
青羽飞扬 2010-03-09 09:38:31


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xuyile510824 2012-09-13
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shi d
chzhn 2011-01-11
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crackdung 2011-01-10
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最新版本是 9.2.0



DotNetBar for Windows Forms Release Notes

1. New: DockContainerItem.CanClose property added to specify whether dock window can be closed
2. New: New super-duper Gauge controls added with linear and circular gauges, full interactivity with bar, multi-bar support, mixed scales and advanced styling.
3. New: Updated ColorPickerDropDown color palette for Office 2010 colors
4. New: AdvTree.ScrollBarAppearance property added to enable control of scroll-bar styling
5. New: ComboTree added functionality so Up/Down keys skip over nodes marked as unselectable
6. New: AdvTree ColumnHeader.StretchToFill property added to control whether column is stretched to fill any empty space horizontally in tree when all columns consume less width than available
7. New: AdvPropertyGrid PropertyValueEditor base attribute class added and IPropertyValueEditor interface added to enable custom property value in-line editors creation. See PropertyGrid sample for an example on how to create custom property value editors.
8. New: AdvPropertyGrid built-in property value editor added to allow multi-choice option box or check box editing. Use PropertyMultiChoiceEditor attribute to decorate properties
9. New: AdvPropertyGrid built-in property value editor added use PropertyDateTimeEditor attribute to decorate properties of DateTime type
10. New: AdvPropertyGrid built-in property value editor added use PropertyIntegerEditor attribute to decorate properties of integer type
11. New: AdvPropertyGrid built-in property value editor added use PropertyDoubleEditor attribute to decorate properties of double type
12. New: RibbonControl.MouseWheelTabScrollEnabled property added to control whether mouse wheel scrolls the ribbon tabs
13. New: Input controls DoubleInput, IntegerInput receive ResetInputPosition method which resets the input position so new input overwrites existing one
14. New: CalendarView: Refresh method implemented for CustomCalendarItems.
15. New: Included initialization of GlobalManager.Renderer early in controls life-time so it does not occur during first Paint event for controls which improves the rendering performance significantly for first load scenarios
16. Fixed: CalendarView monthly recurrence generator might skip the next month under certain conditions and if appointment ends at the end of the month
17. Fixed: GalleryContainer.EnsureVisible might under some conditions position the button too high if single line of buttons is visible
18. Fixed: SuperTabControl: Fixed an issue where the AntiAlias property setting was not being honored correctly.
19. Fixed: DataGridViewX: Fixed an issue with DataGridViewCheckBoxXCell mouse selection when RowHeaderVisible set to false.
20. Fixed: DataGridViewX: Fixed an issue with DataGridViewCheckBoxXCell when bound to underlying Int32 data.
21. Fixed: Improved auto-hide re-docking in relationship to the previously docked to bar
22. Fixed: BaseItem now inherits from Component to improve design-time support in VS.NET. ***Potential breaking*** change if you inherit from BaseItem
23. Fixed: More improvements on how AdvPropertyGrid handles ReadOnly attribute
24. Fixed: AdvTree drag-drop node at design-time might not update the designer generated code for moved nodes
25. Fixed: AdvPropertyGrid on modal dialog may generate an exception if property is being edited and Dispose method on dialog is called
26. Fixed: ComboTree with auto-grouping and SelectedDisplayMemeber property set displays the selected text out-dented
27. Fixed: Docking auto-hide bar under certain conditions might dock it back at the wrong dock side
28. Fixed: AdvPropertyGrid improved read-only PropertyDescriptor.IsReadOnly handling
29. Fixed: CalendarView, Schedule fixed a delayed bounds calculation problem with YearView when resizing the Form window after multiple users have been added.
30. Fixed: ExpandablePanel.TitleHeight property change while panel is collapsed to left or right does not have desired effect
31. Fixed: Fixed a problem with delayed data loading in YearView (adding multiple users in YearView where some of the users would not be displayed on screen and then toggling between alternate views) could cause an exception.
32. Fixed: AdvPropertyGrid does not expand properties with custom type descriptors that require non null ITypeDescriptorContext
33. Fixed: AdvTree setting ColumnHeader.AutoSize=true on column cells that use HostedControl results in invalid sizing
34. Fixed: AdvTree hiding first column in multi-column tree with auto-size columns may show invalid layout
35. Fixed: AdvTree hosted control position may not be updated under certain conditions
36. Fixed: AdvTree node drag-drop at design-time does not work correctly
37. Fixed: AdvTree empty cells (Text=="") with WordWrap=true cannot be selected using mouse
38. Fixed: AdvPropertyGrid ReadOnlyAttribute(true) did not apply to DateTime field
39. Fixed: AdvTree.ExpandButtonSize property is not used
40. Fixed: Improved SuperTabControlPanel background rendering when AutoScroll is used
41. Fixed: PropertyGrid not selecting the property when property editor is used under certain conditions
42. Fixed: PropertyGrid samples missing source code for value editors
43. Fixed: Overflow RibbonBar does not get disposed if parent Ribbon Tab is disposed
44. Fixed: Redocking the auto-hide bar under certain conditions might generate an exception
45. Fixed: AdvTree PageUp key does not scroll whole page up when column header is visible
46. Fixed: TreeGX drag & drop might not recognize mouse over drop node under certain conditions
47. Fixed: Improved in-menu nested ItemContainer KeyTips handling
48. Fixed: Ribbon Backstage tab items process mnemonic keys even when Backstage tab is not visible
49. Fixed: MicroChart setting DataPoints with zero data values might cause an exception
50. Fixed: Loading docking layout might thrown null-reference exception if floating bar was closed and layout saved

青羽飞扬 2010-12-10
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parverxiao 2010-04-23
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crackdung 2010-04-15
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zsuswy 2010-04-14
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zhulinxiaofeng 2010-03-30
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