How to program with modem?

ntzwb 2000-08-21 11:56:00
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茂奇软件 2000-08-21
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DragonCheng 2000-08-21
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Sikao 2000-08-21
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Unix编程常见问题解答(FAQ/Frequently Asked Questions)(v1.37)(中文版 v0.1.0) 作者:天下一菜 来源:博客园 问题目录 ******** (译者:这里我有意保留原文以便于查询) 1. Process Control 进程控制 1.1 Creating new processes: fork() 创建新进程:fork函数 1.1.1 What does fork() do? fork函数干什么? 1.1.2 What's the difference between fork() and vfork()? fork函数 与 vfork函数的区别在哪里? 1.1.3 Why use _exit rather than exit in the child branch of a fork? 为何在一个fork的子进程分支中使用_exit函数而不使用 exit函数? 1.2 Environment variables 环境变量 1.2.1 How can I get/set an environment variable from a program? 我怎样在程序中获得/设置环境变量? 1.2.2 How can I read the whole environment? 我怎样读取整个环境变量表? 1.3 How can I sleep for less than a second? 我怎样睡眠小于一秒?第 2/66 页)2011-12-20 9:55:10 Unix编程常见问题解答(FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions)(v1.37)(中文版 v0.1.0) - 博客文库 - 博客园 1.4 How can I get a finer-grained version of alarm()? 我怎样得到一个更细分时间单位的alarm函数版本(译者注:希望alarm 的时间小于一秒)? 1.5 How can a parent and child process communicate? 父子进程如何通信? 1.6 How do I get rid of zombie processes? 我怎样去除僵死进程? 1.6.1 What is a zombie? 何为僵死进程? 1.6.2 How do I prevent them from occuring? 我怎样避免它们的出现? 1.7 How do I get my program to act like a daemon? 我怎样使我的程序作为守护程序运行? 1.8 How can I look at process in the system like ps does? 我怎样象ps程序一样审视系统的进程? 1.9 Given a pid, how can I tell if it's a running program? 给定一个进程号(译者注:pid: process ID),我怎样知道它是个正 在运行的程序? 1.10 What's the return value of system/pclose/waitpid? system函数,pclose函数,waitpid函数 的返回值是什么? 1.11 How do I find out about a process' memory usage? 我怎样找出一个进程的存储器使用情况? 1.12 Why do processes never decrease in size? 为什么进程的大小不缩减? 1.13 How do I change the name of my program (as seen by `ps')? 我怎样改变我程序的名字(即“ps”看到的名字)? 1.14 How can I find a process' executable file? 我怎样找到进程的相应可执行文件? 1.14.1 So where do I put my configuration files then? 那么,我把配置文件放在哪里呢? 1.15 Why doesn't my process get SIGHUP when its parent dies? 为何父进程死时,我的进程未得到SIGHUP信号? 1.16 How can I kill all descendents of a process? 我怎样杀死一个进程的所有派生进程? 2. General File handling (including pipes and sockets) 一般文件操作(包括管道和套接字) 2.1 How to manage multiple connections? 怎样管理多个连接? 2.1.1 How do I use select()? 我怎样使用select()? 2.1.2 How do I use poll()? 我怎样使用poll() ? 2.1.3 Can I use SysV IPC at the same time as select or poll? 我是否可以将SysV 进程间通信 (译者注:IPC: Interprocess Communications) 与select或poll同 时使用? 2.2 How can I tell when the other end of a connection shuts down? 我怎么知道连接的另一端已关闭? 2.3 Best way to read directories? 读目录的最好方法? 2.4 How can I find out if someone else has a file open? 我怎么知道其他人已经打开一个文件? 2.5 How do I `lock' a file? 我怎样锁定一个文件? 2.6 How do I find out if a file has been updated by another process? 我怎么知道一个文件是否已被其他进程更新? 2.7 How does the `du' utility work? “du”工具程序是怎么工作的? 2.8 How do I find the size of a file? 我怎么知道一个文件的大小? 2.9 How do I expand `~' in a filename like the shell does? 我怎样象shell程序一样将一个文件名中含有的“~”展开? 2.10 What can I do with named pipes (FIFOs)? 我能用有名管道(FIFOs)(译者注:FIFO: First In First Oout)干什么? 2.10.1 What is a named pipe? 什么是有名管道? 2.10.2 How do I create a named pipe? 我怎样创建一个有名管道? 2.10.3 How do I use a named pipe? 我怎样使用一个有名管道? 2.10.4 Can I use a named pipe across NFS? 我能基于网络文件系统(译者注:NFS:Network File System)使用有名管道 吗? 2.10.5 Can multiple processes write to the pipe simultaneously? 多个进程能否同时向这个管道写执行写操作? 2.10.6 Using named pipes in applications 在应用程序中使用有名管道。 3. Terminal I/O 终端输入/输出(I/O:input/output) 3.1 How can I make my program not echo input? 我怎样使我的程序不回射输入? 3.2 How can I read single characters from the terminal? 我怎样从终端读取单个字符? 3.3 How can I check and see if a key was pressed? 我怎样检查是否一个键被摁下? 3.4 How can I move the cursor around the screen? 我怎样将光标在屏幕里移动?第 3/66 页)2011-12-20 9:55:10 Unix编程常见问题解答(FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions)(v1.37)(中文版 v0.1.0) - 博客文库 - 博客园 3.5 What are pttys? pttys(pttys:Pseudo-teletypes)是什么? 3.6 How to handle a serial port or modem? 怎样控制一个串行口和调制解调器(译者注:modem: modulate-demodulate) 3.6.1 Serial device names and types 串行设备和类型 3.6.2 Setting up termios flags 设置termios的标志位 c_iflag c_oflag c_cflag c_lflag c_cc 4. System Information 系统信息 4.1 How can I tell how much memory my system has? 我怎样知道我的系统有多少存储器容量? 4.2 How do I check a user's password? 我怎样检查一个用户的口令? 4.2.1 How do I get a user's password? 我怎样得到一个用户的口令? 4.2.2 How do I get shadow passwords by uid? 我怎样通过用户号(译者注:uid: User ID)得到阴影口令文件中的口令? 4.2.3 How do I verify a user's password? 我怎样核对一个用户的口令? 5. Miscellaneous programming 编程杂技 5.1 How do I compare strings using wildcards? 我怎样使用通配字符比较字符串? 5.1.1 How do I compare strings using filename patterns? 我怎样使用文件名通配模式比较字符串? 5.1.2 How do I compare strings using regular expressions? 我怎样使用正则表达式比较字符串? 5.2 What's the best way to send mail from a program? 什么是在程序中发送电子邮件的最好方法? 5.2.1 The simple method: /bin/mail 简单方法:/bin/mail 5.2.2 Invoking the MTA directly: /usr/lib/sendmail 直接启动邮件传输代理(译者注:MTA: mail transfer agent):/usr/ bin/sendmail Supplying the envelope explicitly 显式提供收件人信息 Allowing sendmail to deduce the recipients 允许sendmail程序根据邮件内容分析出收件人 6. Use of tools 工具的使用 6.1 How can I debug the children after a fork? 我怎样调试fork函数产生的子进程? 6.2 How to build library from other libraries? 怎样通过其他库文件建立新的库文件? 6.3 How to create shared libraries / dlls? 怎样创建动态连接库/dlls? 6.4 Can I replace objects in a shared library? 我能更改一个动态连接库里的目标吗? 6.5 How can I generate a stack dump from within a running program? 我能在一个运行着的程序中生成堆栈映象吗?
