
iqyely 2009-11-14 01:52:57
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8 条回复
iqyely 2009-11-15
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iqyely 2009-11-15
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这个库已经正确安装了,但在新建时却没有Jcl Exception Dialog for Delphi向导呢?头疼啊?
coolspac 2009-11-14
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Seamour 2009-11-14
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跟 DelphiDistiller 一毛钱关系都没有,你装出来的就是 trial 版的 dcc32.exe,DelphiDistiller 可没法把它改成完整版的
iqyely 2009-11-14
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[Quote=引用 3 楼 seamour 的回复:]

Command line tools are not supported in the trial version.


Seamour 2009-11-14
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Command line tools are not supported in the trial version.

iqyely 2009-11-14
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JCL 2.1 Release Build 3536
==========RAD Studio 2009=======================================================
Installed personalities :
32 bit Delphi
32 bit C++Builder
Multiple profile installation
Single profile installation
Saving conditional defines...
Loaded template for include file E:\程序代码\delphi\delphiOtherPackages\2009\jcljvcl\jcl\source\include\jcl.template.inc
Saved include file E:\程序代码\delphi\delphiOtherPackages\2009\jcljvcl\jcl\source\include\jcld12.inc
Building common library units for RAD Studio 2009...
"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\bin\dcc32.exe" bzip2 Jcl8087 JclAbstractContainers JclAlgorithms JclAnsiStrings JclArrayLists JclArraySets JclBase JclBinaryTrees JclBorlandTools JclCharsets JclComplex JclCompression JclContainerIntf JclCounter JclDateTime JclEDI JclEDISEF JclEDITranslators JclEDIXML JclEDI_ANSIX12 JclEDI_ANSIX12_Ext JclEDI_UNEDIFACT JclEDI_UNEDIFACT_Ext JclExprEval JclFileUtils JclHashMaps JclHashSets JclIniFiles JclLinkedLists JclLogic JclMath JclMIDI JclMime JclNotify JclPCRE JclQueues JclResources JclRTTI JclSchedule JclSimpleXml JclSortedMaps JclStacks JclStatistics JclStreams JclStrHashMap JclStringConversions JclStringLists JclStrings JclSynch JclSysInfo JclSysUtils JclTrees JclUnicode JclUnitConv JclUnitVersioning JclUnitVersioningProviders JclValidation JclVectors JclWideStrings pcre zlibh --no-config -U"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\lib" -M -$X+ -$G+ -$H+ -$P+ -$U- -$T- -$V+ -$J+ -$Z1 -$J+ -$C- -$D- -$I- -$L- -$O+ -$Q- -$R- -$W- -$Y- -D_RTLDLL;NO_STRICT;USEPACKAGES -N0"..\..\lib\d12" -NO"..\..\lib\d12" -N1"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\Include\Vcl" -JPHNE --BCB -I"..\include" -U".;..\windows;..\vcl" -R".;..\windows;..\vcl"
Command line tools are not supported in the trial version.
Building windows library units for RAD Studio 2009...
"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\bin\dcc32.exe" Hardlinks JclAppInst JclCIL JclCLR JclCOM JclConsole JclDebug JclDebugSerialization JclDebugXMLDeserializer JclDebugXMLSerializer JclDotNet JclHookExcept JclLANMan JclLocales JclMapi JclMetadata JclMiscel JclMsdosSys JclMultimedia JclNTFS JclPeImage JclRegistry JclSecurity JclShell JclStructStorage JclSvcCtrl JclTask JclTD32 JclTimeZones JclWideFormat JclWin32 JclWin32Ex JclWinMIDI mscoree_TLB mscorlib_TLB MSHelpServices_TLB MSTask sevenzip Snmp --no-config -U"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\lib" -M -$X+ -$G+ -$H+ -$P+ -$U- -$T- -$V+ -$J+ -$Z1 -$J+ -$C- -$D- -$I- -$L- -$O+ -$Q- -$R- -$W- -$Y- -D_RTLDLL;NO_STRICT;USEPACKAGES -N0"..\..\lib\d12" -NO"..\..\lib\d12" -N1"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\Include\Vcl" -JPHNE --BCB -I"..\include" -U"..\common;.;..\vcl" -R"..\common;.;..\vcl"
Command line tools are not supported in the trial version.
Building vcl library units for RAD Studio 2009...
"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\bin\dcc32.exe" JclFont JclGraphics JclGraphUtils JclOpenDialogFavorites JclOpenDialogHooks JclPrint JclVclResources JclVersionControl JclVersionCtrlCVSImpl JclVersionCtrlSVNImpl --no-config -U"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\lib" -M -$X+ -$G+ -$H+ -$P+ -$U- -$T- -$V+ -$J+ -$Z1 -$J+ -$C- -$D- -$I- -$L- -$O+ -$Q- -$R- -$W- -$Y- -D_RTLDLL;NO_STRICT;USEPACKAGES -N0"..\..\lib\d12" -NO"..\..\lib\d12" -N1"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\Include\Vcl" -JPHNE --BCB -I"..\include" -U"..\common;..\windows;." -R"..\common;..\windows;."
Command line tools are not supported in the trial version.
Building common library debug units for RAD Studio 2009...
"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\bin\dcc32.exe" bzip2 Jcl8087 JclAbstractContainers JclAlgorithms JclAnsiStrings JclArrayLists JclArraySets JclBase JclBinaryTrees JclBorlandTools JclCharsets JclComplex JclCompression JclContainerIntf JclCounter JclDateTime JclEDI JclEDISEF JclEDITranslators JclEDIXML JclEDI_ANSIX12 JclEDI_ANSIX12_Ext JclEDI_UNEDIFACT JclEDI_UNEDIFACT_Ext JclExprEval JclFileUtils JclHashMaps JclHashSets JclIniFiles JclLinkedLists JclLogic JclMath JclMIDI JclMime JclNotify JclPCRE JclQueues JclResources JclRTTI JclSchedule JclSimpleXml JclSortedMaps JclStacks JclStatistics JclStreams JclStrHashMap JclStringConversions JclStringLists JclStrings JclSynch JclSysInfo JclSysUtils JclTrees JclUnicode JclUnitConv JclUnitVersioning JclUnitVersioningProviders JclValidation JclVectors JclWideStrings pcre zlibh --no-config -U"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\lib" -M -$X+ -$G+ -$H+ -$P+ -$U- -$T- -$V+ -$J+ -$Z1 -$J+ -$C+ -$D+ -$I+ -$L+ -$O- -$Q+ -$R+ -$W+ -$Y+ -D_RTLDLL;NO_STRICT;USEPACKAGES -N0"..\..\lib\d12\debug" -NO"..\..\lib\d12\debug" -N1"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\Include\Vcl" -JPHNE --BCB -I"..\include" -U".;..\windows;..\vcl" -R".;..\windows;..\vcl"
Command line tools are not supported in the trial version.
Building windows library debug units for RAD Studio 2009...
"C:\Program Files\CodeGear\RAD Studio\6.0\bin\dcc32.exe" Hardlinks JclAppInst JclCIL JclCLR JclCOM JclConsole JclDebug JclDebugSerialization JclDebugXMLDeserializer JclDebugXMLSerializer JclDotNet JclHookExcept JclLANMan JclLocales JclMapi JclMetadata JclMiscel JclMsdosSys JclMultimedia JclNTFS JclPeImage JclRegistry JclSecurity JclShell
Command line tools are not supported in the trial version.
Building vcl library debug units for RAD Studio 2009...

