
zjzhz 2003-03-08 02:26:17
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ayuea 2003-09-07
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thrillers 2003-09-07
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ayuea 2003-09-07
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afengfu 2003-09-06
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genuis 2003-03-09
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<script language="javascript" src="incFile.js"></script>
如果你的默认客户端脚本是javascript 而且你的引用文件名是.js那么可以忽略language开关,使用
<script src="incFile.js"></script>

<script language="javascript" src="incFile.zz"></script>
wsj 2003-03-09
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SCRIPT Element | SCRIPT Object


Specifies a script for the page that is interpreted by a script engine.

HTML Syntax


Code within the SCRIPT block that is not contained within a function is executed immediately as the page is loaded. To keep scripts from being displayed on down-level browsers, nest the SCRIPT block within a COMMENT block.

Script appearing after a FRAMESET element is ignored.

The SCRIPT element is a block element and requires a closing tag.

This element is available in HTML as of Microsoft?Internet Explorer 3.0, and in script as of Microsoft?Internet Explorer 4.0.


AllAttributesPropertiesMethodsEventsCollectionsBehaviors Description
addBehavior Attaches a behavior to an <SCRIPT>.
all Returns a reference to the collection of elements contained by the <SCRIPT>.
applyElement Makes the <SCRIPT> either a child or parent of the <SCRIPT>.
attachEvent Binds the specified function to an event that fires on the <SCRIPT> when the function is called.
attributes Retrieves a collection of attributes of the object.
behaviorUrns Returns a collection of Uniform Resource Name (URN) strings identifying the behaviors attached to the <SCRIPT>.
canHaveHTML Retrieves the value indicating whether the <SCRIPT> can contain rich HTML markup.
childNodes Retrieves a collection of HTML Elements and TextNode objects that are direct descendants of the specified object.
children Retrieves a collection of DHTML Objects that are direct descendants of the <SCRIPT>.
clearAttributes Removes all attributes and values from the <SCRIPT>.
clientCaps Provides information about features supported by Microsoft® Internet Explorer, as well as a way for installing browser components on demand.
clientHeight Retrieves the height of the <SCRIPT> without taking into account any margin, border, scroll bar, or padding that might have been applied to the <SCRIPT>.
clientLeft Retrieves the distance between the offsetLeft property and the true left side of the client area.
clientTop Retrieves the distance between the offsetTop property and the true top of the client area.
clientWidth Retrieves the width of the <SCRIPT> without taking into account any margin, border, scroll bar, or padding that might have been applied to the <SCRIPT>.
cloneNode Copies a reference to the <SCRIPT> from the document hierarchy.
componentFromPoint Returns the component located at the specified coordinates.
contains Checks whether the given element is contained within the <SCRIPT>.
defer Sets or retrieves the status of the script.
detachEvent Unbinds the specified function from the event, so that the function stops receiving notifications when the event fires on the <SCRIPT>.
disabled Sets or retrieves the status of a control or style.
download Downloads a file and notifies a specified callback function when the download is complete.
dragDrop Initiates a drag event.
event Retrieves the event for which the script is written.
fireEvent Fires a specified event on the <SCRIPT>.
firstChild Retrieves a reference to the first child in the childNodes collection of the <SCRIPT>.
getAdjacentText Returns the adjacent text character.
getAttribute Retrieves the value of the specified attribute.
getElementsByTagName Retrieves a collection of objects based on the specified element name.
hasChildNodes Returns whether the <SCRIPT> has children.
homePage Contains information about a user's homepage.
htmlFor Retrieves the object that is bound to the event script.
id Retrieves the string identifying the <SCRIPT>.
innerHTML Sets or retrieves the HTML between the start and end tags of the <SCRIPT>.
innerText Sets or retrieves the text between the start and end tags of the <SCRIPT>.
insertAdjacentElement Inserts an element at the specified location.
isContentEditable Retrieves the value indicating whether the user can edit the contents of the <SCRIPT>.
isDisabled Retrieves the value indicating whether the user can interact with the <SCRIPT>.
isTextEdit Retrieves whether a TextRange <SCRIPT> can be created using the given object.
lang Sets or retrieves the language to use.
language Sets or retrieves the language in which the current script is written.
lastChild Retrieves a reference to the last child in the childNodes collection of an object.
mergeAttributes Copies all read/write attributes to the specified element.
nextSibling Retrieves a reference to the next child of the parent for the specified object.
nodeName Retrieves the name of a particular type of node.
nodeType Retrieves the type of the requested node.
nodeValue Sets or retrieves the value of a node.
onload Fires immediately after the browser loads the <SCRIPT>.
onpropertychange Fires when a property changes on the <SCRIPT>.
onreadystatechange Fires when the state of <SCRIPT> has changed.
parentElement Retrieves the parent object in the object hierarchy.
parentNode Retrieves the parent object in the document hierarchy.
parentTextEdit Retrieves the container object in the document hierarchy that can be used to create a TextRange containing the original <SCRIPT>.
previousSibling Retrieves a reference to the previous child of the parent for the specified object.
readyState Retrieves the current state of the <SCRIPT> being downloaded.
recordNumber Retrieves the ordinal record from the data set that generated the <SCRIPT>.
removeAttribute Removes the given attribute from the <SCRIPT>.
removeBehavior Detaches a behavior from the <SCRIPT>.
replaceAdjacentText Replaces the adjacent text character.
runtimeStyle Represents the cascaded format and style of the <SCRIPT> that overrides the format and style specified in global style sheets, inline styles, and HTML attributes.
saveSnapshot Enables the <SCRIPT> to persist data when a Web page is saved.
scopeName Retrieves the namespace defined for the element.
scrollHeight Retrieves the scrolling height of the <SCRIPT>.
scrollLeft Sets or retrieves the distance between the left edge of the <SCRIPT> and the leftmost portion of the content currently visible in the window.
scrollTop Sets or retrieves the distance between the top of the <SCRIPT> and the topmost portion of the content currently visible in the window.
scrollWidth Retrieves the scrolling width of the <SCRIPT>.
setAttribute Sets the value of the specified attribute.
sourceIndex Retrieves the ordinal position of the <SCRIPT>, in source order, as the <SCRIPT> appears in the all collection.
src Retrieves the URL to an external file that contains the source code or data.
style Represents the current settings of all possible inline styles for a given element.
swapNode Exchanges the location of two objects in the document hierarchy.
tagName Retrieves the tag name of the <SCRIPT>.
tagUrn Retrieves the Uniform Resource Name (URN) specified in the namespace declaration.
text Retrieves the text of the block <SCRIPT> as a string.
type Retrieves the MIME type for the associated scripting engine.
uniqueID Retrieves an auto-generated, unique identifier for the <SCRIPT>.

* denotes an extension to the W3C DOM.
alphalee 2003-03-09
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zhanghk 2003-03-09
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<script language = "javalanguage" src = "incFile.js"></script>
ysharp 2003-03-09
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Hackevin 2003-03-08
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Oh,I'm sorry.
xuzuning 2003-03-08
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<script src="incFile.js"></script>

<script language="vbscript" src="incFile.vbs"></script>
lbd8848 2003-03-08
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<script language="javascript" src="incFile.js"></script>
Hackevin 2003-03-08
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<script language = "javalanguage" src = "incFile.js"></script>



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