FTP 425 Cannot open data connection

wd9053 2010-03-20 02:56:52
输出:425 Cannot open data connection

输出:227 Entering Passive Mode (*,*,*,*,131,132)
输出:425 Cannot open data connection

输入:PORT *,*,*,*,10,223
输出:200 Port command successful.
输出:425 Cannot open data connection
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feixianxxx 2011-03-24
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白云冰河 2010-03-20
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wd9053 2010-03-20
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wd9053 2010-03-20
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import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.Socket;

public class FTP
private BufferedReader ftpBr;
private BufferedWriter ftpBw;
private BufferedReader stdBr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
private boolean run = true;

public FTP()
catch(Exception ex)

public void connect() throws Exception
String temp;
System.out.println("Input the ip address:");
String ip = stdBr.readLine();
System.out.println("Input the port:");
int port = Integer.parseInt(stdBr.readLine());
Socket aim = new Socket(ip, port);
ftpBr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(aim.getInputStream()));
ftpBw = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(aim.getOutputStream()));
new Thread()
public void run()
String temp;
temp = ftpBr.readLine();
if(temp == null)
catch(Exception ex)

while(!(temp = stdBr.readLine()).equals("QUIT"))

run = false;

public static void main(String[] args)
new FTP();
FTP服务器配置 VSFTP主配置文件路径:/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf,重要参数: anonymous_enable=yes/no 是否允许匿名用户访问 anon_upload_enable=yes/no 是否允许匿名用户上传文件 anon_mkdir_write_enable=yes/no 是否允许匿名用户创建目录 anon_other_write_enable=yes/no 匿名用户和虚拟用户是否拥有删除权限 local_enable=yes/no 是否允许本地用户登陆 write_enable=yes/no 设置全局是否可写 anon_root=/var 指定匿名用户目录 chroot_local_user=yes 锁定所有用户到用户主目录 chroot_list_enable=yes/no 锁定列表中的用户到主目录,需要配合下一参数使用 chroot_list_file=/etc/vsftpd/chroot_list 指定存储被锁定用户的列表文件位置 chown_uploads=yes/no 匿名用户上传所有者指定功能,需要与下一参数配合使用 chown_username=用户名 指定匿名用户上传文件的所有者 max_clients=300 最大客户端连接数为300 anon_max_rate=30000 匿名用户和虚拟用户限速为30K/S local_max_rate=30000 本地用户限速为30K/S max_per_ip=10 每个IP最大连接数 listen_port=22 更改监听端口 实现如下要求:允许匿名用户登陆,匿名用户限速为60K/S,只允许下载。监听端口为22,最大连接数为10。新建用户ftp1,限速为200K/S,允许上传下载删除新建文件夹。进入目录/etc/vsftpd,用vi编辑器打开vsftpd.conf主配置文件: 直接添加以下选项: [root@LidadeFedora vsftpd]# service vsftpd restart 添加用户ftp1,设置登录脚本为 /sbin/nologin: vsftp默认目录为:/var/ftp,为方便测试,在/var/ftp下新建一个文件"testLocal",在"/var/ftp/pub"新建一个文件"testAnon"。 由于使用root用户新建文件,文件的所有者为root,所以需要把文件的权限设置为644其他用户才能读取该文件 设置/var/ftp/pub权限为777,表示所有用户均有读写权限. 由于端口22被ssh服务器占用,所以需要关闭ssh服务并重启vsftp服务。 客户端用Flashfxp测试:新建站点"VsftpTest",输入Vsftp服务器的IP地址,端口填22,用户名填ftp1,密码填你设置的密码,然后点击"连接"按钮: 由于没有使用选项:local_root,登陆本地用户时自动跳转到该用户的主目录.没有使用chroot_local_user=yes,所以本地用户可以浏览整个文件系统中他有权限读取的文件和文件夹: 切换到目录"/var/ftp/pub",该目录的权限为777,上传一个10M以上的文件,测试ftp1的上传速度: 新建文件夹和删除权限测试省略。下面测试匿名用户权限:勾选"匿名"选项并连接: 匿名用户登陆成功: 进入pub目录,尝试删除testAnon文件失败,说明这里是配置文件中的anon_other_write_enable=no生效了。最终权限等于配置文件中的权限和linux文件系统权限相或的结果。比如vsftp配置文件中允许匿名用户下载,但光这样是不够的,还需要被下载的文件或文件夹的能够被其他用户读取。 尝试上传文件失败,符合匿名用户只允许下载的要求: 最后测试匿名用户的下载速度: vsftp的配置
Clever Internet Suite version 9.1 These Internet components give you everything you need to jumpstart your Internet development without any external dependencies. The suite of Internet Components contain over fifty components which are constantly refined and improved. The Clever Internet Suite components allow you to compose and parse messages in MIME format with multiple file attachments, build and send Web Form POST requests and many other features. The SMTP, POP3 and IMAP clients allow you to send and retrieve email messages over the Internet. All server components represent the fully functional multithreaded servers with the ability to customize the connection settings, support the most common protocols extensions. Using the Clever Internet Suite you can add instant SSL / TLS / SSH security to your Internet applications and implement many useful Internet-related features: Downloading, uploading and submitting of the Internet-resources. Sending and receiving e-mail messages with DKIM signatures. HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP and NNTP client / server solutions. secure channel with X509 certificates support. OAUTH 2.0 authorization. SOAP Security and many more. In the new version 9.1 we have