
ASDF20080525 2009-01-14 03:40:26
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cnotes 2010-09-25
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7年 2010-04-30
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zlzjgao 2010-04-30
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谢谢大家 太好了
lantianhf 2009-04-21
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Delphi7中手动安装FastReport v4的方法2007-05-14 03:56关键词:Delphi FastReport 手动安装 报表控件
Windows XP Pro SP2
Delphi 7
TeeChart pro v7.06 (一般情况下,FastReport v4里面自带)
FastReport v4
FastReport v4 的下载地址:

1. 安装前请删除原有的FastReport控件。

2. 最好把FastReport v4复制到一个固定不变的目录下。因为如果路径一旦变化,delphi将不能装载FastReport。例如,我把它放到了C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Third\FastReport 4 目录下。

3. "Tools|Options|Environmet Options|Delphi Options|Library - Win32"中的"Directories"标签面下"Library path"添加FastReport的各个路径。

4. 生成汉化文件
1.Select the compiler 设置为 Delphi7(Delphi,C++)
2.Select the FR3 Version 设置为 Enterprise(或根据具体版本设置)
3.Select the TeeChart version 设置为 TeeChartStd (或根据具体版本设置)
4.选择 What you want to do 下的 Recompile all packages ,点击 compile
4.选择 What you want to do 下的 Change language To: 设置为 Chinese ,点击 compile

5. 编译运行包
- FastReport.v4\FastScript\fs7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\FastScript\fsDB7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\FastScript\fsBDE7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\FastScript\fsADO7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\FastScript\fsIBX7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\FastScript\fsTee7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\FastQB\fqb70.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\frx7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\frxDB7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\ADO\frxADO7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\BDE\frxBDE7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\IBX\frxIBX7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\DBX\frxDBX7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\frxTee7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\ExportPack\frxe7.dpk
打开 FastReport.v4\ ,按Ctrl+F 打开文件搜索,在“全部或部分文件名”里输入 f*7*.dpk ,搜索。在搜索结果中,分别找到FastScript、FastQB、Source三个目录下的文件,双击打开,进入delphi进行编译。

6. 复制以下文至Windows\System32目录下
- fqb70.bpl
- fs7.bpl
- fsDB7.bpl
- fsBDE7.bpl
- fsADO7.bpl
- fsIBX7.bpl
- fsTee7.bpl
- frx7.bpl
- frxDB7.bpl
- frxADO7.bpl
- frxBDE7.bpl
- frxIBX7.bpl
- frxDBX7.bpl
- frxTee7.bpl
- frxe7.bpl
这个也可以快速搜索,搜索关键词为 f*7*.bpl 。

7. 编译并安装以下文件
- FastReport.v4\FastScript\dclfs7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\FastScript\dclfsDB7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\FastScript\dclfsBDE7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\FastScript\dclfsADO7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\FastScript\dclfsIBX7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\FastScript\dclfsTee7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\dclfrx7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\dclfrxDB7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\ADO\dclfrxADO7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\BDE\dclfrxBDE7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\IBX\dclfrxIBX7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\DBX\dclfrxDBX7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\dclfrxTee7.dpk
- FastReport.v4\Source\ExportPack\dclfrxe7.dpk
这个也可以快速搜索,搜索关键词为 dclf*7.dpk
另外我安装这些文件时,提示找不到 ,那就从FastReport.v4\下的其他文件里找一个,然后复制过去,再安装就可以了。
到此为止,FastReport.v4 就可以正常使用了。

zyblotuszyb 2009-01-31
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Perform the following steps if you have changed FastReport sources
and want to recompile them.

Step 1. Remove old binary files
1.1. in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..." menu
1.2. go "Library" tab, "Library path" edit box
1.3. remove path to FastReport 4\Lib folder

Step 2. Add paths to library path
2.1. in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..." menu
2.2. go "Library" tab, "Library path" edit box
2.3. add path to FastReport 4\FastScript, FastReport 4\Source,
FastReport 4\Source\BDE,ADO,IBX,DBX, FastReport 4\Source\ExportPack

Step 3. Compile runtime packages
3.1. repeat the 3.2-3.4 steps for the following packages:
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\frx*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\frxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\ADO\frxADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\BDE\frxBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\IBX\frxIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\DBX\frxDBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\frxTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\ExportPack\frxe*.dpk
3.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..." menu, select "Delphi
package (*.dpk)" as a file type)
3.3. press the "Compile" button
3.4. close the "Package" dialog

