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DraculaW 2009-05-20 02:28:05
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DraculaW 2009-05-25
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DraculaW 2009-05-25
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CGabriel 2009-05-20
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i Wind River Systems Tornado Training Workshop Wind River Systems, Inc. 500 Wind River Way Alameda, CA 94501 510-749-2141 FAX: 510-749-2378 Version 5.1 24 May 1999 TM ii Wind River Systems Copyright © Wind River Systems, Inc. 1986 - 1999 Version 5.1, 24 May 1999 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, by photocopy, microfilm, retrieval system, or by any other means now known or hereafter invented without the prior written permission of Wind River System, Inc. This document is designed to support the Tornado Training Workshop class. It is not designed as a stand-alone document, nor can it substitute for the Tornado or VxWorks documentation. For information about the Wind River Systems training program, see: Training Department . Wind River Systems, Inc. 500 Wind River Way Alameda, CA 94501 510-749-2141 (phone) 510-749-2378 (fax) EMAIL: For training in Europe, Asia and Africa, please contact your local sales office. VxWorks® and Wind River Systems® are registered trademarks and Tornado, Tornado II, wind, windX, WindPower, WindNet, WindNet SNMP, WindView, VxGNU, VxGDB, VxSim, VxVMI, VxMP, and MicroWorks are trademarks of Wind River Systems, Inc. All other trademarks cited herein are the properties of their respective owners. iii Wind River Systems Course Prerequisites • General prerequisites: l One year C programming experience: familiarity with basic control structures, pointers, structures, preprocessor commands. l Basic understanding of operating systems and debugging techniques. • Functional knowledge of host platform: l UNIX: user-level knowledge of UNIX file system and csh shell; editing text with vi, emacs, or host-native GUI editor; X window system GUI. l Windows: user-level knowledge of Windows NT/95/ 98 graphical and command-line user interfaces, file systems, and standard Windows editor. iv Wind River Systems Course Objectives • Overview of Tornado / VxWorks facilities. • Boot VxWorks and download object modules to a VxWorks target. • Use Tornado tools to perform cross-development. • Control, and communicate between, tasks executing under VxWorks. • Use WindView to analyze a multitasking application. • Use VxWorks primitives to access resources exclusively, and to synchronize the actions of different tasks. • Use timers for periodic code execution. • Differentiate between the standard I/O library, the formatted I/O library, and the basic I/O system. • Create and use local file systems. • From VxWorks, access file systems on remote machines. • Reconfigure VxWorks, linking in user-defined code. v Wind River Systems Table of Contents Volume 1 Chapter Getting Started ............................................... 1 Components of Tornado Getting Help Hardware/Software Configuration Booting Starting Tornado WDB Agent Projects ............................................................ 2 Projects Overview Bootable Projects and VxWorks Configuration Integrated Simulator Downloadable Projects Build Specifications WindSh and Browser .................................... 3 WindSh Browser CrossWind....................................................... 4 Overview Starting A Debugging Session Basic Debugging System-level Debugging Real-Time Multitasking ............................... 5 Introduction Task Basics Task Control Error Status System Tasks WindView 2.0.................................................. 6 WindView Configuration Events vi Wind River Systems Semaphores..................................................... 7 Overview Binary Semaphores and Synchronization Mutual Exclusion Intertask Communication ............................ 8 Introduction Shared Memory Message Queues Pipes Memory............................................................ 9 Memory Allocation Exceptions, Interrupts and Timers ............. 10 Exception Handling and Signals Interrupt Service Routines Timers I/O and File System ....................................... 11 Introduction Character I/O Block I/O Networking..................................................... 12 Introduction VxWorks Network Configuration Routing Protocols Remote Access Services Reconfiguring VxWorks ............................... 13 Production Issues VxWorks Start-up Optional Products.......................................... 14 Overview Shared Memory Objects (VxMP) Virtual Memory (VxVMI) Appendix Code Examples Index
Foundations for Analytics with Python by Clinton W. Brownley Copyright © 2016 Clinton Brownley. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O’Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. Overview of Chapters Chapter 1, Python Basics We’ll begin by exploring how to create and run a Python script. This chapter focuses on basic Python syntax and the elements of Python that you need to know for later chapters in the book. For example, we’ll discuss basic data types such as numbers and strings and how you can manipulate them. We’ll also cover Preface | xvii the main data containers (i.e., lists, tuples, and dictionaries) and how you use them to store and manipulate your data, as well as how to deal with dates, as dates often appear in business analysis. This chapter also discusses programming concepts such as control flow, functions, and exceptions, as these are important elements for including business logic in your code and gracefully handling errors. Finally, the chapter explains how to get your computer to read a text file, read multiple text files, and write to a CSV-formatted output file. These are important techniques for accessing input data and retaining specific output data that I expand on in later chapters in the book. Chapter 2, Comma-Separated Values (CSV) Files This chapter covers how to read and write CSV files. The chapter starts with an example of parsing a CSV input file “by hand,” without Python’s built-in csv module. It transitions to an illustration of potential problems with this method of parsing and then presents an example of how to avoid these potential problems by parsing a CSV file with Python’s csv module. Next, the chapter discusses how to use three different types of conditional logic to filter for specific rows from the input file and write them to a CSV output file. Then the chapter presents two dif‐ ferent ways to filter for specific columns and write them to the output file. After covering how to read and parse a single CSV input file, we’ll move on to discus‐ sing how to read and process multiple CSV files. The examples in this section include presenting summary information about each of the input files, concate‐ nating data from the input files, and calculating basic statistics for each of the input files. The chapter ends with a couple of examples of less common proce‐ dures, including selecting a set of contiguous rows and adding a header row to the dataset. Chapter 3, Excel Files Next, we’ll cover how to read Excel workbooks with a downloadable, add-in module called xlrd. This chapter starts with an example of introspecting an Excel workbook (i.e., presenting how many worksheets the workbook contains, the names of the worksheets, and the number of rows and columns in each of the worksheets). Because Excel stores dates as numbers, the next section illustrates how to use a set of functions to format dates so they appear as dates instead of as numbers. Next, the chapter discusses how to use three different types of condi‐ tional logic to filter for specific rows from a single worksheet and write them to a CSV output file. Then the chapter presents two different ways to filter for specific columns and write them to the output file. After covering how to read and parse a single worksheet, the chapter moves on to discuss how to read and process all worksheets in a workbook and a subset of worksheets in a workbook. The exam‐ ples in these sections show how to filter for specific rows and columns in the worksheets. After discussing how to read and parse any number of worksheets in a single workbook, the chapter moves on to review how to read and process mul‐tiple workbooks. The examples in this section include presenting summary infor‐ mation about each of the workbooks, concatenating data from the workbooks, and calculating basic statistics for each of the workbooks. The chapter ends with a couple of examples of less common procedures, including selecting a set of contiguous rows and adding a header row to the dataset. Chapter 4, Databases Here, we’ll cover how to carry out basic database operations in Python. The chapter starts with examples that use Python’s built-in sqlite3 module so that you don’t have to install any additional software. The examples illustrate how to carry out some of the most common database operations, including creating a database and table, loading data in a CSV input file into a database table, updat‐ ing records in a table using a CSV input file, and querying a table. When you use the sqlite3 module, the database connection details are slightly different from the ones you would use to connect to other database systems like MySQL, Post‐ greSQL, and Oracle. To show this difference, the second half of the chapter dem‐ onstrates how to interact with a MySQL database system. If you don’t already have MySQL on your computer, the first step is to download and install MySQL. From there, the examples mirror the sqlite3 examples, including creating a database and table, loading data in a CSV input file into a database table, updat‐ ing records in a table using a CSV input file, querying a table, and writing query results to a CSV output file. Together, the examples in the two halves of this chapter provide a solid foundation for carrying out common database operations in Python. Chapter 5, Applications This chapter contains three examples that demonstrate how to combine techni‐ ques presented in earlier chapters to tackle three different problems that are rep‐ resentative of some common data processing and analysis tasks. The first application covers how to find specific records in a large collection of Excel and CSV files. As you can imagine, it’s a lot more efficient and fun to have a computer search for the records you need than it is to search for them yourself. Opening, searching in, and closing dozens of files isn’t fun, and the task becomes more and more challenging as the number of files increases. Because the problem involves searching through CSV and Excel files, this example utilizes a lot of the material covered in Chapters 2 and 3. The second application covers how to group or “bin” data into unique categories and calculate statistics for each of the categories. The specific example is parsing a CSV file of customer service package purchases that shows when customers paid for particular service packages (i.e., Bronze, Silver, or Gold), organizing the data into unique customer names and packages, and adding up the amount of time each customer spent in each package. The example uses two building blocks, creating a function and storing data in a dictionary, which are introduced in Chapter 1 but aren’t used in Chapters 2, 3, and 4. It also introduces another new technique: keeping track of the previous row you processed and the row you’re currently processing, in order to calculate a statistic based on values in the two rows. These two techniques—grouping or binning data with a dictionary and keeping track of the current row and the previous row—are very powerful capabilities that enable you to handle many common analysis tasks that involve events over time. The third application covers how to parse a text file, group or bin data into cate‐ gories, and calculate statistics for the categories. The specific example is parsing a MySQL error log file, organizing the data into unique dates and error messages, and counting the number of times each error message appeared on each date. The example reviews how to parse a text file, a technique that briefly appears in Chapter 1. The example also shows how to store information separately in both a list and a dictionary in order to create the header row and the data rows for the output file. This is a reminder that you can parse text files with basic string oper‐ ations and another good example of how to use a nested dictionary to group or bin data into unique categories. Chapter 6, Figures and Plots In this chapter, you’ll learn how to create common statistical graphs and plots in Python with four plotting libraries: matplotlib, pandas, ggplot, and seaborn. The chapter begins with matplotlib because it’s a long-standing package with lots of documentation (in fact, pandas and seaborn are built on top of matplot lib). The matplotlib section illustrates how to create histograms and bar, line, scatter, and box plots. The pandas section discusses some of the ways pandas simplifies the syntax you need to create these plots and illustrates how to create them with pandas. The ggplot section notes the library’s historical relationship with R and the Grammar of Graphics and illustrates how to use ggplot to build some common statistical plots. Finally, the seaborn section discusses how to cre‐ ate standard statistical plots as well as plots that would be more cumbersome to code in matplotlib. Chapter 7, Descriptive Statistics and Modeling Here, we’ll look at how to produce standard summary statistics and estimate regression and classification models with the pandas and statsmodels packages. pandas has functions for calculating measures of central tendency (e.g., mean, median, and mode), as well as for calculating dispersion (e.g., variance and stan‐ dard deviation). It also has functions for grouping data, which makes it easy to calculate these statistics for different groups of data. The statsmodels package has functions for estimating many types of regression and classification models. The chapter illustrates how to build multivariate linear regression and logistic classification models based on data in pandas DataFrames and then use the mod‐ els to predict output values for new input data. Chapter 8, Scheduling Scripts to Run Automatically This chapter covers how to schedule your scripts to run automatically on a rou‐ tine basis on both Windows and macOS. Until this chapter, we ran the scripts manually on the command line. Running a script manually on the command line is convenient when you’re debugging the script or running it on an ad hoc basis. However, it can be a nuisance if your script needs to run on a routine basis (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly), or if you need to run lots of scripts on a routine basis. On Windows, you create scheduled tasks to run scripts automati‐ cally on a routine basis. On macOS, you create cron jobs, which perform the same actions. This chapter includes several screenshots to show you how to cre‐ ate and run scheduled tasks and cron jobs. By scheduling your scripts to run on a routine basis, you don’t ever forget to run a script and you can scale beyond what’s possible when you’re running scripts manually on the command line. Chapter 9, Where to Go from Here The final chapter covers some additional built-in and add-in Python modules and functions that are important for data processing and analysis tasks, as well as some additional data structures that will enable you to efficiently handle a variety of complex programming problems you may run into as you move beyond the topics covered in this book. Built-ins are bundled into the Python installation, so they are immediately available to you when you install Python. The built-in mod‐ ules discussed in this chapter include collections, random, statistics, iter tools, and operator. The built-in functions include enumerate, filter, reduce, and zip. Add-in modules don’t come with the Python installation, so you have to download and install them separately. The add-in modules discussed in this chapter include NumPy, SciPy, and Scikit-Learn. We also take a look at some additional data structures that can help you store, process, or analyze your data more quickly and efficiently, such as stacks, queues, trees, and graphs.
