
守田人 2001-08-01 06:20:32
我新来一个notes ,vc开发结合的文章,vc还不难,但notes开发原来没接触过,不知道哪位有notec,vc开发想结合的经验,请指教一二。
另外我看了Notes C++ API的文档全部是E文,因为时间比较紧,我自己翻译了一些,还请大家帮助翻译一下,如果谁E文还凑合或者想练习联系,请帮忙翻译一段。相信通过翻译你也可以学到东西。小弟在这先谢过了。oicq=197575欢迎交流。

About C++ API sample programs

This toolkit contains several sample programs, referred to by subdirectory and described below. All these programs are console applications. After you install the C++ API, copy the sample databases used by the sample programs from the NOTESCPP\NOTEDATA directory to your Notes data directory for easier access.
Before you can execute any of these programs, you must build them according to the instructions in the User's Guide. (See "About compiling" in the "Getting Started" chapter for your platform.) Note that Microsoft Visual C++ 4.1 users must remove the reference to LIBCIMT.LIB from the link command in the sample make files.
For complete usage instructions, see the README.TXT file in the appropriate SAMPLES subdirectory.
For general instructions on building and running C++ API programs, open the "Printed Book" view of this database and look at the appropriate platform-specific "Getting Started" chapter in the User's Guide.
This program creates an Access Control Entry List log file for a specified database.
Usage: acllog db [server]
where db is the file name of the database and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This Windows-only program shows how to use C++ API functions in the context of an ActiveX object. The program is packaged as an ActiveX control, a button that is placed on an HTML page. When clicked, the button adds a topic to the RTXTSAMP.NSF database, with a link to the Lotus web site and an attachment containing the HTML file.
Usage: Follow the instructions in the README.TXT file to use the sample or recreate the code for the OCX provided.
This program creates new folders and categorizes database documents into the new folders.
Usage: addfoldr db [server]
where db is the file name of the database and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This sample program is designed to work with the sample database VIEW.NSF.
This program demonstrates how to use the LNServerAddin class to create a server add-in task to periodically update a database. It creates a status line and sets its status, then performs certain operations at specific time intervals. It also ouputs the status line text and the add-in task name to the server log.nsf file.
Usage: This add-in task works with a provided database, ADDINJOB.NSF. It can be started automatically with the server software or manually from the server console. For details, see README.TXT in the SAMPLES\ADDINJOB directory.
This program creates an Administration Process request to rename a user in a Name and Address book.
Usage: adminp server idfile password
where server is the name of the server containing the Name and Address book you wish to modify, idfile is the name of your certifier ID file, and password is the password for the certifier ID.
This program shows how to create and execute agents.
Usage: agents
For detailed instructions, see the README.TXT file.
This program creates a TIFF image attachment to a document in the test database provided.
Usage: attach db [server]
where db is the file name of the database and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This sample program is designed to work with the sample database RTSAMPLE.NSF and the sample TIFF image file IMAGE.TIF (in the NOTESCPP\NOTEDATA directory).
This program opens a database, copies it to a new destination database, and sets the title of the new database. You can also specify whether the new database is a replica of the source database.
Usage: copydb
The program prompts you for the file name of the source database, the optional name of the server on which the database is located, the file name of the new database copy, the optional name of the server on which the copy is to be located, and whether to make the copy a replica. By default, the new copy is not a replica.
This program displays the database title of a specified Notes database.
Usage: dbtitle db [server]
where db is the file name of the database and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located. Use the DBTITLE program to test your installation of the Notes C++ API toolkit.
This sample demonstrates embedding an OLE 2 object into a note using the C++ API.
Usage: embedole db [server]
where db is the file name of the database and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This sample program will run against any Notes database, but using the sample database RTSAMPLE.NSF is recommended.
This sample shows how you can use the Notes Extension Manager feature to intercept Notes requests for a password by reading the password from a text file. Note that this sample is a modified version of the CAPI EXTPWD Sample, which uses a dialog box to obtain a Notes password instead of reading it from a text file. For information about running this sample, see README.TXT in the NOTESCPP\SAMPLES\EXTPWD directory.
This program adds and modifies form design elements.
Usage: fdesign template.ntf [server]
where template.ntf is the file name of the database template and server is the optional name of the server on which the template is located. Note that you must specify the .ntf extension for this program to find the template database; if you don't, the extension defaults to .nsf.
This sample program is designed to work with the sample template database FDESIGN.NTF, in the NOTESCPP\NOTEDATA directory. Copy this database to your Notes data directory for easier access.
Note that you can only examine the forms in FDESIGN.NTF on platforms that support a full Notes client. The Domino administration client on server-only platforms (for example Notes 4.6x for OS/2) cannot be used to examine forms in a database. However, you can run this sample program on any of the platforms listed in the ENVIRONMENTS section of the README.TXT file for the sample.
This program creates a formula and uses the LNFormula class to run it against the documents in a database.
Usage: formula db [server]
where db is the file name of the database and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This sample program is designed to work with the sample database VIEW.NSF.
