xiecy 2000-07-28 03:04:00
在修改时显示another uesr changed the record,
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xiecy 2000-10-04
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xiecy 2000-09-27
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xiecy 2000-09-02
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netspirit 2000-08-31
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gwy 2000-08-30
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1,databasesearch.ZIP数据库查询示例程序(3KB)2,dbgrid.ZIP在DBGRID控件的单元格中实现下拉列表框(3KB)3,flex.ZIP 隐藏FlexGrid的某些行(2KB)4,dbpic.ZIP 将图片添加到Access数据库中。(19KB)5,dbprint.ZIP 一个数据库打印的范例(8KB)6,exportdb.ZIP 将数据库输出到一个文本文件中(5KB)7,sqlcount.ZIP 从一次SQL查询中获得多个查询数值(6KB)8,createnewdatabase.ZIP 通过程序在磁盘上建立一个新的Access数据库文件。(2KB)9,munir.ZIP 显示数据库中内容的例子(13KB) 10,shahida.ZIP query数据库的例子(12KB)11,datafile.ZIP 创建和修改自定义的数据库 (20KB)12,edittbls.ZIP 演示编辑一个数据表 (9KB)13,graphdb.ZIP 从数据库中读取数据并将它放入图形中,需要mschart ocx (6KB)14,binarydb.ZIP 快速数据库的编程实现 (11KB)15,tysjk.zip 数据库观察器(8KB)16,creatmdb.zip 用代码在程序运行阶段建立MDB数据库文件(4KB)17,datafile1.zip 创建和修改自定义的数据库(5KB)18,datediff.zip 创建和修改自定义的数据库(2KB)19,dbgrid3.zip 使用没有连接到数据库的 DBGrid 控件(5KB)20,mschart.zip 从数据库中读取数据进行图形显示, 需要MSChart OCX(9KB)21,sqltest.zip 基于SQL Server 6.5的公司进销存管理的实例(298KB)22,dbsprop.zip 数据库属性页(14KB)23,rdsdemo.zip RDS 数据库(18KB)24,accesspwd.zip 读取Access97数据库密码(9KB)25,d032_gzgl.zip嘉兴金蜂软件作坊的定单管理软件(953KB)26,d031_sqltest.zip基于SQL Server 6.5的公司进销存管理的实例(300KB)27,d030_grzb.zip小小收支薄 (67KB)28,d029_addressbook.zip一个简单的数据库程序,包括添加,搜索等功能,是一个入门级的程序(9KB)29,d028_zm046.zip你只要把想做的查询方式告诉它,它就会把相应的SQL语句告诉你,很酷吧?(33KB)30,d027_zm027.zip一个简易的ACCESS的源程序,用到了很多操作数据库的技巧,Cool(128KB)31,d026_binaryDB.zip一定要用微软的数据引擎吗?一定要承受巨大的 DLL 文件?本程序说:No (11KB)32,d025_TwFAQ.zip FAQ统计系统(374KB)33,d024_ddgl.zip一个完整的数据库管理程序(262KB)34,d023_grzb.zip程志刚的个人财务软件的源码,完整的数据库程序(67KB)35,d022_demos-02.zip将MDB文件导出为多种格式文件,如:DBF,TXT等(3KB)36,d021_mdbto.zip范例-如何在 MSFlexGrid 中输入资料(3KB)37,d020_sqlcount.zipSQL计数的例子(6KB)38,d019_xlstomdb.zip如何把Excel文件转换成mdb数据库(14KB)39,d018exportdb.zip类似(基本无异)Microsoft Access 的数据库属性页源代码(5KB)40,d017_shahida.zipQuery数据库的例子(9KB)41,d016_mschart.zip从数据库中读取数据进行图形显示, 需要MSChart OCX(9KB)42,d015_chunkole.zip将多媒体文件保存到数据库中,或将数据库中的多媒体文件显示出来(90KB)43,d014_dbpic.zip把图片放到数据库中(19KB)44,d013_dbgrid3.zip使用没有连接到数据库的 DBGrid 控件(5KB)45,d012_datediff.zip创建和修改自定义的数据库(2KB)46,d011_databasesearch.zip数据库查询示例程序(3KB)47,d010_vbcodelib.zip一个管理VB源码的数据库例子(101KB)48,d009_creatmdb.zip用代码在程序运行阶段建立MDB数据库文件(4KB)49,d008_tysjk.zip一个不错的数据库观察器(8KB)50,d007_mydata.zip个人的数据库(10KB)51,d006.zip建立大于屏幕的虚拟表单(3KB)52,d005.zip数据库打印的例子(8KB)53,d004.zip这个例子演示读取数据库中的内容并输出到文本文件(5KB)54,d003.zip快速数据库的编程实现(11KB)55,d002.zip演示编辑一个数据表(9KB)56,d001.zip显示数据库中内容的例子(13KB)57,ddeexamp.zip 利用 DDE 控制Access(39KB)58,sql.zip 数据库及前端应用程序(300KB)59,dbtohtml.zip MDB2HTM(23KB)60,mydata.zip 从库中调用图片(10KB)61,gzgl.zip 工资管理(953KB)62,n-10.zip 创建和修改自定义的数据库(20KB)63,n-26.zip 显示数据库中内容的例子(13KB)
目录: 1 Uppas40.htm Delphi 4增訂的Object Pascal 19K 2 Api_printer.htm Api函数列表-与打印有关 30K 3 Autocreate.htm 在Delphi3程序中自动检测、建立数据库别名 7K 4 Autoxize.htm DELPHI中自适应表单的实现 3K 5 Bat.htm 在Delphi中利用Tbatch组件完成数据批处理 5K 6 Bde.htm 如何在注册表中注册BDE 2K 7 Bjjlb.htm Delphi编辑俱乐部 4K 8 Cgi_1.htm CGI技术及其开发 11K 9 Cgi_2.htm CGI技术及其开发(二) 12K 10 Chang_backmap.htm 用Delphi实现壁纸更换 3K 11 Change_ip_dns.htm 任何动态改变/添加网络设置中的 TCP/IP 的 DNS 地址 1K 12 Colorcour.htm 让彩色光标出现在Delphi程序中 2K 13 Compon_mk.htm 面向组件的系统开发方法 2K 14 Comtech.htm COM/DCOM如何传递数组 2K 15 Comvsdcom.htm COM/DCOM的区别与联系 2K 16 Cookite.htm Delphi 