how to browse a url in the java application correctly

flyingeagle 2003-04-16 10:28:15
i am a fresh man in java. recentally i study the java. here is a little question. according to The JavaTM Tutorial, browse a url i can use the class of JEditorPane or JTextPane. but some url can not display completely. why? still other class can do that? thx for any hints
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使用方法: 1、解压至C:\Program Files目录下(密码:xiaoqing); 2、双击导入注册表C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\bcgcontrolbarpro.12.00.reg; 3、运行向导C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBProIntegrationWizard.exe。 与其它不同之处: 1、包含完整的源代码、帮助文件; 2、已经对 BCGPAppWizard2005 中的向导进行汉化,在 Visual Studio 2008(2010) 中可使用中文向导 BCGPAppWizard (参考 Visual Studio 2008 原有的中文向导,如果您想学习汉化向导,参考目录是:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\VCWizards\AppWiz\MFC\Application\templates\2052) 关于静态链接: 1、首先必须在运行向导BCGCBProIntegrationWizard.exe时已经编译静态库; 2、在 Visual Studio 建立项目向导时,选择静态链接即可。 关于使用 Office2007、2010 风格: 如果您使用了这些新风格,必须在项目中包括这些资源,否则 debug 版本启动时会报错(缺少资源,release版本不会提示,但显示不正常),具体有二种方法: 1、直接在“解决方案资源管理器”-“资源文件”中点右键,“添加”-“现有项”,把C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles中所有扩展名为 .rc 的资源包括进来即可。 2、直接在“资源视图”-“您的项目”上点右键,选择“资源包括”,在“资源包括”中的“编译时指令”中的#include "BCGCBPro.rc"后面添加以下代码: #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2007Aqua.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2007Luna.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2007Obsidian.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2007Silver.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyle2010White.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyleCarbon.rc" #include "C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\BCGPStyleScenic.rc" 3、如果使用动态库链接,请手工编译C:\Program Files\BCGSoft\BCGControlBarPro\BCGCBPro\Styles\Office2007_styles.sln或者build_all.dsp 仅为学习使用,下载后24小时内删除,请支持 BCGSoft 购买正版,本人不提供技术支持,不对任何负责。 尊重他人劳动成果,欢迎与大家分享成果。 官方更新说明: Version 12.0. Released 01/20/2010 New features CBCGPVisualManager2010 implements Microsoft Office 2010 Beta 1 color themes: Blue theme (see screenshot) Black theme (see screenshot) Silver theme (see screenshot) Just activate CBCGPVisualManager2010 to use these new themes in your application: CBCGPVisualManager::SetDefaultManager (RUNTIME_CLASS (CBCGPVisualManager2010)); Please run BCGPMSOffice2007Demo, DrawCli or BCGPOrganizer to see this feature in action. Added Microsoft Office 2010-style Ribbon Backstage View (see screenshot). The following new methods were added to CBCGPRibbonBar class: SetBackstageMode: enables/disables Backstage View mode. IsBackstageMode: returns TRUE if Backstage View mode is enabled. AddBackstageCategory: creates Backstage View category. GetBackstageCategory: returns Backstage View category. IsBackstageViewActive: returns TRUE if Backstage View is currently active. By default, the Ribbon Application button will be displayed with the default (blue) color, but developers can customize its appearance by calling visual manager's new method 'SetMainButtonColor' (see screenshot). CBCGPRibbonBar::AddBackstageCategory returns a pointer to the new class object - CBCGPRibbonBackstageViewPanel. Usually, you'll need to call the following class methods to create your backstage view: AddCommand: add a single command button such as "Save", "Save As" or "Exit". AddView: add a button with attached right-side form ("Print", "Recent Files" and so on). There are 2 new classes that should be used for implementing right-side views: CBCGPRibbonBackstageViewItemForm: a single page dialog CBCGPRibbonBackstageViewItemPropertySheet: multi-page Please note that our Application Wizards were updated and now, when you're creating a new, Ribbon-based application, you can choose "Backstage view" option (see screenshot) and initial backstage view code will be automatically generated for your pleasure!. The Ribbon bar Application ("main") Button can display a text label instead of icon in the "scenic" mode (usually "File" in English language UI). The following new methods were added to the CBCGPRibbonMainButton class: SetScenicText GetScenicText Implemented ability to add Ribbon Galleries to the dialogs (see screenshot). The new class CBCGPRibbonGalleryCtrl may be used for this purpose. Please take a look at BCGPMSOffice2007Demo example (Backstage view pages) to see this new control in action. Implemented Resizable Dialogs support (see screenshot1 and screenshot2): Added 2 new classes: CBCGPControlsLayout: implements the base class for all layout managers. CBCGPStaticLayout: implements "static" layout management based on anchors. To enable layout support, you've to call EnableLayout/GetLayout methods in the following classes: CBCGPDialog CBCGPDialogBar CBCGPropertyPage CBCGPFormView Please run ResizableForm new sample to see this feature in action. In addition, you can see this feature in the following examples and samples: BCGPMSOffice2007Demo: "Clipboard" Pane and Backstage view. BCGPOrganizer: resizable dialog bar. RibbonGadgets: backstage view. ToolBoxDemo: resizable form Significantly improved CBCGPVisualManagerVS2010 (see screenshot): The color scheme is identical to Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2. Added a new Smart Docking style (BCGP_SDT_VS2010). You can run BCGPVisualStudioGUIDemo example to examine this look. Added content scrolling support to CBCGPDockingControlBar-derived classes (see screenshot). By default, the scrolling is implemented in CBCGPDialogBar class only, but you can easily add this support to any CBCGPDockingControlBar-derived class (please take a look at BCGPGridExample example, COutputBar class). CBCGPDockingBarScrollButton class implements docking pane scroll button (vertical and horizontal) and its look depends on the currently activated visual manager. Calculator control has been significantly improved: All calculator buttons are drawn using built-in bitmaps and use visual manager appearance (see screenshot). Implemented extended commands. Using a new method CBCGPCalculator::SetExtendedCommands developers can add a lot of build-in calculator commands such as idCommandAdvSin, idCommandAdvCos, idCommandAdvTan and others. CBCGPRibbonComboBox allows to display a popup calculator window. Just call CBCGPRibbonComboBox::EnableCalculator method to assign a calculator to the ribbon combobox. Override a new 'OnCalculatorUserCommand' method to implement your calculator commands. Please take a look at BCGPControls example and RibbonGadgets/SkinnedDialog samples to see these new features in action. The following new methods were added to CBCGPVisualManager class: OnDrawDockingBarScrollButton OnDrawCaptionBarCloseButton GetHeaderCtrlTextColor OnFillPropSheetHeaderArea OnDrawDateTimeDropButton GetCalculatorButtonTextColor GetEditCtrlSelectionBkColor GetEditCtrlSelectionTextColor OnDrawDlgSizeBox OnFillRibbonBackstageForm OnDrawRibbonMinimizeButtonImage GetRibbonMinimizeButtonImageSize GetRibbonButtonsGroupHorzMargin IsDrawRibbonGroupSeparator OnDrawRibbonGroupSeparator GetRibbonBackstageTopLineHeight OnDrawRibbonBackstageTopLine SetMainButtonColor GetMainButtonColor IsOwnerDrawDlgSeparator OnDrawDlgSeparator CBCGPPropertySheet has a new mode: PropSheetLook_AeroWizard (see screenshot). In general, this mode has been designed and implemented for Vista/Windows 7 Aero, but you can use it in any OSs/modes (see screenshot). The glass (aero) area can be combined with a page header - we've added a new optional parameter 'bDrawHeaderOnAeroCaption' to EnablePageHeader method. Please take a look at PropSheetDemo sample to see this mode. Added support for the Internet Explorer-like new tab in CBCGPTabWnd class (see screenshot). Call EnableNewTab method to enable this feature. Please take a look BCGPIE7Demo example to see this feature in action. Grid and Report controls changes: Added option to select items by clicks on grid header: New header flag BCGP_GRID_HEADER_SELECT. Implemented