Thank you for purchasing or considering the purchase of Windows 7 In Depth. It’s amazing the changes that 20-odd years can bring to a com- puter product such as Windows. When we wrote our first Windows book back in the mid-1980s, our publisher didn’t even think the book would sell well enough to print more than 5,000 copies. Microsoft stock wasn’t even a blip on most investors’ radar screens. Boy, were they in the dark! Who could have imagined that a little more than a decade later, anyone who hoped to get hired for even a temp job in a small office would need to know how to use Microsoft Windows, Office, and a PC. Fifteen or so Windows books later, we’re still finding new and excit- ing stuff to share with our readers. Who could have imagined in 1985 that a mass-market operating system two decades later would have to include support for so many technolo- gies, most of which didn’t even exist at the time: DVD, DVD±RW, CD-R and CD-RW, Internet and intranet, MP3, MPEG, WMA, DV, USB, FireWire, APM, ACPI, RAID, UPS, PPOE, Gigabit Ethernet, 802.11g, WPA2, IPv6, Teredo, speech recognition, touch and pen interfaces, fault tolerance, disk encryption and compression…? The list goes on. And that 8GB of disk space Windows 7 occupies? It would have cost about half a million dollars in 1985. Today, it costs less than a dollar. In 1981, when we were building our first computers, the operating sys- tem (CP/M) had to be modified in assembly language and recompiled, and hardware parts had to be soldered together to make almost any new addition (such as a video display terminal) work. Virtually nothing was standardized, with the end result being that computers remained out of reach for average folks. Together, Microsoft, Intel, and IBM changed all that. Today you can pur- chase a computer, a printer, a scanner, an external disk drive, a key- board, a modem, a monitor, and a video card over the Internet, plug Introduction From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff Introduction them in, install Windows, and they’ll work together. The creation and adoption (and sometimes forcing) of hardware and software standards that have made the PC a household appliance the world over can largely be credited to Microsoft, like it or not. The unifying glue of this PC revolution has been Windows. Yes, we all love to hate Windows, but it’s here to stay. Linux and Mac OS X are formidable alterna- tives, but for most of us, at least for some time, Windows and Windows applications are “where it’s at.” And Windows 7 ushers in truly significant changes to the landscape. That’s why we were excited to write this book. Why This Book? We all know this book will make an effective doorstop in a few years. You probably have a few already. (We’ve even written a few!) If you think it contains more information than you need, just remember how helpful a good reference can be when you need it at the 11th hour. And we all know that computer technology changes so fast that it’s sometimes easier just to blink and ignore a phase than to study up on it. Windows 7 is definitely a significant upgrade in Windows’ security and sophistication—one you’re going to need to understand. If you’re moving up to Windows 7 from Windows XP, you should know that Windows 7 is a very dif- ferent animal. Yes, the graphics and display elements are flashier, but it’s the deeper changes that matter most. With its radically improved security systems, revamped Control Panel, friendlier net- work setup tools, new problem-tracking systems, improved power management and usability tools for mobile computers, and completely revamped networking and graphics software infrastructures, Windows 7 leaves XP in the dust. And if you’re moving up from Vista, you’ll be very pleasantly surprised at the improvements. Vista got a bad rap, perhaps for some good reasons: It was slow, required too much RAM, had driver issues, and annoyed users with its User Account Control prompts. Windows 7 fixes all of that, thank goodness! Think of Windows 7 as Vista after three years at a spa/reform school. It’s leaner, stronger, more refined, and ever so polite. In all ways, Windows 7 is superior to any operating sys- tem Microsoft has ever produced. Is Windows 7 so easy to use that books are unnecessary? Unfortunately, no. True, as with other releases of Windows, online help is available. As has been the case ever since Windows 95, how- ever, no printed documentation is available (to save Microsoft the cost), and the Help files are writ- ten by Microsoft employees and contractors. You won’t find criticisms, complaints, workarounds, or suggestions that you use alternative software vendors, let alone explanations of whyyou have to do things a certain way. For that, you need this book! We will even show you tools and techniques that Microsoft’s insiders didn’t think were important enough to document at all. You might know that Windows 7 comes in a bewildering array of versions: primarily Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate (not to mention Starter, intended for relatively primitive “netbook” computers and emerging markets; Home Basic, sold only in emerging markets; and several extra versions sold in the European Union to comply with antitrust court-mandated restrictions). But Windows 7 is Windows 7, and all that really distinguishes the versions is the availability of various features. Mostof the differences matter only in the corporate world, where Windows 7 will be managed by network administrators, so most corporate users won’t need to 2 From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff 3 Why This Book? worry about them. For the remaining features, we tell you when certain features do or don’t apply to your particular version of Windows 7. (And we show you how to upgrade from one version to a better version, if you want the features your copy doesn’t have!) In this book’s many pages, we focus not just on the gee-whiz side of the technology, but why you should care, what you can get from it, and what you can forget about. The lead author on this book has previously written 17 books about Windows, all in plain English (several bestsellers), designed for everyone from rank beginners to full-on system administrators deploying NT Server domains. The coauthor has designed software and networks for more than 20 years and has been writing about Windows for 10 years. We work with and write about various versions of Windows year in and year out. We have a clear understanding of what confuses users and system administrators about installing, configuring, or using Windows, as well as (we hope) how to best convey the solu- tions to our readers. While writing this book, we tried to stay vigilant in following four cardinal rules: •Keep it practical. •Keep it accurate. •Keep it concise. •Keep it interesting, and even crack a joke or two. We believe that you will find this to be the best and most comprehensive book available on Windows 7 for intermediate through advanced users. And whether you use Windows 7 yourself or support others who do, we firmly believe this book will address your questions and needs. Our book addresses both home and business