
tim_spac 2007-12-24 05:02:42

  6、抽Pall Mall 香烟的人养鸟
  7、黄色房子主人抽Dunhill 香烟
  9、 挪威人住第一间房
  11、养马的人住抽Dunhill 香烟的人隔壁
  12、抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒


这一百分算是我的新年贺礼,祝大家快乐 :)
784 84 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
84 条回复
junon 2007-12-31
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tim_spac 2007-12-27
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winjay84 2007-12-27
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48 小时早过了啊

米多 2007-12-26
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cxmcxm 2007-12-26
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set nocount on
declare @t1 table (no int)
insert into @t1 values(1)
insert into @t1 values(2)
insert into @t1 values(3)
insert into @t1 values(4)
insert into @t1 values(5)
declare @t2 table(color varchar(20))
insert into @t2 values('红色')
insert into @t2 values('白色')
insert into @t2 values('绿色')
insert into @t2 values('黄色')
insert into @t2 values('蓝色')
declare @t3 table(country varchar(20))
insert into @t3 values ('英国')
insert into @t3 values ('瑞典')
insert into @t3 values ('丹麦')
insert into @t3 values ('德国')
insert into @t3 values ('挪威')
declare @t4 table(drink varchar(20))
insert into @t4 values('茶')
insert into @t4 values('咖啡')
insert into @t4 values('牛奶')
insert into @t4 values('啤酒')
insert into @t4 values('水')
declare @t5 table(smoke varchar(20))
insert into @t5 values('Pall Mall')
insert into @t5 values('Dunhill')
insert into @t5 values('Blends')
insert into @t5 values('Blue Master')
insert into @t5 values('Prince')
declare @t6 table(pet varchar(20))
insert into @t6 values('狗')
insert into @t6 values('鸟')
insert into @t6 values('猫')
insert into @t6 values('马')
insert into @t6 values('鱼')
set nocount off

if object_id('tempdb..#tmp') is not null drop table #tmp
select * into #tmp from @t1 a,@t2 b,@t3 c,@t4 d,@t5 e,@t6 f
where (country='英国' and color='红色' or color<>'红色' and country<>'英国') --1、英国人住红色房子
and (country='瑞典' and pet='狗' or country<>'瑞典' and pet<>'狗') --2、瑞典人养狗
and (country='丹麦' and drink='茶' or country<>'丹麦' and drink<>'茶') --3、丹麦人喝茶
and (no=1 and color<>'白色' or no<>1) and (no=5 and color<>'绿色' or no<>5)
-- and (color<>'白色' or color='白色' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5 where no=a.no-1 and color='绿色'
-- and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>e.smoke and pet<>f.pet))
and (color='绿色' and drink='咖啡' or color<>'绿色' and drink<>'咖啡') --5 绿色房子主人喝咖啡
and (smoke='Pall Mall' and pet='鸟' or smoke<>'Pall Mall' and pet<>'鸟') --6抽Pall Mall 香烟的人养鸟
and (color='黄色' and smoke='Dunhill' or color<>'黄色' and smoke<>'Dunhill') --7黄色房子主人抽Dunhill 香烟
and (no=3 and drink='牛奶' or no<>3 and drink<>'牛奶') --8、住在中间房子的人喝牛奶
and (country='挪威' and no=1 or country<>'挪威' and no<>1) --9挪威人住第一间房

and (smoke<>'Blends'
or smoke='blends' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5,@t6 where (no=a.no+1 or no=a.no-1) and pet='猫'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>'blend' and pet<>f.pet))

and (pet<>'马' or pet='马' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5,@t6 where (no=a.no+1 or no=a.no-1) and smoke='Dunhill'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>e.smoke and pet<>f.pet))
--11、养马的人住抽Dunhill 香烟的人隔壁

and (smoke='Blue Master' and drink='啤酒' or smoke<>'Blue Master' and drink<>'啤酒') --12、抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒
and (country='德国' and smoke='Prince' or country<>'德国' and smoke<>'Prince') --13、德国人抽Prince香烟

and (country<>'挪威'
or country='挪威' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5,@t6 where (no=a.no+1 or no=a.no-1) and color='蓝色'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>e.smoke and pet<>f.pet))
and (smoke<>'Blends' or smoke='Blends' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5,@t6 where (no=a.no+1 or no=a.no-1) and drink='水'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>e.smoke and pet<>f.pet))

