
nalnait 2010-03-06 02:53:45
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昵称很不好取 2010-03-08
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sych888 2010-03-08
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windowsmousetest 2010-03-08
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sajiao 2010-03-08
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alfred_2006 2010-03-08
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andysun88 2010-03-08
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SQL77 2010-03-06
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--小F-- 2010-03-06
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看见了 就多少接点分
nalnait 2010-03-06
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⊙﹏⊙b汗 都是广告
sql_db 2010-03-06
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貓哥是個傳說 2010-03-06
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Introduction into ADO .NET Data Services/RIA Services
hyuknam 2010-03-06
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nanhe0065 2010-03-06
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下载地址: http://www.itpub.net/thread-1274491-1-6.html
adultsite 2010-03-06
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  从VS 6到VS 2003,再到VS2005,再到VS2008,再到现在使用的Visual Studio 2010,从5月份BETA1测试到10月BETA2公开下载,这一次的Visual Studio 2010带来了许多令人振奋的新功能,包括提供更高的程序开发效率、更精简的程序代码、更佳的安全性能。可以说,Visual Studio 2010将是今年来的集大成者,必将成为开发者手中的利器。

  就以古龙大侠的《七种兵器》为代表,说说Visual Studio 2010的几点开发特性吧:


  剑是百刃中使用最多的兵器,纤柔又锋利,从战国时期的“鱼肠剑”到清朝七剑豪侠,是成大事的必要利器。VS 2010有一把锋利的剑——F#编程语言。它中集合了一个是微软研究院、剑桥和微软开发部联合进行的高级开发的高效.NET、混合了函数语言和物件导向程序编制语言,适用于并行编程、算法、技术和探索性开发可以高效且带有互操作性的来解决宽泛的软件问题

  Visual Studio 2010中已正式包含 Visual F#,作为一种常规的开发工具发布。 作为.NET Framework 家族的新成员,F# 提供类型安全、性能,以及类似脚本语言的工作能力,所有这些都是 .NET 环境的一部分。

  F#为Visual Studio 2010带来了很大的改观。因为替代了局部程序中的元组,工作变得简单了。在异步编程和强类型对于浮点编码方面也提供的不错的解决方式。可以说F#是Visual Studio 2010中结合了众多优点的编程语言。


  枪在百刃中霸道而难于驾驭,枪是历代大将军手中所向披靡、纵横天下的首选兵器。之所以说VS2010是前无古人的利器,是因为它支持云计算。VS2010中集合了Azure云计算开发服务平台,不但可以提供基础网络服务,更为开发者提供了Windows Live、Office Live,使之通过在Azure服务平台上开放API,来实现与异构平台和交流互动。

  首先说Azure,这是VS2010 提供的云计算开发服务平台,而这个Azure 服务平台是什么的呢?就是是一个托管服务套件,它包括虚拟计算,可扩展存储以及自动化服务管理系统等。这些工具将会用来为微软的服务提供支持,其中包括MSN,Xbox Live,以及Office Online等等,实现服务的网络化。

  再说说Azure的关键基础——Windows Azure,这可是Azure“云计算”基础,提供计算、存储、管理的功能,运行在微软遍布全球的数据中心架构之中,是咱们步入“云计算”时代的捷径。


  古龙大侠小说中,用碧玉刀是比喻诚实。因为诚实是做人的根本,是团队进取合作的基石。互联网是一个聚合、开放的年代,谁保守谁就落伍,谁开放谁就进步。聚合就需要开诚布公,VS2010不但可以支持微软自己的SQL Server数据库,更能够在IBM DB2以及Oracle数据库下做工作。


  七种武器中,拳头也许是最不引人注意的武器,但却最有效、最直接,也最可靠。对于开发人员来说,多窗口显示器支持是一个实实在在的功能,因为现在越来越多的程序员开始拥有两台甚至多台显示器,极大地方便了开发工作。正是为了适应这种趋势,Visual Studio 2010添加了对多显示器的支持。




  • Visual Studio IDE对并行计算开发的大量支持。比如,Visual Studio 2010的调试器知道代码的并行特性,并且能够在调试程序的不同执行单元的时候,表现应用程序的状态。

  • 非托管的C++库和编译器对并行计算的支持

  • .NET Framework 4.0对并行计算的大量支持,包括PLINQ、并行语言语句等等

  另外,Visual Studio 2010还提供了一个“并行性能分析器”,它可以帮助我们分析应用程序的性能瓶颈,找到需要并行处理和可以进行并行处理的地方,并以图形化的形式表现出来。这样,“并行性能分析器”配合着Visual Studio 2010,我们就可以轻松地实现应用程序的并行化。


  离别钩是一对特殊的钩,使用它的要诀是:心神合一,招招不离一个“情”字。当初开始学习编程时,相信大家都学过c++吧,随着时间的推移,c++昔日的霸气已经不在,以至于作为Visual C++程序员,大家心里都很憋屈!大家都在问,Visual C++的前途在哪里?坚持C++还有没有意义?