computer users. We assume you probably are not an engineer, and we do our best to speak in plain English and not snow you with unexplained jargon. As we wrote, we imagined that you, our reader, are a friend or co-worker who’s familiar enough with your computer to know what it’s capable of, but might not know the details of how to make it all happen. So we show you, in a helpful, friendly, professional tone. In the process, we also hope to show you things that you might not have known, which will help make your life easier—your com- puting life, anyway. We spent months and months poking into Windows 7’s darker corners so you wouldn’t have to. And, if you’re looking for power-user tips and some nitty-gritty details, we make sure you get those, too. We try to make clear what information is essential for you to understand and what is optional for just those of you who are especially interested. We’re also willing to tell you what we don’t cover. No book can do it all. As the title implies, this book is about Windows 7. We don’t cover setting up the Server versions of this operating system, called Windows 2000 Server, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008. However, we do tell you how to connect to and interact with these servers, and even other operating systems, including Mac OS X, Linux, and older variants of Windows, over a local area network. Because of space limitations, there is only one chapter devoted to coverage of Windows 7’s numer- ous command-line utilities, its batch file language, Windows Script Host, and Windows PowerShell. For that (in spades!), you might want to check Brian’s book Windows 7 and Vista Guide to Scripting, Automation, and Command Line Tools, which is due to be published in the fall of 2009. From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff Introduction Even when you’ve become a Windows 7 pro, we think you’ll find this book to be a valuable source of reference information in the future. Both the table of contents and the very complete index will provide easy means for locating information when you need it quickly. How Our Book Is Organized Although this book advances logically from beginning to end, it’s written so that you can jump in at any location, quickly get the information you need, and get out. You don’t have to read it from start to finish, nor do you need to work through complex tutorials. This book is broken down into seven major parts. Here’s the skinny on each one: Part I, “Getting Started with Windows 7,” introduces Windows 7’s new and improved features and shows you how to install Windows 7 on a new computer or upgrade an older version of Windows to Windows 7. It also shows you how to apply service packs to keep your version of Windows 7 up-to- date. Finally, we take you on a one-hour guided tour that shows you the best of Windows 7’s fea- tures and walks you through making essential settings and adjustments that will help you get the most out of your computer. In Part II, “Using Windows 7,” we cover the core parts of Windows 7, the parts you’ll use no matter what else you do with your computer: managing documents and files, using the Windows desktop, starting and stopping applications, searching through your computer’s contents, printing, and using the desktop gadgets and other supplied accessories. Don’t skip this section, even—or rather, espe- cially—if you’ve used previous versions of Windows. Windows 7 does many things differently, and you’ll want to see how to take advantage of it! Windows 7 has great tools for viewing, playing, creating, editing, and managing music, movies, and pictures. In Part III, “Multimedia and Imaging,” we show you how to use the new Windows Media Player, burn CDs, extract and edit images from cameras and scanners, send faxes, and create DVDs. Finally, we show you how to use Windows Media Center, which lets you view all that stuff and, on a properly equipped computer, record and play back your favorite TV shows. We even show you how to burn DVDs from your recorded shows and discuss compression options for storage consider- ations and format options for playback on other devices. In Part IV, “Windows 7 and the Internet,” we first help you set up an Internet connection and then move on to explain Windows 7’s Internet tools. We provide in-depth coverage of the new and improved (and safer!) Internet Explorer. The final chapter shows you how to diagnose Internet con- nection problems. Networks used to be found only in high-falutin’ offices and corporate settings. Now, any home or office with two or more computers should have a network. A LAN is inexpensive, and with one you can share an Internet connection, copy and back up files, and use any printer from any computer. In Part V, “Networking,” we walk you through setting up a network in your home or office, and show you how to take advantage of it in day-to-day use. We also show you how easy it is to share a DSL or cable Internet connection with all your computers at once, show you how to network with other operating systems, and, finally, help you fix it when it all stops working. Part VI, “Maintaining Windows 7,” covers system configuration and maintenance. We tell you how to work with the Control Panel and System Administration tools, provide tips and tricks for cus- tomizing the graphical user interface to maximize efficiency, explain how to manage your hard disk 4 From the Library of Lee Bogdanoff 5 Conventions Used in This Book and other hardware, and describe a variety of ways to upgrade your hardware and software (includ- ing third-party programs) for maximum performance. We show you how to troubleshoot hardware and software problems, edit the Windows Registry, and, for real power users, how to use and tweak the command-line interface. When Windows was introduced over two decades ago, computer viruses, online fraud, and hacking were only starting to emerge as threats. Today (thanks in great part to gapingsecurity holes in pre- vious versions of Windows), computer threats are a worldwide problem, online and offline. In Part VII, “Security,” we provide a 360-degree view of Windows 7’s substantial improvements in security. Here you’ll find out both what Windows 7 will do to help you, and what you must do for yourself. We cover protection against viruses and spyware, loss and theft, hackers and snoops, and fraud and spam—in that order. Part VIII, “Windows On the Move,” shows you how to get the most out of Windows 7 when either you or your computer, or both, are on the go. We show you how to use wireless networking safely, how to get the most out of your laptop, and how to connect to remote networks. We also show you how to use Remote Desktop to reach and use your own computer from anywhere in the world. We finish up with a chapter about the cutting edge in laptops and desktops—pen and touch computing using the Tablet-PC features of Windows 7. Appendix A, “Using Virtualization on Windows 7,” explains how to use a newly released, free ver- sion of the Microsoft Virtual PC program to run older XP programs under Windows 7. For some users, this can be an excellent alternative to creating a dual-boot system with XP and Windows 7.