order by 6,3,1

if object_id('tempdb..#tmp1') is not null drop table #tmp1
select identity(int,1,1) id,a.color color1,a.country country1,a.drink drink1,a.smoke smoke1,a.pet pet1,
b.color color2,b.country country2,b.drink drink2,b.smoke smoke2,b.pet pet2,
c.color color3,c.country country3,c.drink drink3,c.smoke smoke3,c.pet pet3,
d.color color4,d.country country4,d.drink drink4,d.smoke smoke4,d.pet pet4,
e.color color5,e.country country5,e.drink drink5,e.smoke smoke5,e.pet pet5
into #tmp1 from #tmp a,#tmp b,#tmp c,#tmp d,#tmp e
where a.no=1 and b.no=2 and c.no=3 and d.no=4 and e.no=5

and a.color<>b.color and a.country<>b.country and a.drink<>b.drink and a.smoke<>b.smoke and a.pet<>b.pet
and a.color<>c.color and a.country<>c.country and a.drink<>c.drink and a.smoke<>c.smoke and a.pet<>c.pet
and a.color<>d.color and a.country<>d.country and a.drink<>d.drink and a.smoke<>d.smoke and a.pet<>d.pet
and a.color<>e.color and a.country<>e.country and a.drink<>e.drink and a.smoke<>e.smoke and a.pet<>e.pet
and c.color<>b.color and c.country<>b.country and c.drink<>b.drink and c.smoke<>b.smoke and c.pet<>b.pet
and d.color<>b.color and d.country<>b.country and d.drink<>b.drink and d.smoke<>b.smoke and d.pet<>b.pet
and e.color<>b.color and e.country<>b.country and e.drink<>b.drink and e.smoke<>b.smoke and e.pet<>b.pet
and c.color<>d.color and c.country<>d.country and c.drink<>d.drink and c.smoke<>d.smoke and c.pet<>d.pet
and c.color<>e.color and c.country<>e.country and c.drink<>e.drink and c.smoke<>e.smoke and c.pet<>e.pet
and d.color<>e.color and d.country<>e.country and d.drink<>e.drink and d.smoke<>e.smoke and d.pet<>e.pet

if object_id('tempdb..#tmp2') is not null drop table #tmp2
select id,1 no,color1 color,country1 country,drink1 drink,smoke1 smoke,pet1 pet
into #tmp2 from #tmp1
union all
select id,2 no,color2 color,country2 country,drink2 drink,smoke2 smoke,pet2 pet
from #tmp1
union all
select id,3 no,color3 color,country3 country,drink3 drink,smoke3 smoke,pet3 pet
from #tmp1
union all
select id,4 no,color4 color,country4 country,drink4 drink,smoke4 smoke,pet4 pet
from #tmp1
union all
select id,5 no,color5 color,country5 country,drink5 drink,smoke5 smoke,pet5 pet
from #tmp1

select *
from #tmp2
where id in (select id from #tmp1 a
where exists(select count(*) from #tmp2 b where id=a.id
and (color<>'白色' or color='白色' and exists(select * from #tmp2 where id=a.id and no+1=b.no and color='绿色'))
and (smoke<>'Blends'
or smoke='blends' and exists(select * from #tmp2 where id=a.id and (no=b.no+1 or no=b.no-1) and pet='猫'))

and (pet<>'马' or pet='马' and exists(select * from #tmp2 where id=a.id and (no=b.no+1 or no=b.no-1) and smoke='Dunhill'))
--11、养马的人住抽Dunhill 香烟的人隔壁
and (country<>'挪威'
or country='挪威' and exists(select * from #tmp2 where id=a.id and (no=b.no+1 or no=b.no-1) and color='蓝色'))

and (smoke<>'Blends' or smoke='Blends' and exists(select * from #tmp2 where id=a.id and (no=b.no+1 or no=b.no-1) and drink='水'))

having count(*)>=5))
order by id,no

id no color country drink smoke pet
----------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
104 1 黄色 挪威 水 Dunhill 猫
104 2 蓝色 丹麦 茶 Blends 马
104 3 红色 英国 牛奶 Pall Mall 鸟
104 4 绿色 德国 咖啡 Prince 鱼
104 5 白色 瑞典 啤酒 Blue Master 狗

