在没有加入 EngDeleteFile 这个函数到代码中时,用Win XP Checked Build Environment编译运行正常,当加入哪个函数后出现下面的错误,为什么?
BUILD: Object root set to: ==> objchk
BUILD: Adding /Y to COPYCMD so xcopy ops won't hang.
BUILD: /i switch ignored
BUILD: Compile and Link for i386
BUILD: Loading C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\NTDDK\build.dat...
BUILD: Computing Include file dependencies:
BUILD: Examining f:\share\driver directory for files to compile.
f:\share\driver - 1 source files (207 lines)
BUILD: Compiling f:\share\driver directory
Compiling - driver.c for i386
BUILD: Linking f:\share\driver directory
Compiling - driver.c for i386
Linking Executable - objchk\i386\helloddk.sys for i386
link() : error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'objchk\i386\driver.obj'
2 files compiled - 207 LPS
1 executable built - 1 Error