color themes for the new visual managers such as CBCGPVisualManager2010 (Office 2010-like) and CBCGPVisualManagerVS2010 (Visual Studio 2010-like) (see screenshot). Improved grid printing support. The following new classes were added: CBCGPGridPage class: this class is used by the grid control to store print pages. A print page specifies which area of the grid is printed at the specified page. The grid counts in items in vertical direction. The grid counts in pixels in horizontal direction. CBCGPGridPageInfo class: This class is used by the grid control to store information about the printing range and the currently printing page. It is stored in CBCGPGridCtrl::m_PrintParams::m_pageInfo member and in CPrintInfo::m_lpUserData member of the CPrintInfo object used while printing at the current print session. Added an option to deselect items. To deselect an item please use SetCurSel with SM_INVERT_SEL flag. New functions were added: CBCGPGridCtrl::EnableInvertSelOnCtrl CBCGPGridCtrl::IsInvertSelOnCtrlEnabled Changes in header click events: New BCGM_GRID_COLUMN_CLICK message. Added CBCGPGridCtrl::OnHeaderColumnRClick. Modified CBCGPGridCtrl::OnHeaderColumnClick. Items align support: New CBCGPGridItem::GetAlign function. Item's alignment is specified by CBCGPGridCtrl::SetColumnAlign. Grid horizontal pagination support. Added CBCGPGridPage::m_nWidth - page width, CBCGPGridPageInfo::m_nPageWidth - width of currently printed page. See CBCGPGridPage class, CBCGPGridPageInfo class. Drag-and-Drop support (see new "Drag and Drop" tab in BCGPGridExample sample): New message BCGM_GRID_BEGINDRAG. Added methods EnableDragSelection, IsDragSelectionEnabled, EnableDragSelectionBorder, IsDragSelectionBorderEnabled, StartDragItems and HitTestSelectionBorder. Extended in-place edit customization support (see new "Easy Input" tab in BCGPGridExample sample): New messages BCGM_GRID_ITEM_BEGININPLACEEDIT, BCGM_GRID_ITEM_ENDINPLACEEDIT. New functions OnBeginInplaceEdit, OnEndInplaceEdit, CanBeginInplaceEditOnChar, CanEndInplaceEditOnChar, OnInplaceEditKeyDown, OnInplaceEditSetSel. New BCGPGRID_ITEM_INFO::dwResultCode member. See BCGPGRID_ITEM_INFO struct. New method SetClearInplaceEditOnEnter. Call SetClearInplaceEditOnEnter (FALSE) to disable grid from clearing content of the item on Enter. Added CBCGPGridCtrl::GoToNextItem method. CBCGPGridCtrl::EnsureVisible is now virtual. Added navigation by TAB (Shift+TAB) key. Added "Ctrl+Z" (Undo) handler for in-place edit of the grid item. Changes in CBCGPGridCtrl::SetCurSel for SM_SET_ACTIVE_ITEM style. Grid item with combo-box now supports F4 to open drop-down list. Added a new parameter CBCGPMDITabParams::m_bReuseRemovedTabGroups. If this flag is TRUE MDI tab groups which were marked as removed will be used for new groups. This reduces memory consumption for applications that frequently create and remove groups. Added OpenType font support for font combo boxes. Added keyboard and MS Active Accessibility support to CBCGPTasksPane class. CBCGPEditCtrl::ExportBuffer has a new optional parameter 'BOOL bForceAnsi'. Setting it to TRUE forces exporting editor's text in ANSI format. CBCGPRibbonStatusBarPane constructor and SetAnimationList method have a new optional parameter 'BOOL bDontScaleInHighDPIMode'. Set it to TRUE if you don't need to scale pane image in the High DPI mode. When user clicks on the glass area of CBCGPExplorerToolBar window, the application window is moved now. Added CBCGPCalendarBar::GetState method - returns the calendar style flags specified in SetState method. CBCGPRibbonEdit displays a drop-down window upon pressing F4 key. Added CBCGPShellManager::IsControlPanel method. Added new font 'fontCaption' to BCGPGLOBAL_DATA. This font will be useful for displaying caption texts. CBCGPStatic has a new member: m_clrText. You can set this member to colorize text labels (see SkinnedDialog sample). New method CBCGPDockManager::ShowFloatingBars shows/hides floating