第四个条件--4绿色房子在白色房子左面 如果不是指与白色房子相邻,只是在它的左面则有7种可能. 查询时间2秒

昵称被占用了 2007-12-26
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Num 颜色 国籍 饮料 香烟 宠物 Num 颜色 国籍 饮料 香烟 宠物 Num 颜色 国籍 饮料 香烟 宠物 Num 颜色 国籍 饮料 香烟 宠物 Num 颜色 国籍 饮料 香烟 宠物
----------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
1 白色 瑞典 啤酒 Blue Master 狗 2 绿色 德国 咖啡 Prince 鱼 3 红色 英国 牛奶 Pall Mall 鸟 4 蓝色 丹麦 茶 Blends 马 5 黄色 挪威 水 Dunhill 猫
1 黄色 挪威 水 Dunhill 猫 2 蓝色 丹麦 茶 Blends 马 3 红色 英国 牛奶 Pall Mall 鸟 4 绿色 德国 咖啡 Prince 鱼 5 白色 瑞典 啤酒 Blue Master 狗
1 黄色 挪威 水 Dunhill 猫 2 蓝色 丹麦 茶 Blends 马 3 红色 英国 牛奶 Pall Mall 鸟 4 白色 瑞典 啤酒 Blue Master 狗 5 绿色 德国 咖啡 Prince 鱼
1 绿色 德国 咖啡 Prince 鱼 2 白色 瑞典 啤酒 Blue Master 狗 3 红色 英国 牛奶 Pall Mall 鸟 4 蓝色 丹麦 茶 Blends 马 5 黄色 挪威 水 Dunhill 猫

(所影响的行数为 4 行)

(所影响的行数为 2 行)

昵称被占用了 2007-12-26
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--上一个回复假定了 最左边是第一,修正下

declare @t table (
Num int,
颜色 varchar(20),
国籍 varchar(20),
饮料 varchar(20),
香烟 varchar(20),
宠物 varchar(20)

insert @t
select *
from (
select 1 as num
union all select 2
union all select 3
union all select 4
union all select 5
) as n,(
select '红色' as 颜色
union all select '绿色'
union all select '白色'
union all select '黄色'
union all select '蓝色'
) as c,(
select '英国' as 国籍
union all select '瑞典'
union all select '丹麦'
union all select '挪威'
union all select '德国'
) as g,(
select '茶' as 饮料
union all select '咖啡'
union all select '牛奶'
union all select '啤酒'
union all select '水'
) as d,(
select 'Pall Mall' as 香烟
union all select 'Dunhill'
union all select 'Blends'
union all select 'Blue Master'
union all select 'Prince'
) as s,(
select '狗' as 宠物
union all select '鸟'
union all select '猫'
union all select '马'
union all select '鱼'
) as a

delete @t
where 国籍='英国'
and 颜色<>'红色'

delete @t
where 国籍<>'英国'
and 颜色='红色'

delete @t
where 国籍='瑞典'
and 宠物<>'狗'

delete @t
where 国籍<>'瑞典'
and 宠物='狗'

delete @t
where 国籍='丹麦'
and 饮料<>'茶'

delete @t
where 国籍<>'丹麦'
and 饮料='茶'

delete @t
where 颜色='绿色'
and 饮料<>'咖啡'

delete @t
where 颜色<>'绿色'
and 饮料='咖啡'

delete @t
where 香烟='Pall Mall'
and 宠物<>'鸟'

delete @t
where 香烟<>'Pall Mall'
and 宠物='鸟'

delete @t
where 香烟='Dunhill'
and 颜色<>'黄色'

delete @t
where 香烟<>'Dunhill'
and 颜色='黄色'

delete @t
where num=3
and 饮料<>'牛奶'

delete @t
where num<>3
and 饮料='牛奶'

delete @t
where num=1
and 国籍<>'挪威'

delete @t
where num<>1
and 国籍='挪威'

delete @t
where 香烟='Blue Master'
and 饮料<>'啤酒'

delete @t
where 香烟<>'Blue Master'
and 饮料='啤酒'

delete @t
where 香烟='Prince'
and 国籍<>'德国'

delete @t
where 香烟<>'Prince'
and 国籍='德国'

select * from @t a,@t b,@t c,@t d,@t e
where a.num=1
and b.num=2
and c.num=3
and d.num=4
and e.num=5
and a.国籍<>b.国籍
and a.香烟<>b.香烟
and a.饮料<>b.饮料
and a.颜色<>b.颜色
and a.宠物<>b.宠物