1 ,"Form_Taskbar is a control for Visual Basic which, once placed onto a form, makes the form act like the Taskbar (minus the Start Menu)." -- David Newcum2 ,"Rem Builder will auto load on startup to use Rem Builder; start your Visual Basic program with your project code showing, right click and you should see "Rem Builder".3 , syntax.zipThis is an excellent example of how to highlight HTML code in a rich textbox. I encourage everyone to check it out.4 , status.zipThis example demonstrates how to display text about each control the mouse is currently above.5 , dm10e.zipThis COM object allows you to send SMTP mail from many of the most used applications, including:Active Server Pages (Microsoft IIS or Chili!ASP extensions) Microsoft Visual Basic 4.x/5.x/6.x Microsoft Word, Access, Excel 95/97 (VBA) Windows Scripting Host (cscript / wscript) Perl 5.x for Win32 Inprise Delphi 4 Microsoft Visual C++ 4.x/5.x/6.x Microsoft Visual J++ 1.x/6.0 (Java) 6 ,"This is a quick example I made to show you how to use Events and properties in a OCX."7 , news.exeThis control aids as a complete Newsgroup control. It can post messages and recieve messages through the internet.8 , optiondemo.zipThis example demonstrates how to create realistic Option Buttons in Visual Basic.9 , mencrypt.zipThis ocx allows you to encrypt strings while utilizing a password shift method.10 , listtxt.zipThis shows how to retrieve the text from the current selection in a listbox.11 , list_index.zipThis example tells you if the inputted List Index is selected or not.12 , fade.zipThis is a bas to fade a pictuerbox. Can be used to make a progressbar13 , subcls32.zipThis demonstrates hoe to write a subclassing control. And it has many examples as to how to use the control (included.)14 , djmeter.zipThis is the source for a Progress Bar control. Also includes a helpful example.15 , progress.zipThis is an example on how to use the Progress Bar included with Microsoft's Visual Basic.16 ,"This is a sample of the Slider control that is part of the Microsoft Windows Common Controls(COMCTL32.OCX). "17 ,"This is a sample of the StatusBar control that is part of the Microsoft Windows Common Controls(COMCTL32.OCX). "18 ,"This is a sample of the TabStrip control that is part of the Microsoft Windows Common Controls(COMCTL32.OCX). "19 , uncommondialog.zipThis is an alternative to Microsoft's (tm) Common Dialog control by Nick Mancini.20 , ucmdex.zipThis is the example to go with Uncommon Dialog OCX.21 , scroll.zipThis demonstrates how to create an auto-scrolling textbox.22 , splitter.zipThis demonstrates how to "split" controls. This is an excellent example, and I reccomend this file for everyone. 23 ,"This project is a fully working ActiveX control, with code, that allows you to control almost every aspect of the mouse. You can move the mouse, click the buttons and adjust the click time from your application."24 , ucmdsrc.zipThis is the source to my OCX. This demontrates how to create a basic OCX. This will aid anyone who wants to create an OCX.25 , avb-systray.zipThis is a good example to add your programs' icon to the Systray. This Zip also includes a helpful example.26 , cmdex.zipThis is an example of how to use the Common Dialog. This demonstrates most of the event procedures of the CM Dialog control.27 , campbell-reg.zipThis demonstrates how to write and retrieve information from the registry.28 , basChangeCursor.zipThis module demonstrates how to animate your cursor through Visual Basic, and Win32.29 , hdcat.zipThis will grab every file on your hard drive and add its path to a listbox.30 , vbo_bump.zipThis DLL allows programmers to easily draw 3D grippers and lines on Device Contexts (DC). 31 , vbo_user32_bas.zipThis BAS file contains many functions to ease the process of using the USER32 DLL. 32 , vbo_gdi32_bas.zipThis BAS File conatains many functions to ease the process of using the GDI32 DLL. 33 , vbo_button_bas.zipThis bas contains functions to manipulate Button class objects34 , LPT_Port.zipRead/write to LPT parallel port35 , DancingBaby.zipA Dancing Baby Screen Saver Which Dance on A Famous Song Macarena ( With Sound ) A Very Cute Screen Saver ,with source code, If you want more avi files then please mail me.36 , superwriter.zipA complete Wordprocessor, with source code. You can save, open files, print them out, copy, cut, paste, well you know the concept!37 , LogOff.zipThis conveniently placed program allows you to log off from your system tray.38 , ChPass.zipChanges NT Domain Passord. This program has two compenants... a server and a a client. The Server must run on a Domain Controller.39 , Reboot.zipThis conveniently placed program allows you to restart your computer more easily, from your system tray. 40 , analogclock.zipThis is a very good demo OCX for an analog clock. Although quite big in size, this is due to the very good background to the clock face. The analog click itself is very accurate and looks very impressive.41 , edge.zipThis program uses a few API calls/functions to set 3D, sunken and etched effects to an image inside an image control. It also has an example of how to change a label control to a 3D command button.42 , splitpanel2.zipA re-written version of the SplitPanel that David originally put onto this site about a year ago. It basically is a control that you place on a form and you can put other controls on the form and by dragging the splitpanel bar around, it does the resizing for you. 43 , avcontrol.zipThis control takes care of many audio and visual functions needed for game and graphical programmers. You can easily retrieve or change the screen resolution and color depth, play audio CDs and standard wave files 44 , fsocontrol.zipThis demonstration version of this control is a wrapper around the FileSystemObject - and makes using the FSO much easier.45 , slidingtoolbar.zipThis project shows how to implement a sliding toolbar in an application using one quick Kernel32 API function "Sleep". The application is fairly simple and easy to implement. 