panes. CBCGPListBox control can work with left-side icons and item group headers now. The following new methods were added: SetImageList: set items image list SetItemImage: associate item with a specific icon AddCaption: add a group caption Changes in examples and samples: BCGPControls: "Calculator" page demonstrates new calculator features BCGPGridExample: added new visual managers and new 2 tabs: "Drag and Drop" and "Easy Input" BCGPIE7Demo: the tab control was fully redesigned and derived from the library MDI Tab control. BCGPMSOffice2007Demo: added MS Office 2010 Backstage view. "Clipboard" pane demonstrates a new layout manager. BCGPVisualStudioGUIDemo: Start Page view can be converted to docking control bar. DrawCli: added MS Office 2010 Backstage view and new visual managers. PropSheetDemo: added Aero Wizard demonstration. ResizableForm: new sample, demonstrates how to use a new layout manager along with dialogs, dialog bars, property sheets and form views. RibbonGadgets: added MS Office 2010 Backstage view and edit boxes with calculator. SkinnedDialog: added edit box with calculator and text labels with a custom colors. Changes in the Ribbon Designer: Added "Calculator" element. Support for three new styles introduced in Microsoft Office 2010 (blue, silver, black) Ribbon elements can be edited by double click. Image lists can be loaded from files. Implemented icon editing for Palette (Gallery) Buttons. Fixes: FireChangingActiveTab is called from CBCGPOutlookWnd::SetActiveTab now. Fixed resource leak in CBCGPUserTool::DrawToolIcon Fixed problem with a slider's thumb location in CBCGPRibbonSlider::SetThumbRect in the High DPI mode. Improved appearance of the calendar drop-down button in CBCGPDateTimeCtrl. Fixed problem with setting editbox auto-complete mode in Windows 9x/NT4 CBCGP***FrameWnd::WinHelp dwData parameter has DWORD_PTR type now. This fixes 64-bit compatibility issue with this virtual method. Fixed memory leak in CBCGPPngImage::LoadFromBuffer (VS.NET 2003 or higher, BCGP_EXCLUDE_GDI_PLUS is defined). CBCGPGroup is properly handles WM_SETTEXT message now. CBCGPCalendar always closes dropped-down month picker when the calendar is being destroyed. CBCGPRibbonEdit::OnDraw correctly draws edit box label in case of center/right-side control alignment. Fixed appearance of CBCGPExCheckList items in the high DPI mode (under VC++ 6.0). Fixed problem with displaying disabled check boxes (CBCGPButton class) when some visual managers are activated. Fixed problem with CBCGPHeaderCtrl items text color when some visual managers are activated. Fixed problem with vertical scrolling of elements in CBCGPRibbonPanel::OnKey. CBCGPEdit correctly draws a browse button image and text when control is located on the glass (aero) area. CBCGPEdit uses visual manager color them when control has ES_READONLY style. CBCGPStatic doesn't perform the custom drawing if it has a style like icon, rectangle or frame. CBCGPPropertySheet: fixed some problems with repositioning and redrawing navigation buttons. Fixed some visual problems in owner-draw frame/dialog captions. Ribbon Main Button scenic icon is correctly painted in high DPI mode now. Fixed problem with text alignment in grid columns. CBCGPGridCtrl::SetColumnAlign is working properly now. Fixed bug with using different horizontal color and vertical color for the grid lines. The m_clrVertLine setting did not work when m_bGridItemBorders flag was switched on. Fixed problem with clicking on CBCGPGridURLItem in read-write mode. Fixed a bug with automatic sizing of grid columns. The bug appeared when auto-sizing was enabled with EnableColumnAutoSize(TRUE). Fixed bug with "Ctrl+A" for in-place editing of grid items. "Ctrl+A" selects all text inside in-place editor during in-place editing, instead of the entire grid as before. Fixed memory leak in CBCGPGridCtrl::CopyHtmlToClipboardInternal. Ribbon Designer supports Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 projects.