and a.国籍<>c.国籍
and a.香烟<>c.香烟
and a.饮料<>c.饮料
and a.颜色<>c.颜色
and a.宠物<>c.宠物

and a.宠物<>d.宠物
and a.国籍<>d.国籍
and a.香烟<>d.香烟
and a.饮料<>d.饮料
and a.颜色<>d.颜色
and a.宠物<>d.宠物

and a.宠物<>e.宠物
and a.国籍<>e.国籍
and a.香烟<>e.香烟
and a.饮料<>e.饮料
and a.颜色<>e.颜色
and a.宠物<>e.宠物

and b.宠物<>c.宠物
and b.国籍<>c.国籍
and b.香烟<>c.香烟
and b.饮料<>c.饮料
and b.颜色<>c.颜色
and b.宠物<>c.宠物

and b.宠物<>d.宠物
and b.国籍<>d.国籍
and b.香烟<>d.香烟
and b.饮料<>d.饮料
and b.颜色<>d.颜色
and b.宠物<>d.宠物

and b.宠物<>e.宠物
and b.国籍<>e.国籍
and b.香烟<>e.香烟
and b.饮料<>e.饮料
and b.颜色<>e.颜色
and b.宠物<>e.宠物

and c.宠物<>d.宠物
and c.国籍<>d.国籍
and c.香烟<>d.香烟
and c.饮料<>d.饮料
and c.颜色<>d.颜色
and c.宠物<>d.宠物

and c.宠物<>e.宠物
and c.国籍<>e.国籍
and c.香烟<>e.香烟
and c.饮料<>e.饮料
and c.颜色<>e.颜色
and c.宠物<>e.宠物

and d.宠物<>e.宠物
and d.国籍<>e.国籍
and d.香烟<>e.香烟
and d.饮料<>e.饮料
and d.颜色<>e.颜色
and d.宠物<>e.宠物
and (a.颜色='绿色' and b.颜色='白色'
or b.颜色='绿色' and c.颜色='白色'
or c.颜色='绿色' and d.颜色='白色'
or d.颜色='绿色' and e.颜色='白色')
and (b.宠物='猫' and (a.香烟='Blends' or c.香烟='Blends')
or b.香烟='Blends' and (a.宠物='猫' or c.宠物='猫')
or c.宠物='猫' and (b.香烟='Blends' or d.香烟='Blends')
or c.香烟='Blends' and (b.宠物='猫' or d.宠物='猫')
or d.宠物='猫' and (c.香烟='Blends' or e.香烟='Blends')
or d.香烟='Blends' and (c.宠物='猫' or e.宠物='猫')

and (b.宠物='马' and (a.香烟='Dunhill' or c.香烟='Dunhill')
or b.香烟='Dunhill' and (a.宠物='马' or c.宠物='马')
or c.宠物='马' and (b.香烟='Dunhill' or d.香烟='Dunhill')
or c.香烟='Dunhill' and (b.宠物='马' or d.宠物='马')
or d.宠物='马' and (c.香烟='Dunhill' or e.香烟='Dunhill')
or d.香烟='Dunhill' and (c.宠物='马' or e.宠物='马')

and (b.国籍='挪威' and (a.颜色='蓝色' or c.颜色='蓝色')
or b.颜色='蓝色' and (a.国籍='挪威' or c.国籍='挪威')
or c.国籍='挪威' and (b.颜色='蓝色' or d.颜色='蓝色')
or c.颜色='蓝色' and (b.国籍='挪威' or d.国籍='挪威')
or d.国籍='挪威' and (c.颜色='蓝色' or e.颜色='蓝色')
or d.颜色='蓝色' and (c.国籍='挪威' or e.国籍='挪威')

and (b.饮料='水' and (a.香烟='Blends' or c.香烟='Blends')
or b.香烟='Blends' and (a.饮料='水' or c.饮料='水')
or c.饮料='水' and (b.香烟='Blends' or d.香烟='Blends')
or c.香烟='Blends' and (b.饮料='水' or d.饮料='水')
or d.饮料='水' and (c.香烟='Blends' or e.香烟='Blends')
or d.香烟='Blends' and (c.饮料='水' or e.饮料='水')

and ( a.国籍='挪威' or e.国籍='挪威')
and (
(a.颜色='绿色' and b.颜色='白色'
or b.颜色='绿色' and c.颜色='白色'
or c.颜色='绿色' and d.颜色='白色'
or d.颜色='绿色' and e.颜色='白色')
(e.颜色='绿色' and d.颜色='白色'
or d.颜色='绿色' and c.颜色='白色'
or c.颜色='绿色' and b.颜色='白色'
or b.颜色='绿色' and a.颜色='白色')

