
Oracle10g 2009-07-31 10:47:10

1. 请问RAM 与 ROM 的物理地址是相连的吗?
2. 如果是相连的,请问以下面的MAP.TXT为例再问:
a. 这台机的内存页显示的 RAM 是:
可用内存: 80MB
已用内存: 40MB
剩余内存: 40MB
803bf000 - 803bf000 L00000000 Start: start of RAM
803f0000 - 803f0000 L00000000 ------ start of RAM free space
803f0000 - 86400000 L06010000 NUL
86400000 - 86400000 L00000000 End: end of RAM
而从 MAP.TXT 里看可用内存从 Start of RAM 到 end of RAM (86400000 - 803bf000 = 6,041,000) 只有6M呀?这 6M 定义的是 PagePool 的空间?
b.请问贴底的MAP.TXT为例:这个"可用内存" 和 "剩余内存" 的物理地址范围在 MAP.TXT 内吗? 如果在,请问是从哪开始,到哪结束? ROM 的物理地址从哪开始,到哪结束?

3. 底下的 MAP.TXT 中:
a. 00000000 - 01f801fc 是什么地址? 是中断、设备的保留地址吗?
b. 01f801fc - 02000000 之间是什么地址? 比较了一下与 02000000 - 04000000 的内容相同
c. 02000000 - 04000000 之间 Virtual base address 是不是映射到 XIP.BIN ROM 上去的地址?
d. 04000000 - 80000000 之间为什么空了一大段?
e. 80000000 开始的 physical address 指的是 RAM 上的地址吗?

138 5 打赏 收藏 转发到动态 举报
5 条回复
lin415804 2011-03-21
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请问下:MAP.TXT 在哪里看?
会思考的草 2009-08-04
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如果ROM类型是NAND Flash,就不可能有物理地址,只有当ROM是NOR或者真正的ROM的时候才能像RAM一样接到地址线上。
memory model取决于你使用的wince的版本,6.0开始与以前的版本有天翻地覆的改变。
Oracle10g 2009-07-31
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8018713f - 80187cd8 L00000b99 NUL
80187cd8 - 80187d48 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=00002cac base=03ec6000 v5.2 tp9 diskcache.dll
80187d48 - 80187db8 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=0000f6b4 base=03eb3000 v5.2 tp9 fatfsd.dll
80187db8 - 80187e28 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=000065a8 base=03eaa000 v5.2 tp9 fatutil.dll
80187e28 - 80187e98 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=012f entrypt=00003994 base=00010000 v5.2 tp9 filesys.exe
80187e98 - 80187f08 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=000019f0 base=03e6a000 v5.2 tp9 cecompr.dll
80187f08 - 80187f78 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=000035b4 base=03e4c000 v5.2 tp9 ceddk.dll
80187f78 - 80187fe8 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=000039a4 base=03e43000 v5.2 tp9 datamover.dll
80187fe8 - 80187ff4 L0000000c modname cecompr.dll
80187ff4 - 80187ffe L0000000a modname ceddk.dll
80188000 - 80188158 L00000158 o32 region_2 rva=00005000 vsize=00000158 real=03ecb000 psize=00000158 f=40000040 for diskcache.dll
80188158 - 801887a0 L00000648 NUL
801887a0 - 801887f4 L00000054 rom_00 header: dlls=01f801fc-02000000 phys=80000000-803be714, 33 modules, 1 files, 5 copyentries ext=8000257c ram=803bf000-86400000 cputype=000001c2
801887f4 - 80188814 L00000020 modent 0 00000007 01c89fad98b1b200 310068 80001000 nk.exe
80188814 - 80188834 L00000020 modent 1 00000007 01c8805b99286600 8468 8004d000 hd.dll
80188834 - 80188854 L00000020 modent 2 00000007 01c8805b99286600 41796 80051000 osaxst0.dll
80188854 - 80188874 L00000020 modent 3 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 11696 8005c000 busenum.dll
80188874 - 80188894 L00000020 modent 4 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 33484 80060000 cachefilt.dll
80188894 - 801888b4 L00000020 modent 5 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 44980 80069000 certmod.dll
801888b4 - 801888d4 L00000020 modent 6 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 1088 80075000 device.exe
801888d4 - 801888f4 L00000020 modent 7 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 37084 80077000 devmgr.dll
801888f4 - 80188914 L00000020 modent 8 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 607888 80081000 coredll.dll
80188914 - 80188934 L00000020 modent 9 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 453644 80116000 crypt32.dll
80188934 - 80188954 L00000020 modent 10 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 9364 80185000 diskcache.dll
80188954 - 80188974 L00000020 modent 11 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 65304 80189000 fatfsd.dll