SQLMemTable for Delphi / C++ Builder: README============================================Please read this file carefully (especially the INSTALLATION chapter) before installing the program to your computer.Contents-------- Program information Company information Description Specification Features and Benefits Installation Purchasing / Registration Copyright and licenses Warranty and guarantee Technical support Important note Other products recommended to useProgram information-------------------Program Name: SQLMemTableLicense Types: Personal (for personal use, without source code) Com (for 1 developer, without source code) Pro (for 1 developer, with source code) Team4 (for 4 developers, with source code) Team8 (for 8 developers, with source code) Enterprise (Enterprise License - for entire company, with source code)Program Version: 1.00Program Release Date: 07/15/2003Program Purpose: SQLMemTable is a compact, fast and powerful in-memory table with SQL support. Target Environment: Delphi 4, 5, 6, 7 and C++ Builder 4, 5, 6.Company information-------------------Company Name: AidAim SoftwareContact E-mail Address: support@aidaim.comContact WWW URL: http://www.aidaim.comDescription-----------SQLMemTable is a compact in-memory table with SQL support for Delphi and C++ Builder. SQLMemTable does not require BDE and provides all the TTable‘s functionssuch as Master/Detail relationship, Filtering, Searching, Sorting, Key, Range, BLOB fields, and has some advanced features such as BLOB data compression, multi-indexes and table restructuring, shareable in memory capabilities. It is fully compatible with all standard DB controls, supports calculated and lookup fields as well as internationalization/localization and Unicode, provides data importing from and exporting to any dataset, includes SQLConsole utility with source code, comprehensive help and demos.SQLMemTable provides the following services: - SQL support - Master / detail relationship - Creating, renaming, emptying, deleting and restructuring tables - Creating, editing, deleting, navigating and searching for records - Creating and deleting multiple indexes - Calculated and lookup fields - Filtering support - Using BLOB fields with data compression ability - Importing from and exporting to any dataset in fast and easy way - Internationalization/Localization and Unicode supportSQLMemTable does not require BDE or any external drivers and has small footprint. Its search performance is excellent and data access speed is extremely fast.Specification-------------Data types: ftAutoInc, ftInteger, ftSmallInt, ftFloat, ftDateTime, ftDate, ftTime, ftBLOB, ftMemo, ftGraphic, ftString (any fixed length string), ftCurrency, ftWord, ftBoolean, ftLargeInt, ftFmtMemo, ftBytes, ftWideString.Advanced data types: aftExtended, aftWideMemoMaximum records quantity: up to 2^31 (over 2 billions). Maximum fields per table: 2^31 (over 2 billions). Maximum indexes per table: 2^31 (over 2 billions). Maximum index fields per index: 2^31 (over 2 billions). Maximum field name‘s length: 255 characters.Maximum index name‘s length: 255 characters.BLOB fields block size: > 1 byte, default 100 Kb. BLOB compression: ZLib, BZip, PPM Search operators: <,>,=,<>,<=,>=, like, not like, is null, is not null, and, or, not, (). Features and Benefits---------------------Compactness. - Short compiled code with approximate size 300 Kb, no external drivers (such as BDE) required. - Small memory consumption by SQLMemTable database engine. - Fast BLOB data compression. Your large data fields will need less memory. SQLMemTable can compress data on the fly. The compression routines used in the SQLMemTable are much faster than most of popular archivers like PKZip, WinRar, Arj. High performance. - Fast search by B-tree indexes. At the moment SQLMemTable is one of the fastest existing in-memory tables for Delphi and C++ Builder. - High-speed memory operations performance is achieved by means of using specially optimized memory manager and tuned algorithms. - Quick operations with strings. SQLMemTable compares strings up to 3 times faster than standard Delphi string routines. High performance is achieved by using a special library written in