Step 4. Copy runtime packages to system folder
4.1. copy the following files from the Delphi_dir\Projects\Bpl folder
to the Windows\System32 folder (or Windows\System for Win9x/Me):
- fs*.bpl (* = your delphi version)
- fsDB*.bpl
- fsBDE*.bpl
- fsADO*.bpl
- fsIBX*.bpl
- fsTee*.bpl
- frx*.bpl
- frxDB*.bpl
- frxADO*.bpl
- frxBDE*.bpl
- frxIBX*.bpl
- frxDBX*.bpl
- frxTee*.bpl
- frxe*.bpl
4.2. note for Delphi4 users: *.bpl files are sitting in the source folders,
not in the Delphi_dir\Projects\Bpl folder:
FastReport 4\FastScript, FastReport 4\Source,
FastReport 4\Source\BDE,ADO,IBX,DBX, FastReport 4\Source\ExportPack

Step 5. Compile and install design-time packages
5.1. repeat the 5.2-5.5 steps for the following packages:
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\dclfrx*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\dclfrxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\ADO\dclfrxADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\BDE\dclfrxBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\IBX\dclfrxIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\DBX\dclfrxDBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\dclfrxTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\ExportPack\dclfrxe*.dpk
5.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..." menu, select "Delphi
package (*.dpk)" as a file type)
5.3. press the "Compile" button
5.4. press the "Install" button
5.5. close the "Package" dialog, answer "NO" when Delphi asks to save changes!


1. 找到FastReport子目录…\Source下frxUnicodeUtils.pas文件;
2. 将ReadDataW过程中语句 Add(Utf8Decode(Reader.ReadString)) 改成Add(Reader.ReadString);
3. 将ReadDataWold过程中语句Add(Utf8Decode(AnsiString(Reader.ReadString))) 改成Add(AnsiString(Reader.ReadString));
4. 将WriteDataW过程中语句Writer.WriteString(Utf8Encode(Get(I))) 改成Writer.WriteString(Get(I));
5. 运行FastReport自带的Recompile程序,重新编译所有包,然后安装包;
6. 在运行环境中添加包所在路径,运行OK。
zyblotuszyb 2009-01-31
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Perform the following steps if you have changed FastReport sources
and want to recompile them.

Step 1. Remove old binary files
1.1. in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..." menu
1.2. go "Library" tab, "Library path" edit box
1.3. remove path to FastReport 4\Lib folder

Step 2. Add paths to library path
2.1. in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..." menu
2.2. go "Library" tab, "Library path" edit box
2.3. add path to FastReport 4\FastScript, FastReport 4\Source,
FastReport 4\Source\BDE,ADO,IBX,DBX, FastReport 4\Source\ExportPack

Step 3. Compile runtime packages
3.1. repeat the 3.2-3.4 steps for the following packages:
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\frx*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\frxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\ADO\frxADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\BDE\frxBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\IBX\frxIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\DBX\frxDBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\frxTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\ExportPack\frxe*.dpk
3.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..." menu, select "Delphi
package (*.dpk)" as a file type)
3.3. press the "Compile" button
3.4. close the "Package" dialog

Step 4. Copy runtime packages to system folder
4.1. copy the following files from the Delphi_dir\Projects\Bpl folder
to the Windows\System32 folder (or Windows\System for Win9x/Me):
- fs*.bpl (* = your delphi version)
- fsDB*.bpl
- fsBDE*.bpl
- fsADO*.bpl
- fsIBX*.bpl
- fsTee*.bpl
- frx*.bpl
- frxDB*.bpl
- frxADO*.bpl
- frxBDE*.bpl
- frxIBX*.bpl
- frxDBX*.bpl
- frxTee*.bpl
- frxe*.bpl
4.2. note for Delphi4 users: *.bpl files are sitting in the source folders,
not in the Delphi_dir\Projects\Bpl folder:
FastReport 4\FastScript, FastReport 4\Source,
FastReport 4\Source\BDE,ADO,IBX,DBX, FastReport 4\Source\ExportPack

Step 5. Compile and install design-time packages
5.1. repeat the 5.2-5.5 steps for the following packages:
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\dclfrx*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\dclfrxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\ADO\dclfrxADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\BDE\dclfrxBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\IBX\dclfrxIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\DBX\dclfrxDBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\dclfrxTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\ExportPack\dclfrxe*.dpk
5.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..." menu, select "Delphi
package (*.dpk)" as a file type)
5.3. press the "Compile" button
5.4. press the "Install" button
5.5. close the "Package" dialog, answer "NO" when Delphi asks to save changes!