3中Cookie的建立使用 6K 17 Copy_screen.htm 一个实用的Delphi屏幕拷贝程序的设计 11K 18 Create_oracle7.htm 开发基于ORACLE7数据库的管理信息系统 9K 19 Cs_fast.htm 提高客户机/服务器应用系统性能的一些方法 8K 20 Def_color_dlg.htm 用Delphi实现自定义颜色对话框及其构件 12K 21 Def_preview.htm 自定义快速报表的打印预览窗口 6K 22 Delete.htm 如何把文件删除到回收站中 1K 23 Delphi_c.htm 在Delphi与C++之间实现函数与对象共享 7K 24 Delphi_err.htm Delphi编译错误中文手册 34K 25 Delphi_net1.htm DELPHI与INTERNET 34K 26 Delphi_net2.htm DELPHI与INTERNET 46K 27 Delphi_quick_develop.htm Delphi之快速设计(程序设计篇) 8K 28 Delphi_quick_develop2.htm Delphi之快速设计(界面篇) 3K 29 Delphi23_io.htm 在DELPHI2.0/3.0中直接操作端口 3K 30 Delphivspb.htm 开发AS/400应用系统PB5与Delphi3的比较 9K 31 Device_isok.htm 检查驱动器是否就绪 1K 32 Dtccw03.htm 资源文件在DELPHI中的使用 10K 33 Dttray.htm 如何创建任务栏的应用程序 11K 34 Edit_sysmenu.htm 控制系统菜单 3K 35 Fix_sybase.htm 如何恢复Sybase SQL Anywhere的数据库 4K 36 Fixsysbase_in.htm 解决sybase用户数据库不能进入故障的一种方法 5K 37 From_move.htm 用Delphi实现无边界窗体的移动 3K 38 Function.htm 部分函数、命令、属性中文说明 13K 39 Get_form.htm Win95/98下监控运行的其他程序 2K 40 Get_info.htm 使用Delphi获取系列信息 3K 41 Get_net_friend.htm 如何在程序中动态取得Win95/98的网络邻居中的工作组及计算机名 12K 42 H_sort.htm 在DELPHI中用线程排序 4K 43 Happymouse.htm 用Delphi编制趣味动画鼠标 3K 44 Hint.htm 改造HINT的输出方式 5K 45 Howto_chinese_delphi.htm "Delphi之完全汉语"终结版 6K 46 If.htm Delphi数据集过滤技巧 4K 47 Img.htm Delphi下汉字输入法的编程及使用 5K 48 Index_notf.htm 怎样解决打开一个DBF表的"Index not found.."错误 3K 49 Install.htm 如何制作Delphi程序安装盘 7K 50 Ip
1,01.zipCalling Stored Procedures调用存储过程(8KB)2,02.zipCreate Access data source name dynamically动态创建Access的数据源名(5KB)3,03.zipUsing DAO to read data sources other than MS Access使用DAO读MS Access以外的数据源(6KB)4,04.zipHow to use RecordSets without using the AppWizard at the creation of your project不用AppWizard如何使用RecordSets(11KB)5,05.zipDetermine if DAO Jet engine version 3.5 is installed检测DAO Jet引擎3.5版是否安装(5KB)6,06.zipClasses for direct SQL calls with ODBC在direct SQL类中调用ODBC(5KB)7,07.zipUsefull addons to CDaoTableDef关于CDaoTableDef的话题(4KB)8,08.zipThe Generic Recordset普通的数据集(Recordset)(5KB)09,09.zipPrint Mailing Labels打印邮件标签(8KB)10,10.zipRFX_Date alternative关于RFX_Date(4KB)11,11.zipRFX_Date using COleDateTime使用COleDateTime(6KB)12,12.zipSample Database Program Using Dialog Interface基于对话框的数据库编程(11KB)13,13.zipStoring "Paint Brush" images in a Access DB在Access DB中存储画笔图象(5KB)14,14.zipA class to call stored procedures that do not return records一个调用存储过程的类(6KB)15,15.zipTips: ODBC & Access databaseODBC和Access数据库的使用技巧(5KB)16,16.zipUsing DBGrid in unbound mode在unbound模式下使用DBGrid(6KB)17,ADORsWizard.zipADO Data Bound Class Wizard(39KB)18,ISQLADO.zipA tool that allows you to query OLE DB sources(612KB)19,oledb-1.zipADO seems to be the ideal way to expose tabular data from your own COM objects and the ATL OLE DB Provider templates can help! (41KB)20,oledb-2-1.zipThe ATL OLE DB Provider templates appear to rely on the fact that your data is kept in a simple array, but that's not really the case at all! (42KB)21,oledb-3.zipAdding bookmark functionality is relatively easy and it enables our ADO recordset to be used with a greater number of data bound controls. (52KB)