winjay84 2007-12-26
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  • 举报

是否“左面 <> 隔壁的左面”我觉得是个语文问题


这个问题我倒是忽略了,我推理的时候是作为 “左面 = 隔壁的左面”
有必要再看看 “左面 <> 隔壁的左面”的情况

昵称被占用了 2007-12-26
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--1、坚持 左面 = 隔壁的左面
--3、把有左面和第一字样的条件4 9合并,适合第一是左边第一和第一是右边第一两种情况求解

declare @t table (
Num int,
颜色 varchar(20),
国籍 varchar(20),
饮料 varchar(20),
香烟 varchar(20),
宠物 varchar(20)

insert @t
select *
from (
select 1 as num
union all select 2
union all select 3
union all select 4
union all select 5
) as n,(
select '红色' as 颜色
union all select '绿色'
union all select '白色'
union all select '黄色'
union all select '蓝色'
) as c,(
select '英国' as 国籍
union all select '瑞典'
union all select '丹麦'
union all select '挪威'
union all select '德国'
) as g,(
select '茶' as 饮料
union all select '咖啡'
union all select '牛奶'
union all select '啤酒'
union all select '水'
) as d,(
select 'Pall Mall' as 香烟
union all select 'Dunhill'
union all select 'Blends'
union all select 'Blue Master'
union all select 'Prince'
) as s,(
select '狗' as 宠物
union all select '鸟'
union all select '猫'
union all select '马'
union all select '鱼'
) as a

delete @t
where 国籍='英国'
and 颜色<>'红色'

delete @t
where 国籍<>'英国'
and 颜色='红色'

delete @t
where 国籍='瑞典'
and 宠物<>'狗'

delete @t
where 国籍<>'瑞典'
and 宠物='狗'

delete @t
where 国籍='丹麦'
and 饮料<>'茶'

delete @t
where 国籍<>'丹麦'
and 饮料='茶'

delete @t
where 颜色='绿色'
and 饮料<>'咖啡'

delete @t
where 颜色<>'绿色'
and 饮料='咖啡'

delete @t
where 香烟='Pall Mall'
and 宠物<>'鸟'

delete @t
where 香烟<>'Pall Mall'
and 宠物='鸟'

delete @t
where 香烟='Dunhill'
and 颜色<>'黄色'

delete @t
where 香烟<>'Dunhill'
and 颜色='黄色'

delete @t
where num=3
and 饮料<>'牛奶'

delete @t
where num<>3
and 饮料='牛奶'

delete @t
where num=1
and 国籍<>'挪威'

delete @t
where num<>1
and 国籍='挪威'

delete @t
where 香烟='Blue Master'
and 饮料<>'啤酒'

delete @t
where 香烟<>'Blue Master'
and 饮料='啤酒'

delete @t
where 香烟='Prince'
and 国籍<>'德国'

delete @t
where 香烟<>'Prince'
and 国籍='德国'

select * from @t a,@t b,@t c,@t d,@t e
where a.num=1
and b.num=2
and c.num=3
and d.num=4
and e.num=5
and a.国籍<>b.国籍
and a.香烟<>b.香烟
and a.饮料<>b.饮料
and a.颜色<>b.颜色
and a.宠物<>b.宠物

and a.国籍<>c.国籍
and a.香烟<>c.香烟
and a.饮料<>c.饮料
and a.颜色<>c.颜色
and a.宠物<>c.宠物

and a.宠物<>d.宠物
and a.国籍<>d.国籍
and a.香烟<>d.香烟
and a.饮料<>d.饮料
and a.颜色<>d.颜色
and a.宠物<>d.宠物

and a.宠物<>e.宠物
and a.国籍<>e.国籍
and a.香烟<>e.香烟
and a.饮料<>e.饮料
and a.颜色<>e.颜色
and a.宠物<>e.宠物

and b.宠物<>c.宠物
and b.国籍<>c.国籍
and b.香烟<>c.香烟
and b.饮料<>c.饮料
and b.颜色<>c.颜色
and b.宠物<>c.宠物

and b.宠物<>d.宠物
and b.国籍<>d.国籍
and b.香烟<>d.香烟
and b.饮料<>d.饮料
and b.颜色<>d.颜色
and b.宠物<>d.宠物

