
mirong 2000-09-11 06:40:00
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Wingsun 2000-09-12
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new 一个Package,然后Add *.Pas到Package中,Install就可以了.
文件搜索控件 TEasyFileSearch v1.02 by Alexandre GAMBIER Read versions.txt file if you want to see modifications made between each version. Thanks ------ Thanks to : - Udo for his tests on C++ Builder 5 and his ideas for v1.01, v1.02 - J.M. Fontaine for his test on Delphi 7 and his orthography help for v1.01. 1 - DESCRIPTION --------------- TEasyFileSearch is freeware and you use it at your own risk. TEasyFileSearch is completely free also for commercial use. TEasyFileSearch is a component which enable you to search file or folder in directory and subdirectory, using filter mask (*.*, *.exe, ...). You define some search criteria : - look in subfolder , - look for readonly file , - look for hidden file , - look for system file , - look for archile file , - look for directory file, - look for anyfile file . You can filter your research - look for files that is smaller or equal to a size, - look for files that is bigger or equal to a size, - look for file than date is between two date, younger, older or the same than a date, - look for created, modified or opened files. You can exclude files using filter mask, for example you can exclude all files *.exe. TEasyFileSearch don't use recursive function (no stack owerflow error). 2 - LANGUAGE/OS --------------- TEasyFileSearch has been tested only on Delphi 5, 7 and C++ Builder 5. 3 - INSTALLATION ---------------- 1. Extract the TEasyFileSearch.zip 2. Choose Component|Install Component... from the menu 3. Select the Tab 'Into New Package' and fill in: At 'Unit file name': Browse and Select EasyFileSearchReg.pas from the directory where you installed it. At 'Package file name': TEasyFileSearch ( In the directory Projects\Lib ) At 'Description': TEasyFileSearch - looking for files Select Ok 4. You will be asked to confirm building the packag
(*****************************************************)(* *)(* Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) *)(* Interface Unit v1.0 *)(* *)(* Readme.txt 自述文档 2004.12.03 *)(* *)(*****************************************************)(* 介绍 *)AES 是一种使用安全码进行信息加密的标准。它支持 128 位、192 位和 256 位长度的密匙。加密算法的实现在 ElAES.pas 单元。本人将其加密方法封装在 AES.pas 单元,只需要调用两个标准函数就可以完成字符串的加密和解密。(* 文件列表 *)..Source AES 单元文件..Example 演示程序(* 适用平台 *)这份 Delphi 的执行基于 FIPS 草案标准,并且 AES 原作者已经通过了以下平台的测试: Delphi 4 Delphi 5 C++ Builder 5 Kylix 1本人又重新进行了补充测试,并顺利通过了以下平台: Delphi 6 Delphi 7特别说明: 在 Delphi 3 标准版进行测试时,因为缺少 Longword 数据类型和 Math.pas 文件,并且不支持 overload 指示字,所以不能正常编译。(* 演示程序 *)这个示例程序演示了如何使用 AES 模块进行字符串的加密和解密过程。(* 使用方法 *)在程序引用 AES 单元。调用 EncryptString 和 DecryptString 进行字符串的加密和解密。详细参阅 Example 文件夹的例子。 (* 许可协议 *)您可以随意拷贝、使用和发部这个程序,但是必须保证程序的完整性,包括作者信息、版权信息和说明文档。请勿修改作者和版权信息。 这个程序基于 Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 许可,如果您使用了这个程序,那么就意味着您同意了许可协议的所有内容。您可以在以下站点获取一个许可协议的副本。 http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/许可协议的发布基于 "AS IS" 基础,详细请阅读该许可协议。Alexander Ionov 是 AES 算法的最初作者,保留所有权利。(* 作者信息 *)ElAES 作者:EldoS, Alexander IonovAES Interface Unit 作者:杨泽晖 (Jorlen Young)您可以通过以下方式与我取得联系。WebSite: http://jorlen.51.net/ http://mycampus.03.com.cn/ http://mycampus.1155.net/ http://mycampus.ecoo.net/ http://mycampus.5500.org/Email: stanley_xfx@163.com



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