updated the MailMessage, SoapMessage and SFtp components, fixed issues in the TLS and cryptography engines. Starting from the version 8.0 the library was splitted on design-time and runtime packages. Starting from now, the components can be used by RAD Studio form designer in 64-bit projects. The basic socket components were replaced and improved. The class inheritance was changed. Please see the Help documentation for more details. The Help documentation is included to the Clever Internet Suite installation and also available at our website: Clever Internet Suite downloads What's new in version 9.1 The full RAD Studio 10.2 and 10.2.1 Tokyo support. MailMessage - RFC 5987 support added, file names in UTF-8 format implemented. New CryptEncoder component - provides methods for data encoding and decoding in PEM and SSH2 cryptographic formats. SFTP client - the public key authorization was implemented, the following new algorithms were added: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 and diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 for key exchange functionality; rsa-sha2-256 - server host key algorithm; aes256-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes128-ctr, aes256-cbc, aes192-cbc ,aes128-cbc - data encryption algorithms; hmac-sha2-256 - for message authentication algorithms; sha2-256 - hash calculation algorithms. DKIM component - the Config property was added. This property allows you to configure the used encryption and signature algorithms. The signature verification is disabled when retrieving the message header. HTTP client - the TLS1.2 option was enabled by default. EPP server - the UTF-8 encoding was added. All TCP-based server components (SMTP, POP3, IMAP4, FTP, etc.) - the new CharSet property allows you to specify the desired character encoding for received commands and server responses. All UDP-based client components (DNS query, etc.) - the new CharSet property allows you to specify the desired character encoding transmitted datagrams. HTTP request component - was redesigned, the Items indexed property now represents the HTTP request items collection object. The source code structure was changed. starting from now, the sources are placed in the following folders: common, design, packages, resources and ssh. To compile the source code project, navigate to the packages folder, choose the corresponding IDE version subfolder, e.g., D102 for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo, open and compile both the clinetsuite_102.dproj and dcl_clinetsuite_102.dproj projects. Finally, install dcl_clinetsuite_102.dproj to your RAD Studio IDE. The SSH and SFTP component files were moved to the main clinetsuite package. The clinetsuitessh package was removed from the installation. Implemented Features HTTP RIO component with SOAP Security support. Simple HTTP Server component. Complete Client / Server solutions with full SSL / TLS support for FTP, SMTP, POP3 and IMAP4 protocols. TLS / SSL support for all protocol components. SSH support for the SFTP protocol. Royalty free licensing. Free Unlimited Email support. Fully-indexed help documentation. Delphi and C++Builder demos code. Send / receive HTTP requests in JSON format. International domain names for HTTP components. The ability to verify the client and server credentials and certificates. HTTP Client - HTTPS (SSL / TLS) protocol, NTLM and Negotiate authentication. FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP, NNTP clients - three new TLS modes - implicit, explicit and automatic. STARTTLS command support. NTLM authentication for all mail clients was added: POP3, SMTP, IMAP. When the UseSasl option enabled, these components automatically determine and use the most secured authentication method. POP3, SMTP clients - working with GMAIL service with OAUTH 2.0 authorization. Fully functional HTTP / HTTPS client. FTP Client - SSL / TLS support, the ability to set FTP file attributes and permissions were added. FTP FXP (Site to Site) transfer mode. FTP Server - custom events for all operations with files and directories on the server, the possibility to customize all file-related operations including compressing and uncompressing functionality. Virtual File System. Events for implementing the mail sending / receiving progress with the ability to interrupt the process. Creating self-signed certificates, working with any type of