
sunshinebbs 2009-03-12 10:40:52
create table a1(id int, name varchar(10))
insert into a1 values(1001 , 'a')
insert into a1 values(1002 , 'b')
insert into a1 values(1003 , 'c')
create table a2(id int, time varchar(10) , date varchar(10))
insert into a2 values(1001 , '08:12','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1001 , '15:33','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1002 , '08:11','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1003 , '08:44','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1002 , '18:22','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1001 , '08:12','2009-01-02')
insert into a2 values(1001 , '15:33','2009-01-02')
insert into a2 values(1002 , '08:11','2009-01-02')
insert into a2 values(1003 , '08:44','2009-01-02')
insert into a2 values(1002 , '18:22','2009-01-02')

select a1.id,
time1 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time <= '12:00' and a2.id = a1.id and date like '2009-01-01' order by time),
time2 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time > '12:00' and a2.id = a1.id and date like '2009-01-01' order by time desc)
time3 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time <= '12:00' and a2.id = a1.id and date like '2009-01-02' order by time),
time4 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time > '12:00' and a2.id = a1.id and date like '2009-01-02' order by time desc)
time5 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time <= '12:00' and a2.id = a1.id and date like '2009-01-03' order by time),
time6 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time > '12:00' and a2.id = a1.id and date like '2009-01-03' order by time desc)
time7 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time <= '12:00' and a2.id = a1.id and date like '2009-01-04' order by time),
time8 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time > '12:00' and a2.id = a1.id and date like '2009-01-04' order by time desc)
time9 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time <= '12:00' and a2.id = a1.id and date like '2009-01-05' order by time),
time10 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time > '12:00' and a2.id = a1.id and date like '2009-01-05' order by time desc),
time N条

from a1


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6 条回复
sdhdy 2009-03-12
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多定义几个变量 varchar(8000),然后一个一个接起来,就没问题了。
sunshinebbs 2009-03-12
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dawugui 大哥响应这么快速,应该是CSDN的工作人员吧,呵呵,祝CSDN越办越好,dawugui 前途似锦
dawugui 2009-03-12
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[Quote=引用 2 楼 sunshinebbs 的回复:]

刚测试了一下,sql语句超过8000个字符,可能我数据太多,有一年多的数据,现在我只想查询 2009-01-01 到2009-01-31内的数据

create table a1(id int, name varchar(10)) 
insert into a1 values(1001 , 'a')
insert into a1 values(1002 , 'b')
insert into a1 values(1003 , 'c')
create table a2(id int, time varchar(10) , date varchar(10))
insert into a2 values(1001 , '08:12','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1001 , '15:33','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1002 , '08:11','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1003 , '08:44','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1002 , '18:22','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1001 , '08:12','2009-01-02')
insert into a2 values(1001 , '15:33','2009-01-02')
insert into a2 values(1002 , '08:11','2009-01-02')
insert into a2 values(1003 , '08:44','2009-01-02')
insert into a2 values(1002 , '18:22','2009-01-02')

declare @sql varchar(8000)
set @sql = 'select id , name '
select @sql = @sql + ' , max(case convert(varchar(10),date,120) when ''' + date + ''' then time1 end) [' + date + '_time1]'
+ ' , max(case convert(varchar(10),date,120) when ''' + date + ''' then time2 end) [' + date + '_time2]'
from (select distinct convert(varchar(10),date,120) date from a2 where convert(varchar(7),date,120) = '2009-01') as a
set @sql = @sql + ' from (select a1.id , a1.name , t.date ,
time1 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time <= ''12:00'' and a2.id = a1.id and date = t.date order by time),
time2 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time > ''12:00'' and a2.id = a1.id and date = t.date order by time desc)
from a1 , a2 t
where a1.id = t.id and convert(varchar(7),t.date,120) = ''2009-01'') m group by id , name'


drop table a1 , a2

id name 2009-01-01_time1 2009-01-01_time2 2009-01-02_time1 2009-01-02_time2
----------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
1001 a 08:12 15:33 08:12 15:33
1002 b 08:11 18:22 08:11 18:22
1003 c 08:44 NULL 08:44 NULL

等不到来世 2009-03-12
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sql2005的话,declare @sql varchar(8000)改为declare @sql varchar(max)
sunshinebbs 2009-03-12
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刚测试了一下,sql语句超过8000个字符,可能我数据太多,有一年多的数据,现在我只想查询 2009-01-01 到2009-01-31内的数据
dawugui 2009-03-12
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create table a1(id int, name varchar(10)) 
insert into a1 values(1001 , 'a')
insert into a1 values(1002 , 'b')
insert into a1 values(1003 , 'c')
create table a2(id int, time varchar(10) , date varchar(10))
insert into a2 values(1001 , '08:12','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1001 , '15:33','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1002 , '08:11','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1003 , '08:44','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1002 , '18:22','2009-01-01')
insert into a2 values(1001 , '08:12','2009-01-02')
insert into a2 values(1001 , '15:33','2009-01-02')
insert into a2 values(1002 , '08:11','2009-01-02')
insert into a2 values(1003 , '08:44','2009-01-02')
insert into a2 values(1002 , '18:22','2009-01-02')

declare @sql varchar(8000)
set @sql = 'select id , name '
select @sql = @sql + ' , max(case convert(varchar(10),date,120) when ''' + date + ''' then time1 end) [' + date + '_time1]'
+ ' , max(case convert(varchar(10),date,120) when ''' + date + ''' then time2 end) [' + date + '_time2]'
from (select distinct convert(varchar(10),date,120) date from a2) as a
set @sql = @sql + ' from (select a1.id , a1.name , t.date ,
time1 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time <= ''12:00'' and a2.id = a1.id and date = t.date order by time),
time2 = (select top 1 time from a2 where time > ''12:00'' and a2.id = a1.id and date = t.date order by time desc)
from a1 , a2 t
where a1.id = t.id) m group by id , name'


drop table a1 , a2

id name 2009-01-01_time1 2009-01-01_time2 2009-01-02_time1 2009-01-02_time2
----------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
1001 a 08:12 15:33 08:12 15:33
1002 b 08:11 18:22 08:11 18:22
1003 c 08:44 NULL 08:44 NULL



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