  现在有答案了,微软并没有忘记c++,在Visual Studio 2010中我们找到了答案,找到了C++的未来,作为下一代开发工具,当然不会错过对新的C++标准C++0x的支持。除了随着之前发布的Visual C++ Feature Pack而引入的TR1包含的部分特性外,还引入了4个重要的C++新特性。号称C++0x的“四大天王”。这些新特性的引入,C++必然会王者归来。


  孔雀翎在七种武器中是最美的,VS2010当然这种美并不是它多么的绚烂,而美丽完全在于它简约,简约而不简单是对它做好的诠释,微软VS2010中的界面变化是令人耳目一新的,从以前的Windows Forms(Windows窗体)发展到Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)布局,也使得Windows界面媲美Mac程序的酷炫不再是遥不可及的奢望。

  WPF同样被人调侃地称之为“我佩服”。作为WPF微软新一代图形系统,其运行在.NET Framework 3.0架构下,为用户界面、2D/3D 图形、文档和媒体提供了统一的描述和操作方法,此版本将用户体验从2D提升到3D。基于DirectX 9/10技术的WPF不仅带来了前所未有的3D界面,而且其图形向量渲染引擎也大大改进了传统的2D界面,比如Vista中的半透明效果的窗体等都得益于WPF。通过WFP提供的功能,程序员们开发界面将变得异常简单,而且可以同最新的Windows7相互协调,使用户以新的体验。

  Visual Studio 2010作为微软着力打造的下一代开发工具平台,跟她的前任Visual Studio 2008相比,它拥有着无数诱人的特性,同时也寄托着无数人的期望。篇幅有限,先为大家介绍到这里吧,相信大家对Visual Studio 2010的成功还是抱有很大希望。
adodotnet 2010-03-06
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Introduction into ADO .NET Data Services/RIA Services

This article is not that complex and will not give you any re-usable code in any shape way or form, but what it will hopefully do is give you a gentle introduction in how to get started with 2 of Microsofts newer data access offerings:

• WCF Data Services, formerly ADO .NET Data Services, formerly Astoria
• RIA Data Services (the new kid on the block)
formerly ['fɔ:məli] adv. 以前;原来This is not an advanced article for people that may have used these 2 data access areas for some time, rather it is a general overview of what can be done with these 2 different data access technologies and how you might go about doing some simple CRUD operations with them.Pre-Requisites

I wrote the attached demo code using Visual Studio 2010 BETA 2 / Silverlight 4 / RIA Services Preview, so the following are all considered to be pre-requistites

• Visual Studio 2010 RC
• ADO .NET Data Services 1.5 CTP1
• RIA Services Preview

And since both the ADO .NET Data Services code and RIA Services code makes use of SQL data, SQL server is also a pre-requisite.

ADO .NET Data ServicesWhat's It All About

ADO.NET Data Services were previously called "Astoria", and put plainly are used to expose data as resources (JSON/ATOM) using REST. As such the data is exposed as resources, and can be fetched using standard HTTP urls. It is also possible to delete, update and insert new data using REST. The RESTful resources are exposed using WCF under the covers, though looking at a typical ADO .NET Data Service you may not think so.

Since WCF is used as the actual service implementation, all the core logic that fetches data from the database is run on an application server, so can be behind a firewall, which helps maintain that nice 3 levels of physical secure seperation that we may all be used to.

I think this diagram explains it fairly well, where you can imagine the Database is on one box, the Data Access Layer (the ADO .NET Data Service) is on another physical box, and a Client app (such as Silverlight) may be running on yet another different box (basically the clients PC).

By exposing the relational data using REST we are able to use standard HTTP requests, and make use of various URLs to access the resources. We are also able to use standard HTTP verbs such as PUT/POST to update the resources, which in the end may translate into updating a row of relational data in the relational database (if you are actually using a relational database to expose the data in the first place, which you may not be).

But before we get into that, we need to understand how to create a ADO .NET Data Service. So lets go through that shall we.


Is to define a Entity Model for the data, this is as easy (well for the demo app it is anyway), as creating a new Entity Model, and following the wizard through to completion, using your own SQL Server database connection string, and pointing to the WCFDataServicesDemoApp database you set up using the setup scripts provided, and discussed above.


Once we have a Entity Model we can then create a new ADO .NET Data Service to expose the relational data as resources. Again this is easy all we need to do is add a new item as shown below.

