C# Directory Services 連接問題

Blackson 2008-07-08 02:16:00
程序要求: 把所有與Account Name = xxxxx同一層級的員工的Account Unlock


string DomainName = "TEST.XXX.ORG";
string FilterStr = "(sAMAccountname=xxxxx)";
DirectorySearcher Searcher = new DirectorySearcher(DomainName);
Searcher.Filter = FilterStr;
SearchResult SearchRes = Searcher.FindOne();
DirectoryEntry Me = SearchRes.GetDirectoryEntry();
string OUPath = Me.Parent.Path;

string Username = "MyUserName";
string Password = "MyPassword";
DirectoryEntry AdminEntry = new DirectoryEntry(OUPath, Username, Password);
foreach (DirectoryEntry TempEntry in AdminEntry.Children)
if (TempEntry.SchemaClassName.ToString() == "user")
TempEntry.Properties["LockOutTime"].Value = 0;
//Unlock Account
catch (System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException E)

當程序運行到紅色那一行代碼的時候, 便出現Unknown Username Or Bad Passowrd. 但我的帳戶跟密碼是肯定沒錯的. 這是甚麼問題呢? 跟我在本機Login with Domain PROD有關嗎? 求高手回覆 m(_ _)m
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zzyhuian06142 2008-07-08
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把string DomainName = "TEST.XXX.ORG"; 改成
string DomainName = "LADP://TEST.XXX.ORG"; 试一下
Addison.Wesley.The.dot.NET.Developers.Guide.to.Directory.Services.Programming 英文版 "If you have any interest in writing .NET programs using Active Directory or ADAM, this is the book you want to read." Joe Richards, Microsoft MVP, directory services Identity and Access Management are rapidly gaining importance as key areas of practice in the IT industry, and directory services provide the fundamental building blocks that enable them. For enterprise developers struggling to build directory-enabled .NET applications, The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services Programming will come as a welcome aid. Microsoft MVPs Joe Kaplan and Ryan Dunn have written a practical introduction to programming directory services, using both versions 1.1 and 2.0 of the .NET Framework. The extensive examples in the book are in C#; a companion Web site includes both C# and Visual Basic source code and examples. Readers will Learn to create, rename, update, and delete objects in Active Directory and ADAM Learn to bind to and search directories effectively and efficiently Learn to read and write attributes of all types in the directory Learn to use directory services within ASP.NET applications Get concrete examples of common programming tasks such as managing Active Directory and ADAM users and groups, and performing authentication Experienced .NET developersthose building enterprise applications or simply interested in learning about directory serviceswill find that The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services Programming unravels the complexities and helps them to avoid the common pitfalls that developers face.
"If you have any interest in writing .NET programs using Active Directory or ADAM, this is the book you want to read." Joe Richards, Microsoft MVP, directory services Identity and Access Management are rapidly gaining importance as key areas of practice in the IT industry, and directory services provide the fundamental building blocks that enable them. For enterprise developers struggling to build directory-enabled .NET applications, The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services Programming will come as a welcome aid. Microsoft MVPs Joe Kaplan and Ryan Dunn have written a practical introduction to programming directory services, using both versions 1.1 and 2.0 of the .NET Framework. The extensive examples in the book are in C#; a companion Web site includes both C# and Visual Basic source code and examples. Readers will Learn to create, rename, update, and delete objects in Active Directory and ADAM Learn to bind to and search directories effectively and efficiently Learn to read and write attributes of all types in the directory Learn to use directory services within ASP.NET applications Get concrete examples of common programming tasks such as managing Active Directory and ADAM users and groups, and performing authentication Experienced .NET developersthose building enterprise applications or simply interested in learning about directory serviceswill find that The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services Programming unravels the complexities and helps them to avoid the common pitfalls that developers face.



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