This program creates a frameset.
Usage: frameset
This sample program is designed to work with the sample database FRAMESET.NSF.
This program opens a Notes database and performs a search based on a search set created from user input parameters.
Usage: ftsearch db [options]
where db is the file path and name for the database to search. (This sample is designed to work with the sample database FTSEARCH.NSF.) If you do not supply this parameter, you are prompted for arguments at run time. Supplying options without this parameter will generate an error. If you supply just the file path and name, all the options are set to their defaults.
options are one or more of the following in any order:
w - Whole words only in the match. No stemming or partial words. (The default is to match stemming or partial words.)
t - Thesaurus words are included in match (similar word matches). (The default is not to match on thesaurus words.)
s - Do not use a search set selected from a particular author. (The default is to use a search set. You will be prompted for an author.)
d - Maximum number of documents to search. Do not insert a space between the option letter and the number (for example: FTSEARCH ftsearch.nsf wtsd25). The default number is 100.
o - Sort option to use. This parameter must be followed by a number between 1 and 3:
1 = Sort by relevance (default setting)
2 = Sort by date (newest first)
3 = Sort by date (oldest first)
Do not insert a space between the option letter and the number (for example: FTSEARCH ftsearch.nsf wtsd25o3).
v - Type of view to use in the search. This parameter must be followed by a number between 1 and 4:
1 = By Author
2 = Categorize
3 = By Main Topics Only
4 = By Main View (default setting)
Do not insert a space between the option letter and the number (for example: FTSEARCH ftsearch.nsf wtsd25o3v2).
This program demonstrates how to create and manipulate hotspots.
Usage: hotspot sampledb
This program shows how to import and export files to and from rich text.
Usage: iexport sampledb
This program displays the name and size of all the items in all the notes in the specified database.
Usage: itemsamp db [server]
where db is the file name of the database and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This program opens two Notes databases and opens a document in each that contains a "Body" rich text field. It creates document links to both databases and inserts them into each other's database. It then copies all the links from the source database's document to the destination database's document.
Usage: linkdemo
This program is designed to work with LINKDEMO.NSF and RTSAMPLE.NSF.
This program opens Notes documents containing a rich text "Body" field and searches for a text string in each Body field. If the text string is found, the program mails the document to a recipient specified by the user.
Usage: maildoc db server string name
where db is the file name of the source database (which must contain at least one document that contains a rich text "Body" field), server is the name of the server on which the database is located ( specify a null string to use the local server), string is the search string, and name is the e-mail address of a recipient for the found documents.
This program scans a mail database for messages with the specified subject line and copies the "From:", "To:", "cc:", and "Subject:" lines from each matching message to the file MAILSCAN.LOG, along with the date the message was sent.
Usage: mailscan subject [db [server] ]
Where subject is the subject line, db is the file name of the mail database, and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This program opens a Notes database, creates a form that is a copy of a default form created by the Notes UI, and modifies and saves the copied form. It then creates a new form from scratch and saves this in the database as well.
This sample demonstrates how to use the LNForm class to:
Create new forms
Copy existing forms
Get and set attributes for forms
Create a simple form field and insert it into a form
Get and set auto launch attributes
Change background colors
Import background graphics
Remove static text from a form and insert it
Get and set font styles
Create and set an action bar for the form using the LNActions and LNAction classes
Usage: makeform
This program is designed to work with the sample template FDESIGN.NTF. Copy this file and bkground.bmp from the NOTESCPP\NOTEDATA directory to your Notes data directory. bkground.bmp is the background bitmap file that will be used.
Note that you can only examine the forms in FDESIGN.NTF on platforms that support a full Notes client. The Domino administration client on server-only platforms (for example Notes 4.6x for OS/2) cannot be used to examine forms in a database. However, you can run this sample program on any of the platforms listed in the ENVIRONMENTS section of the README.TXT file for the sample.
This program shows the structure of a multi-threaded C++ API program. It spawns several threads that exchange mail.
Usage: mthread
This program is designed to work with the current user's mail database.
As written, this program runs on 32-bit Windows platforms only, but it can be extended to run on other platforms. Preprocessor #ifdef sections at the beginning of the source file contain an incomplete set of macros for UNIX environments.
This program provides detailed information about all fields in all document notes in a database, storing the information in a text file. Study this program to learn about a range of API features, especially rich text handling.
Usage: nsf_dpp
This program is designed to work with the sample database DUMPME.NSF.
Note You can only build this sample program with Release 4.02 and later of the C++ API.
This program opens a Notes database and lists the name and owner of each profile document.
Usage: profile db <server>
where db is the name of the database you want to search for profile documents and server is the optional name of the server where this database can be found.
This program executes agents created by the AGENTS sample and displays the results.
Usage: ragents
For detailed instructions, see the README.TXT file in the SAMPLES\AGENTS directory.