certificate store including current user stores, local machine stores, file stores, registry stores and so on. Creating and parsing email messages in any format with file Attachments and Embedded pictures, the ability to determine the attachment size before saving it to the disk. POP3, SMTP, IMAP4 servers - SSL / TLS support, NTLM, APOP and CRAM-MD5 authentication methods, File System message storage. POP3, SMTP and IMAP4 clients - SSL / TLS support, NTLM and CRAM-MD5 authentication methods. Web DAV - manages remote files and folders on a web server. DNS Query - queries a DNS server for records. This component can retrieve the mail exchange domain (MX records), resolve the host IP, retrieve the information about name servers and many other information from the DNS server. DNS Server - implements fully functional DNS server and allows you to both manage handed DNS zones and cache non-authoritative DNS records. SMTP Relay - implements a SMTP Relay agent. With SMTP relay, a mail message may pass through a number of intermediate relay or gateway hosts on its path from sender to recipient. HTML Parser - parse HTML Tags: links, images, tables, meta tags and many more. GZip compressor component - provides compressing / uncompressing feature when transmitting data over the Internet, storing data in to a file, database and many more. RSS client - is used for creating, retrieving, and editing RSS feeds. Email validation components - allow you to validate recipients email addresses, mailbox availability and also handle bounced emails. Trace Logger - provides logging functionality for storing debug information and tracing your code. Also a set of additional classes and components are available: Mail Message, HTTP Request, GZip compressor, MIME Encoder, S/MIME message, HTML Parser. All these components make the application development process easy and clean. You can use these components separately from the main protocol components with any other library and even with your own socket implementation. Please visit our site Clever Components to learn more about our products. Feel free to join our Mail List Subscription at Mail List Subscription and stay tuned. Fixed bugs The HttpAuthorization is not thread-safe - fixed. SFTP file permissions parsing errors were fixed, IsDir file attribute works correctly. Installer runs with errors on Windows XP - fixed. TLS engine - INCOMPLETE_MESSAGE error occurred - fixed. RSA key for RSA-SHA-256 algorithm was imported incorrectly - fixed. SFTP large directory listing errors, the problems with receiving of incloplete SSH packets was fixed. SOAP Signing takes a lot of time - fixed. DKIM - the signature verification should be disabled when retrieving the message header. UDP server and all descendant components: there were issues with starting of listening socket (the server was hanged) - fixed. MailMessage - the message attachments and images lists were not automatically updated in the helper properties (Images, Attachments) when adding or deleting the body from the Bodies collection - fixed. MailMessage - the header fields with mixed encoding style were decoded incorrectly - fixed. DNS Server - some fixes in the server engine. IMAP client - the AppendMessage method did not work with GMail IMAP - fixed. FTP client - the file names with international symbols were obtained incorrectly - fixed. HTTP client - the resource URLs were not escaped - fixed. All HTTP clients (TclHttp, TclWebDav, TclDownloader, TclMultiDownloader, TclNewsChecker, TclWebUpdate) - the components incorrectly provided a list of supported compression algorithms - fixed. FTP server - the directory navigation worked incorrectly in case if the root folder is the root of the disk (e.g, c:\). The connected client cannot get back to the root folder after navigating to a subfolder - fixed. Known problems and restrictions FTP client and server - data connection uses IpV4 protocol only. Socks5 firewall - supports IpV4 only. The HTTP RIO component is available only starting from Delphi 2005 / C++Builder 2006. The SOAP encryption is available only on Win32 platform. The SOAP encryption requires an external library clcryptext.dll that is included to the Clever Internet Suite installation. This library represents managed code that is wrapped by Win32 functions. The source code for this library can be downloaded separately at www.clevercomponents.com website.