二级减速器课程设计说明书,全英文书写 《Machine Parts Design》 Design Specification Topic Designation of Reducer College College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Major Mechanical Engineering Class 16机械工程3(国际化) No. of team Team 1 ID/Name 陈旭颖 16211452104 方 琢 16211452105 李成雍 16211452106 Instructor Zhang Yi Date submitted 2019.01.11 Contents Abstract 1 Chapter 1 Course Design Task Book 3 1.1 Purpose 3 1.2 Description of design project 3 1.3 Design Data 4 Chapter 2 Integral Design Scheme of Transmission Device 4 2.1 Transmission Scheme 4 2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of this Scheme 4 Chapter 3 Selection of Motor 5 3.1 Motor Type Selection 5 3.2 Determination of the Efficiency of the Transmission 5 3.3 Selection of the motor capacity 5 3.4 Determination of the total transmission ratio and distribution transmission ratio of the transmission device 7 Chapter 4 Calculation of Dynamic Parameters 8 Chapter 5 Designation and calculation of high speed gear 11 5.1 Selection of gear type, accuracy grade, material and number of teeth 11 5.2 Design according to tooth surface contact fatigue strength 11 5.3 Determination of the sizes of transmission 15 5.4 Check the bending fatigue strength of tooth root 15 5.5 Calculations of other geometric dimensions of gear transmission 19 5.6 Summary of gear parameters and geometric dimensions 20 Chapter 6 Calculation of low-speed gear 21 6.1 Selection of gear type, accuracy grade, material and number of teeth 21 6.2 Designation according to tooth surface contact fatigue strength 22 6.3 Determination of the sizes of transmission 25 6.4 Check the bending fatigue strength of tooth root 26 6.5 Calculations of other geometric dimensions of gear transmission 30 6.6 Summary of gear parameters and geometric dimensions 30 Chapter 7 The designation of the shaft 32 7.1 Calculateion of High-speed shaft design 32 7.2 Calculation of jack shaft design 39 7.3 Calculation of low speed shaft 47 Chapter 8 Rolling bearing life check 53 8.1 Bearing check on high speed shaft 53 8.2 Bearing check on the jack shaft 55 8.3 Bearing check on the low speed shaft 57 Chapter 9 Key connection design calculation 58 9.1 Calculation check of coupling key connection 58 9.2 Calculation check of low speed pinion’s key connection 59 9.3 Calculation check of high speed main gear’s key connection 59 9.4 Calculation check of low speed main gear’s key connection 59 Chapter 10 Coupling selection 60 10.1 Coupling on the high speed shaft 60 10.2 Coupling on the low speed shaft 60 Chapter 11 Seal and lubricate the reducer 61 11.1 Selection of sealing 61 11.2 Gear lubrication 61 11.3 Bearing lubrication 62 Chapter 12 Reducer accessory 63 12.1 Oil level indicator 63 12.2 Ventilator 63 12.3 Drain plug 64 12.4 Peephole cover 65 12.5 Positioning pin 66 12.6 Cover screw 67 12.7 Lifting device 68 Chapter 13 Main structural dimensions of reducer housing 70 Chapter 14 Drawing of structure analysis of reduce 72 14.1 Drawing of assembly 72 14.2 Housing 73 14.3 Drawing of gears 74 14.4 Drawing of shafts 78 Chapter 15 Conclusion 81 15.1 Summary 81 15.2 Job description of team members 82 Reference 83 Attachment 84 Abstract Belt conveyor is a kind of friction driven to transport materials in a continuous way machinery. It Is mainly composed of irame conveyor belt, supporting roller, roller, tensioning device and belt conveyor motor device. It can put the material on a certain conveying line and form a conveying process of material from the initial feeding point to the final unloading point. It can not only carry out the transport of broken bulk materials, but also the transport of finished articles. In addition to the pure material transport, it can also cooperate with the requirements of the technological process in the production process of various industrial enterprises to form a rhythmic assembly line. Belt conveyor is widely used in metallurgy, coal, transportation, water and electricity, chemical and other departments, because it has a large amount of transport, simple structure, convenient maintenance, low cost, strong versatility and other advantages. Belt conveyor is also used in building materials, power, light industry, food, ports, ships and other departments. Main contents of this manual is for the design of belt conveyor drive system, the V belt transmission and twoestage cylindrical gear reducer, used in the design and calculation to the "machine design foundation", "mechanical drawing" "tolerance and interchangeability", “theoretical mechanics" courses, such as knowledge, and use AutoCAD software to carry on the drawing, so the comprehensive practice is a very important link, is also a comprehensive, standardized training in practice. Through this training, so that we have been in many aspects of training and training. It is mainly reflected in the following aspects. (1) we have cultivated the design idea of combining theory with practice, trained our ability to comprehensively apply the basic theory of mechanical design course and other related courses, analyze and solve practical engineering problems in combination with production practice, and consolidated, deepened and expanded the knowledge of relevant mechanical design. (2) through the standard mechanical parts. common mechanical transmission or simple mechanical design, so that we master the general mechanical design procedures and methods. establish a correct engineering desrgn Ideas. cultivate independence. comprehensive. Scientific engineering design ability and innovation ability. (3) in addition, it cultivates our ability to consult and use manuals, atlas and other relevant technical data, as well as the ability in calculation, drawing data processing and computer, aided design. (4) enhanced our understanding and application of the functions of Word and AutoCAD in office software. Keywords: reducer, transmission device, design, calculation, CAD Chapter 1 Course Design Task Book 1.1 Purpose According to the diagam of the belt conveyor system: (1) Plan and analysis of transmission device; (2) Selection of motor and calculation of kinematic and dynamic parameters in conveyor system; (3) Design of transmission parts (e.g. gear, worm or belt, etc.); (4) Design of shaft; (5) Design of bearing and its assemblies; (6) Selection and confirmation of key and coupling; (7) Design of lubrication; (8) Housing, framework and accessories; (9) Drawing of assembly and its components; (10) Design specification 1.2 Description of design project (a) running on two shifts per day in one-direction continuously; (b) stable loading; (c) starting with idling; (d) indoor setting with dust; (e) usage period: 10 years, minor overhaul period: 1 year, and overhaul period: 3 years; (f) power source is alternating three-phase voltage; (g) small-batch production in medium scale machinery plant; (h) allowed tolerance of conveyor speed is ± 5%. Working hours per day: 16 hours, working life: 10 years, working days per year: 300 days, equipped with three-phase AC power supply, voltage 380/220 V. 1.3 Design Data Working force of conveyor, F 2900N Speed of conveyor, v 1.5m/s Diameter, D 410mm Chapter 2 Integral Design Scheme of Transmission Device 2.1 Transmission Scheme Analysis of transmission scheme v-belt transmission is adopted . Considering the requirements of the project , I chose this scheme . Its transmission diagram is shown in figure 1-1. The transmission scheme has been given, and the reducer is a two-stage cylindrical gear reducer. 2.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of this Scheme The extemal outline size of this scheme is large, with good shock absorption capacity, low manufacturing, stability accuracy with low cost, and overload protection. But because the gear relative to the bearing of the two-stage cylindrical gear reducer is arranged asymmetrically, the load distribution along the tooth direction is uneven, and the shaft stiffness is required. Chapter 3 Selection of Motor 3.1 Motor Type Selection According to the use of the Y-series general purpose fully closed self-cooled three-phase asynchronous motor. 3.2 Determination of the Efficiency of the Transmission According to table 2-1, we got: The Efficiency of coupling:η1=0.99 The Efficiency of rolling bearing:η2=0.99 The Efficiency of closed cylindrical gears:η3=0.98 The Efficiency of Working Machine:ηw=0.97 Total efficiency from motor to machine: ηa=η1×η24×η32×ηw=0.877 3.3 Selection of the motor capacity The power required by the working machine Pw: Rated power required by motor Pd: Work speed of transmission belt wheels nw: According to the recommended reasonable transmission ratio range in table 2-2, the transmission ratio range of the expanded two-stage gear reducer ia=8 ~ 40, the transmission ratio range of v-belt transmission is ib=2~4, so the theoretical transmission ratio range is=16~160. The optional speed range of the motor : nd=is*nw=(16 ~ 160) 69.91=559--2796r/min. After comprehensive consideration of price, weight, transmission ratio and other factors, the selected three-phase asynchronous motor model : Y132M2-6 . Rated power Pen=5.5kW,Full load speed nm=960r/min,Synchronous speed nt=1000r/min。 Serial Number Motor Type Synchronous Speed/(r/min) Rated Power/kW Full Speed/(r/min) 1 Y160M2-8 750 5.5 720 2 Y132M2-6 1000 5.5 960 3 Y132S-4 1500 5.5 1440 4 Y132S1-2 3000 5.5 2900 Figure 3-1 main size parameters of the motor Height of Center Dimensionof overall Dimensionof base mounting Diameter of anchor bolt hole Size of Axis stretch Size of key H L×HD A×B K D×E F×G 132 515×315 216×178 12 38×80 10×33 3.4 Determination of the total transmission ratio and distribution transmission ratio of the transmission device (1)Calculation of total transmission ratio According to the selected fullload speed of the motor nm and the drive shaft speed of the motor nw,we can calculate the total transmission ratio of the transmission device ia: (2)Allocate transmission ratio High speed stage transmission ratio i1 Then the transmission ratio of low-speed stage i2 Total transmission ratio of reducer ib Chapter 4 Calculation of Dynamic Parameters (1)The speed of each shaft: High speed shaft : Jack shaft : Low speed shaft : The working machine shaft : (2)Input power of each shaft: High speed shaft : Jack shaft : Low speed shaft : The working machine shaft : Then the output power of each shaft: High speed shaft : Jack shaft : Low speed shaft : The working machine shaft : (3)Input torque of each shaft: Motor shaft : High speed shaft : Jack shaft : Low speed shaft : The working machine shaft : Then the torque of each shaft: High speed shaft : Jack shaft : Low speed shaft : The working machine shaft : The rotational speed, power and torque of each shaft are listed in the following table name of the shaft rotating speed n /(r/min) power P/kW torque T/(N•m) Motor shaft 960 4.96 49.34 High speed shaft 960 4.91 48.84 Jack shaft 222.74 4.76 204.09 Low speed shaft 69.82 4.62 631.92 The working machine shaft 69.82 4.35 594.99 Chapter 5 Designation and calculation of high speed gear 5.1 Selection of gear type, accuracy grade, material and number of teeth 1. According to the transmission scheme, helical cylindrical gear transmission is selected,Pressure angle α=20°,Primary spiral Angle β=12°。 2. Refer to table 10-6 for level 7 accuracy. 3. Material selection : According to table 10-1, Pinion chosen: 40Cr (quenched and tempered), hardness: 280HBS; Main gear: 45 (quenched and tempered), hardness: 240HBS. 4. Number of pinion teeth: z1=24,number of main gear teeth: z2=z1×i=24×4.31=103. 