请问True Dbgrid6.0如何注册。

Fly2000 2000-09-06 06:50:00
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4 条回复
xiangood 2000-09-09
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the same to you ~!

xiangood 2000-09-09
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the same to you ~!
fs_windy 2000-09-08
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xiangood 2000-09-06
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ComponentOne Studio for ActiveX 2012 v3 1/4 一共有 4 个压缩文件,请全部下载后解压 ComponentOne Studio ActiveX 2012 v3 Full suite of the most popular ActiveX components including controls like True DBGrid and VSFlexGrid. 64-bit ActiveX Controls ComponentOne Studio® for ActiveX brings you the most popular and accomplished ActiveX components, including True DBGrid®, VSFlexGrid®, reporting, charting, and UI components. The entire Studio is fully supported. What's Inside? Chart True DBGrid VSFlexGrid Why Choose Studio for ActiveX? The Most Comprehensive Suite of ActiveX Controls Available Studio for ActiveX contains a wide range of components and controls including grids, charts, reports, PDF and more. Ideal Choice for Updating & Maintaining Legacy Applications Studio for ActiveX supports developing applications in Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual C++ 6.0. We also give you migration utilities for updating from version 7.0 and earlier to the latest version 8.0 for most controls. 64-bit Platform Support Experience the benefits of building and running 64-bit MFC applications with ComponentOne Studio for ActiveX controls (Chart, VSFlexGrid, VSVIEW Classic and C1Query). Applications targeting 64-bit experience better performance with larger available memory allocation. This means you can process larger datasets into charts and grids more efficiently because a 64-bit system can maintain a much larger cache of data in memory. Premium Support You don't have to worry about questions slowing you down. Get fast and professional help while using our tools with Premium support. From our 24-hour support response guarantee to our knowledge-rich online community, enjoy unmatched support.
用来在桌面和web应用程序的数据源中指定商业逻辑。True DataControl是一个ActiveX控件,它可以作为一个OLE DB/ADO数据源,用来构建应用程序。但它不仅仅是一个数据源,它是一个具有逻辑的数据源——代替了标准的数据源,如MS ADO数据控件,可以让开发人员在数据源中指定商业逻辑,将它们作为一组商业规则,从而使应用程序更强大、更具伸缩性、更便于管理。 作为ComponentOne Sutdio和ComponentOne Studio Enterprise的一部分,True DBGrid Pro 8.0是用于目前企业数据库前端应用程序开发的最强大的Grid控件。 正如你希望的那样(Grid控件应该具有人们可以设想到的所有的功能),我们已经给该产品添加了更加丰富的功能,以满足用户的各种需求:支持XP Themes、一个新的显示弹出/缩进图标的控件、新的通过程序显示/隐藏子Grid的方法、新的对大小写敏感的查询功能、一个新的固定列宽的方法等。 同时我们也没有忽略以前版本中用户最喜欢的功能,包括:Crosstab、OLAP(决策支持)、Master-Detail关系的增强显示,而且分等级的grid是完全可编辑的、Excel样式的单元格选择、附加的显示模式、更好的键盘导航、扩展的样式、更多的打印和打印预览选项、一个可以很容易地编码过滤和格式化行为的Filter Bar界面、与True DataControl的本地集成等。点击左侧工具条的Features链接查看所有的新的功能! 新的过滤条数据录入行通过一个易于使用的界面可以让你实现定制的最终用户操作,比如渐进式搜索(incremental search)和记录集过滤。 True DBGrid Pro 8.0 可用于Visual Basic 5.0和6.0、以及Visual Studio 5.0和6.0 环境。 用True DBGrid Pro 8.0 开发的应用程序在发行时是免版税的。
ComponentOne Studio for ActiveX 2012 v3 4/4 一共有 4 个压缩文件,请全部下载后解压 ComponentOne Studio ActiveX 2012 v3 Full suite of the most popular ActiveX components including controls like True DBGrid and VSFlexGrid. 64-bit ActiveX Controls ComponentOne Studio® for ActiveX brings you the most popular and accomplished ActiveX components, including True DBGrid®, VSFlexGrid®, reporting, charting, and UI components. The entire Studio is fully supported. What's Inside? Chart True DBGrid VSFlexGrid Why Choose Studio for ActiveX? The Most Comprehensive Suite of ActiveX Controls Available Studio for ActiveX contains a wide range of components and controls including grids, charts, reports, PDF and more. Ideal Choice for Updating & Maintaining Legacy Applications Studio for ActiveX supports developing applications in Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual C++ 6.0. We also give you migration utilities for updating from version 7.0 and earlier to the latest version 8.0 for most controls. 64-bit Platform Support Experience the benefits of building and running 64-bit MFC applications with ComponentOne Studio for ActiveX controls (Chart, VSFlexGrid, VSVIEW Classic and C1Query). Applications targeting 64-bit experience better performance with larger available memory allocation. This means you can process larger datasets into charts and grids more efficiently because a 64-bit system can maintain a much larger cache of data in memory. Premium Support You don't have to worry about questions slowing you down. Get fast and professional help while using our tools with Premium support. From our 24-hour support response guarantee to our knowledge-rich online community, enjoy unmatched support.
ComponentOne Studio for ActiveX 2012 v3 3/4 一共有 4 个压缩文件,请全部下载后解压 ComponentOne Studio ActiveX 2012 v3 Full suite of the most popular ActiveX components including controls like True DBGrid and VSFlexGrid. 64-bit ActiveX Controls ComponentOne Studio® for ActiveX brings you the most popular and accomplished ActiveX components, including True DBGrid®, VSFlexGrid®, reporting, charting, and UI components. The entire Studio is fully supported. What's Inside? Chart True DBGrid VSFlexGrid Why Choose Studio for ActiveX? The Most Comprehensive Suite of ActiveX Controls Available Studio for ActiveX contains a wide range of components and controls including grids, charts, reports, PDF and more. Ideal Choice for Updating & Maintaining Legacy Applications Studio for ActiveX supports developing applications in Visual Basic 6.0 and Visual C++ 6.0. We also give you migration utilities for updating from version 7.0 and earlier to the latest version 8.0 for most controls. 64-bit Platform Support Experience the benefits of building and running 64-bit MFC applications with ComponentOne Studio for ActiveX controls (Chart, VSFlexGrid, VSVIEW Classic and C1Query). Applications targeting 64-bit experience better performance with larger available memory allocation. This means you can process larger datasets into charts and grids more efficiently because a 64-bit system can maintain a much larger cache of data in memory. Premium Support You don't have to worry about questions slowing you down. Get fast and professional help while using our tools with Premium support. From our 24-hour support response guarantee to our knowledge-rich online community, enjoy unmatched support.



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