      信创趋势下,资源围绕网络管理员、网络工程师等岗位对openEuler服务器版管理核心技术技能的要求,应用工作过程系统化方法开发了包括统信UOS简介、shell、Bash、目录结构、文件系统、VIM编辑器、用户与组、SSHD远程登录、网络简介、安全策略、软件源、UOS文件权限、UOS磁盘管理、SAMBA服务、DHCP服务、DNS服务、WEB服务、FTP服务、代理服务器、邮件服务器、防火墙、NAT转换等14个项目,场景化的还原企业实际项目和业务流程。每个项目都按企业工作实际分解为若干个工作任务,通过项目背景、项目分析、项目相关知识为子任务做铺垫,任务实施过程中由任务规划、任务实施和任务验证构成,符合工程项目实施的一般规律。  本课程主要学习内容:  1、服务器基础配置:项目1 部署openEuler服务器系统项目2 使用shell管理本地文件项目3 管理openEuler的用户与组项目4 openEuler系统的基础配置       2、基础服务部署:项目5 企业内部数据存储与共享项目6 部署企业的DHCP服务项目7 部署企业的DNS服务项目8 部署企业的WEB服务项目9 部署企业的FTP服务       3、高级服务部署:项目10 部署企业squid代理服务器项目11 部署企业的邮件服务器项目12 部署openEuler服务器防火墙课程考核:综合项目实训/课程考评
STG (SNMP Traffic Grapher) version 1.4.5 Copyright (C) 2000 Leonid Mikhailov This freeware utility allows monitoring of supporting SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c devices including Cisco, Livingstone, Riverstone etc. Intended as fast aid for network administrators who need prompt access to current information about state of network equipment. Copyright In brief: You may use STG for any commercial and non commercial purpose. You may distribute STG for free. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy only. This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Use it at your own risk. I cannot guarantee accuracy of displayed data. I am not liable to you for any possible damages etc... Source code is not available. Features: Single graph displays changes of two configurable SNMP variables with display of Current, Average, Maximum values. Screen snapshot: http://www.chat.ru/~leonidvm/stg.jpg Could be downloaded from: http://www.chat.ru/~leonidvm/ ftp://ftp.naytov.com/pub/stg/ Newer versions will be there too. STG was written as an add-on for MRTG application by Tobias Oetiker. MRTG (http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/mrtg/mrtg.html) is absolutely necessary for every network and system administrator. It provides SNMP monitoring of any number devices simultaneously. However during my duties I often have to check state of ports on different routers that are not always in my domain and setting MRTG configuration takes some time. And does not allow to see last second changes in traffic. That's why STG was written. It allows monitoring of SNMP devices with different update periods starting from 0.01s so you could see what's happening right now. Also STG could be useful during network problems troubleshooting. It runs on MS Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98 and Windows Millenium. To run it on WinNT 4.0 you may need mgmtapi.dll and mib.bin (see below) To run it on Win98 and Millenium you will need mg
RELEASE NOTES FOR MICROSOFT(R) TCP/IP-32 FOR WINDOWS(TM) FOR WORKGROUPS 3.11 PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT General ------- This product is compatible with, and supported exclusively on, the Microsoft Windows For Workgroups 3.11 platform. If you are running a different TCP/IP product on your system, you must remove it before installing Microsoft TCP/IP-32. If you experience difficulties with another vendor's product, remove the existing TCP/IP stack, exit Network Setup completely, reboot your system, and then proceed to add the Microsoft TCP/IP-32 drivers by following the instructions given in the documentation. Known Problems -------------- There have been a number of reports on IBM TokenRing, EtherLink III cards, and ODI drivers that are related to bugs in drivers other than TCP/IP-32. These Windows For Workgroups 3.11 patches are described in the following Application Notes: WG0990 (contains updated ELNK3.386) WG0988 (contains updated IBMTOK.386) WG1004 (contains updated MSODISUP.386) You can obtain these Application Notes from the following sources: - The Internet (ftp.microsoft.com) - CompuServe(R), GEnie(TM), and Microsoft OnLine - Microsoft Download Service (MSDL) - Microsoft Product Support Services On CompuServe, GEnie, and Microsoft OnLine, Application Notes are located in the Microsoft Software Library. You can find an Application Note in the Software Library by searching on a keyword, for example "WG0990". Application Notes are available by modem from the Microsoft Download Service (MSDL), which you can reach by calling (206) 936-6735. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The highest download speed available is 14,400 bits per second (bps). For more information about using the MSDL, call (800) 936-4200 and follow the prompts. Previous Beta Users ------------------- If you had installed a previous beta of the Microsoft TCP/IP-32 for Windows for Workgroups product, you may encounter one of the following errors: "Setup Error 108: Could not create or open the protocol.ini file." "Setup Error 110: Could not find or open win.ini." If this happens do the following: 1) Remove any previous versions of Microsoft TCP/IP-32. 2) Exit Network Setup and restart your system. 3) Rename any OEMx.INF (where x is any number) files that are in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. 4) Go back into Network Setup and install Microsoft TCP/IP-32 following the installation instructions in the manual. Mosaic ------ NCSA's Win32s version of their popular Mosaic application requires that you pick up version 115a or greater of the Win32s distribution to function correctly. DHCP Automatic Configuration ---------------------------- DHCP is a new TCP/IP protocol that provides the ability to acquire TCP/IP addressing and configuration dynamically with no user intervention. DHCP depends on your network administrator to set up a DHCP server on your network. A DHCP server is scheduled to ship as part of Windows NT(TM) Server version 3.5. If you enable automatic DHCP configuration without a DHCP server available on your network, the following message will appear after approximately a 10 second black-screen delay during the Windows for Workgroups booting process: "The DHCP client was unable to obtain an IP network address from a DHCP server. Do you want to see future DHCP messages?" This message means that TCP/IP has initialized but without any addressing information. If you are running TCP/IP as your only protocol, you will not have access to the network. This situation requires that you go back to the TCP/IP configuration settings, disable DHCP, and manually specify your TCP/IP network parameters. If you are running multiple protocols, you should have access to your network with these. If you do have a DHCP server on your network and this message appears, this indicates that the server was unavailable and that your lease has expired. DHCP will (in the background) continue to try to acquire a valid lease while Windows for Workgroups continues to run (although you will not have TCP/IP functionality). If you are running with DHCP automatic configuration, use the IPCONFIG utility to learn your IP configuration. DHCP Options ------------ The following changes are not reflected in the TCP/IP-32 documentation. Currently Microsoft DHCP clients support only the following options: - DHCP protocol options - DHCP message type (53) - Lease Time (51), Renewal Time (58), Rebind Time (59) - Information options: - Subnet Mask (1) - Default Router (3) - DNS Server (6) - WINS Server (NetBIOS Name Server) (44) - NetBIOS Node Type (46) - NetBIOS Scope Id (47) Any other options received by the client are ignored and discarded. No Option Overlays - Option Limit Is 336 Bytes ---------------------------------------------- The DHCP client does not recognize option overlays. If a non-Microsoft server is sending the options, make sure that either all the options fit within the standard option field, or at least that those used by the Microsoft clients (listed above) are conta ined in the standard Option field. Since the Microsoft client only supports a subset of the defined DHCP option types, 336 bytes should be sufficient for any configuration. Ipconfig - Moving Client to New Address --------------------------------------- When a DHCP client is moved to a new reserved address or is moved from an address to make way for an exclusion or another client's reservation, the client should first release its current address using ipconfig /release. This may be followed by ipconfig /renew to get a new address. ARP Conflicts - Report to DHCP Server Administrator --------------------------------------------------- Before the TCP/IP stack comes up with the address acquired via DHCP, the stack ARPs for the address. If a machine is already running with this address, the client will display a popup informing the user of the address conflict. Users should contact the CP server administrator when this occurs. Once the server has excluded the conflicting address, the client should get a new address using ipconfig /renew. If this is unsuccessful, the client may need to