
wfish 2003-04-25 12:54:53
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12 条回复
lanboy 2003-04-25
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wfish 2003-04-25
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wfish 2003-04-25
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chenyu5188 2003-04-25
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wfish 2003-04-25
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fraser01 2003-04-25
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lihonggen0 2003-04-25
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dim chap(21, 1)

chap(0, 0) = "万": chap(0, 1) = 10000
chap(1, 0) = "仟": chap(1, 1) = 1000
chap(2, 0) = "佰": chap(2, 1) = 100
chap(3, 0) = "拾": chap(3, 1) = 10
chap(4, 0) = "元": chap(4, 1) = 1
chap(5, 0) = "角": chap(5, 1) = 0.1
chap(6, 0) = "分": chap(6, 1) = 0.01
chap(11, 0) = "壹": chap(11, 1) = 1
chap(12, 0) = "贰": chap(12, 1) = 2
chap(13, 0) = "叁": chap(13, 1) = 3
chap(14, 0) = "肆": chap(14, 1) = 4
chap(15, 0) = "伍": chap(15, 1) = 5
chap(16, 0) = "陆": chap(16, 1) = 6
chap(17, 0) = "柒": chap(17, 1) = 7
chap(18, 0) = "捌": chap(18, 1) = 8
chap(19, 0) = "玖": chap(19, 1) = 9
chap(20, 0) = "零": chap(20, 1) = 0
chap(21, 0) = "亿": chap(21, 1) = 100000000

function subtochinese(price as integer)
dim i as integer
dim num(15) as integer
i = 1
do until price = 0
num(i) = int(price / chap(i, 1))
if num(i) <> 0 then
subtochinese = subtochinese & chap(num(i) + 10, 0) & chap(i, 0)
price = price - num(i) * chap(i, 1)
if subtochinese <> "" and right(subtochinese, 1) <> "零" then
subtochinese = subtochinese & "零"
end if
end if
i = i + 1
if right(subtochinese, 1) = "元" then
subtochinese = left(subtochinese, len(subtochinese) - 1)
end if
end function

function pricetochinese(price as double)
if price >= 100000000 then '大于1亿
pricetochinese = pricetochinese & pricetochinese(int(price / 100000000)) & "亿"
price = price - int(price / 100000000) * 100000000
end if
if price >= 10000 then
pricetochinese = pricetochinese & subtochinese(int(price / 10000)) & "万"
price = price - int(price / 10000) * 10000
end if
if int(price) <> 0 then '如果万与千间无数,则应添零
if pricetochinese <> "" and int(price) < 1000 then
pricetochinese = pricetochinese & "零"
end if
pricetochinese = pricetochinese & subtochinese(int(price))
price = price - int(price)
end if
if pricetochinese <> "" then pricetochinese = pricetochinese & "元"
if price = 0 then '到元为止
pricetochinese = pricetochinese & "整"
price = int(price * 100)
if int(price / 10) <> 0 then
pricetochinese = pricetochinese & chap(int(price / 10) + 10, 0) & "角"
price = price - int(price / 10) * 10
end if
if price <> 0 then
pricetochinese = pricetochinese & chap(int(price) + 10, 0) & "分"

end if
end if
end function

mndsoft 2003-04-25
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't = GetChinaNum(20005.000436, , , 7) '返回 “二千零五点零零零四三六”
't = GetChinaNum(2005.436, True, , 7) '返回“贰仟零伍元肆角肆分”
't = GetChinaNum(2005.436, , True, 7) '返加“二零零五点四三六”

Public Function GetChinaNum(otherNum As Double, Optional isRMB As Boolean, Optional numOption As Boolean, Optional dotNum As Integer) As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim i As Integer, bstr As Integer
Dim num As String, numwei As String, numshu As String, numrmb As String
num = Trim(Str(Int(otherNum)))

If isRMB Then
numwei = "拾佰仟万拾佰仟亿拾佰仟"
numshu = "零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖拾"
numwei = "十百千万十百千亿十百千"
numshu = "零壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖拾" ' "零一二三四五六七八九十"
End If
If otherNum < 20 And otherNum >= 10 Then
num = Right(num, 1)
GetChinaNum = Left(numwei, 1)
End If
For i = 1 To Len(num)
bstr = Mid(num, i, 1)
If numOption Then
GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numshu, Val(bstr) + 1, 1)

GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numshu, Val(bstr) + 1, 1)
If bstr = "0" Then
If Mid(numwei, Len(num) - i, 1) = "万" Or Mid(numwei, Len(num) - i, 1) = "亿" Then
Do While Right(GetChinaNum, 1) = "零"
GetChinaNum = Left(GetChinaNum, Len(GetChinaNum) - 1)
GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numwei, Len(num) - i, 1)
End If


GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numwei, Len(num) - i, 1)
End If
GetChinaNum = Replace(GetChinaNum, "零零", "零")
End If
Next i
If numOption = False Then
Do While Right(GetChinaNum, 1) = "零"
GetChinaNum = Left(GetChinaNum, Len(GetChinaNum) - 1)
End If
If isRMB Then
numrmb = "元角分"
GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numrmb, 1, 1)
If Val(num) <> otherNum Then
num = Trim(Str(Round(otherNum - Val(num), 2)))
For i = 2 To Len(num)
bstr = Mid(num, i, 1)
GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numshu, Val(bstr) + 1, 1) + Mid(numrmb, i, 1)
Next i
GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + "整"
End If
If Val(num) <> otherNum Then
If dotNum = 0 Then dotNum = 4
num = Trim(CStr(Round(otherNum - Val(num), dotNum)))
If GetChinaNum = "" Then GetChinaNum = "零"
GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum ' + "点"
For i = 2 To Len(num)
bstr = Mid(num, i, 1)
GetChinaNum = GetChinaNum + Mid(numshu, Val(bstr) + 1, 1)
Next i
End If
End If
End Function
用户 昵称 2003-04-25
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Private Function NumstrToChinese(numstr As String) As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim mstrChar As String
Dim mstrFlag(4) As String
Dim mblnAddzero As Boolean

On Error Resume Next
mstrFlag(0) = Trim("")
mstrFlag(1) = Trim("T")
mstrFlag(2) = Trim("H")
mstrFlag(3) = Trim("S")

For i = 1 To Len(numstr)
j = Len(numstr) - i
mstrChar = Mid(numstr, i, 1)
If mstrChar <> "0" And j > 1 Then NumstrToChinese = NumstrToChinese + mstrChar + mstrFlag((j - 2) Mod 4)
If mstrChar = "0" And mblnAddzero = False Then
NumstrToChinese = NumstrToChinese + Trim("0")
mblnAddzero = True
End If
If j = 14 Then NumstrToChinese = NumstrToChinese + Trim("W")
If j = 2 Then
If Mid(NumstrToChinese, Len(NumstrToChinese), 1) = "0" Then
NumstrToChinese = Mid(NumstrToChinese, 1, Len(NumstrToChinese) - 1) + "Y0"
NumstrToChinese = NumstrToChinese + "Y" '元
End If
End If
If j = 6 Then
If Len(NumstrToChinese) > 2 Then
If Mid(NumstrToChinese, Len(NumstrToChinese) - 1, 2) = "M0" Then GoTo 10
End If
If Mid(NumstrToChinese, Len(NumstrToChinese), 1) = "0" Then
NumstrToChinese = Mid(NumstrToChinese, 1, Len(NumstrToChinese) - 1) + "W0"
NumstrToChinese = NumstrToChinese + "W"
End If
End If
If j = 10 Then
If Mid(NumstrToChinese, Len(NumstrToChinese), 1) = "0" Then
NumstrToChinese = Mid(NumstrToChinese, 1, Len(NumstrToChinese) - 1) + "M0"
NumstrToChinese = NumstrToChinese + "M" '亿
End If
End If
If j = 0 And mstrChar <> "0" Then NumstrToChinese = NumstrToChinese + mstrChar + "F"
If j = 1 And mstrChar <> "0" Then NumstrToChinese = NumstrToChinese + mstrChar + "J"
If mstrChar <> "0" Then mblnAddzero = False
Next i
If Mid(NumstrToChinese, 1, 1) = "1" And Mid(NumstrToChinese, 2, 1) = mstrFlag(1) Then NumstrToChinese = Mid(NumstrToChinese, 2, Len(NumstrToChinese) - 1)
If Mid(NumstrToChinese, Len(NumstrToChinese), 1) = "0" Then NumstrToChinese = Mid(NumstrToChinese, 1, Len(NumstrToChinese) - 1)
If Mid(NumstrToChinese, 1, 1) = "0" Then NumstrToChinese = Mid(NumstrToChinese, 2, Len(NumstrToChinese) - 1)
If Mid(NumstrToChinese, Len(NumstrToChinese), 1) = "M" Or Mid(NumstrToChinese, Len(NumstrToChinese), 1) = "W" Or Mid(NumstrToChinese, Len(NumstrToChinese), 1) = "S" Or Mid(NumstrToChinese, Len(NumstrToChinese), 1) = "H" Or Mid(NumstrToChinese, Len(NumstrToChinese), 1) = "T" Then NumstrToChinese = NumstrToChinese + Trim("Y")
End Function


用户 昵称 2003-04-25
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'入口:Money 金额
Public Function MoneyToChinese(Money As Double) As String
Dim i As Long
Dim mstrSource As String