Command line tools are not supported in the trial version.
Checking .hpp files

CodeGear C++ 6.13 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993-2008 CodeGear
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 6: Unable to open include file 'bzip2.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 9: Unable to open include file 'Hardlinks.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 12: Unable to open include file 'Jcl8087.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 15: Unable to open include file 'JclAbstractContainers.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 18: Unable to open include file 'JclAlgorithms.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 21: Unable to open include file 'JclAnsiStrings.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 24: Unable to open include file 'JclAppInst.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 27: Unable to open include file 'JclArrayLists.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 30: Unable to open include file 'JclArraySets.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 33: Unable to open include file 'JclBase.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 36: Unable to open include file 'JclBinaryTrees.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 39: Unable to open include file 'JclBorlandTools.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 42: Unable to open include file 'JclCharsets.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 45: Unable to open include file 'JclCIL.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 48: Unable to open include file 'JclCLR.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 51: Unable to open include file 'JclCOM.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 54: Unable to open include file 'JclComplex.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 57: Unable to open include file 'JclCompression.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 60: Unable to open include file 'JclConsole.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 63: Unable to open include file 'JclContainerIntf.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 66: Unable to open include file 'JclCounter.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 69: Unable to open include file 'JclDateTime.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 72: Unable to open include file 'JclDebug.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 75: Unable to open include file 'JclDebugSerialization.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 78: Unable to open include file 'JclDebugXMLDeserializer.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 81: Unable to open include file 'JclDebugXMLSerializer.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 87: Unable to open include file 'JclEDI.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 90: Unable to open include file 'JclEDI_ANSIX12.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 93: Unable to open include file 'JclEDI_ANSIX12_Ext.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 96: Unable to open include file 'JclEDI_UNEDIFACT.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 99: Unable to open include file 'JclEDI_UNEDIFACT_Ext.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 102: Unable to open include file 'JclEDISEF.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 105: Unable to open include file 'JclEDITranslators.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 108: Unable to open include file 'JclEDIXML.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 111: Unable to open include file 'JclExprEval.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 114: Unable to open include file 'JclFileUtils.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 117: Unable to open include file 'JclFont.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 120: Unable to open include file 'JclGraphics.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 123: Unable to open include file 'JclGraphUtils.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 126: Unable to open include file 'JclHashMaps.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 129: Unable to open include file 'JclHashSets.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 132: Unable to open include file 'JclHookExcept.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 135: Unable to open include file 'JclIniFiles.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 138: Unable to open include file 'JclLANMan.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 141: Unable to open include file 'JclLinkedLists.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 144: Unable to open include file 'JclLocales.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 147: Unable to open include file 'JclLogic.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 150: Unable to open include file 'JclMapi.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 153: Unable to open include file 'JclMath.hpp'
Error E2209 jcl_a2z.cpp 156: Unable to open include file 'JclMetadata.hpp'
Error E2228 jcl_a2z.cpp 156: Too many error or warning messages
*** 51 errors in Compile ***

Seamour 2009-11-14
  • 打赏
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