and b.宠物<>e.宠物
and b.国籍<>e.国籍
and b.香烟<>e.香烟
and b.饮料<>e.饮料
and b.颜色<>e.颜色
and b.宠物<>e.宠物

and c.宠物<>d.宠物
and c.国籍<>d.国籍
and c.香烟<>d.香烟
and c.饮料<>d.饮料
and c.颜色<>d.颜色
and c.宠物<>d.宠物

and c.宠物<>e.宠物
and c.国籍<>e.国籍
and c.香烟<>e.香烟
and c.饮料<>e.饮料
and c.颜色<>e.颜色
and c.宠物<>e.宠物

and d.宠物<>e.宠物
and d.国籍<>e.国籍
and d.香烟<>e.香烟
and d.饮料<>e.饮料
and d.颜色<>e.颜色
and d.宠物<>e.宠物
and (a.颜色='绿色' and b.颜色='白色'
or b.颜色='绿色' and c.颜色='白色'
or c.颜色='绿色' and d.颜色='白色'
or d.颜色='绿色' and e.颜色='白色')
and (b.宠物='猫' and (a.香烟='Blends' or c.香烟='Blends')
or b.香烟='Blends' and (a.宠物='猫' or c.宠物='猫')
or c.宠物='猫' and (b.香烟='Blends' or d.香烟='Blends')
or c.香烟='Blends' and (b.宠物='猫' or d.宠物='猫')
or d.宠物='猫' and (c.香烟='Blends' or e.香烟='Blends')
or d.香烟='Blends' and (c.宠物='猫' or e.宠物='猫')

and (b.宠物='马' and (a.香烟='Dunhill' or c.香烟='Dunhill')
or b.香烟='Dunhill' and (a.宠物='马' or c.宠物='马')
or c.宠物='马' and (b.香烟='Dunhill' or d.香烟='Dunhill')
or c.香烟='Dunhill' and (b.宠物='马' or d.宠物='马')
or d.宠物='马' and (c.香烟='Dunhill' or e.香烟='Dunhill')
or d.香烟='Dunhill' and (c.宠物='马' or e.宠物='马')

and (b.国籍='挪威' and (a.颜色='蓝色' or c.颜色='蓝色')
or b.颜色='蓝色' and (a.国籍='挪威' or c.国籍='挪威')
or c.国籍='挪威' and (b.颜色='蓝色' or d.颜色='蓝色')
or c.颜色='蓝色' and (b.国籍='挪威' or d.国籍='挪威')
or d.国籍='挪威' and (c.颜色='蓝色' or e.颜色='蓝色')
or d.颜色='蓝色' and (c.国籍='挪威' or e.国籍='挪威')

and (b.饮料='水' and (a.香烟='Blends' or c.香烟='Blends')
or b.香烟='Blends' and (a.饮料='水' or c.饮料='水')
or c.饮料='水' and (b.香烟='Blends' or d.香烟='Blends')
or c.香烟='Blends' and (b.饮料='水' or d.饮料='水')
or d.饮料='水' and (c.香烟='Blends' or e.香烟='Blends')
or d.香烟='Blends' and (c.饮料='水' or e.饮料='水')

and ( --左边是1
a.国籍='挪威' and (a.颜色='绿色' and b.颜色='白色'
or b.颜色='绿色' and c.颜色='白色'
or c.颜色='绿色' and d.颜色='白色'
or d.颜色='绿色' and e.颜色='白色')
e.国籍='挪威' and (e.颜色='绿色' and d.颜色='白色'
or d.颜色='绿色' and c.颜色='白色'
or c.颜色='绿色' and b.颜色='白色'
or b.颜色='绿色' and a.颜色='白色')

Num 颜色 国籍 饮料 香烟 宠物 Num 颜色 国籍 饮料 香烟 宠物 Num 颜色 国籍 饮料 香烟 宠物 Num 颜色 国籍 饮料 香烟 宠物 Num 颜色 国籍 饮料 香烟 宠物
----------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
1 白色 瑞典 啤酒 Blue Master 狗 2 绿色 德国 咖啡 Prince 鱼 3 红色 英国 牛奶 Pall Mall 鸟 4 蓝色 丹麦 茶 Blends 马 5 黄色 挪威 水 Dunhill 猫
1 黄色 挪威 水 Dunhill 猫 2 蓝色 丹麦 茶 Blends 马 3 红色 英国 牛奶 Pall Mall 鸟 4 绿色 德国 咖啡 Prince 鱼 5 白色 瑞典 啤酒 Blue Master 狗