Assembler and an advanced sorting algorithm. - Advanced SQL optimizer often makes query execution several times faster by choosing the best execution plans. Functionality. - A subset of SQL‘92 including DDL operators is supported by TSQLMemQuery component. With SQLMemTable you can create SQL scripts for creating tables, inserting, editing and deleting records, retrieving data by SELECT command. - Advanced search engine. SQLMemTable supports ‘LIKE‘ operator with wildcards ‘%‘ and ‘_‘, as well as ‘IS NULL‘ and ‘IS NOT NULL‘ in filters and queries. - Full multiple index support, i.e. numerous fields in a table may comprise an index. SQLMemTable provides descending and ascending indexes, case-sensitive and insensitive indexes for string fields. - Shareable in-memory tables. SQLMemTable supports simultaneous access to a table by multiple TSQLMemTable components within a single application. - Default values support. - Record-level constraints, i.e. constraints that must be met when editing the data. Compatibility. - SQLMemTable supports most of TTable field data types, including BLOB fields, moreover it allows to create string and wide string fields of any fixed length. - SQLMemTable is fully compatible with standard DB-aware visual controls such as QuickReport, DBGrid, DBNavigator, DBImage, DBMemo, DBRichEdit, as well as with third party vendor‘s products supporting TDataset descendant components - FastReport, DBFlyTreeView and others. - Calculated and lookup fields can be used in the same way as TTable. - Most of TTable functions are supported including Key and Range methods. Convenience. - Table restructuring is being performed in the easiest way keeping all the existing data. - Data importing from and exporting to any dataset is supported. SQLMemTable provides you with the simplest way to import and export tables using ImportTable and ExportTable methods. - Internationalization / localization support. All text search and sorting functions use current system locale, so localizing your program with SQLMemTable is a very simple task. - Unicode support. All the text operations work with multi-byte encoding using ftWideString. - Comprehensive help. SQLMemTable comes with full documentation presented in SQLMemTable Developer‘s Guide and SQLMemTable Reference. Installation------------1) Make sure that all copies of Delphi (or C++ Builder) are currently closed and not running on the target system. Also, if you are replacing an existing version of SQLMemTable, please remove all files and the package of the prior version before running the new setup program.2) Unpack zip archive containing SQLMemTable into any directory. 3) Run the INSTALL.EXE from this directory.4) Follow on-screen instructions of step-by-step setup wizard to install SQLMemTable.5) If after the installation SQLMemTable components don‘t appear in Components Palette of the IDE, please follow the next instructions: * From the IDE, select ‘Component | Install Packages...‘. * Click the ‘Add‘ button. * In the ..SQLMemTableLibDelphi# (or ..SQLMemTableLibC++ Builder#) directory, select the dclSQLMemTableD#.BPL (or dclSQLMemTableB#.BPL) file. * Click the ‘OK‘ button to close the dialog. * Finally, select ‘Tools | Environment Options‘ from the main menu. From this dialog, select the ‘Library‘ tab and insure that the ..SQLMemTableLibDelphi# (or ..SQLMemTableLibC++ Builder#) directory is included in the ‘Library Path‘ line.Purchasing / Registration-------------------------Visit our site to purchase or register the product.Copyright and license---------------------See "license.txt" file.Warranty and guarantee----------------------See "license.txt" file.Technical support-----------------Before you contact us, please do the following: - Make sure you have performed all the required steps correctly. - Look at the Help files and Demos: it may already contain an answer to your question. A lot of people ask us something like "how do I:", though the complete information is there. - Visit our Internet site at It‘s a good chance that you‘ll find the newer version of our product there.If the problem persists, please, inform us about the following: - SQLMemTable version. - Where did you obtain SQLMemTable (http or ftp site). - Compiler information: Delphi or C++ Builder, Version, Edition, Service Pack - Environmental information: your OS and Service Pack - Description of your problem (as much information as possible to retrieve the problem). - Attach a test project where the problem could be reproduced (it helps us to solve your issue as soon as possible)Typically AidAim Software Support Team answer messages in 24 hours, but depending on singularity and difficulty of your question it may take a bit longer.Should you have any ideas on improving the existing functions of this product after you have downloaded and used it, be easy to e-mail us. All registered users who buy this product may also send their offers to add new possibilities and/or to change the product‘s functions.We consider any ideas and we may take them into account while creating new versions of our products.Other products AidAim Software recommended-------------------------------------------All the products in this chapter are fully compatible with SQLMemTable and recommended to work with our product. AidAim Software had tested all these products released by our partner companies for complete compatibility with SQLMemTable. In its turn, all the partner companies have carried out similar testing of the compatibilityof SQLMemTable with their own products. All the companies whose products present here are technology partners of AidAim Software. It means that both partner companies guarantee the correct joint work of the products. In case of encountering bugs in the time of joint work and owing to it, the partners incur the obligation to resolve such problems for their clients for FREE. FastReport Software -------------------Advanced report generators for Delphi and Kylix.Web Site: VCL--------------FastReport VCL is reporting tool component for Borland Delphi 2-6 and Borland C++Builder 3-5. It consists of report engine, designer and preview. Some FastReport possibilities are really unique. The generator allows you to create tables, queries and databases in run-time. Built-in dialog designer allows you creation of dialog forms (they can be used for asking some parameters before printing a report). You also able to use built-in Pascal-like interpreter to do rather complex data processing. In spite of power of FastReport, its code is quite small. Probably FastReport is leader in correlation of functionality/size. The FastReport kernel (without designer) adds to your program the small footprint (less than QR3), but its functionality is like in ReportBuilder‘s one.FastReport CLX edition----------------------FastReport CLX edition is powerfull of FastReport for Borland Delphi 6 and Borland Kylix 1-2 for Linux. It use new CLX-library. Do you want to create reports for Linux as well as for Windows? Use FastReport CLX edition!FastReport VCL 2.3 lite-----------------------FreeWare version of FastReport. Imca Systems DevTeam --------------------Imca Systems DevTeam - Flexible and powerful Delphi/C++ Builder/ActiveX trees, grids and editors.Web Site: http://www.9rays.netDBFlyTreeView Suite-------------------Add grid and treeview functionality with a single component. DBFlyTreeView is a fully customizable, data-bound grid and tree view component that allows you to add huge arrays of nodes. OLE drag-and-drop is supported and the component is customizable at both design-time and runtime. DBFlyTreeView supports custom colors, fonts, and alignment for each cell, and you can even create scrollable background wallpapers without creating huge bitmaps.Included: RapidTree, FlyTreeView, PropertiesTree, DBFlyTreeView controls.DBFlyTreeViewPro Suite----------------------Enable your Delphi and C++Builder applications to display and browse hierarchical, table, and list data. DBFlyTreeViewPro Suite is a set of VCL components that are a direct descendent from FlyTreeViewPro. It supports more than 40 types of in place editors plus your custom format. It is data-aware and allows you to draw any array of cells directly to a printer, Metafile, or Bitmap canvas.Included: RapidTree, IsPlugeditor, FlyTreeViewPro, PropertiesTreePro, DBFlyTreeViewPro controls.



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