这个数据库看性能不错,哪位能破解一下。Overview Absolute Database: Delphi database with SQL support.Absolute Database lets you forget the Borland Database Engine (BDE). This BDE replacement is the compact, high-speed, robust and easy-to-use database engine. With Absolute Database you will not need special installation and configuration, it compiles right into your EXE. Make your application faster and smaller with Absolute Database BDE alternative!An individual may use Absolute Database Personal in a project if he / she is the only user of this project. If your project is public or if you represent a company, you must order commercial edition of Absolute Database.Key Features: No BDE; no DLLs Single-file database SQL‘92 (DDL & DML) support Single-user and multi-user mode (file-server) Unmatched ease-of-use 100% compatibility with standard DB-aware controls Strong encryption BLOB compression Free for personal use Full source code available Royalty-free Specification Ease of Deployment No BDE, no DLLs No special installation or configuration required Database engine compiles right into EXE Single-file database format Database file could be merged with the application EXE file High Speed Advanced cache management and buffering architecture Sophisticated SQL query and filter optimizer Special optimized database engine for temporary results of SQL queries Fast B*-Tree indexes with high-speed on thousands and on millions of records Buffered transactions for batch inserts, updates and deletes In-memory tables for fast operations with data loaded into memory Optimization for read-only databases, such as databases on CD High-concurrency design for multi-threaded applications Multi-User Zero-admin file-server Automatic record and table locking Automatic detection of changes made by other users Configurable limit of concurrent connections Easy switching between single-user and multi-user mode Full transactions support with ReadCommited isolation level SQL Support SELECT with DISTINCT, INNER LEFT, RIGTH, FULL and OUTER JOIN, GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, ALTER TABLE statements CREATE INDEX, DROP INDEX statements INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements BETWEEN, IN, LIKE, IS NULL, EXISTS operators Aggregate functions COUNT,SUM,MIN,MAX,AVG Most of all SQL‘92 arithmetic, logical, date-time and string functions and operators Data types conversion by function CAST SQL scripts (multiple commands separated by ‘;‘) Parameters in queries SELECT from several databases in one query Correlated and non-correlated subqueries Compactness Small size of code added into the application by the database engine units Small database file size achieved by customizable page size, compression of table metadata and other special means Automatic free space recycling for data records, index pages, and BLOB blocks Fast BLOB data compression Short indexes for string fields Low memory consumption Compatibility Support of most of TTable field data types, including BLOB fields Full compatibility with standard DB-aware visual controls such as QuickReport, DBGrid, DBNavigator, DBImage, DBMemo, DBRichEdit and others Calculated and lookup fields Most of TTable functions including Key and Range methods Support for the IProvider interface (TClientDataSet) Functionality Unicode support in String and Memo fields Multiple-fields indexes with descending, ascending, case-sensitive and insensitive options Shareable tables Default values support Min, max and not null constraints on field values Export to SQL script (reverse engineering) Security Strong encryption of database file Variety of supported encryption algorithms: Rijndael, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) winner 128 bit key, Rijndael 256 bit key, Blowfish 448 bit key, Twofish 128 bit key, Twofish 256 bit key, Square, Single