1. 找到FastReport子目录…\Source下frxUnicodeUtils.pas文件;
2. 将ReadDataW过程中语句 Add(Utf8Decode(Reader.ReadString)) 改成Add(Reader.ReadString);
3. 将ReadDataWold过程中语句Add(Utf8Decode(AnsiString(Reader.ReadString))) 改成Add(AnsiString(Reader.ReadString));
4. 将WriteDataW过程中语句Writer.WriteString(Utf8Encode(Get(I))) 改成Writer.WriteString(Get(I));
5. 运行FastReport自带的Recompile程序,重新编译所有包,然后安装包;
6. 在运行环境中添加包所在路径,运行OK。
zyblotuszyb 2009-01-31
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  • 举报
Perform the following steps if you have changed FastReport sources
and want to recompile them.

Step 1. Remove old binary files
1.1. in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..." menu
1.2. go "Library" tab, "Library path" edit box
1.3. remove path to FastReport 4\Lib folder

Step 2. Add paths to library path
2.1. in the Delphi IDE, select "Tools|Environmet options..." menu
2.2. go "Library" tab, "Library path" edit box
2.3. add path to FastReport 4\FastScript, FastReport 4\Source,
FastReport 4\Source\BDE,ADO,IBX,DBX, FastReport 4\Source\ExportPack

Step 3. Compile runtime packages
3.1. repeat the 3.2-3.4 steps for the following packages:
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\fsTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\frx*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\frxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\ADO\frxADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\BDE\frxBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\IBX\frxIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\DBX\frxDBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\frxTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\ExportPack\frxe*.dpk
3.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..." menu, select "Delphi
package (*.dpk)" as a file type)
3.3. press the "Compile" button
3.4. close the "Package" dialog

Step 4. Copy runtime packages to system folder
4.1. copy the following files from the Delphi_dir\Projects\Bpl folder
to the Windows\System32 folder (or Windows\System for Win9x/Me):
- fs*.bpl (* = your delphi version)
- fsDB*.bpl
- fsBDE*.bpl
- fsADO*.bpl
- fsIBX*.bpl
- fsTee*.bpl
- frx*.bpl
- frxDB*.bpl
- frxADO*.bpl
- frxBDE*.bpl
- frxIBX*.bpl
- frxDBX*.bpl
- frxTee*.bpl
- frxe*.bpl
4.2. note for Delphi4 users: *.bpl files are sitting in the source folders,
not in the Delphi_dir\Projects\Bpl folder:
FastReport 4\FastScript, FastReport 4\Source,
FastReport 4\Source\BDE,ADO,IBX,DBX, FastReport 4\Source\ExportPack

Step 5. Compile and install design-time packages
5.1. repeat the 5.2-5.5 steps for the following packages:
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfs*.dpk (* = your delphi version)
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\FastScript\dclfsTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\dclfrx*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\dclfrxDB*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\ADO\dclfrxADO*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\BDE\dclfrxBDE*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\IBX\dclfrxIBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\DBX\dclfrxDBX*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\dclfrxTee*.dpk
- FastReport 4\Source\ExportPack\dclfrxe*.dpk
5.2. open the package (by "File|Open project..." menu, select "Delphi
package (*.dpk)" as a file type)
5.3. press the "Compile" button
5.4. press the "Install" button
5.5. close the "Package" dialog, answer "NO" when Delphi asks to save changes!


1. 找到FastReport子目录…\Source下frxUnicodeUtils.pas文件;
2. 将ReadDataW过程中语句 Add(Utf8Decode(Reader.ReadString)) 改成Add(Reader.ReadString);
3. 将ReadDataWold过程中语句Add(Utf8Decode(AnsiString(Reader.ReadString))) 改成Add(AnsiString(Reader.ReadString));
4. 将WriteDataW过程中语句Writer.WriteString(Utf8Encode(Get(I))) 改成Writer.WriteString(Get(I));
5. 运行FastReport自带的Recompile程序,重新编译所有包,然后安装包;
6. 在运行环境中添加包所在路径,运行OK。
fine444 2009-01-22
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de410 2009-01-14
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ASDF20080525 2009-01-14
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bdmh 2009-01-14
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genispan 2009-01-14
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下个Fastreport4 里面有个exe程序 点击安装就可以了 注意选你的D对应的版本



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