If Money = 0 Then MoneyToChinese = vbNullString: Exit Function
mstrSource = Format(CStr(Abs(Money)), "#0.00")
i = InStr(1, mstrSource, ".")
If i > 0 Then mstrSource = Mid(mstrSource, 1, i - 1) + Mid(mstrSource, i + 1, Len(mstrSource) - i)
If Left(mstrSource, 1) = "0" Then mstrSource = Mid(mstrSource, 2, Len(mstrSource) - 1)

mstrSource = NumstrToChinese(mstrSource)
If Len(Trim(mstrSource)) = 0 Then MoneyToChinese = vbNullString: Exit Function
If Money < 0 Then mstrSource = Trim("A") & Trim(mstrSource) '负

For i = 1 To Len(mstrSource)
Select Case Mid(mstrSource, i, 1)
Case "0"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "零"
Case "1"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "壹"
Case "2"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "贰"
Case "3"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "叁"
Case "4"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "肆"
Case "5"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "伍"
Case "6"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "陆"
Case "7"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "柒"
Case "8"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "捌"
Case "9"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "玖"
Case "M"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "亿"
Case "W"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "万"
Case "S"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "仟"
Case "H"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "佰"
Case "T"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "拾"
Case "Y"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "圆"
Case "J"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "角"
Case "F"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "分"
Case "A"
MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "负"
End Select
Next i
If Right(Trim(MoneyToChinese), 1) <> "分" Then MoneyToChinese = MoneyToChinese + "整"
End Function
用户 昵称 2003-04-25
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' 本模块生成汉字大写的金额
Option Explicit
' 名称: CCh
' 得到一位数字 N1 的汉字大写
' 0 返回 ""
Private Function CCh(N1) As String
Select Case N1
Case 0
CCh = "零"
Case 1
CCh = "壹"
Case 2
CCh = "贰"
Case 3
CCh = "叁"
Case 4
CCh = "肆"
Case 5
CCh = "伍"
Case 6
CCh = "陆"
Case 7
CCh = "柒"
Case 8
CCh = "捌"
Case 9
CCh = "玖"
End Select
End Function
'名称: ChMoney
' 得到数字 N1 的汉字大写
' 最大为 千万位
' O 返回 ""
Public Function ChMoney(N1) As String
Dim tMoney As String
Dim lMoney As String
Dim tn '小数位置
Dim ST1 As String
Dim T1 As String
Dim s1 As String '临时STRING 小数部分
Dim s2 As String '1000 以内
Dim s3 As String '10000

If N1 = 0 Then
ChMoney = " "
Exit Function
End If
If N1 < 0 Then
ChMoney = "负" + ChMoney(Abs(N1))
Exit Function
End If
tMoney = Trim(Str(N1))
tn = InStr(tMoney, ".") '小数位置
s1 = ""
If tn <> 0 Then
ST1 = Right(tMoney, Len(tMoney) - tn)
If ST1 <> "" Then
T1 = Left(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Right(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If T1 <> "0" Then
s1 = s1 + CCh(Val(T1)) + "角"
End If
If ST1 <> "" Then
T1 = Left(ST1, 1)
s1 = s1 + CCh(Val(T1)) + "分"
End If
End If
ST1 = Left(tMoney, tn - 1)
ST1 = tMoney
End If

s2 = ""
If ST1 <> "" Then
T1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
s2 = CCh(Val(T1)) + s2
End If

If ST1 <> "" Then
T1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If T1 <> "0" Then
s2 = CCh(Val(T1)) + "拾" + s2
If Left(s2, 1) <> "零" Then s2 = "零" + s2
End If
End If

If ST1 <> "" Then
T1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If T1 <> "0" Then
s2 = CCh(Val(T1)) + "佰" + s2
If Left(s2, 1) <> "零" Then s2 = "零" + s2
End If
End If

If ST1 <> "" Then
T1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If T1 <> "0" Then
s2 = CCh(Val(T1)) + "仟" + s2
If Left(s2, 1) <> "零" Then s2 = "零" + s2
End If
End If

s3 = ""
If ST1 <> "" Then
T1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
s3 = CCh(Val(T1)) + s3
End If

If ST1 <> "" Then
T1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If T1 <> "0" Then
s3 = CCh(Val(T1)) + "拾" + s3
If Left(s3, 1) <> "零" Then s3 = "零" + s3
End If
End If

If ST1 <> "" Then
T1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If T1 <> "0" Then
s3 = CCh(Val(T1)) + "佰" + s3
If Left(s3, 1) <> "零" Then s3 = "零" + s3
End If
End If

If ST1 <> "" Then
T1 = Right(ST1, 1)
ST1 = Left(ST1, Len(ST1) - 1)
If T1 <> "0" Then
s3 = CCh(Val(T1)) + "仟" + s3
End If
End If
If Right(s2, 1) = "零" Then s2 = Left(s2, Len(s2) - 1)

If Len(s3) > 0 Then

If Right(s3, 1) = "零" Then s3 = Left(s3, Len(s3) - 1)
s3 = s3 & "万"
End If

ChMoney = IIf(s3 & s2 = "", s1, s3 & s2 & "元整" & s1)
End Function
fraser01 2003-04-25
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