80188974 - 80188994 L00000020 modent 12 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 24724 8019a000 fatutil.dll
80188994 - 801889b4 L00000020 modent 13 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 252516 801a1000 filesys.exe
801889b4 - 801889d4 L00000020 modent 14 00000007 01c89fad97808500 4020 801e0000 cecompr.dll
801889d4 - 801889f4 L00000020 modent 15 00000007 01c89fad97808500 13980 801e2000 ceddk.dll
801889f4 - 80188a14 L00000020 modent 16 00000007 01c89fad97808500 13596 801e7000 datamover.dll
80188a14 - 80188a34 L00000020 modent 17 00000007 01c89fad97808500 25596 801ec000 FileDRMFilter.dll
80188a34 - 80188a54 L00000020 modent 18 00000007 01c89fad98b1b200 12600 801f4000 msm_time.dll
80188a54 - 80188a74 L00000020 modent 19 00000007 01c89fad98b1b200 91796 801f8000 nand.dll
80188a74 - 80188a94 L00000020 modent 20 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 79860 8020f000 fsdmgr.dll
80188a94 - 80188ab4 L00000020 modent 21 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 26236 80223000 fsreplxfilt.dll
80188ab4 - 80188ad4 L00000020 modent 22 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 37808 8022b000 imgfs.dll
80188ad4 - 80188af4 L00000020 modent 23 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 5280 80235000 initvmmap.exe
80188af4 - 80188b14 L00000020 modent 24 00000007 01c89fad98b1b200 64296 80238000 smem.dll
80188b14 - 80188b34 L00000020 modent 25 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 55060 8024a000 mencfilt.dll
80188b34 - 80188b54 L00000020 modent 26 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 18316 80258000 mspart.dll
80188b54 - 80188b74 L00000020 modent 27 00000007 01c89fad98b1b200 83844 8025e000 TrsTai_extension.dll
80188b74 - 80188b94 L00000020 modent 28 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 52428 80274000 pm.dll
80188b94 - 80188bb4 L00000020 modent 29 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 4424 80281000 regenum.dll
80188bb4 - 80188bd4 L00000020 modent 30 00000007 01c89fad98b1b200 18872 80283000 wce_pmem.dll
80188bd4 - 80188bf4 L00000020 modent 31 00000007 01c89fad98b1b200 13884 80288000 wce_rex.dll
80188bf4 - 80188c14 L00000020 modent 32 00000007 01c89fad98b1b200 1888 8028c000 wce_tramp.dll
80188c14 - 80188c30 L0000001c filent 0 00000007 01c93f4f0d9b0800 4062 4062 80385cec 723fb954-d931-4348-b672-82a188e587b5.dsm
80188c30 - 80188d64 L00000134 NUL
80188d64 - 80188dd4 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=000069a4 base=03e39000 v5.2 tp9 FileDRMFilter.dll
80188dd4 - 80188e44 L00000070 e32 struct 6 objs, img=212e entrypt=00001988 base=03e31000 v5.2 tp9 msm_time.dll
80188e44 - 80188eb4 L00000070 e32 struct 6 objs, img=212e entrypt=0000c104 base=03e14000 v5.2 tp9 nand.dll
80188eb4 - 80188f24 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=00011e5c base=03e94000 v5.2 tp9 fsdmgr.dll
80188f24 - 80188f94 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=00006874 base=03e8a000 v5.2 tp9 fsreplxfilt.dll
80188f94 - 80188ff4 L00000060 o32 struct hd.dll
80188ff4 - 80188ffd L00000009 modname nand.dll
80189000 - 8019842a L0000f42a o32 region_0 rva=00001000 vsize=0000f42a real=03eb4000 psize=0000f42c f=60000020 for fatfsd.dll
8019842c - 8019849c L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=00008e2c base=03e7e000 v5.2 tp9 imgfs.dll
8019849c - 8019850c L00000070 e32 struct 3 objs, img=012f entrypt=000011a0 base=00010000 v5.2 tp9 initvmmap.exe
8019850c - 8019857c L00000070 e32 struct 8 objs, img=212e entrypt=00009490 base=03df0000 v5.2 tp9 smem.dll
8019857c - 801985ec L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=0000cf74 base=03e6e000 v5.2 tp9 mencfilt.dll
801985ec - 8019865c L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=00004e28 base=03e62000 v5.2 tp9 mspart.dll
8019865c - 801986cc L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=00012304 base=03dd8000 v5.2 tp9 TrsTai_extension.dll