46 , dcsize.zipWhen this control is put onto a form, it ensures that all other controls retain the correct aspect-ratio from the design time view. Basically, it resize all controls on a form when the form resizes. This code is 100% free.47 , colorchooseocx.zipThis great OCX allows you to have a drop down list of colors to allow your user to choose from. The control itself has all the events and properties that you need.48 , xgraphmeter.zipThis is XGraphMeter, a bargraph/meter control good for displaying constantly changing values such as CPU usage or DUN throughput.49 , dynlistmnu.zipWhile trying to come up with a Dynamic menu in VB, I decided that VBs menu object was just too much of a pain to work with This project contains a form to mimic the functionality that I was looking for.. Part of my design criteria was that the menu form 50 , runtime.zipSupposedly, what this code does cannot be done... But it works. Basically, its a demonstration of how you can change control properties at run-time. If you try it in VB, you will get a runtime error, but this code shows you how to do it. Gilbert says51 , ledbulb.zipThis is a first for this author. Its an OCX which represents a characters in the form of led bulbs.52 , textapiroutines.basContained here is a small set of routines can be used with a Rich Text box (RTF) control. It can be used for other controls as well with minor modifications. You are welcome to change, use and distribute the code as you see fit.53 , xflatbutton.zipFlatButton is an owner-drawn flat button that pops up when the mouse passes over it. This version is text-only, but has flexible color support.54 , urllabel.zipWith the development of the internet and intranet applications, this control could could in more and more useful. Its a hyperlink label which will change color or underline when the mouse goes over it 55 , progbar.zipThis is a great replacement for the standard VB progress bar. Its smooth, totally free (all the source code is here), and more versitile than the one that comes with VB.56 , splitpanel.zipThis little control with full source code is remarkably compact but does a lot of fancy things. It allows you to be able to split panels and handles all the resizing behind it. We couldn't think of how to describe it properly, but 下载 it and try it57,basicreg.zipBasic Save and Retrieve Functions58,proguse.zipKeep Track of a Programs Usage59,millisec.zipCount Time in Milliseconds 60,getday.zipGet the Day of Week that a Day Falls On61,shellend.zipNotify the User when a Shelled Process Ends 62,varlist.zipGet a List of Windows Variables 63,detdisp.zipDetermine Display Colors 64,ctrlntwk.zipControl Panel - Network65,ctrluser.zipControl Panel - User Properties66,ctrltwui.zipControl Panel - TweakUI67,ctrlthm.zipControl Panel - Themes68,ctrltele.zipControl Panel - Telephony69,ctrlsys.zipControl Panel - System Properties70,ctrlscrn.zipControl Panel - Screen Savers71,ctrlreg.zipControl Panel - Regional Settings72,ctrlprnt.zipControl Panel - Printers73,ctrlpwr.zipControl Panel - Power Management74,ctrlpw.zipControl Panel - Passwords75,ctrlodbc.zipControl Panel - ODBC3276,ctrlmm.zipControl Panel - Multimedia77,ctrlmdm.zipControl Panel - Modem78,ctrlkbd.zipControl Panel - Keyboard79,ctrlmous.zipControl Panel - Mouse80,ctrlpoa.zipControl Panel - Post Office Admin81,ctrlotlk.zipControl Panel - Outlook82,ctrljoy.zipControl Panel - Joystick83,ctrlie4.zipControl Panel - Internet Explorer 84,ctrlgame.zipControl Panel - Game Controllers85,ctrlfont.zipControl Panel - Fonts86, Control Panel - Add/Remove Programs87,ctrlanh.zipControl Panel - Add New Hardware88,ctrlanp.zipControl Panel - Add New Printer89,ctrlaccs.zipControl Panel - Accessibility90,ctrlbrf.zipControl Panel - Create Briefcase91,ctrlcdsk.zipControl Panel - Copy Disk92,ctrlcns.zipControl Panel - Create New Shortcut93,ctrldun.zipControl Panel - Dial-Up Networking94,ctrldisp.zipControl Panel - Display Properties95,RegControl.zipFree Registry ActiveX Control. Read/Write String/Binary/DWord values, Check if key/value exists, CreateKey, Delete key/value and enumerate keys/values!96,MouseEvent.zipThis is a Mouse Event procedure that is pretty cool. It can be used for Web designing. Check it out!97,ShellTrayIcon.zipThe CShellTrayIcon class allows your VB application to set, change and delete icons in the system's tray 98,Reboot2.zipReboot remotely. I wrote this to reboot selected PC's during off hours. It is a standalone application that will display a 10 second countdown. Any open data will try to be saved prior to the shutdown process.99,S-Secure.zipThis is S-Secure.....a security program I've coded for Windows. It has 4 modules each in a separate VB project. 100,DriveSpace.zipThis Program finds and displays the Drive's Space.101,Disable_X.zipThis user control allows you to disable the windows close "X" button. Example program included.102,SetParnt.zipShows how to assign controls to different forms at run time. 103,phone.zipA Cellular Phone Application Uses MSCOMM, Modem and normal telephone lines to make calls. You can use this application to make local as well as International calls. 104,Timer01.zipSimple program demonstrating how to create a stop watch using the Timer control. 105,Bubblesort.zipA simple Bubble Sort code that shows how the program works within a VB program. 106,systray.zipJust another Systray Utility, but worse than the others !!! static, flashing and animated Tray-Icons 107,FolderFiles.zipDemonstrates usage of progress bar and list box controls. Its purpose is to get all the files from a specified folder while showing the progress completed. 108,MultipleDataSets.zipThis is a simple, (1) form VB 6.0 program which demonstrates how to plot multiple sets of data on the same graph using the MSChart Control 6.0 (OLEDB). 109,MthVwPrj.zipMonthView control. Lets users view and set date information via a calendar-like interface. 110,calculator4.zipI know this is wierd but I made a calculator control. Just add it to your control bar, double click, and you can use the calculator when your project is at run-time. Source included.111,GradientButton.zipThis button was created to be an enhanced replacement for Visual Basic's standard command button by adding 2 more Border appearance schemes, 2 more button styles, and hover effects. 112,MSChart.zipMSChart. You can view MSChart in Line graph,Pie , Area, etc.. also you can update data provided in the Grid.. Very interesting must see it... 113,printing_tut.zipI made this for a freind to help him out with some basic Printing, i got the idea from a printing tut i found on the net, so the code is not mine. 114,treeview.zipThis code can as many child nodes to a tree view control and can save the data and structure of the treeview control in a text file. Later the data and structure can be retrieved from the text file and filled in the tree view control by clicking the load button. 115,alarm_clock.zipIt simulates an alarm clock. 116,DesktopByAlexDrankus.zipThis program hides/shows desktop, hides/shows taskbar, hides it self from the ctrl+alt+delete, uses pictures to create the forms (pretty cool forms) and many other functions just place this program and all components in a sub-folder 117,Label3D.zipLabel3D lets you change the Label Face Color Shadow Color ON/OFF Shadow. 