DES and Triple DES Reliability Repair database in case of hardware failure or operating system error caused by another application Auto-detect of database corruption and automatic repair of database file Convenience Table restructuring being performed in the easiest way keeping all the existing data Data importing from and exporting to any dataset Internationalization / localization support by use of current system locale Displaying progress during potentially slow operations with the tables and databases Utilities DBImportExport utility to transfer your existing tables from database systems with BDE driver, such as Paradox, Interbase, Access, Oracle, SQL Server to Absolute Database format and vice versa. Absolute Database Manager to manage a database easily and to perform all supported operations with tables and database file Absolute Database Manager also provides you an easy way of executing SQL queries All utilities come with full source code and can be used as an advanced examples Ease of Development Full compatibility with TTable, TQuery, TSession and TDatabase components Extensive documentation: Developer‘s Guide and Reference covering every development issue. Large number of demos illustrating wide range of use cases Prompt and responsive technical support Cost-Effectiveness 100% royalty-free, i.e. there is no additional licensing fees no matter how many times you deploy the application Flexible licensing: source code and no source code versions, multi-developers licenses Comparison with other Databases You can see here Comparision with other databases Maximum Capacity SpecificationsObject Maximum sizes / numbers Multi-User Edition Single-User Edition Bytes per string field 64,000 (also limited by page size) 64,000 (also limited by page size) Bytes per BLOB field 2GB 2GB Bytes per index 64,000 (also limited by page size) 64,000 (also limited by page size) Bytes per row 65,400 (also limited by page size) 65,400 (also limited by page size) Columns per index 10,000 10,000 Columns per table 65,000 65,000 UNIQUE indexes or constraints per table 30,000 30,000 Database size 32 TB (also limited by file system and OS) 32 TB (also limited by file system and OS) Identifier length (in characters) 255 255 Locks per connection 2,147,483,647 N/A Rows per table 2,147,483,647 2,147,483,647 Tables per database 2,147,483,647 2,147,483,647 Bytes per page 65,536 65,536 Pages per database file 2,147,483,647 2,147,483,647 Connections per database Maximum value of configured connections before creating database file (up to 2,147,483,647) 1 Records in transaction 2,147,483,647 (also limited by available RAM) 2,147,483,647 (also limited by available RAM) In-memory table size 2,147,483,647 (also limited by available RAM) 2,147,483,647 (also limited by available RAM) Requirements Target Development Environment:Delphi 4, Delphi 5, Delphi 6, Delphi 7 and C++ Builder 4, C++ Builder 5, C++ Builder 6. Trial and Personal editions of Delphi are not supported.Target OS:Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT, 2000, XP
1 , datafile.zip
"This sample demonstrates how to do file input and output using Visual Basic. The sample creates a new database file and allows you to view, add, or delete records in this database."
2 , dbprint.zip
This demonstrates how to print data from a database.
3 , edittbls.zip
This is an EXCELLENT example on how to edit database Tables through VB.