801986cc - 8019873c L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=00008ac8 base=03e53000 v5.2 tp9 pm.dll
8019873c - 801987ac L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=00001b48 base=03dbf000 v5.2 tp9 regenum.dll
801987ac - 8019881c L00000070 e32 struct 5 objs, img=212e entrypt=00004158 base=03dd0000 v5.2 tp9 wce_pmem.dll
8019881c - 8019888c L00000070 e32 struct 5 objs, img=212e entrypt=000026a0 base=03dc8000 v5.2 tp9 wce_rex.dll
8019888c - 801988fc L00000070 e32 struct 5 objs, img=212e entrypt=000012cc base=03dc3000 v5.2 tp9 wce_tramp.dll
801988fc - 801989a4 L000000a8 o32 struct nk.exe
801989a4 - 80198a04 L00000060 o32 struct osaxst0.dll
80198a04 - 80198a64 L00000060 o32 struct busenum.dll
80198a64 - 80198ac4 L00000060 o32 struct cachefilt.dll
80198ac4 - 80198b24 L00000060 o32 struct certmod.dll
80198b24 - 80198b84 L00000060 o32 struct devmgr.dll
80198b84 - 80198bfc L00000078 o32 struct coredll.dll
80198bfc - 80198c74 L00000078 o32 struct crypt32.dll
80198c74 - 80198cd4 L00000060 o32 struct diskcache.dll
80198cd4 - 80198d34 L00000060 o32 struct fatfsd.dll
80198d34 - 80198d94 L00000060 o32 struct fatutil.dll
80198d94 - 80198df4 L00000060 o32 struct filesys.exe
80198df4 - 80198e54 L00000060 o32 struct cecompr.dll
80198e54 - 80198eb4 L00000060 o32 struct ceddk.dll
80198eb4 - 80198f14 L00000060 o32 struct datamover.dll
80198f14 - 80198f74 L00000060 o32 struct FileDRMFilter.dll
80198f74 - 80198fd4 L00000060 o32 struct fsdmgr.dll
80198fd4 - 80198fe2 L0000000e modname datamover.dll
80198fe4 - 80198ff6 L00000012 modname FileDRMFilter.dll
80198ff6 - 80199000 L0000000a NUL
80199000 - 801996a8 L000006a8 o32 region_2 rva=00012000 vsize=000006a8 real=03ec5000 psize=000006a8 f=40000040 for fatfsd.dll
801996a8 - 80199738 L00000090 o32 struct msm_time.dll
80199738 - 801997c8 L00000090 o32 struct nand.dll
801997c8 - 80199828 L00000060 o32 struct fsreplxfilt.dll
80199828 - 80199888 L00000060 o32 struct imgfs.dll
80199888 - 80199948 L000000c0 o32 struct smem.dll
80199948 - 801999a8 L00000060 o32 struct mencfilt.dll
801999a8 - 80199a08 L00000060 o32 struct mspart.dll
80199a08 - 80199a68 L00000060 o32 struct TrsTai_extension.dll
80199a68 - 80199ac8 L00000060 o32 struct pm.dll
80199ac8 - 80199b28 L00000060 o32 struct regenum.dll
80199b28 - 80199ba0 L00000078 o32 struct wce_pmem.dll
80199ba0 - 80199c18 L00000078 o32 struct wce_rex.dll
80199c18 - 80199c90 L00000078 o32 struct wce_tramp.dll
80199c90 - 80199c9d L0000000d modname msm_time.dll
80199ca0 - 80199cab L0000000b modname fsdmgr.dll
80199cac - 80199cbc L00000010 modname fsreplxfilt.dll
80199cbc - 80199cc6 L0000000a modname imgfs.dll
80199cc8 - 80199cd6 L0000000e modname initvmmap.exe
80199cd8 - 80199ce1 L00000009 modname smem.dll
80199ce4 - 80199cf1 L0000000d modname mencfilt.dll
80199cf4 - 80199cff L0000000b modname mspart.dll
80199d00 - 80199d15 L00000015 modname TrsTai_extension.dll
80199d18 - 80199d24 L0000000c modname regenum.dll
80199d24 - 80199d31 L0000000d modname wce_pmem.dll
80199d34 - 80199d40 L0000000c modname wce_rex.dll
80199d40 - 80199d4e L0000000e modname wce_tramp.dll
80199d4e - 80199db4 L00000066 NUL
80199db4 - 80199ddd L00000029 filename 723fb954-d931-4348-b672-82a188e587b5.dsm
Oracle10g 2009-07-31
  • 打赏
  • 举报
80074000 - 800746f8 L000006f8 o32 region_2 rva=0000d000 vsize=000006f8 real=03fee000 psize=000006f8 f=40000040 for certmod.dll
800746f8 - 800748f8 L00000200 o32 region_1 rva=00007000 vsize=0000059c real=01ff6000 psize=00000200 f=c0000040 for fatutil.dll
800748f8 - 80074a14 L0000011c o32 region_1 rva=00005000 vsize=0000011c real=01fee000 psize=0000011c f=c0000040 for ceddk.dll
80074a14 - 80074a6c L00000058 o32 region_3 rva=00007000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000058 f=42000042 for ceddk.dll