reboot. NetBIOS over TCP/IP ------------------- Multihomed Computer NetBIOS Node Type A computer can be one of four NetBIOS node types: broadcast node, mixed node, point-to-point node, or hybrid node. The node type cannot be specified per network adapter card. In some circumstances, it may be desirable to have one or more network adapter c ards function as broadcast nodes and other network adapter cards to function as hybrids. You accomplish this by setting the node type to broadcast node, and configuring WINS name server addresses for the network adapter cards that will function as hybrids. The presence of the WINS addresses will effectively override the broadcast node setting for the adapters on which they are set. To make an adapter a broadcast node, configure DHCP to set the node type to Bnode, or in the absence of DHCP, the computer will assume Bnode behavior by default. Including Remote LMHOSTS Files You must modify the Registry of a remote computer if network clients will #INCLUDE the LMHOSTS file on the remote Windows NT computer. The share containing the LMHOSTS file must be in the Null Sessions list on the Server by adding the share name to the following Windows NT Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services \LanManServer\Parameters\NullSessionShares Microsoft TCP/IP Workstations with UB NetBIOS Name Servers ---------------------------------------------------------- The Microsoft clients can be configured to use a UB name server by adding the SYSTEM.INI parameter RefreshOpCode under the [NBT] section. Set its value to 9 to interoperate with UB name servers. NetDDE Applications Communicating over Subnets via LMHOSTS ---------------------------------------------------------- If you are connecting to a remote machine via a NetDDE application, using a #PRE LMHOSTS entry, you must have a separate entry specifying a special character in the 16th byte: REMOTEDDE #PRE "REMOTEDDE \0x1F" A special entry is not required if #PRE is not used. Browsing Resources on Remote IP Subnetworks ------------------------------------------- Browsing remote IP subnetworks requires a Windows NT computer on the local subnet. Using File Manager to Access Servers Specified in LMHOSTS --------------------------------------------------------- Reading and parsing LMHOSTS to resolve a name is done by the NBT driver at run time. This operation is not permissible under certain conditions. One such condition commonly encountered is when a network connection is attempted from the File Manager. The result is that the name is reported as 'not resolved' even if the name exists in LMHOSTS file (since the driver wasn't even allowed to open LMHOSTS file). The workaround for such conditions is to put a #PRE against the name in the LMHOSTS file. This causes the name to be stored in the name cache when the machine is first initialized, so the name gets resolved without the driver having to open LMHOSTS at run time. IP Routing ---------- Multiple Default Gateways in Microsoft TCP/IP Act as Backup Gateways When more than one default gateway is specified for a given IP network or for multiple IP networks on different network cards, the first default gateway for the first network card is always used to route IP network traffic. All the subsequent gateways are used as backup when the first default gateway is discovered to be unavailable. The Dead Gateway Detection mechanism is used only with TCP (connection-oriented traffic). Therefore, utilities like PING will only use the first default gateway. Notice that t his only applies to IP datagrams that have to be routed to a remote network (that is, to a network to which the workstation is not directly connected). FTP --- FTP is implemented in a Windows console in this release. It is not presently hooked to the Microsoft TCP/IP-32 Help file, although the Help file does have FTP command summaries in it. Many of the documented command line options are supported, although they require you to modify your FTP Program Item manually. The FTP application which ships with this product does not support the "!" command, which typically invokes a user shell. ODI Driver Support ------------------ Due to system restrictions, TCP/IP-32 cannot support more than one network adapter using ODI drivers. Multihomed configurations are supported using NDIS drivers only. If after installing TCP/IP-32 you