(所影响的行数为 2 行)


czwand 2007-12-26
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昵称被占用了 2007-12-26
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是否“左面 <> 隔壁的左面”我觉得是个语文问题

如果 左面 <> 隔壁的左面,那就没必要说了,所以我假定 左面 = 隔壁的左面


tim_spac 2007-12-26
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* happyflystone(无枪狙击手) 10 + 5 (维持持续的声音)
* fa_ge(鶴嘯九天) 10
* jinjazz(近身剪) 10 - 5 (犯规处罚)
* dobear_0922(do熊) 10
* fcuandy(人, 无完人;学, 无止境) 10
* Haiwer(海阔天空) 10 - 5 (犯规处罚) + 10 (详细答案)

tim_spac 2007-12-26
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liangCK(小梁)同学积极参与, springzfc, winjay84(绿绿的蛋挞), parss(往事如云) 分别以Script以外的方式给出答案

tim_spac 2007-12-26
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好像不太好给分了 :(
tim_spac 2007-12-26
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zrf2006 2007-12-26
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cxmcxm 2007-12-26
  • 打赏
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set nocount on
declare @t1 table (no int)
insert into @t1 values(1)
insert into @t1 values(2)
insert into @t1 values(3)
insert into @t1 values(4)
insert into @t1 values(5)
declare @t2 table(color varchar(20))
insert into @t2 values('红色')
insert into @t2 values('白色')
insert into @t2 values('绿色')
insert into @t2 values('黄色')
insert into @t2 values('蓝色')
declare @t3 table(country varchar(20))
insert into @t3 values ('英国')
insert into @t3 values ('瑞典')
insert into @t3 values ('丹麦')
insert into @t3 values ('德国')
insert into @t3 values ('挪威')
declare @t4 table(drink varchar(20))
insert into @t4 values('茶')
insert into @t4 values('咖啡')
insert into @t4 values('牛奶')
insert into @t4 values('啤酒')
insert into @t4 values('水')
declare @t5 table(smoke varchar(20))
insert into @t5 values('Pall Mall')
insert into @t5 values('Dunhill')
insert into @t5 values('Blends')
insert into @t5 values('Blue Master')
insert into @t5 values('Prince')
declare @t6 table(pet varchar(20))
insert into @t6 values('狗')
insert into @t6 values('鸟')
insert into @t6 values('猫')
insert into @t6 values('马')
insert into @t6 values('鱼')
set nocount off

select * from @t1 a,@t2 b,@t3 c,@t4 d,@t5 e,@t6 f
where (country='英国' and color='红色' or color<>'红色' and country<>'英国') --1、英国人住红色房子
and (country='瑞典' and pet='狗' or country<>'瑞典' and pet<>'狗') --2、瑞典人养狗
and (country='丹麦' and drink='茶' or country<>'丹麦' and drink<>'茶') --3、丹麦人喝茶
and (color<>'白色' or color='白色' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5 where no=a.no-1 and color='绿色'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>e.smoke and pet<>f.pet))
and (color='绿色' and drink='咖啡' or color<>'绿色' and drink<>'咖啡') --5 绿色房子主人喝咖啡
and (smoke='Pall Mall' and pet='鸟' or smoke<>'Pall Mall' and pet<>'鸟') --6抽Pall Mall 香烟的人养鸟
and (color='黄色' and smoke='Dunhill' or color<>'黄色' and smoke<>'Dunhill') --7黄色房子主人抽Dunhill 香烟
and (no=3 and drink='牛奶' or no<>3 and drink<>'牛奶') --8、住在中间房子的人喝牛奶
and (country='挪威' and no=1 or country<>'挪威' and no<>1) --9挪威人住第一间房

and (smoke<>'Blends'
or smoke='blends' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5,@t6 where (no=a.no+1 or no=a.no-1) and pet='猫'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>'blend' and pet<>f.pet))

and (pet<>'马' or pet='马' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5,@t6 where (no=a.no+1 or no=a.no-1) and smoke='Dunhill'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>e.smoke and pet<>f.pet))
--11、养马的人住抽Dunhill 香烟的人隔壁

and (smoke='Blue Master' and drink='啤酒' or smoke<>'Blue Master' and drink<>'啤酒') --12、抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒
and (country='德国' and smoke='Prince' or country<>'德国' and smoke<>'Prince') --13、德国人抽Prince香烟