5.2 Design according to tooth surface contact fatigue strength 1. The diameter of the dividing circle of the pinion is calculated by formula (10-24),that is: (1) Determine the values of each parameter in the formula (1) Choose KHt=1.3 (2) Calculate the torque T transmitted by the pinion: (3) According to table 10-7, the tooth width coefficient: φd=1 (4) According to figure 10-20, regional coefficient: ZH=2.47 (5) According to table 10-5, the elastic influence coefficient of the material: ZE=189.8√MPa. (6)The contact fatigue strength Zε is calculated by formula (10-9). (7) The spiral Angle coefficient Zβ can be obtained from the formula. (8) Calculate the allowable contact fatigue stress[σH] According to figure 10-25d, the contact fatigue limit of pinion and large gear is respectively The stress cycle number is calculated from equation (10-15): Contact fatigue coefficients were obtained from FIG. 10-23 If the failure probability is 1% and the safety coefficient S=1,then: Take the smaller one of [σH]1 and [σH]2as the contact fatigue allowable stress of the gear pair, that is: (2) Calculate the diameter of the dividing circle of the pinion 2. Adjust the diameter of the dividing circle of the pinion (1) Data preparation before calculating actual load coefficient. (1) Circumferential velocity ν (2) Tooth width b (2) Calculate the actual load coefficient KH (1) According to table 10-2, KA=1 (2) According to v=1.827m/s and the accuracy of level 7, the dynamic load coefficient can be obtained from figure 10-8, Kv=1.035 (3) The circular force of a gear. In table 10-3, the load distribution coefficient between teeth was KH =1.4 When the accuracy of level 7 and the relative support of pinion are arranged asymmetrically by interpolation method, according to table 10-4, the distribution coefficient of load in tooth direction KHβ=1.417 Thus, the actual load coefficient KH is obtained (3) According to equation (10-12) and the actual load coefficient, the diameter of the dividing circle d1 can be obtained (4) Determine the modulus of 5.3 Determination of the sizes of transmission 1. Computing center distance a 2. The helix Angle is corrected according to the center distance after rounding β=12°19'58" 3. Calculate the dividing circle diameter d1 ,d2of small and big gear 4. Calculate the tooth width b Take B1=55mm, B2=50mm 5.4 Check the bending fatigue strength of tooth root The fatigue strength condition of tooth root bending: (1)T、mn and d1 are like the previous Tooth width: b=b2=50 Tooth shape coefficient YFa and stress correction coefficient YSa, the equivalent number of teeth: The equivalent number of teeth of pinion Zv1: Equivalent number of teeth of main gear Zv2: The tooth shape coefficient is obtained from FIG. 10-17 The stress correction coefficient is obtained from FIG. 10-18 (1) Choose load factor KFt=1.3 (2) From equation (10-18), the coincidence coefficient of bending fatigue strength Yε can be calculated Have a type: (3) From equation (10-19), obtain the spiral Angle coefficient of bending fatigue strength Yβ (2) Circumferential velocity (3) Aspect ratio b/h According to v=2.47m/s, level 7 accuracy, dynamic load coefficient can be found from figure 10-8, Kv=1.047 According to table 10-3 , load distribution coefficients between teeth KFα=1.4 According to table 10-4, KH =1.42 and b/h=50/4.5=11.111. According to figure 10-13, KF =1.079. Then the load coefficient is: According to FIG. 10-24c, the tooth root bending fatigue limit of pinion and big gear is respectively The bending fatigue coefficient KFN1 ,KFN2 was obtained from FIG. 10-22 The bending fatigue safety factor S=1.25, from equation (10-14) Check the bending fatigue strength of tooth root The bending fatigue strength of tooth root meets the requirement, and the ability of pinion to resist bending fatigue damage is greater than that of large gear. (4) The circular velocity of a gear Level 7 accuracy is appropriate. 5.5 Calculations of other geometric dimensions of gear transmission (1)Calculate the height of addendum tooth, dedendum tooth and total tooth (2)Calculate the addendum circle diameters of small and large gears (3)Calculate the diameter of dedendum circle of small and large gears 5.6 Summary of gear parameters and geometric dimensions Code name Calculated formula Pinion Main gear Modulus m 2 2 Spiral Angle β left-handed 12°19'58" right-handed 12°19'58" Coefficient of addendum height ha* 1.0 1.0 Tip clearance coefficient c* 0.25 0.25 Number of teeth z 24 103 Width of teeth B 55 50 Height of addendum teeth ha m×ha* 2 2 Height of dedendum teeth hf m×(ha*+c*) 2.5 2.5 Diameter of the dividing circle d 49.134 210.866 Addendum circle diameter da d+2×ha 53.134 214.866 Dedendum circle diameter df d-2×hf 44.134 205.866 Figure 5-1 structure diagram of high-speed main gear Chapter 6 Calculation of low-speed gear 6.1 Selection of gear type, accuracy grade, material and number of teeth 1. According to the transmission scheme, choose helical cylindrical gears,The pressure off for alpha = 20 °, primary spiral Angle beta = 12 °. 2. Refer to table 10-6 , choose level 7 accuracy. 3. Material selection According to table 10-1, choose pinion 40Cr (quenching and tempering), and the hardness was 280HBS; choose main gear 45 (quenching and tempering), and the hardness was 240HBS 4. Select the number of pinion teeth z1=25, then the number of large gear teethz2=z1×i=25×3.19=81. 6.2 Designation according to tooth surface contact fatigue strength 1. From formula (10-24), the diameter of the dividing circle of the pinion is calculated, i.e (1) Determine the values of each parameter in the formula (1) Choose KHt=1.3 (2) Calculate the torque transmitted by the pinion: (3) From table 10-7, the tooth width coefficient is φd=1 (4) From figure 10-20, Regional coefficient ZH=2.47 (5) From table 10-5, the elastic influence coefficient of the material ZE=189.8√MPa。 (6) From equation (10-9), the coincidence coefficient is used to calculate the contact fatigue strength Zε. (7) From the formula, the spiral Angle coefficient Zβ. (8) Calculate the allowable contact fatigue stress[σH] According to figure 10-25d, the contact fatigue limit of pinion and big gear is respectively From equation (10-15) , the number of stress cycles can be calculated : From figure10-23, check the contact fatigue coefficient If the failure probability is 1% and the safety coefficient S=1, then Take the smaller one of [σH]1 and [σH]2as the contact fatigue allowable stress of the gear pair, that is: (2) Calculate the diameter of the dividing circle of the pinion 2.Adjust the diameter of the dividing circle of the pinion (1) Data preparation before calculating actual load coefficient. (1) Circumferential velocity ν (2) Tooth width b (2) Calculate the actual load coefficient KH (1) According to table 10-2, KA=1 (2) According to v=0.666m/s and the accuracy of level 7, the dynamic load coefficient can be obtained from figure 10-8, Kv=1.013 (3) The circular force of a gear. In table 10-3, the load distribution coefficient between teeth was KH =1.2 When the accuracy of level 7 and the relative support of pinion are arranged asymmetrically by interpolation method, according to table 10-4, the distribution coefficient of load in tooth direction KHβ=1.421 Thus, the actual load coefficient KH is obtained (3) According to equation (10-12) and the actual load coefficient, the diameter of the dividing circle d1 can be obtained (4) Determine the modulus of 6.3 Determination of the sizes of transmission 1. Computing center distance a 2.The helix Angle is corrected according to the center distance after rounding β=12°43'9" 3. Calculate the dividing circle diameter d1 ,d2of small and big gear 4. Calculate the tooth width b Take B1=85mm B2=80mm 6.4 Check the bending fatigue strength of tooth root The fatigue strength condition of tooth root bending: (1)T、mn and d1 are like the previous Tooth width: b=b2=80 Tooth shape coefficient YFa and stress correction coefficient YSa, the equivalent number of teeth: Equivalent number of teeth of pinion Zv1: Equivalent number of teeth of main gear Zv2: The tooth shape coefficient is obtained from FIG. 10-17 The stress correction coefficient is obtained from FIG. 10-18 (1) Choose load factor KFt=1.3 (2) From equation (10-18), the coincidence coefficient of bending fatigue strength Yε can be calculated Have a type: (3) From equation (10-19), obtain the spiral Angle coefficient of bending fatigue strength Yβ (2) Circumferential velocity (3) Aspect ratio b/h According to v=0.9m/s, level 7 accuracy, dynamic load coefficient can be found from figure 10-8, Kv=1.017 According to table 10-3 , load distribution coefficients between teeth KFα=1.4 According to table 10-4, KHβ =1.427 and b/h=80/6.75=11.852. According to figure 10-13, KF =1.08. Then the load coefficient is: According to FIG. 10-24c, the tooth root bending fatigue limit of pinion and big gear is respectively The bending fatigue coefficient KFN1 ,KFN2 was obtained from FIG. 10-22 The bending fatigue safety factor S=1.25, from equation (10-14) Check the bending fatigue strength of tooth root The bending fatigue strength of tooth root meets the requirement, and the ability of pinion to resist bending fatigue damage is greater than that of large gear. (4) The circular velocity of a gear Level 7 accuracy is appropriate. 6.5 Calculations of other geometric dimensions of gear transmission (1)Calculate the height of addendum tooth, dedendum tooth and total tooth (2)Calculate the addendum circle diameters of small and large gears (3)Calculate the diameter of dedendum circle of small and large gears 6.6 Summary of gear parameters and geometric dimensions Code name Calculated formula Pinion Main gear Modulus m 3 3 Spiral Angle β left-handed 12°43'9" right-handed 12°43'9" Coefficient of addendum height ha* 1.0 1.0 Tip clearance coefficient c* 0.25 0.25 Number of teeth z 25 81 Width of teeth B 85 80 Height of addendum teeth ha m×ha* 3 3 Height of dedendum teeth hf m×(ha*+c*) 3.75 3.75 Diameter of the dividing circle d 76.887 249.113 Addendum circle diameter da d+2×ha 82.887 255.113 Dedendum circle diameter df d-2×hf 69.387 241.613 Figure 6-1 Low speed large gear structure drawing Chapter 7 The designation of the shaft 7.1 Calculateion of High-speed shaft design 1. Select the material on the shaft and determine the allowable stress Because the reducer is a general machine, there is no special requirement, so 40Cr (quenched and tempered) is selected, the hardness is 280HBS, check the table15-1,take σb=735MPa, σ-1b=60MPa 2. The minimum diameter of the shaft estimated according to the initial torsion strength Check table 15-3, take A0=112,so Shaft ends have 1 keyway, therefore, the axle diameter should be increased by 5% According to the table, the diameter of the standard axle hole is 22mm, so d=22 Figure 7-1 Schematic diagram of high-speed shaft (1) The minimum diameter of the input shaft is obviously d12, where the coupling is mounted. In order to adapt the selected shaft diameter d12 to the coupling aperture, the type of coupling should be selected. The calculated torque of the coupling Tca = KA×T, according to the table, thinking about the stability, we choose KA = 1.3, then: According to the condition that the torque Tca of the coupling should be less than the nominal torque of the coupling, refer to standard GB t4323-2002 or design manual, choose LX3 type coupling. The aperture of the semi-coupling is 22mm, the hub hole length of the semi-coupling and the shaft is 52mm. Choose ordinary flat keys,A type keys, b×h = 6×6mm(GB T 1096-2003), bond length L=40mm。 (2) Initial selection of rolling bearing. Since the bearing is subject to both radial and axial forces, angular contact bearing is selected. Referring to the work requirements and according to d23 = 27mm, select 7206AC angular contact bearing from bearing product catalog, its size: d×D×B = 30×62×16mm, so d34 = d78 = 30 mm. The positioning shaft shoulder height of 7206AC type bearing is found in the manual, h = 3 mm,then choose d45 = d67 = 36 mm. (3)Because the diameter of the gear is small, in order to ensure the strength of the gear wheel body, the gear and the shaft should be made into one and become the gear shaft. So l56 = 55 mm, d56 = 53.134 mm. (4) Thickness of bearing end covere=10, thickness of the gasketΔt=2. According to the bearing end cover for easy assembly and disassembly, ensure that the outer end face of the bearing end cover has a certain distance from the end face of the coupling, K=24; Screw C1=22mm, C2=20mm, thickness of box seat wall δ=8mm, then: (5) Take small spacing distance of enclosure wall Δ1 = 10 mm, the distance between high speed main gear and low speed pinion Δ3 = 15 mm distance. Considering about the housing casting error, when determining the position of rolling bearing, a distance Δ from inner wall of box should be taken, take Δ = 10 mm, the width of low speed pinion b3=85mm, then: At this point, the diameter and length of each section of the shaft have been preliminarily determined. Shaft section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Diameter / mm 22 27 30 36 53.134 36 30 Length/ mm 52 65 28 105.5 55 8 28 3. Stress analysis of the shaft The circumferential force on a high speed pinion Ft1 (d1 is the diameter of the indexing circle of the high-speed pinion) Radial force on a high speed pinion Fr1 Axial force on a high speed pinion Fa1 According to 7206AC angular contact manual, pressure center a=18.7mm Distance between the center point of the first shaft and the bearing pressure center l1: Distance from bearing pressure center to gear fulcrum l2: Distance between gear midpoint and bearing pressure center l3: (1) Calculate the supporting reaction of the shaft Horizontal support reaction: Vertical support reaction: (2) Calculate the bending moment of the shaft, and draw the bending moment diagram The horizontal bending moment at section C: The vertical bending moment at section C: Bending moment diagram of horizontal plane (fig.b) and vertical plane (fig.c). The resultant bending moment at section C: (3) Make composite bending moment diagram (figure d) Make torque diagram (figure e) Figure 7-2 High - speed shaft force and bending moment diagram 4. Check the strength of the shaft Because the bending moment on the left side of C is large and the action has torque, the left side of C is the dangerous section. The bending section coefficient W: The torsion cross section coefficient WT: The maximum bending stress: The shear stress: Check and calculate according to the strength of bending and torsion. For the shaft of one-way drive, torque is processed according to pulsating cycle. Therefore, the reduced coefficient is adopted α=0.6, then the equivalent stress is (10) Check the table, get 40Cr(tempering and tempering) treatment, and the limit of tensile strength σB=735MPa; Then the allowable bending stress of the axis [σ-1b]=60MPa, σca<[σ-1b], so the strength is good. 7.2 Calculation of jack shaft design 1. Select the material on the shaft, and determine the allowable stress Because the reducer is a general machine, there is no special requirements, so choose 45 (quenched and tempered), the hardness: 240HBS. Referring table 15-1, take σb=640MPa, σ-1b=60MPa 2. According to the initial torsion strength, the minimum diameter of the shaft estimated Refer to table 15-3, take A0=112, then: Since the minimum diameter of the shaft section is all rolling bearings, the standard diameter d=35mm is selected. Figure 7-3 Diagram of intermediate shaft (1) Initial selection of rolling bearing. The minimum diameters of the intermediate shaft are d12 and d56 for mounting the rolling bearing. Because the bearing is subject to both radial and axial forces, angular contact bearing is chosen. Referring to the requirement of working and according to dmin = 31.08 mm, from the bearing catalogue, selsct angular contact bearing 7207AC, its size: d×D×B = 35×72×17mm, so d12 = d56 = 35 mm. (2) At the installation of the big gear, take the diameter of the shaft section d45 = 38mm; Positioning by oil baffle ring is taken between the right end of the gear and the right bearing. It is known that the width of the hub of the high-speed large gear wheel b2 = 50mm, in order to press gears reliably, this section should be slightly shorter than the width of the hub, then take l45 = 48 mm. Shaft shoulder positioning is adopted in the left end of the gear, the height of shaft shoulder h = (2~3)R. Refer to the table with trunnion d45 = 38 mm, take h = 5 mm, then the diameter of Collar point d34 = 48 mm. Collar width b≥1.4h, take l34 = 15 mm. (3) Left end rolling bearing adopts oil baffle ring for axial positioning. (4) Considering about material and machining economy, low speed pinion and shaft should be designed and manufactured separately. It is known that the hub width of the low-speed pinion is b3= 85mm, in order to make the end face of oil retaining ring press the gear reliably, this section should be slightly shorter than the width of the hub, so take l23 = 83 mm,d23=38mm。 (5) Take the distance between the low-speed pinion and the inner wall of the boxΔ1 =10 mm, the distance between the high speed big gear and the inner wall of the box Δ2 =12.5 mm, the distance between high speed main gear and low speed pinionΔ3=15mm. Consider housing casting error, when determining the position of rolling bearing, should be from a distance Δ casing wall, take Δ = 10 mm, then: At this point, the diameter and length of each section of the shaft have been preliminarily determined. Shaft section 1 2 3 4 5 Diameter/ mm 35 38 48 38 35 Length/ mm 39 83 15 48 41.5 3. Force analysis of the shaft The circumferential force on a high speed pinion Ft2 (d2 is the diameter of the indexing circle of the high-speed pinion) Radial force on a high speed pinion Fr2 Axial force on a high speed pinion Fa2 Circumferential force on the low-speed pinion Ft3 (d3 is the dividing circle diameter of the low-speed pinion) Radial force on a low speed pinion The axial force on a low speed pinion According to 7207AC angular contact manual, pressure center a=21mm Distance from bearing pressure center to middle point of low-speed pinion: Distance from the midpoint of the low-speed pinion to that of the high-speed large gear: Distance from the middle point of the high-speed large gear to the bearing pressure center: (1) Calculate the reaction force of the shaft Horizontal support reaction Vertical support reaction (2) Calculate the bending moment of the shaft and draw the bending moment diagram The horizontal bending moment at section B The horizontal bending moment at section C The vertical bending moment at section C The vertical bending moment at section B Draw the bending moment diagram of horizontal plane (fig.b) and vertical plane (fig.c) The resultant bending moment at section B The synthetic bending moment of section C: Make composite bending moment diagram (figure d) Make torque diagram (figure e) Figure 7-4 force and bending moment of jack shaft 4. Check the strength of the shaft Because the bending moment on the left side of B is large and the action has torque, the left side of B is the dangerous section. Its bending section coefficient: Its torsion cross section coefficient: The maximum bending stress: Its shear stress: Check and calculate according to the strength of bending and torsion. For the shaft of one-way drive, torque is processed according to pulsating cycle. Therefore, the reduced coefficient is adopted α=0.6, then the equivalent stress is Check the table, get 40Cr(tempering and tempering) treatment, and the limit of tensile strength σB=640MPa; Then the allowable bending stress of the axis [σ-1b]=60MPa, σca<[σ-1b], so the strength is good. 7.3 Calculation of low speed shaft 1. Select the material on the shaft, and determine the allowable stress Because the reducer is a general machine, there is no special requirements, so choose 45 (quenched and tempered), the hardness: 240HBS. Referring table 15-1, take σb=640MPa, σ-1b=60MPa 2. According to the initial torsion strength, the minimum diameter of the shaft estimated Refer to table 15-3, take A0=112, then: Shaft end has 1 keyway, so increase shaft diameter by 7% According to the table, the diameter of the standard axle hole is 50mm, so d=50 Figure 7-5 Schematic diagram of low-speed shaft (1) The minimum diameter of the output shaft is obviously the diameter d1 of the shaft where the coupling is mounted. In order to make the selected shaft diameter d1 match the coupling aperture, it is necessary to select the type of coupling.The calculated torque of the coupling Tca = KA×T, refer to the table, consider about stability, then take KA = 1.3,thus: According to the condition that the torque Tca of the coupling should be less than the nominal torque of the coupling, check the standard GB t4323-2002 or the design manual, choose LX4 type coupling. The aperture of the semi-coupling is 50mm, the hub hole length of fitness of the semi-coupling and the shaft is 112mm. Choose ordinary flat bond, A type bond, b×h = 14×9mm(GB T 1096-2003), length of bond L=100mm. (2) Initial selection of rolling bearing. Because the bearing is subject to both radial and axial forces, angular contact bearing is chosen. According to work requirements and d23 = 55mm, angular contact bearing 7212AC is selected from the bearing product catalog, its size: d×D×B = 60×110×22mm, so d34 = d78 = 60 mm. Positioning of bearing oil retaining ring. According to the manual, the positioning shaft shoulder height of type 7212AC bearing is h = 4.5mm, so d45 = 69mm (3) Take the diameter of the shaft section where the gear is mounted d67 = 63 mm;The width of the low-speed large gear hub is known as b4 = 80 mm,in order to make the end face of the oil retaining ring press the gear reliably, this shaft segment should be slightly shorter than the width of the hub, so l67 = 78mm. The left end of the gear is fixed by the shaft shoulder. The height of shaft shoulder h = (2~3)R,The diameter of the shaft d67 = 63 mm, so take h = 10 mm, then the diameter at the collar d56 = 83 mm, take l56=10mm. (4) Thickness of bearing end cover e=10, the thickness of the gasket Δt=2. According to the ease of mounting and dismounting of the bearing end cover, ensure that the outer end face of the bearing end cover has a certain distance from the end face of the coupling K=24, screw C1=22mm, C2=20mm, box seat wall thickness δ=8mm, then: (5) Assume the distance between low level main gear and inner box wall Δ 2 = 12.5 mm, the distance between high speed main gear and low speed pinion Δ 3 = 15 mm distance. Consider housing casting error, when determining the position of rolling bearing, should be from a distance Δ casing wall, assume Δ = 10 mm, then: At this point, the diameter and length of each section of the shaft have been preliminarily determined. Shaft section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Diameter 50 55 60 69 83 63 60 Length 112 59 44.5 57.5 10 78 46.5 3. Force analysis of the shaft Circumferential force on the low-speed big gear (d4 is the dividing circle diameter of the low-speed big gear) The radial force on a large low speed gear The axial force exerted on a large low-speed gear Refer to the manual with 7212AC angular contaction, know pressure center a=30.8mm (1)Calculate the supporting reaction of the shaft Horizontal support reaction Vertical support reaction (2) Calculate the bending moment of the shaft and draw the bending moment diagram The horizontal bending moment at section C The vertical bending moment at section C Draw the bending moment diagram of horizontal plane (fig.b) and vertical plane (fig.c) The resultant bending moment at section C (3) Make composite bending moment diagram (figure d) Make torque diagram (figure e) Figure 7-6 Diagram of force and bending moment of low speed shaft 4. Check the strength of the shaft Because the bending moment on the left side of C is large and the action has torque, the left side of C is the dangerous section Its bending section coefficient: Its torsion cross section coefficient: The maximum bending stress: Its shear stress: Check and calculate according to the strength of bending and torsion. For the shaft of one-way drive, torque is processed according to pulsating cycle. So the reduced coefficient =0.6, then the equivalent stress: Refer to the the table, get 45(tempering) treatment, tensile strength limitσB=640MPa,then the allowable bending stress of the axis[σ-1b]=60MPa, σca<[σ-1b], so the strength is good. Chapter 8 Rolling bearing life check 8.1 Bearing check on high speed shaft Bearing code d(mm) D(mm) B(mm) Cr(kN) C0r(kN) 7206AC 30 62 16 22 14.2 Adopt 7206AC angular contact ball bearing, inner diameter d=30mm, outer diameter D=62mm, width B=16mm, Basic dynamic load rating Cr=22kN,Rated static load C0r=14.2kN. Life expectancy is Lh=48000h. According to the horizontal and vertical bearing reaction calculated previously, we can calculate the resultant bearing reaction: Axial force Fae=435N According to the calculations, bearing 1 is "pressed", while bearing 2 is “relaxing”. Refer to the table, X1=0.41,Y1=0.87,X2=1,Y2=0 Refer to the table, ft=1,fp=1 Then, take the bigger one into Bearing life is sufficient. 8.2 Bearing check on the jack shaft Bearing code d(mm) D(mm) B(mm) Cr(kN) C0r(kN) 7207AC 35 72 17 29 19.2 Adopt 7207AC angular contact ball bearing, inner diameter d=35mm, outer diameter D=72mm, width B=17mm, Basic dynamic load ratingCr=29kN, Rated static load C0r=19.2kN Life expectancy is Lh=48000h. According to the horizontal and vertical bearing reaction calculated previously, we can calculate the resultant bearing reaction: Axial force Fae=775N According to the calculations, bearing 1 is "pressed", while bearing 2 is “relaxing”. Refer to the table, X1=0.41,Y1=0.87,X2=1,Y2=0 Refer to the table, ft=1,fp=1 Then, take the bigger one into Bearing life is sufficient. 8.3 Bearing check on the low speed shaft Bearring code d(mm) D(mm) B(mm) Cr(kN) C0r(kN) 7212AC 60 110 22 58.2 46.2 Adopt 7212AC angular contact ball bearing, inner diameter d=60mm, outer diameter D=110mm, width B=22mm, Basic dynamic load rating Cr=58.2kN,Rated static load C0r=46.2kN Life expectancy is Lh=48000h。 According to the horizontal and vertical bearing reaction calculated previously, we can calculate the resultant bearing reaction: Axial force Fae=1145N According to the calculations, bearing 1 is "pressed", while bearing 2 is “relaxing”. Refer to the table, X1=0.41,Y1=0.87,X2=1,Y2=0 Refer to the table, ft=1,fp=1 Then, take the bigger one into Bearing life is sufficient. Chapter 9 Key connection design calculation 9.1 Calculation check of coupling key connection The chosen type of key is A-type: 6×6(GB/T 1096-2003) Working length of key: l=L-b=40-6=34mm Contact height of the hub keyway: k=h/2=3mm According to the material of the coupling which is 45 and the stability of loading, we can get [σp]=120MPa, then it’s compression strength is It meets the strength requirement. 9.2 Calculation check of low speed pinion’s key connection The chosen type of key is A-type: 10×8(GB/T 1096-2003) Working length of key: l=L-b=70-10=60mm Contact height of the hub keyway: k=h/2=4mm According to the material of the low speed pinion which is 40Cr and the stability of loading, we can get [σp]=120MPa, then it’s compression strength is It meets the strength requirement. 9.3 Calculation check of high speed main gear’s key connection The chosen type of key is A-type: 10×8(GB/T 1096-2003) Working length of key: l=L-b=36-10=26mm Contact height of the hub keyway: k=h/2=4mm According to the material of the high speed main gear which is 45 and the stability of loading, we can get [σp]=120MPa, then it’s compression strength is It meets the strength requirement. 