标志符(Uniform Resource Identifier,URI)系统和关键字检查以检测并阻止钓鱼邮件。 除了反垃圾邮件过滤和反网络钓鱼检测,GFI MailEssentials 还为邮件服务器添加了邮件管理工具: 免责声明、邮件监控、Internet 邮件报告、列表服务器、基于服务器的自动应答和 POP3 下载。

为什么选择 GFI MailEssentials 用于反垃圾邮件?
> 正待批准专利的自动白名单功能提供最低的误报率
> 基于服务器的安装,无需客户端软件
> 允许用户从垃圾邮件文件夹检查标记为垃圾邮件的邮件
> 最好的服务器反垃圾邮件解决方案,拥有无与伦比的优惠价格 – 安装超过 60,000 次!



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