
边城的刀声 2007-10-17 08:11:24


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parenth 2010-03-19
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virusswb 2008-06-17
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一、Test.Model.Person.hbm.xml(2,2): XML validation error: 未能找到元素“urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.0:hibernate-mapping”的架构信息。


二、 The following types may not be used as proxies:
Test.Model.Person: method set_Id should be virtual
Test.Model.Person: method get_Name should be virtual
Test.Model.Person: method set_Name should be virtual
Test.Model.Person: method get_Id should be virtual

1. You can follow the advice of the exception and add "virtual" to all of your properties, and make sure your class is non-sealed. Obviously you'll want to do this if you think you might want to take advantage of the lazy-initializing proxy feature. However, changing your classes may not be practical or advisable if you have a legacy codebase, or it may just bother you that a "transparent" persistence framework is dictating how you design certain aspects of your value classes. That's where Options 2 and 3 come in. Both of those involve changing back to the old behavior.

2. To change the lazy-initialization proxy setting for a specific class, you can add a "lazy='false'" attribute to the <class> mapping element. This might look something like:<class
name="NorthwindClasses.Category, NorthwindClasses"
> 3. To change the lazy-initialization proxy setting for all classes in a given mapping file, you can add a "default-lazy='false'" attribute to the <hibernate-mapping> element, as follows:<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.0" default-lazy="false"> Unfortunately, Option 3 doesn't really help you much if you do one <class> mapping per <hibernate-mapping> file, a practice which I personally follow and recommend. It's too bad, but there doesn't seem to be any way to set this default in the <nhibernate> global configuration. But if you do happen to have all of your <class>'s in one .hbm.xml file, "default-lazy" can help you out.
rydanliu 2007-11-04
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saucer 2007-10-17
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which version of NHibernate are you using? see


Schema namespace
Update the XML schema reference in your hbm XML files. Change urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.0 to urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2 in the hibernate-mapping element. If you get "XML validation error: Could not find schema information for the element 'urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.0:hibernate-mapping'", you forgot to change the namespace.

In this article I want to discuss the lazy loading mechanism provided by NHibernate. It is recommended for maximum flexibility to define all relations in your domain as lazy loadable. This is the default behavior of NHibernate since version 1.2. But this can lead to some undesired effects if querying your data. Let's discuss these effects and how to avoid them. Term Paper AND Research Paper In my previous posts I showed how to prepare your system for NHibernate and how to implement a first NHibernate base application. This post is based on those two articles. Thesis AND Dissertation AND Essay The Domain Let's first define a simple domain. It shows part of an order entry system. I keep this model as simple as possible (a real domain model would be more complex) but it contains all aspects we want to discuss in this post. Below is the class diagram of our model We have an order entity which can be placed by a customer entity. Each order can have many order line entities. Each of the three entity types is uniquely identified by a property Id (surrogate key). The Mapping Files We have to write one mapping file per entity. It is recommended that you always have one mapping per file. Don't forget to set the Build Action of each mapping file to Embedded Resource. People often tend to forget it and the subsequent errors raised by NHibernate are not always obvious. Also do not forget to give the mapping files the correct name, that is *.hbm.xml where * denotes the placeholder for the entity name. The mapping for the Order entity might be implemented as follows <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="LazyLoadEagerLoad" namespace="LazyLoadEagerLoad.Domain"> hibernate-mapping>Analogous you can implement the mappings for the Customer entity <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="LazyLoadEagerLoad" namespace="LazyLoadEagerLoad.Domain"> hibernate-mapping>and finally the mapping for the OrderLine entity. <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2" assembly="LazyLoadEagerLoad" namespace="LazyLoadEagerLoad.Domain"> hibernate-mapping>



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