80074a6c - 80074c6c L00000200 o32 region_1 rva=00005000 vsize=00002988 real=01feb000 psize=00000200 f=c0000040 for datamover.dll
80074c6c - 80074cec L00000080 o32 region_3 rva=00009000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000080 f=42000042 for datamover.dll
80074cec - 80074d78 L0000008c o32 region_1 rva=00008000 vsize=0000008c real=01fea000 psize=0000008c f=c0000040 for FileDRMFilter.dll
80074d78 - 80074f78 L00000200 o32 region_1 rva=00004000 vsize=00000a24 real=01fe8000 psize=00000200 f=c0000040 for msm_time.dll
80074f78 - 80074ff8 L00000080 o32 region_5 rva=00008000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000080 f=42000042 for msm_time.dll
80074ff8 - 80074fff L00000007 modname pm.dll
80075000 - 80075314 L00000314 o32 region_0 rva=00001000 vsize=00000314 real=00011000 psize=00000314 f=68000020 for device.exe
80075314 - 80075d14 L00000a00 o32 region_1 rva=0000b000 vsize=00003370 real=803ec000 psize=00000a00 f=c0000040 for osaxst0.dll
80075d14 - 80075e50 L0000013c o32 region_1 rva=00008000 vsize=0000013c real=01ff4000 psize=0000013c f=c0000040 for fsreplxfilt.dll
80075e50 - 80075ec8 L00000078 o32 region_3 rva=0000a000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000078 f=42000042 for fsreplxfilt.dll
80075ec8 - 80075f90 L000000c8 o32 region_3 rva=0000c000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=000000c8 f=42000042 for imgfs.dll
80075f90 - 80075fc0 L00000030 o32 region_4 rva=00021000 vsize=00000030 real=03e11000 psize=00000030 f=d0000040 for smem.dll
80075fc0 - 80075ff8 L00000038 o32 region_3 rva=00004000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000038 f=42000042 for regenum.dll
80075ff8 - 80076000 L00000008 NUL
80076000 - 80076030 L00000030 o32 region_2 rva=00003000 vsize=00000030 real=00013000 psize=00000030 f=48000040 for device.exe
80076030 - 80076a30 L00000a00 o32 region_1 rva=0007c000 vsize=00000ca8 real=01ffc000 psize=00000a00 f=c0000040 for coredll.dll
80076a30 - 80076d50 L00000320 o32 region_5 rva=0001d000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000320 f=42000042 for nand.dll
80076d50 - 80076f04 L000001b4 o32 region_1 rva=0000a000 vsize=000001b4 real=01ff3000 psize=000001b4 f=c0000040 for imgfs.dll
80076f04 - 80076f9c L00000098 o32 region_1 rva=00006000 vsize=00000098 real=01ff0000 psize=00000098 f=c0000040 for mspart.dll
80076f9c - 80076fe0 L00000044 o32 region_3 rva=00008000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000044 f=42000042 for mspart.dll
80076fe0 - 80076fec L0000000c modname busenum.dll
80076fec - 80076ffa L0000000e modname cachefilt.dll
80076ffa - 80077000 L00000006 NUL
80077000 - 8007f70f L0000870f o32 region_0 rva=00001000 vsize=0000870f real=03ecd000 psize=00008710 f=68000020 for devmgr.dll
8007f710 - 8007ff10 L00000800 o32 region_1 rva=00017000 vsize=00002d90 real=01fe4000 psize=00000800 f=c0000040 for nand.dll
8007ff10 - 8007ffa4 L00000094 o32 region_1 rva=00002000 vsize=00000094 real=01fce000 psize=00000094 f=c0000040 for regenum.dll
8007ffa4 - 8007ffe0 L0000003c o32 region_1 rva=00002000 vsize=0000003c real=01fcf000 psize=0000003c f=c0000040 for wce_tramp.dll
8007ffe0 - 8007ffec L0000000c modname certmod.dll
8007ffec - 8007fff7 L0000000b modname device.exe
8007fff7 - 80080000 L00000009 NUL
80080000 - 800804f8 L000004f8 o32 region_2 rva=0000b000 vsize=000004f8 real=03ed7000 psize=000004f8 f=48000040 for devmgr.dll
800804f8 - 80080e0c L00000914 o32 region_3 rva=00006000 vsize=00000914 real=03e37000 psize=00000914 f=d0000040 for msm_time.dll
80080e0c - 80080ff4 L000001e8 o32 region_1 rva=0000e000 vsize=000001e8 real=01ff2000 psize=000001e8 f=c0000040 for mencfilt.dll
80080ff4 - 80080fff L0000000b modname devmgr.dll
80081000 - 800fb47c L0007a47c o32 region_0 rva=00001000 vsize=0007a47c real=03f4b000 psize=0007a47c f=60000020 for coredll.dll
800fb47c - 800fbfec L00000b70 o32 region_4 rva=00072000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000b70 f=42000042 for crypt32.dll