9.4 Calculation check of low speed main gear’s key connection The chosen type of key is A-type: 18×11(GB/T 1096-2003) Working length of key: l=L-b=63-18=45mm Contact height of the hub keyway: k=h/2=5.5mm According to the material of the low speed main gear which is 45 and the stability of loading, we can get [σp]=120MPa, then it’s compression strength is It meets the strength requirement. Chapter 10 Coupling selection 10.1 Coupling on the high speed shaft (1)Calculate the load on the coupling Refer to the table, the load coefficient of the coupling is KA=1.3 Then calculate the torque is Tc=KA×T=1.3×48.84=63.5N•m (2)Select the type of coupling Primary coupling model is LX3 elastic pin coupling (GB/ t4323-2002). Refer to the table, Nominal torque Tn=1250N•m, Allowable speed[n]=4700r/min, thus: Tc=63.5N•mCalculate the load on the coupling Refer to the table, the load coefficient of the coupling is KA=1.3 Then calculate the torque is Tc=KA×T=1.3×631.92=821.5N•m (2)Select the type of coupling Primary coupling model is LX3 elastic pin coupling (GB/ t4323-2002). Refer to the table, Nominal torque Tn=2500N•m, Allowable speed[n]=3870r/min, thus: Tc=821.5N•mcate the reducer 11.1 Selection of sealing In order to prevent the leakage of lubricant inside the box and the entry of external impurities into the box to affect the work of the box, between the parts that make up the box, such like the box cover and the box seat, the output of the overhanging shaft, the input shaft and the bearing cover, different types of sealing devices are required. For the joint surface without relative motion, commonly used sealant, oil resistant rubber gasket, etc. For the sealing of rotating parts such as overhanging shaft, different seals and structures should be considered according to their different motion speed and sealing requirements. In this design, because the relative speed of sealing interface is small, contact seal is adopted. The velocity between the input shaft and the bearing cover is V <3m/s, the velocity between the output shaft and the bearing cover is also V 1.2δ 12mm Distance between gear face and inner box wall △2 >δ 12.5mm Case cover and seat rib thickness m1、m m1≈0.85×δ1、m≈0.85×δ 8mm、8mm Outer diameter of high speed bearing end cap D1 D+(5~5.5)d3;D--bearing outer diameter 102mm Outer diameter of end cover of jack bearing D2 D+(5~5.5)d3;D--bearing outer diameter 112mm Outer diameter of low speed bearing end cap D3 D+(5~5.5)d3;D--bearing outer diameter 150mm Chapter 14 Drawing of structure analysis of reduce 14.1 Drawing of assembly 14.2 Housing 14.3 Drawing of gears High speed main gear Low speed pinion 14.4 Drawing of shafts High speed shaft Jack speed shaft Low speed shaft Chapter 15 Conclusion 15.1 Summary After hard work, I finally finished the mechanical design course. In the process of this operation, I encountered many difficulties. The repeated calculation and the design scheme modification exposed my lack of knowledge and experience in this aspect in the early stage, and I learned the lesson of blind calculation. As for drawing assembly drawing and part drawing, due to sufficient preliminary calculation, the whole process took less than three days. During this period, I also received a lot of help from my classmates and teachers. Here I would like to express my most sincere thanks to them. Although the time of this assignment is long and the process is tortuous, for me, the biggest gain is the method and ability. The ability to analyze and solve problems. In the whole process, I found that what students like us most lack is experience, no perceptual knowledge, empty theoretical knowledge, and some things may be out of touch with the reality. In general, I think doing this type of homework is of great help to us. It requires us to systematically connect the relevant knowledge we have learned, expose our shortcomings and make improvements. Sometimes a person's power is limited, the wisdom of all people, I believe our work will be more perfect! Due to the limited time, there are many shortcomings in this design, such as the huge box structure and large weight. The gear calculation is not accurate enough and other defects, I believe, through this practice, I can avoid a lot of unnecessary work in the future design, have the ability to design a more compact structure, transmission more stable and accurate equipment. 15.2 Job description of team members Team leader: 陈旭颖 Finish the designation and calculation of transmission device, motor, dynamic parameters, rolling bearings, keys and couplings. Draw the CAD of assembly drawing and reducer housing drawing. Write the design specification. Team members: 方琢 Finish the designation and calculation of high speed gear, jack gear and low speed gear. Draw the CAD of high speed gear, jack gear and low speed gear. 李成雍 Finish the designation and calculation of high speed shaft, intermediate shaft and low speed shaft. Draw the CAD of high speed shaft, intermediate shaft and low speed shaft. Reference [1] Kunwoo Lee, Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE Systems, Pearson, Jan., 1999. [2] Chris McMahon and Jimmie Browne, CAD/CAM Principles, Practices and Manufacturing Management (2/e), Prentice Hall, July, 1999. [3] Andrew D. Dimarogonas, Machine Design - A CAD Approach, John Wiley & Sons, Dec. 2000. [4] E. Paul Degarmo, J. T. Black and Ronald A. Kohser, Materials and Processes in Manufacturing (11th edition), Wiley, Dec. 2011. [5] 李育锡. 机械设计课程设计(第⼆版). 北京:⾼等教育出版社. in Chinese [6] 陈秀宁. 机械设计课程设计(第四版). 杭州:浙江⼤学出版社. 2010. in Chinese [7] 吴宗泽. 机械设计课程设计. 北京:⾼等教育出版社. 2007. in Chinese [8] 闻邦椿. 机械设计⼿册 1-6 卷(第五版). 北京:机械⼯业出版社. 2011. in Chinese Attachment 1.The drawing of assembly; 2.The drawing of reducer housing; 3.The drawing of pinion; 4.The drawing of main gear; 5.The drawing of low speed shaft; 6.The drawing of jack shaft; 7.The drawing of high speed shaft;
v3.17 * updated libFLAC to version 1.2.1 * added a flush after every log line to help GUIs * "eac3to some.mpls" now also works if the stream files aren't there, anymore * fixed: number of subtitles was not appended to demuxed subtitles' file name * fixed: dialnorm removal (for Nero decoder) failed with some 2.0 TrueHD files v3.16 * added undocumented "-no2ndpass" switch to turn off 2nd pass processing * fixed: two pass processing sometimes produced superfluous sup files * fixed: MPG/EVO/VOB audio tracks with "PES extension 2" were not detected * fixed: very small W64/RF64 files were not detected correctly * fixed: when processing was aborted, log file was sometimes not created * fixed: sometimes specifying a title number addressed the wrong HD DVD title v3.15 * "24.975" is now interpreted as "25.000/1.001" * Blu-Ray "sup" are demuxed with DTS set to 0 again, proper fix will come later * fixed: error code not set for "source file format could not be detected" * fixed: audio resampling from/to 24.975 didn't work properly * fixed: WAV files beginning with lots of zeroes were sometimes not accepted v3.14 * WAV reading was broken for all but very small files (introduced in v3.13) v3.13 * fields and frames are counted and displayed separately now * added DIRAC bitstream parser * added support for "-24.975" and "-changeto24.975" * Blu-Ray subtitle demuxing: PTS value is now written to both PTS + DTS * joining MKV files is now declined with a proper error message * last chapter is now removed, if it's less than 10 seconds from end of movie * fixed: "-normalize" didn't work with stdout, anymore * fixed: audio delay was incorrect when 1st m2ts part contained no audio data * fixed: very small WAV files were not detected correctly * fixed: "eac3to source.eac3 dest.dts -core" crashed v3.12 * fixed: track languages for HD DVD discs were not shown * fixed: MLP channel order was wrong for some specific channel configurations * fixed: "DirectShow reported 255 channels" happened sometimes v3.11 * fixed: MKV subtitle track language wasn't shown v3.10 * Blu-Ray title listing now includes chapter information * fixed: v3.09 didn't show track languages for Blu-Rays v3.09 * added support for MKV "SRT/UTF8", "SRT/ASCII", "ASS" and "SSA" subtitles * increased some internal buffers to avoid AC3 overflow in the "thd ac3 joiner" * fixed: frame counting didn't work for MKV video tracks * fixed: video track FPS change was sometimes declined * fixed: video tracks with "strange" FPS were sometimes handled incorrectly * fixed: clipping removal 2nd pass was executed even for "stdout" * fixed: "eac3to -test" displayed an outdated Nero download link * fixed: specifying a specific playlist still used default playlist's chapters v3.08 * fixed: reading physical disc speed was abysmal (introduced in v3.07) * fixed: read error from physical drive resulted in crash v3.07 * added support for MKV video tracks without sequence headers in bitstream * added support for old style MKV AAC tracks * added support for various MKV "A_MS/ACM" audio formats * added support for various MKV "V_MS/VFW/FOURCC" video formats * added warning for tracks where bitstream parsing failed * demuxing a video track now also complains about video gaps/overlaps * the "-check" option now also complains about video gaps/overlaps * optimized memory allocation * fixed: adding subtitle caption count to filenames sometimes didn't work * fixed: subtitle caption counts in log sometimes had wrong track numbers * fixed: all non-supported MKV tracks shared the same description * fixed: incorrect framerate mismatch complaint was shown for pulldown sources * fixed: FLAC tracks in MKV files don't slow down detection, anymore * fixed: source file detection read 300MB from every source file v3.06 * added MKV reading/parsing support * added demux support for MKV (E-)AC3, DTS(-HD), AAC, MPx, FLAC and WAV tracks * added demux support for MKV "modern style" MPEG2, VC-1 and h264/AVC tracks * reading from (HD) DVD and Blu-Ray drives uses different reading APIs now * empty tracks in TS/m2ts container are not listed, anymore * for 24.000 fps video tracks a little warning is displayed now * when demuxing subtitle files, the number of captions is added to the filename * timestamp derived FPS is used for gap checking instead of video bitstream FPS * fixed: 44.1khz AC3 encoding was still broken * fixed: zero byte stripping pass was done for true 24bit TrueHD tracks * fixed: downconverting WAV files with 0x3f channel mask didn't work * fixed: log output "remaining delay [...]" was sometimes wrong for AC3 tracks * fixed: silent frame creation was tried for E-AC3 although it can't work v3.05 * warning is shown if h264 video bitstream contains "full range" flag * h264 video bitstream "full range" flag is automatically removed * you can disable removal of the "full range" flag by doing "-keepFullRange" * added reader for external DVD, HD DVD and Blu-Ray SUP files * external SUP files can be delayed now * number of HD DVD and DVD subtitles in SUP track is counted and displayed * number of forced and non-forced Blu-Ray subtitles in SUP track is displayed * "-check" option now also works for demuxed audio, video and subtitle tracks * when reading from physical disc drive, 2KB (instead of 1MB) blocks are read * improved automatic skipping over damaged first 5MB of TS/m2ts files * fixed: resampling and Surcode encoding didn't work in one step * fixed: TRP detection crashed * fixed: track listing sometimes contained tracks without description * fixed: h264 with missing framerate in 1st sequence header made eac3to crash * fixed: some AC3WAV files were not detected correctly * fixed: video frame count was not displayed when 2nd pass was executed v3.04 * video track framerates are now shown with up to 3 decimals, if necessary * m2ts/TS framerate is determined by interpreting video track timestamps * m2ts/TS framerate is displayed in the format description (if available) * warning is shown if container timestamps don't match video framerate * warning is shown if video bitstream has a non-standard framerate * video without framerate information: container framerate is used * video without framerate information: framerate can be set (e.g. "-23.976") * video without framerate information: new framerate is written to bitstream * remaining non-fixed audio delay is now shown in log * command prompt colors are restored after eac3to has run through * fixed: 2-pass processing for stripping zero bytes sometimes crashed * fixed: CA (Conditional Access) tracks were shown as "Unknown audio track" v3.03 * fixed: MPEG2 1088 to 1080 cropping was still incomplete v3.02 * fixed: VC-1 stream handling was broken * fixed: destination file extension "*.lpcm" didn't work with 2pass processing * fixed: MPEG2 1088 to 1080 cropping was incomplete * fixed: no log was being created when "temp file could not be interpreted" v3.01 * fixed: m2ts LCPM demuxing didn't work with v3.00 * fixed: TrueHD -> TrueHD+AC3 conversion didn't work with v3.00 v3.00 * broken AC3, DTS, AAC and MPx streams are now automatically repaired * errors in TS/m2ts files are now reported (with runtime) and ignored * damaged first max 5MB and max 5% of a TS/m2ts file are automatically skipped * video/audio tracks which can't be parsed, are now demuxed in raw form * added support for "line 21" closed captions in ATSC/NTSC broadcasts and DVDs * added reading of movie / network name from "line 21" XDS information * for gaps, edits & repairs > 1000ms eac3to now inserts silence by default * for gaps, edits & repairs < 1000ms eac3to now loops audio by default * option "-silence" forces eac3to to insert silence instead of looping audio * option "-loop" forces eac3to to loop audio instead of inserting silence * newly encoded AC3 frame is now used for "silence" instead of file's 1st frame * increased reading block size (might improve reading performance) * optimized TS/m2ts demuxing performance * optimized MPEG2, VC-1 and h264 parsing performance * command line output is colored now (e.g. errors drawn in red) * MPEG2 1920x1088 bitstream is now automatically patched/cropped to 1920x1080 * log file now contains "" and "<ERROR>" indicators * workaround for movie playlists which want the same m2ts file played twice * added version check for eac3to (doh!) * when a read error occurs, reading is tried again up to 3 times * (E-)AC3 frames with -0db dialnorm are now automatically patched to -31db * updated to newer libAften build -> fixes 44.1khz encoding * fixed: sometimes "The last DTS frame is incomplete" was a false alarm * fixed: mkvtoolnix version check didn't work, anymore * fixed: errors were meant to be output to stderr, but they weren't * fixed: automatic gap/overlap fixing with AAC targets aborted processing * fixed: positive edit began a bit too early * fixed: two ID3 tags after each other made eac3to fail detecting the format * fixed: some VOB files were not detected properly v2.87 * fixed: negative edit was done too late (introduced in v2.86) v2.86 * fixed: "1:some.ac3" instead of "1: some.ac3" failed for 2 digit track numbers * fixed: "eac3to source movie.mkv" demuxed video instead of muxing to MKV * negative edit now begins at the specified runtime instead of ending there v2.85 * using "eac3to source video.h264" doesn't demux audio/subtitle tracks, anymore * using "eac3to source movie.