118, Custom Control which acts like a text box, except the developer can specify hot links in the control which act like web page links allowing users to click them, while allowing the developer full control over the result of the click. 119,custbutt.zipThis application shows how to create non rectangular buttons. 120,grid.zipComplete grid coded in vb. supports : locked rows/columns , fg/bg colors , text alignment , cell-edge styles , different selectionstyles . texbox/dropdown cells , cell icons and lots more... 121,analogmeter.zipCreate your own analog meters using MSPaint. These .bmp or .gif files become your meter face. Use the (analogmeter) subroutine to automatically draw the meter needle over the meter face 122,wheel.zipSpinWheel control to be used in place of either the UpDown control or the ScrollBar control.123,ArielBrowseFolder.zipA browse folder control resembling a combobox. When the dropdown button is clicked, browse through a folder treeview to select a directory. Uses the SHBrowseForFolder function, amongst other APIs. A call back procedure is implemented showing the currently selected folder in the browse for folder dialog. 124,pp_prj.zipThis program shows you how to create a sample project that adds print preview capabilities to your Visual Basic program by using a generic object and the Printer object. 125,popup.zipPopUp buttons with only 4 lines of code. 126,adbevel.zipThe bevel control in Delphi is now available in VB. 127,rainbow.zipCool! Have a ProgressBar like in InstallShield!With free selectable fore- and backcolor and the percent value displayed in the middle!Check it out.128,gb12.zipWell folks. Another version of Gold Button is here. I've added a few things. Here they are: Property descriptions, MaskColor, UseMask, Base Address in OCX, picture will now automatically align with text and when you are in desing mode and OnUp property is bsNone, a Dash-Dot-Dot box is drawn over the button, so you can see th button's area. 129,gb11.zipA new version of Gold Button is here dudes.New version has Picture Property and Skin Support. 130,BIGDOGMEDIA.zipMEDIA PLAYER THAT SUPPORTS FORMATS LIKE MP3,AVI,MPEG,WAV ECT.EXAMPLE OF USING ANIMATION WHEN PLAYER IS LAUNCHED. 131,HTML.zipAn HTML editor with complete VB source code. 132,PrintPreview1.zipPrint Setup, and Print Priview application. 133,RTFEditor.zipRTF text editor, HTML text editor, web browser, and more...Try it. Note, make sure your printer is turned on before running the application. 134,VBExplorer-II.zipVBExplorer file utility application. This application uses the Visual Basic TreeView and ListView controls to create a file management application similar to Windows Explorer.135,resizepic.zipShows how to resize a picture box control on a form at run time.
1 ,
This program shows the international settings of the country you select such as Format Currency, Date Format, Day Name, Month Name...
2 ,
This program queries the network and shows the Domains/Servers/Workstations structure. It also shows the users of each Server or Workstation and can send messages to the selected PC. This programs works only on a Windows NT 4.0 Machine!
3 ,
You may use this code as a learning tool only. The application may not be sold in any shape or form. So 下载 the code and get involved with the News Group, help us to help you.
4 ,
User control to launch web browser and jump to URL.
5 ,
Sample application that implements FTP connection, 下载, and upload using the WinInet FTP API from Visual Basic
6 ,
Simple web browser using the Microsoft Internet Control.
7 ,
Complete FTP application.
8 ,
Client side of an internet chat program
9 ,
Server side of an internet chat program
10 ,
Is a control that you can use to link your program to a web site.
11 ,
Checks your email!
12 ,
Telnet Application
13 ,
Validate an IP address
14 ,
This is a complete email sending client in Visual Basic
15 ,
This is a program that enables two people to chat across the internet. You must know each others IP address and have an understanding of ports
16 ,
program which communicates with each other and allows one computer to perform a task on the other
17 ,
Internet Timer. Also calculates the cost of the call. Can AutoDetect Phone call charges from the time and date.
18 ,
TILISOFT Internet ActiveX Controls - Retrieve HTML pages from the Net - Post data to HTTP server
19 ,
A ping monitor for the network administrator. Based on API code
20 ,
Easily build your very own custom web browser,using the web browser object
21 ,
StealthMail 2.1 - full SOURCECODE for the StealthMail 2.1 program. Uses only VB6 code, and NO API calls!
22 ,
This is the source code for a client and server chat program.
23 ,
This utility allows you to remotely reboot, log-off, 下载 files, delete files,luanch applications, auto navigate a web browser and view desktops via TCP/IP
24 ,
This Will Allow You To See A Visual Representation Of The Latency of Your Local Machines IP. A.k.a Lag Meter
25 ,
Mail Checker Sample Application. Create your own POP3 client to retrieve e-mails from mail server. Source code + tutorial.
26 ,
This code shows you how to creat a local network chat room so that you and your friends can have a chat room which nowone else can enter
27 ,
Demonstrates how to downlaod text from a webpage without a browser open. This could be used for what i used it for in the past for a news program
28 ,
Worldwide list of URL extensions by country
29 ,
This Application checks for unread email using outlook. MS Agent will popup to announce how many unread mails you got. This also checks sub-folders on your inbox. Configuration is added to choose which MS Agent to use and the Time interval use to check for mails
30 ,
FTP Client Sample Application. It was built with MS Winsock Control. It is a complete FTP client that allows you to browse FTP directories, 下载 and upload files, resume broken file transfer, create and remove directories, delete and rename files. All the operations execute in an asynchronous mode with the progress indication .
31 ,
This is real simple source code for a Multi-Client server, it allows upto 65535 users to connnect to your server,via winsock control- it can be customised to become any server, such as IRC, FTP. plus all the functions are in their to relay data and store information on each users accounts.
32 ,
Lets you create your very own Cyber Sitter or Net Nanny Type software- it blocks access to sites based on keywords such as "sex","hack" or "security" alternatively whatever you want ! - it's the long awaited project version of previously released WEB ADDRESS SPY!