800fbfec - 800fbff8 L0000000c modname coredll.dll
800fbff8 - 800fc000 L00000008 NUL
800fc000 - 80101410 L00005410 o32 region_2 rva=0007d000 vsize=00005410 real=03fc7000 psize=00005410 f=40000040 for coredll.dll
80101410 - 80101800 L000003f0 o32 region_1 rva=00014000 vsize=000003f0 real=01ff5000 psize=000003f0 f=c0000040 for fsdmgr.dll
80101800 - 80101bb4 L000003b4 o32 region_3 rva=00016000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=000003b4 f=42000042 for fsdmgr.dll
80101bb4 - 80101db4 L00000200 o32 region_1 rva=00003000 vsize=00000381 real=00013000 psize=00000200 f=c0000040 for initvmmap.exe
80101db4 - 80101fb4 L00000200 o32 region_2 rva=00011000 vsize=0000e4d8 real=01fd4000 psize=00000200 f=c0000040 for smem.dll
80101fb4 - 80101fe0 L0000002c o32 region_4 rva=00005000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=0000002c f=42000042 for wce_tramp.dll
80101fe0 - 80101fec L0000000c modname crypt32.dll
80101fec - 80101ffa L0000000e modname diskcache.dll
80101ffa - 80102000 L00000006 NUL
80102000 - 80115394 L00013394 o32 region_3 rva=00083000 vsize=00013394 real=03fcd000 psize=00013394 f=40000040 for coredll.dll
80115394 - 801156d0 L0000033c o32 region_7 rva=00024000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=0000033c f=42000042 for smem.dll
801156d0 - 801158b0 L000001e0 o32 region_3 rva=00010000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=000001e0 f=42000042 for mencfilt.dll
801158b0 - 80115a3c L0000018c o32 region_1 rva=00015000 vsize=0000018c real=01fd3000 psize=0000018c f=c0000040 for TrsTai_extension.dll
80115a3c - 80115b9c L00000160 o32 region_3 rva=00018000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000160 f=42000042 for TrsTai_extension.dll
80115b9c - 80115e00 L00000264 o32 region_3 rva=0000f000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000264 f=4a000042 for pm.dll
80115e00 - 80115ec4 L000000c4 o32 region_1 rva=00005000 vsize=000000c4 real=01fd2000 psize=000000c4 f=c0000040 for wce_pmem.dll
80115ec4 - 80115f64 L000000a0 o32 region_4 rva=00008000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=000000a0 f=42000042 for wce_pmem.dll
80115f64 - 80115fd4 L00000070 e32 struct 7 objs, img=012e entrypt=000053ec base=80000000 v5.2 tp9 nk.exe
80115fd4 - 80115fdf L0000000b modname fatfsd.dll
80115fe0 - 80115fec L0000000c modname fatutil.dll
80115fec - 80115ff8 L0000000c modname filesys.exe
80115ff8 - 80116000 L00000008 NUL
80116000 - 8017ea99 L00068a99 o32 region_0 rva=00001000 vsize=00068a99 real=03ed9000 psize=00068a9c f=60000020 for crypt32.dll
8017ea9c - 8017ebe0 L00000144 o32 region_3 rva=00007000 vsize=00000144 real=03dcf000 psize=00000144 f=d0000040 for wce_rex.dll
8017ebe0 - 8017eca4 L000000c4 o32 region_4 rva=00008000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=000000c4 f=42000042 for wce_rex.dll
8017eca4 - 8017ef44 L000002a0 NUL
8017ef44 - 8017efb4 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=00001894 base=8004c000 v5.2 tp9 hd.dll
8017efb4 - 8017effc L00000048 o32 struct device.exe
8017effc - 8017f000 L00000004 NUL
8017f000 - 80182368 L00003368 o32 region_2 rva=0006c000 vsize=00003368 real=03f44000 psize=00003368 f=40000040 for crypt32.dll
80182368 - 80182b68 L00000800 o32 region_1 rva=0000d000 vsize=0000084d real=01fef000 psize=00000800 f=c8000040 for pm.dll
80182b68 - 80182c38 L000000d0 NUL
80182c38 - 80182ca8 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=00001cd4 base=80050000 v5.2 tp9 osaxst0.dll
80182ca8 - 80182d18 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=000034f4 base=03ffa000 v5.2 tp9 busenum.dll
80182d18 - 80182d88 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=00007cac base=03fef000 v5.2 tp9 cachefilt.dll
80182d88 - 80182df8 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=0000aa60 base=03fe1000 v5.2 tp9 certmod.dll