*" demuxes video, audio and subtitle tracks * using "eac3to source 1: video.* 2: audio.*" demuxes the specified tracks * AC3 and E-AC3 dialnorm removal now uses "-31db" instead of "-0db" * workaround for DTS files where last byte is missing in each audio frame * fixed: v2.84 sometimes crashed when parsing HD DVD XML files * fixed: v2.84 sometimes chose incorrect XML file * fixed: v2.84 sometimes chose wrong m2ts playlist file * fixed: some actions were eventually applied twice when "-2pass" was used * fixed: AAC encoding quality "quality=0.0x" was passed to Nero as "0.x" v2.84 * fixed: 2nd pass gap removal was tried (and failed) for TrueHD+AC3 targets * fixed: processing aborted when trying to fix gaps in PCM destination files * fixed: more than one RAW/PCM overlaps resulted in lost sync (since v2.81) * fixed: demuxing TrueHD+AC3 stream by title number didn't renew the AC3 part * new option for removing or looping audio data, e.g. "-edit=0:20:47,-100ms" * title sorting criteria changed: resolution is more important than runtime * new option "-lowPriority" sets eac3to to background/idle priority * libav warnings are now assigned to the affected audio track * fixed: "lossless check failed" false alarms for seamless branching movies * fixed: spike removal filter was not active for the very last overlap/gap * improved muxing h264 streams which begin with double sequence headers * source files are now opened with "share read + write access" * destination files are now opened with "share read access" v2.83 * fixed: gap/overlap correction didn't work for FLAC and WAV files * fixed: when clipping was detected, 2nd pass was not always executed correctly v2.82 * fixed: sometimes eac3to stalled before processing (introduced in v2.81) v2.81 * audio gap/overlap fixing is now automatically done in a 2nd pass * option "-normalize" maximizes the volume of the audio data, needs 2 passes * audio clipping is detected and automatically removed in a 2nd pass * "-2pass" activates 2 pass mode (can speedup seamless branching processing) * superfluous zero bytes are now automatically removed in 2nd pass * "-phaseShift" shifts surround channel phase by 90?for DPL II downmixing * spike removal post processing filter now always produces 16bit samples * empty channels are now reported by the bitdepth analyzer as "no audio data" * option "-shutdown" shuts the PC down automatically after processing is done * the HD DVD XPL with the longest title is now loaded instead of VPLST000.XPL * eac3to can now open selected XPL files (e.g. "eac3to ADV_OBJ\VPLS002.XPL") * eac3to can now open selected mpls files (e.g. "eac3to PLAYLIST\00002.mpls") * fixed: TrueHD streams starting with a non-major header failed to decode * fixed: WAV files created by eac3to with empty channels had incorrect header * fixed: RAW/PCM gap/overlap remover sometimes didn't work correctly v2.80 * fixed: FLAC files with missing runtime information were not accepted * gone back to old VOB/EVO auto delay calculation method, more reliable for me * improved TS broadcast audio delay detection * added support for constant bitrate AAC encoding * added support for AAC encoding 0.00 and 1.00 quality v2.79 * improved m2ts file joining overlap detection (mainly for interlaced video) * vob/evo audio delay detection now uses "vobu start presentation time" * program streams which are neither VOB nor EVO are now reported as "MPG" * resampling is now automatically activated for AC3/DTS encoding, if necessary * "Mersenne Twister" random number generator is used for dithering now * zero padded DTS tracks are now displayed as such * fixed: 32bit PCM conversion to floating point was broken * fixed: with some (rare) movies first subtitle began after 50 minutes runtime * only plugins with the extension *.dll are loaded now v2.78 * fixed: h264 interlaced muxing to MKV could result in too long runtime * fixed: transcoding DTS-HD/E-AC3 core sometimes failed to work correctly * improved TS/m2ts audio delay detection * added filter to remove spikes when fixing gaps/overlaps in RAW/PCM audio * each eac3to instance has its own log file now * playlist output now also works with "-log" option * default bitrate for mono & stereo AC3 encodes lowered to 448kbps * default bitrate for mono & stereo DTS encodes lowered to 768kbps * it should be possible to handle TsSplitter splitted TS files via "+" now v2.77 * pcm/raw audio delay is now applied before resampling and fps change * parsing of command line with multiple sources files sometimes failed v2.76 * "-slowdown" now works to convert 24.000 movies to 23.976 * "-speedup" now works to convert 24.000 movies to 25.000 * option "" (e.g. "-24.000") sets the FPS of the source track * option "" (e.g. "-changeTo23.976") changes video/audio FPS * modified FPS information is written to video bitstream (VC-1, MPEG2, h264) * demuxing with FPS change option now activates audio track transcoding * SSRC resampling parameters modified slightly to reduce steepness and ringing * fixed incorrect h264 movie slowdown gap/overlap complaints * fixed DTS-HD High Resolution bitrate calculation * dithering is now done differently per channel v2.75 * added (E-)AC3 5.1 "EX" detection * added (E-)AC3 2.0 "Surround" detection * added (E-)AC3 2.0 "Headphone" detection * NeroAacEnc is now fed with up to 32bit float (if available) * resampling option "-quality=low|high|ultra" not supported, anymore * new option "-fast" switches SSRC resampler to fast, but low quality mode * new option "-r8brain" forces use of r8brain resampler instead of SSRC * added support for AES3 PCM streams in TS container * started working on encoder plugin interface v2.74 * "-demux" failed to work for DTS-HD and "TrueHD/AC3" tracks in v2.73 * fixed: DTS-HD tracks could make processing abort at the very end of the movie v2.73 * changed TS demuxing logic to make the broken (!) new SkyHD broadcasts work * DTS core and "TrueHD/AC3" AC3 parameters are displayed separately now * when using "-core" option, eac3to now bases its decisions on core parameters * added WAV/W64/RF64 read/write support for 32bit PCM and 32/64 bit float * option "-full" allows WAV/W64/RF64 output to be native (default <= 24bit PCM) * Surcode DTS encoding is now done with up to 32bit float (if available) * Aften AC3 encoding is now done with up to 64bit float (if available) v2.72 * fixed: per channel bitdepth analyzation didn't work correctly v2.71 * fixed: v2.70 detected Blu-Rays as "TS" without chapters and track languages * fixed: TrueHD downmixing to 2.0 didn't work v2.70 * added floating point support to the complete audio processing chain * added gain functionality, e.g. "-3db" or "+1db" * bitdepth analyzation is now done separately for each channel * fixed: when decoding lossy audio with libav, peaks were clipped incorrectly * fixed: libav MP1/2/3 decoder output was cut down to 24bit * fixed: with some EVO sources the AC3 track was not listed * fixed: if no key frame was found, h264 track in m2(ts) was not listed * fixed: video/audio data before first PAT/PMT was discarded * Blu-Ray chapters now don't contain link points, anymore, unless necessary * added 10db boost to LFE channel, when "-down2" and "-mixlfe" are used * ArcSoft output can now be overwritten to "-2", "-6", "-7" or "-8" channels v2.69 * added high precision SSRC resampler * resampling "-quality" now allows "low", "high" (SSRC) or "ultra" (r8brain) * resampling quality now defaults to "high" (SSRC) * bitdepth is now analyzed separately for original vs. processed data * fixed: downmixing 16 bit DTS tracks to 5.1 or 2.0 didn't work * fixed: Sonic Decoder was incorrectly assumed to decode XXCh DTS files to 6.1 * for movies the Haali Muxer can't handle "-seekToIFrames" is suggested now v2.68 * fixed crash when transcoding Blu-Ray/HD DVD track to FLAC v2.67 * information about HDCD and real bitdepth is now stored into FLAC metadata * information about real bitdepth is now read from FLAC metadata * PTS break: PTS is increased by 1 frame (fixes some false overlap warnings) * fixed: video gap log text was sometimes not correct (runtime information) * added undocumented switch "-neroaacenc="c:\whatever\neroaacenc.exe"" * error log messages are now output to stderr instead of stdout * improved "which mkvtoolnix is currently installed?" check * fixed: mkvtoolnix version check "Oct" date was not interpreted correctly v2.66 * changed eac3to to allow AAC encoding with 7.1 channels (for new Nero encoder) * fixed AGM creation for files bigger than 4GB * added support for Nero's new AAC Encoder download URL * lowered volume of error/success sounds * when there are 2 similar playlists the one with less chapters is ignored now v2.65 * automatic channel remapping for 6.1 tracks with wrong channel mask * automatic channel remapping for ArcSoft DTS decoder 6.1 tracks * fixed: TrueHD -> Surcode encoding didn't work, anymore * fixed: MPEG2 + h264 video gap/overlap removal didn't work properly v2.64 * added channel mask reading support to Blu-Ray PCM track parser * added channel mask reading support to TrueHD parser * added channel mask reading & writing support to FLAC decoder / encoder * changed 5.x channel mask from $03x to $60x * changed 6.x channel mask from $13x to $70x * mono wavs output now creates correct names for some channel masks * when transcoding 6.1 sources to PCM, 7 channel doubling is activated now * fixed: DTS channelmask detection was incorrect for very strange configs * fixed: sometimes the h264 video stream of a Blu-Ray m2ts was not detected v2.63 * fixed: incorrect detection of 6.0 DTS tracks as 5.0 * fixed: incorrect libav DTS channel remapping for 6.x or 7.x tracks * fixed: incorrect ArcSoft DTS channel remapping for "6.0" and "2/2.1" tracks * fixed: v2.61+62 incorrectly decoded 16bit TrueHD tracks to 24bit FLAC/WAV/RAW * fixed: some DTSWAV files made HDCD decoder crash * fixed: DTSWAV and AC3WAV samplerate and bitdepth were reported incorrectly * improved DirectShow channel configuration reporting * undocumented option -progressnumbers now outputs "analyze:" and "process:" v2.62 * fixed: downmixing 16 bit 7.1 DTS tracks to 5.1 stopped working in v2.61 v2.61 * option "-no7doubling" is not supported anymore * option "-double7" added which upconverts 6.1 to 7.1 * added read/write support for Sony wave64 (*.w64) format * added read/write support for RF64 wave64 (*.rf64) format * added write support for AGM format * true bitdepth (e.g. 18 bits) is written to extensible wav header now * when reading 16/24 (true/storage) WAV files, zero bytes are stripped now * added HDCD detection for WAV and FLAC files * added HDCD detection for PCM tracks in VOB/EVO/m2ts containers * added HDCD decoder written by Christopher Key * added new option "-decodeHdcd" to decode HDCD information * HDCD track -> lossy format: HDCD decoding is automatically activated * when DTS-MA and TrueHD tracks are decoded, a check for HDCD is done * fixed some incorrect DTS channel masks * added automatic libav DTS channel remapping * added automatic ArcSoft DTS channel remapping * added channel map manipulation to make funny DTS tracks decode with Sonic * added channel map manipulation to make funny DTS tracks decode with ArcSoft * added channel volume modification to undo ArcSoft mono surround splitting * for TrueHD+AC3 creation AC3 delay and gap correction are disabled now * fixed: DTSWAV and DTSAC3 readers reported too long runtime * fixed: sometimes processing aborted with a "bitdepth reducer" complaint v2.60 * fixed: in v2.59 "-analyzeBitdepth" stopped working for Blu-Ray TrueHD tracks v2.59 * extension ".thd+ac3" is supported now to define destination format * TrueHD tracks without AC3 core can be converted to TrueHD/AC3 now * demuxing a single-part Blu-Ray title keeps the original "TrueHD/AC3" data * demuxing a multi-part Blu-Ray title automatically redoes the AC3 substream * added workaround for Blu-Ray playlists with multiple last "invalid" parts * fixed: "-check" didn't work for LPCM tracks v2.58 * h264 parser rewritten: framerate, pulldown etc is detected reliably now * h264 pulldown is automatically removed from progressive movie sources now * h264 pulldown removal can be disabled by using "-keepPulldown" * h264 muxing now fully supports streams with mixed 23.976 and 29.970 content * h264 1920x1088 bitstream is now automatically patched/cropped to 1920x1080 * h264 filler data is now already removed during demuxing * h264 sources with funny framerates (e.g. HD) are patched to 25fps now * mixed video/movie h264 streams