4 , graphdb.zip
This demonstrates how to graph information from a database to a picturebox.
5 , ClassBuilder1.zip
Class Builder - reads SQL Server or Access database and creates a class of the selected table
6 , adoView1.zip
ADO viewer. Retrieve all columns, querys and fields of a database and put them in a TreeView(using OpenSchema ADOConnection method)
7 , imagechunk1.zip
This application will save JPG,BMP,GIF files in your database and allows you to fetch the same. Code example for saving and fetching the same in oracle and sql is also given.
8 , DBImpExp.zip
A utility to import/export Access database from/to other application formats, e.g. Excel and text files. With sample files and help, as well as ample remarks.
9 , pb_test.zip
Test project illustrating high performance Data Access for SQL Server using ADO command objects and Stored Procedures for Insert, Update, Delete and Select. Two methods for Selects are shown
10 , Employees.zip
This is a database project, for storing employees data.
11 , DBProject2.zip
New version of DBProject. Allows you view, scroll through, and edit an access database.
12 , adoview.zip
ADO Viewer,This code retrieve all columns, querys, fields of a database(Access, SQL Server, etc...)
13 , Cheques2.zip
New version of Cheques program. Must see...
14 , ADOSQLcodeGenerator.zip
SQL and ADO Code Generator. Generate SQL statement and ADO Code Connection without the use of an ADO Data Control.
15 , client.zip
This application is about programming with Client Side Cursors.
16 , AccessSecurity.zip
An Access97 security tool. Replaces going into Access97 and switching between security forms.
17 , DatabaseViewandEdit.zip
Do about anything with Access databases. View, edit, export contents to Word or Excel, etc., etc.
18 , VBSales.zip
This is a complete database program for sales which help you to create purchase order, Invoice, etc.
19 , accidents.zip
A programme meant to add, edit,delete,and searching data. It includes how to show statistics regarding the accidents information.just try it. It is handy in studying database programming.
20 , MySQLExplorer.zip
Explorer for MySQL Data Base.You can retrieve and execute your query.
21 , ICDBaseSource115.zip
DAO based database program with many features in it
22 , ICDBSourceBeta115.zip
teach people just beginning with databases and also i am new to databases so this is pretty well commented.
23 , Diary.zip
This application everything you need.t has a CALCULATOR.It has TIME & DATE u can even set the system time
24 , L_datab.zip
The functions are for open Databases including passwords, creating Recordsets , executing SQL statements, renaming tables and many more.
25 , CodeGen.zip
VB code generator,The application currently generates data classes for Access '97 databases.
26 , dbexample.zip
The best part about using a MS JETDB EnGINE4 is that the DB can be accessed through a network.
27 , ComboLookup.zip
Zip Code Database Is A Program To Find Zip Codes By Using A Lookup Field.
28 , UDL.zip
This is a class that lets you create and edit UDL files
29 , qbd-dbCoder131.zip
This code shows how to take data from a VB database application and place it into an Excel spreadsheet.
30 , Family_v2_upload_Apr_05_2000.zip
This is a family address book program created using VB6.
31 , datsearch.zip
Application which searches an Access database for a specified search term entered by the user.
32 , DBTextGrid.zip
This program is the modification of my previous Textgrid.Now you can Add, Modify, Delete, View, Save data to/from your database with this Grid. The grid was formed with array of text boxes.
This program creates text box array dynamically and loads the database fields onto it.
This program Demonstrates how to use LIKE operator in Jet SQL Query (uses DAO).
This project is a demonstration of how to convert a recordset into an XML format file. Its well documented and more XML stuff to come along.
This program will allow the user to select a MDB file to compact. Its then backed up just in case, compressed and then the original is deleted before the new compacted version is moved back in place of the original.
We've written this mainly for when we develop databases, but really you could adapt it for productive use too. By supplying a DSN entry, it will attempt to connect to that database and list all the tables in it. When you click on a table, it lists all
An Inventory System, you can add, edit, sort, find, delete, print, change your password and create a backup of your database
Full original RANDOM DATA INDEXING (SY-32)METHOD),Faster DATA access than a classical database application. the 1st source of new indexing method (SY-32)
This is Student Administration Project , u can administrate student through this programme in any institute when u run the programme please use password "mars3" then u can run please check it.