80182df8 - 80182e68 L00000070 e32 struct 3 objs, img=012f entrypt=00001048 base=00010000 v5.2 tp9 device.exe
80182e68 - 80182ed8 L00000070 e32 struct 4 objs, img=212e entrypt=00008df8 base=03ecc000 v5.2 tp9 devmgr.dll
80182ed8 - 80182f48 L00000070 e32 struct 5 objs, img=212e entrypt=00007800 base=03f4a000 v5.2 tp9 coredll.dll
80182f48 - 80182fb8 L00000070 e32 struct 5 objs, img=212e entrypt=00067c8c base=03ed8000 v5.2 tp9 crypt32.dll
80182fb8 - 80183000 L00000048 o32 struct initvmmap.exe
80183000 - 801841b0 L000011b0 o32 region_3 rva=00070000 vsize=000011b0 real=03f48000 psize=000011b0 f=40000040 for crypt32.dll
801841b0 - 801847b0 L00000600 o32 region_1 rva=00004000 vsize=00001781 real=01fd0000 psize=00000600 f=c0000040 for wce_rex.dll
801847b0 - 80184fb0 L00000800 NUL
80184fb0 - 80184fc0 L00000010 copyent 80067814 L00000600 -> 803eb000 L00000954
80184fc0 - 80184fd0 L00000010 copyent 8005f208 L00000a00 -> 803c6000 L00023528
80184fd0 - 80184fe0 L00000010 copyent 8005e970 L00000070 -> 803bf000 L00000070
80184fe0 - 80184ff0 L00000010 copyent 8005e9e0 L0000016c -> 803ea000 L0000016c
80184ff0 - 80185000 L00000010 copyent 80075314 L00000a00 -> 803ec000 L00003370
80185000 - 8018713f L0000213f o32 region_0 rva=00001000 vsize=0000213f real=03ec7000 psize=00002140 f=60000020 for diskcache.dll
Oracle10g 2009-07-31
  • 打赏
  • 举报
00000000 - 01f801fc L01f801fc NUL
01f801fc - 01f801fc L00000000 Start: first DLL address
01f801fc - 01fce000 L0004de04 NUL
01fce000 - 01fcf000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 regenum.dll*
01fcf000 - 01fd0000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 wce_tramp.dll
01fd0000 - 01fd2000 L00002000 initialized data of region_1 wce_rex.dll
01fd2000 - 01fd3000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 wce_pmem.dll
01fd3000 - 01fd4000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 TrsTai_extension.dll
01fd4000 - 01fe3000 L0000f000 initialized data of region_2 smem.dll
01fe3000 - 01fe4000 L00001000 initialized data of region_6 smem.dll
01fe4000 - 01fe7000 L00003000 initialized data of region_1 nand.dll
01fe7000 - 01fe8000 L00001000 initialized data of region_4 nand.dll
01fe8000 - 01fe9000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 msm_time.dll
01fe9000 - 01fea000 L00001000 initialized data of region_4 msm_time.dll
01fea000 - 01feb000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 FileDRMFilter.dll
01feb000 - 01fee000 L00003000 initialized data of region_1 datamover.dll
01fee000 - 01fef000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 ceddk.dll
01fef000 - 01ff0000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 pm.dll*
01ff0000 - 01ff1000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 mspart.dll
01ff1000 - 01ff2000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 cecompr.dll
01ff2000 - 01ff3000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 mencfilt.dll
01ff3000 - 01ff4000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 imgfs.dll
01ff4000 - 01ff5000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 fsreplxfilt.dll
01ff5000 - 01ff6000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 fsdmgr.dll
01ff6000 - 01ff7000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 fatutil.dll
01ff7000 - 01ff8000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 fatfsd.dll
01ff8000 - 01ff9000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 diskcache.dll
01ff9000 - 01ffa000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 devmgr.dll
01ffa000 - 01ffc000 L00002000 initialized data of region_1 crypt32.dll
01ffc000 - 01ffd000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 coredll.dll
01ffd000 - 01ffe000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 certmod.dll
01ffe000 - 01fff000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 cachefilt.dll
01fff000 - 02000000 L00001000 initialized data of region_1 busenum.dll