33 ,
Complete LAN chat program
34 ,
Telnet Server. Allows multiple connections, uses Access DB to store Access Control Lists/Users
35 ,
Almost complete HTML editor with many functions. This is only a pre-released version so some stuff doesn't work.
36 ,
Its a fully functional web browser
37 ,
With the onslaught of the Love Bug virus in the last 24 hours, many of us had to provide solutions prior to the Virus Protection companies. This VB6 code cleans the ILOVEYOU virus from systems
38 ,
Custom Control, that lets you have full control of Dial Up Networking
39 ,
: This is A Complete Internet Browser Like IE With More Fuctions Like Bulk mail And Many more. Requires several third-party OCX files including Autocomplete.ocx.
40 ,
Web page maker
41 ,
Viru-Spy. Relays sytem information to your email account. Run on someone else machine to retrieve system info,dial up passwords, bookmarked urls etc etc
42 ,
Send ICQ messages from VB
43 ,
All new DeskMate2.0 with added new features like email checking, NT messaging system, movie screen, system tray alerts as well as the old features like, Online Weather, News headlines, Online Horoscopes, Movie Reviews etc.
44 ,
TelDialOut is a program that dials a phone number from an application using the modem. I had observed the large number of postings on various forums about this topic so I have included a well documented application to assist those who would be using this feature in their applications
45 ,
Great example program for programmers learning XML. This program shows you how to use the msxml.dll control, as well as the treeview control. Users must have msxml.dll version 2.0 for binary compatibility.
46 ,
Complete VB application that retrieves customer information from an XML script, allows you to make changes to the data, and saves the record using other XML scripts. This is a great example for learning MSXML.dll and TransactXML.dll procedures.
47 ,
Visual Basic code for Sending email using MAPI control.
48 ,
Dan's All purpose masterful program
49 ,
this vb code executes a request from and returns all links results in a TreeView.
50 ,
Sending Email using MAPI control.
51 ,
Checks your new mails from mutiple mail servers(yeah it works!!!!!). it switches tray icons on different states & displays the number of new messages (as msn messenger display messages) and plays a WAV file
52 ,
This sample demonstrates how to loop through the history folder of Internet Explorer.
53 ,
Advanced web browser..something like IE but less options really nice interface..code is very easy to understand..teaches you the basics of using vb.
54 ,
NO its not another internet usage monitor its different.Apart from calculating the cost and total time you spend on the net it even reminds you to switch of the net after a time interval which you specify.Check out this cool program.
55 ,
This is an exceptionally good piece of code. One program runs on a machine somewhere, and the other on your machine. You can then send commands to the other machine, take screen snapshots and more... It uses the INET control for all functionality, but you could do the same with the Winsock DLL.
56 ,
Following on from the original NetControl by Danny, this little ActiveX/OXC project contains some small modifications and the sourcecode for the control. You can send messages with a client/server type setup.
57 ,
Apparently, if you use AOL to connect to the Internet and you do not touch it for 45 minutes it will timeout and drop the connection. This little program will ensure that it keeps the connection active.
58 ,
Kenneth has developed this is a great little application which reads a Microsoft Exchange mailbox and lets you know via playing a .WAV file when you have mail.
59 ,
This little project is Dannys first attempt at an ActiveX control and its very good. There are two mini projects included here. The first is called SlotDemo and allows you to send messages or data in a client/server type role. Its uses some very clever programming.
60 ,
We found this bit of code somewhere on the Internet a few months ago and tidied it up a bit. I don't know the author's name so cannot give them credit. But basically this sample will return the Ethernet Address of the card in the current machine.
61 ,
This little demo will return, using Windows API calls, the following: IP Address, Network Username, WorkdstationID, Windows version, build version and service pack info, the windows directory, the PDC name if you are logged onto an NT server and the time
62 ,
If you want to check if there is a RAS/DUN conneciton activ, then this little routine will return true or false depending on whats going on. If RAS isn't installed on the machine, it will crash but otherwise its a great routine. For more information
Using the Winsock Control to get IP Information
Open a Blank Browser Window
Display the Title of a Page in a Form's Caption Bar
Disable Input to a WebBrowser Control
Make a Label Act Like an Internet Link
Link a ComboBox to a WebBrowser Control
Navigation Buttons
Show Browser Status
Get Local IP and HostName using WinSock
This is a sample from an XML implementation I created for my company's Intranet, giving the capability for user maintained content
A Cellular Phone Application Uses MSCOMM, Modem and normal telephone lines to make calls.
A Phone Dialing program that play both DTMF Tones and MF Tones using wav files. It does not use A real Phone.
Easy DNS Lookup and Reverse Name lookup using qdns.dll (dll vb source is included in zip). For use see included sample ASP page.
About myself, i am a computer pro experienced in creating dynamic data driven web sites. About the code, it demonstrates the usage of internet transfer control to 下载 the content from the web.
A basic Instant Messenger.
Just mention the site URL and easily Capture the desired Data, Tag's from that Web Site. Also
helps in understanding the use of DoEvents, Error traping and many more features.
this code analyse DOM of a web document(Document Object Model).
Usefull in order to rettrieve all links, images, scripts informations like url, index, absolute index of all HTML objects.
This is an Internet Public Chat Application, which is unique. This is for All. I have seen several Internet Chat systems developed but they were not good enough to encourage the Novice programmers understand the complexities of using the Winsock control. This is the Internet Chat System developed using Winsock Control only and no API calls, or any other DLLs.
In this tutorial of 100+ pages, you can get every thing which is mainly related to build a complete web based email system. this artical will cover everthing of SMTP, POP3, MIME and HTTP.
Inanny is a netnanny like clone,u can use inanny to block sites locally.The new version works with netscape(all versions) as well as ie(all versions).
IRC Client that supports all basic needs of an IRC Client and a bit more. Uses Raw RTF code, so it's very fast displaying text. Also handles IDENTd properly.
Blitz Chat System is a complete Chat Server and Client application for internet and intranet users. It has facilities like room selection,
Q Navigator Ver 1.1 is an updated form of my Web Browser, which has the best features (and more) of all browsers.