are now always muxed with 29.970 timestamps * speedup/slowdown now changes framerate information in the h264 bitstream * options "-24p", "-60i" and "-30p" are no longer supported * fixed Blu-Ray seamless branching subtitle remuxing * added workaround for Blu-Ray playlists with a last small "invalid" m2ts part * bitdepth analyzation is now done for decoded FLAC, WAV, PCM, DTS MA, too * bitrate is now also reported for FLAC, WAV and PCM tracks * when encoding AC3, DTS or AAC, the encoding bitrate is reported * fixed: v2.57 incorrectly decoded 16bit TrueHD tracks to 24bit FLAC/WAV/RAW * (M2)TS discontinuities before the first unit start are ignored now * new option "-progressnumbers" replaces progress bar with percentage numbers v2.57 * added automated support for Nero AAC command line encoder * added "quality=0.xx" (0.00 - 0.99) parameter to control AAC encoder quality * added Nero AAC encoder check to the "-test" list * "-test" checks whether a new Haali Matroska Muxer version is available * "-test" checks whether a new MkvToolnix release build is available * "-test" checks whether a new MkvToolnix beta build is available * "-test" checks whether a new Nero AAC encoder version is available * added TRP container support (TS files without PMT/PAT) * parameter "-extensible" is no longer supported (it's default now) * new parameter "-simple" can be used to disable the "-extensible" wav header * decoded TrueHD tracks: bitdepth is now automatically analyzed in more detail * option "-analyzeBitdepth" manually activates extended bitdepth analyzation * DVB subtitle tracks are listed now - can't be demuxed, though * option "-check" doesn't fail on DTS Express tracks, anymore v2.56 * fixed: processing aborted when a VC-1 sequence end code was found v2.55 * AAC bitstream parser added * AAC auto detection added * AAC bitstream delay added * AAC bitstream gap/overlap correction added * AAC decoding (Nero & Sonic) added * old MP2 parser now "officially" and properly supports MP1, MP2 and MP3 * MP3 decoding (libav & Nero) added * added support for MPEG Audio version 2 and version 2.5 * added (limited) support for ID3, APE and LYRICS tags in MP3 and AAC tracks * improved VOB/EVO audio delay detection algorithm * detection and automatic skipping of invalid vob units * options "-60i" and "-24p" are no longer supported for MPEG2 video * improved detection of MPEG2 framerate / pulldown state / mode * improved MPEG2 muxing warnings * several bugs in MPEG2 video muxing fixed * fixed interlaced VC-1 muxing with user data (Nine Inch Nails) v2.54 * VC-1 pulldown removal rewritten (comparable to vc1conv 0.4, but faster) * VC-1 pulldown removal is activated by default * VC-1 pulldown removal can be manually deactivated by "-keepPulldown" option * VC-1 pulldown removal is also available and activated when muxing to MKV now * fixed Blu-Ray subtitle demuxing for seamless branching movies * better task separation when doing multiple operations with an audio track v2.53 * Blu-Ray PGS subtitle demuxing support added * added support for EVO/VOB subtitles which begin very late in the file * MPEG2 video muxing doesn't rely on GOP headers, anymore * all (M2)TS discontinuities are now reported with exact file position * fixed: reading language information from TS files didn't work correctly v2.52 * fixed muxing of MPEG2 broadcasts where "temporal_reference" overruns * MPEG2 bitstream headers are now updated correctly when speedup is performed * MPEG2 bitstream headers are now updated correctly when slowdown is performed * MPEG2 bitstream headers are now updated correctly when pulldown is removed * pulldown removal is now automatically disabled for MPEG2 broadcasts * AC3WAV (SPDIF formatted) support added v2.51 * DTS Express bitstream parser added * DTS Express auto detection added * DTS Express bitstream delay added * DTS Express bitstream gap/overlap correction added * DTS Express decoding (Nero & ArcSoft) added * fixed: 6.1 -> 7.1 channel doubling resulted in wrong channel order * added (undocum.) option "-no7doubling" to disable 6.1 -> 7.1 channel doubling * DTS tracks with funny speaker settings are displayed as "7.1 (strange setup)" * warning is displayed when decoding "7.1 (strange setup)" tracks with ArcSoft v2.50 * ArcSoft DTS Decoder DLL is now directly accessed instead of using DirectShow v2.49 * DTS parser sets correct channel mask now * DTS-HD parser now properly detects format, channels and samplerate * added support for ArcSoft DTS(-HD) Decoder * added several tweaks to make ArcSoft Decoder behave correctly * added ArcSoft test to the "-test" processing * made ArcSoft Decoder default for DTS and DTS-HD decoding v2.48 * 96kHz LPCM tracks in (M2)TS and EVO/VOB containers didn't work correctly * "Applying (E-)AC3 delay" now only shows if the bitstream is actually modified * fixed crash in MP2 reader when checking some PCM tracks * added support for MLP formats 13 - 16 * improved/corrected MLP channel descriptions * MLP parser sets correct channel mask * added proper channel remaps for libav MLP decoding of "funny" channel formats * added proper channel remaps for Nero MLP decoding of "funny" channel formats * added proper channel remaps for Nero AC3 decoding of "funny" channel formats * when doubling 7th channel the channel mask is set correctly now * channel mask is corrected if a decoder doesn't output all channels * channel mask is corrected if channel downmixing is performed v2.47 * improved detection of AC3/DTS tracks in TS/M2TS container * added support for Blu-Ray style LPCM tracks in TS container * fixed 44.1kHz AC3 tracks * fixed crazy audio delay values when no video track was detected * sometimes video/audio tracks were not properly detected in (M2)TS container * MPEG2 demuxing/remuxing incorrectly output the first sequence headers twice * sequence end codes are removed when demuxing video now, too * MPEG2 pulldown removal is automatically activated only for EVO HD sources now * MPEG2 pulldown removal can be manually activated by using "-stripPulldown" * MPEG2 pulldown removal can be disabled by using "-keepPulldown" v2.46 * MPEG2 muxing now fully supports streams with mixed 23.976 and 29.970 content * mixed video/movie MPEG2 streams are now always muxed with 29.970 timestamps * if a movie MPEG2 stream goes video, processing is automatically restarted * MPEG2 pulldown is now automatically removed whenever an MPEG2 stream is read * new option "-keepPulldown" can be used to disable MPEG2 pulldown removal * corrected default WAV channel masks for 4.0, 6.1 and 7.1 * added proper channel remaps for libav AC3 decoding of "funny" channel formats * added general channel mask support * WAV parser reads channel mask from extensible header * (E-)AC3 parser sets correct channel mask v2.45 * Blu-Ray angles are now reported as separate titles * duplicate playlists are not listed in the "folder view", anymore * reduced TrueHD and RAW/PCM gap/overlap threshold to 7ms * reduced (E-)AC3 gap/overlap threshold to 60% of the runtime of one audio frame * reduced MP2 gap/overlap threshold to 60% of the runtime of one MP2 frame * reduced DTS threshold to 60% of the runtime of one DTS frame, but at least 7ms * fixed: Blu-Ray chapter export sometimes wrote incorrect "00:00:00.000" items * improved handling of MPEG2 streams (changes from interlaced to progressive) * video information now shows "with pulldown flags", if applicable * removed "-ignoreDiscon" from help; hint is shown when a discontinuity occurs * added "-ignoreEncrypt" option; hint is shown when a source is encrypted * new option "-extensible" creates WAV files with a slightly different header * fixed some smaller bugs v2.44 * libav is now automatically used when Nero/Sonic decoders are not working * gap/overlap correction of RAW/PCM tracks sometimes aborted * rerunning de/remuxing to correct gaps/overlaps ignored RAW/PCM tracks * "lossless check failed" messages are surpressed on join points now v2.43 * added automatic Blu-Ray playlist parsing * added support for multi part (e.g. seamless branching) Blu-Ray titles * audio gap/overlap detection rewrite completed * added audio gap/overlap correction functionality * added Blu-Ray chapter support * log lines are now prefixed with a track identifier * RAW/PCM delay is used instead of bitstream delay, if possible * fixed: video framecount was missing v2.42 * added support for 16bit DTSWAV files * fixed: Blu-Ray TrueHD support was broken v2.41 * added full MP2 (MPEG2 audio) support including decoding + bitstream delay * added TS/M2TS runtime detection * improved VOB/EVO runtime detection * added TrueHD gap/overlap detection * audio gap/overlap detection logic rewritten (not complete yet) * fixed: log file option didn't work correctly * fixed: some DTS tracks in PAL TS broadcasts weren't detected correctly * fixed: some E-AC3 tracks in PAL TS broadcasts weren't detected correctly v2.40 * video framecount is now also shown for TS/M2TS demuxing/remuxing * "-check" option added to check container for corruption * TS/M2TS: discontinuity check sometimes fired false alarms * HD DVD subtitle language/description was not always correct * title listing is only shown if there are at least 2 titles * if there is only one title, the title is automatically selected * TS/M2TS audio delay detection was broken * improved audio delay detection for broadcasts and badly mastered discs * TS/M2TS video demuxing could eventually add some invalid data * new option "log=c:\whatever\log.txt" specifies the log file path/name v2.39 * simple audio transcoding was broken v2.38 * fixed file path handling bug v2.37 * added HD DVD chapter support * added HD DVD subtitle demuxing support * added pre-freeze detection for Haali Matroska Muxer bug * invalid characters are removed from file names now * log file is copied to destination path (of first destination file) v2.36 * TS/M2TS: discontinuity is only checked for tracks which are de- or remuxed * TS/M2TS: "-demux" creates both a "thd" and an "ac3" file for "thd/ac3" tracks * TS/M2TS: "eac3to source.m2ts movie.mkv" transcodes "thd/ac3" tracks to FLAC * M2TS: track language is displayed (if the file "xxxxx.clpi" is available) * TS: track language is displayed (if the source file contains this info) * video gaps/overlaps in the last 5 seconds of the movie are ignored now v2.35 * fixed broken EVO support v2.34 * TS/M2TS: fixed PAT/PMT reading bug * TS/M2TS: new "-ignoreDiscon" option makes eac3to ignore discontinuity errors v2.33 * added full TS and M2TS support (file joining not supported yet, though) * further improved "-demux" file names * help text and HD DVD track listing is now also written to the log v2.32 * added automatic "VPLST000.XPL" and "HVA00001.VTI" parsing * "eac3to" or "eac3to ." inside of a HD DVD folder lists all title sets * "eac3to someHdDvdMovieFolder" lists all title sets * "eac3to someHdDvdMovieFolder whatever.mkv" converts the longest title set * "eac3to someHdDvdMovieFolder x) whatever.mkv" converts the selected title set * EVO report now contains the EVO display name (if "VPLST000.XPL" is available) * added language to EVO audio track listing (if "VPLST000.XPL" is available) * added EVO audio track display names (if "VPLST000.XPL" is available) * sequence end codes are stripped from VC-1, MPEG2 and h264/AVC * put "-stripPulldown" option back in on request * option "-demux" now writes to "current directory" instead of source directory * option "-demux" now creates files with meaningful names * doing "eac3to src.evo dst.mkv" now creates audio files with meaningful names * doing "eac3to src.evo dst.mkv" writes the audio files to same path as the MKV * after successful (erroneous) processing "success.wav" (error.wav) is played v2.31 * DTSWAV input support added * fixed bitstream delaying of 96khz DTS tracks * improved DTS runtime calculation * fixed DTS audio gap/overlap correction for strange DTS formats * fixed E-AC3 audio gap/overlap correction for strange bitrates * fixed incorrect MKV "default duration" when using "-24p" or "-30p" * fixed incorrect MKV "default duration" when using "-slowdown" or "-speedup" * improved support for "open bitrate" DTS files * slightly improved automatic (E-)AC3 delaying exactness v2.30 * fixed wrong MPEG2 framerate (bug introduced in v2.29) v2.29 * added automatic audio gap/overlap correction for (E-)AC3, DTS(-HD) and LPCM * options "-slowdown" and "-speedup" can now also be used for video muxing * added support for muxing of EVO's secondary video track to MKV * added "-24p", "-30p" and "-60i" options to overwrite detected h264 framerate * fixed some MPEG2 muxing problems * temporarily disabled "-stripPulldown" because vc1conv 0.3 is better v2.28 * new "-seekToIFrames" switch makes Basic Instinct (h264) muxing work v2.27 * fixed h264/AVC muxing crash with some movies (due to too high RAM usage) * fixed missing frames at the end of the movie when doing h264/AVC muxing * fixed non-working "eac3to -test" v2.26 * Haali Splitter replaced with internal splitter for EVO h264/AVC tracks * external raw h264/AVC tracks can now be muxed directly to Matroska * timestamps for h264/AVC MKV videos don't need to be rewritten, anymore * gaps/overlaps in h264/AVC track of EVO files are detected now * h264 aspect ratio is detected and written into MKV now * Haali Media Splitter is not being used at all, anymore * mkvtoolnix is not being used at all, anymore * added detection for MPEG2 