02000000 - 02000000 L00000000 End: last DLL address
02000000 - 03dbf000 L01dbf000 NUL
03dbf000 - 03dc3000 L00004000 Virtual base address of regenum.dll
03dc3000 - 03dc8000 L00005000 Virtual base address of wce_tramp.dll
03dc8000 - 03dd0000 L00008000 Virtual base address of wce_rex.dll
03dd0000 - 03dd8000 L00008000 Virtual base address of wce_pmem.dll
03dd8000 - 03df0000 L00018000 Virtual base address of TrsTai_extension.dll
03df0000 - 03e14000 L00024000 Virtual base address of smem.dll
03e14000 - 03e31000 L0001d000 Virtual base address of nand.dll
03e31000 - 03e39000 L00008000 Virtual base address of msm_time.dll
03e39000 - 03e43000 L0000a000 Virtual base address of FileDRMFilter.dll
03e43000 - 03e4c000 L00009000 Virtual base address of datamover.dll
03e4c000 - 03e53000 L00007000 Virtual base address of ceddk.dll
03e53000 - 03e62000 L0000f000 Virtual base address of pm.dll
03e62000 - 03e6a000 L00008000 Virtual base address of mspart.dll
03e6a000 - 03e6e000 L00004000 Virtual base address of cecompr.dll
03e6e000 - 03e7e000 L00010000 Virtual base address of mencfilt.dll
03e7e000 - 03e8a000 L0000c000 Virtual base address of imgfs.dll
03e8a000 - 03e94000 L0000a000 Virtual base address of fsreplxfilt.dll
03e94000 - 03eaa000 L00016000 Virtual base address of fsdmgr.dll
03eaa000 - 03eb3000 L00009000 Virtual base address of fatutil.dll
03eb3000 - 03ec6000 L00013000 Virtual base address of fatfsd.dll
03ec6000 - 03ecc000 L00006000 Virtual base address of diskcache.dll
03ecc000 - 03ed8000 L0000c000 Virtual base address of devmgr.dll
03ed8000 - 03f4a000 L00072000 Virtual base address of crypt32.dll
03f4a000 - 03fe1000 L00097000 Virtual base address of coredll.dll
03fe1000 - 03fef000 L0000e000 Virtual base address of certmod.dll
03fef000 - 03ffa000 L0000b000 Virtual base address of cachefilt.dll
03ffa000 - 04000000 L00006000 Virtual base address of busenum.dll
04000000 - 80000000 L7c000000 NUL
80000000 - 80000000 L00000000 Start: first physical address
80000000 - 80001000 L00001000 RomLDR.PARTHDR
80001000 - 80048d64 L00047d64 o32 region_0 rva=00001000 vsize=00047d64 real=80001000 psize=00047d64 f=60000020 for nk.exe
80048d64 - 80049000 L0000029c NUL
80049000 - 8004b5b0 L000025b0 o32 region_3 rva=00049000 vsize=000025b0 real=80049000 psize=000025b0 f=40000040 for nk.exe
8004b5b0 - 8004d000 L00001a50 NUL
8004d000 - 8004e95d L0000195d o32 region_0 rva=00001000 vsize=0000195d real=8004d000 psize=00001960 f=60000020 for hd.dll
8004e95d - 8004f000 L000006a3 NUL
8004f000 - 8004f0a0 L000000a0 o32 region_2 rva=00003000 vsize=000000a0 real=8004f000 psize=000000a0 f=40000040 for hd.dll
8004f0a0 - 80051000 L00001f60 NUL
80051000 - 8005a424 L00009424 o32 region_0 rva=00001000 vsize=00009424 real=80051000 psize=00009424 f=60000020 for osaxst0.dll
8005a424 - 8005b000 L00000bdc NUL
8005b000 - 8005b2d8 L000002d8 o32 region_2 rva=0000b000 vsize=000002d8 real=8005b000 psize=000002d8 f=40000040 for osaxst0.dll
8005b2d8 - 8005c000 L00000d28 NUL
8005c000 - 8005e96d L0000296d o32 region_0 rva=00001000 vsize=0000296d real=03ffb000 psize=00002970 f=60000020 for busenum.dll
8005e970 - 8005e9e0 L00000070 o32 region_4 rva=00076000 vsize=00000070 real=803bf000 psize=00000070 f=c0000040 for nk.exe
8005e9e0 - 8005eb4c L0000016c o32 region_5 rva=00077000 vsize=0000016c real=803ea000 psize=0000016c f=d0000040 for nk.exe
8005eb4c - 8005eb90 L00000044 o32 region_3 rva=00005000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000044 f=42000042 for hd.dll
8005eb90 - 8005ed08 L00000178 o32 region_3 rva=00010000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000178 f=42000042 for osaxst0.dll
8005ed08 - 8005ee11 L00000109 o32 region_1 rva=00004000 vsize=00000109 real=01fff000 psize=0000010c f=c0000040 for busenum.dll
8005ee14 - 8005ee70 L0000005c o32 region_3 rva=00006000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=0000005c f=42000042 for busenum.dll
