
spdbsn 2000-02-17 03:55:00

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alin 2000-02-17
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2.BDE应会设备吧,只需ServerName,DataBase Name,User Name三项,如中文出现乱码,则语言设置为China936
Universal Data Access Components (UniDAC) is a powerful library of nonvisual cross-database data access components for Delphi, Delphi for .NET, C++Builder, and Free Pascal. The UniDAC library is designed to help programmers develop faster and cleaner cross-database applications. UniDAC is a complete replacement for standard database connectivity solutions and presents an efficient native alternative to the Borland Database Engine and dbExpress for access to Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Advantage Database Server, Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider). UniDAC is based on the well-known Data Access Components from Devart such as ODAC, SDAC, MyDAC, IBDAC, and PgDAC. We have joined the experience of long-term successful development into one great product which provides unified access to popular databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, InterBase, Firebird, SQLite, DB2, Microsoft Access, Advantage Database Server, Adaptive Server Enterprise, and other databases (using ODBC provider). The UniDAC library is actively developed and supported by Devart Team. If you have questions about UniDAC, email the developers at unidac@devart.com or visit UniDAC online at http://www.devart.com/unidac/. Advantages of UniDAC Technology UniDAC is very convenient in setup and usage. It provides transparent server-independent interface for working with different databases. Selected database provider ensures the best way to perform operations on the server. Universal Data Access UniDAC provides transparent server-independent interfaces for working with different databases, and lets you change the client engine for specific server type just by changing single connection option. It means that you can easily switch between database servers in your cross-database UniDAC-based application. Server-Aware Providers UniDAC chooses the best way specific to the server to perform most operations. Every UniDAC data provider uses server-specific native connectivity. All operations with data are performed by providers automatically considering peculiarities of the selected database server. Optimized Code The goal of UniDAC is to enable developers to write efficient and flexible database applications. The UniDAC library is implemented using advanced data access algorithms and optimization techniques. Classes and components undergo comprehensive performance tests and are designed to help you write high-performance, lightweight data access layers. Compatibility with Other Connectivity Methods The UniDAC interface retains compatibility with standard VCL data access components like BDE. Existing BDE-based applications can be easily migrated to UniDAC and enhanced to take advantage of server-specific features. Development and Support UniDAC is a cross-database connectivity solution that has been actively developed and supported. UniDAC comes with full documentation, demo projects, and fast (usually within one business day) technical support by the UniDAC development team. Find out more about how to get help or submit feedback and suggestions to the UniDAC development team in the Getting Support topic. A description of the UniDAC components is provided in the Component List.
软件介绍: SybaseToad v8.0.0.10数据库维护管理小工具,能够以树状结构保存sql语句,查询、修改数据表方便快捷。本版本解决了在使用时出现2012年6月1日后过期的问题,且不需要安装,直接打开主程序即可使用。主界面分为SQL视图区,数据表数据对象察看区,存储过程视图区,数据管道视图和文本FTP视图主界面分为SQL视图区:    该视图主要执行SQL语句和自定义的快捷命令SLQ,具体功能察看该区说明。 数据表数据对象察看区    该视图主要察看数据库中当前用户的表,索引和数据内容。具体功能察看该区说明。 存储过程视图区    该视图主要察看修改,执行存储过程。具体功能察看该区说明。 数据管道视图    该视图主要进行数据库之间表数据的倒换,和数据库比较等功能。具体功能察看该区说明。 文本FTP视图    1,定义FTP连接,可以通过ftp直接打开,保存服务器端的文本文件。    2,上传,下载。    具体功能察看该区说明。特性1:可以通过多种方式连接多种数据库        连接方式有ado,oracle直连(不需要安装oracle客户端),borland bde连接        连接ORACLE,SYBASE,SQL SERVER,ACCESS(正在扩充中)特性2:可以自定义多种快捷的命令和语句。        在sql视图区可以定义常用sql快捷,命令快捷,右键快捷,以及知识库。特性3:可以方便的察看修改数据库对象,包括表对象,存储过程对象等。特性4:可以通过ftp功能方便的对ftp服务器端的文件进行查看,编辑,修改,保存。        同时该功能还可以提供文件的上传下载。特性5:通过数据库通道可以对两个数据库的表的数据进行导入导出。特性6:可以比较两个数据库中的表对象和字段对象的不同之处。同时打印结果报告。特性7:带外部工具SQLloader脚本和命令生成器,以及sybase数据库的bcp命令生成器。  基本操作如下:1,执行选中的文本(快捷方式:F9或ctrl E) 2,执行当前行SQL语句(快捷方式:ctrl 回车) 3,执行带事务,点击工具按钮。完毕后,有一个提交和回滚按钮。 4,SQL视图区点击右键可以看到更多的功能。 5,显示数据库中当前用户的所有表,输入'SELECT * FROM '后会自动显示一个列表。或按ctrl K强制显示该列表。 6,按ctrl J,显示快捷输入。用户可以自己定义自己常用的快捷输入。 7,对于查找出的结果可以执行记录条数,导出,保存,拷贝列名等操作。可执行如下操作:1,执行选中的文本(快捷方式:F9或ctrl E) 2,执行当前行SQL语句(快捷方式:ctrl 回车) 3,执行带事务,点击工具按钮。完毕后,有一个提交和回滚按钮。 4,SQL视图区点击右键可以看到更多的功能。 5,显示数据库中当前用户的所有表,输入'SELECT * FROM '后会自动显示一个列表。或按ctrl K强制显示该列表。 6,按ctrl J,显示快捷输入。用户可以自己定义自己常用的快捷输入。 7,对于查找出的结果可以执行记录条数,导出,保存,拷贝列名等操作。执行DDL语句需要在无事务状态下执行,请选择菜单数据库->事务->无事务状态



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