interlaced -> progressive mode change * workaround for eacGui bug v2.25 * fixed MPEG2 muxing for interlaced content v2.24 * Haali Splitter replaced with internal splitter for EVO MPEG2 tracks * external raw MPEG2 tracks can now be muxed directly to Matroska * timestamps for MPEG2 MKV videos don't need to be rewritten, anymore * gaps/overlaps in MPEG2 track of EVO files are detected now * VC-1 and MPEG2 aspect ratios are detected and written into MKV now * fixed bug with "-down2" option v2.23 * fixed bug which made some DTS tracks appear dirty although they weren't * fixed extremely big gap detection with Fantastic Four 2 * fixed non cleaned up gaps file bug v2.22 * gap/overlap logic changed completely (optional two pass muxing now) * "-ignoreGaps" parameter is gone v2.21 * latest libav MLP/TrueHD decoder fixes "lossless check failed" bug * latest libav MLP/TrueHD decoder supports & decodes 7.1 TrueHD tracks * Matroska muxing speed dramatically improved * eac3to now detects and handles E-AC3 7.1 tracks correctly * option "-core" extracts 5.1 core from E-AC3 7.1 tracks * added support for small DTS files (< 300kb) v2.20 * changed VC-1 muxing method to fix problems with several movies, e.g. - Unforgiven - Phantom of the Opera - Million Dollar Baby - Fantastic Four 2 * fps value is now also added to MKV header when muxing raw VC-1 stream * added new "-skip" option to skip corruption in the beginning of an EVO file * added extra handling which fixes some EVO authoring bugs v2.19 * fixed h264 bitstream parsing of framerate information format * fixed (again) muxing of some rare VC-1 titles like e.g. POTO USA v2.18 * fixed bug which stopped eac3to v2.15-17 from working on some PCs * fixed h264 bitstream parsing bug (Sum of all Fears) * fps value is added to MKV header now * relaxed VC-1 gap detection once more * TrueHD decoding to stdout fixed (always output as 24 bit now) v2.17 * fixed VC-1 pulldown removal * VC-1 pulldown removal must now be activated by the new option "-stripPulldown" * improved VC-1 gap/overlap detection * new option "-ignoreGaps" disables VC-1 gap/overlap detection * libav E-AC3 decoder background decoding removed again v2.16 * fixed "eac3to -test" crash * fixed "eac3to some.ddp some.wav" crash * made video gap/overlap detection a little more relaxed * WAV header is initialized to 4GB instead of 0GB (for stdout) * fixed incorrect "primary/secondary" text v2.15 * Haali Splitter replaced with internal splitter for EVO VC-1 tracks * external raw VC-1 tracks can now be muxed directly to Matroska * timestamps for VC-1 MKV videos don't need to be rewritten, anymore * some problematic VC-1 movies should mux fine to MKV now (e.g. POTO USA) * gaps/overlaps in VC-1 track of EVO files are detected and displayed now * pulldown can be removed from external raw VC-1 tracks now * pulldown is automatically removed when demuxing EVO VC-1 tracks now * updated to the latest revision of the libav E-AC3 decoder * some minor changes and bugfixes v2.14 * libav TrueHD decoder "end of stream" bug should be fixed now * fixed libav DTS decoder - subwoofer channels is properly decoded now, too * patched libav DTS decoder to output full 24 bit * updated to the latest revision of the libav E-AC3 decoder * when decoding E-AC3 with Nero, libav decoding is also executed at the same time v2.13 * added option to downmix multi channel audio to stereo * added support for VC-1 custom aspect ratios * added stdout output support v2.12 (thanks to Ron/drmpeg for all his help) * video resolution, framerate and mode (progressive/interlaced) are displayed * rewriting timestamps should now always write the correct framerate * after a full EVO/VOB processing the number of video frames is shown * EVO 16 bit and 24 bit LPCM demuxing supported now (need samples for 20 bit) * (E-)AC3 bitstream can be delayed now (similar to delaycut) * DTS bitstream can be delayed now (similar to delaycut) * DTS-HD High-Res and Master Audio bitstream can be delayed now * when demuxing bitstream audio tracks from EVO delay is automatically applied * some little bugs fixed v2.11 * libav E-AC3 decoding is without DRC now * libav AC3 decoding added (without DRC) * libav E-AC3 and AC3 decoding hacked to return full 24 bit * fixed: delay was not applied for lossless audio tracks * fixed crash when parsing PCM files without doing any conversion * TrueHD dialnorm was displayed incorrectly * changed 23.976 to 24/1.001 * fixed some more minor bugs v2.10 * fixed crash which occurred when doing "EVO/VOB -> Surcode DTS encoding" * "eac3to source.evo movie.mkv" syntax replaces "-auto" option * "eac3to 1.evo+2.evo movie.evo" syntax supported now for simple EVO/VOB joining v2.09 * EVO demuxing added with proper delays for all audio tracks * EVO file joining/rebuilding added * automated EVO video remuxing (Matroska) added * automated rewriting of Matroska timestamps to 24p via mkvtoolnix added * multiple operations on the source file can now be run at the same time * switch "-test" tests all external DirectShow filters and tools * latest ffmpeg/libav TrueHD and E-AC3 decoder patches included * latest libAften build included * libav TrueHD decoder is now the default decoder for TrueHD/MLP * support for libav DTS decoding added * fixed a whole lot of bugs (and might have added a few new ones) v2.08 * fixed: bitdepth reducer sometimes crashed when being fed a PCM file * fixed: FLAC encoder sometimes crashed when delay was applied * fixed: some TrueHD files were dithered/processed by Nero when they shouldn't * fixed: Surcode 1.0.29 encoding automation * fixed: source file was deleted when source and dest file names were identical * eac3to output is now always written to "log.txt" * when a crash occurs, "log.txt" is added to the bug report * improved help text + hints slightly * undocumented switch "-check16bit" added * undocumented switch "-mono" added v2.07 * fixed libAV MLP decoding support * added automatic MLP ID20 channel remapping * Surcode 1.0.29 (or newer) home directory detection added v2.06 * doing FLAC -> FLAC now copies metadata from source to destination file * MLP files are correctly decoded now (by both Nero and libav/ffmpeg) * runtime for padded DTS files is shown correctly now v2.05 * added support for libav/ffmpeg decoding of TrueHD/MLP and E-AC3 * added "-libav" switch to force libav decoding v2.04 * don't need, anymore * don't need Nero Splitter, anymore * don't need Sonic HD Demuxer, anymore * replaced hacked DirectShow feeding with a cleaner approach * added support for DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 tracks (only 5.1 decoding) * little performance boost for PAL speedup/down on DualCore CPUs * fixed some bugs v2.03 * new "-debug" switch added v2.02 * fixed: automatic registering of the dtsac3source filter crashed v2.01 * fixed: AC3 encoding sometimes crashed when being fed 24 bit audio data * fixed: AC3 encoded files were invalid when being fed 24 bit audio data * eac3toGUI didn't work with eac3to v2.0 * "eac3to source.ac3 dest.ac3 -slowdown" didn't do anything useful * when a crash occurs, the bug report is automatically copied to clipboard now * some minor cosmetic improvements v2.00 totally new features * AC3 decoding support (Nero's decoder without DRC/dialnorm) * resampling to 44.1/48/96 kHz (by using "r8brain") * apply/reverse PAL speedup (by using "r8brain") * "eac3to sourceFile" will print out source file details strongly enhanced features * dramatically improved performance (no intermediate files, anymore!) * proper 6.1/7.1 downmixing to 5.1 instead of just dropping the back surround channels * RAW/PCM file detection now auto detects channels, bitdepth and endian * WAV is now fully supported as source file format * destination file extension "PCM" creates Blu-Ray style LPCM tracks * bitdepth can be reduced to anything between 14 bits and 23 bits DTS related improvements/changes * DTS-96/24 support added * "open bitrate" support added * strange channel configuration support added * removal of zero padding from DTS files added * eac3to can fix broken DTS-ES files (they decode to 5.1 instead of 6.1 without the fix) * dialog normalization can be removed without removing the additional DTS-HD data now * core extraction must be specifically asked for now (see "-core" switch) AC3 related improvements * did I mention that eac3to can decode AC3 now? * strange channel configuration support added TrueHD related improvements * delay problem (hopefully) solved * fixed: sometimes some audio data in the middle of a track was lost * TrueHD/AC3 interweaved file can be stripped to TrueHD only now various minor improvements/changes * progress bar added * eac3to detects file format independently of file extension * multiple input files can be treated as one big file * "sox" is not needed, anymore * "dump" filter not needed, anymore * "aften.exe" replaced by "libAften.dll" * "flac.exe" replaced by "libFlac.dll" * DTS/DD+/AC3 source filter ships with eac3to now * 8bit support added * crash analyzer and bug reporting added v1.23 * bugfix: sometimes TrueHD decoding resulted in incorrect sampling rate v1.22 * 6.1 -> 7.1 channel doubling was sometimes incorrectly skipped * OS speaker settings now don't have to be 7.1, anymore * added detection of 5.1 output when 6.1 was expected * DTS and DTS-ES files are now forcefully patched to 24 bit by eac3to (workaround for Sonic decoder) * Sonic Audio Decoder is now always used by default for DTS decoding v1.21 * bugfix: 2 channel DTS files were not accepted * added: DTS-ES 6.1 support * added: DTS-HD High Resolution Matrix 5.1 support * added: DTS-HD Master Audio 6.1 support v1.20 * bugfix: some Blu-Ray TrueHD tracks were not accepted * change: eac3to output text slightly improved v1.19 * bugfix: still some TrueHD files were not accepted ("The source file format is unknown") * added: FLAC supported as source/input file format now * added: full delay functionality v1.18 * bugfix: some TrueHD files were not accepted ("The source file format is unknown") * change: EVO files are not accepted as source files, anymore * added: detection and repacking of 16 bit TrueHD tracks * added: proper detection of "DTS-HD Master Audio" and "DTS-HD High Resolution" tracks * added: runtime information for "DTS-HD High Resolution" tracks * bugfix: bitrate information for "DTS-HD High Resolution" tracks * added: decoding of "DTS-HD Master Audio" tracks (Sonic) * added: decoding of "DTS-HD High Resolution" tracks (Sonic) * added: decoding of conventional DTS tracks (Sonic/Nero) v1.17 * TrueHD dialog normalization removal added v1.16 * added decoding support for Blu-Ray TrueHD files v1.15 * bugfixes v1.14 * DTS dialog normalization can be removed now * DTS core can be extracted from DTS-HD track now v1.13 * "eac3to src.ac3 dst.ac3" removes dialog normalization from AC3 files * "eac3to src.eac3 dst.eac3" removes dialog normalization from E-AC3 files * "eac3to dst.ac3" extracts the AC3 frames from a Blu-Ray TrueHD track and removes dialog normalization v1.12 * tools "flac.exe", "aften.exe" and "sox.exe" are now distributed in the eac3to zip * correct channel mapping for 7.1 LPCM tracks is default now * new option "-down6" allows downconverting of 7.1 tracks to 5.1 * modded "flac.exe" ships with eac3to now, which has no problems with 2GB file output, anymore v1.11 * bugfix: (L)PCM -> DTS encoding automation failed when source and destination folders differed * added: new "-allowDnr" switch allows Nero's audio decoder to apply DNR * added: new "-keepDialnorm" switch disables removal of E-AC3 dialnorm information v1.10 * E-AC3 dialog normalization detection and removal * DRC turned off for Nero E-AC3 decoder * Surcode automation improved * Nero is now the default E-AC3 and TrueHD decoder * the flag "/nero" is no more * there is a flag "/sonic" now to force the use of the Sonic filters v1.09 * multi channel mono wav output added * automated SurCode DTS encoding added * 24bit PCM handling works now (was buggy before) * "-blu-ray" option removed * with PCM input files "bigendian" is default now * with 5.1 PCM input blu-ray style channel remapping is default now * switches "-16" and "-24" are valid for both TrueHD and PCM input now * eac3to now creates the WAV files on its own instead of using sox * target extension ".wavs" results in one mono wav for each channel being created * SurCode DVD DTS encoding automation added * new options "-768" and "-1536" for DTS encoding * TrueHD output is not downconverted to 16bit by default, anymore * new option "-down16" downconverts the raw data from 24 -> 16 bit (not limited to TrueHD input) v1.08 * added PCM input support * automatic detection of PCM bitdepth added (16bit or 24bit) * "-blu-ray" switch remaps PCM channels correctly v1.07 * added "-8" switch for 8 channel support v1.06 * mono E-AC3 support added v1.05 * support for 5.1 TrueHD audio tracks added v1.04 * E-AC3 files bigger than 4GB are supported now v1.03 * AC3 files bigger than 2GB are supported now v1.02 * FLAC encoding works now without any input/output size limits v1.01 * support for FLAC encoding added * bitrate can be specified via command line parameter * ffdshow removed from the filter chain * "ddp" and "ec3" file extensions are accepted now, too * fix: "dd+" file extension didn't work correctly. v1.00 * initial release * can convert a 2.0 or 5.1 channel E-AC3 file to AC3.



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