have problems accessing the network over your ODI drivers, please make sure that the syntax and frame types listed in your NET.CFG file are correct for your network. DNS Resolution Hierarchy ------------------------ The Microsoft TCP/IP-32 stack uses various means to resolve a host name to get the IP address of a certain host. The various mechanisms used are Local Cached Information, Hosts File, DNS Servers, and NetBIOS name resolution mechanisms. The default resolution order for resolving a host name is Local Cached Information -> Hosts File -> DNS Servers -> NetBt (NetBIOS over TCP/IP). NetBIOS over TCP/IP name resolution can consist of local subnet broadcasts, and/or querying the Windows Internet Names Server (WINS) running on Windows NT Servers. Your Guide to Service and Support for Microsoft TCP/IP-32 --------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft Support: Network Advanced Systems Products Support Options The following support services are available from Microsoft for Microsoft Advanced Systems products, including Microsoft Mail Server and its gateways, SQL Server, LAN Manager, Windows NT Workstation, Windows NT Server, and SNA Server. Electronic Services ------------------- Microsoft Forums ---------------- These forums are provided through the CompuServe Information Service, (800) 848-8199, representative 230 (sales information only). Access is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. These forums enable an interactive technical dialog between users as well as remote access to the Microsoft KnowledgeBase of product information, which is updated daily. These forums are monitored by Microsoft support engineers for technical accuracy. If you are already a subscriber, type "GO " at any ! prompt. MSCLIENT Microsoft Network Client support WINNT Microsoft Windows NT support MSSQL Microsoft SQL Server support MSWRKGRP Microsoft Windows for Workgroups support MSNETWORKS Microsoft LAN Manager support MSAPP Microsoft applications support MSWIN32 Information on Win32 MSDR Development-related discussion forum WINEXT Support for extensions and drivers for Windows WINSDK Support for Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit Microsoft Download Service -------------------------- Use the Microsoft Download Service (MSDL) to access the latest technical notes on common advanced system products support issues via modem. MSDL is at (206) 936-6735, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays (1200, 2400, or 9600 baud; no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit). Internet -------- Use the Internet to access the Microsoft Driver Library and Microsoft KnowledgeBase. The Microsoft Internet FTP archive host FTP.MICROSOFT.COM (ip address supports anonymous login. When logging in as anonymous, please offer your complete e-mail name as your password. Telephone Support ----------------- Microsoft FastTips ------------------ An interactive, automated system providing support at no charge through toll lines and accessed by touch-tone phone. FastTips provides fast access to answers to common questions and a library of technical notes delivered by phone recording or fax. FastTips is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. Microsoft Advanced Systems products (800) 936-4400 Priority Telephone Support -------------------------- Get technical support from a Microsoft engineer. Microsoft offers pay-as-you-go telephone support from a Microsoft engineer, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except holidays. Choose from the following options: Per Incident: Dial (900) 555-2100. $150.00 per incident. (Charges appear on your telephone bill.) Per Incident: Dial (800) 936-5900. $150.00 per incident. (Charges billed to your Visa, Master Card, or American Express.) 10-pack: Ten incidents for $995 prepaid. Additional Information ---------------------- For additional information about Microsoft support options or for a list of Microsoft Solution Providers, call Microsoft Support Network Sales and Information Group at (800) 936-3500, Monday through Friday, 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Pacific time, excluding holidays. This list includes only domestic support programs. Microsoft's customer support services are subject to Microsoft's then-current price, terms, and conditions.



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