ADO DataBase Viewer. Can open multiple concurrent databases from seperate providers. Works with Access, SQL Server and DSN. I included the ODBC Logon from VB6 so it should be able to hook up to any data provider that supports ADO.
Passing parameters with data reports. I have set two parameters and passed them during run time.Open with VB6.
A small application that shows you how to compact and repair a Microsoft Access mdb or mde using ADO (JRO).
This is simple GL ledger Project, again a database program. It has an interesting part if you click About button. Must see it.
Ado Data Sort Control will display your data from database, filter, sort (up to 3 levels) all in HFlexGrid!!!
Use ADO to convert database records into an XML file. All users must have MSXML.dll version 3.0, and Internet Explorer 5.5.
Simple application that shows how to use the Data Control to connect to the Biblio.mdb database and display all authors in the Authors table.
An SQL Query tool for SQL Server or Oracle.
Complete Database Address book With Lots Of New Facilites.....下载 Now.
DataBase Viewer is a program that lets you to look at your database files. It opens the recordsets in a table for easy viewing and also has a percents and progress bar to show the exact loading progress of the RecordSet.
This program generates a dynamic datareport during runtime without using any DataEnvironment object. I have passed the datasource and recordset properties during run time. Opens with VB6.

This is a newer version of the Edit UDL class. This version 2.3 enables you to Create, Edit and Save UDL files either by the UDL properties Dialog Box or by a connection string. The class adds some additional Properties. The Zip file contains not only the class but a sample project demonstrating the use of the UDL class.
In a network environment, open a connection to a database, retrieve data, close the connection, work with the data, reopen the connection to communicate with the database again and do a batch update.
This application reads universal data link files from disk, creates them, and saves modifications to them to a file. UDL files contain ADO connection information to data sources. Their output can be used as a connection string in your applications.
This is a full 3-tier dababase application which includes a activex dll project(business objects) and a standard exe(UI).
Application which shows how to access a password protected Access database using DAO and ADO.
Database explorer for viewing all tables and queries in a database. Also includes an SQL editor similar to SQL Query Analyzer.
ADO Database, Improved login and made the program smaller but with the same options as before just a few extra ones with the login such as write the login to the registry instead of just to a ini file also better encryption for the ini file... Now you can save your password as a number, in the previous login the encryption was poor.
ADO Database... FriendsDatabase Version 1.05 ... Updated Again, Added even more error handling and images to the listview box also added a few forms to stay on top. Some major error additions i skipped before, runs much smoother now not that it didn't before.
GREATLY UPDATED: Added much better error handling just to be safer and more neat... Also added more sound so all commands have a sound and upon loading a 3 second wav plays also included is the advanced progress bar and ocx that i found in someone elses source that is great for multiple reasons..
My first ADO database, i learned from tutorials on here specifically from Jerry Barnes so i think this would be great for people new to ADO databases to learn from but i suggest finding Jerry Barnes ADO For beginners source because it is incredibly commented on and will surely have you creating ADO within 20 minutes.
The Application basically allows you to connect to any Access Database view records of each table, along with the table design ,write sql statements on the fly(any dml statement).Most Of The Functionality Of The Application Has Been Automated. A must See..
Database application. Must see...
Cheques. Must see...
DAO based database program with many features in it, I also noticed after searching around I seen no databases that supported saving gaming info so I made one witht he ability for saving game info such as favorite game, gaming handle, clan name, clan rank...
Pizza Program. Must see...
This VB database application shows how to use DataEnvironment in code.
This is new version of a family address book that I released some time ago. This time around I mostly use ADO instead of DAO and now the user isallowed to add or remove any category of their choice.
An Agenda which uses a text database file.
Stocks Portfolio.
This is a database project that uses the VB DBGrid control to display and scroll through all records in an Access database.
Database app. I did as a college assignment. Only simple stuff but there is some good tab strip code etc...
Database Viewer application. Allows you to view and scroll through all of the records in a database.
Access97 Database Coder. Analyses a database and writes the code required to create blank copy. Two projects dbCoderAddIn.vbp can be compiled as an add-in and will place the code in a new module of the active project.
Demonstrates how to use the data control to move through a recordset.
Opens an access database using ADO and then displays all records, provider properties and error information in a list box.
An example of a bound form using the ADO control(4KB)
Examples of a connectionless recordset(2KB)



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