
rottenapple 2007-11-28 11:09:20
id name flag
1 Common 1
1 Common 1
3 Fund 0
3 Fund 1
2 Broker 1
2 Broker 0

1 Common 1
3 Fund 1
2 Broker 1
103 14 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
14 条回复
-狙击手- 2007-11-28
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select id,name,max(flag)
from table
group by id,name
-狙击手- 2007-11-28
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create table #t
(id int, name varchar(10), flag int )
insert into #t
select 1, 'Common', 1 union all
select 1, 'Common' ,1 union all
select 3, 'Fund' ,0 union all
select 3, 'Fund' ,1 union all
select 2, 'Broker', 1 union all
select 2, 'Broker', 0

select distinct id,name,flag
from #t a
where not exists(select * from #t where a.id = id and a.name = name and flag < a.flag)

drop table #t


id name flag
----------- ---------- -----------
1 Common 1
2 Broker 0
3 Fund 0

(所影响的行数为 3 行)
backhead 2007-11-28
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select `id`,name,max(flag) from table order by id,name
gggg007 2007-11-28
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select [id],[name],max(flag) from tb group by id,name
fa_ge 2007-11-28
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fa_ge 2007-11-28
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create table #t
(id1 int identity(1,1),id int, name varchar(10), flag int )
insert into #t
select 1, 'Common', 1 union all
select 1, 'Common' ,1 union all
select 3, 'Fund' ,0 union all
select 3, 'Fund' ,1 union all
select 2, 'Broker', 1 union all
select 2, 'Broker', 0

select id,name,flag from #t a
where (select count(1) from #t where a.id=id and id1<=a.id1)<2

id name flag
----------- ---------- -----------
1 Common 1
3 Fund 0
2 Broker 1

dawugui 2007-11-28
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select * from tb t where flag exists (select flag from tb where id = t.id and name = t.name)
dawugui 2007-11-28
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[code=SQL]select * from tb t where flag = (select max(flag) from tb where id = t.id and name = t.name)
dawugui 2007-11-28
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select * from tb t where flag = (select flag from tb where id = t.id and name = t.name)
kk19840210 2007-11-28
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select id,name,flag=max(flag) from tablename group by id,name
dawugui 2007-11-28
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name val memo
a 2 a2(a的第二个值)
a 1 a1--a的第一个值
a 3 a3:a的第三个值
b 1 b1--b的第一个值
b 3 b3:b的第三个值
b 2 b2b2b2b2
b 4 b4b4
b 5 b5b5b5b5b5
create table tb(name varchar(10),val int,memo varchar(20))
insert into tb values('a', 2, 'a2(a的第二个值)')
insert into tb values('a', 1, 'a1--a的第一个值')
insert into tb values('a', 3, 'a3:a的第三个值')
insert into tb values('b', 1, 'b1--b的第一个值')
insert into tb values('b', 3, 'b3:b的第三个值')
insert into tb values('b', 2, 'b2b2b2b2')
insert into tb values('b', 4, 'b4b4')
insert into tb values('b', 5, 'b5b5b5b5b5')

select a.* from tb a where val = (select max(val) from tb where name = a.name) order by a.name
select a.* from tb a where not exists(select 1 from tb where name = a.name and val > a.val)
select a.* from tb a,(select name,max(val) val from tb group by name) b where a.name = b.name and a.val = b.val order by a.name
select a.* from tb a inner join (select name , max(val) val from tb group by name) b on a.name = b.name and a.val = b.val order by a.name
select a.* from tb a where 1 > (select count(*) from tb where name = a.name and val > a.val ) order by a.name
name val memo
---------- ----------- --------------------
a 3 a3:a的第三个值
b 5 b5b5b5b5b5

select a.* from tb a where val = (select min(val) from tb where name = a.name) order by a.name
select a.* from tb a where not exists(select 1 from tb where name = a.name and val < a.val)
select a.* from tb a,(select name,min(val) val from tb group by name) b where a.name = b.name and a.val = b.val order by a.name
select a.* from tb a inner join (select name , min(val) val from tb group by name) b on a.name = b.name and a.val = b.val order by a.name
select a.* from tb a where 1 > (select count(*) from tb where name = a.name and val < a.val) order by a.name
name val memo
---------- ----------- --------------------
a 1 a1--a的第一个值
b 1 b1--b的第一个值

select a.* from tb a where val = (select top 1 val from tb where name = a.name) order by a.name
name val memo
---------- ----------- --------------------
a 2 a2(a的第二个值)
b 1 b1--b的第一个值

select a.* from tb a where val = (select top 1 val from tb where name = a.name order by newid()) order by a.name
name val memo
---------- ----------- --------------------
a 1 a1--a的第一个值
b 5 b5b5b5b5b5

select a.* from tb a where 2 > (select count(*) from tb where name = a.name and val < a.val ) order by a.name,a.val
select a.* from tb a where val in (select top 2 val from tb where name=a.name order by val) order by a.name,a.val
select a.* from tb a where exists (select count(*) from tb where name = a.name and val < a.val having Count(*) < 2) order by a.name
name val memo
---------- ----------- --------------------
a 1 a1--a的第一个值
a 2 a2(a的第二个值)
b 1 b1--b的第一个值
b 2 b2b2b2b2

select a.* from tb a where 2 > (select count(*) from tb where name = a.name and val > a.val ) order by a.name,a.val
select a.* from tb a where val in (select top 2 val from tb where name=a.name order by val desc) order by a.name,a.val
select a.* from tb a where exists (select count(*) from tb where name = a.name and val > a.val having Count(*) < 2) order by a.name
name val memo
---------- ----------- --------------------
a 2 a2(a的第二个值)
a 3 a3:a的第三个值
b 4 b4b4
b 5 b5b5b5b5b5
renzhe02 2007-11-28
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select id,name,max(flag)
from table
group by id,name
order by id,name
pt1314917 2007-11-28
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select id,name,max(flag)
from table
group by id,name

select * from table a where flag in(select max(flag) from table name=a.name)
select * from table a where not exists(select 1 from table where name=a.name and flag<a.flag)

rottenapple 2007-11-28
  • 打赏
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select [id],[name],max(flag) from tb group by id,name
select * from (
select [id],[name],max(flag) from tb group by id,name)
order by id



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