Once you have done that, you will have a new <YOUR_SERVICE_NAME>.svc item in your solution with the following boilerplate code in it.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Services;
using System.Data.Services.Common;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel.Web;
using System.Web;

namespace WCFDataServicesDemoApp.Web
public class WebDataService1 :
DataService< /* TODO: put your data source class name here */ >
// This method is called only once to initialize service-wide policies.
public static void InitializeService(DataServiceConfiguration config)
// TODO: set rules to indicate which entity sets and service
// operations are visible, updatable, etc.
// Examples:
// config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("MyEntityset",
// EntitySetRights.AllRead);
// config.SetServiceOperationAccessRule("MyServiceOperation",
// ServiceOperationRights.All);
config.DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion =

Believe it not you are nearly there with creating a baic ADO .NET Service. All you have to do it add the generic argument, which is the type of the EntityModel you created earlier, and decide which of your EnitySets you want to expose and what rights you want them to have. So for the demo app (which is an insanely trivial example) this looks like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.Services;
using System.Data.Services.Common;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceModel.Web;
using System.Web;

namespace WCFDataServicesDemoApp.Web
public class WCFDataService : DataService<DemoAppEntities>
// This method is called only once to
//initialize service-wide policies.
public static void InitializeService(
DataServiceConfiguration config)
config.DataServiceBehavior.MaxProtocolVersion =

// Define a change interceptor for the Address entity set.
public void OnChangeAddresses(Address address,
UpdateOperations operations)
if (operations == UpdateOperations.Add ||
operations == UpdateOperations.Change)

if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(address.City) ||
String.IsNullOrEmpty(address.Line1) ||
throw new DataServiceException(400,
"Can not save Address with empty City/Line1/PostCode");


Do not worry too much about the OnChangeAddresses() method, I will get to that later. So with this in place we should be able to test this service out in the browser, so we can do that using a number of urls, lets see some:


Yields this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<service xml:base="http://localhost:1183/WCFDataService.svc/"
xmlns:app="http://www.w3.org/2007/app" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2007/app">
<collection href="Addresses">
<collection href="Customers">


xhtmldivcss 2010-03-06
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这是有关异步方法调用的小儿科例子Asynchronous Method Invocation(异步方法调用)Introduction

In our daily life, we often come across a situation where we need to invoke a method in a new thread. We generally create a new thread directly and use it. Well, it is not actually recommended to create a Thread as and when required. So we use ThreadPool to have a better use of available threads and also configure it our self.

Thus we require a considerable amount of code to just call a method in another thread. Delegates comes with methods like BeginInvoke which is used to call a method Asynchronously and with proper usage of ThreadPool. We will be discussing that to you with the most simple example.

Synchronous Call

Delegates are generally used to hold method definition and to call it whenever it is required. We can use delobj.Invoke(params) or delobj(params) to invoke a delegate. In the sample application we create a method which simply adds up two numbers. To do this we have created :

private delegate int AddOperationDelegate(int x, int y);

private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
AddOperationDelegate del = new AddOperationDelegate(add);

lblResult.Text = "Synchronous work Started !";

lblResult.Update(); //This is necessary to repaint the window before calling Thread.Sleep

int res = del.Invoke(10, 20); // or del(10, 20);

MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Result generated : {0}", res));

In the method Add we just wrote :

private int add(int x, int y)
Thread.Sleep(4000); //Makes the thread to sleep, to make you understand it creates a new thread.
return x + y;

Thus you can see the delegate AddOperationDelegate(int x, int y) is called synchronously using del.Invoke(). The method add is called during this operation and the output will be shown using the message box. If you try the sample application you should notice, that after you click on the Synchronous button, the window gets hanged and you cannot do any operation.
This is actually happening because the current thread is blocked using Thread.Sleep which is invoked inside the add method to halt the application for 4 seconds. This might be a long running process.

Asynchronous Call

To eliminate this issue we might take the help of BeginInvoke and EndInvoke, which actually creates a new thread and invoke the method from there. To do this let us look how the Asynchronous button looks like :

private void btnAsynchronous_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
AddOperationDelegate del = new AddOperationDelegate(add);

IAsyncResult res = del.BeginInvoke(10, 20, new AsyncCallback(InvokeMessage), null);

lblResult.Text = "Asynchronous work Started !";
private void InvokeMessage(IAsyncResult ar)
AddOperationDelegate aod = (ar as AsyncResult).AsyncDelegate as AddOperationDelegate;
int result = aod.EndInvoke(ar);
MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Result generated : {0}", result));

In the above code you can see I have called BeginInvoke instead of normal Invoke. BeginInvoke actually creates a new thread from the ThreadPool and calls the method. If it is a multicast delegate, it will call that many Threads and call them. The AsyncCallBack is called when the thread execution is complete and the result can be obtained.

We have passed InvokeMessage to get the result. We simply cast the object into AsyncDelegate into our own delegate object and use EndInvoke to get the result back.


Thus we can see, it is very easy to make use of BeginInvoke and EndInvoke with delegates to create a new thread from ThreadPool, and we don't require to create the thread ourself.

nalnait 2010-03-06
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csuxp2008 2010-03-06
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王向飞 2010-03-06
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