This program creates a replica database and replicates the changes made to the source database.
Usage: repldb
This program is designed to work with the sample database REPLDB.NSF
This program modifies a rich text item for each uncategorized document in the "By Category" view of the specified database.
Usage: richtext db [server]
where db is the file name of the database and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This program inserts a TIFF image attachment into a rich text item in a document in the test database provided.
Usage: rtattach db [server]
where db is the file name of the database and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This sample program is designed to work with the sample database RTSAMPLE.NSF and the sample TIFF image file IMAGE.TIF (in the NOTESCPP\NOTEDATA directory).
This program opens a Notes database, finds the first document that contains a "Body" rich text field, and then creates a button and appends it to the end of the Body field.
Usage: rtbutton [title [db [server]]]
where title is the title of the new button, db is the source database, and server is the name of the server on which the database is located.
This program embeds a Java applet in rich text.
Usage: rtjava FileName.class appletpath db [server]
where Filename.class is the case-sensitive applet file name, appletpath is the directory containing the applet file, db is the database file pathname, and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This program demonstrates the use of the LNParagraphStyle and LNTabs classes. It runs against the sample RTSAMPLE.NSF database, looping through stylized text found in the first document that contains a "Body" field and applying a new paragraph style, tabs settings, and font style to each paragraph in the stylized text. You can examine the document in Notes to see what has been changed at each point along the way.
Usage: rtpgraph
This program searches for and replaces a text string in a rich text item.
Usage: rtsearch db [server]
where db is the source database and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This sample program is designed to work with the sample database RTSEARCH.NSF.
This program demonstrates the use of the LNRTTable and LNRTTableCell classes. It creates a rich text table in the first document that contains a "Body" field and adds text to the cells in the table. The program also demonstrates how to modify table borders and so on.
Usage: rttable db [options]
where db is the file path and name for the database to which you want to add the table. If you do not supply this parameter, you will be prompted for arguments at run time. Supplying options without this parameter will generate an error. If you supply this argument alone, all the options will be set to their defaults.
"options" are one or more of the following in any order:
r - Number of rows in the table. There cannot be a space between the option letter and the number (for example, "RTTABLE rtsample.nsf r10"). (Default = 3)
c - Number of columns in the table. There cannot be a space between the option letter and the number (for example, "RTTABLE rtsample.nsf r10c15"). (Default = 5)
This program schedules an appointment if the requested time slot is available.
Usage: schedule db name start end [server]
where db is the calendar database, name is the name of the calendar owner, start and end are the start and end dates for the appointment, and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This sample program will run against any Notes database.
This program copies documents modified during the specified time from a source database to a destination database.
Usage: search sourcedb destdb begindate enddate
Example: search search1.nsf search2.nsf 1/1/85 1/1/96
where sourcedb is the file name of the source database, destdb is the filename of the destination database, begindate is a string that represents the beginning cutoff date for the search, and enddate is a string that represents the ending cutoff date for the search. Documents in the source database that have been modified after the beginning cutoff date but before the ending cutoff date are copied to the destination database.
This program demonstrates how to use the LNCertifier class to register a new hierarchical organizational certifier, an organizational unit certifier, a server, and a workstation.
Usage: userregs
This program demonstrates view/folder design features. It creates and renames a folder, adds a document to the folder, sets the background color of the folder and changes the heading style.
Usage: viewfldr db [server]
where db is the file name of the database and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located.
This sample program is designed to work with the sample database VIEW.NSF, in the NOTESCPP\NOTEDATA directory. Copy this database to your Notes data directory.
This program navigates a view and outputs the contents of the Subject item in each document in the view.
Usage: viewnav db [server]
where db is the file name of the database and server is the optional name of the server on which the database is located. This sample program is designed to work with the sample database VIEW.NSF.
关于C++ API例程

工具包包括几个例程,根据子目录和下面的描述分类。所有的这些程序是控制台应用程序,在安装了C++ API以后,从NOTESCPP\NOTEDATA拷贝这些例程用到的例子数据库到你的notes的data目录下便于访问。

在你能运行这些程序之前,你必须按照用户指南中的用法说明建立它们。(参见你的平台上的"Getting Started"中的"About compiling"章节).注意VC4.0用户必须在例子的make文件中,从连接命令里移除LIBCIMT.LIB的引用。


通常的运行C++ API程序的,打开数据库的"Printed Book" 视图。浏览用户指南(User's Guide)中适当的因平台而异的"Getting Started"章节。


用法: acllog db [server]

单独窗口的程序演示了在ActiveX对象的上下文中如何使用C++ API函数。程序被打包为一个ActiveX控件----一个放在HTML 页上的按钮。
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守田人 2001-09-07
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shiyutao2010 2001-08-05
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守田人 2001-08-05
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zhangnanonnet 2001-08-02
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守田人 2001-08-02
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LZLZ 2001-08-01
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守田人 2001-08-01
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LZLZ 2001-08-01
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守田人 2001-08-01
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