8005ee70 - 8005efd0 L00000160 o32 region_1 rva=00009000 vsize=00000160 real=01ffe000 psize=00000160 f=c0000040 for cachefilt.dll
8005efd0 - 8005f000 L00000030 o32 region_3 rva=00004000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000030 f=42000042 for cecompr.dll
8005f000 - 8005f208 L00000208 o32 region_2 rva=00005000 vsize=00000208 real=03fff000 psize=00000208 f=40000040 for busenum.dll
8005f208 - 8005fc08 L00000a00 o32 region_2 rva=0004f000 vsize=00023528 real=803c6000 psize=00000a00 f=c0000040 for nk.exe
8005fc08 - 8005fd48 L00000140 o32 region_3 rva=0000b000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000140 f=42000042 for cachefilt.dll
8005fd48 - 8005fee0 L00000198 o32 region_3 rva=0000e000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000198 f=42000042 for certmod.dll
8005fee0 - 8005ff21 L00000041 o32 region_1 rva=00002000 vsize=00000041 real=00012000 psize=00000044 f=c8000040 for device.exe
8005ff24 - 8005fff8 L000000d4 o32 region_1 rva=00004000 vsize=000000d4 real=01ff8000 psize=000000d4 f=c0000040 for diskcache.dll
8005fff8 - 8005fffc L00000004 o32 region_4 rva=00007000 vsize=00000004 real=01fe9000 psize=00000004 f=c0000040 for msm_time.dll
8005fffc - 80060000 L00000004 o32 region_6 rva=00023000 vsize=00000004 real=01fe3000 psize=00000004 f=c0000040 for smem.dll
80060000 - 80067814 L00007814 o32 region_0 rva=00001000 vsize=00007814 real=03ff0000 psize=00007814 f=60000020 for cachefilt.dll
80067814 - 80067e14 L00000600 o32 region_1 rva=00003000 vsize=00000954 real=803eb000 psize=00000600 f=c0000040 for hd.dll
80067e14 - 80067e6c L00000058 o32 region_3 rva=00006000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000058 f=42000042 for diskcache.dll
80067e6c - 80067fe0 L00000174 o32 region_3 rva=00013000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000174 f=42000042 for fatfsd.dll
80067fe0 - 80067ff0 L00000010 o32 region_3 rva=0001b000 vsize=00000010 real=03e2f000 psize=00000010 f=d0000040 for nand.dll
80067ff0 - 80067ff8 L00000008 o32 region_3 rva=00004000 vsize=00000008 real=03dc7000 psize=00000008 f=d0000040 for wce_tramp.dll
80067ff8 - 80067fff L00000007 modname nk.exe
80068000 - 80068748 L00000748 o32 region_2 rva=0000a000 vsize=00000748 real=03ff9000 psize=00000748 f=40000040 for cachefilt.dll
80068748 - 80068b48 L00000400 o32 region_1 rva=0000c000 vsize=00000658 real=01ffd000 psize=00000400 f=c0000040 for certmod.dll
80068b48 - 80068d48 L00000200 o32 region_1 rva=0000a000 vsize=000002c4 real=01ff9000 psize=00000200 f=c8000040 for devmgr.dll
80068d48 - 80068f4c L00000204 o32 region_3 rva=0000c000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000204 f=4a000042 for devmgr.dll
80068f4c - 80068fb4 L00000068 o32 region_3 rva=00009000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000068 f=42000042 for fatutil.dll
80068fb4 - 80068ffc L00000048 o32 region_3 rva=0000a000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000048 f=42000042 for FileDRMFilter.dll
80068ffc - 80069000 L00000004 NUL
80069000 - 80073251 L0000a251 o32 region_0 rva=00001000 vsize=0000a251 real=03fe2000 psize=0000a254 f=60000020 for certmod.dll
80073254 - 80073d80 L00000b2c o32 region_6 rva=00078000 vsize=00001000 real=00000000 psize=00000b2c f=42000042 for nk.exe
80073d80 - 80073f80 L00000200 o32 region_1 rva=00011000 vsize=0000020c real=01ff7000 psize=00000200 f=c0000040 for fatfsd.dll
80073f80 - 80073fd4 L00000054 o32 region_1 rva=00002000 vsize=00000054 real=01ff1000 psize=00000054 f=c0000040 for cecompr.dll
80073fd4 - 80073fe8 L00000014 o32 region_4 rva=0001c000 vsize=00000014 real=01fe7000 psize=00000014 f=c0000040 for nand.dll
80073fe8 - 80073fef L00000007 modname hd.dll
80073ff0 - 80073ffc L0000000c modname osaxst0.dll
80073ffc - 80074000 L00000004 NUL



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