and (country<>'挪威'
or country='挪威' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5,@t6 where (no=a.no+1 or no=a.no-1) and color='蓝色'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>e.smoke and pet<>f.pet))
and (smoke<>'Blends' or smoke='Blends' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5,@t6 where (no=a.no+1 or no=a.no-1) and drink='水'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>e.smoke and pet<>f.pet))

order by 6,3,1

cxmcxm 2007-12-26
  • 打赏
  • 举报
set nocount on
declare @t1 table (no int)
insert into @t1 values(1)
insert into @t1 values(2)
insert into @t1 values(3)
insert into @t1 values(4)
insert into @t1 values(5)
declare @t2 table(color varchar(20))
insert into @t2 values('红色')
insert into @t2 values('白色')
insert into @t2 values('绿色')
insert into @t2 values('黄色')
insert into @t2 values('蓝色')
declare @t3 table(country varchar(20))
insert into @t3 values ('英国')
insert into @t3 values ('瑞典')
insert into @t3 values ('丹麦')
insert into @t3 values ('德国')
insert into @t3 values ('挪威')
declare @t4 table(drink varchar(20))
insert into @t4 values('茶')
insert into @t4 values('咖啡')
insert into @t4 values('牛奶')
insert into @t4 values('啤酒')
insert into @t4 values('水')
declare @t5 table(smoke varchar(20))
insert into @t5 values('Pall Mall')
insert into @t5 values('Dunhill')
insert into @t5 values('Blends')
insert into @t5 values('Blue Master')
insert into @t5 values('Prince')
declare @t6 table(pet varchar(20))
insert into @t6 values('狗')
insert into @t6 values('鸟')
insert into @t6 values('猫')
insert into @t6 values('马')
insert into @t6 values('鱼')
set nocount off

select * into #tmp from @t1 a,@t2 b,@t3 c,@t4 d,@t5 e,@t6 f
where (country='英国' and color='红色' or color<>'红色' and country<>'英国') --1、英国人住红色房子
and (country='瑞典' and pet='狗' or country<>'瑞典' and pet<>'狗') --2、瑞典人养狗
and (country='丹麦' and drink='茶' or country<>'丹麦' and drink<>'茶') --3、丹麦人喝茶
and (color<>'白色' or color='白色' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5 where no=a.no-1 and color='绿色'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>e.smoke and pet<>f.pet))
and (color='绿色' and drink='咖啡' or color<>'绿色' and drink<>'咖啡') --5 绿色房子主人喝咖啡
and (smoke='Pall Mall' and pet='鸟' or smoke<>'Pall Mall' and pet<>'鸟') --6抽Pall Mall 香烟的人养鸟
and (color='黄色' and smoke='Dunhill' or color<>'黄色' and smoke<>'Dunhill') --7黄色房子主人抽Dunhill 香烟
and (no=3 and drink='牛奶' or no<>3 and drink<>'牛奶') --8、住在中间房子的人喝牛奶
and (country='挪威' and no=1 or country<>'挪威' and no<>1) --9挪威人住第一间房

and (smoke<>'Blends'
or smoke='blends' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5,@t6 where (no=a.no+1 or no=a.no-1) and pet='猫'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>'blend' and pet<>f.pet))

and (pet<>'马' or pet='马' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5,@t6 where (no=a.no+1 or no=a.no-1) and smoke='Dunhill'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>e.smoke and pet<>f.pet))
--11、养马的人住抽Dunhill 香烟的人隔壁

and (smoke='Blue Master' and drink='啤酒' or smoke<>'Blue Master' and drink<>'啤酒') --12、抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒
and (country='德国' and smoke='Prince' or country<>'德国' and smoke<>'Prince') --13、德国人抽Prince香烟

and (country<>'挪威'
or country='挪威' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5,@t6 where (no=a.no+1 or no=a.no-1) and color='蓝色'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>e.smoke and pet<>f.pet))
and (smoke<>'Blends' or smoke='Blends' and exists(select * from @t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5,@t6 where (no=a.no+1 or no=a.no-1) and drink='水'
and color<>b.color and country<>c.country and drink<>d.drink and smoke<>e.smoke and pet<>f.pet))

order by 6,3,1
springzfc 2007-12-25
  • 打赏
  • 举报
gimse7en 2007-12-25
  • 打赏
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