RJ Soft's AtomicClock (Atomic Clock.Exe) sets your computers Date and Time from an atomic clock via tcp/ip at 12:01 AM every day. Atomic Clock sits in the system tray so you can load it and forget it or click on the icon and tell it to reset the Date and Time.
Send Text or HTML Mail(You can join an ONLINE photo). Retrieve all your input box mails and create a new folder.
This is a grand application allowing you to get 10 day weather forecasts for almost every region of the world. Also gives you weather imagery maps. Must see. Kind of a big 下载, but I wanted to make sure everything was included.
Website 下载er.Updated with many new features.
OK folks.....this is a better version of the SurfMonitor code. Not only does it have the 'Autodetect' feature, it also manages the registry better and creates log files. The administrator can also apply time and date restrictions on users....
This is an anti-hacker tool I've created. It's much like Lockdown 2000. It sits on your system tray listening for incoming connections on various ports.
Allows an individual to restrict multiple users to access the users only for a certain amount of time. It also has an 'Autodetect' feature to automatically detect an internet connection and disconnect in case
Just enter the URL of a webspage you want to 下载 and all the links in the webpage will be 下载ed including any image files . The program is still in the development stage .
This software for bulk email for personal and corporate use. The enclosed zip conatains all the codes and readme text. This software uses MAPI and CDO for Windows 9x.
Application demonstrates the use of the VB Winsock control and some of its properties.
A simple HTML editor written in Visual Basic.
This is an application that monitors the local host for IP address changes and notifies a list of people by e-mail if the IP address changes. Both the IP address and the e-mail list are stored between sessions
A Full Advanced ASP/Html Editer with Database, Cookies, includes, sounds, forms, body, Tables wizards and more. (Wizards do html & responce.write) Color coding html. tag inserts, Plugins, Templates, Java codebase, vbscript codebases, full asp codebase Asp Preview on localhost and normal preview and LOTS MORE MUST SEE
You must have Access 2000 installed in order to print. Other than that you should be fine. This will anonymously query an exchange 5.5 or higher exchange server and retrieve The names and email addresses and place them into an access database. This code has many useful examples.
UPDATED 11/10/2000 Now With even more options!! This application allows you to check for an updated version of a file or a program via FTP, then 下载 that update if it is available.
Ping(s) a computer and returns the results.
HotmailBox - Alternative Hotmail client that accesses your inbox. Includes support for multiple accounts, synchronizes your account, has a built-in address book and support for attachments (with the exception of images, so far).
Hyper_Map allows you to define areas on a webpage graphic for jumping to different URLs. Image mapping is a neat way to create links. Also, the program demonstrates Picture1 draw properties and some HTML creation.
ICQ Control Center, The worlds most complete icq api example freely availble on the net, this revised edition contains protocol information sample code and much much more !
This application allows to send HTML mails ! Now you can send images, formatted text in your mails, put some really cool effects !
Synchronize Your System Time with a Network Time Protocol (NTP) Server.
This code allows you to transfer files from one pc to another using winsock.
Winsock 下载er - Lets you 下载 any file from the internet (Binary, ASCII, Text) any size.
An FTP application with complete VB source code included.
AOL instant messenger client written in VB.
Version 2.02 of the popular Idoru Ping Monitor. Includes a Password Hacker, and shows important info on your machine
A full avtive browser, with all IE's trimings, i have left out the exe and some of the ocx. but ppl who have vb60 should have these ocx.
VB application which uses winsock control to send mail to your mail server!
Simple file transfer (FTP) application. Contains both the client and server VB source code .vbp applications. Destination filename is set to "Temp".
Detects if the user is connected to the internet.
Started to program a remote tool FTP program. Give some feedback otherwise i'm going to code it in Delphi.
Live wire winsock file transfer program which retreives remote drives/directories and working on files and enables upload/下载 of files with progressbar.
I have tried to develop a very good browser. Now I myself can't rate it... so i am leaving to you guys out there to rate it..
It is an interesting Internet Browser. Add your favorites, URLs, Home Page, and History to Windows 95/98 Registry. Must see.
[UPDATED]:Complete Internet Browser. Must see.
This code sample enables users to 下载 and display HTML, RTF, or Text files in a RichTextBox Control, using the Microsoft Internet Transfer Control included in Visual Basic 5.0.
Retrieve Web page or file (including all HTTP headers and message body) througn HTTP protocol directly from VB program which utilize the MS WinSock Control.
This application checks for incoming mail (POP3 client).
A Simple Application to Send Messages Without using a COMMAND Prompt.
This application provides seamless interaction between users of an intranet. The database acts as a Server and it has to be loaded on the server of your local intranet and each .exe serves as
a client.
This is a simple one-to-one chat program using Winsock. It includes a text based chat, a messaging feature and also a secure communication feature, much like SSL. I use the RSA 64 bit encryption for the secure channel.
The program can be used in your desktop, as is. You will find dialing much more confortable and fast than the original Windows Dialer.exe.
A messages Client / Server application (compile and source code).You can send messages from a client to another and server remote all users activity and distribute the messages to client who request that
Very simple application which shows how to get your PC's IP address using the VB Winsock control.
This program can save you days to weeks of work on a huge domain with hundreds to thousands of users with its "Bulk Administration" and remote feature. Features Bulk Administration Allows you to administer the login path, profile path, home directory, and more with one click of a button for all users! Alternate Credentials Allows you to specify a different username and password to complete your tasks.
Application which gets all network information from the system.
This example uses the Inet control to 下载 the HTML source from any webpage. This could easily be used in conjunction with the Get Web Links example to make a full fledged web-spider and search engine program...
This example uses the WebBrowser control to load a web page then enumerate and display all of the links on that page. This example could be easily expanded to be used as a web-spider with a little bit of effort.
This example is a very simple solution to sending and receiving data to and from a Parallax Basic Stamp. This example requires a Basic Stamp and the MSComm control. Also included is an example Basic Stamp II program to work with the example...
A Peer-to-Peer chatting program with a very easy user interface.
A basic example on how to transfer files across the network using the WinSock Control(18KB)
A simple example of exchanging data across a network using the WinSock control(4KB)
A simple web browser built using the Web Browser control(2KB)



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